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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1918, p. 5

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JatsT 27 1918 THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCE v/ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAo ornce • Toronto FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 23a FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, i^na^r. R. Time Table. j ^^^ ^ ^ 3^^^,,,^,,,^ „f se»forth, Flesherr.-n Station as' hroth.i-in law „f Mr Geor-e Mitchell of the S'Hiidarc! Bank hero, diea on r> \T I. ' Friday night la«t at the ace of H'J years.. .o"ni H* '«"»^«* "ne >«">• ^^ E , jr.. and one l---"^ ""If-'d.iughter. Mrs. R. *. Wilson of New York. Mr. Mitchell attended the 9.18p. m. C. P Trains leave follows : <Toing South T.r.'i a. ni. 4.27 p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton ai funeral, *Uich took place at Toronto on ioUow3 : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and Monday. A Red Cross concert will be held on the lawn at the home of Mr. Andrew Pallister on Friday, June 28. A good program is beirg prepared. -V baaeball lua'ch between tlie Yatwell boy,* abd oirls will lie played at 7 o'clock. loa cream and cake will be sold on the grounds. Admission .â- >.> and 15 cl». Progran. to commence at 8. JO. The W. I. picnic on Thursday after- noon last was a greac success, financially 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail st'Uth at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Is your registration card an odd or au <ven > A good lime is assured for all who come and celebrate the 1st at Fleshert m. The Advance will probably be a d<y and otherwise, the proceeds amounting Use next week owius to the holiday. to 159.25. The baseball iame between Miss Mabel Blakely. of Winnipeg, is ">«?;-«'• H-"^« "."'I /'"Jf""/"" the ,uest of relatives here. """"^ "» '""''^'' "° ^ °.' ^ Flesherton. „ . „ , the score being 15 to Id, with Flesherton Bow-On June 12, at Regma, ^-^^-^ ..^.^^^^^^^^.^ ,„t when the game to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M.-Tavnh, a son. ^^^^^ Mi« Elizabeth Little, of Owen Soand, , ^^^^^jj ^^^ ^.^^^^^^^ ^ ,^, i,^, was the auest of her brother. Dr. Little. ^ ^„^„„„^„, announcement regarding the d Jring the past week, i ^^^ ^^ ^g ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^,f ^^ ,,,(, [,^yg Ft«ddi« Thompson, of Siouffoville. is been called under the Military Sec vice spending a mouth here with his couaio, ^^^^ which appears this week on oor Teddy McDonald. ; i^^ page. The government baa decided County Council is in session at Oweo to leave these men to assist with the Sound this week. Reeves McKeozie hirvest under certain conditions which •fid McTavish are attending. ; ace explained in the advertisement. Bomâ€" In Flesherton on Friday, 2lat \ Will those who can do so kindly sand jiMt to Mr. and Mrs. W. Turney of in any communication* for the piper on Toronto, a sonâ€" Edward Angus. ^ Monday. Where everything comes m Miss Mitchell, milliner with F.HW. on Tuesday something invariably has to Hiekling, left Monday for her home at be hdd over for a week. It is impossible L, I to get everything in type in one day with , , . , our limited statf. Frequently something Harold McLean, who has been work inn i ""^ •"" •â-  \ . ij »T. „" .*.,. , . . ,, „„ h...