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Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1918, p. 1

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fkB\)txim mxu^ •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEl^^CIPLES NOT MEN." vol '.iBNo 8 Plesh-erton, Ont., Tbursday, Augrust 1 lOTH W. H THDiCSTON ''â- "''''â- " aod FBOPBTE Eugenia Paragraphs GIoDji has unco more been cast ovor th^eanre com:uumty at the sail news of the denth or our dear soIUier lj(iy. Fled Smith, toil of Mr. and Mrs. Ail^iii Smith of this "jlace. Fred was one of liie first boyi from this vicinity to enlist as it was only a few days after war waa decl.ired that he donned the colors :ind went bravely forward to tiyht for Kin{{ and Country. He was gassed and takoii prisoner In lliebatJeof St. Julion ami has been a priduner uf war lu Germany until about eight month.i a<;'i nheii ho wa:i exchanged aud aent ti>.£>Aitzecland. He baa bei>u in fairly ^ood hialth since Koing to l^wi'zeriand, has alwaya been very cheerful and wrute most interesting letters to everyone. It was hard to realize that the sid uews cjuld really be true. When one read hi? letter written to the family on June 15 he seemed to be iii the best of health and his passiu", which occurred on July 22, was a terrible shuck to the family aud everyone, aa they were looking furward giving hiiu a nelcoine liuaie in a .'jhort time. But his welcome would be more i;rand and bleisaed in that other home over yonder, where he will be uuitid with his other brave brother, who paid the supreme sacrifije jn July 7, 1!*17, his t»iu brother, who cutt deilh by drowning here on June 26, 1916, and beat of all his beloved Master, whom Fred was prepared to meet, which wil te a orcat comfort to his puents and three si-jters. The-ympatby of the whole coiumuuity is with the family in their deep sorrow. Mr. .Vb. Blackburn, wife and son, of Fcrtlaw, and Mrs. Telford and daughter, of Colliugwno.l, virited at ihj houie of Alex. Carruthevs. Rev. Mr. Eagle's text for Sunday next will be, "the call uf the Master." The Kugenia \V. I. hold their mnuthly meeting in the villige Wed., Aug. '6(1, at 2.'ii0. Roll call, bints on pickling and preserving. Mrs. Fogg of VVinu'peg i.s visiting with hei- brother, R. Park. Mr. Fred Deayle of blind Uiver was vi^fiiing friends Id town. The Eugenia W. I. packed and sent overseas twelve boxes of good things to eat aud wear to our brave boys. This is wha'v makes the boya know they are not forgotten, aud what they appreci.Hie. A few car loads motored ovei to Thornbury to sec the ball game played between Oollingwoi'd and the Powt-r House. The game was won by the Inter. Thi.'! team will play a Camp Borden team at Gollingwood on Monday next. The Presbyteri.'\u W. M. S. hid a qinlling at the I omc of Mrs. R. Purvis last Thursday. Eugenia has become a favorite sumnu'r resort, aud the Eugenia House is unable o accommodate all the tourists who onie. A bunch of fifteen motored uver from Barrie last week and had to be coiiieut with ojattrcsses under the sha'.Ie of the trees. Cars come in from all parts of Ontario and Uitlnrent parts uf the States to see the great wotks. We ire eorry to report Mrs. .\. J. Tuohy under the doctor's caio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munshaw and diugh'er of Edmonton, also Master Gerald Large, motored over to Alliston for the weekend and were accompanied home by Mr and Mrs L R Munshaw of that place. It is si.tteen years since Fred left Eu((cnia and he tinds many changes i>i that time. Miss Clarn Latimer and friends mot- orad from Owen Sound and spent a day with Mr aud Mrs .Jonathan Latimer. Mrs Wilson aud sou, Jack.Kimberley spent the week end with her daughter' Mrs Fred Jaioiesuu. Mr-- Oliver Dynes of Ithaca, N V, accompanied by the Misses Franks of Bundalk aud Mias Blue uf Toronto and Gordon Clark of Duodalk, visited Mr and Mi's Large. Pte Kussel Park, who has been iu training at (Quebec, ^pent the past week at his boioo here. His many friends wore pleased to see him. Misaes Susie and Mary ITawcctt of lV>ronto are ? isiiiog with their parents here. Kimberley Budget llr. Marshall and wile, accompaui'd by Mr. Hill, mo'.ored over from Horn ingi A'ilU, a distanue uf -40 miles, in me hour and forty