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Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1918, p. 7

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Ui jy Inch ^red iced J the loU3 Ithe of- ses- L'OV- lth» Ince Vom bon- Ithe BELGIAN GADFLY STINGS GERMANS ATTACKS MADE BY NEWSPAPER INFURIATE TEUTONS. Searches For Place of Publication Futile â€" Editors Unknown â€" Paper Appears Regularly. The forts of Liege are smashed, but La Libre Belgiquo, the "Belgiiiu gad- fly," remains. Material resistance, barriers of steel and concrete, the German invader could crush and pass. But the spirit- ual. Impalpable oppositlou which flow- ers 80 perfectly in the little secret newspaper which the Belgians love and cherish, the German mind is not constituted to overcome. And so long as La Libre Belgique continues to ap- pear Belgium can never be a wholly conquered state. Again and again the German authorities have announced the sup- pression of the paper and the confisca- tion of the plant. Fines and imprison- ment Invariably follow these an- nouncements. And invariably La i soldiers Libre Belgique appears once more â€" perhaps with new editors and an- other staff, undoubtedly from a fresh- 231 1 A BIT OF AMERICA IN FRANCE. Light railway transporting food to the front. The mule Is tlte centre of the operalon as well as of the photograph. â€" U.S. Official Photograph. who were slain at Liege, Waelhem and on the Yser, and who now see for what miserable project of domination they were sacrificed to | ly hidden plant tucked away in some | the Moloch of war under the pretext indomitable patriot's clammy cellar or of defending their country. It is, dust-heaped garret. finally, the voice of all the mothers, It is still appearing. Today it is the 1 all the widows and all the orphans, (T: most popular newspaper in Belgium. Compliments of the Editors. With charming audacity the man- whose cries cannot be hushed. As the days pass this voice will ever grow in volume and will reach to the agers see that the privileges of their, '^"Z fontiers. ..,,..,, ' The tone of the paper Is delighful. It always keeps its security of temper, Journal are e.xtended to the governor- general. Whenever a new number is printed he alwa.vs finds two copies, fresh from press, upon his desk. No one knows how they get there â€" at least no one with whom the secret is not safe. And no one in the German organization has yet found a way to prevent them getting there. A gener- al who is exposed to such irritations long enough would rather lose an army corps. One famous number, smuggled as usual to the ofticial desk, displayed a halftone portrait of his e.xcellency, the Baron von Bissing, holding his "favorite paper." The caption ex- plained that "the dear Governor Gen- eral, weary of reading falsehoods in the censored press, was seeking the iruth In La Libre Belgique." Ever since the roar of German guns 'through Belgium â-  and the tramp of Sernian armies deafened the world :hero has been raging a more silent Dattla for the moral subjugation of the country. The Germans organized a Most extensive propaganda as well as 1 vigorous censorship. They issued luch Germanophile papers as the II- ustrierte Kriegs Kurier. They ea- ;ablished German news agencies, ixemplifled In the Courier Beige and fHollaiide Beige. And, finally, they reached out for a denatured pseudo- j Belgian press, of which Le Bruxellois Kiin typical. This latter was run by •eptile editors willing to betray tiieir .'ouutry at a German price and at the lame time submit even what they vrote In the interest of Germany to a levere censorship, which not only mppressed what was not approved but elaborated and uainished what was. Publishing Office on Wheels. All Journals from outside the coun- xy which might carry matter detri- nental to German interests were ban- led absolutely. Nevertheless these nanaged to circulate through secret ;hanuels, sometimes even copied out m typewritten sheets. By and by the kllies learned to drop pamphlets from ilrplanes. Though the Germans de- fisGd a shrapnel shell which broke Twenty-One. )nly when near the ground and made â-  ^^^^ y^^^^^ jg turning twenty-one t extremely dangerous for any one , ^^,j,, boyhood drops the toys it knew, io be in the vicinity, the Journals from I ^.