-. â- II , m<v m May I« 19 IH THE FLESIII. rrON ADVANCE r fhur/dfty at tli<* citfii;*, Oi.llingwi-iKi Stref*. K)»h«rton. Sub«cri|itii<n price $1 inTuiiniiin %b«n luiijinadviuice ;$l.Mwtien n»t >n |iali< Adver ialufr r»te« on aptilicati'^ii. Ciic"Utl'>n 1,100 wi^kly w. H. TiirasroN. VHOV r H i£««wv^ I I Y.M.C.A. iiikltliMioDH all m> liiwuiil! riCailCl lUlI AUVailtC, ^^ ^ »„,„ieiful etrea ... keepiDg uj. H.e •n iad^iJcndenl uewl<lK.p^•r,^^^plll.lLâ- <lle(l evpry ipiritH of the ...el. in maintiiiiiiii^ » liigli moral tone throughout the force. I IVrHui.iilly I iiui ill favor uf inakuiK the giAiil, liecauie 1 ft el that the oljecl i.^ worthy, because an ei|uitaMu amount hai been pliiied on each county iind they are resp i.iiliii|{ unanimously ; beciuse so lor.u KH our money goes throuijh lespcct^ble chiiiwiuls ecououiically a. id judiciously di.slributed to the eoiufort of our loldieiH it is not only a duty but ii pleasure to Hive. 1 Hin i-ontide.it that oui County C.)Uin.il Hill respond uii^v.iiinously. Kindly let u- hiive an ii.iiiiediate iei)ly A Homeless Equine 'i There i!< a mine lepoHin^ in tli.; Dciiii. j efion pound that will .lot likely bate u Khure in the Ki'i'ut production campaiijn , kS this Spring. Thrt ii.iiMial h»R a hiiitoiy, L-^ and if Tom rteiiiiet had the naming of it ] | «^ it would be dubbed "uiiiet.iinbl:."l ;'« L - J^^JZi^^^isSs&ir^^j^^jShZ^^^s^^sSsi^^ Silks For Dresses Y.M.C.A. Campaign In Grey County KJitor â€" In the initial stages of thix ca:i)pai;jo, I, Warden of the Couuly, was peihaps the first -o b. u.lervio^ed by | »'»^ "^''t!''. '^'""^ very truly, representatives of th« Ni-ional Council J^'"' A- B^jJ. ^^«<d'.M V <i i> . 1 III Rubtnittini; tliu above lettir, 1 of The C'<|uine was raised by a fanner on llu' outBkiriH of tliiii villaije, and from the j diiys of coll hood WHS an incorrigible. It, leseiitfd ;ill iitiempl-i at fiiniliunty, and] iioiluni> pleased il nioi<! than to kick the{ diiylights out of his best friends. The .1 Yard wide tilks for dress purposes ere much in deiu»i>d, not only because they are fashionable, but owing to the sboriage of wool dress fabrics. We can offer you a hi^t selection in ail colorsâ€" Black, Niry, Resadt, Cidet, Maize, Peacb, Sulphur, Old Uoie, Pink, Bay Leaf, etc.â€" in the difiereot (jualities and prices as follows :â€" UABLTAI TAFFETA BRILLIANT PAILKTTEH TAFFETAS 85c.â€" »1.00 $1.35 fl.5tJ 12â€"12.25 SPECIALS IX BLACK DUCHE8SSK $150 $1.75 $2.00 and $2 25 NATURAL SHANTINGS AND PONGEES ♦ioc. 75c. $1.<J0 and $1.25 SILK POPLINS Y.M.C.A T.'ie cuiupiign by niutuil arrangement , w.is delayed «.. condition that the follow- ing latter be submitted to each member] of the County Council. The fullowioK is I the letter : I R.-J Triangle fund, $2,250,(10(1, Oiey C'junty'b share $24,500. Dear Sir, --.Acting on the rtijUfst of the National Councii of the Y.M.t'.A. of Canada. I aiii witting each uienibcr cf the County Council u.skinf the question. Are you in favor of tli ! County Council •A Grey Couny levying -^ of a mill on the dslLtr for the purpose of makln<( up the amount rci|Uired to laise $2,2.50, 0<KI for overseas work iu c< .inection with |irovid- ing cuinfurts, recreation, etc., for our <*ollierH, in order to obviaie the necessity of a campaign to provide the funds by f!nic other means, ii will tie ncces.sary to get a detiuile reply. Yea or No, and I trU'Jt I am not intiiiding on the bn."ineHS coiutcsy of the i/iuucil when I ask for a reply at once. I may say that being interviewed by representatives of ths National Council ditl'ercnt plans were suggested f^r the raiding ot the money. First was the sugcestion to hold largo ijijss iDeeliug.s throughout the County and circulate suUscription.s, which would 7jiean largo expense and a great deal of wjrk and the but den would fall princi- pilly on willing hands. Second was the proposition to wi»it on the Local Municipal Cjuncilp and raise the money in that way, but the propo- sition that met with most fnvor was that the C-junly Council should undertake the payment of the full amount ri(|uirtd, thus doing away with the campaign and consolidating the wlmle uroposition. Of course if J do not got a favorable rep'y the campaign will go on as .