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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1918, p. 4

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June 27 1918 T H A I' L E8I1 V V ION ADVANCE f Flesherton Advance j a«o"nd grey county an indopendenl new«impiT, piitjliHlied every . j^s. Uodfiey, of t'lislswoilh, died fhur,day «C ih"- office, 0>lliii.i,'w<.(>d Htroel, ; .,, , , , , ,., .-i.,, flsiherton. Subacripti.m price SI (.eramniiu ; suddenly lust wi-ek fi..iii lu-iiit MUure. 4hen I'aidinadvmco ;*I.f)»>vhi-ii iu)t sn im li ({„ ^.,i^ iiiiiiriiriiMl. l,HWw«-.)klv i VVIiilu » nuinlii'i- of M enfold cuizons «â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" . rj^j." ' were luutorinj; to AUiston llitir c ir titriick some freshly biid gi-avel mid i-liidded (l)rowiiiy till! o':cui<iii's on*. Ndiody was si-nnusly iojiirod. Two airplane] went in DundilU recently. C^del J. K. Saiin lers w,is killed inbUnlly .it C.uniJ Horden when his machine criilied In the jjiouiut. lli.H Durham. Grey Cdinty had 14 lirei in April. Rubert McKniijht.Ueiiistriir for Ninth vlrey since IHTti, died it liis home in Owen Sound last week. Williiin .lohnst'in of Derby, Wiis badly hurt list week while helping a' a burn raisinx. He fell to Iha Kroif'd, a i distance of fourteen feel, striking head It is Dog Wool Now War 18 re»poii»ible fi r iiiiiiy new and unexpected indu.stri.s ""> the least of which is the raanufuiure of knitting waol from the combiiys of do;{s. .V fe« Udics conceived the idea fr .in utilizing thecombiD<8inthi„w:.yund afU-r '""B | "(j;,',,,, ^^, ,„ and patient expdriineiitin;j the process of spinning was perfected. Scientists liaie Jjdcoms inlsrested in the discovery aud a small room in iho Albert; and Victor a muieum has been set aside for an exhibit j of the work. Important propositions have come from the commercial world, which was iiuick to see the possibilities ; of this new industry, but, while the war â-  ^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^, ^.^^^ ^^^^^^ lasts, ihere is no commercial side to the ^^^ undbrtaking. j Major W. A., V.O., D.S.O., Long haired dous furnisli the '""l""" j ^.C, ha^ been appointod to the British used, aud wool of unu.ual .ilk.nes.. and ^.^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^^j^_^ ^ ^ softness is spun from their combings. A j . pale gold sock, light as silk, but whosej One of a span nf dnviii;; burses belong- ing to W. K. Murphy was electrocuted io front of Storey's blacksmith shop at Alliston. The Hydro linemen were engaged in taking down the old Iine8,the wire of which bare in pluo«s. One of thp wires lay across a live service wire, also bare, and was grounded in a puddle of water in front of the blacksmith shop, Mr. Murphy drove up and was directing the team to the edpe of the pavement at a walk. One of the team, a four year old mare, otepped into the wtcer and dropped as though she had been shot in a vital spot. warmth i» instantly realize! when the «ock is held against the cheek or hand, was knitted from the combings of a Pekingese. The whitest and softest of socks for (he wounded come from the combings of a white poodle. Cardigans or hard wearing socks of soft grey are furnished by the old English sheep dog. Black as jet, sUmless and glossy, is the wool given by the curly retriever. Collies, cockers. Chows and Pomeran- ians, Barzois ana Vorkshires, perky or '•i^nified, all yield the rocst delightful wool. Lightness and softness andjwarmth are truly admirable nualities in wool, but this new kind possesses unheard of wearing qualities. Absolute proof of this is given in a grey cardigan which has been worn in the front line continu- J ously since last autumn and w»»hed ropeatediv without showing the least sign of wear. BY-LAW No. 3, 191 8 Township of Euphrasia A Bylaw of the Municipal Council of the j Corporation of the Township of Eu- \ Uolstein Bnll^For Service A.tliiirouglibred Holstein tuill for service on lots 18;MS4 S. W. T. & S. U.. Artemeaia: clos- ely related l;i> the wiirld's champion 44-pound sow. Terms! tl.r>Ufor (grades, $5.1)0 for pure bieds. 