^^,^ ^j^^.^.^.^ ^^arp drilling to be •he skies were eagerly searched for I done ind passed from hand to hand. [ ,j,^ ^^^^^^ ^j^^^^.^ ^.^^ ^^^ jj^^^ I Canada will find him true â€" and its spirit Is irrennessible. The Belgians enjoy it, and all the copies are carefully treasured. The usual circulation is about 10,000, but the paper proved so popular that the first five numbers were repriuted three or four times after their original publi- cation. News From the Sky. One of the most Interesting features of La Libre Belgique is its monthly air supplement, giving in Flemish and French the news of the war. It is published abroad and scattered in Bel- gium by aviators. In suppressing this sort of journalistic enterprise there is vei-y little that the authorities can (h) except injure or penalize the i-esi- dents of districts In which air -"isits are made; so after a rain of idr sup- plements was poured over the pro- menaders In some of the Brussels boulevards the citiKens were forced to remain indoors within prescribed hours without lights. In Germany there Is much talk of national "morale," of "holding out," of a "will to victory" which, being in- terpreted, means a "will to conquest." In that nation every discouraging in- fluence Is carefully avoided. How vastly different in Belgium! Among this people no act Is omitted that might serve to sap their national spirit, to blunt tht edge of their patri- otism, or to blast '.heir sense of Inde- pendence. Coarst'ness daily offends their sensitive taste; an enslaving fright fulness attacks their passion for liberty, and bribery Insults their per- sonal honor. Yet ill the face of it all there Is no letting down, no moral surrender, no loosening of tlie national determina- tion. There is a quiet and dignified outward submission which seeks to avoid offense, while always there is the Inner protest, of a flue nature which refuses to be degraded. There is real heroism in this steadfast firm- ness of spirit, in this will to die rather than lose one's soul. Fashion's Decrees And it was not long before uncen- lored papers, printed in Belgium it- lelf, began to appear. Of all the clan- lestine journals the most vigorous iiid defiant was La Libre Belgique. No one knows where it is printed. Its habitat is fantastically referred to Her manly pride, her loyal son. Dear are the dreams youth leaves be- hind â€" For life begins at twenty-one. Out there is honor's badge to find. 13 "une cave automobile," which j ^jth courage of our father's kind. might perhaps be translated as a mig- | gut there's a man behind the gun â€" ratory cellar or cellar ou wheels, and ; And millions more beside him lined. Its telegraph address is "The Gover- j aorahip, Brussels." The price is in- If it may be brave France shall keep definite, varying "from zero to infini- ] Our hope gone forth at twenty-one, ty," and there is no regular time of j God knows, tho' first our hearts must issue, but aji average of three or four weep Bdltions a month has been main- France will walk proudly where tljey tained. Not even the carriers know where the paper Is published. If, therefore, the police captures a carrier with these verboten papers In his hands, they may visit the direst penalties upn ou him, hut the printing and distribu- tion of the paper goes on Just the Bamo. Germans Offer Rewards, Tho German authorities, in their rage at the dellanco of this plucky little newspaper operating under their very noses, have made tho most sav- age and elaborate efforts to hunt down the offenders. To handle tho paper or even to have it In possession la pade a serous offense, au^ a huge re- v,-aid â€" originally 26,000 franc but later raised to 75,000 â€" has been offered for information leading to tho apprehen- lion of the editors and proprietors. As for killing T^a Libre Uelgiqtie, the Ihlng'ls impossible. It is not to be grasped, for it is nowhere. It is an Ignis fatuus arising from the graves of Hclgiau compatriots massacred at Louvaiu, at TamiiU's, at Liinant. But It Is also the willo'-ihe-wisp that Is- sues from the tombs of those Qeriuau For the slender young girl there comes this charming design. McCall Pattern No. 8426, Misses' Semi- Fitted Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. A Prayer for Those Who Watch. We cannot see beyond the flame, the black smoke's smother; We only know they strive there, each beside the other, Our son .