minnlos on Sa'urday last. They are the nuests if Hugh Banimond. The monthly meeting of the Kimberley branch of tlie Wimieu's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Corntield on Thursday ufteinoon last. Fall wheat harvesting is in full swing and the second cutting of alfalf* is on. A good rain is much needed in this part for the spring cnnjs. S.iul Fawceit has cabbage ready to use. \Vlio can be;it this ? W'm. Hammond i.f Monclin, Out., is holidaying under the parental roof. Our baseball team played a nine innine irame with CoUingwood at Thornbury on Thursday eveuing List resulting iu a win for our boys, the score beiua i2-4. VVm. Neoley,of Thornt)ury, umpired the game and gave good satisfaction. Chirles Sluart, principal jf the Parry Sound public school had ^2 pupils write on the entrance exam^iiatioys and every one passed, twelve takii.g honors. This we believe constitutes a record iu the province fi-r this year as the exams were very liittiuult. Mr. Mansell Cook and wife oi Ricklyu, visited wi'h the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Ferguson. Mis. G. A. HuttihiusoD ind little daughter, Kathletn, returned Heme one day recently, after an extended with fcieuds iu Trot ju. Mr. ijcorge Muudle, of the auburb:=, saw ii r-.ibliit chase a crow a few weeks ayo from a tiald near his hi The rabnit kept right after it until it lighted on the fence. We dou't .-ay the rabbit riew, but it; kept the crow frniu going near the ground. Every crow lighting on that field is chased by the rab.bit. yiiito a number saw this performance goin'^ on, and Mr. Mundle is a man whose word cm be relied upon. We only wish wo had one of t'lcss rabbits in our cornfield n the spring. Ceylon Chat and the ftlr. and Mrs. White of Proton family visited at W. Wlii'e's lure tirst af the week. J. Gib.'ion attended the funeral of his inotherinlaw at Chatsworth last week. Mrs. IlMydeii (JiUon iiaa retnrnel from Tiirontii. Bornâ€" July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. J. iSample, a son. The Willinij Helpers will hold their meeting ihi.s week at Mrs. H. Piper's. The society is always pleased to havu visitors. We are suny to report J. McFadden ill with a severe cold. Mrs. Wagner and Miss Horlick of Hanover were visitors the past week at Mr. Archibald's. Miss Beruice Stewart and cousin, Miss Jesi^ie Wibon, of Fort William, are visitor" at Mr. Andrew Gilchrist's. Mrs. Edward Sargent is visitiog with frieiid.-> at Orantroville and Orillia. Miss Mary McMulleii uf Toronto is spending a fortnight under the parental louf. Mis. U. Wydemaii spent Saturday at Owen .Sound. Mrs. J. Kennidy visited with Mark- dale friends Saturday. Miss Beriha .Abbot, who has spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. Wyde- maii, here, returned Fridiy to hor honie in Elmwo'xl. Mrs. Mitchell and dauuhtor, of routo, visited her brothers, -John Dunald -McLeod. VVodehouse To- and Tryon crop.s IJ .«a .;jUtf';'riPii from and Feversham Misi Carrie DaviJsyti .of ^Se.i's^iup- shire is visiting her p»>eltHal .JPotw. here at present. Alex. Mcliitj^ of Mclo.yic V4»iter. friends in Beyetiham. over Siiiiday. Mr. anu:&lisk; Mil|$ ctf ' ftfi^foi^ urti vi.sit;iig with their .ion, AJtiMrt, lioro. J')hn S»)ser of "Tbarnbuj^ f:peub~%i<*' driy with his brother, Jajttes.-liielS, ; Iiwin M.K-^owu, y,ite' aadf^jaify, of^ Duncan, spent Sunday. «yith Mis.s' Adji' Kaittiiig. Mrs. Alex. Mclniyre rattirued hoii.o after a week's visit, with fifiwids here. Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Perigo, Mrs. 11. Alexander and George Julian and Wui. Osborne motored to Stayner on Salurlay eveniny and spent Senday with friei.ds near that t<jwn. Mr. X. Catt^rsby. wife and family, if Owen Si.und, vi>ited wiih Mr. and Mrs. John Paul recently nBcfgc; sunny days are • 'â- ':'. • bus. "purchased k- At a garden party held near Walkertoo a oanaber or flags were stoieo, ooe valued •I tI5. Dundalk Wm. Reid and John VVilli.n, son of -Vrteiiiflsia ate the latest purchasers of Chevrolet cars. It is our sad duty this week to record the death of Lucimla, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Cla ridge, of this place, who passed away early Monday moming. The deceased, who was U years old, has been a suUerer from rheumatism since Apiil