V ' *««â- .*. X >'« J* /Ie0l)^rt0n .^ ♦â- â- -. "^ "TRUTH- BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 4 701 :w No I Flcstierton, Ont., Tliursday, June (J lOlJzi W, H TflDHSTOW';r;;{{,p« Eugenia Paragraphs DozdDil of peoffle spent thu huliilny along the river. Some, no dcmbl, caui^ht lish, but tliu Jiiy uH' Wiis what w;*b most (.lesiied . Who cauijht the string of nwrdiiies on Sunday ( Dr. Sir spoke to the ladies here on Friday and the address was uiuili tppro- c:uted l>y all. Mrs, George Graham spent a mouth with her son, Ed., at Clarksbur-;, and daughter at Duncan. The service in the Melhodi.st church next Sunday will be conducted by Sirs. DiQiiiek and Mrs. Thurston of Flesher- ton. Mrs. Thurston i> goiu<; to speak on missionary work, No doubt :: large number will nant to hear these ladies. Service at 8 p.m. lej^al tiir.e. Allie Allison who was killed in the great war taught echoul on the 8th line about six years ago . The father, sist'sr and relatives have the.heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends lu their dark hour of Borrow. Miss Eva Jamieson spent the week end with friends at Kimberley. Mrs. A. Hoy and daughter visiti;d friends at Maxwell on the holiday. The Kugenia W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. R. Purvis Wednesday, June 5, 2.o0. Pte. Wallace of Toronto spent the week end with his friend, Mirs Kawcett. Mrs. Oarr is visiting her d;iughter, Mrs. Lawler. Em Davis of Flesherion spent Monday with his friend, (ierald Large. The boys went fishing and caught a fine string. Feversham Items Beautiful i4rowing weather still on- tiiuios. The Red Cross conceit ui llie school room on the 24th was a success and the nice sum of *.â- )!• was received. Mr. Fred Brackenbury rrceived ihu sad news of a double drowning accident lit Coniston on .Monday morning, when h:s brother, Dick, and wife were both drowned. No partioulars have as yet been loceived and Dick's body had not been recovered up to .Monday niyht. Mrs. Biackenbuiy was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addy Heron, who moved out West from here a few years auo. The deepest sympathy is felt for the bereaved family and especially for Dick's age inoiher who us living here with her dauchtcr, Mrs. Geo. Ellis. (Jeo. Julian and U. J. Ool(|uette motored over to Port McNichol and back on Sunday last. M.iy Colijuetto returned with them after a week s visit with Mrs. Will Colquette. .-V goodly number of friends and neighbors gathered at A. Sornburger'!), of the gravel road, on Tuesday evening to say good-by to Neil Thompson, Danny Cameron and Melville Douglas, who were ordered to report for duty in Toronto and Niagara on Wednesday morning. They presented I he buys with nice presents and purses i>f money. Herb .Neil read the address and thnie young ladies made the presentation. Rock Mills Messrs Robt. Lee and Dr. Douglas of Owen Sound, motored down and spent a day fishing, and were the guests of Jas, P«ik. Mrs. John Hargrave and sjii, Fred, are visiting a few days v\ith ftiunds at Allistou. .Miss Lila Fisher haa gone to Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. B. Field visited with t: lends at Maxwell recently. Mis. George Hargrave visited wiih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IVdlar, on Sunday. Probably a Fatal Runaway iloiiry Tucker, an Orangevillu teani- S'.tr, met with a terrible accident one day last week. Tuckti'a team was wandnig on thi' sida of iho road whoiia iiirmway team came tearing along aiid ran into Tucker. The unfortunate man apparently w<i.s making an etlorl to turn the .runaways from colliding with hi.s team and failed to get out of the way in time. The runaway horses .struck Tucker will) terrific force and man and horses were piled up in a heap. Sevond persons who witnessed the accident at once ran to Tucker's assistance and soon rescued hint from his perilous position. Uc was terribly injujod and at first it was thought be was killed ouuight. Sevoral women who reside in uearl.