WBi x-rrr m' \i ENEMY FIGHTS DESPERATELY ON NORTHERN BANK OF MARNE Despite Strong Counter-Attacks Allies (Continue Advance, Cap- turing a Number of Villages Including Oulchy-la-Ville. A despatch from the French Army tillery duel was of the most violent in France gays:â€" Notwithstanding ' character, as the Gtrmuna had con- strong German counter-attacks in the '^^J^^^^f^ """"^ °^ ^^"'"^ «""* "" ^''*''" Chateau Thierry pocket, the allied, "H^^^ Germans have strengthened troops advanced considerably on their line and are counter-attacking Thursday, capturing a number of vil- lages, of which the most important is Oulchy-la-Ville. The battle took an extremely vio' determinedly on the whole front of the salient from the Ourcq to Vrigny, thus attacking towards the west, south and east. Apparei.tly they lent turn on the northern bank of the | have decided to refuse to accept de Marne, where Frunco--\mericans, feat, and are making a further stand however, pushed forward a distance of between two and three miles. On the other side of the salient a Ger- man attack resulted in the momen- tary capture of a dominating height known as 240, but the enemy posse.i- sion did not last. The French and Briti.sh organized an immediate coun- ter-attack and regained the hill, cap- turing most of the Germa;.s occupy- ing it. "Frefah troops were thrown in by the Allies to meet the enemy blow. On both winds of the salient the ar- for the salient and a footing north of the Marne. "The enemy south of the Ourcq is attacking in a south-easterly direction against the 13ois-dc-la-Tournelle and the line of Beuvarde.s-le-Charmel. Further south attack and counter-at- tack are alternating in rapid succes- sion, and the fighting is of the most violent description. The enemy on the eastern wing of the salient has attacked the new British salient en- closing the woods west of Vrigny. We are vigorously counter-attacking." tmm nn u a cattii moducw HOLLAND ntf^n^f^mr^iFfprr^^nwMff w WIT w pf pf flr »TPÂ¥Pf i»rrrf«r._29 Pf WFf WPf lÂ¥ W W W W 1*7 W WITWrPf ftrww«TWW«rw#*f.ii WWITWWf^fÂ¥lÂ¥WfTPfWWWWW.» wf«fWffr»vw<T»«rwFfpfiT^f>fffr«L» flrww«riT«rwww*TWW_i2 DENMARK. CKRMANY GREAT â- RITAIN, FRANCa ITALY. to COMPARED WITH OTHE« KUSTRAUA .~W~l!T'fTi^»T^..8 NATIONS ON IMF. BASi» OF THE NUMBER OP ANIMALS TO THE HUNDRED ACRKS Of > CANADA. rfFftfPffffT.,^ LANOINFARMA UNITED STATES. wwwiwrpfif Wff„8 GIGANTIC STRUGGLE STILL CONTINUES ON NINTH DAY OF ALLIES' OFFENSIVE (iermans OfTer Determined Resistance on Heights) Beyond Sois- sons â€" Everywhere tlie Crown Prince'.s Armies Are Being Pushed Hack. A despati-h from London says;â€" On j but the British have retained their the ninth day of the allied offensive hold on Vrigny and most of the other on the Soisaons-Rheims sailent, the ! territory taken in that region. Kast- Franco-American, British and Italian ! ward from Rheims in Champagne, the troops are still at deadly grips along ! French have now regained nearly all the Marne and south-west of Rheims their old line positions and daily are There has been a lessening in the in- harassing the Germans with counter- tensity of Mie battle along the western attacks. side of the s«lient only. I Before the fighting died down along The Germans strove hard jn tha for-' the western side of the Rheims-Sois- _ _ 1 est region north of the Mam 3 to hold rons salient the villages of Oulchy-le- JUI , ^ , ,,, ,1 '51,; 00; yearlings, $15.50 to 17.00; '^''f'^^'l^ ^'"«"<^^' a^d American troops,: Chateau and Villemontoire were cap- llldrKfilS Of inP World spring iambs, 20 to 20i^c; calves, "«bouching from the woods in strong : tured by French and American troopa, «i«Mauvt.0 Ul UIV "«*»•* I g„od, $13.50 to $17.00; hogs, fed and counter-attacks. The enemy, how- ' who advanced their lines eastward of . j watered, $19.00; do, weighed off cars, ever, everywhere was forced slightly i Oulchy. The fail of Oulohy gives the $19-25. on /-. 