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Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1918, p. 1

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ITw ~i â-  i-*^ ^ . ' . . â-  . - - ,-^ -I /Ush^ditrn aitwmc^ *». •TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR*' •PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. i:J Festierton, Ont., August 22, 1918 CEYLON CHAT On Friday evening the W. I. of Cey- lon held a social evening at tlie home of H. Piper for the purpose of raising funds to buy necessaries for the boys at the front. The evening was ideal, and while it was a busy time, the at- tendance was splendid and the sum of 176.82 clear was realized. Ice cream, lemonade and a table of articles donated were all sold and helped to swell the fund. Light lunch of cake and sandwiches was served and a splendid program given, with Rev. Quinn in the chair. There were a speech by the chairman, read- ings by Nora Sprott, of Akron, Ohio, and Millie Whittaker. also step danc- ing by Miss Sprott, Hazel McLeod and Bennie Stewart, of Fort William. Mr. Cameron gave several selections on the bagpipes which were much enjoy- ed by all. The ladies feel very grate- ful to all who assisted to make the evening such a success. Mrs. Hazard, sr., had the misfor- tune to fall on Friday, breaking the bone in her arm. Mrs. Ross Leslie, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Archie Mc- MuUen. Mrs. Coleman and son. of Owen Sound, are visiting Mrs. Frank Col- linson. H. Bennett moved his family and household effects to Shelburne Mon- day, where he is section foreman. They have been good citizens and their removal is much regretted. John Cushnie and wife, of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of Hiawatha, Kas., and Mr. Sandy Robertson, of Topeka, Kansas, who have been the guests of Millie Cook for the past week, r-sturned to Toronto .Monday. Cecil and Gladys Cushnie, who have been spending their holidays here, returned with them. Mrs. Major, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Cummings. Miss Henry, of Tcronio. is holiday- ing with her friend. Mrs. D. Stewart. Miss Sinclair, of Harriston, is visit- ing her brother, Mr. A, Sinclair. J. McLeod has returned to the city after several weeks: holidays. Willa McLeod. Toronto, is holiday- ing under the parental roof. Mary McMuWen has returned to the city after a three weeks holiday with her parents. Mr. Adams and wife. Tojouto. .Mrs. White and three children, of Owen Sound. .Mrs. Griffin and Stanley and Walter GritRn, Toronto, were guests at W. White's the past week. Miss Mabel Binnie and Miss Sharp. of Proton, spent the weekend with Airs. R. Gibson. James Pattison has purchased an auto. Jessie Wilson aud Bennie Stewart, of Fort William, are this week visit- ing their cousin. Hazel McLeod. WALKERTON One nf the Irwin Bros' big register- ed percheron mares got mired iu a bog on their farm west of Walkerton on Sunday last, and had to be drawn out wHn horses and ropes. When jfcleased from the !uud it took much liuimeut and a lot of rubbing to revive her surticiently to get her onto her feet again, Annie Robinson, the 18-year-old daughter of Thomas Robinson near Underwood, and who was awarded $1300 damages at the Fall Assizes iu Walkerton last November against her cousin. Robt. Robinson, whom she claimed had seduced her. attempted to commit suicide on Thursday, Aug. 1. by taking parls green. On drink- ing the poison she hastened to a neighbor's, and after informing them of what she had done, collapsed. A doctor was hastily summoned and ihe unfortunate girl was removed to Kincardine hospital, where she 3tiU lives in a precarious condition. â€" • Herald and Times. VICTORIA CORNERS EUGENIA PARAGRAPHS PORTLAW Harvesting is in full swing and very good crops are reported. Nea Williams and her friend, Miss Pringle. of Toronto, called on Marjorie Park. Mrs. Paul gave her Sunday School class a lawn party one afternoon last week which the kiddies enjoyed very much. Rev. Mr. Campbell, a former pas- tor, gave an impressive sermon here last Sunday evening. All are delight- to have Mr. Campbell and famUy with them. ."