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Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1918, p. 4

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«-» ( lll«ll> l ll i l'll :i May 30 191H THi? FL ESII Fl? rON A IJ V A N G E THK« Oiil I'f their itbundinctf our |ieoplu Flesherton Advance ''*" 7'''''"^*^ '7'!' -^^ "'» '''"'""",^ ^ war relief fuiula tnJ ur(;«ni/.ations ; ahitll »n independent newapaper, ^)^lbUl.heli ever>- „,. l,t, li,„ „e„orou« now in ni»kini{ u fbHr.Uy al th*- oftice, C<)1Iihrw«mk1 Slreet, > , „ â- , â-  i fl-»hert(.n. 8uUcripti..ii price »1 per.Miuiii. I '""cli Biimller conltihution lo tlm (jreit Ihni IMudinwivKnce ;tl.50wli<-n not »o t>«i(t cxuse liy (i;nply placing oursel\os on Ad ver Uiox rate* on AppUcatioa. 1,100 weekly W. H. THIRSTON. CiiCoUliou I'Kor â-  ' Registration of Our record hh hu united people, urubili/ed fur the jiurposc of helping tliese boyw of jur own flesh itnd liloud who are battling ovcrsota for hII we now no bountifully jnjoy ! Let our inetHitgn from this Kid- in){ on liogistration D.ty bo one of syni I>athy and stuadfust purpose to ou I Koldiers at the froni ; in 'common with iVl3n X OWCf' the rest of Ciinuda let our answer to the j c'llln uf the l<e)(<>*t>'Al>i>n ISo^rd be the •• ItoKibtratioii D.iy " will S'^e "--very gigfj,,,, y^ice of an united people, con- Can*dian affected by the Uw iin "PI'"'- j scious of the jmlice of i's cause and I unity to perform the great national duty, animated by a deterniiniition to do all in of citiitenihip. Ueuislravs will be "P- 1 its power u. have that eiuse prevail. pciuted for every fi^deral constituency, _j <: WII^SON, »nd these in turn will ..ppoint deputy lu-yistiar South East Uiey, Hanove r reiiistrars an 1 assistant deputy rej{i»li:irK ^ in sufficient nuiuber to register the entire population. Registration ctVcus or booths will be opooed in conveniently situated P>? ', ..TUiiTV y^T-.^Tr.r'-l'T.Jw^:^. Summer Re.ort. in Ontario C^^^^^^^^ ^^ - ^ ^ ^^^^^^ The Muskoka Lakes, Point Au litril and Oeorgian iiiy Kesorls ; French andi Pickerel River, Rideau lake*, Severn River, Lake M tsinaw IDistrict and Ka- I wartha Lakes are coivVjnienlly leached j via the Canadinn I'acifio Ritilw y. Par* t culars from t^nitdiaii Pa itic ticket 8({entB or W. li. Howaiil. Bull For Service j Thorouj^hbred Durham Hull for service cM lot 100, W T S R, Artemeaia. Terms \ $1. .")(), S:! for tborouKhbreds. lJulyl8 -MARK STKW'AUT, Prop AROUND GREY COUNTY locHlioiisâ€" in schools, lulls, olc., in every municipality, and the certificates of re^ittr-ttion will be issued to everg regis- trant. A perioii may ieni>ter at any place they ni«y be on registration day. In order to facilititte this gigantic task. Councils, school hoards, boards of trade, labor and fraterii tl or^anizitior.s, patri- otic and Red Cross societies, are invited to assist the leKislrntiou otlifials in every way possible by providing free of (h:irge EUit'iblc buildings such as school houses, etc., and by fiiriiishinsj volunteer helpers who may assign their reniuneratiuu to the Red CroFS if d/siied, t'*" do the clerical work. Tlie registration oHices will be kept open from 7 a.m., the D. CM S. E. ILillidny of Normiinby met with a Ijrribly sudden and tragic death one day recently. He was roUint; a field when the horses bolted, tlirowin;; him in front of the rolleri which passed over hia body. Till! bisu of the skull was frac- tured and dciilli was inst.iiittneous. Capt.. Howes of Shallow Lake lias been reported as killed iu action, lie was medical officer for the 147th Greys and went to France last Christmas. He was probably killed as the result of a CJernian air raid on hospil:ils in rear of the Itritish lines. Robert Cameron of Parry Souud, who enlisted with the 147(li, his been awarded hence the necessity of pro\iJling lighting f«cilitiea for the registration places. While non-registralion entails many penalties of a must seiiuus character, if is expected that the Canadian people wilj look upon re;;istriUion as a great national duty to be performed, not out of a sense of compulsion, but rather in a spirit of pure patriotism iind as au act of eucour- AKeinent to our defenders. The registration ut the man and woman power of Canada