Aug. 22 1918 T H £ FLESHEKfON ADVANCE TH E. Flesherton Advance kn ladsiwnilenl new«|>.«i>tT, piiblixtiecl i^vcry fhnrxUy &« th"* ottice, Cillintrwixxl Strei't, tHnbertiin. S\)l)m:ri|iti«n jiiiee (1 p<'r annum ihen i>ai>l in advance ;$I..V)whttn not â- « i>aiil AdvM lUiuK raU<H on itppliuatioQ. CiicnUtiun 1,100 w.-okly ThQ FOODCONTROLLEU SAYS :- Wlieu Mr. Herln it Hoover RJiliftteJ Till' C m'.u iier's Council recently hI i'..b .-rticej uf the llri'i>^li Miiiislry <if Fnod in Ti'indoii, Ki'yland, ho pointed out tl a' . .mpctiiioii imoiij^s; llie .\nioJ countfiis .n purchasing fouU supplies on tiiin eminent had been arrestod. Sucli i'lnpetitiou w^s responsible in u") sniuH .jie»sure for the rapid advance of food jirices in Ctn»d» and the I'nited States, and priCiK would cortainiy Imvo none higher had it not teen for 'he combined action of the Briiis'i Minisuy of Food, thel'uited States Food Adniinistiation <ind the CauaUa Food Board, in yrappl in; wi'.h the problem and so orKaniz-ing 'he ^urch*sio« of food .su[)plies f')r (.verseos is to eliminate competitiDn aiii')n;;st the Allied buy^m. In Ininging about such crtaiiiz^tioii, the Ciii.ic;i Food Board .hud an impoitant p<ii'« But while there no longer is unn- utriiincd couipetiliou in purchases of food supplies for oversea, the cost of produc- tijii of agricultural produce of all kinds is very hi^l), and tliis accounts, in larye measure :it least, for the hi^h priceK which hi»»e been rendered necessiiy in tider to tnaintuio and to increase prc- Juct/ion, under adverse war conditions. The important <iuestion of all is that of sliiiiuUtint; production and any possibility of reduction of supplies must not be enterttined, because of the hu;4e reouirements oversea, the d»pendenceof the Allies upon North Afnerica for .'O lar^e a proportion of their food, and the military and economic impoituiico of building up rpseivts, both here aid al.road. .\a Mr. Hover his said, discontent ever prices is a trifle compared with discontent over hunger, which might have been our lot, except for the Provi- dence which plicod us on this side of the Atlantic. The Canada Food Board, by its license conlnd over deilers in fi^td â- iiid by reguli'ions affecting all liiiidhis of foodslurts. ha-i already done much to fliminittt prolitecring from the wholesii'e trade and to check trade practices that have bc«;j to the disadvantngo of loth the producer and onsuMier. The Ko^ d Board ask» the people of (Jmad.i to lei.d their .sup|)ort to the etl'ort the Board is making to keep prices to as low a level as is consistent with the obligation of •supplying the food needed by our Allies. This can best be done by an intelligent •â- ludy of the fo id problem in all iis jihises. A souvenir ri.ig from Franco will be greatly valued in years to come has bun received by .laiiiif Mottat, jr., <if Bojiicr, It was sent to him by his unole. Pie. Thomas Hanlmry, who weut (nvrsc as with the H7ih Battalion and wlio is now s«!ivini{ ii Fianoe. '1 he ring in iiiaiK' of tiluniinnni from a German aeroplane that wis brought down by allied aviat^irs and ill the place of a signet has the flags of !i)« allica iri colored enamel. The flags â- of France, Russia, Italy and Belguiiii â- -arrouiid (iie I'nioii .Jack and the appear <"c« of (he ring is very attractive. MAIL CONTRACT HKAI.KI) TK.NDKliS n<Mre«»ed M tin- l''jiiti.mi't«r tiencral will bi' rfceivn I nt Oltiiwa unlit imuiiim Kriilay. the the 27th uf Hpptenibpr. lttls,fiir tliu conveyanei- of Us Majesty rt .Mails, mi a priipii."«it (jiiiitriut (. r I'lir year-J, si\ ijiiifn pel ^vet-k on tiie i..urc KLKamORTONH.I!. 1 ia KKVKKSII AM KOCK MlLr,S and .MAXWKMi fi'.iii the Ijitof January, Utld, next. I'rinted iiotii.-is vontalninK fiiithiT inf.irnia- 'JMiian t" conditionH uf proixised crMtraot may o» Keen and 'ilank funiis of Teniler iimy 1 n '.lituined at the I'ott Othui's of I'lfslicrti.n, ''evKuhuiii, it<K'k .M'lU anil .Maxwell, niul .It the ottiie »l the I'ost tlHioi' ln«|ieotor, IV,r.,ut". .\. SlTHIK1..\.