-md soldier, lover, husband, brother. We cannot hear the battle clash, the roaring of the guns; We only know among them are the well-beloved ones, who made the world for us, lovers, husbands, sons. "Ours!" the heart within us cries. Nay, but these are more Even, men-at-arms of God who wage a holy war In the cause His soldier-saints fought and conquered for! Lord, for us the waiting ones, watch- ers in the night. Change our selfish fears to pride, let us see aright The honor of the Service, the glory of the Fight! Give us faith to know Thy sword was never bared in vain. Given us vision to behold, above the field.s of pain. The splendor of the .â- sacrifice that saves the world again! â- * LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS "LUSITANIAI" (As the Americans charged with fixed bayonets at tho battle of Hamel they raised the cry "Lusllanla!") They charged, and high abovo the fight Pealed out iheir battle cry- Above the thunder and the flame the echoes of that fateful name Were echoed from the sky. Their bayonets of fiashlng steel Crew dark as foemen fell. Uncheckable they cut their path, anci of the crimson aftermath Few, few were left to tell. And tlioy who heard that cry ring out Shall hoar it yet again. And as Its accents strike their ears shall know, remultiplled, the fears Of little cliildron slain. Aye, let It be your battle call To consecrate the sword And bring to many a shell-swept field, slow but inexorably sealed. The vengeance of tlie Lord. W^i MAD'- IN r CANAt>«C 'i J ATS DIRT mi^m ^lljpTTt CLEANS-DISINFECTSâ€" USED FOR SOFTENING WATERâ€" FOR MAKING! HARD AND SOFT SOAP FULLI [[DIRECTIONS WITH fCACH CAN. | GIRCS! LEMON JUICE 18 SKIN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. .Tlie juice of two fresh lemons straifl- ed into a bottle contaiuliig three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- j markable lemon skin beautlfier at j alMJut tho cost one must pay for a I small jar of the ordinary cold creams. 1 Care should he taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so j no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion , will keep fresh for months. Every ' woman knows that lemon Juice is used j to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is | the ideal skin softener, whitener and j beautlfier. | Just try It! Get three ounces of I orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag- rant lemon lotion and massage It dally into the face, neck, arms and hands. â- Â«^ Earth is Enough. We men of earth have here the stuff Of Paradiseâ€" we have enough! We need no other stones to build The stairs Into the Unfulfilled â€" No other ivory for the doors â€" No other marble for the floors â€" No other cedar for the beam And dome of man's immortal dreanli Here on the paths of every day â€" Here on the common human way Is all the stuff the gods would take To build a Heaven, to mold and make New Edens. Ours the stuff sublime To build Eternity in Time! lUaara'a Unlment Cores Qarret Is Oowa Failure to Plenty. One estimate places tho wheat crop of the West at all' the way from noth- ing to 25 bushels per acre. No West- ern Province has a good crop In all sections; in no one is there a com- plete failure. .Manitoba runs from 4 bushels at Souris to 2'2 at Dauphin and Teulon; Alberta, from practically none over a radius of 100 miles around Medicine Hat to good in the north country, and Saskatchewaa from two bushels at Prelate to 25 at Foam Lake and Wadena. * MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail Is by Dominion Express .Money Order. © MoClU How to loosen a tender corn or callus so it i;fts out without pain. Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to Uils Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up tlie corn or callus wi(;hout even irritating the surrounding tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's foot. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. BOOT LINES DRAWN CLOSE. In Germany Birth Ortificates Must Be Produced to Obtain Them. Protests are being made against the latest bureaucratic freak in Germany I â€" persons attempting to secure boots on permit-cards must henceforth pro- , duce birth-certificates, and (if mar- 1 ried) their marriage lines. This reg- ulation is enforced to prevent un- i authorized persons from obtaining boots, says a London correspondent. ! As an extra inducement to men to ; ' hand in old clothes to the State, Ber- j Un authorities announce that in addi- ! tion to the regular price allowed for 1 suits everybody who surrenders one I will receive a one-half pound jar of ' honey. I To raise money for the Ludendorff Fund for Crippled Soldiers an aircraft works at Travemvule, on the Baltic, will this summer give seaside visitors rides in airplanes, either overland or sea flights, at £2 10s. a trip? ... Corn starch may always be used for thickening where wheat flour is ordinarily called for. If a fruit grower wants wood growth in a young orchard or in young shade trees he will get it most quick- ly by doing his pruning in early spring; whereas if he wants merely to promote the formation of fruit buds, he will find that June pruning is best. There are two "best times" to prune trees â€" depending upon the object sought, the age of the trees and convenience in doing the work. Gen- erally speaking, only light pruning should be done in June; all heavy trim- ming should be in the early spring. FOB SAliB WEEKLY NEWSl'AI'ER FOR SALB In New Ontario. 0«yuer golnx to Francs Will »ell 12.000. Worth <loubl« Ihnt amount. Apply J H.. c/o Wilson rnlil liihtng Co .. Limited. Tor onto. \\rvUL, EQUll'l'ED NEWSl'Al'KH »» and Job prlntiiiB iilant In Eaistcrn Oniarlo. Insurance carried $1,000. WIU go for $1,200 on quick sale. Box 69. M'llson PulllshlnE Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. r'laard'B Unxaenl Cores Slatemper. AaENTS WAITTSD NOT SO BAD. This story of an experience that be- fell a storywilter is attributed by an illustrated' Sunday magazine to a well- known story-writer: The author was giving a lectiire one „, „ , , .• i ,; evening on the characteristics and The drapery of the sknt is repeated | _.^_.^.^^^^^^^,^g^ ^^ ^,,g ^,^^^ ^j pj.„„ig Chi'ysanthemiims growing in the garden will not thrive in sour soil; they must be kept free from aphis. If the plants seem backward .scatter a little hydrnted lime over the surface of the soil about the plants .and mix it with the top soil with a rake. Spray tho plants once a week with pyrox and nicotine sulphate and use sheep ma- nue about tho plants, giving the -soil a light sprinkling every two or thi'eo weeks, working it in as with the lime, and the plants will thrive and produce good sized flowers abund- antly. 4 IJK.VT.S \V.\.NTK1)â€" $1,000. YOU J\ can make il In your county with our fast sollinx Combination iJooker. (Jne salesman bunks $SSS.66 the tirst montlj. Aiuilh<r aBPtit sells 20 In two hours. Others L-lcaniiiB up $10 lially. No .-al"!- ta! neoessary. Goods .â- ihippecl to reliable men on time. Torrttor.v going fast. Wilte <iuli'k to -socuro your Held. Com- bination I'roductH Co.. Thomas Bide.. Foster. Que. MISCEI-IiAlrEOUS sleep. on the collar of this charming dress McCall Pattern No. 8429, Ladies Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the MeCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Save Your Cabbage. It is about this time that the flies of tho cabbage-maggot are most active, large numbers of eggs being deposited ' cerned is the felt disk placed around ! tho plant as soon as it is set. But i for those who did not take this pre- caution earlier in the season cure rather than a preventative is now nec- So shall their triumph, nobly won, j against the stems of young cabbage Live on, a better world to keep. ' and cauliflower plants. The best pre- .. . . „ 1 1 • 4. â-  1 ' ventative where