will j;o forth ('> the world as tlid solemn expres.siou of Can- ada's unalterable determination to sup- port her own and the allied armies until the final victory. The few minutes re'iirircd for rej/istration, or the one day's salary donated by the willing workers, will be a small sacrifice indued compared to those now being nude by Canadian manhood in the forefront of the battle line. Vet it will bo of mes- tillable value in maintaining ihc splendid morale of our unsuriui'Sed uit'.z-ii suldier.s Simon Mor.son of Owen Sound, !l years old, was killed by an auto last week. Hanover tax rate ii l>0 mills. Uundalk Methodists have installed a new Casavrtiit pifie orgau which cost Edward Well-, of Uesboro, broke a lone in h'n wrist when he was cranking u car. Two boys, of Dundalk, were charged with breaking into stores and stealing thereftom. The boys were given sus- pended sentence on cc ndition that they re.-^torc all money taken or value for gotds. .Joseph Hemphill, of Uundalk, met with c serious loss when his brick dwelling was biirm-d to the ground. There was $4.")0 insurance on the bu Id- ing. The lire is thought to have originated in the attic. Several bjirns in North Sydenham were sUuck and damaged by lightning in to know that IhoHe f .r whom they me I'"' "">»J'-'i- »t-orm a week ago Sunday, tiglitiiig on the fields of France and The (Ireat \ eter.ins' club room Flanders are not recreant to the solemn) will be opened i-i June, duty of the h dir in thin beloved Canada, i H,.|iry Clu^e, of Chalsworth, as no was The paople of C.nadi responded nobly! Jumpiug trom a moving automobile, lost to the urgent demands of the war ; lai-e' ^is footing and was thrown to the ground, numbers of their best young mmlio^.d I striking Ins head with coiisiderU.le force. have left and are still leaving for the front ; they may be found in all the different army services ; many have made the supreme Hacrilice, others have been wounded or invalided by sukncss ; all have gained imperishable renown on ibuj trapped H!) akunk'f, 7 fo.t, 11 coon, ti blood stained lields of Vpres, St. .lulieii, iiiiiik, 24 iiiu^kral (spring calsh) and 4 The blow rendeied him uncjnscioUJ for H sli rit I iiie. Thos. Idle, of Clarksburg, luis a local lia[iping record lobe pnudof. From >'ov Isl, 1'.I17, to April 'j:;nl, HUH, he L.eii8, Feslubert, Arras, Viiny, I'asKcli- en dale ind eliewbere. Ttio record of their Hchievemi'iits is the iiiiniortal lieri tage of Canada for al| liiiic. Ermine. The lotil sale value of those [lelti was J.'m.'i. Mr. Idle says ho oh' served llio law strictly thrimglioiit the season. --lieview Herald. There are many things that serve lo give CLASS to Wnt mail m^ %mfvet. Its war news it graphic, vitalizing, and authoritative. The Associated Press Service is augmented by four of the outstanding cable agencies of the world. ' In addition to the several masterful war correspondents, who visualize the battle-fields for The Mail and Empire readers, the views of COL. REPINGTON. dean of war critics, and the critics of the leading French newspapers. are featured. â-  i • All the important news of the Dominion o( Canada I* covered by the Canadian Press and Mail and I.mpire special correspondents. Local and sporting news form outstanding features of The Mail and F.mpire. _ SOME SPECIAL FEATURES On Dil, Di.imi ..nd Mu.>,ic, I.ili-i.iry News and Views. Woman's Kingdom, Flaneui, Legal Opinions and Advice. Farm and Suburban Home, Instrutlion.s loi Girdening by ilenry J. Moore, Rural Clironi(:lc< by Nina Moore Janiie- non, Kducalional Link, Fragmpnls of Philosophy, Medita- tions for the Qmet Hour, Field and Wood, With the lairds. Tlie Fourth Column. tl, |Mr anniini l>y ninll. •». ilellvrrMi, t>i'ilrr lliroiij-lk ilralir, lot til paiicr or illri-rl. THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, TORONTO Melville tturke re'urned from overseas on Monday. He received the same receftiim that every other fellow who has returned has received. That is none at all. His closest fiiciids met him at the station and e.><corted him home. Roys come home from doirg their bit, and they go home and that is all there i,' to it. The town doesn't seem to care a haig whether 'hey come home at all or not, ju.'