/kgh^ttxrti %t^nmu. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' PBIifCIPLEb SOT MEN. 701 :]^ No. ^ Plestierton, Ont., Thursday, July ' V lOlJ^ w H TflUfciTON ^.tY^^oPBiH Entrance Exams. Feversham Items Following are the results of the Jr. High Schoil Entrance Kx»minationii he!d at the Jiffereut cenies in th«» Ea.st Orey inspectorate : FLESH EKTON â€" Maud .-Vcheson. Oeor?e Atkins, Reginald Boyi (Hon.), â- Jack Karstedr, Mayme McTmish ( Hi:>ii.), MiMred McCalluui (.Hon ;, V<r>» Moore, Evad» Wilson. FF,VER?;H.\M- Bessie -Arnold, Irwin Bellamy, Beatrice Long, John MacAulay (Hon. K Ro.sie Mc'iirr, Leila McKeon, JJina Noble, .\iice Rush. Ljis iihortt (Hon), RoKstoD Wethei-all,Vera Rul<erti. KIMBERLKVâ€" Annie Burrilt.G.rdjn Claik, Uazel McConaell, Herm^iu Mc- Coanel, Riyraond Siatford, Livina M. Wiley. PRICE VILLE-Jean Buckham, Nellie MacLean, Oiive M. MacLean, Mary Ann MacLean (Ron.) THORNBIBY- Helen Cwrol (Hon.), Evelyn Conn. Arthur Cummings, Hcr- icau Fawcett, .Xnnie Ferguson, Ernest Flynu, Ethel Gekill, Helen Gekill,Besaie G.j.ti; Cyril Hedle^ , Leah Heslip, .Mu.iel Hutchinson Minnie .James, Daisy Kerr. Aileen Knott, Gladys Kuott, Auline Mahoney, Julia McCr.leman, Velva Parks, Mary Prentice, Dorothy Robiii- Bon. Irene A. Vamplew ^Hon.), Kathleen White, Eva J. Wright (Hon ) MEAFORD-Derothy Armstrong.John Armstrong, Edna Arnold (Hon.), Blanche Bowes, Elena Boyle, Frank Brow.i (Hon. ) Donald Butchard (Hon.), Robert Camo- t>eli, Samuel Ciglen (Hon.), Fred Clark (ilon.), Ella Conn (Hon. >, Rae Culliert- 8un (Hoa.), Carlos Cummings (Hon.), Bessie Dolan, Doria E. Ellis, Eleanor Eiiis iHou.), Lionel Evans (Hon.), VVildred Froestone, Beatrice Go» er, Nellie • uayston (Hon.), Mary C. Uawe$, .^rley Jay, Harry JeHrey, Sadie Knight, Eva Larcock, Wilfred Long, Luella Lush, Mildred Rose McKenzie (Hon ). Roland Mott (Hon.). Harold Muxlow, Vera Olmstead, Jack Perks, Marjorie Peiks (Hon.), Tom Pilgrero. Jean Porter, Kathleen Quis^ler. Gladys Ridd, Laura Sewell (Hon.), E'liotr Shield.s Edward Silver, Wilfred Spears, Hoy Spear«. E. Grant Stevensoo, Violet Stevenson, Melville Watson, \Vi!d» Clark. D.uolhy Fallii. The f irniers are coinnieDcin<: to cut the hay crop in this vicinity. This crop is no: a very he»vy one this year but the );raiu cii>ps are splendid. .Mr. and Mrs. Spicer of Hidstein spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGirr. Mr. and Mrs.- Jaiuos Legale if Gib- ralter spent Sunday with the Utters parent*. J. A. Kernahan and wife. Mrs. '.Volte and two daughters of Toronto are ihe guests of Mr. tiid Mrs. Kernahan. Misfi Sputford of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Fred Spotf.)rd, on the 8h line. Miss Eva Sdenoer of Kurt Francis is holidaying at her parental home. Mae Whiteoak ot Toronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. .\. D»vid.«on. Maud Davidson of Buffalo is visiting her brother, J. A. Mr. and .VIis. Herst of Thornbuiy spent Sunday wi'h the former's brother at the Tc'uperance hotel. Miss Sadie .Julian has gone nn an extended visit with frienda in the Vueen City. We congratulate Miss Kcsie McGirr on pa.?sin<? the Eutrauoa e.taiuination- V\ e esprcl to get pupils â-ºâ- iiough to start our Continuation school a^atn after thi holilaya- The losiiector will give Ui all the asssistauce he can, as he says we should have <iur school goins;, so patronize your own school aud we will '« able to make it a success. The Silvaion Army e\peot to have an .