these pests are con- Tiet on some glad, victorious day, vcin.»i,i When right has crushed tho mighty Hun They will return â€" all those who may â€" Love crowned, auointed of the fray, Their costly right to manhood won As we had wished, in honor's way. No vain regret has twenty-one. Its glad, prophetic day is here. Life's great adventure has begun, No clouds obscure ambition's sun. March on O faith, without a fear, New world's are \vrought at twenty- one. with whom he had dealt in one of his recent books. An old Scotchman, who sat near tho front, watched tlie man with a disapproving manner. At the close of the lecture the Scotchman made himself known to the writer. "Sir," he said slowly, after he had shaken the author's hand solonmly, "I have read all your-books up to now and like thein fairly well. Man, you would na glo up writin' and tnk to epeakln' to get your llvin', would ye?" "No, indcetl," replied the young luaii. "You thliik i would bo unwise, I take h." "It would be sae groat a mistake tltat I felt I must tell yo ma thought as an honest man," said the Scot, with groat oarnostness. "I thought to my- sel', 'Ho may need just a word to set him right, and I'll not deny it to him 1 bought a horse with a atipposodly incurable ringbone for $30.00. Ctirod him with $1.00 worth of MINARD'S LINIME.NT and sold him for $85.00. Prolit on Liniment, $54. MOISE DEROSCK. Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. WIl L l'UUCUA.Sl-: At/rUU.NATt.NU Current .Motors for Cash. Milton ami rrenllss. Traders Bank Uuiiaing. T oronto. C.\.NCI3Il. TUMOIIS. LUMI'S. ETC.. internal and external, cured wltV out pain by our homo treatment. Write ' uH before too late. Dr. Hcllman Medical i Co. Limited, CoUlnKwood OnL A[.EXA.NI>U.\ IIOSIIT.M, FOlt CON- taKiovi.^ Disea.'^es. .Montreal. Proba- I tloners wanted, between I'.i and 25 years i of a(fe, for one year's tralninK. I-eotures j and diploniii* Kivin. and arranKeineiits nuidc for the transI'^T oi' suceessful can- didates to a Reneral hospital. Strict references remiired. l''or r<irins of ap- plication, etc.. apply to Miss (Jrace M. Fairley. Lady Superintendent. ^MOKE TUekETTS T&B PLUG Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independ- ent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds. â€" Thomas Jefferson. Mlnard'i Xiinlment Onra* Colds. Bto. essary. A good remedy is to dust tho T^ere was one o' your books I found infected plants with fresh pyretlirum ^ [,n ^^^^^ i„„ ^s I listened Io yo to- inse<-t powder and air-slaked lime oi'luigm l said to niysel', "Twas na sae other dry diluent, one part of the j j,,)! j^g ^ might, ha' been, that book, former in four of the latter. After | gfj^j. ^ii >• being thoroughly mixed together tho j ^__ powder and lime should bo kept in a | Hinard's lanlmant Onraa Sishthalik tight vessel for 24 hours before using. The mixture .should be applied from a duster, sold by seedsmen, or from a cheesecloth bag tied on the end of a short stick, tho operator holding tho Shade for the hens and the chickens, too, means more summer eggs and a more rapid growth of chicks. If a cellar has a damp smell, and cannot be thoroughly venrtdlated, a few trays of charcoal set on the floor, shelve-s and ledges will help to make tho air pure and 8w«ert Takes out the inflammatlon- Vof* burnt, Infltmcd cuti. ic«ld«. bralm, bliiirtk •n4 suAtiutiiâ€" (>ilM tod ibtceiic% Works Ilk* maslct Bur â-  t»oxâ€" n dealers, or write ut. HIRST REMtpy COMPANY, l(iinilioHj CmkI^ See that none of the "kick" is out of the hay tedder through the loss of , '^^^ g^'g',.' {y^^ pi^lits and tapping the a prong from one or more of the ^ ^^^^^ ^j^^ ^ ^.^^c hold in the ot^icr forks. Tedding is worth doing well. ', ^^^^^ ^^ mixture of Paris green and "Tho one successful food control- i ^, arsenate of lead may bo safely ler in the history of the world is the One who made five loave« and two fishes feed a multitude," declarcil the British Prime Minister. So grin and don't grumble,. used as a spray for cabbage until the heads are half formed, but not after- wards. ED. 7. ISSUE 31â€" '18.

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