1 July 17 â€" CiKO. MOORl'; & .Son. Notice to Creditors phrasii, to take the vote of the rate- i j,, ^^^ matter of the Estate of John payers of the Police Village of K-in'- Coulthard, Kte of the Township of bsrley in the said township, entitled Osprey, in the County of Grey, firmer, to vole on money bylaws on a nueslion I Jm-^jisud. ^ ^-^â€" -a {laB i -^ ro be suboiittsd whether the ?aid ) Notice is heiehv given, pursuant to t ., _ .t . ......,l.T «f I i> once IS neieov given, pursuanr to rat.,|.ayer.areinf.vorof a.u ply of ...j,^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ â-º;. ^^^^ L«„d,„„„t, electric power from the Uyl;"''''""-- Uiereto. that all creditors aud others trie Power Commission of Ontario. ,_^^^._^^ ^,^._^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^,^^ WHERKAS the Municipal Council of I said John Coulthiird, who died on or the Corporation of the Township of j about the Eighth day ot April, .\. D. Euphrasia deems it advisable to submit I I'JliS, are reijuired on or before to the ratapayeis of the said Polict^ ] tlie Twentieh day of July, 1018, Village of Kiiiibeiley in the said Town- : to send by post prip^iid or Oeliver to ship of Euphrasia entitled to vote on ' Mesiis. Wiight, Telford & liirlow ot nioi;ey bylaw* a qiiestion as to wliethitf the town of < 'wen S uiiul in the County the saiil ratepayers are in favor of a of (iroy, snlioilors for Messrs WiMiini supply of electric p iwer fciuii the Hydro- I U. Moore . nut llugli S. l''tMi»ick, tlu eleotric Cower t!oiiiinissiou of tJntario. ' of the last Will ana Testiimeiit Kxocutors THEKEKOUK, till! Council of the , "f the sail deceived. their Christian' of th ) Township of Kiiphra ! »i'*l Surimiaes, lul Jivsses ami desorii Corporation ol sia enacts as fi 1â€" That the following f|U«Mtions be Kuhmitted to tlii' lalep.iycrs of the I'olioe Vilhigi- of Kiinl.i-ilfy ill the said Town- ^)lip of Kiilihiasia eiitillid t ) vote lUi liiiiiiey bylaws •• Are yim in fuvor ol obt.iiniiig fn.m the Hydio EU'i'tric Comiiiissioii of Ontario a supply of electrio power !" iJ-That the v .teof I lie said ratejiayeis sliall be taken i>ii the question al llm following time .Hid (ilace by tli" lJe[>iily Roluniinu (lllieei ami Poll Clerk here- inafter iiieiitioiied, tint is to siy on .Saturday the •JDtliday of July, A.D.l'JlH. coinineiiciiig at the hour of nine n clock in the foiaiiiMui ami continuing open un'il live o'eloek ill tin- .iftrtriioon of ilie xame d ly a the Public IJall in tlie said Vi luge of Kimbeiley, by .lauiPl K. t'aweetl, Deputy Ketiiriiing I Mlieer. and â- Jiine* Lawrence, Poll Clerk- .â- J â€" A true copy of this Bylaw sli ill be published ill the M.'irkd<le Staiiil.inl newspaper on Tliiiisd.iy the Tweuln-tli tlay of .lune. TliiiisiUy Juno 27, anil Thursday .Inly 4, I'.tIK, respectively, and » copy i( lliis P.yliiw shall be posted al (ha pulling phiee mentioned and at the Pc)sto(liee 111 llie xaid Policj Village of Kinil«uley. 4â€" On the hftceiith day of July, A. 1). 1918, at the Clerks otljee in the said Township of F/iiphiasia, nt ten o'e'oek in the forenoon, the Heeve of the nwX Township will ill writing signed by hi ii, appoint two persons to attend to tlis Hiial sniniiiing uji of the rotes by the ^'lark of the. said ( 'iM'porati >ii, and una pers'ii to attcinl al tlie |i*lling place on behalf of tile persons interested in and 'lesiroUNof the answering in tlie alhriua- live and a like niimber on belu'f of the persons desiroiti of HiHWerlug the said • piestion in the negative, respectively. 