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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1918, p. 4

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.Time <5 19 IS T H 1^: Â¥ L E S II F. 1? 10 N A D V^ A N C R i'H K« Flesherton Advance la i:>dept!n(tent newapaiwr, imlilUlied cvn V I'hur xi»y tl thi- oftic*, CullingwuiHi Hlrett, "TMhetton. SiibHcrii>ti<>n price $1 i«;r»niiiim lh«rn (widinailvniice ;<l..'i.i«tiBn not».i i'»"l iJver i>ini; rat^ti im H|>|>l!c'ati»n. CireoUtlon I.IUU »'i'«kly V. H. Till RSTON. - I'KOl'. An Ishmaelite Nation In modern times there h»8 never lieeii '«noiru huoh « n'rikinx ex<iii|)le of un Ishniu'lile aui'iiichi tlie natiuiis its we liuJ todiy ill iej{4rj to Germany. To -s»y lli»t tha oilier nitioni of ihe world j iule Oermitny would nut probably l>cj <rue, but to n*y that lliey view lior with Miiconcealed abhorrence is only too literally true. Four yeais »i{ii tieniuiiy \>cC'jpie<l » hijjh place .un m '^ th u ii«tioii« • (( the e»rth,^Jand niiiiktiul ^encrnliy resi>ected iind adiiurcJ her. Uul lod»y the very ii»me o) <»t?Hiiiiii h«s become b hissing and a re^ioacli, and aiiinn<;it ull the iiiitiuns of tHc world tlieio is scarce one that dares to lift up its voice in defeace of the once honoied^iinJ mighty Geniiany. There is i.o i)ueKlion that she i)o.s.iesj)eH iiiilil«ry ettiuiency .md marvtloui power* >.f or^aiii/. ition, but every page of her history durin? the past four yearh is sullied with foulest blots and stained with U'ljp^iik.ihle ii.fainicN. From the apostle of '• kiiitur ' ({eniriny hat btcooie u tieiid incirniiti-, the enilnxl' itnent of all that is vde and loathsome, j*nd her sister iii'ious shrink from lu^r as /roiii » lep;r and rei{nrd her as a most deadly pjisonous sntke. ' We fear there are m Gjiminy not a few \/erf>onii, hi^^h in authority in ttie nalion, and lurtdenlial tii ishapin); lis destiny, who have bejn so traii-f jnned into whit one â- jf their own writcra cills " The Blonde Brute, ' th it brut.tlity and bestiality ar<- 110 eicreacencj, but a put of their very existence ; brutcH ihcv Imvu lived and brutes they will die, aud if they have •heir way, if Geriminy must perish she will perish es becomes a " brute " nation, liifhtin;! Hava^ely and despcrate'y to the end. â€" Christian Guirdiin. The nieichniits oC t'UktaV'r'.'i liive decided lo close Hieir stores i^n Wed. :ifteiiiiK>iis for the iii-.\t four niviitlm. I'le. \. Huiltiiid arrived at ^hishom) at llepwurth recently. He was wounded at I'aschendale, only 100 men uf his battalion ooniinK out alive. Boys enr.illei as f.irni helpers ii the 8. OS. organiz-ilion are doing jjood work with the seeding. In Untario l.'i.ODD tK>ys have been enrolled, iti'iny of thuiu ire now on the laiil ; in Maiiiti)h:i nyor llHK) are at work ; iu Siskalchewau 1U)0 are place 1 ; in .Mlicrti (i'.*4 ; in Briilsh Coluinbii .'>4U ; in Niivi Scotia l.'tllS ; in (.^•uebet over 101)0 have been -ilready enrolled. New Uruiiswick and Prince Kdwaid Island are still to be heard troni but the enrolliiieiit is under way. "I have the asKurance of thutiovein ment" said Mr. Mc(!rei»iir, "that uieasuren will bealopted to assure you the iiecewary suiijily of M> ir t >r harvest- in!» the crop. TIi .' .Anli-loafinj; I.iiv hns worked wiinlers an 1 idle foreioners and sp irts liivc disappeired fro'ii the streets of the Weit. Taey are at work on the Farm " â€" - GROUND GREY COUNTY The proceeds of the celebration ut Oundalk on Victor'* Diy amounted to W. .). Sliortill, jeweler of Miiikdale, passed away at St. Joseph's hospital, tianiiUon, last week, in his u.'iid year. Owen .Sound';? shoe factory, in the old I'acilic Hotel building, has commenced ".uraliuDS. (las drilling i« pio^rejs ng very well tt Hepworth. The Toronto Creahiery Company Cought the Clarksbutjj creamery. Roy brigham, .if <»*en Sound, w.i8 • riocked down and run over by an ' ilouiobile. Ha was not serioii-ly ' jured. Henry llariis'on, of Cli.ilswoitli, - uck, knocked ilowii ,ind dra<{^ed aUout â-  1 rty feet by an automobile, lecenily. il ' was unconscious for a few moni<inl», • > I bis shoulder wrenched and suiiered • i.iy biuisej. V Chuts#or;li bowlinx rink played a ;e «i Meafiad ,«nJ Won the Kent ' I'"')- ; The Imported Percheron Stallion NIGUOJ Will tnike the se i.s m of 1!)1H