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Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1918, p. 1

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^ * ^kBl^nim %imntt. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRI^^CIPLEb NOT MEN. 701 n^No .-)! Flesherton. Ont., Thursday, Xlay ^c:» lOia W. H THDKiTON ^ud PBOPUIE Kimberley Budget Miss Irene Walters of Meaford viaiied friends in our burg during; the past week. Mrs. Reainald Feryuson of Thnrnbury visited with her auut, Mrs. M. R Hammond, recently. Mrs' Harry Cox, Mrs. James Cox and SOD, Elmer, visited on the 24 h with Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. Mr. N. Ilewson, <.:., â-  Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge Hewson, of Heathcote, visited one day last week with the former's brother, Thomas Abercrombig. The annual meeting of the Kimberley branch of Centre Grey W. T. was held »t the home of Mrs. James Stuart on Thursday afcemooi; last. The following are tliA officers elected for the ensuing year : Preaidenc, Mrs. Jasper tjtuart ; Vice President, Mrs. Hugh Hammond ; Sec. Treas., Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Mrs. Down of Maxwell, President of Centre Grey W. I., was present. The pastor, Rev. Lane, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last, and C. McNichol, of Clarksburg, in the Union church In the evening. Messrs Gordon Roduers aud Wesley Hall, of Epping, were pleasant callers in our burg one day lust ween. We are sorry to report Miss Minola Fere;u8on on the sick list with a severe attack of appendicitis aud will probably have to undergo an operation Miss Mildred Wright, of Flesherton, visited recently at Geo. Hutchiuson's, 1. E. Hamaioi:d, commercial .'specialist ot Meaford high school, spent the '24th at the parental home. Among the school teachers who spent the holiday at tlioir roppoctivc honit's were the following : Delia Aljorcrombis of Wodehouse ; Eiiua Burritt, of Vainie- leur ; Nellie Burritt, ct OheoseviUe. Congratulatiions are in order to Elv'e Bishop, who has attained tlie degree of M.A. at Toronto I'lliversity. Pithy Proton Pointers A number of our villagers went pleasure seeking on Victoria Day. Some went to Dundalk, some to Eugenia while others spent the day lisliing. Miss Louie Roome, Toronto, visited over the holiday with her patents. We deeply sympathize with Mrs. Geo. Binnio in the death of her father, Mr. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Binnie accomp- anied the corpse lo Toronto on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Hendersuu and Armour Carson, of Toronto, spent the 24th at the lattt^r's mothers. Mr. Nelson Wauchope and Miss Lynn, of Bolton, visited at T. Wauchope 's. Mrs. Boyd of Torjuto. was the gnest of her s'ster, Mrs. Binnie. The otticers ot the W. I. for tin- ensuing year are :â€" Pres.. Mrs. Wright ; Vice Pres , Mrs. Mooie ; Sec. Treas., Mrs. Wilson. The Centre Grey district meeting of the W.L will be hald in Proton on June 6. Dr. Letitia K. Sirrs will be the speaker. Everybody is cordially invited. After the regular meeting on Tuesday evening, the Young People's Guild presented fountain pens to two of its members, Duncan McNichoI and Elmo Sleveus, who leave soou to .train ar Niagara. Duncan was president of the Guild and bo'.h young men will be greatly missed. Rock Mills Beautiful growing weather. of the people aioiinj hero attended the gardcii party at Eligeiiia en the 24th aud report a good lime. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker and Mr and Mrs. Edward Lee motored up f;om Toronto and visited at Levi Bett^'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt, of T. ronto are visiting at Wm. Pedlars. Misses Sai-ih aiul Bertha White spent u fortnight at their pnreiital homo Mr. and Mrs. JImDargavel motored to Dornoch and visited friends ovi'r Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Art Porteous visited with the former's parents recently. Charles Nowell visited wi'h 'r.iii- Black on the '5rd liiia recently. Mr. and Mrs. V. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. A. Courtis aud sou, of Toronto, motored up and spent the holiday at J. Hargravo'.s, returning Sunday, The friends aud neighbors of George Hargrave and Eddie Madden presented each with a uurse of moiiey on Thursday evening last at the former's place on the 4th line. R. Tucker and wife and E. Leigh and wife of West Toronto motored up and spent the holiday at Mr. Levi Betts'. Feversham Ttie trees are out in leaf, the fruit trees in full bloom, the grain is coveriim the ijriiund, an J nature siuiles on us >ill. and still this awful war goes oo, and our good boys are falling one by one. Where will it end .' May it be soon, but not wi'h tiormany as cci!iiueror. Mr. and i'ls. N. Battersby of Owen Sound are visiting the latler's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. John Paul. Mis. Wni. Kerton of Bolton is visiting with relations here. Jlary Julian ot Kimberley spent the holiday at her parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. H Alexander and son. Ivan, Miss May Colqu>Ute, Geo. Julian aud U. J. Coli|uetie motcred over to Port MeNicoU on Sunday and visited >viih Will Colquette. May remained for a few days longer, and the rest returned on Mondoy and report a pleasant trip. H.irold Cox of Colliugwocid spent the week end at Geoiije Julian'-'. Mr. and Mrs. MilU and Mr. and JIis. Pntchard and family attended the Holi- ness Workers conference at Thornbury last week and remained over .Sunday tor the all day meeting. Eugenia Paragraphs On Victoria Day our villaao had, as usual, its full share of visitors. The garden party heli' that afternoon by the Methodist church was accordingly a success. yLMte .i crowd of interested spectators watched the baseball match between the Power House aud Eugenia Gray-s the former being tiucccssful. Afterwards tho ladies served supper and in the evening a concert was given in the churoh. Much appreciated were the voeal selections by Mr. and &trs. Lar;;e and family, also by Mr aad Mrs Dinnick and the Misses Nichol, while everyone was pleased with the recitations so well given by the Misses Maijorie and Emily Achescn and Mrs Diuuick. Ths total proceeds of supper and concert amounted to over 188. Don't forgHt the public meetina in the school house Thursday, May 30. for the purpose ct appointing registrars. Master Wallace Armstrong of Toronto spent the holiday with chums here. .1. Parliament, G Magee and Wilfred Magee motored to riauover and brought back Mr. Parlianieiil'a mother. The Eugenia W I invite all the ladies in the community lo hear Dr Letitia K Sirrs of Cainpbellville, who will speak in the Methodist church Friday, May 31, at 2.30 government time. The Eugenia stores will close at 7 p. ni., government time, two nights a week after this week â€"Tuesday and Friday evenings. Born â€" To .Mr. and .Mrs. Gee. Bens >n, on May 18, a dnuuhter. Miss Clara Latimer and aunt, of Owen Sound, ."pent the liolday with the for- nix;! s parents here. Bob Williams has gone to Minnesota for treat meiit. His brother, Wallace, went with him from Toront j. We are pleased to see Mr. Morgan home again. Vandeleur Happenings ! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker visited with friends at Collingwood recently, I Wm. Gilray of Tormitn is visiljnu his I sisier, His. Georste Wright. Mrs. ,Iacob Neely and Jaugbter, Mrs. I El. Holler, of Meaforl, spent the week I,'. H. Uolleys. I Frank Davis, accompanied by his mother and sister, and .Mrs. S. Gilbert, inotorad to Meaford and spent a day with friends there recently. Mr and Mrs. E. McMauusof Toronto were visitors at F. K. Boland's recently. J . I. Graham lost a valuable cow one day last week. Arihur Wi ij.htinin lef' on Monday of last week and Otto Baker nnd Dave McGee left on Monday of ihis week fo,. roidiito to join the colors. Mr and Mrs. Robeit Ki<:h<irdson and son, Harold, of Flesherton, spent the '24ih at Georsje Pritchard's. Mr. Wni. Reid and little son, Billie, of Oxford, Michigan, are vi.