1 I further back to the north, and the allied forces the key to the heights^ Montreal, July 30.â€" Good steers, forests now have been al.Tosc entirely dominating Fere-en-Tardenois, which $10.50 to $.00; butchers' cows, $8.00 „, .,.,^ > „- p,„^ â- ' ,. , 1. ^ j- ,. f„ ^v, „„„f to $10.00; butchers' bulls. $7.6o to , ^"^''•^^."f ^'f""/"f- . ^ . , l-es only a short distance to the east $9.00; choice milk-fed calves, $13.00 . south-west of Rheims heavy rem-] At Oulchy 40 guns and hundreds of ALLIES STEADILY IBRITISH GAIN CLOSING IN WEST OF RHEIMS 200,000 Germans Lost in Sois- Narrow German Salient by Ad- sons-Rheims Sackâ€" Ameri- vancing Two Miles Toward cans Occupy Courpoil. Fismes. A despatch from the American! A despatch from London says: â€" Army on the Aisne-Marne Front. British and French troops have ad- says: -With the sides of the Soissons-j vanced to Gueux and Mary-Premecy, Rheims .sack coming steadily closer: in the battle sector ju.st west of $10-95, Toronto together, the German Crown Prince's 'Rheims. according to information OnUrw flour â€" War quality, generals are driving their men merci- here on Wednesday afternoon from |10^65 ^^" ^^a^'r M^^^^^^ and Tor- lessly in an effort to hold the allies , the battle front. | Mi'llfeedâ€" Car lots, delivered Mont- off long enough to extricate the j The new line shows an advance of real freights, bags included: Bran, armies threatened at the bottom north ; about two miles toward Fismes. This $35 per ton; shorts, $-10 per ton. of the Marno. j (fain when seen on the map is of evi-| Hayâ€" No. 1. $16 to $17 per ton, Breadstuffs Toronto. July 30. â€" Manitoba wheat â€"No. 1 Northern, $2.23%; No. 2 Northern, $2.20'/i; No. 3 Northern, $2. 17 Ms; No. 4 wheat, $2.10V2, in store Fort William, including 2'«4c. tax. Manitoba oatsâ€" No. 2 C.W., 90 ^ic; No. 3 C.W., 87%c; extra No. 1 feed, 87%c; No. 1 feed, 84 %c, in store Fort William. American corn â€" No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario oats^No. 1 white, 86 to 87c, nominal; Np. 3 white, 85 to Stic, nominal, according to freights out- side. Ontario wheat â€" No.. 2, Winter, per car lot, $2.22, basis in store Montreal. Peas â€" No. 2, nominal, according to freights outside. Barleyâ€" Malting, $1.35 to $1.37, nominal. Buckwheat â€" $1.80, nominal. Ryeâ€" No. 2, $1.90, nominal. Manitoba flour â€" War quality, to $15.00- poorer grade, $8.00 to forcement.s evidently have been { prisoners were captured by the Am- .$9.00; sheep, $12.00 to $1.3.50. spring thrown along the front, whore the erican and French troops. lambs. $18.00 to $21.00; choice select British, French and Italians, are fight- ; The German resistance to the hogs, off cars, $19.25 to $19.50. ^ ing. In the immediate region of j French pressure has been very deter- ^ ..,._,. r7~rr~*â€" Reuii, where the battle line turns 1 mined on the heights beyond Soissons. CANADIAN IKOOln '..hirrwl,. »r„.,o,.i ou»;~, , ARRIVE SAFELY IN ENGLAND ^i;^'^ '°^" < ^^"â„¢^ he French j Big allied guns have been pulled up capture j several important > in this region and are heavily shelling . , i V i! r,ii. -.' points of vantage!, includin-; the vil- ' the sectors before them over which it . ^^f^.Pf^"^ ^'â- '"" ""^Y^ =«y^=-",lage of Reuil and also advanced their is purposed to push forward for the .8 officially announced through the u^^ northward, notwithstandrR the j capture of Fere-en-Tardenois when Chief Press Cen.sor s office that the ; ^j^,^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^,^^^ counter-move. 1 the time is ripe. Meantime allied following troops have arrived in the , rp , n, n, » u ,.