9ai, 22 19H TSIE FLESHEBIOH ADVAKCB CoIiiitibiaGrafonolas Columbia Records ! - FOR SALK 15 Yâ€" W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER, KLKSHEUTUN H illl Hi the Old ll.liiible FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of orchard trees need replacipg. Wargaidens call forRinall fiuitR early bearing frait trees, asparagus, ibnbarb plants, etc . The dcmacd for oruanieutal tock in town* and villagcp is large. Secure a paying Agency with Ijberal commiisii»uB, experience not necessary. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nnrderies. f Established 18;i7.) TORONTO . ONTARIO BuH for Service T Iiave purchased « jiiiin ShcrlliDrii Durham bull, and li.ive die same f.if seivjceon lot 58, Toronlo Liiio, Arlb luesia. Terms SI. 50, cish ut time <>f service. 1 « 1« â€" S. IRWIN. Farm For Sale Ljt ICO. W T S n, Artciiicsi'TTTou- tainiii^ li)0 acrei ; good frame bftrn and driving shed, sheep and ji'ij poii, fr,i ii"- houNe and kiiihII orcliaid ; furni Widl watered and fenced. K'H' iiartioi'i.ir< jipply i.) â€" MAUK STKWAltT lJulyl8 Steer Strayed Sir;i>Md from llij prcmUus uf tlu' un'lerHli/ned, lot :i, con. 12, Ohjio)-, *boul .June \i-, Olio nearly !)l«ck yearliiPH gt«er with siiort, alubliy Imrns. KinliT kindly c^mmiinic-.ie with t^^. --WM. I'O'ILK, hVv.-isliam l'.( liolstein Bull For Service A tlioroiigliln^'l Uiilsli'in l"ill inr si'r\ iiv on l.t.!, liO-lMS.'iV. T. i H.lt.. A it.Mricsi:i: I lon- ely ri'latt'd to ti-' world's L'hAni|>ii>ii 4l.|i(>iin(l e<>«". TcriU'i: dl-i/Jfiir f{<i'>t''°'<, ^'>J>0 for iinrc 1 .July 17 â€"C.Kt). .MODR]': \- S.ii. BUSINESSCARDS .S0CIKTIE.S PHINOK AUT!ILIU I.OU'iK, No. H3:t,A.K.l A M. niuutH lu tbt MuhouIc liull . Aim tronc'H nincK Kliblmrtoi), ovnvv Friday mi lielore tlm f'lll iiioru. T. Iluinv, W. .M. II. W, lllckliiiii, ti«(,rutHry. <-nOSEN KRIKNDS-rUil.KrIoii ( o.im-„ C'llOHtu KiU-lidp :n4 iiiC'i-tH In ClfiU' ii'h Mil,, Brtl >Dd tliiiO \S t'Uiit'MJkv (I iiiiii iiiciiilli h |<,lll, r&y BHIit UIICIltB to IdKllol (>ll bnfoi'H the flihl ilby l>I inrli in(>iil)<. Clii'- Coiincillor, W. Il.iitiiili Iticoiiitt, Mm. J .A ITliher. J )KNT1STRY UT B. C MURRAY U O. 8., dantal anrgeon h'.tiori{ra'luat*i o( Torunio UiilvurHity and liuyal t.'otlrtjo o( Dmilal Kuri^tionHuf Ontario, OMXluiitlulitured fur tuatli »Xtrautlou noa »t rmldnuoa, Toronto Htreot. Kluauurtou. Medical I p OTTKWHLf, f V«t«rlii*ry Huigeon Jra<liikte 'il Ontailo Vutoriiikry CiilliiMe raHldunoD â€" maoud door iioutli weiit;oti l>«ry (traat. Thia alrnut ruua outli Preabyterian Cliiirob. LE(JAI. I OCAH, HANKY A hi;NIIV-ll«iili.ler«. *' rtollcltora.eK.-l. 1;. l.iiiii», K. v.; \V. t'., Ilaunv, K. ('. ; W. i>. Iluiuy, II. A. oilluon, rorvnto NM8 Tiadura Hank Itldu., iilioiiu o>»lu l«l!i: Uarkilalti l.uiiaa Itlook, I'lioiiu 'J A. ilranob olUcs al Uuiidalk opan uvvry Katnnlav. WRinRT. TRLFOHI) A MxUIINAI.l) llatrlntrr, Hollaltom, itti, lllhcaa, (liny * llriicu llloGk,.()ii'»ii Hound. Hlaiiilanl Hunk Hloek,l<'lo>liarl«u,|Hatiirilayi.|. W.I1. Writil.i, W. V, 'i'altord Jr. J, U. MoDoiiaM, l>. U H. Business Cauds M UUUiOUail ft YOUNO P Hankafi Markdala Oaoaral bankliiK baainaat . Money loaned •t raaacoabia rata* Uall uu uii. DMePKAIL. I.lo«nt»il • (;niinty of lliAy. Txrnia niodarate ami aatia aritiin Koaiantaad. Tbo arraiiKaiiiuiilii aod oatiii <jt Dklia can bauiaitaalfliN AnVAima olflre, llMldaucrfcud P.^.tayluOiTaliiiil « •DOBei'tlou, l>iM), il, UT WM. KAITTIMO, le«ni«1 AucUooeir fo» tba oonotia* of Urey and HI utioc. r«rM aail Hliiok aaln* a apaolally. 