>y homes rendeieil first aid and Dr. Mat" Lend arrived juickly on the tcone and gave him temporary treatment. He "as at once taken to Lord UulTerin hospital. His skull is badly fractured and no hopes of his recovery arc emertained. The Tucker family i.s having more than its share of trouble. Only two weeks ago one son, George Tucker, 20 yeais old, w,is murdered in a C.P.R, bonrding car at Weston mid no. V the father has been fatally injured. Beit Trimble, the owner of the runaway leim, just drove up to Watt's Hour mill to got a load of chop. The horses Wfie a liltl<> skittish and bfcaiiio frightened at the macliinery runniiii{ in the mill. In trying to bring them under control one of the lines broke and Mr. Trimble, seeing that they were about to got away, iumjiod out ef the rin and caught them by the btidles, but could n it hold ihun and away they dashed on their disistruus jouruey. IN MEMORY Of Pie. Emerson S.iiith, son of Mr. and Mrs. .\dani Sini'h, Eugenia, killed in battle June 7 1917. Scmewctru in Fiance. i;uar the long ba'llo line, S aiids a cross on the urave of that dear son of m ne. He s.ifl'ciod, he died, that liis country might live. Paid the full price, gave all he could give. Tbousjh he lies far from home, over the sea, I shall meet him again in the life that's to be. â€" Father, iMotlier, Sisterc, Brother. Pithy Proton Pointers Sad, iiiileei.), was the scene on the station platfunii this (Monday) morning wlien tilt) lioys in tliu early twenties said goodby to their fiicnds and boarded the train for the tiaining camp ;it Niagara. Mrs. Oonsley is vi^iiing with friends in Fleshertoii . Miss Waning, liu)Iaiid Ceiitn', is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Badgcro. Rev. Laidlaw, nf ILnlhco'e, visitia laat week at I ho lionio of Mr. U. .Achuson. Miss Gertrude Lyons, Toroiilo, spent the week end at her home hero, and wjis aocompHiiied back by her sister, Mildred, Miss Mildred Biniiie is holidaying in Toiontj. Mr. Dilton t.'orbeti is visiting with his parentp. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oorbett. Dr. Letitia hirrs will addreis the Women's Institute on Thur.sd^y afternoon at 2..'!0 p.m. in the Presbyterian cliur-h. All ladies and girls are expected to te present. On Thursday evening last a large numbar of his friends and neighbars met at the Orange Hall to spend a social evening with Duncan McNichol, previous to his departure for the training camp at Niagara. .\fter a short progi am of music and readings Mi.ss M »ry Haiiley read a nicely wtrded .iddress and Ida S.in.sou present- ed A beauiifui wrist watch to Mr. McNichol, who ini.de a fitting reply. Ceylon Chat PeA'.hi from siarvaticn in Europe are oHtiiiiate.l by the United States Food Adininiatra'.ion at 4,7oO.(JUU since the war began ,is compared to 4,250,000 killed by fighting. IN LOVING MEMORY Of my dear liusbaiid, Edgar Hulcliiii- .soii,who was killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2nd, I'.IKi, Two yens have passed, Jly heart still s^ru As time goes on we miss you more. t>ftime8 1 sil and think of you When 1 am all alone. For memory ii the only thing That grief can call its own. Suuiowheic in Kruncc, Thouiili mortils know it not, Our Siviour knowuih whore ho lies .And .Angels mark tha spot. -Wife Mr. 111.1 Mrs. D, iMcLaclilan and sou, Ivan, aLCoiiipanied by J. McMillaiii oiotored to Durliiini Sunday to at'end the funeral of Mr. .