<ext Sunday evening the Inlstioge League will take charge of the service. Quite a number from here took In the garden parties at Vandeleur and Proton last week. Kugenia baseball team beat Dundalk at Protou. Mrs. Adam Smith has received a letter from Switzerland from one who attended the funeral of her son. Fred, stating that he died from an attack of la grippe. Mrs. Armstrong has returned to her home in Toronto after spending a couple of weeks with her many friends here. Mrs. McKee of Fleshorton spent a lew days with her mother. Mrs. Ped- lar, who is ill. The Eugenia boys say the Flesher- ton girls can't be beat making cara- mel pie. Mr. and Mrs. Belbln. of Toronto. are visiting at John Williams'. There was a christening at Mr. R. riantt's Monday evening when a number of t'licnds were present. The right oi (laptism was administered by Rev. Campbell to Jlr. and Mrs. Wil- Cred Plantt's Infant. ROCK MILLS •Mr. aud Jlrs. R. K. Lea aud ihiUi- ren. of Owen Sound, are spending a week with the latler's mother. Mrs. J. Park. George Johnston has purchased a new Ford car. .Mrs. R. Hoy has gone to visit her .son in the West. ' ]Myrlle Stuart, of Kinil-orl-'v, h .ipendiiig the remainder of the holi- days with her cousin. Edith Betts. -Mrs. Robert Meldrum.ot Tronto, is visiting at W. Pedlar's. Mrs. Fred Fisher has :•( turned to her hoiue in Toronio after spending a fortnight at A. Partridge's. James Park, accompaui-d by Mr. and .Mrs. Thomp-son. and .Miss .Mc- Lean motored to Durham with W. CoUinson and visited the fornier'-i family here. .Murray Fisher is visitin.? with h:s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. Lyons. Joseph Philips and wife, of Tor^-n- 10, are visiting with friends in «liis vicinity. David Williams, of Fevorshaui. called on friends here one day the past week. (Intended for Last Week.) _ Mr. and Mrs. Kirch and two chll- dfen. of Toronto, visited at J. Lock- h«rfs. Mra. tOr. ) Bvana and Argyle and Aberdeen Campbell visited at Mr. J. Lockhirt's. Rev. Mr, Campbell preached "a very impreRoive sermon and administered the sacrament at lalstlojre on Sunday. FEVERSHAM ITEMS \V. McAleer. wife and ilaUKhlcr. ol Hammond. Indlanna. and Mr. aud Mrs. George Mitchell, of Flosherton. were callers In this village on Sunday last. .Misses Mary Julian and Donalda Sturat. of Kimberley. spent Sunday with Miss Julian's parents in this village. Mr. and Mrs. McKoon and family, of Duncan, spent Sunday with Mrs. iMcKeon's sister in Fcvershani. .Messrs. J. C. Mttle and Harold Cox. Ol' Collingwood, visited friends iu this village last Sunday. The farmers are busy at the harvest and are reaping a bounteous crop. Mrs. IJreenaway and little son. of Winnipeg, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. James Crawford, at pre- sent. Miss Francie .\lexander has return ed home, after a week's visit with friends In Collingwood. Miss Aunie Weldrick visited with her sister. Mrs. John Radley, last week. Born â€" On Wednesday, August 17. to Mr. and Mrs. Kru. Hawton. a daughter. I Intended for last week.) Rev. P. and Mrs. Campbell, of Maple, have been visiting the past week with numerous friends in this part, who were delighted to see them. Sacrament was observed last Sun- day in .Uownt Zlon church and new members received. Mrs. James Taylor, of Akron, Ohio, joined her husband here last week. Miss Gladys Lyons is visiting with friends In Toronto. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Taylor and two daughters of Toronto are visit- ing with the former's mother and other friends. Mlas May Cornfield returned from a two week's visit with friends in Owen Sound. The news of the successes of the past few weeks of the Allied armies is received with great satisfaction and we rejoice to see the rainbow becoming brighter on the dark war cloud, is it time to cheer? (This week's Items.) .Miss Lillian Watson, of Toronto, is spending holidays with her cousins here. Word has been received here that Pte. Charles Williamson has arrived safely in England. A number ot our soldier bo.i.