>iitiuii at Goo. Pritcbard's. Mrs. C. H. Hai-e and two children of Markdale spent the week ei.d with friends here. Wm. Richardson of Cliatswoilh is a visitor at George Warling's. Priceville Jottings Ceylon Chat Port] aw Shelburne Acting uuder instruction'^ from Chief McCutcheon of Markdale, CorwtaMe Whitehead of Shelburne en Tuesday uiorniiiff of this week took charge of two runaway Markdale girls who had boarded the train up the line and were going to Toronto. The girls were held here until the authorities fions Markdale motored to Shelburue and took them Home. Cn Saturday aftereoon last the frame station house at Corbetton was totally destroyed by lire, the cause of which is not known, and the (ire was not noticed until the whole structure was a of fl'iines. Station .^gout MacMurchy ouc- ceeded io saving some of his household furniture, hut the entire conteuts of the freight shod wore destroyed.â€" Free Press. A petition is being circulated among the farmers of North Grey asking Mr. Middlebro lo change his stand to f.irmcrs exemption or resign. U has not met with much success. Policeman M. Coiiron, wife and babe, of Toronto have been visiting with numerous friends in this par^. Harold Montgomery of Toronto visited with uncles and aunts here. Miss Pearl Watson of Toronto spent the holiday 8ea.son at the parental home. Special Mothers' D,-«y services will be held next Sunday at 3 o'clock in Mount Xioii church. Miss .VIcta Jamieson of Toronio visiled with her brother and other relatives here. On account of many of our boys leai- ing for military training there were numerous social gatherings held last week in their honor, and addresses aud gifts presented. On Thursday evening the friends of Frank Taylor, Lawrence Lyons and Frank Shiers met at tlic lalters home. Each were presented with a military wiet watcn and safely razor. The ptesei.tatiun was made by May Cornfield, Iva McNally and Lizzie Thompson during a verbal address by T. R McKenzie. The company spent the evening singiii>;, games and an .address by .\lbert Arnott. The following evening a large e)nipany met »t the home of Mts. W'in. Fi.sher ill honor of her son, Hariy and Charles Wilkinson, who were each presented with a wri»t watch, safety razor and pipe. The address was by Mrs. A. Blackburn i»ud the presenta- tion made by John MoKee. In each case the boys made very suitable ai d apprecistivo replies. The good wishtB •f all g) with them. .Miss Edna McLeod of Toronto s)eu the â- 24th with her mother, returning to the city Saturday. Miss Mary McMullon of Toronto sp»nt from Thursday till Slonday under tlio parental roof, Bert Irwin left Monday lo report in Toronto, before leaving about 3j n -iuhljois and friends gathered at his home one evening and presented him with a well tilled purse, showing the high esteem in which ho is heli'. A inosi enjoyablo eveiiiiis; tta.s spent. Bonâ€" To Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Genoe, May 2'2, a daughter. Congratulations. Robert (.)liver. sr.. lefl Monday for a trip to Alv;omii. Mr. and Mrs. L. I'orrey and lit lie son of Liurist'jn visited Mi. and Mrs. Piper on Thursday Mrs. Bryant, I'te. Bryant and I'le. Noble, all of Toronto, spent the we'ek end with Mr. Archibald. Percy Hemphill aud sister, .Mmid. visilrd Feversh,ini friends the of the | week. II. Benuet of Shelburne spent week end with his family here. Syliil < 'ulliu.s.m spent the 24th wiih lier parents hoie. There passed away al the residence o,- his son, on May 24, .Mr. Gibson, afier a lingering illness. He had made his home here for the past Iwo years, and all that loving hands could do was done for the aged geiUL-man. The bojy was taken to Toronto Saturday ereuimj, where 'ntcrmenl took place Monday from the home of his sisier. A short service was held at the here Friday e .