\. Bean. P. Muir look a trip to Kodwing last weak. iMrs. P. Coiisley of Proton called on friends here Sunday. D. Colema;i spent ilu wet?k end in Owen Sound, The Willing Hel|)ers will lio:d their meeting on Friday afternoon al .Mrs. W. McMullen's. Mr. and .Mrs. Falkner guests the first uf the wc Gibson's. Kimberley Budget Mr and Mrs. V.ctor Ellis and little daughter, of Collingwo id, renewed old ac<|uaintinces in our burg the past week, Dr. Hauiinil, of M...afoiil, s;ieiit a few houiM lisliiii,' on lliu old Beaver on Saturd.iy list. We are pleaded to repor: Mits Leoiu Weber on the mend after a recent operation for appendicitis. Eugenia bi.seball team and ili'3 Hydro boys p!ayed a seven inning Lramo in our burg on Saturday eveninij last, the scoie being lb -l;i. N'lcor Ellis umpired .he g.ime iind ^ave yood satiefnciion. .Aiictrow \Viilljn;r| our p.ipular young councillor, has done -n very crcdiiable p.ece of woik on the valey road, sonlli, ippo.sit • Will. Fawcetl's faun. The river has been washing the road for .i longtime and .Andrew built up a good wall of ttoiie and put on a neat railing. This part of the load hi.s long been an eyesoro to the travelling public-. We hope to see Andrew in the Keeve's chair before many year', Mr, John A, McMillan and sister, (iladys, Mr. U, Biadley and iMi.-s Alout- gomery, all of Dundalk, visited at Geo, Hutchinson's during tie past week. Mrs. Jofepli Si.ule and daughter, Margery, of Duncan, visited «i;li the former's daughter, Mrs. 15. < 'airuthei.-, .Mr. George Uulchiiison, wife and dausjbter, Katliieeii, renewed old aciiuaihtances in Pioton last week. W, T. Kllia is busy at present loading pulpwood at Pioton .S'.ation, Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocka, Pres. Manager. J e wei^ij^ __ __ ^â- :^^ ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LKENSiFS A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cat- ry Photo Supplies. Pig For Service W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Pure bre<l Tainwunli iioAr for Sfrvice on lot 17(i, ] S. W.T. ,ind S. P.. .Arle- mssia. Terms *1 or *2 for purehred.«. I jone IS -i. J.STIN.SON, Pi t P H«»»»«*.«..»..«»«»«M*M«»«t,«„, •••••••••"•»t»*" ••••â- #- fc'i*-*..*..* Report Maxv^^ell W.I. Uejort of Ma.\well W. 1. ending 3l.iy olst, I'.ll.^. KECEIPT.S l_'ash on hand May M, l',»i7, , . . Member.sliiji fees (â- rants Concerts and garden jiarty Patriotic d.incej and caid parties Institute pins sold -Sl.OO, teas, 5'',( 8,'), donations oOc, . . . .f at â€" were Mr. K. tor year ? oi! ,S8 .") 75 ;j no I'.KI 7o l:!l !0 11 ;io Keep the Home Farms Working They have called thou: fiom the High School, They have called tin in from the club, And the count ly found them reidy .At the cotiiiliy's call for grub, .And proudly no.v tlioy leave us. These hudy sons of toil. So give three cheeis for the volunteers, 1'he soldiers of the soil. Chorus â€" Keep the home farms w<.>rkint!. There's r.o time for shirking, While our lads are far away. They must have food, So we'll put a harvest-maker, tbi each wait.'iig acre, Tiitil «e know iho German fee Is licked for good. They hive left the h.inc and olficc, And they'll woik with might and main, Tint our men mny lick the Kaiser, .And couie back in peace again. We will load our ships with proiluco And the I' boats we will foil, So don't forget the farmerette, And the soldier of the soil, â€" Wilfred Reeves. I It is estimated by a Parliamentary Cominittte that 60,000 men *ill 1 e needed for the harvest in Canada, frun .August Isl to {September Ist. Concessions to Doctors Priiclisiiig pbysiiiaiia in- y keep ten gall ms of whiskey in their ollijes by a re-'CiU ainciidmenl to iho i)iil.ario Tcni- penince Ac', but the ."ianie restrictions which govcnivid its possession under the old act will continue tu govern under the ainendmont. The ijuanti'y ii forty times as large as tlio physicians have been allowed to havu m their possec.»ioii since the eiiforconieiil of the .Act in Ssptember lidii, iiid no explanation is given in ihe aniendiiieiit ii.s 1,1 why they are allowed to have the extra supply. Tc i.