August 1 1918 THE fLESHEKTON ADVA'Sri 9 • -± THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HKAD OPnOB • TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made â- •TO tiT. ^ special feature by this Bank. 238 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshenuti Staliun ub follows : Ooiiit; South Going North 7.53 a. ir. 12.01 o.iii. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. The umiU are oseil »t Fleahpiton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternuou mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. in. the previous ev'g. ^ VICINITY CHIPS Berry picliing hits begun. Haspberries are expected to be a plentiful crop. A nunabjr from Flesherton put in Sunday at Waaaga Beech. Mrs. W.,I, Bellamy is visiting relatives at Oollingnood. Charles Martin, wife and little ton, visited at \V. J. Martin's on Sunday. Mr. Walker Sloan of Mount Albert called on friends here 1 tsc week . Miss Sampson, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Meda Legard, Mr. Henry Holmes, of Ottawa, and Mr. Jim Holmes, of Duncan, were week end visitors at H. C. Legard'a. Miss Mamie Sullivan of Montreal is spending a fortnight with her mother here. Misses Klla Karsledt and Mamie Mc- Tavish are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. <Dr.) ColeiidgB at Windsor. Born â€" At Barrie hospital on S^iturduy, July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodg- son nf Thornton, a daughter. Mrs T. Biady returned home Ust week to spend the holidays at her par- ental home here. Nurse Osborne, who has been here for several weeks, returned Saturday to her head<iuarters at Collingwood . Misses Thelma and lOvada Wilson ace spendm^ soma time with friends iu Owen Sound. Mrs. Joseph Blackburn is spending a couple weeks with fvieiid.s it Sarnia Port Huron and Toronto. Mrs. H. M. Hyland and son, Herman, of New York, are on uii extended visit with the fonner'a parents here. Among the casualties which appeared last week we noticed thu names of W. J, Wallace, Markdale, and F. Curran, FevetHhanj, reported a.s wounded. Flesherton Meiliodist church service next Sabbath moining will cnmuience al 10.30. At the close wf thH atrvice the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered. Mrs. John Breeo, lvirs...Iohn Wriiiht. ' Mrs. Huwo of New York and Mies Dell, Thurston spent most nf last weelc with friends iu riiotnbuiy and near Heath C. tj. â- ' Corp. George Bichaidson writes cou- veyiuj; sincere thanks from the Ixijs overseas to the Khaki Ltaj^ue here for the generous boxes of eats and oi 'ler comforts kindly sent to them. Mr. R. J. WooJi", of Corl/elttn, has been secured to supply the PrBabyteriaii pulpit) on this charge the next two S;il)bafli8 in llu> absence of the jmhtor on hi.s holidaj-.s. It is now ono pouuil of .subr'titut.) 'n nine pounds if Hour, the 1 to 4 order havini! been rescinded. The "Victory Bread " label Iiii8 a'si> been made permis sible but not compulsory. The regular monthly ineeiing I't the W. 1. will be held in the hiijU jchnol on Wednesday, .Vui;. 7. Addresses will be niven l)y Mis. Diiinick and Mrs. W, Moore. There will al.'-o be a ((Uistion drawer. Kverybody welcome Miss Edaii P'isher returned Sii!urd.\y from a week's viiit with her mariied S'Bter in London. S'le was aoc'>nipani«d home by her sister, M'ss Ids, who has been away for some time visilinu friends in Toronto and London. The Power House baseball team went â- down to Thornbiiry Kriday evening last, where they played the CoUingwond team. The Shockers won out easily with a scor« of U to 4. Moro powei to thiir elbuw V A number f:om Flesherton went down to witness the game. Mr. C N. Uicli.irdson, when return- ing from Was,iga Beach f^unilay night after dark, loit his bunch of keys some- wheie between Singhamiito and D'ln- tiuou. .