â- ,-. u- iv 4.- i- * .„„ â- TT ,, . Jr. _,_ I lo the north-east, where tnc Germans big guns over the entire salient con- are facing the British, th'.; Germans i tinue to throw shells from all angles have recaptured Mery and Ilill 204, | into German forces inaide the big bag„ United Kingdom: Infantry, Imperial recruits In- fantry, draft No. 43, No. 2 Construc- tion Battalion (colored), from Lon- don, Ont. Infantry, draft No. 29, Ist Depot Battalion, Western Ontario Regiment, London, Ont. Infantry, Draft No. 40, 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, Kingston. Infantry, draft No. 47, 1st Depot Bat- talion. Eastern Ontario Regiment. Kingston. Infantry, draft (part) No. 65, 1st Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regiment, Winnipeg. Cavalry, draft I No. 66, 34th Fort Garry Horse, Win- nipeg. Infantry, draft No. 35, 1st Bat- The American and French are never; dent importance for it greatly nar-| track ^Toronto; mixed, $14 to $15 per|tjj,i^,n Saskatchewan Regiment, Re Infantry, draft No. 65. ton trstck i Strawâ€" Car lots, $8 to $8.50 per ; f '"»â- Sask. ton, track Toronto. Ist Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regi- rows the salient created by the Ger mans in their drive of last May. It is no longer proper to .speak of the pocket as running from Soissons [ Country Produces-Wholesale to Rheims for the newest advantage „ mi a] } ao ^ aq \ of the Entente allies has pulled ^U ^^^/J^-^^^^l^^ll^'l'^ /^ t^-^^49c; 74 (p^.^j^ Engineer Training Depot, eastern edge of the pocket eight miles 52 to 54c. St. Johns, Que. Infantry, draft No. to the westward, making Mery-Pre-] Butterâ€" Creamery, solids. 45c; do. 79, Ist Depot Battalion, Eastern On- mecy tha marker for the eastern rim. ^ fresh made. 46 to 47c; choice dairy! tarlo Regiment. Kingston. Infantry, The mouth of the pocket is now prints, 41 to 42c; ordinary dairy j^aft (part) No. 80. 2nd Depot Bat- only 21 miles wide and the whole djs- 1 pnnts Jt^8 to 40c^; bakers\ 36 to^38c^ ^^^^^^^ Ottawa, Ont. Cavalry, draft No. 53. Royal Canadian Dragoons, the allies in the woods ill tliat part of i the range of Entente allied guns. I "^Cheeseâ€" New. large, 23»^ to 24c; Toronto. Draft No. 53. Railway the sector, while further to the oast,| The advance of the British and | j^j^^^ 23% to' 24V4c;' spring made', Operating Troops, Nnagara, Ont. south of Rheims, there were addl-| French forces along the battle front ji^rge, 25',6 to 26c; twins, 26 to 26VJC. Probationary medical officers. V. A. tional allied success. 1 between Rheims and the Marne to| Beans â€" Canadian, prime, bushel. £). nurses. Details. A total of The Americans have occupied Cour- Gueux and Mery-Premecy represents $0.50 to $7 50. Foreign, hand-picked. 3(535 > poll, on the road to Fere-en-Tardenois. j a gain of about IM. miles f'""^ .^ ^"^'j^Ji'b^Honey-cLice. 16 oz.. $3.50 " ^ per dozen; 12 oz., $3 per dozen; sec- â- ' "' - - -- j„ Waite of German Retreat far behind the retreating forces, and the vicious rear-guard actions ar3 not sufficiently resi-^tant to enable the Gcrnijcig to proceed in the orderly manner planned. At Dormans. north of the Marne and east of Chateau Thierry, the Germans counter-attack- ed, taking the position, but were promptly driven out. They occupied Treloup, west of Dormans, and have ^'^Minor advances have been made by \ trict between thrtwo" side." is-'under i ol^emargarine. (best_ grade), 32 BRITISH TANKS BLAZED TRAIL Co-operated With French Infan- try in Assault North of Montdidier. 