^t so long as they go over and keep the Ijcrmans buck. We're a miserablo, selli.jh lot, and the other fellow don't count for anything with us. What we want most is peace and ipiitt- iiess, and we don't care if it is at expcnfo of the other fellows life. Isn't it about time we "bucked up' a bit.â€" Review- Herald. "•"•"•"♦' Two Incidents of War Indicate Sharp Contrast Between National Schools 5 <»x-x..K~x-{~x..>:..x~:~:~x~:-:~x~:~:. IU WALTER KALEIGH, t\M well-known Oxford scholar, re- cently published a book with the attractive title, "The Soul of England," and in It he In- cluded a little story which has just been used by Mr. H. A. L. Fisher, British Minister of Education, to show that we are fighting to defend a great civilization: "A month before war broke out there was a German student in Ox- ford who attended a picture palace. It was crowded with young English- men, members of the university. Sud- denly the Kaiser appeared on the film, and a_ young Englishman, who was sitting behind the German made en insulting observation, whereupon the young German turned round and boxed the Englishman's ears. Upon that the whole theatre burst out into applause. The young Englishmen felt that this young German had been un- fairly treated, that his Kaiser had beeii abused in his presence in rath- er an ungentlemanly manner. .\ Ger- man came to a friend of mine â€" his old tutor â€" afterwards and said: 'Vou are a wonderful people." He told the story, and said: 'Such chivalry as Ihat would have been quite Inconipiehons- Ible in my country." Well, that is really our civiliz»Uion. Tlial litlb- Btoiy gives you Ihe whole of our civi- lization. That chivalry is quite ap- parent in the private soldier and iu the oBBcer. It is apparent lliroiiKli the whole of English society, and I feel that HO long as that spirit remains among us we caa hold our heads high among the nations of the earth." In strlkinn lo this is a dramatic incident loUl by a sergeant of some recent liMlilinj; which brings out Btrongly the difference between the Urilon and Ihe tlerman: "1 was lyinn wounded in a shallow trench, when I saw a tierman ap- proach an English lad who was lying on the ))arai>Pt, txidly hit on the leg. lie was iinatde lo move, but the Ger- man (lelilierately bayonetted him Ihroiigli the body as he lay- a das- tardly act. At llial iiiomeiit I noticed our young sergeant-major, who was standini; some yards away from the two. 1 shall never forget his expres- sion; he was convulsed willi horror and loathing, lie did not attempt to shoot or stab I bo enemy, but in a of iinKOvernable rage disdain- fully droiipeil his rifle and leapt at tlie Hun sjirang at liim like a bull- dot;, liefore the foemau bad time to realize wluil had happened, the young Knglisbiiian liad liiiii by I be throat and literally choked the life out of liiiu and then IIuiik the body away. In my mind's eye even now 1 can see the dead German lying beside his poor victim, and In all my twenty nioiitlis al the front never did I wit- ness an incident so terrible, so dra- matic, .mil yet so splendid." Warm Weather Specials White Pique and Drill wash shirts $1.50 Silk Waists in black, white, rose, apricot and pink, new styles $2 to $3.75 Ladies' Hosiery, white and black,all sizes, cotton.wool or silk 25c.-$1.50 Stripe, Check and fancy wash sKirts $2.75 to $3.00 Middy Blouses new style 7 5c. to $2 25 Middy ties and fancy collars 50c to $1.25 Invisible suspenders, 2 and 4 point ....35c to 50c. Men's Summer neckwear 50c. to 75c. Ladies' Men's and Boys Raincoats Men's and boys' leather belts 25c. to $ 1 90 Men's Balbriggan underwear •. . . . 50c to $!.00 Men's Summer combinations $1.00 to 1.50 ^'egligee and sport shirts .