of this year and •inally the heart became affecied and a form of pneumonia set in which proved too much for the system tc bear. Constible Ablnjl is the owner of a eat which, alter capturing all the mice WOaod the premises, weat to the bush •od e.»rried home a chipmunk the other d ly, and later brought iu a live guake. In carrying tbe reptile the snake would coil its body ai-ouud the cat's teck ia Done too loving embrace-^ Herald. Hay stornjs. needed Bazil p icing, l^if or. R fflteJntyre and S McQuiuu are assist- n^H Neii with his hay and r "ota. Good wsi are scarce in war time, ' Miss E-hel Morrison, who has been workina m T^rnnto for some time, i»^ visiting at the parental home. X number ui our young laiiies and gencleinou walked over 1,0 Brewster'* lake Friday evening, also a luimber of ia'aie.-? auel gents were there .from cite 8;h line. O-prey. When taking leave the S.ii line boys escorted our young ladies hinne, while aor boys escortbd ^the, Hlh line i;itl8 home. Some boys. "got home Lliat night, while others got homo \n time for dinner on Saturday. ; Fled 'A'L-ldiick aud Jolia Uadiey, wita !{;1db«be, motored down to Block- town •â- ^li:;l•ans spent a few days wiih friends tkecc- Pte Archie Mcliityre sp^llt a few days with bis l)ri.tbai- Robert. Mr. H. .J-.^ Soil made a bus'iicni tiip to Colbngwiiod !'ue evening last "wuok, accompanied by Mr .V. Mclnuis. Our teacher. MissE. Oiliner, has' gone to her parental home in Geoiiiotowu. We are expecting her back" again, but one of our jfoung men is wearing a vi-rw Too Late for Lwt Week Coiigratulu'ions to .Miss Wan Wil.y, daughlev of Mr and Mr.«. R.<bt. Wil, y, who passed the Entraivre exa iiination. Miss Hlaiiche Wird nave a birthd.ay parly to a num'uer of her girl friends on Tuesday al'teriiooii. , Pte. IKi'inan .\llen, a 1. turned s llie;i aceoiiipanied by his father, of Meifurd, wore visiting friends heie the las- <â- { the Week, the guest of his aunt. Mis. Joseih Cherry. Word has bi en received here by the friends- of I'te. .Stewart Thompson, some- where in France, that he isnot likely to gel houii aa wa-i expected. Liit spring while m acti»ii he received a si-rious Wound by a bullet entering his liuht teinpli,- aiidjpasbing ou', completely t ikiui; om his left eye. Ho was in a very »Lak and dwlicits conclitioii for si'iiiu time but is i.oiv ([Uite reovered and had an artificial eye lu replace the. lust member. He says he thinks he is s-ill ju.-,t a- youd a man as tlmusands on the field and he still will leiuaiii a^ros.- ilio water* to help somewhere to bring along tlio vicoiy. His many old friends lue glad -o km .« he is so well agiin, and though it was such a close call we trust lie may ye-l te spared to come back home. Mrs. Robert Br^wu eiiteriaimid h. r lady friends at a ((Uiltiiiu bee Wecnesi'ay al'iernooii of last week. W. J. Ward lose a valuab.'e co.v l,.c past weak. Ed. Donnelly is engnged at present working on the c-ment liridee m the valley north of Kiinberl.-y. The council f-ithers wiil no djubc be well pleased with the work, for E I. is an apt hand at the masonry and will make a sjocd j .i\ Mrs. Peter Thibaudeau of .Vlarkdale was a visitor at ihe home of Mr. John Buskin re-cently, the gue-t of his daugh- ter, .^Irs. Cliira Wiloy. Will Woods has returned wi-h his .angine from Hailtaway, whete iie has bi^eiv engaged in mill wurk for some lime. The football name playeU otl' 1' ilark- dale on Monday evening betwee.. "-Vode house aud llarkaway resulted in > ..1 •!Â¥ mier, the score being o t- I. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS CSUAL j Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. , Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE IlCEiNSES MOTOR J. W. Bates, Pres. EQUIPMENT R. Madiiocks. Manager. Pig For Service Pure bred Tamw.-nh Boar for Service on !.)' 17C, 1 S. W.T. and S. R., Arie- inssia. Terms §1 or $2 for purehreds. 1 June IS â€"'I J.S'nNS«'X. Pi ,, A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONj •â- â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢*•.•>â- â€¢â- .•..•..«..«.., â€" â- â- â- â- !»