^ hive had their leave e.xtended and are bu.iv with the harvest. We regret to report the illness of Mr. S. Sheardown. jr.. who is receiv- ing medical treatment. Wesley Jamieson and his ITather-ln- law. Mr. Kerr, of Toronto, visited with the former's brother, \\'. J. Jamieson. S. .VlcNeviu is building an additicn to their house. Mr, Andrew Carr left last week for Carrol, Manitoba, and has arrived there safely. .Mrs. .McKenzie accom- panied her father as far as Tofonlo iuid renv.iiiied to visit ti lends in the citik-. R. D. -Meldrum aud wife of Toronto visited with friends on the Fourth Line last week. In the absence of llev. .Mr. Eagle, who is taking his holidays, the ser- vice at Mt. Zlon on Sunday last was in charge of Rev. P. Campbell, of Maple, a former pastor. Mis son. .Vrgvlf Campbell, preached his maid- en sermon, which was very much ap- preciated. It has been Mr. Camp- bell's great desire to live to hear his own son preach, and that his lirst sermon would be preached in Mount Zlon church, and it was a great satis- faction to him to have this wish of a father's heart gratified. DUNDALK A barn belonging to .Mark Ted- ford on the Wm. Tedford farm near Badjeros. was struck by lightniuK and burned in the storm Tuesday night. Isaac Davis was so unfortunate as to fall oft a load of hay the other day when the wagon jolted, breaking his arm at the wrist. Richard Rathwell. of Proton, has purchased from Mrs. W. J. Mo;tow of Toronto, the store and dwelling on Main street, immediately west of Bolger's bakery. â€" Herald. Pithv Proton Pointers KliVlBERLEY BUDGET A pure white young English spar- row may be seen around the barn ot Edward .Mountford. a farmer on the Centre Road Monor, a mile or eo from Camilla. Mrs. Leslie Lawrence and son. Stanley, of .Vllandale, are visiting at James Lawrence's at present. H. D. Fisher of the Department of .Mines. Toronto, and sou. spent a couple of days fishing in the old ileaver last week. They didn't land many speckled beauties. John Plewes, our champion bee man. has sold over two tons and a half of honey. His apiary is one of the best iu the country. .Misses Lena and Martha Wright ot Detroit are visiting at J. Stafford's. Miss Nellie and Harry Lawrence of Trout Creek. Parry Sound nistrict. are visiting with their grandmother .\lrs. George Lawrence. We had our lirst teed of green corn on .Monday last, and it certainly was delicious. Yum. yum! -â- Vlbert Smith of Vandeleur was a pleasant caller in our burg one day last week. We are pleased to see Miss Ruth .Myles around again after her recent accident. John Smith, of Reb Roy. visited with John Plewes one day last week. Wm. Flood and family motored down to Wasaga Beach on Saturday last. Miss Nina Hill is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. €Seo, Gourley. of Markdale. This week will see most ot the har- vest finished In this part. -The spring wheat is an A 1 crop. Miss Lizzie Neilson. of Toronto. Is holidaying with her parents. Jlr. Hergott wife and I'hildren, spent the week end with friends at Exeter. .Miss Warling. Holland Centre, is the guest ol her sister. Mrs. Badgero. Mrs. Sturdy an<l little sons, and John Hemphill are visiting .Mrs. Bates. Mrs. Guest and babes, accompanied by Miss Edwards, of Toronto, are visiting with the former's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. John Roome. W'llda Badjero. a liny tot ot two years, went for a walk by herself Sunday afternoon. She wandered to the railroad track and toddled down the ties for about half a mile. Finding herself lost she began to i:ry. After some lime .Miss Shersou heard the cries of the little strayaway and went to the rescue. By this time the child was missed aud a number were searching for her. The telephone message that the baby was safe was received with gladness by the alarm- ed mother. The garden party on Thursday eve- ning, .-Vugust lo. tinder the auspices of the Anglican church was a huge success. The bnseb.all match !â- â€¢' v,oen Dundalk and Eugenia Boys, w' ' 'h re- sulted in a siore of 12-2 in fa vov uf the latter team, attracted large r.tun- bers. -A splendid supper was served in the ba.sement ot the church. A good program, presided over by .Mr. Blackwell. was given by home tulei'.t. assisted by the .Misses .\rnott and .Montgomery and Mr. J. Richards, of Dundalk. .Miss Dorothy Xieholl. of Inistioge. and the Haw Bros.' ori lu's- tra. Proceeds of the evening amount- ed to abotit $ 1 SO. MAXWELL AROUND GREY COINTV Five small boys of Hanover wnre let off on suspended sentence for carrying fire arms and shooting holes in the C. P. R. station. The boys were rounded up by Inspector Th<. .