25 RAfllS IN WEEK ON GERMAN CITIES British Establish Record For Long- Distance Bombing Attack^. A despatch from London says: â€" Thoughout the week the aerial fight- A despatch from the British Armies in France says â€" British tanks blazed the trail for and co-operated with the ing on the western battle front has French infantry in its recent ground- been of a violent character. From a ment, Winnipeg. Infantry, draft ' gaining assault north of Montdidier. trustworthy source it is learned that No. 68, 1st Battalion, Saskatchewan The victory was important for, by during the week the British downed 76 Regiment, Regina, Sask. Draft No. hurling the enemy lines west of the enemy machines and drove down 15 Avre River from the high ground be- out of control. Fifty-one British tween Morisel and Montdidier into the I machines are missing. valley on a front of more than two \ One hundred and fifty-four tons of miles, thereby compelling withdrawal; bombs were dropped during the week, from other positions the Fr«ch some- j The week's record for long-distance what relieved the pressure on Amiens bombing attacks was the heaviest of and the surrounding territory and in the war. Twenty-five separate raids addition captured some high ground , were made into German territory, which gives excellent observation over much enemy territory. snd the French positions have been i front of three miles. The town o'i „„;:7,;;:„;r',"?/„,"'«5';'„;"H;;;„',,rVp7. Picture of the Desolation advanced until Oulchy-le-Chateau is dominated by their guns. Nearer Soi.ssons, the Germans fail- ed to hold all their positions, notwith- standing reinforcements; and their desperate need. It is estimated unofficially to-night that the enemy losses are more than 200,000. of which 50.000 were inflicted by the Americans. The prisoners alone number over 25,000. and the losses in dead and wounded are ap- palling. BIGGEST BATTLE OF WAR RAGING Seventy German Divisions Iden- tifiedâ€" 25,000 Men and 500 Guns Taiicn. A despatch with the French Aimy In Franco says:- Up to the proiont 70 German riivi.slons have been Identi- fied In the prcsnit figluiiig zoiio. and the battle therefore may be regarded as the biggest since t.lio beginning of the war. The prisoners taken number over 25,000, and more than .lOO cannon and thousands of uuuliine guns have beeu captured. Of the prisoners U per cent, belong to the Iftlil class, showing that nearly all of these boys alnnidy have been Incorpi^rated In (Iglitiug milts. If all of tlieiii have been utilized they would form from 17 to 18 per cent, of tha Onrinnn strength. luforniulJoii received proves that the 1&20 class, which It was Intended to be incorporated In the army of October, has been ordered Into the units In Septenibor. Most of those of this cla?s aro not 18 years old. Gueux lies to the south of the River ^^^^^ ^^j ^j^^^ ^^^^_ j.^ f.,0 to $2.76. Vesle and is about five miles directly ^ Maple Syrupâ€" Imperial gallons. west of Ihe Cathedral City. Mery- $2.25; 6-gallon tin.s, $2.10 per gal-, A despatch from Paris says:â€" An Pr..-necy is a short distance north of Ion. Maple sugar, per pound. 24 to ^yg witness on the banks of the Marne the Fismes-Pargny railway and is 25c. | thus describes the .scenes of desolation about 10 (^ miles south-east of Fismes. which is in the centre of a line run- ning between Soissons and Rheims. CANADIANS CONCEDED BEST ARMY OF SIZE Provisionr, â€" Wholesale mess pork. $47. Green Meats â€" Out of pickle, Ic less than smoked. Smoked Meatsâ€" Rolls, 32 to 33c; hams, medium, 37 to 38c; heavy, 30 , 1 L ,• ~ f\L, i to 31c; cooked hams, 50 to 51c: backs, A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" pj^j^^ 44 ^^ 45^.. ^acks, boneless, 48 The high standing won by the Cana- t^ 49;. Breakfast bacon, 40 to 41c. dian Army Corps at the front is the Cottage rolls, 35 to 36e. subject reference in a letter which Dry Salted Meats â€" Long, clears, in Lieut.