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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1918, p. 1

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J y $\t^\itx\m ^K^mmt. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"• PKLN'CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOt 3SNo. -1 Pleslierton, Ont., Tlmrsclay, May J J lOl W. e THCMON l^^p'il'oPBiE Homestead! ng on The Field of Battle The followiDj; letter » »« received liist wetk by Ci^uncilluv J <>. P.i't.m fioui \v> «.jn, Frank, who is one tf tlirwc brothers at the frout : Dear Mother and Fatlior,- I have Uken up a homestead since 1 i»rotu last, another chap and I were .sent (lUt to ;i telephone station, all on own, so here we are, about a mile from anyone, iii a little dugout. I call it "The Better (He,' and it is a better one than I had been used to, all right. When we came here we had nought bat a kit aiH a couple uf 'phones â€" notbini; here but two buuk:j â€" 80 we rustled around and salvaged a store, pipes, table, two chairs, teapot â€" and made the rest of the cooking outht of petrol tint. The worst «Tas getting the stove into action. After digging down about tifteen feot we succeedtd iu getting a pipe into the dugout nnd gcit a lire on. But it's worth the price. Oh, it's a bonny wee home. I wish you oould drop in and have a meal with us. It i.i nice and warm. We have even get pictures on the walls. I was cook today. We had a nice lupper of boiled pctatoe.<:, beefsteak, honey and real [buiier that 1 got in a parcel from the Fleaherlon people, l>read and tea. Not so du.sty, eh .' Belter than hard tack .md buliy beef. We get good rations here. We carry and ratiouij about a mile, but that is sjood exercise, and we are near a wond â€" I won't tell you the name i>( it nuw â€" «() we can get lot.s of firewojd. We had a bit of nice weather ail March, but it has been rainy and wet all this month so far. I got a letter from Hardy ^a brother; in the line. It was writteu on some pages of his notebook, and he asked uis to send him some paper. He is getting a taste of one of tho-^e enjoyable long tiipR, 1 will see the O.C. tud ask if Hardy can come with mo. Hardy does not know that I am so close to hiis. I could go lo him in an hour. I am juat buck if where he is, also " Biic " Cargo and all the boys. But I would rather be on the cutside looking in. 1 must look them up some of these days. I would like to tell you a lot of things but can't. However, ii will keep until the boys come home. Kimberley Budget Price vi lie Jottings PTE. HIN'TER HARROW Pte. Hunter Harrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrow of the. 4th line, .\rte- mesia, erilisleu will: the 147rh Grey Battali^in Sigual Corjjs. He was rep .v.'ed gassed April Sdi . Relatives have had word from him that he ia in hospital in England and doing fine. Dundalk Shelburne K. C. r>yna3 of Uedickvilie doiuend roconlly to Goo. Bdiley & Sou, Shrigiey, eleven hogs which weistheJ OooO j>oniids, f. r which he received the sum of $718 J<0. Victor Johnson, sou of JoImi .luhuson 'jf HUck's Corners, broke liis right leg while helping 'ii lift otl' a heavy wagou rack. He was iu the 10 to 22 year draft and had been ordered to reuort at To- ronto iin the follow in)4 Jay. Ue will be laid ui> for some wjeks :w the fracture is a rather bad one. A dyer from Toronto on liis way to Camp Corden on Siturday last got lost and came down on Jackson Irwin's farm, lot 0. townlinc Multntir ;iud Melaticthon, and in making a landing the niacliino was liadly damat'od. An auto truck came from Camp Borden aud loaded the aero- plane I'U Saturday evening. Air. ^aiii .Armstrong, -â- ion of W. .'