^ 1 comee in on Tuesday that could just as in Hamilton, is visiting at his home h«r« t.hia week. It is estimated that the poisible rejiis- i jlds iu the Dominioa ' j engaged well have been sent in the previous Friday or Saturday. Mr. D. McTavish hai for some time been busily Crausporting tration of 19 year was 5<8 244, , m^j,iHery from this station f'^r the new Mrs. N.H.Durrint and little daughter l^j^j^j^^ ^^^ ^^^ p^^„ 1,^^,^ jq the Dorothy, are visiting the formers parents ; ^^j,^^ .y^j^ ^^^^ ^^ ;, ^^1^;^, d^wn here for a fortnight. j ^^^^ ^^^ transformers. There are four A baseball match will be played at yf tt,^,^ and each one weiahs seven and Kagenia tonight (Wedoesdiy) lietweo-.i ^ [j^if ,^^,n,, There is sciiiu work in Grand Valley and Kugeuia. t;'""<» ' connection with the transportation of sailed at ti.30 p.m. .admission 10 cts. ' jjjggg \ji^^ affairs, and the wevr »ul tear Mrs. Vandusen lus kindly offired her on vehicles is u > sin.iU item to be home tor the next Red Cross tea to be considered in the cost, keld Friday, June 28. All are invited. , ^y. Moore, the Flesherton bus man, The amount raised at Mrs. Loucks' lea ^ jj^j ^jm-^^aijed an auto 'bus for hauling was $11.52. passengers and freight from the station. Rev. Mr. IJuinn and Mi^s Jenme Roy [ The vehicle w«s delivered on WeJuesd.iy attended the Haptist onventiou at ' of l;i8t week and created much interest. Morley last wi ek and repoit i very | It is a inost.coinplete thins in its way. successful gatherins?. j When necessary to haul freitiht the seats The regular monthly ineetiou of the fold up. Ii can be completely closed in W.l. will beheld in the hiuh .school, fi'h curt iiii.s u stormy weather Wednesday, July 3, at 2 30. A full ; trip fro.n the station is attendance is requested as this is an ' order. Wo believe Mr impoitaiit bu.siuess meeting. j Miss .\leda Mitchell re'iirned home ; A Loving Tribute To the late .Arnold Mourue Thurston, whs gave hi.s young life for civiliza* lion near 'i'preft, Juua 2(i. 191tf. The .Advirce ha.-* received a letter from a dear friend who remembered the anniversary of our sorrow, and enclosing some beautiful lines copied from another source. A portion of the tetter accom- panying the verse is wall worthy of copying, and we take the hberty to use a portion of it : Markdalo, June 20, 1919. My Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thurston,â€" I am enciosing to you a few lines I felt were appropriite fur printing in memory of your dear sou, Arnold, wbo fell a noble hero and is not forgotten. We are having loveiy showers, irluch ' are all needed. So far everything looks | good again. How wonderful nature's < power, as year after yesr old mother eaith comes back to its drisss of blossom and green carpets. But .tlas ! afar off the land lies u'^heaved and bespattered, not with rain, but with the blood of our brave ycung heroes. It is tsrrible, and yet it must go on. None knows or sees the end. Sleep, soldier, sleep '. The clear notes of the.bugls Call thee no more to the rude battle din. Bright on thy resting place â€" grave of the hero â€" Blouoi tne fair tlowers of another bright June. L'nder the sod which thy life blood has hallowed â€" Under the lag you fought bravely to save. Steep, soldier, «leep. Uod irarches ihy elumber. A nation pays homage to the brave. -A FRIEND. Clubbing Rates riie .Advance has no extensive clubbini; list this full, most of the papei-s being suppliad al regular rates. Following are some prices : The Advance f 1.00 I Globe 4.0O Mail •**^ I d The World and Advance 4-75 ' {â-  News and .Advance -^•'3iij! Star and Advance 3.75.8 Youth s Companion . , 2.25 M Family Herald ^ ^5 , U . \ft i i> V A »~>"S«»=*evruT.'u : The Old Adage 1 f Bull for Service I have purchased a pure .Shcrth Durham bull, and have the same set vice on lot 5t», Toronto Line, Arte- mesia. Terms il.M, cash at time of service. 1 " !"« â€" S. IRWIN. in orn a Wm. Bamhouse Dead A message was received hers last week stating that Wm. Barnhouse had died at the home of his sou at Edmonton. Mr. Barnhouse was for many yean a much respected resident of Flesherton. After removing from Flesherton he was in busines-s in Toronto for some time, but of late years had been livitig with his sons at Edmonton. last we>;k from Whilby Lidien' College to spend the summer holidays. .Aleda won :k brooze medal for life s;ivirg while At the College. Eleven wroti) on the entianre exikmin- ^tious here last week. The large decrease iu the number of those writing was pos!