-eniui;, the Tho recent showers will ensure tine I'uwth. The Board of Health has placarded Ja$. . McDouaai's house for measles. G. \\ . Tryoa shipped a car of potatoes a few days ago. Some farmers refuoed SI. 50 a ba>; last fall and sold for §1 latt week. T. Nichol li.i.s exchanged a s'.rip of swamp timber for a ford car. Potato planting and sheep wishing was 'Hiite fashionable last week. Rev. F. N. and Mrs. Bowes f iJweu Souud, w^-re in the vdlago last week. Mrs. Bowes remained here whi'e lis Revcraiici) oltended the Dislric. Meeting 'Ttrntnuialk . Mr'*. U. Slctllhe^, (formerly May Feriiuson) returned to her liome in Toronto alter a 10 .l«iys' visit at her old here. Geo. L. and .Mis. Watson, of Wallers Falls, speLt the holiday and over the week end among friends in the village. Goo. .Jones, litli line. Glenoli,', lias been in town for some days with his team finishing seeding and plan'ing for aoine of tho village producers. The Ued Cross will lijld an enlortain- nient on May31. The Durham Women's Instilule will prc-jiiL their play ''Pnc v 'I'c in 181)2." Mr. Boke, si and wife and Mr., jr and wife, of Toronto, visited a: :lic former's old home on the South Line. Next, Sunday will be observe I as "faihers' and mothers' day'' in the Methodist churches on the Priceviile circuit, with imi.>-ic and flowers. Price.'illo II am., Kl.ieiie;-. r .'! p.m. and SiieiiiS o'clock, new time. As the pastor's services and wnh the .nonlh of June he cordially invites a fair attendance during the leniaiuing sabl)atbs of h s ministry of the ciingreiiatioii and hjs triciids generally. St rangers ami visitors ahso welcome. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks. Manager. i Pig For Service Pure bred Tamworili B.iar for Service on lo'. ITii, 1 .S. W.T. „i,d s. R., Arte- mssia. Terms $1 or â- ?2 for-purebreds. 1 June 18 â€"1. J.STINSdN, Pi..p A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT - •â-  •'•> â- â- â- â- â- ! tit,,. -â- >t.»..».. >â-  . » I â- >â- â- Â».. t ..»..». .»â-  4.. Ladies ! The Millinery Season Is ill and we are re.-i v with a real iip-io-<late stock of .SPKIXG lIA iS and wouKl be pieased-fo have you give iis a cai: and -iee our styles before vou buy. We can sur you if you want an up- to-dale hat. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, . Ontario -*••*•-â- â€¢'••-•••••' *•â- â€¢â€¢-•••*• .•.â- â€¢..•..«..« r LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: «â-  '4 Cutters ' Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers \- 1 1 V D.McTAVISH. Stable Equipment, Etc FLESHERTON Seiut. A. U. Piipiet of Uurhitm la on bis w>iy home, liaviiiij been liberated from a German prison camp. Court of Revision conducted Priceville. by Kev. Mr. Miitheson of The lirst siltina of l lie Court of lie- vi.sioii i.f the As.'tcssmont of the Villnj^o of Fle.sherton will be held In iho Tcwn ... , u , , . , Hnll. Kleshciton, on Monday tho ItJih Mrs. Heinfie ;tnd (diunhter, ot Allistor, I day of Jun.-, IPKH. ,it li o'clocis p.m., of visiled wuh Mrs. li. McLuuchlHn. ! which .ill peisoii.s intero^led ure required Mrs. Mvxwdl. of Caledon, visited with j '" '''"•" "''^""'â-  friends here the past week. W. I. BELL.^MY. May 2!>, 191S Clerk. Two young lads from Priceviile wore steiilini! a ride on a C.P.R. train and were tiiken oil at Uurhaui. Tht-y wen let go on parole. Great Lakes Steamship Service Court of Revision Canadian Paoitio steain«hip Manitoba now leaves (>»on Sound 1.30 p.m. each Thursday for Sauk Ste. Marie, Port .Vithur and Port William. .'^toainKhipti KoevN'alin and A«.siaiboia will sail from Port MtfNicoll Wt>dud8duyq and Satur. day.-», commenciD); Juno 1. The KrM sittuiu of the Court of Re- vision of the .As.sos.smcnt of the Township of Artenicsia will be hold in the Town Hall, Kie.sherton, on Saluidny tlieSlli day of June, ItU.-*. at 10 o'clock a.m., of which all perinus interested are re<]uired to I iko notice. - W.J. IJKLr,.VMV. Mav L'l'. llilS I i Clerk. I SPRING AND SUMMER 3 demands are for WHITE BOOTS and I SHOES. gWe have them LACE BOOTS, PI MPS i and STRx\P SANDALS, also a good assortment of RUNNING SHOES in white, black and tan . ALSO A Trunks, Suit C'ases anil Club bags. Repairing a.s u&ual. THOS. CLAYTON 5 FLESHERTON, - ONT. % X\ .t^' ^ â€" ma

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