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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1918, p. 1

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/kshetl^rn •TEUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PEI5CiPLEb NOT MEN. t^ * V. }. ,-â-  vol 38 No. 4 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, June 27 lOl;^ W, H THUIC^TON lfj;^i^ov UIB Ceylon Chat Mr. and Mrs. Charle=i McMullen of f lemiDgton, N. J., motored over and ftre visiting Miss Millie Cook. Mr. McMullen is Cipt. ia the Military Homts Guard at FleiuiDjjton, doing his bit in traininj,' the boya. Ro-jg McMullen left Monday to assist «n the section ne»r Shelbuiue.. Wui. Neely and men of Markdale ha»e bseu tjuitfi busy the past week putUn^ iu ties on the railway and have now left for the Walk«rtoa branch. Mi~9. D. Widemao, accompanied by J. G. McMullen, went to 0*tn Sound on Moodily. Mias Lottie Muir, who has been att«ndin{; Toronto Normal, has returned home, Mr. Mortomen of Durham was a finest at G. Oolliason's the past weuk. Mrs. A. t)inclair spent a day at Mark- dale last week. Mrs. X. McLood leaves this week on a risit to hev son in Wiuni^iug. She will be aocompanied from Toronto by her daugliter, Edna. Mrs. Wm. Neely of M.trkdale vi!iitc'<' Millie Cook last week. Mrs. Wideman of Proton visited with her son here last week. W. Meads was in Toronti) last week. our „f Priceville Jottings Miss Juue tjreets us with rather a coul sir this year. A heavy electrical tain storm swept over this vicinity last Fridny murDinf{. Messrs White and Holland of Flesher- ton, were each presiding part of last week here at the public school exams. P. F. McArthur has taken a position ill Kitrstedt Bros, general store. P. F. is certainly a genial and ^ilert salesman . Mr. J. Boland, Vandeleur, paid us frei|uent v-.sits last week in connection with the County road work. Wiiu Aldcorn is deputy push for this section of Artemesia. llev. Dr. Chapman preached his last sermon in the Methodist chuiich l:ist t^uuJay. Ha has been iu charge of the Priceville circuit since '.he deatli erf the Uev. iP. Jones last December. R. J. iSproule iif Flesherton, was ovor here one day last weok in cimuectioa with his e.xtensive ;tire iiwuuanca business. Horse and gasoline buagies S'Ud nuniea- â- <.>u.s pedestrians^ old and young of both eoxes, made the school^ house cuiiier » lively spot last Saturday., w);^?ie MiS'see Kttiilh, MoD'iiald and Jcmes coiiduot^id the re^itstrati. Jis. Uov. Mathewsou exebanitcd pulpita with Kev. Whaley, of lAnhaui, Sunday, Juue 23. No service in tlpj Mcihodi.^t church ne.xt Suuday. The new minister is expected to preach on the first Sunday iu July. Kimberley Budget Wm. Devins of Thornbury made a business trip to our burg on Monday. Miss Belle Duggaii of Schomberg renewed old ac'iuaintancua here last week . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wicken.s of Flesherton visited friends in our village during the past week. Entrance eiauis were held in school last week, Inspector Huff Meafurd presiding. lasoer Stuart was <jn a business trip last wf ck to the Parry Sound District. Elmer says his favorite scng i.s "The Campltells are coming." Mr. John fawcett lost a valuable calf last week from acute indigestion. Our two teachers, Miss Cook and Miss Latimer, had charge of ihe registra- tion for Kimberley polling divisi 3n and performed their duties in .•» very creditable tuanuer. Miiia Fawcett, of Markdile, is spending a few days at the parental home, Ouejwnior baseball team jouiueyed to Eugenia on Saturday afternoon last and played a six iiinincs game with the boys of that village resulting lu a win for Euaeiiia. Our boys were badly handi- capped as two uf thcii- best plKyers were absent. The teams play nn Saturday afternoon next in our burg, where a fasf game is expected. Wo are sjriy to report Ralph Staa'oi'd on the sick list, he being laid up with a bad cold. We ire pleasel to â- see the genial face of John Smart, of Burks Falls, in our midst u few days latt week. John is prospei ing iu the north country. Mrs. Wiu. Flood visited a few days the past week wi*h her mother, Mr.'