-lbly due to the number getting iheit exims by going on the farms. Rid Cross garden party and sport.s day at Eugenia ou Thursday. June 28. and the made in short Moore is the first in this county to use this Kind of up to dare pivsseniter ind freight vehicle to connect with the railway, and wo hope i"; will prv>ve a big lime saver aud money maker for him. Uis enterprise is cer- tainly commendable. Subsctiiieut to the elvc'ion of officers in Prince Arthur Lodge. A F & .AM. in'tallatioii took pUo< at thj Lodge en Friday evening last, aud Ibe following is the staff for the current year: W M, Wor Bro Thos Heury : I P M, Pilot Saunders Killed Truly Durham is giving her i{uota to the cause ot liberty, and again it falls as a painful duty to rei>ort the death of another ot her cili.wu! in jhe person of James Fo.-ter S:iuudeis. of the Royal -Air Fcrce, who w.»,s killed on Monday in an accident at Camp Borden, when he lost control of his airplane, fell to the grouad and wis killed iuataiiily. According to the report of an oilicer who witnes.sed the accident, he was doing a diiiicuit air evolution, one ho did many times previously with no cippareut danger. He w^.- uy about Z'-H) feet aud seemingly lost roiitrol of his ai;ichiiie for a few secoiuU and, being so low. had no time to rectify the airplane before it crashed to earth. Death w:is instantan- eous, his neck being brokeu. Had he been up a thous:»ud feet or more it is believed the accident wouKl nut have occurred. â€" Dutham Chronicle. Dr. J. P. Davis CHIROPRACTOR and EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Uttice over Woolworth's store. ON.T. COLLINGWOOD. Farm For Sale Lot ItK). W T S R, Artemesi I, con- ' tainiiig 100 acres ; good frame barn andi driving shed, sheep and pig pen, frame house and small orchard ; farm well watered and fenced. For particulars apply to â€" M.ABK STEWAftT iJulylS The Proof of the Pudding is ia the Eating Ibe j-ani is eqaall} true of the 190C Gravirv asher one and be convinced ^'^ - that there is nonp better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Fall line ot McL'ormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loadei-s, Drills. Cultivators, Plows, Rilling and Walking Kairows Brantfcrd Wind Mills, Pun:ps, Piping and f iitmgs of all kinds, Beattie aye Carriers. Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers. Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satiaf action Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, OnL J Odds and Ends For Sale cheap or rent â€" Late -John J. Martin farm, lot 1. con. 4, Euphrasia, ,,^ containinu about 130 acres ; dwelling and <% new frame barn, stabling under. It not {]c sold in time for seeding will rent. Apply i^ to Cbsrles Martin on the premises or to 'M R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. mar2Sth |W For sale cuea ana on easy ixirms. Lot 3. con. 11, Oiprey, 110 acres. This i'* a first class farm and in a good state o cultivation. (Tood bank barn and new | ||l frame dwelling. .Apply <.o K. J. Sproule M Flesherton Si W. H. BUNT Agent for Dominion Pianos and Organs FLESHERTON, 1 ONTARIO. For Rentâ€" -A brick dwelling situated on Colliut;wood street. Flesherton, frame stable.good well and g:irdeuin connection owned by Samuel Colquette. For partic- ulars apply to Silns S'hunk, Fleslierton. Ssrayedâ€" Onto the premises of the undersigned ou May I!); one bay horse with star in its face ;uid white spot on its note. Owner ia rei(uested to prove properly, pay eipeuses and taJis same awav. â€" Dttu McDonald, Feiersliam. I