â- â- Â»â- â-  »M«..».l, «!e adies ! Two bears were trapped n«ar Golden Valley in Amabel towDship reoeotly. Bears have become so numeroaa there that tbe township council offers a bunua of f to for each bear trapped, as the farmers were sufFeriun severely tfarounh ^ their flocks of sbetip being attacked. aad ! Putting War Cripple On the Pay Roll Mueh has been heard regarding the plans of the Dominion Gtvernmont to help war cripples to secure reinuneiative ernpli yment in .-pits of even the most serious wounds .ir other injaries. But, though Canada is conceded to |be f..r in advance i^f other .-Mlied loiii. tries in Ine work of reinstating her maimed heroe«, comparatively few people have seen actual evident e if the miracles being I wrought for the men by specialized ' vocational training ana physical recon- | structiun. This wdl ba remedied at the j Cinaiian National Exhibition where at least lifty men who have been restored I to full U!<einlne88 will dcnioostrale hf w | the soldier beneliciariei of the govern-; ment's rehabilitation program have been ! made economically self supporting. A | for t'l Portlaw ed .Vecidentaily Mislaid Last Wee'» W. Iii. McNaily is in Toronto vi- his ntothei-, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Thompson of Colliiigwo.d >i' Her .lau^ttor. .Mis. Albert Biackbciii. During' a receilt sturui an »ii mal bel'iuging to J. Cullen wis killvu by lightuing in the field, fouith line. J. A. Thompson has erceted an ii: â- !•.- uient house. - Jama<, Hoppsis building an adjii i. n to his barn. Mr. and Mrs. Lockha.t, who iuo • i a 6cwr,from (lie West, visited at the b me of J. W. Lyons. .^Iiss Delrnir Pedlar o; ;.. s Spending herjiolidaya at the home of Inr grandmother* -Mrs. S, Pedlar. Mount Zion gaideu party on V 1 iv evening last at the *• Maples huge success in every way and H' . _â-  O'jciiired to mar the p'casuro ii ;l,e oflcasi >ii. It surely was a reconi biia'Aor iu point of nunilu.'rs and financially, and fir ouldistitnced anything of tbu kii>d held in this part of the country, i'he FooijCjiitr.iller's reslnolioas'wera rigidly adhered to. li; a biiseball match bt'i.ieen FlesliCilfii Hiii the Power 11 .use fiiuine fav.nei iiic latter team. An exc»';lt-nt program was pr.-vided over which ttie pastor presided. Among the nunibeis Were a chorus ly the Sunday school, soles by .Misse> Edna .\chesoii and A iula Coriifi id, recitations by Misses t.iladjs White, Maijoiie and M liel -Vchoeii, Mrs. Eagle aiH Miss Wyville ; duels by Mrs. Acheson and Mrs. E>gle, and the Mi.sscs Kb'ience Uunt and Iroi'C Cargo, aud instrumental music by the Haw Bios and .Master MaJdock. Hev. Forth of Maxwell delivered a good addres,«. The proceeds amounted to the sum of $'.714.89 The Mil incry Season Is ill and we are re,- ,• with a real up-to-date stock of SPIUXG iIA I -^ and would be plea.sed to have you give us a cai: and see our styles before ycu buy. We (.an sur you if you want an up- to-date hat. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario â€"»"»â- Â«â- â€¢Â»â- â€¢Â«Â»â€¢>•.♦.â-  »..«.^..i «••..•..•..*..*.. >-^, 4 LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Automobile Tires and Supplies Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH. FLESHERTON ^ ^^^v^vÂ¥vv^'«w^fekV^^wviwyvw^wwwww^:E 5s Mr and Mrs. Will Walts of Vsiicou- ?er arrived in CoUingwood on Satuiday last. iMving uiade the entire journey across the ooDLioont in iheir lutomobile. Dumber of blind men will be included I ^'"^ journey occupied thirty days of who httvc been re-educated aud are back i ^Imott oonst«nt travel atd over four on the oivtc pay lol!. The men » ill j thousand miles were covered. They are deuioDBtrate at least iifleeo inda8tri«l processes, InclutlioK typesetting, oxy- acetylene welding, jewelry tnauufacture, leus griudiDg, assaying, etc. bebb in fine form after their unique •zporieoee and their naany friends are giTing t-bem a hearty welcomo back to their old hoDM t^iwa . - EDt«rpri«). ^ SPRING AND SUMMER f 5;deiEands are for White Boots and Shoes. We haveJ^ >• them Lace Boots, Pumps and Strap Sandals. ^ 3 also a good assortment of Running Shoes in white S^ ^ black and tan. S^ ALSO I A line of children's white canvass oiifordt 3 eyelet^ hole, leather soles. SSb Clearing at 75c., sizes 6 to 10. ^ Trunks, Suit Cases and Club bags. Repairing as usual. THOS. CLAYTON [FLESHERTON, - ONT gtt MMH iK Bfa ^â- iito AM

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