\s their would h iva put hira to niucli inconvenieuco ho drove hack Moiid'iy nioriiintj and fuund ihem on the rond where kc hnd Jropped them. I Mrs. W. W. Trimble, wKo has been in Owen Sound hospital fur some time, I where sliu underwent an operation for I tumor, has returned home muuh im- I improved in health. Mr. Andre <v Dunn and Miss Dunn, Mrs. Crolhers ind infant and Mr Will- , iumson, of Ingersoll ; also Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith of Hamilton, were guests uf Dr. and Mrs. Little during the pist week. I The Advance liad a pleasant call on Monday from Mr. Fred Deagle of Blind , Rivei-, who was visiting old friends in ^this vicinity for a few days. Fred is a good sport and his coiis-ersition is very interesting to a lover of the wild. We were pleased to shake. I It would be a thousaud pities to pro- duce vegetables or fruit in response to . the war garden appeal and then have more on hand than could be used so that quantities would perish. All surplus I vegetables over immediate rei{uireinents should be canned, dried and stored away for winter will follow a seabon of plenty and all the world wilt be short of food. I The fishermen who were convioled of Sunday fishing at the Eugenia dam, and who threatened to appeal their cases and I fight to a finish if they had to be carrie'* to the Privy Council, thought belter of it and have settled their tines and thrown up the sponge. There were eight cunvic- I tioDS of $10 and costs. One of the culprits was himself a magistrate. A bt subject, indeed, to uphold the law. j A pleasing event took place on rriday evening, July 2t>, at the home of J. J. < Thompson, when about 80 friends and 1 neighbors met in honor of Oscar True, man, who has been ca'led to tha colois, I and presented him with a wrist watch and purse of money. The address was I read by Misa Choirpson, whila the 'presentation was made by F. McMullen. j Oscar was a general favorite in this I vicinity, always cheerfully helping some June. He will be greatly missed by his many friends here . Two young men from Meaford came over Saturday and that night took a couple of young ladies out for a mctor lide. Outside the villaije thfir engine stopped, and they cuul 1 ntt discover the , cause. They got busy on the telephone land Geo. McTavith went out with hi^j \ oar and toived them to the garage, where ' a few mluutea investigation disclosed the fact thst seme joker had merely turi.ed off their gas supply â€" we mean gasoline supply, .ludging by the language used their uss supply tube was nut at all choked. High Scliool Has Done Good work ^Wk^ Va^ A â- . â- < â- : • . ^9i'l â- â- PTE. FRED SMITH. Pte. Smith is the right hand tiyure in the group. The picture was taken while ho was a prisoner in Germany. The person on the left is a Russian and the centre one an Englishman belonging to a BulTBattaliin. Pte. Fred Smith Dead in Switzerland Inexpressibly sad was ihe news that arrived by cable on Saturday that Pte. Fred Smith, son of Mrs. Adum Smith, Eugenia, had died in Svi itzerland. There were no particulars. Fred was captured by the Oermans at the battle of St. Julien m Auril of 1915, and held a prisoner until last fall, when he was sent to Switzerland. His parents havo been expecting his return home for some time. His letters were always cheerful and his parents had no idea that he was in a serious condition, wtiich makes the blow all the harder to bear. This is the third and last sou that Mr. and Mrs. Smith have lost during the past two years. One was drowned, another was killed in battle and now the only remaining son ima passed away in a foreign land. Surely few pareuta have been called upon to beat such ^rief as has fallen to the lot of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and the entire community mourns with them in their terrible affliction. AROUND GREY COUNTY One of the iiiust successful year.s in | the life of Flesherton High School wis ' the term that h .â- * juat hefU linished i On tlio Lower Schocl examinations three | out of the five pupils who wrote [asscd. In the Middle School, or Eiiirsnce to Normal S;liool exaiii.s. , which appeared | ill tho papers lll^t Fiiday. »o\enoutof| eleven jiupils who wri>to ware .sucoesf ful , and two passed with honora. Thote I who pa-'.^eJ wete ; Pearl .Allen, Kiank Bunt, Kuby Caswell, Bcssio McVicur (Hon ), Eld I Parskw, Willow Patterson aid Mabel i^wift (Hon). Five pupt:s will receive their cerLiticdes at tie ooiiipletiim of thi r two mi>ntl s of faim work. These aic : .