6~The 22n<l dayjof July, AD l!tl8 •I the office of the sAid (Merk of the said Township of Kiiphrasia, i.s hereby ap pointed at ten o'c.ock in the forenoon for thesuminiiig up of the votes by llie Maid Clerk, given in tlm attirniative and the uegativb respect ively. Made, jxia led and enac'ed at the ♦.'oiincil ChaniliBr in ilie Tnwiiship of Euphrasia the 81 li iliy of March, A.D IVlii. JOll.N MILLKK, Ueeve. N. I, CUIIKY, Clerk. Take l>o(iec I h it the above ii a true t'opy of a Itylaw pis-icI by the Mlinicipil I'ouncil of Ilie Coipoialion of the Town- xliip of V, iph-asia on the Hih d.iv of War. h, A l» IU18, And further lake nolle-! that liour and <Uy and place Iheein (iicil f..r taking the voles if the eleeioi^ the |h>I1 will bo held. First published the 27th lUy of ,liaie, A D. 11(18. N. L. CIUIIY, I tions, the fall pirticulars of their claims, I the statement of their accounts and I til! iiiuiiie of the Seen itie-, if any, 1 liu!d by thiiiu. 'i .\nd tike iiolicu tint after sucli lait j nioiitioiied date the said I'iKecutors will pioc-jed to distribute the assets of the â-  said deceased iiniong the puties entitled I iheieto, having re^atd only to the claiiiH I of which they .sh.ill iheii have notice, ,iiid 1 th;it the s.-iid KM'culors will not bi. lialile i for the >iid assets or .iiiv part thereof to I any pernoii or persons of whose cl >iins I lioiice sliill not li;ive been eivcil liy thoiii j at the lime of siu:h Uist rl>)UtiuM, i Dated the ITlli d.iy of .liiiie, A.D, I'.il.S j WRIGHT, TEfiKOUD & BARLOW I Owen Sound, Out. (Solicitors for Wm. il. Mooie and I Uuah .S. Feiiwck, K.'cecutoia of iln- 1 E-.tite of John t.' loltliaid, decea.sed. Cltrk of the Township of EuphMsia, t'hone No. t!3 The Imported Percheron Stallion NIGUOT Will ui ikd the season of IHlrt as follow.s: ^ Monday afternoon to Munshaw House Flesherton until 8 o'clock Tuesdny nioriiing, tlion to his own stible the ret f of the week. Niguot is a dark ijrey, ahsolntely sound, with thu he*l of breeding, and wliiMi inainr,?d will nriko a ton horse. Anyone wanting to ine this breed should sej hull before breeding tlmjr imres. He i" oiM of the b.<st Percheroni ever brouulit to this country. Terms and Condllions To insu'-e a mare with fo.ii, SI5, payable .Ian. Isr, Pll'.l. Mares iiiiisl br reiiirnH.I Io Ibis horse according Io ord-rs of tli.i Manager or they will be held responsible for the full insurance pric, whetlier wiili f, al or not. Pii t es di ipotiiig of ilimr in ires before colhsetiim time will be held le spoiHible for iiwinnnee pricii. All acei- denn to niires lu otherwise at risk of o*nor of mare.', Koioiinrtiit \ ,. 4Hii, p,»s<el in Korin 1 as siiiind under the Stall- ion Eiirdinnn! It i ipd MeE*in, R. \V. Wade, ''liiiruiiii Stfcretaiy Jaa. A. Crowston, Pfopri.'tor, Mi!.i».>r and CoUeotof M^rkdil,- PREVENT MILK SOURING Production of First*Class Seed Potatoes Increases Yields. i^^fSh'::f^S^'.^^^'^,^~--^^'-^^^^^^^-^^'^^^ .'^.^>%/l^^w. .^l^j^j^r/jf^i^-^S/^^r,^?^:^^^^ Male Breeding Stock â€" The Bull, Stallion, itaui and Boar Must All Be Given Exercise If the Staudurd of (be Herd Is to lie Muintaiued, (Contributed by Ontario Department of Aertculture, Toronto.) IT Is one of the anomalies of life that the sources of our greatest pleasures and greatest means of good, may alEO be sources ot life's greatest pains and most harm. Milk Is a case in point. Milk is the best source of life's greatest need â€" proper and sufficient food. It may also be a cause of the destruction ot life, because it may become the home or feeding ground of those death-dealing organisms which are DOW recogniaed as the cause of prac- tically all deaths, except those due to accident or old age. Fortunately we have discovered comparatively simple methods of combating th« effects of what are called pathogenic (disease-produc- ing) bacteria. These may be stated in a few short rules as follows: 1. Milk -which Is consumed in a raw condition must be drawn only from cows which are healthy. 2. As soon as t&e milk is drawn from the cow. it should be cooled to 50 degree* or lower, and be kept «t that temperature until consumed. 