r <==fr=a Kentner's Popular Music Store, Mark dale. IS the placs to buy your Piano. Ih-gau, Phouogriiph, Sewing Machine, Sheet Music, and all musival supplies. Tiy Fevershaai Piistry Flour, the be for your cook. All l<utMio wheat. THE BOYS AND GIRLS W'ho have been work- :«o Strenuously on the farms producin.; food food for those ic Home and I'verseas should be given the opportunity of improving their Kdu- cHtion during the slack winter months at the Livery For Sale Fiost class livery in city of IS.OOO. In is the oldest established and oest located lu the city. There are IS horses with a thriving e-' The fees are no higher than wlion farm produce sold :it. half the price of today. The youna people will oe benefited throughout life fro'u the training id Business obtained in a few winter uiouchs of our Special Busiue.^s Course. Winter term begins. Wed. J.m. "J Circulirs free. 'very best equipment, doin I busicess. Last :noDth was over I But one com{>eti;or. Will sell ; or consider an e\change on I .Apply to IWILLOLUBBV FARM A3ENCV. »725. for cash a farm. Wor Bro John Wright ; S W, Bro A S There will be two baseball ma'ches and a ' jj^jj . j w, Br > Dr W T Little : Chap, •plendid list of sports. Tea frum i> to 7. ^ yVor Bro .J W Bell.iiiiy ; Treas, Wor Bro Proceeds for comforts for the boys Joseph Blackburn ; Sec. Rt Wor Bro T overseas. See bills for all patticuUrs. , ^ Blakely : S D, Bro T -A Fisher ; J D, Donald McVicir arrived home on Bro J R P^iteous : D of C, Bro N. Saturday from North Bay Normal school. Richardson ; I (5, Uro Peter Muir ; S S. As he was passing through Toronto he Bro W L Wiight; J S. Bro n W Philliivs. joined the Royal Air Force and is now Bros U G Holland and T Clayton were on the reserve list waiting to be called. ; elected auditors and Rt Wor Bro T A tA the R.A.F. is Hlled up. : Blakely representative to Grand Lodge A dog got next to ten young ducks »t Windsor. belonging to Dr. Murray one night last . *^â€"- week and uext motninu ten badly aaogled carcases were found in the yard, l.'ufottunately the dog's was not am jng them, bu: if the animal is identiiied his remains will likely be added to those of :he ducks. The body of the thiid victim -» Frenchman -in the Bracktnbuiy fatality at Couiston, was found on (\'iday, Junj 14, about 'J5 fatt from where Mr. Brackenbury's body was recovered This and Addison charged wilh selling liquor w«8fi\edaye after the accident. The .-ontrary to the Ontario Temperance Act- j body, when found, was in an upright U was alleged that l! ilLuigher hid As no one saw ihe ace deut embarked 'u the business on a wholes*le Booze Is Costly Selling booze in the Alliston District, when the Uw says it is not i?enllomanly I to do so, is au expensive job. as Weslev Gallagher, who htils from Mulitur. found out the other day . License Inspector Uobiusoo had Gallaugher up before Magistrates Elliot Anthrax in Peel Several cases of anthvix have occurred in Peel County. Due man named Snyder is dead and a veterinary surgeou is in Toronto ^hospital sutfering wilh the disease. Dr. Stirk was called to a farm to make an investigation into the mysterii'US death of three cattle. Whiie hadlini? a carcase it is believed that he was infect- ed. Like Mr. Snyder, the disease showed itself tirst in the arm, and after mnsuhing with Dr. Sharpe. Medical Othoer of He;i.'th for Brampton, he went to the Toronto hospital. The outcome is still to doubt. His condition is serious. The inquiry iu»de eo far into the death' of Snyder pointed to his lauds having been tlooded in the spring ireshets. Water which had passed throuifh an old tauuery there, it is thought, uauie down to Ihe Suyder farm and tlooded the grasb which waj later eat?n or laid on by the sheep. Iti shearing the animals Suyder is thought to have been infected Another outbre-tk of the disease it reported from the farm of .losiah Pick- I ering, ueai ChurehviHo, three miles west MlSCELUNEOtiS Uaviuu taken over from H. B. McLean Q. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, the W. G. Pickell Insurance business, 1 am preoared to look after the interests lI the public. Hus;h li. Hummond. U. K Uuelph ,uiu Georgetown, Ont F«r Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull on lo 3»i, cou. t». .\rteiuesia. Terms 81.50 for liradee. Must be paid within'9 mouchs from date of service. Dept. A.. Owen Sounii. Ontario, i Jan. v>. -r. o. turner Xo. I, Kugei i.a A; 1 Aug. 'eut. Phone 2 r ; r Priv-ue funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. .Apply to R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 I ' U^rse For Sale- Good third horse for ' fanner. -Apply lo F. H. Graham, power house, Kugeuia. Highest price for- buttei and eggs at â-  Graham Bros. Eugenia. June 2(> Notice -.Aftei June 10 I will not have, a boar for serviceâ€" J. F. Cullinscn. NOTICEâ€" After June 22nd 1 will not have a boar for service. â€" W. J. Meads, i BULL FOR SERVICE Kogist«red Shorthorn bull for .<»ervice. 1 Tarm^ $1.")0 for grade cows, $;>.00for registered cows. C^m. 4, lots lOSU .Aiteii'osia. ' July I - ; -J. D. MiLEOD. Ceylon.. position. tl)e causj will never be known. The Frenchman was an expert swimmer acd Otnoc m!iii. and the ctn<>e had a keel liltached to give it more stability, bu>. it is suppi.'scd a swift under current hittinu the keel upset the crnfr. .xud Ui? iivcr being swift :it this point t.o swimmer tiould sucvivo. scilo and was handling the wet goods in caso lots. One swore th it he had DUrchased a cise from the accused Tho magistrates tiued the actujcd K'OO or eight mouths in jiil. It i.s o.iid Gill au'her, who buys hoises and potatoes. of Brampton, where four co»s died under unusual circumstances. Ihe Sent their blood for analysis, which established Ihe fact e( the e.xistence of anthrax. The carcases of the nntm.als i and the earth where they were buried Wis ordeied bunted to devtroy the disease. Ill view v.f ibo lack of farm labor, manmoM of factories »uJ industries of allkitik's should pl'»n lo leleise all men aud woiiunthey possibly can who aie I wi'.lii'g t. tielp wiih the harvest. The Carefully Buiter. . .. ttftSllU. Corrected Esob Week %\ '.O 'X,\ > 3'> t .â- ),"> Ir^s^ COME TO FLESHERTON ON Monday, July 1st, 1918 A good day of spot-Is will be held in tlie .Agricultural grounds cousistiug ol â€" baseball Matches, Hotse Races, Boys Foot Races, Boys" Bicycle Races. Tl.e following Baseball teams will plai â€" UANOVEE, POWER HorSE. DUNDALK aud FLKSHERToN. A parad-» will form ou tnarket square at 1. SO headed by the Higblaud Pipers' baud, proceodiug to the agncultuial grounds. A grand coucert will be held iu the Auditoiium of the UigU School. High class taleut has becu sccuted. Doors open at 3 clock, ormcert at S.30. ADMISSION to stOQuds. Adults loi.. Childreu 15c.. vebicles and autos 'ioc. Al'MlSSK'N to concert 2uc. to all, reserved seats 5Qo. Plan of Hall at Photo Gallery. F BROWN, W. A. HAWKEN, Pr©s. Sec. 1 was lined $t>00 at Toronto effence. for a similar agricultural industry is of prime import- ance to the wjild tod.iy. Kiuis. fresh Wheal »22o Oats ... Pea« Barley Potati es Buckwheat Hides Ducks .. Geese Chickens Fowl J to ;-'o >.»') to yo :< 1(8 to 4 00 I 30 to I :!j $1.25 '.>') to ^••5 llV to It'c a:j to 23 Bull for Service Th.rouahbrod bull f^r service Z'{ j" '.V on lot 140. T S.U . -Artemcsia. Termsâ€" "oJ» , . .^ $1 30 for grtdes. %i for thoroughbreds. ru!«lrillJ"'y -J.A, LEV^R, Proy. Bull For Service Thor.uuh^ro.l Oiithnui Bull for service on lot UW. W T S R, Artemcsia. Teim l..W,^$;5 for thiroughbreds. a Ju!yla -MARK STEWART, Prop

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