^lary Murpby, Ralph NVillinmson, Elijih Be:.tliam, Bob Meads a d Shirley Murray. We ave proud ut the tine sloiviiig the school has again iiiiide, and the principal, Mr., and hssisiauts. Miss Holmes and Miss Hu'se, are to be ooogtstulated ou tlie splctndid success of the scholal.s. A bunch .if young men walked from Nohol to Owen Sound, a ''istance of 175 miles. They were " strapped " and could not pay railway faro. James Ailtn and Alex. Gibson of Owen Sound were fined $2U0 and $250 respectively for getting drunk ou lemon extract. Public School Inspector Huff of Mea- ford is in Guelph taking a course in Agriculiure. A. G. Bright of Meaford cauyht a salmon trout on the troll, which weii(hed 24 pounds. It was 42 inches lon<4 with a tail spread of ten inches and measured 24 inches in circuinforenoB. A yucca tilaiuentosa is in bloom on the lawn of a Mount Forest gentleman. He has had the plant ii, his possession for 25 years and this is the first time it has bloomed. D. Mcllvrido of Normiinby fell on a pitohlork, one tine of which penetrated his leg at the knee. He also received bruises and will be laid up for some tune. In Loving Memory Of Richard Wilcock, who lull in Franco August 1st, l'.)17. Dick was iiuly tho very bravest of .soMiers, a gencions heart, a tuio brother and friend, a model type of C.inadian '.manhood, tl;o noblest .>oiil I hat Q^lI could send. For tlie-.e rn the liold nf battle H" otlm'y took his place. He fouylit and ho died for Brit^iin And the honor of his race. Though he sleeps not in Canada Bnt 'neath the foieijjn skies, Far from those who loved him dearly, In a heroes grave he lies. â€" COrsiN KV.\ Typographical Camouflage Typouraphical mi.vups »ie common occurrences in iuw«papar (•thces and cannot always bj avoided, no matter how iiiutli care is tiken. One of tho funniest we I ave seen was st'ged in the Mt. Forest Contec'er.ile last week. In telling of an ac:ident i: a boy's biitliday p.nv I he Confcdeiito said ".\ toy thrown by his c iiirado and in the ' c 'in< buck ' struck youn« Dukoin the ' come back ' struck young D-.ike in in r.irtjiito with but slight hopo of saving the sight »f the injured opliu." Can yiu di-pc'. ;he ca:u ull ige or tell us wliat part c f a t)..y's anatomy is com priced in the " coma bick " and the 1 " Toronto i " Civic Hohday Monday next, August i), will be civic holiday in a'l towns along this line of railway. .\\\ places of business will bj closed in Fleshcrtun. m Mum. Carefully Corrected Ksch Week ^ Uutter ;-, tu.;i5| Eygs, fresh 42 i 42 | Wheat f2 25 to 2 25 ^>»'s ItOto 00 I Peaf- ;( tirt to 4 00 I 'Parley 1 ;!() to 1 ;(5 Potatoes 91.25 Buckwheat 05 to !I5 'ii'leH 10c to lOc Ducks o;},„ 2;{ •^••ese 21 CO 21 Chickens 22 to 22 l"'owl 1« to 10 fsmiitui oj SsSi'&w^'^i The Old Adage ^ ^ Odds and Ends > S For Sale cheap or rent- Late .lol.n J. Martin farm, lot 1, con. 4, Euphrasia, containing about 1^0 acres ; dwelling and new frame barn, stabling under. If not sold in time fur seeding will rent, .\pply to Charles Martin on the premises or to R. J.Sproule, Flesheitou. mar28lh lor sale cnea ana ou easy tfrms. Lot 3. oou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This i^ a first class farm and in a good state o cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Flesherton For Rant â€"A brick dwelling situated on Collingwood street, Flesherton, frame stible.good well and garden in connection owned by Samuel Colquette. Fur partic- ulars apply to Silas bliiinl,-, Flesheiton. The Proof of the Pudding i« in the Eating The sum i.s equall} '\ true of ^lie 190C Gravity asher. Try * ^ one and be convincetl lliat there is none bettor. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot iVlcCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Riding and Walking Haiiows Erantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie aye Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Wire and Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Kentner's Popular Music Store, Mark dale, is the placs to buy your Piano, Organ, Phonograph, Sewing Machine, Sheet Music, and all musical supplies. Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, thu best for your cook. All Ontario wheat. MISCELLANEOUS Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Highest price for buttoi and esga at Graham Bros. Eusenia. 'June 26 I W. H. BUNT Agent for Dominion Pianos and Organs a FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Listâ€" July 27, between Ceylon and; .John Stewart's, west b»ck line, half of a ' lllk>?^ buggy cushion. Finder please leave at I this ottice. i I Lost â€" Be ween Singhamptun and Flesherton on Sunday, July 2S, a white panaina li,it with striped b.and. Finder! please leave or couimuiiicate with this office. i Lost â€" July 10, between A. Badgeros' and L. Chard's, on the 4th line, a silver watch. The person producing the sa;ne will bo rewarded â€" A. N. Brownridge, Maxwell, Out. For Sale â€" Two second hand cream separators in good wurkiiii; i-rder. one top bui'gy, one opeu buggy, two cutters and one set of harnessâ€" Silus Shunk. THE BOYS AND GIRLS \\ hu have been work- .so strenuously on the farms producing food food for those at ' dome and Overseas should be given tho opportunity of improving their Kdu- { cation during the slack winter I mouths at the Notice to Trespassers .