5. All palls, atrainers, dippers, milk bottles, pitchers, etc., which come in contact with the milk, must be thoroughly washed and preferably stestmed, or be rlnaed after washing in a chloride solution, which baa been found to be one ot the best germi- cides. 4. Milk ahould not be exposed to tb* air any longer than absolutely neceaaary, as this seeds the milk with a fresh lot of germs. Tbls meana tbe keeping of milk in a closed ves- sel and not in an open diab. 6. "Left over" milk from meals should not be put into the general supply, aa this causes the whole lot to spoil. (. "Left oyer" milk from the sick room should be pasteurised or de- stroyed, aa it may spread disease. 7. Milk at all times and in all places should be kept "clean" and •cool." â€" Prof. H. H. Dean. OnUrlo Agricultural College. Roguing Potatoes. The average yield of potatoes per acre in the Province of Ontario for the past thirty-six years has been about 113 bushels. The yields vary greatly. In 1917 there were vari- ations in Ontario from twenty-tive or less up to seven hundred bushels per acre. People are realizing more and more that for high yields of po- tatoes conditions must be favorable. It Is important to have good fertile soil well cultivated and to plant a liberal supply of seed of the besr varieties at the proper time. Seed potatoes somewliat immature which have been produced in a cool cli- mate, and which are comparatively free from disease, are apt to furnish seed of high quality. Kven under these conditions it Is well to care- fully inspect the seed before plant- ing and to thoroughly rogue the firowing crop. A potato field i.-; rosued by reuiov- iiis I lit! undesirable plants. A thor- uogli roguing ot the growing crop once or twice during the summer Is one of the elfectual ways In ridding the field ol a number ot the potato diseases. This operation would also insure the- immediate removal of the weak and uiUhrit'ty plants which are sure to produee iiuilersi.;- able seed. Potato growers soiuetiiufs go through their lioUls and remove all plants which are not true to type. Thorough roguluK is oue ot the best methods ot securing pure, healthy seed ot higU quality. ^ â€" Dr. C. A. Zav- ita, Ontario Agricultural College. K-iterclse the llreediiig .Slock. Exercise is essential for all male breeding s.jck. At certain seasons of the year it is an easy matter to arrange tor ample exercise tor the stallion, the bull, the boar, or the ram. At other times It Is rather dif- ficult and frequently little or no exercise is given, or if given too much freedom occasionally, harm to th^ sire Is the result. The bull should not be allowed to run loose In the pasture with the cows, in the first place it is a dan- gerous custom, as it gives abundant opportunity for the bull to attack a person unawares or where escape is difficult. Further, a record of the date of bi-eedlng of the cows cannot be kept and no herd can bo handled to the best advantage without these records. The main points to be observ- ed in keeping a bull in good condition so as to retain his breed- ing powers are to avoid excessive use wheu young and to give plenty of exercise and a moderate ration when mature. A good boxstall, about ten by twelve feet, gives freedom in- doors, and it is well to arrange for a strung paddock outdoors with con- venient passage between the two. Two or more bulla of any age may be kept together If they be dehorned, and the advantage Is that more exer- cise win be taken. The stallion on a route usually g«ts plenty and sometimes too luiicb exercise. At other times moderate work ot the boxstall and paddocic will suffice. The ram running during the great- er part of the year with the main tlock gels plenty ot exercise, especial- ly if the breeder is aiming fur a crop of strong lambs, and gets the (lock outside practically every day during ttaa winter. The boar will do best on a grass plot with plenty of shade during Biimtner, and In a pen provided witu a small yard during the winter months. â€" Harry M. King, D.S.A., Ontario Agricultural Ooll.