\riiiy ethcer next Sunday and will have a meeting in tbeir ha'l here in ihe erenng. The ilsDrry District L ».• L. celebrated the glorious Twelfth in Singhauiptou this year and had a ;J<'od crowd. The Women's Institute provided dinner and the crowd listened to the speakers with rapt attention. Mr. S. Col<iuette is very ill home ill Torur.to. His brother, left on Monday for the bedside. Priceville Jottings The funeral of Mrs. A. Osfrander took : jj..,. ^sa Hu'.ucrt and son, of Caron, place on the afternoon ut Sunday, July I Sask , are rMiewin? old acfiuaintances 'n 7. A v,.ry large assemblage of people ,hi„ p.„.t, and are the guesrs of the gathered at the residence and proceeded j fumiers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. HuiO. to Salvin church, Pioton. Rev. J. A. » Matnew.soD, who was well .acquainted 4*. Kimberley Budget Bates Burial Co. Â¥ ^ \ATf^]firM "be gli'rious, pious Tnd immortal with the r.miSy for vears preached the I "'^â- •""^y ''^ Wm . Jrd was right roy,ally funeral sermon, and Rev. Mr. McCarten, 1 -'>''«''"t«-i at FIcsherton on Fiiday last. the Methodist minis' er. who arrived the i '^ '"«* "^'°''« ^""^ '*"'' ^^ ^'"'"^ '^ day previous but a total s!rangrr,as.s!sted j *'''^'"-*"<^-- in the church service and te.ad the } Mr. and Mr<». Bjit Graham, Toronto. Methodist burial service ir the grave, accompanied by Mrs. McMuIlfU. of The deceased lady was lor a number of I Ejaeni-j, an.1 caughrer, Mildred of -Sault ye.irs an earnest and active worker in j Ste. Marie, visited recenr'y with friends at R. his Pithy Proton Pointers Vandeleur Happenings .Another of the pioneers h.is pa.s.seil u'vay in the person of Wni. Hutchins. n, who died at the home of his son, W..I.E. on Wednesday of last week at ihe ripo old liie of 82 years and ten months. Tho deceased had beer a sutlertr from paral- ysis for about three ge.irs. On Saturday. July (i, he was anain stricken and remained nncou-.ions to the end. The funeral, which was in charge of ilie Orange order, of which lie had lieen a member for nearly f)j years, took place to the Meaforil Road cenieteiy tn the niornino i>f July 12 and Mas largely a'.ieiidfd. Mrs. King Hiid little son of Toronto were visitors at Win Buchanan's last wetk. Harry Baker, Wilfted Graham, C. B. B. "land and F. B. BoIiuiJ, also Miss IVlla McGee, left on Saturday for C.inip I<iagaia to pay a short visit to relatncs there who expect to go ove.-so.as shortly Bon Hiichanau and wife of Toronto .^le visiting; his father for a week. Mrs .M C IXtvis and son, David, of Eiui-ry, arrived on Tluusday to attend the t*iicr»l of the former's father, Wm lUuiliiiuson, returning home Saturday, Miss Cotlenton i.f Toronto is tho guest lif .Mrs .1 M Da.is. James Brodie of Laduor, B C, arrived week beforo last to pay a visit to his sou and renew ac<|Uaiutances for a lime. Mrs Whitling and children of Toronto »re visitors at J J McUee's. Mr aud Mrs Will Reid and little son, Billie, motored from tlxford, Micb, aud and spent part of last woik at Vteorge Pritchard's, returning home on Monday. Mr aud Mi's Pritohard acconipanictl them 1 , ? ,-, , , * In the C'tuao for « wotk s outing 1^ , * I traitu'iy in t Intended for La»t vVo^'k Mrs. H. lluQier of Saskatoon, wl'o several years ago was a .successful teacher ill this village, was a welcome visitor here la.'