1'«rni» MOdaraM. aatlafaoilon RnaranttwI. Anaiii^a â- Mat* for dalaa may b» uia.1i> nt tlia Advanrn aMo» or Central tMl«|luiii<: otiidii hnvAraiiam m^riMtwmUttia* »t Kvvi>nrt>a>», Onk vjThB AND HE NEVER SAW OCTOPT ! Wrtft'u Many Oaya tf Waiting an4 •kllfully Arranoad Lura All Want far Nathlnf. ttetwMn tbe town of Theoule and tb« balvedere of the EsquUloo. down along the water's edge, one oercr tires of exploring the oaves. I'aths lead thruiigh theplnes and around the elllTa. The artist was attracted to the eavea liy the hope of finding vantage polnta from which to sketch Grassc and Can- nes and Autibes and the Alps and the c'listle un Suint-Uouorut. Uut he soon cnnie to love the copper rocks, wliich pine needles had dyed, nnd deserted lilack and white for colors. When the climate got him he wa.s not loath to Join in my hunt for ottopl, Herbirrt Adnins Gibbons writes in Hnrper's .MiiKii/iue. The inhabitants tell thrill- iiip stories of tbe mon.sters thiit lurk under the rocka at the I'oliile (.Id rKsqulllon and forage right up to the town. One Is warned to be on his ;:u!trd against long tentacles reaching out swiftly and silently. One Is told tliat slipping might mean more than a (lucking. Owners of villas on the) rocks make liaht (jf octopus stories, and, as local ooomers are trying to make Theoule a summer resort, it Is explained that the octopl never come near the beach. Kven it they did. ihey would not be dangerous there. How- could they get a hold on the sand with some tentacles while otliers were grabbing you? I have never wanted to see anything (|uite 80 badly as I wanted to .see un octopus at Theoule. Octopus hunting surpasses gathering four-leaf clovers and fishing as an occupation In which hope eternal play.s I he principal role. I gradually abandoned other pursuits and sat smoking on rocks by the liaif- day. I learned over again painfully the boyhood way of drinking from n brook and lay face downward 011 island stones. With the eiiiliiisiiistic help of my children, I made a duuiuiy stuff- ed with pine cone.s and \»t him float iit the end of a rope. Never a tek tacle, let alone octopus, aniestreil. I had to rest content wlili Victor Hugo's stirring picture in "The Toilers of the Sea." A plotting wife cncour.Tged the oc- topus hunts by laliing part in them and expressing froquenlly her belief In the imminent apiieurance of the oc- topl. She declared that sooner or later my reward would come. She threw off the ma.sk on th(» 1st of May, when she thouglit it was lime to re- turn to work. .She announced to tlie artist and me that tlie oetopi had ffoni! over to the African coa.st to kee|i cool tintll next winter, and tliiit we had better all go to Paris to do the same. Fredericl'.'s Reply. Frederick Walla. e Craysion. njre fiiur. nstomided siiid ilellchti'd his parents, Dr. and .Mr.s. 1'. W. OiMysoii, of lluntint^ton, one iiinriiiii;: ivi-eiilly when he quoted Siiiplure to theiii. The family was linviii'.; iiancaUcs I'nr breakfast and Frederick Wallace's Iilato was oniply. His mother liinl two cakes, and wii.s (.'oin^' to sliaro Willi him, when his fallicr suel;e^ltâ- ll that ho wait for tlie cook In liiiii^' in llu> wnrin caUcs. "Diiildy," the small son ipn-siioiUMl. "ilo you i-einciiilier wliat they told us ill .Sunday school?'' Of course (lailily waiilcil lo Know whiil was in the .vnullirul iiimkI, so he pl-ofesseil lj,'iiornnce. "lie llioll l.iiid, one to aiiiillicr," was the aslmiisliiii;; rejoliiilec. Dr. (ir.'iysoii liasleiied lo assure V. \\. .Ir., liial lie was nul scohlin;:. ami got this answer : "Yes. I know, iNnlily. Inil luoiher was Koing to in.' kind lo me."' Country Has Wool Surplus. .