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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1918, p. 1

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^k^l^ttim %hmnu TKUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKINCIPLEfa NOT MEN.' ?0l 38 No, 2 Fleshierton, Ont., Tbursday, June 1 3 lOlJi W, fl THDHSTON RDITOIf and PBOl'llIE k Ceylon Chat Mrs. ToiTey «nd little son, .Jack, of Lauriston, spent a couple of days with her paieiita, Mr. and Mrs. II. Piper, here last week. B. Robinfon of Glenelg was a guest at Gr. Ccllinaon'a last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Stowiirt spent the week end with Fevershaiii friends. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McConuell of near Grand Valley (*allod on friends here laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodcson and •on, of Toronto, were visitors at T. ChiHlett's for a cuuplu of days. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wideman spent last week visitiug the latter's parents at ElmwQod, returning home Saturday. John Parslow and Roy Piper attend- ed the farmers' roeetinft in Torontj last week in the interest of fiirmeis' sons. Pts. Will McArthur aad Bowes of Exhibition camp, Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. McLachlan, and two sous, Oben and Elgin, motored to Singnamptun the first of the week. W, Neely and men ure now engaged kere putting >u ties on the railway. Men are now busily engaged loading eijuare timber here. U. Bennett uC Shelburue spent the ^eek end with his fuinily here. On Friday evening a meeting was held in the hall for the purpose :)f organizing the Willing Helpers into the Women's Institute. Dr. Sirrs organiited tl.o soci- ety and gave a talk on the duties of each member. The following utticeis were elected : President, Miss Klla Wbittaker ; Sec. Trsas, Mrs. R. Gibson; Directors, Mrs. Cummins, Mrs. D. D. McLauchlau, Mrs. McMulleu ; Auditors; Mrs F. D. Cairns and Millie C>>ok. Priceville Jottings A Bright Sunset Portlaw Those of our soldiers who are home ou leave of absence are Ptes. Frank Taylor, Harry Fisher and Lorence Lyons. By a letter from Pte. W»i. Thoinpsou, who was recently wounded in Fvanoe, it is learned thit he is now in hospital in El gland. Mrs. Lewis Sheardowtt and two chil- dren visited her parental home at Bolton lately. A lady friend accompanied hev home. John Winters has a sheep lh»t pro- duced four lambs this season. The whole family are alive and frolicking around their mother. A great many- fruit trees in ihis section are either dead or dying, it is thought on iiccount of the severe frost winter. Plum and pear trees have suffered most. Sir. Brown has returned from ( )spioy township and taken possession of the Udell house. Joseph Croft raised a large frame batn kst week. The block and pulley system was used. These farmerettes in \V. J . Boyd's corn field are attracting a good deal uf curiosity, and appear to be regarded somewhat suspiciously, eBpecially by the The frost on Friday night damaged the parly vegetables more or less. Mr. Angus McArthur, who has been appointed by the Glenelg Council to spend $40 per mile on certain roads in the township under ihe new County Roads scheme, has bad several men and teams during last week repairing the gravel leading from here t<> Durham . Rev. Matliewson went to Toronto on Sat. to hold Gi"Iic services in Buuar Presbyterian church for Rev. Mcvjilli vary, and Hbv. Fra.