^t week. Born- On July .">. to Mr. ^nd Mrs. Georcc Brook, a son. Mrs. Frank Ptinnle, Ton-n'o. is holi- daying with her parauts, Mr. aud Mrs. IVner C' nsh-y. Mr. and Mrs. Chri>ti« liutledge. Honey wood, visited at R. G. .\che»on's. Pte. I>oncan McNicul "f Niagara i>ii the Lake, spent the week end with friends in the village. On Sunil.ay Rev. Mr. Blackwell preached at, elo'jueut tenuou to tiie luisiioge and Proton Ihinsja Kdu;es. which met in the Orange hall "liere. .\ppropriate mu.sic was rendered by the .Xuglican and I'asliyterian clnirs of iho village. Mr. an. I Mrs. Hoagin.s have moved fruni T.'ronti' aud are occupying the house owned by Richard Hodgins. \ successful baiiar w.'.s held here •m Saturday afternoon and evening under the au'spic.'S of the Red Cross society. ?7< •">4 was realized. l^n account of aimiversary Servi-es 'ii the Presbjteiuu church. Kiesheiton. Ml. McVicar was unable lo gel ilown on Sunday, .so service was conducted by the Y'imig People's Guild. Mr. and Mrs. E.I. Wi;iiain!>, Holland Centre, and Mr., and Mrs^ Howie, ()wen Souud. spent Mond.«y at the home of R. U. Achesou. .Salem church and also in the Priceville Methodist church for the past 12 years. A year ag'i she wa^i .strickeu wi'h psraly- sia and lani for weeks, life being de.si)aircd of, but later sallied and was able to walk about the house fairly well ; but during the last few jays of her life she wis afflicted with heart trouble, which carried hei away lu '.he oth. Rev. J -A. Mathew.son and family went away last week t > spend their annual vacation at their summer cottage at Kagna.shene point ue»r Penetang Miss McTags»ert h'ls taken a position in D. .McLean's geneial store. . Mrs. Falkiuaham has gone toasummer hotel on L.ke Simcoe for the summer season . John Nichol has moved a frame house troni the .McLachlan farm which he purchased last year, across the sravol road and railroad, to a site near his present dwelling. Bobs McKinnou of Toronto, formerly ot the posturtice heie, spent a few days visiting friends. .X skunk made a raid iu t,.wii a few days ago and killed 22 young thickens at Mrs. K. J. C.mkev's Rov. Mr McCarten,ihe new .Methodist minister, preached hie first ssrmon on Sunday morning and seemed to be waIi received by a nood su-.ed cGd^fi>gati<'n Rev. Mr. Watson of Toronto coiiuucted service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, morning and evening. Farmer Killed Near Chatsworth Donald McDonald, a liiyhiy respected resident of ."^ullivan township, about two miles fiom Chatsworth, met »ith a terrible death when the team that he was driving, hitched to a mower, laii away, ihr.iwing him iu front if the machine. There w:is no one ihere at the tiii.e o; ilic accident, and the last person to see Mr. McDonald alive was Mr. Jessie Ueinstock, who was talking to huu at 2 cli>ck the Jay of his de.ilh. The body was f. und alniut ".;W in the evening in frort of the mower with the horses standing in a corner of the field, in our town. Miss Mina Fawcetr, of .Markdale. visited recently at the parental h-tme. Mr. John McKenzie, of tlie 4th line north, has the finest new potatoes we have seen iti's ?e.isoii. He has been using them since Dominion Day Early Fortune i-i the name oc the variety. •Mrs, J jhn Fawcett visited with her daughter. Mis. Cha--. Hugaari'. of C'arksbursr, over the week enl. •.»u:!e a number attended the bnseball match at Collingw<x)d on Thursday afternoon Ia«t between the power hou5>e and a te.iin from that town, re.snltinz in i win for the power licuse. the score being 3-4. -A correspondent was wjntingti kot:w where the Green .Mountain an.J Iiish Co!