\li. i'oit Otlic â- liiHp.iior l'oi<t (Mlite liispe< tdi'it Dtllce, T.ii â- nti., Ani.'iiNi I '.til, P.liM. Farm For Sale Tilt nil, 2 id range K T. .S. It , Artemesia, co.itaiiiinu WO acres, lioml buildin!i», well fenced and watered by hydraulic in hous.t and barn, »nia'l I rcliard. T.!riin to suit pllrfâ- ha^lMâ- . Apply to .FOIIN PKI)r,AIl. â- ')0'1 FksluMl.Ml l>. (). STOCK FOR SALE 1 li 1-. , i' I t ii.'iit I'.ir '|Uii:'i s-.'e .: YiirkuhirR siwi, Kono yoiiin.'crfi58-hrod p gs jii-l fHndy to «i an, I U inoM rliak'', I Hiriol lto"k ro'islfcr. I'lices right, I'hnneor wwto, (il'JO. W. It ).S.«, Otprey Tel. Hvsl,ni, Maxwell, I'.O. A Great Review .Memuiies uf the great ti'.<hter3 of long ago, the heroes of a thousand battles by land and sea, will be reawakened by the tirar.d Stand Sin>claule ai. Ihu Canadiitn N ttiuual [')xhibitiun. " Brittunia Mili- tant " will be more than a mere pageant \ it will bo ihu spirit of our Kiiipire, past and piesent, translated in>o IIj'<Ii and blood, » ro-iianlic historic survey in which ihe spcct itors will bu made to feel ilieir kinship with the men of old. Theie will be a suggestion ot Arthurian legends, of mediaoval knights, anciuiit Cislbs, vciiorable cilliiulral ruins, and all the c jlorful piraphornalia of history and uf romance. The rpiru cf the Kinpire's yesterday will be ciiii^hl iml contrasted with the martial dt^eda of today and the nun of ilie prebeol, now lighting th) greatest batlle of all time, will not sutler by cuinparisun. particularly in the dia- iniic climax wnen Currio's gallant (I'aiiadians arrive on the scene. The seftiiig will be a jiiant production of Wiiid.sor Castle, the scenic airang-inent and general enseiiibl-; beina the nubt elaborate ever produced at the Canadian NatioHjil. There will be over 1200 pirtiiipmls, all brilliantly attired in the styles of th.^ perioi they represent, and the whole inspiring rlfect will ha en- hanced by superb musical trralnient. I i5'5'*^u^i»*i«;»i.^?ii?^«i'i.,:»i."T:.^TL 'T^:j'rJSK^^SrIS^,;!^i^.:,:Tj,jr, DOUBLE FLIM FLAM ' rjp ^:i^>'srfg : ^^^r:f^f^>^f:^ Clever Trick by Which Jeweler Recovered Money. PROPERTY for SALE BY TENDER I'aJii an I by virtue of powars extend- ed to lis as executors of the e3^lte of the late M.S. .Adeline Thursto', wc olfer for sale by tender the following pi'operties, namely : I'AllCKL r. The ii;ulli half of lot No. IC, con. 4, Kiipliraslii, c nitHiiiiiii! 100 acres, iiiiro or less., a'l cleared and under cultivation w.tli the eX;eption of abaut five acres On I he (ireiiiises are a frame barn .and fri lie house, and live acres of a uood bearing orchard ..f lirat class fruit. The farm is well watered. PARCEL ir. Tlie property in the Villagj of Kim- berley known a:< the Travellers' Home, loiii) rising five acres of laii'l, frame .'tabling and hiiuse and a nuuilu-r cf fiuit 1 1 ees. Tenders for ilie above properties will be received up tiand in eluding October 1, 11118, tenders to be addressed to either of the ui.dersigned. The hialiest or any tentier not necessarily iccepted. W. a. THl'liSTON, Flesherton A. D. TIUKSTDN, 4(i (leollrey St., Toronto Kxeeulors of the estate I'f the late Mrs. .\(lel.iio T..iirs'on. sheep Strayed Two .iwet from my premises on .luly Il'h, one yearling, oni^ ewe and limb. Any iiif irm ition as to thidr whereabouts will be think fully received. â€" ROBT. SWANl'OX, 12 » 18 Flesherton V O Had Been Victimized In Really Neat Manner, But All the Honors of War Were His When the Came Ended. This Is a story pitUi-d ill) '" New York that litis iill ilii' fUMiicntsâ€" save the love of toucli--nt' a modern mys- tery .story. -M. I'lirrisli Wiitson is a wealthy oolloftor of Chinese nrt. He sends eiiiissaHos nil over China dig- ging up treasures. One of his agent.s liiis just ri'turiiod. In I'l'Uiiig he WAR in the shop of a pawnbroker. A silUIiatted American, a polished luaii of the world, oanio in, to secure a loan on a pearl which lie took out nf a velvet bag. The broker applied the tests and wa.s satisfied the pearl was gontiiiie. He advanced .Â¥10.