\dvertised for ettir, c 'ursj realized tim il was an irregular and perhaps an imprcpt-r way of doing county business, but I felt that the im- portance of the proposition was sutlicient to jusitify the mea.is which were being adopted. The money, I felt, must be raised, and in adopting this means it saved an im' m/nsB lot of organizing work, etc., and I WHS contide.it the rfcspoii.'-e from tl'.e nii'iiibers of the (,'ouucil would tie favor able. The result wa« that out of 07 replies 3i' were answered in the afliriiia- tive and three .somewhat in'Jetinite, although htronaly patriotic in their e.x- pressions. It just iiiean.s that when we meetin.lune the Council will unani- mously levy -^ of a mill for the above purpose, and thus the campaign for Y. M.CA, overseas work is for the present, at least, successfully ended. I am send- ing this letter to each of the papers throughout the county so thit each member ( f the County Council, and all others, will kcow the result, and I take this means of expressing my heariy thanks for the favorable response. Yours very rtuly, â€" J. A. Boyd, Warden oiijiinul owner Iheieforo parted company ||. . with the colt 111 the first opp irtunity, | V and the second owner did the Hiiiiie, and ' ' bo on, until It was supposed that it had gone away t.) stay. Lately, however, the original owner learned that his neighbor had bought a new mare from a Clill'ord ' 'i - buyer, and i:n looking ttiu aiiimiil over he \iy was thunderstruck to recognize il as the vicious colt he had ^aisod. After peeing the mare pciform when h. tolled 'ip in the wagon ho needed no more evidence of the fact. The Clifl'ord dealer was at once .communicated wi.li and he did the honorable thing by returning the money, and takiiii4 the niaro buck. The next previous owner, however, dit' not care to do business in the same way, and whi-n the animal was returned to his home near Moltke last Tluir.sday he at ouce chased her off the premises, and the undesirable is now a houieles) wanderer. .â- V lawsuit is inevitable. And somebody is going to lose some real nnney ovel i'..â€" Mildiii ly (jazette. GEORGETTE CREPES CREPE i.K CHINE i I School Reports ».*3 IN ALL THE NEW SHADES .Ask to see our Special Crepe de (,'hine Blouse at $4. '.'5 Footwear For Everybody One naturally thinks of new footwear at this seaeon â€" let u« fit you with new shoes our stock was nevar so complete as now. L-idies' kid and and kid pumps. Ladies' high cut lace shoes. Ladies', men's and boys' brown shoe;. Ladies' and girls white cunva.ss shoes. Men's and boys' every day shoes, Children .s shoes and pumps. Classy novelties in Brown with Ncolin soles. .A full range of Getty and Scott's " Classic '' shoes. Lncrosse shoes for iner., women boys v\d girls in black, white and tan. Tea Prices All sizes. In this column for ihe last three weeks we advised customers to buy tea before May 1st and save money. The Government placed lOc. per pound Duty on all teas on that ^'*'''' It l>'ys to read our advertisement MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TKMlKKS ud<lr,.s«e(l to the ro.stiii:irttt-r (leneral will bt- rrceive 1 at Ottawa until noonoii I'riday, tin 7thof.lnii>- luls, for the conveyance oit Hi.s Muje.-ity's Mails, on a [irnpo^ed f'ontract for four year-*. «is tiiiieK per week on the route .\I,\.\WKI.I, K( UAf. KOITK NO. t fnmi tin- l<tof .\|)rll, IIH.s, re\t. I'liiited notii-es containing fill ther iiiforina- timias to ii.nditi'iii.s nf pro|Hist-d contract may Ik- .si'i'ii and blank furiiis cpf Tender may lie ilituineil :it the I'ost OHices of .Maxwell iii[ umm Corrected Ktich Week II n.i ii.L 1 >. > rr,. . . . 