?. John Brown, *t Faiimount. We uii<l«sr«t»nd there is to he a vote iu our burg on July 30lh re Hydro Electric lights. Feversham Items | Bates Burial Co. BUtJiNESS AS L'Sl'AL FL1\ LIK'UT. THUS. BLAKELV The subject of this skeUh waH born in Artemesia ti.wiiship 2.5 jeus ago, and in childhood moved with lii« and Mrs. W. G . Blakeiy. At the outbreak of thi> employed in Calgary. Tom was machinery parents, Mr i» Winnipe war he niis natural geni-is wl,ere onlv 1« ""' r""'""'- ""^ "hen only 18 years „f „., (,„,, ^ ZIT: T '^'"-â- '' '" "P-nented "h he ,„„eh,ne, >, hioh was l,u,,t on tbe Curtis plan. KiU- ,.,„ ,, ' , ^ "â-  -^la. tile war began at lease two attempts his hi4n<;ar and Eugenia Paragraphs Victoria Corners Mis Vina Millsap vibiied her friend, Jii's Violet Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks and children and Miss Alice Stewart visited at James Best's. Vorna Moore tried the Entrance at Flesherton and Ethel Nevil at Dundalk last week. Mrs. Ed. Mack and children visited her uncle, George Moore, for a few days last week. Registration was conducted in No. 4 Bchool house with Mrs. Ludlow and Miss Hamilton acting as registrars. One of the most successful garden ptrties iu the annals of Inistioge took place on Monday, June 1(>, Ball gmiics aud other amusements. After supper (which is always one of the most enjoy- able items of such gatherings),a splendid program was rendered by home talci.t, ot which wc are proud. We congratulate the Loiiiiue on their splendid success, as thoy took little time- for preparing or advertising. The proceeds of the evening were considerably over twenty dollars when all expeu's'ea wure paid. j Mr. L:iidlaw of *helbiiriio is visitirg i his brother, Mr. J.inies Laiillaw. Mis. Moore of Stayuer ajid her niece, Mrs.. Lewis Pedlar, visited their friend, Mrs. A Hoy, aud Mrs. A. Tuuhy. Wo are sorry to lose iiov. Mr Dinnick. He will preach his faicwfll SBrmotJ on Sunday. June JO. Angus McLaughliu and lady irieml visited his sister, Mrs. K. Pnin. A very interRstiiig baseball game wa« played ju the Euge.iia diamond, when the Kimberley Juniors came over and played the Eugenia juniors, the score being Jo to 9 m favor of Eugenia. Miss Horeuce Parliameut has returned to her home after spending a term iu Toronto Noiiual School. Dou'i forget the garden party Thiirs , June 27, iu aid of the boya at the (rout Sports of all kinds aud a beautiful cushion lo be t'iven the lucky one. G^ir. is wearing a broad smile these days. Why .' Because it's n boy. Mr. aud Mis. Morse and fiiuiily are guests of iMr. and Mrs. U". iVJa,'ee. A number took in the'gardcn party in Flesherton last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. FidUis of Heathcote visited Mr. and Mrs. Garnie Magee. "ere made to bum machine, at Calgary, A couple of years ago he j„i,„d .^e service an.^ was ..ent to Deseron.o "', ^ff^^'^'ds to Camp Borden, from where he went overseas ai.d i. now ,n Fr ance playinu hide and clouds with Hun riyer.?. several close calls but ha ^ek among tl.a He hag had ., , always come through without bodily i„ju,y, .Uthoiwh his uiacluue on one occasion was brought down in flames fiom height of .5000 eisH nephew of Thomas and Joseph Blakeiy of Flesherton, is known as a daring and aecoraphsheJ flyer, and IS an honor to his parenis and to country While taking his course Dutario he visited his relatives her several occasions. teet. He The weather continues cool for *Iiu time !•( year. .