- 1(00. Later in the day one of his ex- perts rushed to him breiillilessly with the startling stntenicnt that the pearl was the most clever counterfeit he had ever seen. The broker made anolbcr cxainliiatioii and found ho had been the victim of a lliiii Ham artist. Several days afterward lie called cv- pry Jeweler In Peking into a confer- ence, lie told them of his experieiioe and he said he was simply going to take Ills loss, but be thought it was his duly to warn his fellmv laerelmnl.s. He held up the pearl before them. "Hero It Is," ho .said. "To show you what I think of It and that tlie incident is closed, I am going to destroy it." He placed the pearl on an iron and with a liammev .smnslied It to tiny frag- ments with one blow. The next day all tlie Peking news- papers carrioi) a story about Iho way tlie merchant had been tricked and how he had destroyed the bogus gem. Several weeks went by and Ihe Inci- dent was almost forgotten. One morning the .Xiiierb'an who had pawned the ]ieari entered the shop. -V elerk recognized him and went toward him. "I have come for my pearl," he snid. The clerk was in a panic. He begged the customer to wait a few minutes and ho ruslied off to his em- ployer with the news. The broker came out of his private oflice ami met (he customer. "I have come for my iiearl," repeat- ed the American. "You have the money to redeem It?" be was asked. For answer the Aiiierican counted out the exact amount ami placed It on tho counter. The broker went to the safe and brought liai.-k the pearl lliat was pawned. He had cleverly trickeil the trickster. Ho knew there was only one chance of getlin:; his money back and that was to make the customer believe the pearl had been destroyed. Ho resorted to this ruse niul did not destroy the pawned pearl but a substi- tute. A surprised Anierican walked out ot the place with his counterfeit lewelâ€" gnashing his teelli Just like the smooth' villain In the iiieloilrama of old. n % % 1; '< ri;agi^^^-CS^7gi>gife^iS^.^J^^^^^ AN EXTRA SPECIAL IN WOMEN'S BOOTS Fifty pairs Women's Boots â€" some buttoned â€" souie laceil -including (longola, patent and gun metal leathers, some have cloth tops, others kid tops- High French heels, Cuban heels and low heels in the lot. Many pairs just the veiy thing for starting to school.. All sizes from 'Ji to 7, but not in every style. All perfect good.^. Prices ranged from $;} to .$4..')0. All selling at $2.40. New Styles in Men's and Ladies' Tweed Raincoats Some specially good designs just received made up with new style collars and belts, reliable waterproofing, really nice patterns and colorings. Ladies' $10.50 to $15, Men's $12 to $15.50. Splendid Values in Open Stock China Wa have several good patterns in open stock China that Ave are ofFerinw at exceptionally low prices, considering the present day values in Chinaware. They come in English semi-porcelain and are very choice designs. You can buy any cpiantity of any pattern, so that you can replace any broker, pieces at any time. A shipment of Japanese Fancy China just in. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON,' - ONTARIO ^ ^^ Bull For Service Registered Short'iorn bull for service I on lot 5, coll., (i {Jvirey Collinawood uravel. (Jinde cava 81 ."iD, thiirounh- brcds $4.0C.- J. A. Robertson, April | 4 litis. I For 5a'e fn Eugenia ' I liri k veneer house und hit, f (iuO, lo .Miinslmw hotel. Kc.r iiifiirniation j refer to Mr. doe Williiiins, Kii'^'eniii. or â€" M. E. MKLL. liill Isirwell IJhick D.itroit, Mich. Canadian National! Exhibition Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7 300,000 admissions sold first day of advance sale. Come with the crowds to the great- est Exposition i n the 40 years' history of the C. N. E. First Express Company. The first expre.-is conipnny in .'kiiior- ieu \v;is launched 79 .vein's ngo, when an ndvcrtisenipnt appeared in the Ho.*;- ton and New York piipor.s announcing that "William F. Ilnrinlpn has luiide arrangements with the Providence railroad and tlia New York rjoat com- pany to run a oar tlirouKh from Bos- ton to New York and vice versa four tinios weekly. lie will acconipnny the oar hlULself, take care of all .smnll packHRPs tlnit iiiay bo intnistetl to lii.-< cine and see tbeni siii'ely delivered." Today Ilariulen tnij;lit be prosecutoil for publisliing a nilsleadins advertlso- iiii'iit, for Ills "express car" wa.s on. tlrely Imaginary, and be carried par- cels In a valise. llarmliMi had Ions been a conductor on tho railway, and Ills foniier associates permitteil liiin to travel without cliarfio. Tho rail- road Kot nothing in the way of express (liarKPs, Harnden's lirsf competitor was Alvln Adams, wlio became the founder of the Adams Express com- pany, i Easy to apply -dnrable and pioduces a beautiful, lasting : finish that protects the car â€" 'don't start out with a shabby car, it i.s not neees.sary â€" when la beautiful finish can I)e ob- itained at very little cost and labor. I ..