\i'C(Miiiiiu III David Kiiscliliuuiii. of tile Nalioniil Uctiill Dry ijooils associ- ailoii. the iiviiiliibli> wool supply lor 1018 Is I .•JtiiVWOOno pounds. Of thii^ l'Jll,iKKI.()iH) (louiids will lie needed for war purposes. 'I'lie consuiiipUon of wool in I!ll7 was lilHl.tKMl.tMKI pounds. Tlierefoi-e even If llie ileiiiaiid ol' llie army and iiiivy blmuld be douliled and eveti lri|iled lliere .should sllll remain a tidy excess for jfe'o'rnl piiipose.s, observes llie ,\Iilwaukife Seiilinel, wlilc'.i deplores the cry of a wool shorliim*. It l.s pointed out that Knnnents of all sorts sliow a fiillln;,' ofl' in llie iicrcen- lage of wool. Iliiil yarn for knilliii); is scarce and llie jirlce lii^her. and Unit rlotliliik; inerclinnls are linsin;; ailvii-e lo iheir cusloniers to buy siiils and coals for next winter now. on iho predlelion of n furllicr ilelciioralion of woolen fiibrics ninl 11 ishurp In- crease in pricis. Whale ^Margarine. Owing to slioitiiess of provisions In Norway, luuileiied whale fat Is li.'ug used for mai'Kiii'ini', according to liifor- imilioii fi'oni IIk! deparlmciii of com- merce. Tills depiutment also stales that whale calclilni; off the const of Norway, wlilcli has been pi-oliililteil by law for some > ears, is to bo coiomenced on Kovcrninenl iiccouiit. Denmark haa been nsliiK linrdened whale fat in the iniirgarine InduKtry for some years, and no Injurious effects on the users have been reported. AntI Sampling Rule. I.os Angeles liiis an nnti-saiupltuK ordinance, prohibiling housc-tohoiiso dlatrl button of food protlucth. Thia does not apply lo t>amples of iioncdible priidiicls nor dof.s It cover (he glvlnu of food suniples by u merebiuil In hla store. Tlieie Is snmp qiicHlInn aw lo whither the law piTuilla the IucIohIhk of HiinipleH with goods ilcllvered, and trade aentluteut favor* an liiiarprela- tli>a which nouirt perntll Uija (orro «< MiBollna.- -^â€"^-r"^ A coup]* of military policamaD ware in Orangevilla lookiD({ for a dtaertar. They aiutored (o his home out in tbe country but failed to tind their uiau. Upon returning to Iowa they viiilrd P. M. Pattullo with thb idea of having the civil authorities ii>«ue a warrant for hia arreat. While the ijueatiou o( juttsdic- liun was under discussion the deserter simplilied matters by walking into the uiagietrate's oflice and giving himself up While bathing at the mouth of ^he Balteau creek near Collingnord Alex. Treinley waa surprised Ic see a Urge tibli. Hurrying to tbu ahoro he secured a gaff hook and by one dexter awoop landed ihe^ecimen, which proved to be very large, in fact the largest Mr. Tremlay says ne has yet seen in the 'M years he has beeu tithing. The pike measured four feel and eight inches in lei'gth uiid weighed 2G pounds. Some niotoritlB do not slow up their cti's when pedestrians are crossing ihead of them. One of the warnings to motor- ists from the Deputy MiniBter of High- ways reads thus : Pedestrians who have staited t» cross a stteet at a reasonable distaiico from au approacbing metor car h tve the right to do to at tbe pace of an oidinary walk and the motorist has no right to ';o:opel pedestrian! to rush or run foi safely by the blowing of his horn. While W. F. Turner was inspecting the hull of one of the vessels in the Ci'lllngwood shipyards, when he met With a peculiar and painful accident. A boy had in his hand a tool known as a gun, used for rivetting. He turned the gun so that the air struck Turner with gioil force iii tbe back of the liead, cutting a deep gasli and cau.sing a .sliolit tiautuie of the bkull. Clubbing Rates riio .