-i p^e^Ulned however by physiciHiiw that the anitud- iiiont bill been mule as n result if the added ditticulty of socuiiiig liiiuor under the Dominion Tenipcrancu Act. wirob went into force the fiibt of M,iy. The aniondnieiit defines ihat the physician may keep the liipior in his piiviite lioiise, hia ollice or his dispensaiy, despite aiiyihiug to the contrary that may be in the Oii'aiio Temperance Ac'., Kxco|.'iion shou'd be made of those doctor., who ntv known to liavo a weakness for drink.-- Mt Forest Confederate. Boiled Parsnips As Jag Producer Lemon o.vtiact, bay luiii, laiilue, pain killer, shehic, all tlitS;; and smne' osheis have heeii Idamed at dill'erent times for producing syii.ptiiiis , if iolo.xica'i in, bu! another .Source of alcoholic stimulus was i niada known in the Owen .Sound ijolico court last week when M.iitin Allen and Frank Beattic were chaiL'od with breach of the Oiii.iiio Tciin.f.iaiico .Act by being drunk, Tho ttoiy as told in court Wiis that they h,ad accumulated their jau* from a mixture said to hav« bsen made by Walter Ca;noroii, and consi.sling of parsnips boiled to a pulp and niiNod with yeast and .i little mola.sses ana allowed to stand for a few days. As to tlie Total $ :;;)j :,ti K.Vr>KNDlTl.i{E Concerts and garden party $ ^0 s:; Postag-, stationary, money orders and jilione ,1 (Jti Printing it advertising ,5 ,")0 Uelpgates expenses .i I^O to housewives sent to soldiers. . I! 17 22 boxes sent lo soldiers 1 1 7,"i V^on and flannelette .s 1 o] Belgian rel ef ,"0 ijti Donations, British Kcd Cuss. , ]."i 0(1 llalil'a.x tullerers :; i UO Canadian Red Cross & YMCA.. ID) tlO Cash on hand "i lit; Ladies ! The Mil.'incry Season I s ill and we are roa v with a rt'al np-to-date slock ofSPKlN(T ilAI - and would be pleased to ind .-;ee our styles before yon can suii yon if you want an up- have you give us a call Ixiv. We to-tlale liat. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario «â- ,««•„«„•,•«.•»•.,•.,•.«,.««...«.,.,....«.,«..«,. »«„•„•„«„«„•.,.«.«» ,.«....-.-.*4».„..,. ••..••-.".,•.,•1 Total. S ;.;',i 1 .",8 Dundalk Mr, and Mrs. Thcs. Hall of thi.s pliio,, received a message fioin Kecords ( iiiice stiting that their son, Pto, II. ,1. II i:l, s still in hosi.iil,il in liiadand, Dundalk citizens were shocked to leuii of the passing away of Mjs, .lohii Madill of t'.iis place, who was foiinil ilead in bed Wednesday morning, Ti.o deceased, who was 74 year.« old, hns been a re<p' c'- eil resident of this villagb for abi nt 20 year-;, .Mr. .lohii Sandt'a.id uf Baiiims, delivered on Tuesday in Dundalk in VIr. Geo. Raili-y for shipuien' to Toronlo four fine .'•teuis weighing in iggregale 0200 pniiul.-'. The price was Ui cents per Ih. and the sum paid w.is ??l41,or in aierage of §210 per head. Mr, S. has no doubt whatever about, ilie polit in fie.iing stock on f,irm. LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.IWcTAVISH. FLESHERTON A sad accident that '.ermiiialed f ilal'y, â- occuned on the farm of Uobeit Wheeler, second line of Erin on Friday, the 17th, Ml. Whcekr was hanbiig ont manuio i i , ilie field with his mainiie spreader. His \ little boy .f five yeais was with him riding i bock ill the empty (.piijader, the sides of 1 which are .suiticioutly high to prevent the ' little fellow from f.illing i.ut. Passing under * low limbcU tree the boy caught ! hold of an ^ivcrhaiigiiiu bianch and hold- | ^ ing on was thrown our, dropping . p'klatftblu i|ua:it.ie8of themixtmeBolliinK j in front of a hind wheel which pa.<«cd I WHS adduced in evidence, but there w«8 over tin child's abdomen. The internal I DO doubt as t^o its ptiliji cy. Alien and injuiiex were «o icvere ihar, in bpite of Boatlio were fined 515 and oo>ts apiece, the last medical skill the lilllo fel'ow each contriijutiog §20,7;j. nuccumbed ne.\t day. I SPRING AND SUMMER ^demands are for WHITE BOOTS and I I SHOES. gWe have them LACE BOOTS, PUMPS! I and STRAP SANDx\LS, lalso' a good assortment of RUNNING 5 SHOES in white, black and tan I ALSO 5 A Trunks, Suit Ca.ses and Clwb bags. ^ Repaii'ing as usual. i THOS. CLAYTON ^ FLESHERTON, - ONT. |