$1.00 to $2.00 St raw hats and panamas 50c. to $2.50 Silk and Tweed "caps • 50c. to $1.50 Young Men'.s Nobby new suits $t3..30 to $20.00 Crepe de Chine blouses in Mais, Flesh and Apricot J4.95 Children's cotton hosiery, black white and tan loc. to 50c. Millinery Department New shapes, Mounts and Trimmings every few days. W. HICKLING F. H F LESHERTON, ONTARIO Easy to apply -durable and pioduces a beautiful, lasting finish that protects the car â€" don't start out \\ ith a shabby car, it is not necessary â€" when a beautiful can be ob- tiiined at very little cost and labor. -» 4«» «- S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishC8,Stain8,Enamel8,Bru»he8 (or house cleaning. F. W. Duncan The Fitjsherton Hardwire. Phone .?0 •'7, Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also. The l.'ilcsl HI .Sheet Music iit the PHOTO CiALLHRY Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorough ored Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, cod. 8, Osprey. Terms 81.50. FRED SPOFFARD. SAVE MONEY Enter the Touge and Charles Streets, Toronto Bofore the Tuition Rates are Increased. Great demand for Graduates. Write for our cata- Logue and learn how our former Students are succeedinij. Open All year. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal FlesHeirton ^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfactio LAUNDRY-Bisket closes night, delivery Friday evenia Monday STOCK FOR SALE I have it piesent for quick sale 'J Yorkshire sows, some younf cross-bred pigs just ready to wean, I Uoueii ilrake, 1 U»rred llock rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS, O.sprey Tel. System . Maxwell, I'.O. CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ar agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothni, cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER. -PROPRIEIO* Tuii 'riioiisand I^liU's 'rhitiiigli Ice. AlthoiiKh Sir KrnosI Shiickloton"s ship, the KndiiraiuH', made a perilous voyagp of 2,000 miles through park Ico in tho Weddoll Sea, scientltie work ni'-vcr coaspd. After thrcp days' Ralfl the Hliip was held fast, and then Bhe drifted slowly on the ice to the northward. Finally she bad to be abandoned. Work of the sclontlllc Instruments, said l.icul, .t. M, Wordio, who had charno of the oceanograplili' work, ut the lioyal deograplilcal Socit'ty, was coiisideialily hampered by four Inches of IrosI iliiif, and tlit< position of Ihe stiiii was tosteil hy the stars. When I lie ship was aliandon->d amid the pack Icf, said l.lful. Wor- dlc, lli(> ciN'w look to the boats, but it was s line months heforo they could tinil a passago through the Ice, and it was not until April, 191t>, Ihat, lifter many adveninres, they Were alile to laml on Klepliant Island. l.ieiil. Wordie spoki of hind In the Weddell Sea which had lieen nameil by their I'lOrman discoverers, 'l.iiilpold Harrier" and "Wilhelm Ibirrier." Mo IhouKhl the names ouRlit to be chanmil to their Kngllsh oiiiilvalents, "Leopold"' and "Wlllluin" Harriers, but the Admir- nlty Insisted upon the first namea bQ« Ing relaii)^^,. â-  W. A $90 Hawken - Flesherton Phone 2;{ r4 FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Spring Planting We i.eed no lurllicr inlinduolion iliun the fact thiit we have been in the I Nurseiy luiiiiicss SIXTY ONE YEAKS, ' and iile now iicpircd to iimet ixislinij j ci)iulili"iis by ellerii n our hiith hthiIi' Ire.'" iinl e'lnls nincl tu cusleineis Ht ROOK HOTTtiM PUU'ES. I Send fiir our iUilsritid ciiciihirfi 'i f of two poinis ' hurdy varieties which you can md.'r ilircet mid sue the at'em's cctiuuUsion, I (if which yell )4i't Ihe Imnelil . Our prices I will I sine le iilieiest yim and all steck is nbs(ihir.>'v lii-l rt .s< m d tiin- In luinie. THEJ CHASE BROTHERS CO. (.>f (b'.laiio, Tiiniitod, I Nurserymen, COLBORNE.- â€" -ONTAltlO I I i I I I If} I I i I 1 I I I I I las ^-ss^s^sasss^s. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am openin-j up atance, a blacksmith- iug and woodworkint; business in Ma.ic- well, and am 'nsiaUins; up-to-date wood- working machinery. It will be roy en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- asre. I wint yuurirork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG -'ss^^sssssrssssss Flesherton Tn Shop I hiiYo just placed ou the shelves a full line ot Tinwiiie, Nickelware aiul Agateware for domestic use. Call on lue and got your supplies. Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including piunp work. installeil. Agent for Clare Bros. Fiiniacos I'urnaces D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. FARM IMPLEMENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Agents F^or Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AOENT FLESHERTON. L..

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