1^'iiduttl tfice of tlio IVst Ollice Insiiecti May 7th, 8th and 9th. That is why the Turout-. matter cannot be delayed until after our' A. .SL'THKKLANIi. June .SlEhsion. I Post Ortice In>p.cti.r I 1'oi.t Ortice Inspector's Ottice, Many County Councils hive already I Toi mti.. April 22nd, l'.tl!<. made the grant. Dufferin County on I - April 11, in fcssion assimbled, made ll.e grant by unanimous vote. Hruce County adopted the plan we are follo«iiig and g'jt an expression from each member by ' Q^^gfyiiy letter and the amount was guaranteed. I am told everywhere throughout the province, the county councils aie coming â- icioss without exc'ptiun, The work of the Nitionil Council â- verseas is one of gre.i' sacrilico and de- votion to duly, and to use Ihe word of E. C. Asliton, Adjutant General, eveiy iollar entrusted to the milnary woik of ;h« Y.M.C.A. is wisely and u*i fully •.XI eiidid Htid ilie piclils of (.iiles in {\v FLESHERTOn! * -- ONTARIO S. S. No, y, Osprey '- Sr4 â€" BLong, A Ro»p, E Parker, C Brownr'dge, M Guy, O Biown'idge and VI Wright eiiual,U Hobertson, W Kerton. Sr 3â€" D Fenwick. â- Tr .'!â€" A Morrison, J Lougheed, Lj IMell. i Sr2â€" B Pallister, G Morrison and A I Long ef|ual, M Heron, E Lougheed. i G Uadley, G Fenwick, P Priestly. Parker t<iu*l, D Foith, M Ross. ' finisll tluit pPOteCtS the Cll' â€" .Ir2-D Forth, E llobertion. Uloil't Start OUt witll il shabby ISil-liS Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorough <>red Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8. Osprey. Terms $1.50. FRED SPOFFARD Easy to applyâ€" durable and .'r 2â€" G Pallister, K Robertson, w , â- „„»:f,,| I„of:r.rr ,^^ J piodiices a boautitui, histing SAVE MONEY Ente; the ELLIOTT^^;7^, Yoiige and Charles btrcets, Toronto Flesheirton *l^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire ijatisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes MoBd*y night, delivery Friday evenia Sr 1â€" E BrtfWnridge, M Radley- I'r-A Beiiirose, O Parker, P Pallister, A Priestly, W Lougheed, K Ridley. Pr Bâ€" F Robs, M Forth, S Bucking- ham, v. Lougtieed, C Chard. -C. C. SPARLING. car, it is not neces.sai-yâ€" when a beautiful finish can be ob- jtained at very little cust and 1 labor. S S No 1 Artemesia and Euphrasia Sr4-.I <»rr, W M-MuUen. Sr ;;â€" M Welsh, U Welsh. B I'.-i Butler :;5 '.o ;'>7 Eggs, fresh 37 o ."m Wheat $2 25 to 2 25 liats iio (,( 'III I'eas \\ lis to 4 00 Barley 1 .SO to I ::5 potatoes fl 25 Buckwheat . 05 to ttf) Hides 10c to H»c Ducks 2;! to 2.'! G.-ese 21 (o-'l I Chickens 22 to 2l.' i''o«l Iti lo 1(1 .". -W Thonnison, M Oir.C Faweett, pie. Sr2 â€" M Suiirl, M Welsh, t'r .\ V riiompson. I'l Ii (.; RIcMu'.loii, L Smart. P SeiiipU'. I'r C -E .Seniple. â€" Richel lliilchi.isiii, Teiielier. iS.W.P. for outstanding varn- ! isKc8,Stain8,Enamel8,Bru8he8 for house cleaning. F. W. Duncan The Fleshertfln Hardwire. Kttone .^0 r^. Don't Make Candy i KiAiS^ U\,jtl^Mahu\^ Rc.idcr.s of The Mail ami [iinpirc occupy front seats at the world's GRUATIiST DRAMA. All the events on the far-flunc: battle lines are visual- ized in a vitalizing manner. The Associated I'rcss and four additional notal'le agencies give a PREDOMINANT CAIU.L SERVICE. In The Mail and Ejupire tlie ni'ws is edited and pre- sented h> experts in love w ith their work. All the chaff is eliminated and the golden wheat re- tained. ACCURACYâ€" SANITYâ€" and COMPREHENSIVE- IMESS make The Mail and Empire indispensattle to those vlio desire lo be well informed on world-wide and home events. $4 p«r annum, by mail. $S delivered. Order througli dealer, local paper or direct. The Mail and Empire, Toronto con- more their Ills 11. i\v illegal to in ike homemade i-iiiily from (-iiiie siiyir for privat mimiition. Ptrple may not havi' ili'iii 15 d lys' snpplv of sngir in I. oiicsi, if llu-y live wi'hiii two niilos of n iici-nsed dealir. If living more than two 