. uf tihis place, who was employed on the Bell telephone i-unstruction n-urk and w;V3 exempted fro;a military service on the appeal of the company, s'gned up in Fiiday aiil made a('plciiiun to j-in the Kngineets' Corps. At the home of Magistrate D Mdjueen near C<>nn o:i Friday an inte: eating case wash.-.iid. Tii-ipector Beckett laid the CJUlp'uint ;ri; James .Siiell f-T a breach lif 'he Teniperiiuce .Act. The evideiice showed that just previous to the dry spell starting April 1 Snell had re:e ved several cases A li.juor at Mt. Foii'i-t, lluKteiu and Dundalk. When ln-[ tctor BeJir'it vailed at the premises and itiiuestcd .Snell lo show what •[uan- tily he had on haul the bulk of the linuor was not vi.sible. Magistrate Mc- t,)ueeo took the view that it wis di.-sposed of and imposed a ri'ie of §200 and costs. 5lr. Beckett prosecuted his own case. A very line i xaniple of unselfish char- acter of the soldier life was shown in tlie act of Pte. W. J. McLeot', who has lieen on itic liosp.tal list fi'r .«oin« lime, and recently re' Ui nod from oversea.s to his home near Swinton Paik. The )ouug people of thit coiiununity k.>\\\. of sympa- thy for the young soldier presented him witfi a purse c^'iitaiuing S20. He thought of the other boys " over there ' and asked permissiou of those who made the preseiitation to him to give the amount to the Soldiers' Helpers C!ub for com- forts foi comrades in the irenches who aie .Siioridciiig sii much. Pte. .MoLeod knows something of what the boys liave to enduic o'- or there -Herald The lecenc copious showers have | wonderfully improved the looks of the } growing crops. { J. H. Fawcett and a party from' Collingwoid motored over on Saturday and spent a few hours Ashing in the old Bea\er. As it wasn't an ideal day they didn'c land viry many speckled beautiei". Our school prir.cipal. Miss Cook, visited over the week end at her parental heme iu Meafoid. < Iu accuuui of the heavy -.hower on Saturday evening last the baseball match between Eugenia and the power house was postponed indetinite'y. The teams only played an innings or two. -Mr. Jas. Speers, Feversham , made a liusiiiess trip lo our b'lrg on .Saturday list. Hugh Hammond, our en-.-rgetic march- ant, has bought a brand new Chevrolet car. Miss Lillian Campbell visited at the parental home on the valley road, south, a few days, recently. Mr. Lyness Fawcett, of Smith Fall?, and bride. Miss Jelly, visited a few days this week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett. is iiu old Kimberley boy and i.s a traveller for the Harris AUbatoir. We join wi"h iheir many friends in wishing them a long and prosperous voyage through life. Dr. OtteweU of Fleshetton made .-v business trip to our burg one day last week. Jas. H. Fawcett his bought Thus Smith's property on Washington street, John Cairns ia down from the uor>h country visiting with Ernest Proc'or. David Feighen of Clarksburg, was a pleasant caller in our burg one day last week. Rev. Lane dei'vered an excellent Missionary sermon in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Fine, warm weilher stt in last veek . Recur real estate deals : W. G. Wtttsi-n bought 12 acres on Piir.cesu .st. from H. R. McLean ; -I'-hn Livingstone purchased a h^mse and ten acres on townline street fmn .lohn Blown, and the latter has purchased a hi' and bit just west of the Presbyterian church. Some Imd iwners are ottering the bi^ys a bonus for killing groundhogs whcie c'ley a-e troublesciue, and M^tt Coiikey h-18 twenty 'ir iiioic On his li t. Mis. lIcLeiii and daugl't.-r, near the public sjhool, have histalled a new pi'ino. P. F. McAnhur, uur deputy post- master, has madrf some iuipiovements around the olfice- a new drop lelt-r bi x in the window and o'her retiairs. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICEx^SES J. W. Bates, R. Maddccks. Pres. Manager. Feversham Items AROUND GREY COUNTY Rock Mills Fine weather and the warm rains are making the spring crops look green iu thii part. Mr. and Mrs. VicC')r I'hillips and Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford of Owen Sound motur-jd down and visited friends in this vicinity over the week end. Inspector HufT paid out school a visit one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith aitended the funeral of Mrs, John thtewell neur Bolton. -Mr. aud Mrs. B. Field motored lo Thornbury and viaiwd with friends oxer Sunday. Mr. Tho8. Bettt visited with her son, Sdftar, on the 8tb line, recently. Eddie White, who has been uoofined to the house for some time with a «pr»ined ankle, is improving nicely. Pie. Arthur Cbtrd has returned home 00 a munth's leave. Mrs. Robert Phillipti has returned to T'.woBto .titer gpsndiD); a forlaight with her pai«u'.<>, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy. -* line .«piciineu of the golden eagle, one ot the ancient? birds of prey, w«s shot near I.cith last week, fhe bird is au elegant sanipl>*,and when outstretched nioasureil li feci 10 inches from tip Iv) t.p. A tenllic alortvical slcrm passed o\er Hanover district,! upvootii; trees aiid unrooting barns. Waller Park ot Hanover bvok<' hs right log midway be'.ween the knee and hip while p'aying wi;.h other bi>y8. J. S. Wilson of Hanover hi.s oeeii ap^Hjiuted Resjistiar for Southeast (!rey in the coming registration of man ai;d woiuau power. Mx's. Chiislopher Firth, from the beginning of the war until .\pril V\ knit :i"J'J pairs of SOX .md palched bl'ck^ for nine quilts. Edmund Jones of Creeuiore. ijjed ;.7, fell iu an epileptic tit and wxs kilKd instantly. Chief of Police Wealherup of Staynec was ssisaullcd and biidly beaten up by Dr. Fleming, a prumiuent uiliiten <f ibat town. The Governor General will vi.-jit Owen Sound on June 17 and Coliiagwood on June IS Daniel yi,.'Mill'iii, ot Ben Allen, bad a miraculous esciiiitf liom death, as he wis walking alon/ the track in the yards, when an outbound C.P.U. ti-ain from Owen Sound struck him, hurling him » distance ol ten feet His hip bone waa broken aad also h.ul injariw to his bead Viii. face. Fine rains and good growing weather is making the farmers wear a broad smile these diys and the grain is avowing rapioly. The farmers have nearly all finished seeding. Mr aud Mrs. Woods and family, of Mount Forest, motored over from that town last week and are visiting with Mr. and Mis. Frsd Spott'ord at Riverdale Firm on the .Sih line. Mrs. Kred Spotlurd had a hurried call to the bedside of her sister.Mis. Hopper, near DuneJin. Mrs. Hopp.-^r wis very in but is improving now. Mr. aand Mis. Irwin McKeon and f.iuiiy motored over from Duncai. and s.eiit Sunday with Mrs. J. Kaitting and other friends Fred Hawtoii and w.f,-, of Stayovr, visited friends here last week. Dr. Iio!-/.cll * f Caledonia, renewed old ac<va>"t'nces around hero last week. Thi) Bed Cross ladies aie having, a c ncert in the sch jol rcom here on Fri. eveiiiui;, May 24. A good program is being prepared. Admission 2*.) aud Joe. Portlaw Word has been received i>y relatives here tlia' Pie. William 'I'hoinpwin had baen wounded for the third tune in France, this lime both feet are injured, one .seriously, but it is rxpected lliat the member can be s.ived . k telegram brought the sid news to his parents on the fourth line that Lieut_ O. Allison of I he R.F.C. had been killed in action on the loth inst. Dtcrased was at one time a successful and populur teacher in^our school ai;d much regret is felt for the early ending of such a useful and promising life. Misses Gladys and Florence White aie home from Toronto. -Xnolher Utile boy arrived lately at the home of Mr. aud M:s. Win. iJiakey. Inspector Hutf pail our sjhxd an official visit late'y. Among "f our your;; men who reported for military service but are home on a short leave of alseiice are Fr.iiik Taylor, Harry Fisher, Lawrence Lyons, Charles Wikinson, Frank Shiers ami tjeorge Uargrave. Nielsen Wauchob ai;d lady ftien 1 of Bolton visited with Mr. and ilrs Lewii Sheardiwu. Mrs. J. W. Bales of Toronto is v • 'ring with her mother. Mrs. Jeremiah Tiylor. -V sheep belonging to J. .