as'^follows: Mcmiay afternoon to ilunshaw Hinse Flesherton un'il H o'clr>-!c Tuoslny mornin'.!, Itien to his own stsble the rest of the Week Niyu'it is a dirk grey. aV..?olntely sound, with tho best oi breedin;,', anJ when m:iture(l will nnke a ton horse. .Anyone wanting lo use thi.s breed should see him before breelini their niiivs He is one of the best I'erclierons ever brought to this country. Terms and C'onditioiis -To insu'o a mare «ith foai, $1."), p-iyalde Jan. Isr. liH'.l. Msres be returned to this horse accordin'.j to ordTs of the Manas^er or lliey will be li^ld responsible for tin- full insurance piic, whether with fi al or not. Piitie.s diipojiiii; of their inirei before C'dlectiny time will be held re- sponsible for insur.rice price. All icci- dents to mares or otherwise at risk of owner of inare^ Kiinlinent N i. 4liS(i. Passed in Form 1 as sound under the Stall- iou Enridnient It iird. McEwiU, K W Wade, IJhiiriiiin Sjcrelary Jas. A. Crowston, I I'roprieti.r, Miiia^er and Collect ir Phone No. l).'! Mirkdile 44 >} The Educational Link ia • specukl department â- ppcarbiK every Saturday in It is believed is the only attempt In Canadian daily Joiirnal- Um to provide a weekly department relating to public education. While surveying the whole field o( education, it devotes particu- lar attention to the Province of Ontario Its aira is to lie help- ful to Inspectors, Trustees, Teachers, Parents and others in de- veloplnc and using our school sy.steni lo the irreatcsi possible benefit of the rising generation, and In connect all the nation's aotlvltles directly with public education. ' Some idea of the scope of itiiM department may lie Kath- •red from (lie tille.s of a few of tlie topics recently iliscuaaed In leadlnc articles: "The AdminiHtrution of the I'ublio Schools," "A Heal Boys' Parliament," "A New Kngllsh History and Kdu- Cation," "Ksscntials of i'ublle Hchool l-;rtiiralion." ".Seliool-room Confinement and Health." "The First Kngllsh Medical Woman." "Truancy in the Public Schooln," "I'nlformity in Scliool riooks." "Some Rural Views on Public .Schools." "A.thletlcs. Books. Intelligence," "Mr. Martin's Attack on Kdiiralion." "The l'"ood Production rampai(?n,' "Hoys nnrt the <'iirarelte Habit." "Lesson* From Denmark Hrhools. " "Ontario T,('KlKlature and Education." The KducRlinnal l.iiil< is indlspen.sable to all In any way actively engaged in education. 94.00 Per Annum by Mail; $5,(10 iKIivt-ntl. Order through dealer, local pB|ior or ilires-t. THE MAIL AND EMPIRE (^Irrulatioii Drpartnifnl, Tomiilo. "W»<!»?^SP' WILLY AT JERUSALEM Bull for Service Th 'roiiiiliHreil Durlmin bull forseivico on lo/ U'l, T .S K , .\i tellies a. Tjmis â€" ifl .."ill fur (jrade.-i, ^;i I'lr lli o-"ii;ihlireds. I .luly -.1. ,V LKVKIl, Proji. | Bull For Service ' 'l';i'ir'iii:;lrire.l Dniliuiii It. ill for service â- III lot nil), W T S It, .X'limi jsii. Terms jl..'j(l, 8! for th"rouL(iilireds iJjIybS -M \ltK STKVV.AUT, I'm). â-º) â-º) HOW THK KAISKR VISITi:!) THIO HOLY t'lrv. Twenty Vears Ago tht« Supreme War TiOlil Hade an K'nIry Into Hie City of Ihivid That Would .Alone llavf Proved That He Is lyackinK (our plelely In Any Ht'iise of Humor. THAT the Kaiser completely I lacks a sense of humor l.s the I Rtatement of Spencer Leigh ( Hughes, member of the Brlt- Patllam<»nt, who related a story I of encountering Wlllieliu In Jerusa- j Ipiu nearly twenty years ago. Mr. i Hughes grows reminiscent in an arti- I cle iu tho London Tlmos, and .suy.^: "More than nineteen years have | passed since I had the eipeiience of i seelnj! the Kaiser enter Jeiiisalem, ' heralded, appropriately enough, by i blatant and brazen niu.sic and sur- | rounded by what is sometimes called by descriptive leportprs 'a plentiful 1 display of bunting.' "It was at about 3.15 on the after- | noon of Saturday, Oct. 29, 1898, that this curious specimen of a pilgrim entered tho Holy City, armed to the tePlli, escorted by Iroop.s, with Turk- ish mounted police thrashing; out of the way such native.s as bad drawn near. Some accoislits of the event re- late that he went in by the Damascus Gale, but that is not the case. To oblige their imperial guest the Turks had made a breach in the historic and imiueniorial walls of Jerusalem in or- der to save the Kaiser from the trou- ble of turning an