>bler po'atoes were grown. J as R. fawcett of this vilhiue has both varietie--. He has grown the Cobbler for a number of years. We are plea-sed to see Miss .M:no!,i Ferauson around as^aio uj her u>ual health after the recant operation. • Wodehou5e lliy^na has commenced and »n a whole the crop is good, considering the pros- pects a short time ajo. The yr.sent iJeal weather if continued for a time » ill so fir t-) saving it in the veij best p«s.^ible shape. The Twelfth passed otf .|uietly. not even the beat of a drum w:w heai-d. Some f f our citizen-* went to the various places to seek enjoymeut "to celebrate as thj uhrase :>oes. < 'won t-'.'.llld week ill â- . lie .Mr. K Morwood was in district f"r a few days l;is fire insurance interests. Mr. T Fawcett and wife were cdivi'i t.^ Heathcote on Saturday by the iline>s . f the foiinets aged mother, who is v, rv low with s'.iijhl ho[)u of recovoiv. Vaite \ number went froa> here to "h^' garden party at Temple Hill on the ;''i,l The fjitb.*';! team from here playeu Uirkaway, which resulted iu a tie, the sjcond game and the second tie played St. 11 hitched ;olhe machine. Tne watch | with this te-.m this season. The play , ij that Mr. McDonald had worn wasbr''ken and hau stopped at ;( Ij, so i: is sliiioat certain that the accident occurred about that time. Two .sous of James Weedeu. a neigbbuoi', iiiude the ghastly find a.id immediately called Dr. McCultough. but the vntin. h.id been dead seveial iKurs. The actuil facts of ihe !»cc:dcnt will neviT be known. Deceased was born in C.iftJii township near Torotr.o 74 years aao and came to this se.;tioii when only nve years of age. He lias hreii a resident I'f that Jl^tricl ever suue. He was unmarried. The body iJiis I adly bruised and cut. \n iuvesiiga'.ii n by the nt-ixhbon) shewed that tile team had run around the field seveiai limes with thu body of the victim .'r.ibally being draagod in fionl ot the machine. ITie CaUaUa Food Board campaign to I mcicase consumption is having results, dian army sia'ioucd or H in t anada 21*0, tHHI pounds Premonition Saved Babe Mis. Hubert Pile ot ()rar'ijeville got the fright of 1 er life o,i TuesJay after- noon, says the Sun She Was washing clothes and left a biicktt of water stand- ing op the door until she binii: some j j^ clothes on ihe line. She slipjped ba^'k to the house to see ii her iittie fifteen month i old ba'iy boy was all right. He was j playng and she went out again. .Mrs. •^f ) bale b.»d just huDx' up an apr.Mi when in iame r jolc place on M^irkdale u'rouiids • o Monday eveninsf. The olhcers of theWiimius Jiisci uo for the present yeai are ; ir*re8.. Mr-. Clara Wiley : Ut Vice. Mrs. U Kawoi'": 2. id Vice, Mis. J 15 !iutv:hin.son : S.-c. .Miss El a Buskin : Dis Dir, .Miss Ui .MoNevin : .Auditors. Mrs. E Morwood, Miss Ivj McNevin, The Institute is ag;(iii trying to make this a kooci year, and are at present collecting for the R.hI Cross Work and arc mectino with i;.>"d success. The last mcetuist w.as hclu it Mrs, B Ttompsoii's on July 4th. Mi:-. It Fawctt. Jlaster Russel ;iiid baby Maael. retuitied Krid.ay from ii wevk s MMl with her uiolher at .Meat. 