-^er of Owen Sound took ihe former's work hure. The entertainment given hereon June 7th was ijuite a success. Durham talent under the auspices of the Institute were well received. Half the proceeds were given to Priceville Red Cross and f(H was realized. Mr. and Mrs. i'hos. Nichol were called last week to the bedside of the latter's brother, Mr. McAllister, of Collingwood, who has been ailing for some time. We understand he pabsed away the next day. Priceville Red Cross Society will hold a garden party on the public school grounds on Tuesday, June S.'if h. Showed her Ticket By »B order which went into eflect on May W passeneers on railway trains must ohow their r.iilway tickets before ^ttiiig sboard. which will surely delay trains. This is how it worked out in the case of one lady who boarded Conductor Jack Walker's train at the Otokngt-villc O. P. R. station on Monday morning ; Conductor Walkerâ€"" Show your tick( t, please." The lady opened her chatelaiue, took out purse, closed ch«telaino,optned purse, showed ticket, opened purse, returned ticket, dosed purse, opened chatelrtine, dropped in purse, closed chatelaine, stepped on boari'. Multiply this procedure by the number of female passengers and daylight saving will become a myth ; days will need to be 4« hours Irng, and yuunj? peoyle who .start ou a journey will be grey haired by the time Ihty reach their destination.â€" Orangevillo Sun. Ole Bill Writes From Switzerland 'Irlie Advance haf received the follow. ing letter trom an interned soldier in Switzerland. The writer does not give his correct name fur obvious reasons, bu' we understand that Pte- Vted Suii h of Kugeiiia is ' he author. Dear Sir,â€" Having heard through a certain source that you would be pleaded to got a letter from anyone in the army, I determined to immediately send you one. I Would like it to be one that w ould bring good results. You see it is with an eye do the interests of the good old Hag that I am writing this at all. What I am going to say relates to man power, as they say today. Is it possible for Canada to send many more men to the army ' Can the women of Canada do any more than they are doing to allow of more men joining up i If not, do they not realise what they owe the army for protecting them against German Militarism I But then, if only nil men would only tiy to imagine what theii feelings would be just supposing that all men were slackers and that Germans were in possession of Canada,' why everyone medically tit at all would insist on going to the front. Just imagine fur a moment our women and children undergoing the horrible Irent- ment the iuliuinan outrages and insults as the unfortunate Belgians received It's up to every man who is physically able to do his utuiost and the wuinou's du'y to see that every niiu available aliall g", as tliey a^e doing in "Blighly." No one knows better than i do fur experience (I believe that old saying) is the best teacher. If there is anyone who Joes not believe that, I advise them to try only one riiouth in lierinaity. .So you see, the procpeot of being under (jeniian rule during a life time (if you don't like to ihink of any one else) would not bo very pleasmr, would il '. Yours till lU'M or the rud of the war. -OLD HILL. AROUND GREY COUNTY Feversham Items .Miss Ijiacii! ftlcKuon of j visiiirig with her aunt, Mi.-js Dui.can Ada Kai Fred Ileimbecker, sr. , of Hanover, who has made a success at raising foxes, is going to turn his hand to deet and is litting oj) a runway for ihem. Setgt. Ed. McDonald, of [loath UeaJ, has won ihe militaiy Medal, and has been rccMnmeudod for a commission. He enlisted with the 147th. The Merchants Bank has purchased the Wm. Brecse property at Chatawmth and are having it renovated for banking purposes. Rev. (I'co. Waugh. of Dundalk, has been transferred to Parliament sticet Methudist church in Toronto. Th9 three year old daughter of Robt. Little, tf Waiehaiii, met wiih s paiuful acciaent last week when .slio fell from her higli chair, fracturing her arm above tko elbow. Henry Diebel, of Holsteln, was instan- tly killed recently when he full between two moving cars, at Fergus, sti'pping The late Lieut. J. 0. Allison The many friends of the late Lieut. Allisun, of lh» Royal rlymj Coru<, learned with regret the sad news that reached his home a few days ago. In many respect* John Oliver Allison, or Uilic. ihe name by which he was knuwu, hkd a lirillianr eareer. He w.i.s born I'd years ago on what is familiarly known in 0-prey as the gravel road. The â- .