-Col. Hugh Clarke. Parliamen- tons. IlOc; in cases. 30',4c; clear bel- tary Under-Secretary for External '"'?â- ^8 t-" 28''ici fat backs 25c. 1 ,_ . , • 1 f „ c>:. !)»» ^' Lard â€" Pure, tierces, 30Va to 31c; Affairs, has rec^eiyed from Sir Robert ^^^^^ ..^^^ ^j .^^,^^..' ^,^.^^^ j,^. ^ Boden. Sir Robert, in the course 31^^^. prjntg. 32 to 32%c. Shorten-' of his letter, says: i.,(r, tireces, 26 to 26%c; tubs, 26Vi "You will be glad to know that tb 2r>%c; pails, 26>/3 to 27c; 1-lb., the Canadian Army Corps is uniyer- print::, 27^ to 28c. I in the wake of the German retreat: "Clusters of dead Germans are seen Barrelled Meatsâ€" Pickled pork, $18; on all sides of the big wheat-covered WHAT ONE BUDDY DOES WITH HIS PAY plain. The Marne scintillates in the sunshine. The region, apparently, is deserted. A lone bird sings on a tree. But the two artilleries seek each other, srweeping the roads, farmsteads and woods. When the roar cea.ses occa- sionally, it Is as if one wa.s transport- ed suddenly to a calm sylvan retreat ^then comes the odor of death." sally recognized as the most effective and formidable force of its numbers in any of the beligerent armies. As to this, there is no question in the mind of any man who has spoken to me on the subject." Montreal Markets White, Black and Yellow Races Intermingle in Battle Line A despatch from the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front says: â€" Intermingled in the line of battle and along the roads are white, black and yellow races in all the units. 300,000.000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT IN AUSTRALIA A despatch from Washington says: â€"Nearly 300,000,000 bu.shol.v of wheat is stored in Australia, the Food Ad- ministration was informed recently. Details of the guarantees surround- ing 1918-1919 wheat har/est in Aus- tralia also wore transmitted. The Australian Governnien* has guaranteed 83 cents per bushel and to this tho Commonwealt'.i has added 12 cents, making the price 95 cents to tho pro- ducer. In Buenos Aires the cash price for [wheat is $1.44 per bushel. Cash corn 1 is selling there for 62 cents per ^ushel. ^_____________ Montreal, July 30. -Oats, Canadian and the big machine is moving with- western. No. 2, $1.01 '4; extra No. 1 feed, 98V4c Flour, new standard grade, $11.05 Rolled n..ts, bags. 90 lbs.. $5.20 to $5.30. Bran, $35. Shorts, $40. Moullie, $ii8. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $14.50. Thionville was bombed four times and the famous poison gas factory and munition works at Mannheim twice. The Mast furnaces at Burbach and the railway and factories at Offenburg also came in for shelling twice. Aerial attacks on German naval A despatch from Alexandria, La., â- and submarine bases on the Belgian says:â€" The question of what an en- coast continued day and night. Up- listed man in the American army wards of 20 tons of explosives were does with all his money has been dropped on Zecbrugge and Ostend. answered here by a disclo.