\. Thonipson pioduced a lamb with four aud a l.a'f feel connected with one of the fore legs. The leg from the shoulder down to about the fethick joint w,u heavier tlmn .udi- nary aud finished with the cluster of toet. The freak, which in other respects seemed, died when a few dajs old. Wni. BJacklnirn of .SlijUi-i ai.-i V.. .Montgomery i.nd Mr. and Mrs. J. M-.>nt- g.'inerv of Toronto were visitors af the h'Une of F. H. Tln'inpson. Pig For Service Pure bred Tarn wit; h Boar for Service on lot 170. 1 S.W.T. and S. R.. Arte- mssia. Terms %\ or ?2 for purebreds. 1 June 18 -1. J..STINSiiN. Pi p A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. . GNj -â- â€¢â€¢-•"•••♦"•"1 I Ladies ! The Mil-lncry Season in and we are i'ea< v with a real up-to-daie sLock of SPRING 1 1 AT ^ autl would be ploa.sed to hiwe you give us a call md -see our styles before vi'ii buy. We can sui: you if you want an np- to-dale bat. W.L.WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario ^•'• " •' â- â€¢ " •••♦- •••#••••••••«-«•••-•- 1 *•*â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â- â-  » -• - » Victoria Corners Cevlon Chat Clarence Muir shipped a car «f pota- toes on Friday last. Mrs. .\- McLeod ha.s returned from a six weeks' vi-sit with her diugliter in Toronto. Inspector Beckett was on his rounds here last weeK gathering iu the juice which came too late for deliveiy. Mr. .md Mis. S. Uemph'Il visited Fevei.sham fiiends last week. Sam Chislett of Toi-onto visited wiih friends here Iiist week and this week with Glenelg friends. Mrs J, McMillan aud tittle sou, John, visited her sisler, Mrs. (Dr ) Holmes st 0»en Sound the tii-st of the week. D. Coleii.aD spent the week end with his mother in Owen Sound. A. Kennedy motored Mr. and Mrs. G. Collinson «nd Mr. and Mrs. K. I). Cairns to D-irham ihc uist "f the week. Constable Cook paid a business trip to Owen Sound last w«ek. John Kennedy returned to his hone i<ii Friday after a« Al>«e»co of QMcly two years. The Karriors' Clnh got iu a car gf twine the p.Mt week. M. W'c extend oursyInp^lhy to Mi Bmnm on thi dea'h of her •< Mis-s Robinson. Klnio Stevens left on Fiiday lo the ci'iors. Mis. W. Galbigher underwent cei>.<iul operation last Tue-^diy .i improving. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R.inu m : hoping they will h'lvo i a'lj happy life Charles Moore hai purchased a Chev rolet c»r. Mrs Ludlow is teaching this wo. k in the alwence of Miss Hamilton Mix l-'iig LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc .1^ 1 D.McTAVISH, FLESHERTON Eighth Line, Osprey Mis. Fiod Spoir.nd and two chilJien returned honit; on Sunday after spending a few days with the foriuei's sister near Creeni'ae. Eddie Madden of ihv- O ravel vi-<itod our lin'.' last week, previous to repotting at MiU a'y Hejd'iuartois at I'oronto. Fred Braokenhury, of Depot Harbor, j is visitius at Fred Spoffora's. .Mr. aud Mrs. Ed^ar Bctts spent the I weok oud with the lattei's perents near . Fioshsrton. ' ! FOR A PAIR OF | BOOTS ; Suitable for the wet damp ; weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, 1 Sununer Resorts in Ontario 5 5 T^Y The Muskoka Lakes, Toiul \\x Uaril audOeoistiao Biy Kesorts ; French and Pickerel Uiver, Rideau lake*, Severn River, Lake M uiinaw District and Ka- wartha Tjikes are c-.mveniently toachcd via the Canadian I'acitic Hailwiy. P-u- ticuUvs from Canadian Ticifi:' ticket agvDte or W. P. Howan.t. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON •* -f rift ahMi mt

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