^iie. Millinery Reduced Kroiu now until the dose of the spa son wt! Dttei" fill our trimmed and uiitiiiiiiiied shapes at reduced prices. " Goddess " Front Laced Corsets All .sizes in three dift'eient models in this popular corset. Seamless Tapestry Squares Good designs, floral and oriental patterns in fawn, green and brown grounds. Sizes 2| x i], 'Ih x ;J, 8 x S, 3i \ ?>, :; X 4, iJix'.'. Prices $I6.7r) to $30 White Shoes Ladies' white canvas pumps, high cut canvas lace shoes with French or sport heelsâ€" leather or rubber soles. All sizes in tan and white running shoes New Summer Shirts and Neckwear Balbriggan underwear and combinations Congoleum Art Squares New 1918 designs sizes 3 X 3, 3 x 6, 9 x 9, 9 x lOi, 9 x 12 Four Yard Wide Linoleums % A number of new patterns just arriving in floral and block designs in Canadian and Scotch makes. It will pay you t) buy now as prices for all floor coverings will be higher in the near future. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ~ ONTARIO m I Easy to applyâ€" durable and pioduces a beautiful, lasting finish that protects the carâ€" don't start out w ith a shabby ear, it is not necessaryâ€" when j a beautiful finish can be ob- I tained at very little cost and i labor. S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishes,Stains,Enamels,Bru8he8 I for house cleaning. |F. W.Duncan \ The Flishertfln Hardwire. ) pnone .U) r^. I Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorough .ued Ynrksliiit" Hoiir fot .service on lot ll,eou. 8, Osprey. Terms gi.Mi. FllKD SPOFFARD QUALITY counts every time ELLIOTT, r-7 if^/^icM^Ws^t Yoiigc and Charles Streets, Toronto llnH hitely been ssked tn till position.s wiuili fiuiii StlHOO 111 $ir>t'tl pe- ^nmuM The demiiiid f i om i;iilniti's is h*e times iiur suii|>ly. Nd vacrttii.ns. Kntei now. Write for l;irs;e OitnlnmK^ \V. .1. KIJJJTT, Prisiii'.u. Fleslxei^ton ^^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim ti> Give Entire S.-itisfactio LAUNDRV-Biisket doses Moiuluy nii;ht, delivery Kridny evenii CLKANINO and DYEINO- We »i agents for I'arker's Dye VVorks â€" Ciothei cleaned and dyed, femher.-* rejuvenated T FISHER - •PROPRIETOR STOCK FOR SALE 1 have 'it piesent for ijU ck sale - VorkshirB sows, some youni' cross-bred pi^s just reudy to wean, I 1 Uoueii drake, 1 Hnrred IU>ek toiwler. Piices ri!>hi. Phone or write. - 0K(^. \V. KOSS. (Vprey Tel, System. Mitxwell, 1M> New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I itni opeiiiiw no atoiue, :t lilncksiiiith- ini; imd woodworking in Mnx- well, iind mil iiHiHl'ini^ up-Io dtite wood- workini; nuiuhineiy. It will he my en deavoi ti servo tlie putilie in ;i SHlisf;kc ti'ty in'Xluier and I would solicit p*tron- Hije. 1 wint yiuiwoik \>nd will do it risjht, 7 Apiil 1 CHESTER LONG W. A. IIAWKEN', Dealer for Viigtl Pianos ami Phonograph?, also Records and Sheet Music. Call and Get price3 at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton III Flesherton Tin Shop IMI ^ *'^^^ -'"^^ placed on the shelves a full line ot Ij^ Tinware, Niokehvare and Agateware for domestic jll'dl u->e. Call on nie ami ijet your supplies IJ^ Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- (Mi Kepainug of till kinds promptly attended to. IJlj Pipetitting, including pump work, [jj] Furnaces installed. Agent for CMure Bros, i!! i ^"niaces. \ A Hi I D. McKILLOP II CHRISTOE BLOCK III FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. ^SS^SSS^S^SSi WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets j Agents F'or I Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Gultirators Harrows Mowers « I .H *(/ JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AQENT FLESHERTON.

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