\ goud rail, o.i Fr.dsy a'ld Saturday will do a groat deal of good after the recent froft. Miss Bertha Co'liUB'te ut Toro.ito is visiting friends in this locality. Miss Ada Kaitiing has retuin«id froiu Toronto, where she sp^iut a week visiting friends. George Julian and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Juliiu attended a welconu; reception home at Lewis Pedlers', Flesherton, .n Saiurday evening, for one of our brave sjidier boys returned frum ^i^mce, P,e. Cecil Meldruiii, who Ins been at the front for so'ne lime aud knows â- iomeiliing of ,he horrors of this awful war. VVel- c line home, anj a great number of your friends here, too, Cecil. The Rev. A. P. Stanley of Markdale save two very iiiterestiiis discourses at the anniversary services ai Miixwdi i n Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley's many friends were glhd to see thorn and •.he cliutch was packed at both .services. Rev Stanley was pa.'^tiu- on the Maxwell circuit for f'lir yeais and is stationed now in Markdale. Mrs. McKeoi) and daghuter, Leila, of Duncan, visited with her »i->ter, .Miss Adi Kaittiiiii, last week. Mis.- Lulu Jolley, deputy r>-gistiar, und assistauis, Mi.sses Kiiiily Fenwick audjMae Cohjuette, had a busy day 'iii S.iiurday rei;istering the man and woiinn power of our school section, N >. 7 Osprey. About 20O signed the roll . Bornâ€" On Thursday, Juue 2<t, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heathcote, a Jauniitor. On Friday, June 21, the stork left a baby girl with Mr. aud Mrs. \\ ill Brown, Mr. aud Mrs. Addy Heron have returned to their home in the West. The body of Mr. Gauthei, who wai drswued at Conieton at the tiuie Mr and Mrs. U. Brackeubury were drowned has been recovered. his in re on In Loving Memory Of Charlie, beloved sou cf Mr. and Mrs. .\dam Soiith, who was drowned at Eugenia June 23, 1916. Two years, aud still in memory dear We breathe your name, aud shod a tear Time cannot alter love so deep and true ; This day brings back our giief snew. Some day, some time our eyes sh.ill see The face we loved so well ; Some day, some lime our hands shall clasp To never say farewell. â€" Father, Mother, Brother and Sislerb. Fall Wheat Seed Announcement In view ofthe paitial failure of the Kali wheat crop in this Province this year it will be necessary fur farmers to make early arraugemeuls for the supply of seed wliieh they uiH need for fall sowing. Lnder circumstances fatn.ers who have on hand ,|uantities of wheat suitable for fall seeding are urged to cont^erve them for Ihi.., purpose. ' If there is no demand 1. cally, the i)if,.rma. tion should be supplied to ihi.-' Depart- inciit (ir to !h:> Local Dflico ..f Departiuonl in your County ,so every etf.Ht may be nmele l) have an e<iuitable aud satisfactory distribution. The need f..r fo.idstuils jiistilies a large a. rcage ,ji Fall Wheat in 'his Province again this year, and the cooperation of the farmers in the mobilization aud aistrihution cf the available seed supplies is invited. ONT. DKPT. 'IK AGIUCCLTrpE H. C. Diilf. Kepiesentative, M.irkdale. Out. Geo. S. Henry, Minister uf igiieulture, Parliaiii enl l?iiUliiig<, Toronto, (.)ni. Pithy Proton Pointers Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. Pig For Service Pure bieJ TamH..rii, Boar for Service on h,t 17ti, IS.W.T. and S. R., Arte, mssia. Terms «1 or ?2 for purehieds. I June I.S _T. .T.STIX.SON, Prip A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT "♦•.♦*.â€" ».#..^., â- .♦..»..«..».,»„^.^^^^. , ^, „ "♦*â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â™¦"»â- â™¦â-  «.••••••••••.«.•«-» Ladies ! The Mi lincry Season in and we are re ly with a real up-to-date stock of SPKING H.A rs aii.l woukl be plea.sed to have yon give us a c;. 1 and .see our styles before ycu buy. We can suit you if you want to-date hat. i Ls I an up- W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, . Ontario [ »..«. •♦â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ .•*.».^««..»..4„#„4..^.,^„ this I hat After listenn'g for a while to a stalled iiuloisl the other night, says the ticorge- it has been estinated up fo a recent period that 4,7".Kt,iXtO pe.ple in Europe have been starred t.i death since the beginning of the war. L'niess the liUS harvest is saved starvation will become general throughout Europe aud he sufl'er- iiig anions 'he civilian popniati nis of ( ur Allies unprecedented in the liHiory of the world . " I think the greatest, the most radica', the most idealistic and the most fantas- teal declaiation which any boJy of men hu made has been bv the Bolshoviki of Rii.