-n- low of Owen Sound, and Consta! le Beamish. The boys were obliged to pay ih-.; costs and for the damage clone. Dundalk < ivic holiday was held on .Mou(\ay. August 19. .Miss Bessie McKnight, of Oven Sound, left last week for Toronto to join the Women's Department of tho Royal Mr Force. Lieut. Monroe, a former 147th !?n. officer lost his life in an aeroplane aoident at Camp Burden, R, B. Miller, of Owen Sound, rolled out of bed one night last week and broke two ribs. Harry JeiTrey. of Meatord. broke his right wrist while crajiking a Ford. Marguerite Lines, aged •(, of H:ir- over. tell out of a hammock ouo day last week, breaking her leg. TRYON Harvesting Is the order of the day. ."Miss H, Morrison is spending holi- days at the parental home. .'V number of our young people at tended the garden party at Rob Roy and all report a good time. Bazil Sornberger. accompanied by his sister. Pearl, spent Sunday with friends at Ravenna. Mr. and Mrs. Will Odell are visit- ing with the latter's mother .Mrs. Alex. Morrison. A number of our young ladleTITf- tended the picnic at Winters' on 'Wed- ivesday of last week, which rendered ', everyone the greatest of pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. MoIImurray and son, motored from Toronto and spent the week end with the former's nephew, J. Robertson. Miss Nellie Robertson motored home with them to spend a tew we^ks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prime, of ToroHto, have been visiting with Mrs. P.'s uncle, J. Robertson. Wm. Robertson, of Toronto, spent a few days with his brother, J. Robertson. There will be no sale ot lands for taxes this year according to the new County Treasurer. There are only a few small parcels of land that are liable for sale and the amount against them Is so sniall that it would not justify the considerable expense entailed in advertising them. It is an evidence of prosperity and speaks well for the financial condition of the county as a whole. Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ' A Splendid Stock from' which you may readily make A Satisfactory sei> ection. We carry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. We coiy i>i slock a coi Tires ziid Tubes and have n the best iju the nmrket todji They are tioes I Iiat yieh: fmni punct.ure aud blo"rout â€" keo|jina ni h »ny car. The well bitlanced ciustri, lete line of Goodyeitr and Dominion iVul.' lesitaDcy whatever in sayiui; that they are •iiter serviceâ€" that; have ijreator treedotii .icy .•ire attractive iu appearance and in I'n Hud thick, tougli tread iusuie a full messure uf inileaj-eâ€" ji mileage ,'tiined cousistently by uscis of the^e tiree rialit alon-^- Tu help you get every mite puuible from these tires â€" we back \.\\i their iu-built goodness with a di;tiiiite, personal lire service. . • Our interest iu the tires we .sell merely begins with the s»Ie~ that interest ends only whcuVe liavs helped you to extract from your tire iho !ii3t mile of uscfulneHK. Gui)d} aiiJ Duuiiuion Tires and thi saivice we are pledged !<â-  sjive are ilill'ereut- and belter. Prove this for yourself. We will be tflad lo hive you ctll at uuy time and let ui? e.xpl.itn tlui details uf our sjjersonal tire service. McTAVISH'S GARAGE, Fleshenon y.. â-º y > â-  '.I y: :( ' < y. y' •J >:â-  K .Tr.;s',.^_:r. -^-•^--â- '^'^^'^^^♦^f^ifytV;--..^--. I., -^ >-..-~. â-  -â- : '^:/'^^.\ GO TO W. L. WRIGHT For your Supplies of FLOUR AND SUBSTITITER SUGAR FOR PRESERVING A Splendid Stock of Gents* Furnishings and Ladies' Lingerie Call and Examine our goods fc. .A. ^ A. .A. ^^ A. ^ >V *^ -A. .4^ ^ ^ ^^ ^*^ '.fc.' A- :a._j .-^ ^ ~^'^C^%4^4^:^ -^ ^j^ â-  •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• â-  •••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••^•••t •••••••••••• •••• •••• •••• SPRING .4ND SIMMER DEMANDS a e for While 13o.)ts and Shoes, We have them L:ice Boolii, Pump an! >«tri»p Siind*!s. »l:o a good ai^sortnieiit uf linn iiini; Shoes mi white, black und tan . ALSO "^ A hue oi cbildreu's white canvass oxft)r(J, 1} eyelet hole kalher solee. CLEARIFG AT 75c.. SIZKS TO 10 TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND CLUB BAGS Repairins! aft usual •••• •••• •••• •••â-  •••• ••â- - •••• •••â-  ••• •••• •••• :::: :::: •••â-  :::: H: THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO pr •*•â- 

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