\ll parlies tre~p;issing on lot 24, Con. 10, Artiiiiesii', and piik lot* afljniniiii,', will bo prosecuted .•icoi>i'din'j; to law, -FREU J.\.M1KSUN. C. The fees sre no higher than when farm produce sold at half the price of today. The younu people will be benolitcd throughout life from the tiainiiig in Business obtained in a few winter months of our Special 15ii»iiie.s.s Course. Win'er term begins, Woil. ,liin. 2 Circulars free. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Oweii Sound, Ontario. Livery For Sale First class livery in city of W,0(IO. lo is tho oldest established and oest locatea in the city. There ara 1» horses with very best ec(uipuu>iit, doiny; a thriving business. Last mouth was over 8725 But one competitor. Will .sell (or cash or consider an e\ch»nge ou a farm. -Apply to WILLOUfJHBV FARM AJENCY, Guelph and Geor8;etowD, Ont For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull on lo lit), oou, it, .\rtemesia. Terms $1.50 foe grades. Must be paid within 'J moutha friiin date of service. 1 .Ian. lit. -U. O. TURNER. An Unexpected Meeting ANYONE who _ \now8 tljo Can- ' ,dl^ Pacific ; jckles knows ' at north ot ^ the main line 'pf the C. P. K I j and in the n e 1 ghborhood |o( the brad I waters of the EB o w R i V e I ;ther« is good ^country. At on, ipolnt where a '« ? y 8 t a 1 lah e maatles in tba * h 111 grey iWlis ot lo.oeo faat elevation |there can al- jttoat always be 'found frosh in- 'jQ 1 c at Ions of th« peak dwell ers. i Now, old goat vh u n te r H will it«ll you that tberA Is nothing inor« diCDciilt to approach from below than a band of. calf and odorous as an Indian fish [angry. .4 flerc« black animal, nei; The rural telephoi e and aulomol i!e are soiiciinies rated as nuisanct-s, but i n Wednesday these agencies saved the la;n of Hussel Spencer wl.o live.-s iieir KiU syih. When the lighiniug --truck the birn lire broke out and only thu piompt U3J of telephine and automobile saied it from dettructiou. Nei.jhbors sumii.oncd by the telephone and by the use of autos R mn airiveJ Hiid lul^el iu oitingniBl ing the Ms/.d. lly using .ihovnls, hlA,iket!>, op;<iiing one corner of ihe barn and raking out soino stiaw, the hcc wts couhned lo a small space and theio it burnt ibelf out. The ^estimated loss is about 950, tRocky Mountain goats. Thfiir keen ^'•yes and si^iitive sensos. lliPir exag- Icerated caution and ini-cssnnt watcSj- ifntnees makes tt a ganio of hishrtt 'â- kill. But once iPt a hunter get above a band of goats and the/ are 'practically at his tnercy Tralnnd as Ithey ars In the safety of the peaks, ^knowing full well that danger < omes 'from ,b«low thr.v watch tho down «lop«fl and ar<» inclined to be carolrsa Ikbout th« t-all behind, down wlilrh they hav«fcom« In safety. ^ Aa old he-goat, tall as a yearllDiS ' Bull For Service ' Uegi»ttfved S,'5oithMro buil for .service â- on lot S, con., tJ Osyrey Collingwo. d gravel, tirade cows »1 oO, thorough- I hreds f4tK.--J, A. Uo'oirtson, April 4 1913, amp, went down to tha lake to (hlnk, and startt^d back up the rock slide 'o his waiting band. It wag summer, or rather early fall. Only old snow was .vet In the mountains, at.d It lay only whero the shadows of Ihe clIffB protected It from the rays of the sun. It was above the timber line, there was no brush, but plenty of succulent lichens. The old goat was well-contented. Ho drank, he turned and climbed. % Topping the ?rade, flvo hiintfred feet above the lake, ho slopped astounded and I wolf nor bear nor cat, fac«d hltn I fiery eyes, (leamini teeth, aiiA {throat rumblings. Tt was t;]^i I hunting dog ot a hunter, had been trained to get aboT< goats and dispute passage UA: hunter came to kill "But what's the use of kill! when I want to get sheep fi tho huntu MMOO^d, as ibU kod%Jt ifiuner ^nd reluctant" 4og to heel, wh: I still stood paralyzed with mont. Bull for Service Th.-rouahbred Durham bull for service on lii( 140. T.!;<.R , Artemesia. Tocnisâ€" %\ . 5t> for grades, l<i for thoroughbreds. I July -J. A. LEVER, Pcoi). Bull For Service Thon ughbied Durham Bull for servioa on lot KiO, W T S R, Artemesia. Terms l.,"it», 93 for Ih'^roughbreds. JulylS ~ MARK .STEWART, Prop