111 lea hut lest than live miles away, they iiiiy have .'SO days' Fupply. If livirg 111 iH' Ihuii live miles and Uss tlnin tai mile.', they may have f>0 days' supply I'liiiiern and all otheis livinu a distance I f len miles or more from a li.'onjcd ;,-;iiir iiiiy store «ugur for K'n dBye' â- >iipp'y oii'y. Wholesale and retail dealers, and licensed niiiiuifactor.rs, iisinn siiuir ill their pioducis, may lU't have move than snllii-ieit sugar for ihe trndo of 45 days. Excess sugar muit he retunied at once to the dealer from whom a wiH puicliascd, wh > w ill pay for it, if 111 good e .million, at the market price or llie juice at whicli it was .sold, whiihever lie Ihe lowest. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also Tie l.'.K's: 111 .*^luH't .^lu^k• :.l the PHOTO ('..4LLEKY • Bofore the Tuition Rates are Increased. Great demand for Graduates. Write for our cala- Logue and learn how imr former Students are succeeding. Open All year. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip.^l STOCK FOR SALE CLEANING and DYEING- We ar agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothoi cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER - I have It piesent for tiuick sale 2 Yorkshire sows, some youni.' cross-bred pigs just ready to wean, I llouen drake, 1 Barred Rock rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€" OKl». W. ROSS. Osprey Tel. System. Maxwell. P.O. •PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiiui! up aUmce, a blacksmith- ing and woodworking business in Mai- well, and am ns'alling up-to date wood- working iii'ichineiy. It will be my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- ace. I w*nt yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Ill Flesherton Tn ^hftn M I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Ijjj Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. m I 25 $90 W. A. Hawken - FKshrrton Phone 2;{ r4 Tlif rooeni sugar rejtiictions passed ly ' the Cunada fool Boaid will liuve Ihel ellVet of saving about «n0,O00 Ions, I iippri'xiiiialely 25 per cenf of our noimnl | I'o.Hnmplioii. 'I'hiise restrictions are' rotidiTcd absolutely ne«oss»iy by the Nhipping and lail transportation siUin- | •ion. Tlieio is »ugu in Culn hut w« ' , cannot get it into Uanad... What we can j F Of Spritlg Platltillg get we iiiMsl roiisorvc for pre,serving time FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for service. r>nu<: «I.5M lei^iilore 1 eo Ts. Aitiiiiesia. Con. rows, $;i.llOfor 4, lots III II We i.eed no further inlinduciion than the fact that we have been in the Nuisety buiiiieds SIXTY ONK YKARS, and are now prepared to nieet ixisling .conditions by oHeiing our hiah unirte I treen and iilniils itii-fci lo ciislomeis at ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. 1 Send for our ilhis rated ciicii!.irs"< f Il iidy \arietics which \ou can oidi r I dirict iiud i<a»e Ihe Ri'eol's d inmi-sior, I of which you cet the benotit . dii.- prices ) will e sine to iiHeie.il you and all stock I hvve p\ivehascd a pure Slnrthorn i« alwolutoly liril class and line lo name. Ooihum bull. ni,d have the same for' „,,,.., fit, .civ iiUoTllli'DC f,i HOI vice on lot r.S, T.ironlo Lino. Ane- ' ^'"^' * "'^^1'' BRt'TllERS CO. II si I. T.'riiii !f\ -V, iish at time of "f Onlaiiii, l.'niited, .01 1 , ' Nutserymen, M> H -S IRWIN ICOLBORNK,-- â€" -UNTARlO i i i II II tjji 1^1 II i I II II II 1^1 lOi Eavotroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing ofall kinds promptly attended to. PipeHtting, including pump work. Furnaces installod. Agent for Clare I'urnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON # ONTARIO. i I .Illlvl^ !. 1). Ml I.KOO, Cojbm. Bull for Service FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents f*op Special Prices on Wagjjons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes CulUvators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.