«ure of the On the Italian front the air fighting financial affairs of one member of a resulted in the downing of 19 enemy machine-gun company at ("amp Bau- machines, without the loss of a single regard. The soldier receives $33 a British aircraft. month. Of this $15 is sent to his ^ mother, $5 is paid on a Liberty bond BRITISH COURT and $6.50 is deducted for insurance, , MOURNS EX-CZAR leaving a balance of $6.50 or ap- ' proximately twenty-one cents a day. I a despatch from London savs:- As Uncle Sam provides him with King George has ordered the British everything he desires and the twenty- ; Court to go into mourning for four one cents is idle wealth, he has de- ; ^eeks for former Czar Nicholas of cided to open a savings account. ' Russia. FIRES AND EXPLOSIOE FURTHER RETREAT LINES INDiCATN IN GERMAN Foe Has Been Driven From Most of Territory Gained in Great Attack of July 15 Along the Marne. A despatch from Paris says:â€" The I looking Fere-en-Tardenoia. Further latest news from the Aisne-Marne bat- , north the capture of Villemontoire tie front is particularly favorable. The j was effected after sharp fighting in out a knock or a lost motion. Now ai.d then the color scheme to the rear of the fighting line is broken by a col- umn of gray-clad prisoners, whose appearance is always quickly noticed bv the troops who are more accus- c> . , ,,• , ..-,,,,!, . „ „ tomed to the Ifhaki of the Americans f^ntente allied progress, it is believed. , the streets and in the deep caverns . and British and the blue of the "a.s not yet come to an end. Despite , nearby. stuoi.orn resistance the Germans have ( To the east of Rheims, the French been obliged to give up Oulchy-le- ! under Gen. Gouraud. have recovered Nephew of Former Chancellor Chateau and it is thought that the virtually the entire lino of advanced Among Prisoners of the Marno I '^^"'^°"'' .'â- """"'^ '°"S hold Fere-en- , posts which they abandoned when the • 'Tardenois. | Germans made their first onslaught despatch from Paris says:â€"! La Liberte says the Germans must on the night of July 14. The famous Among the prisoners captured in the ' ^^ considering a retreat to the banks , Main-dea-Massiges. which marked the French. Live Stock Markets Toronto, July 30. â€" Choice heavy steers, $13.75 to $14.75; butchers' cattle, choice, $13.25 to $13.50; do. good. $12.50 to $12.75; do. medium, $11.35 to $11.85; do common, $9.00 to $10.00; butchers' bulls, choice, $11.00 to $11.25; do. medium lulls, $10.25 to $10.60; do. rough bulls .,..„ ,.._ , .... _ . |7.50 to $8.00; butchers' cows, choice, Aisne-Marne battle was a nephew of ".'" ^^'^ River Vesle, as fires and explo- eastern extremity of the German of- Bions are multiplying in the German fensive line, is again in allied posses- j lines and the Teuton provisions and ; sion. Everywhere this region is cov- other stores are in flames. The Ger- | ered with German bodies, which tho I mans, the newspaper adds, either mu»t enemy has been unable to bury .since j retreat or face disaster. , â- he .suffered such terrific losses from I With the capture of the town of . the allied artillery when he was con- : Oulchy-le-Chateau the allies are near- j centrating for this assault on the ling the summit of the plateau over- 1 French lines. 11.00 to $11.25; do. good. $10.50 to $10.75; do. medium, $8.25 to $8.75; do. common, $7.00 to $8.25; stockers, $S.O0 to $10.50; feeders, $10. .50 to $11.00; canners and cutters, $5.50 to $6.50; milkers, good to choice. .$90.00 to $125.00; do. com. and med., $65.00 to $75.00; springers. $90.00 to $125.00; light ewe.s, $13.00 to Prince von Buelow, tho former German Imperial Chancellor. The officer, who was a battalion commander, was astonished to hoar that there was a large American army in France. Ho said he had been convinced, as had all Germans, that tho .American soldiers in France did not exceed 50.000. ^â- S -fcl!.® 33-ci.dBr^ "1 6AS3 vgHAT*5 HAPPENED TO THE NEW nRASSIE I JUST BOUGHT pi HELES,I BOUGHT A \ NEW PRA56IE ^ESTERDASI KHO Pr.iO *322 Fof? I T- I NOW it's GONe. [ IHAVENT ! -SEEN IT , *--^.* HEN PANSN, HAVE Noo""^ SEENi AHS OF HW GOLF