awkward corner â€" an outrage that may have satisfied his sense of Kultur. It may b-e Ihousht that any reflections 1 cast on Ihose 1898 proceedings liuve been tinged by the faPt that we are now at war with the chief performer and that what then appeared harmless now seems offensive. That is not. however, the case, for at that time I wrote an account of the event in wliicb I described the Kaiser as the only rival of Barnum, and In resard to the procession of (lerman officers, Turkish Pashas and the horde of hangers-on I then wrote: 'Nothing like this has bei^n seen since Noah came out of the ark.' "The Kaiser had arrayed himself like a Crusader as seen in pantomime â€" helmet, silk robe and the other us- ual trappings for the part. He ap- peared tj be in a mood vt «zaltation and saluted with almost epileptic fury. Indeed, it seemed to me that he Imagined he bad eaptured the city by the sword Instead of arriving there, as was the fact, as one of rook'i personally conducted tourists. I have sometimes seen accounts of that imperial trip to the Holy Land in which it is said that the (ierman thoroughness and elHciency were shown by the perfection of the ar- ran.^ements and by the manner In which the time-table was kept. All these tributes to that perfection of arransements are well deserved, but the Hermans had nothing to do with if, as the whole biiriness, including the providing of luonev and the cater- in;; and transport, was In the hands of Messrs. Thomas Cook & Son, of I-udgate Circus, ani it would be im- pussible to imagine a more British institution than that. "II was only by chance that 1 saw this famous entry, for thouijh 1 had Kone out oil purpose to and lo describe it, the Turks, who do not appreciate the press, hud tried lo keep llie special lorrespoudenla at 'd di.stanie. They assured lis that the Kaiser had expressed the wish that we should not get within twenty-four hours of him â€" either in advance or following behind. We knew our Kaiser better than that, as he liked to iravel 'with a full band' as the phrase goes. One of our party, the late .Meltou Prior, had a letter of Introduction from the Prince of Wales, afterward Kinn Kdward Vll., and .â- -0 obtained an interview when the Kaiser aiinoiuiced that lie wished ull failllties to be given to the jour- iialisls. That made things more e.isy for us, but we h;id been delayed .s > loiiK that it seemed likely that w^ should not pet to Jerusalem In time for the show. Hut ten or a dozen of us, acting together, hired a special train, and thus we were able to roiup into Jerusalem about a couple of hours liefore the curtain went up and saw a sight worth seeing. "What struck me about the Kaiser In Jerusalem more than anything else was his complete lack of a sense of liiinior â€" a lack so complete as to be hardly consistent with entire sanity. The entry ceremony which 1 have mentioned showed the truth of the saying that there Is but one step be- tween Ih" sublime and the ridiculous. l''or it was really ludicrous beyond de- scription, and 80 were some of his Bubsequent performances la that city. I have never witnessed anything more really funny than his appearance as a preacher In a church in Jerusalem, when he took part in the dedication of a (ierman Protestant church there, lie and his attendant oOlcers, gigan- ' tic men selected on the Barnum prin- i ciple because of their sue, man^bed ) up the church, all armed to the teeth, | with a mixture of the goose-step and | the cake-walk, while the choir sang | a respectful anthem which the Kais- i er took to refer to himself and i acknowledged it with a military sa- | lute! As Oermany Is not my spiritual home. It happens that I do not under- \ stand the German language â€" Indeed, â-  I am so ignorant In this respect that I was not always sure whether the imperial preacher was tackling a guttural or clearing his throat. But the tone throughout was that of a drill sergeant giving orders. "As 1 came away I talked to German officer who knew our Ian guage and our countiy well. He said, 'I know you maks; fun of our Em- peror In your country.' 