^sia," said Mr. tiiuiiiel (.i.unpers, the Mrs. (?uest, of Toronto, is v. ailing with h«r Jarents, Mr. and Mrs. Il.ouie. Miss Marie Sherson is jpendii^n her holidays with friends in Toronto. Edith Coiisiey is home from Flivsiieiion high school f,,r the summer vacation. Winnie Wodehouse and Edith .Siinson tried their high school enl ranee cMins in Dundalk la>-t week and Maud Aoheson went to Kleshetton. We hope that all three will |.ais with tlyins^ colors. Pte. Duncan .McXichol has ro'urned to Niagara after speiidiiii; a few liuys' leave with friends here. .Mildred Lyons has returned after a sho) t visit ill Toronto. Mrs. .Jackson, of Toronto, is v..~ 'ins? her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. B.idi-tio. We are very sorry to know that .Miss Wrixht is ieaviug this year, but wc wish her success in her new .•â- chooi Hanover. Miss Ada Achcsuu is hunii^ truni T'lronto Normal and Miss liMii.i returned after having spent two montirs with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Abe i^lierson is ii-ecting \ new driving .-hed and .Mr. Hugh H.idyins is goinn (o pot up a tyjw barn, li.ving already commenced ihe stone foundation with Mr. Beiilham, of FIeshert<.ui, m aliatge. LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Automobile Tires and Supplies Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.IMcTAViSH, - FLESHERTON Tlic t'iij eni;i!ie and ciiiiden.ser mi tl e defunct cement worlts at (.iiaiigeviHe was ' sold as scrap to a junk dealer for $275. i What might have provi-d a fatal acci- j dent occurred at A. J. Uarkin's farm j I last week. On Thursday mornirii; an ' ' aroplane and two aviators landed in Mr. â- â-  â-  Uaikin's hold m ihe townliue. Mr. \ Harkiu a-id t.;e.>. Switzer went over to i sjo it. The insirucUir was learning a ' Swat lly, .shoot the spy.out out the lie sweat <iff on pie, iiuit drinking rjo .ind utver-'ay die. great labor leader. '• And they have [ cadet to hind. They rose again rnd on lost not only Iho meat from (he bone, i miking Iho stcond landing Messrs. i.»... u,..ii . . . . â-  I but the bone it-elf, «n<l have not oven » Uarkin and .Switxer tbouaht Ihe piano town Ueiald, wo came to the ooiiclusiou !. u j „ â- . t, i , „ . I . , *^ ,,,,,, , . 11, â-  , I shadow. I! IS announced ihftt P,u.< ; w«s coming on ect tor I hem and ran I o that .1 language coutrollar is the next i ^ .â-  i. , , . . .mioial 10 be appointed "" " j plennpoteiitianes have been sent to > get behind a stump, but that did not I China to endeavcr to sacurcfood supplies j save them. The machine hit tho stump ' for the Kussian people. Disorganizaiion ! and turned over, the wing bittipg Mr " of mlustry aud agrwultutal luoducticii i Harkin a nasty blow on the side of the ' In Russia under ll:« Kolshcviki re^^ime is ' head and lendorirg him unconscious fer ^ resulting in (amine, starvation and uoino hours. Mr. Swititer esciptd with- j mi.icry. I'nicsa relief is procured and j out :« astatch: The instructor ;i;id cadet rates Klliott aud Addi.<on. of AUiston, Weeloy G.illaugher, a Mulmur man, ?i500 for scUins; li.-|uor. The sltatnative pontlty is eight months' i.Tiptisonment. Gallauaher skipped tnit iHjfore the (rial. Th*> information was laid by License Inspector Robinson. Ihe people 'settled perish. down, ihey must were slightly injured. It is none of the men wor; killed. I SPRING AND SUMMER ^demands are for White Boots and Shoes. We have! 5 them Lace Boots, Pumps and Strap Sandals, ^also a good assortment of Running Shoes in white! ^ black and tan. Ia. also gA line of children's white canvass oxford, 3 ey«let! ^hole, leather soles. Clearing at 75c., sizes 6 to 10. Truuks. .Suit Cases and Club biig.s. ^ Repairing as usual. % THOS. CLAYTON ^FLESHERTON, - ONT. <i

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