-Vdvance has no extensive clubbing list this fiill, most of the papers being siipplirtd al regular ralt.s. Followini; .irc some prices : The .Vdv.'^m-e S HH) Globe â- '•00 Mail -lOi' I'lie World and Advance 4 "."> News nnd Advance -i-lo Star and Advance ''.To Voulli'.s Companion 2.2-5 F,iinily Herald ol 2 WIFE ASJAANAGER Sofnething for Which Too Few I Hubbies Give Her Credit. FlgtitlAg liT ^.-* An open machine gvn emplacement. ' • ^'^- - - â€" -*l I 1 ^ --- Tarkisu piisoteis itcently captured. .^-A- Airmen Ready For Perilous Work But Really, When You Look at the Matter Closely, the Proper Con. ducting of a Home Requires , Some Thought. Many a business man f;oes home in the cveuitig, i-einoves bi.s coat, sinks Into un easy tliuir nnd lircathes 11 deep Nigh of relief. When tisked wliy his lirow js ftirrowcd lie responds that bo has hiid a teirllile day. Perhaps he had letters to dictate. He had lo con- fer with his iissocinles and lielKid to talk to siiint! customers. He spent an hour or more at lunch nnd he (luit about five o'clock. lie lind n busy day and when home is renihed he feels that ho is fiilitled lo sonie rest and quiet. Such a man rarely tlilnks of his wi fi- ns a inamiger, remarks tlic Indianniiolls New.s. Ho does tuit recall tliut she may have been up tieforo lilni. Ilo for- gets that she planned the breakfast â€" anil, in tunny Instances, cooked It as well. After breakfast is tiiiislied there are dishes to he washed nnd the kitch- en must be put to rights. I'eihaps that Is a general cleaning day for the whole house; and there always is dust to chase as well as dirt to s'weeji out or take up in the newfuiigled cleaner. The beds have to lie made nnd a score of other household dntltrs need alien- tloti. If there are children they de- inand tlils, that and the othei-. If there Is n little baby in llie hou>e it must be batlied and put to sleep for its morn- ing nap. Theti there la a mam menl (o get, as w»>ll ns various other llttio fliluRs constantly coiuinj; n;-. The aft- ernoon will lie spent in ninny ways. .X great liiany women spend It in work. 1'hey order groceries nnd they order meal. They buy llie lionseliold sup piles, nnd the good liotisokeeiier keeps an aceiirali! account of her exiieiidl tures. 'i'ownrd evening she has lo plan the 'llniier and when th(> cblldreu come home sli(» iiiiist look after them. Later. she has the job of putting them to bed. Sleiiiiwhile she has had tliiii\ very like- ly, to lead n iinisa>'.lne, to knit a little fill- some soldier or to play the piuno. She may have found time to go shoii plug or lo make a few calls. .She niiikes no partlculiir coinplHint about the routine she Ims gone through because ahe does It every day. Tlinuannds of women stiow more ex- ecullvu ability in running Iheir own homes than their husbands show In running ihoir business, Tel there are many liusbniidM who ilo not give their wives credit for having iiiiy busiinvMs Krji«e Some of them who say that women belong In the home never real- l7.e whni a hoinv Is. due of these <\- eeiitlve ftpurta would be ut a h^ss In a great many cases If he iindcrttHik the Job of ruiining bis own house for n p<>rl(><t iif ?.-t hours. British and Italian airmen are now very great friends. â-² Rojal Fl7in« 0«irpa Bombi^^- B^adronâ€" A pilot n%tk<ii£ a 25 lb. l»«inb,