1 said of course we would not be so rude, but he retorted, 'Oh, 1 know all about it, I see Punch,' and then lie added this discriminating remark, 'Whatever you may say about him, this at leaat Is true â€" he Is the great- est commercial trareler in the world'." â-º • Warm Weather Specials White I'itjue and Drill wash shirts .» $1.50 .SilU Waists iu black, white, rose, apricot and pink, new styles $2 to $3.75 Ladies' Hosiery ,whito aiul black.all sizes, cotton, wool or silk 25c. -$1.50 Stripe, Check aud fancy wash sKirts $2.75 to $3.00 Mitltly lilou-^es new style 7 5c. to $2 25 Middy ties and fancy collars 50c to $1.26 Iuvi.sible .suspenders, 2 and 4 point ....35c to 50c. Men's Summer neckwear 50c. to 75c . Ladies' Men's and lioys Itaincoats Men's and boys' leather belts 2.)c. to-JjJ I i>0 Men's Balbriggan underwear 50c to$!.00 Men's Suniuier combinations $1.00 to 1.50 >'eglij?ee and sport shirts $1.00 to $2.00 Straw hat.sand panamas ,.50c. to $2.50 ^ Silk aiid/r\vt!ed "caps .-,0c. to $1.50 Youn<,' Men's ^ obby new suits $ i:i50 to $20.00 Crepe de Chine blouses in Mais, Flesh and A[)ricot 4.95 Children's cotton hosiery, black white and tan I5e, to .50c. Millinery Department New shapes, Mounts and Trimmings every few days. 7 W. HICKLING F. H FLESHER TON, ONTARIO i Ml ^^ M Easy to apply -durable and pioduces a beautiful, lasting finish that prtitects the car â€" don't start out with a shabby car, it is not necessaryâ€" when a beautiful fini.^h can bo ob- tainetl at very little oust and labor. Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoroagh.tred Yorkshire Boar for service cm lot 11, con. ». Osprey. Terms 81.50. FRED SPOFFARD. S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishes.Stains.Enamels , Brushes for house cleaning. F. W. Duncan The Flesherton Hardwire, Ptione .il) r^,, Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The iii Sheet Mii-ic ;it the PHOTO. fi.4LI-URY QUALITY counts every tiiiie Yoiige and Charles Streets, Toronto Lias lately been asked to till positions worth from f 1000 to ^luOO per annum. The demand f jr our gr.sdii»tes is hie times our supply. No vacations. Kntir now. Write for Urge Calnlogiie. W. .7. ELLIOTT. Princip.^l STOCK FOR SALE I h-kve it pieaent for i|uick sale â- J Yorkshire sows, some youns? cross- bretl pigs jiiit ready to, I Uoueii drake, 1 Burred Hook rooster. Prices riuhl. Phone or write. â€" GKO. \V. ROSS, Oflprey Tel. Syhteiii. M.ixwell, I'd. Fleslieption *^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim Monday to Give Entire Satisfactio LAl-NDRY-Basket closes night, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ai agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothoii cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenatei T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I urn opening uu :itjnce, a hlacksmith- ing and woodworkini; business in Max- well, and am 'nsiallintf up-to-date wood- working machinery. It will be my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- aue. I w mt yourwork aud will do it "!{'>'• 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG w. $90 A. Hawken • Flesherton Phone 2:t r4 FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Spring Planting II i % % t i % % 'ss.'^as^si Flesherton Tii ^hop I have .just placed tm the shelves a full line ot Tinwai-e, Nickelware anil Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Kivetroughing, Stovepipes and Sli>ve Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kintis promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Fuiiuices installed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON im ONTARIO. We i.eed no further iiitinduclion than tho fact I hut we have been in the Nnr.seiy Imiiiie.s SIXTY ONE YE.AUS. [ and are now prep III d li> meet existing '' I c.oiiditii'im by otl'eiing our high grade Ireen Hiiil o' iiil.s itirict >n cu.H'OiiiiMH at HOCK lt(iTrti.M I'UU K.s. Sei.d fur oiii illua rnttd ciiculais'cf hardy varitties which you can mdei direct Hiid !>a\e llie a^enl'^ ciliiiiii-siop, of nhich ymi iji't the biMielit . Cur priieji will e suie to imeiest ymi uiul nil titmk is iilisilirely tir.'l cl.iK« ai d tiue lo iiiiiiie. THK CHASE imoTHKRS Co. Of tii-.tiiio, L uiitet", Nurserymen, QiLRORNK.- â€" -OSTAKIO FARH IHPLEMENTS Agents f oi? Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes GultiTators Harrows Movers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENI AGENT FLESHERTON.

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