•. S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishcs.Stains.Enameh, Brushes for house cleaning. 1 _ F. W. Duncan The Flesherton Hardware. Ptione .?0 r?., Boar for Service ' Tho undersigned has a thorough ored Yorkshire Bear for service on lot U,con. Is, Osprey. Terms SI. od. KUKD Sl»0FFARD. "The Heroes of Britain" A pr oduction of trcnien- dous force and Iwauty, Willi 1200 participants. AH the colorful parapher- nalia ot romunccanJ his- tory In <lie making. In- splrlnft, dramatic •-- a gpccmcic every Canadian slioilUI see. MOVEMENT - LIFE SPLENDOR A Patriotic Thrill In every scene Ci&nt livestock and agricultural displayâ€" Covcrniiicnt exhibits â€" dcmonslralioni. of voca- tional triining by 50 cripple I heroes â€"farming on factory lines: colossal cxliibits of labor- Miving device* â€" Government patriotic fooil show â€" Crealorc's wurlJ-famcl banJ â€" .\llici' exliibiU of fine arls-AND \ WORIH OF 01HF.r< SPECIAL ArTR;\CllONS. Two Lines of Eligibility. Down in Joliiison county is a (lour- isliiiiK fiirmor's club, and, as there Is (I nienibersliip limit, natiirnlly there are a nunilier of folks outside who uiiuld like to he Inside. Two of the outslder.s were InK the club one day, and olio of tliem nskeil : "How does a fellow };o about KettiiiK Into the tliiiij,'?" 'riie ollior farmer explained tints: "Well, so far as I have been able to dope It out, there are Just two ways â€" yon ellhor have to be such a success as a farm- er that It will bo a feather In their cap to set you for a iiieniUer. or such a doKgoiie fiiilure Ibal It will be good advertising for tbeiii to lakft you and niiike siiimelliint; out of you." â€" Indian- apolis News. FALL TERM l.>|ieiis Si'iitoinber ,'!id. ELLIOTT ^XJ^ Yonge anvl Charles Blrects, Toronto O'vos strictly liist cliiss traininsj f.u- choice busiuchs position. <>ar courses lire unexcelled in •" mid I. Deurmd for our (ivuduates i.s live times uur supply. Write f'>r ciitHloyu.'. \V. .1. ELLIOTT, PuisciPAi, W. A, HAWKEN, Dealer for Virgil Pianos ami Phonographs, also Records and Sheet Music . Call aad Get prices at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton Fleslnertion i#- Tonsorial ^r- Parlors Wo Aim to Give Eiitiro S.itisfactio LAUNDllYâ€" B.iskot closes Moiuh.j nixht, delivery Friday cveni-.i I CLKANINO luid nVEINtiâ€" We a> I agents for I'mker's Dye Wmksâ€" Clotlio cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenaiei T FISHER â- PROPRIETOR Braggadocio. "I'll liuve you know tliat my frrnnd- fiitlier came over In tlie Maytlower !" said llio small boy with the curls. "lluhl That's nothliitc," replied tho boy Willi the puK nose, "my father catue over In a ship what was struck by a siibiiiiirlne!" New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 .iin i.pi'iiini! uu at.nice, ii blacksmith- inn and woodwnrkiiii; busuiess in Max- well, and am 'iis'idUut; up-Ni date wuod- IfforkinR machineiy. It will loi my en deavor to servo the pulilic in a satisfac- tory nvinner aad I would solicit patron- ii(fe. I wiiit yourwoik niul will do it ri^ht. V ••M"d > CHESTER LONG lid 1^1 II 1 1 II i<i II II 1(^1 trfi li II II II II II II II 11 i^Hl Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware antl Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Eavetioughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- i intis. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installetl. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. % 11 n i Ii WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS -A^entss F'or Price of ndniisslott Is -jr /^an-ta nnchai\i4e<l ^^ CtntS Consult your IocjI oAcnt roftardiii)} railroad fares JuBt Like Her. "I lid yon s'ee in llie paper nbnut .M;-s, riiltoii-.Vyres being nlaiost ovcrtoiue by coal gas?" "No, hul thiit's Just like her, 1 silp- fioso alie was afraid p.niiple wouldnt know they had coal,"â€" llostoa Trnii- â- crlpt. Ur. J. P. Davis CHlROPRACrOR and EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Olti.'d over W. nhv' ilh's Hoie, c ii.LiNr.woon, ONT. Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets \ Wagons i Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows 13 '• JOHN HEARD, MPUEIV1ENT AGENT FLESHERTON.