'id. -Ma>ter Harold reiiuins this week. The New Eiiglniid Sunday school held a picnic here a .short time ago « is very success'nl and much enjoyed by llio chi drill. JoO was cie.ared, an-l tho Supt., S Wiley jr. and the commiitee mc t<> be coui:raruliito<^. By patience and •jcrscveraiice the Sunday School is coming back to Us former dav.s, »ith now a fair attendance and the interest taken :tiiiiDg. Mr. KD Carruthcis is an e%cellent B.ble class tasivcher and is drawing uiiiiy out ^o join bis now larve , class and ecj ly his rich couusel . May 1 the cooJ work go on for the Sundny ' Funera! Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICEiVSES J. W. Bates. Fres. R. Maddocks Manager. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily meJce A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. Pig For Service I'mo bred Tatnw...^|, i;,,,r for Service •nlot iro, 1 S. VV.T. and .>;. R., Arte- mssia. Terms 81 or ?2 for purebreds. Ijunel.'s _T. J^TINSON. Pr p W. A^ Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. - QNx â- â- •' >â- »â- »â- â- Ladies ! The Mill:i\cry Season Is iu and we are reai - witli u real up-to-date <tock of .SPKfXG HAls ;xn.l would be pleeised to have you yive us a tall nd .>^ee our styles before vcu buy. \Ve can suit vou if yon want to-date hat. an up- W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, . Ontario ..»..»-♦..». â- »â- »..♦. LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Automobile Tires and Supplies * Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment. Etc D.WcTAVISH . - FLESHERTON * Twenty sheep ar«r.iiuirtd lo I'mvule j tjjj ^^nth of June, by the subs'itution •umclent wool to k«ep one soldier | ,,f ^.h. In the west a train h^d .f Hat clothed. In Canada there are less than ' ai,(, every few days from IViiice Knpert 54 abpci. i.-t .soldier. Wool is at « record â- ,3 ,^,)j .^t popular ^<yW^M uuder the Hr4«*, a' IS -ihso iftutton. The Canada j ^^spcBa of the C»nad.i F^od Boartl. In FmKl Boatd uiye^treater production off^pyt,,, rp:nUly KXl.tW pounds of «lio«p »^d municipal ooo^eratlon in macWtftl were sild within one week as o«»lrui;in^ the meuaoe from dog*. ,1,, f^h ^.f » sp«icaal c»mj>«t«n. 1>cef were saved in (he month of May. j soui-ibiog told her that her baby « as in 1 School is the uwrsery of the church. .•in J apvroiimalely the same amount in i il*u«er and she ran hack to the hcuae 1 Harry Cherry and sieter. .Miss Kdua. aud was horntjed tj bod the child with 1 , ,", â- -.i. » â- 1 • .u o She .113 eklT I '*'^* hot'dayiug w,th friends lu the valley. his head stuck in the water. neiijh- • M(^s Nellie Purrilt, u« Kimberley. 19 „. , „ .. as.iii.t- I ^^.„d,.j;j her vacalicu with her aunt, ance. »>alt.>r lUiiry w.ks passing at the . ,,• .. . time and he and Mrs. Mooro worked Mrs. Will Uwsoo. pulled the baby out and ran to neighbor, Mrs. Wm. Moore, fi with tb« child until t^ns uf life were olnterved. In the meaulime \>t , T. H. Henry ha<l been summontd and h» com^'l'^tod tho wotk of rojuscitation . " Mr. Sam Wiley, wife aoi two ooildren 1 visii.e<l tho former's sialer, Mrs. John I M'-ri"*on. . f M»xw*>ll, ovor Suadtty i ^wyvii^WiiViiV«ViiWiVtViV>VMiVVkViWi«^^iV^^^Â¥ib I SPRING AND SUMMER | ^demands are for White Boots and Shoes. We have^ ^ them Lace Boots. Pumps and Strap Sandals. «r ^^^Iso a good assortment of Running Shoes in white] ^ black and tan. 1 . . ALSO ^A line of children's white canvass oxford, 3 eyelet] ^hole, leather soles. ^ ym Clearing at 75c., sizes 6 to 10. I ^ 75 Trunks. Suit Cases ami Club bags. Repairing as usual. m THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONT ^^^ ildMl - ^ i^iMH