•haiac- terittic-i which distinuuished lii>i later life very euily displayed themselves. The child was fjther l.i the man. Even ihen his friendly ilivposilioii, his frank, open countenance won him many admiivrs who prophiBied great things in the corning days. He received ilie ruciiuicnts of instruc- tion at Maxwell school. What he leal nod there only whetted his appetite for more. He felt he must follow knowlec'ge still further. AcourJingly he speiittwo years in Mcaford high school. With the iiitenliou of aciiuilting for greater in life, he gatheied •xperiencB and funds, by teaching school three years, to help carry him into the University of Toronto, where he entcrid the Faculty of Medicine in lilU. Here his winsome spirit again shone out and gathered about him a warm circle of friends. Not content with taking the s udies prescribed in the curiiculum, having heard the call of humanity in peril, he added other studies with a view to (|ualiiying himself for a cominission iu the army. During the summer of lUltJ he attend- ed the O.T.C, wusgazettc't Lieut., paid a sh )rt visit home and went overseas that same fall. In England his restless ambition to be things led hiin to siiek a transfer into the R F.O. instead of waiting for an opportunity to cross the channel in his owu rank. The same application was Iicie displayed. In due cuui.Me he became a cndet, finishing hi.s training amongst the pyramids of Egypt. Several month.s weie spent by him iu scouiiiig over the Medilerranean for the lurking pirates of the s-ea highways, the submarines. From there he was des- patched to 'he cradle of our race, Meso- potamia, where he tulhllcd the various duiies that fall t'l ihe lot of .'ur biave and fe.irl.iss birdmcii. i'liB liuiil call came, as he would have hi'ped, and as we who knew li'.in expected It AuuKI, while he was .it the of duty. lie was lju- who never feared, lutnurched breast forwiud. Take him for all in all he wa'j a man '. In Mavwell Presbyterian ehuroh, of winch he was a inemher, a nicniorial service was con- ducLcd on Sunday mo.nin;,', .June 2, by the pastur, llev. James Scobie. A large coiiii.any of his fiie.ids gaiheicd to pay their last tribute of respect to the luenioty of one who occupied a v«ry high place in their esteeP' and to express their synipail.y with the sorrowing relatives. Ko; deadâ€" oh, no the shallows Into the full, clear Itgl.t. Forever done with imst and c'oud and tenipes'. Where all is clear .rnd briubt. Not even sleepingâ€" called to glad awak eniug In heaven's endless day ; Nut still and in. )vele«sâ€" stepped from earth's rough placeR To walk the King's highway. ling, at present. One of the largest, funerals over seen ill this part ualliered lo pay their last respucis ici the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brackenbury jii Sunday last and foll- owed the to Bethel cemetery. The sympathy of this entire cjiiiinuniiy la exteiiiled to the grief .'•tiieken frifiids. Mr. and Mrs. Braek-'iibury (nee Aitha Heron) were both brought up here and wore married four years ago at the home of Mrs. Braekenbuiy's piic.its near CaHr', Sask. They weio beloved i by all who knew theoi. The friends from a liistanco who attended the funeral were : Mr. and Mrs. Addie Heron of Caliri, .Sask ; Mr. and Mrs. C. Bracken- bury of Depot Harbor ; Mi. and Mrs. James Pelch of CiilliiiJWoid ; Mr. and Mrs. M. (Jliver aud Miss liihul Brack- enbury ol St. .Marys ; ,\Jis. Bruce V.'alkcr of Markdale. Ruv. t,'. Forth of Maxwell, assisted by Rev. T. Sc^bie of Mcluiyre. conducted an impressive funeral service. The Feversliam football leam, of which Dick was captain for some liiiie, ;ia d their respects by a beauufiil wreath, and the Feversham Sutidi.y ,'cliool laid anoiher wreath of Huweri on .Mis- Braikenbuiy's cx-ket. Rock Millt Mr. and Afrs. Robt. Akitt returned home from Brantford after spending a fortnight with their daugluer, .Mrs. F. Field. Mrs. Robt. Clark and Mr.s. John Phillips are visitiug friends m Toronto. Mr. and Mr.s. Chas. Newell visited at tj. Binningtoii's recently We are pleased to see Eddie White able lo be out again after. being contiiied to the house with a fractured ankle. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akit*, on June !>, i dauL'hier. Miss Lila Fiaher, accompai i i! oy Pic Jim Cart<o, came up from '1 ' i nto aud visited over the week end the former's parents, returning Mrs. Thus. Fisher and daughter, Delia, visited with relatives in CiJliiiitwond recently. School Reports but borno beyond S S No 8, O.sprey, for May- Sr 4 â€" Myrtle Morrison. Sr oâ€" Nellie Stephens, K Stephens, F Beatty, E Lougheed, L Smith. Jr .'3â€" John Beatty, A MortLsoii. Sr :iâ€" J Tliomp.sijn, F Young absent. .Ir -i- H English, .•V Seeley.G .Vliiiphy, A Thouipson. Firstâ€" Lizzie Mur|)liy. Sr Prâ€" B Uealcy, A Vuung, UL agli- eed, R Seeley R M(iiiagban. .r Prâ€" T Murphy, B Young, â€" A. Winters, Teacher. Eugenia report for May Jr 4 - Pearl MoMa.sler h, M .McKee, Pearl Latimer, Keiincih Large. Sr 4 â€" Harold Tuohy h. Art IVdIar li, Mae Duckett, Martha Fen wick, Ida Uanuy. Sr S-Maruuerito Pedlar h, Isabe Mclvee h. Claribel Fenwick. Lorene Gordon. Fied Largo, Bates Fawcei.r. Jr 1 Mabel Hoy, Ra! ph . L.-.ige. V Graham, (.'laicnce WilHan.s. Pr Sr-- Jack Park, Jack Large. Nni- ma Willitinis, .\Ux Fawtc^t, .-V FuMcetl. Pr .h â€" Birl Gordon, Cecil Graham,"^ Bâ€" Eunice tJ 11 don, .Aline Tuulij-, V Williame, E'giii Crabam. A Laura Fawcelt, Deiinar Fciinick. Gladys Fawcett. â€" Harry E Tail, Teacher. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. Pig For Service Pure bred Tain won li Boar for Service on lot 17ti, IS.W.T. and S. R., Ane- mssia. Terms $1 ,n- 52 for purehrcds. 1 June 18 â€"1. J..STINS()N, Pr.p A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cat* ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT •.•••••*.«..«»a..i "••â- â€¢â- â- â™¦â- â- â™¦..♦..♦i •.•..•.^.^..«»«*.«.« ••*• %»••.••••â- .•- >*h9 Ladies ! The Mi'lincry Season Is in and we are it .ly with a real up-to-date stock of SPIUNG H/ l\S and wouKl be pleased to have you give us a e. I and see our styles before ytm buy. We (?an suit you if you want an up- to-date hat. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario !••••••»••' •••••. •••••••â- â- â€¢â- â€¢fi.l LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Automobile Tires and Supplies Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH, . FLESHERTON The store .it Lamlash was burs<l.-\ria:d recently snd fifteen dollars extracted ' from one car to another when the engine from the till and ot-hor goods taken, ' coupled on. S S> No 7, ')spre2 , for .\piLl and May. Sr 4 â€" Uosie McGirr. j Si- 3- Lillian Kfewoll h, .\ Weldiick, I M ary Fancell, .Alnia llendcisun. Jr 3 â€" Austin Wideui.iii h, L PritcliBid f Dorothy Kobmsun, Millie Ciulthard. Jr 2â€" Gordon Huiideison h, John K McLeod, supeiiuLendent of the i '^"'^'"*''"' '^"''y '^'â- ''"'•'^"' ''''^'' ^^*"»"'' hydro at Hanover, had a very narrow I Mabel Wright, Elsie Wriglil. escape from bein« vice' rocuted ivheu he! Jr 2â€" Hazel .Vlexander h, J Wuldiitk ciimc in contact with 220vl volts. He ' i r t\ t i i i. »â- .,., . ., . 1 1 . . I , Ivan Alexander h, John Wedrick h, was enuaaed repsiri!if> lines at th« cast L ., , ,, ,„ . ' end of Durham stitct and wis pJa^.jn^ I t>'«" â- â- ^•*>'»'>J»-'r, \ ictor \Vrifjhf. culovts in the fu.seboxof a tian.-former, j Class I-Kuby Henderson b, Uuby circuit was , Widomau, Koas Ling, Uazel Hawton, and as a result of a short circuit was ' vv.- i _ o i tj i shucked and rendered unconscious. He ... ., „ ., „ rom.»ined unconscious for a couplf of * ""'ette Davidson, Bert Kerlon, B Conn he urs, but was antinj again two days ( An^ie Specrs. afterwards. " Lulu Jolley, Teacher- I SPRING AND SUMMER >• demands are for White Boots and Shoes. We have] ^ them Lace Boots, Pumps and Strap Sandals, also a good assortment of Running Shoes in white j black and tan. ALSO A line of children's white canvass oxford, 3 eyelet j hole, leather soles. ^ Clearing at 75c., sizes 6 to 10. I ^ 5 Trunks. Suit Cases and Club bags. ^ Repairing as Usual. I THOS. CLAYTON 1 FLESHERTON, - ONT.

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