fk&^cti0n %imnu* •TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." - " PBINCIPLEb HOT MEN. <-> fOl 38 No. ! Flcaberton, Out., Tliursday, May lO lOlli W. B. THDRSTON 'iSapBoPhis Eugenia Paragraphs Mouse cleaning ami gardening are the order of the day. Mrs. Fred Pedlar and Mri. Alex. Cameron spent the week and with Mrs. E. Giaham at Clarksburg We are pleased to see Mrs. \. Hoy and daughter back to nur fad of the village, she bavins moved Iwck to her cottoge fur the tummer. Mr. and Mrs. George Pedlai' uf Marii- d&le, Mrs. McKee ef Flcsterton. and Mr. and IVIrs. George Hargrave, visited the former's luolher, who is ill. We are sorry to hear that Miss Eita Latimer is ill and unable to attend to her school duties, but understand that she is improving. Luther Duckett and sister, Maud, accompanied by Herb, ilaney aiiri sister, Millie, motored to (>wen Sound recently. Miss Mary Fawcett has returned to Toroato after visiting her parents. Mrs. W. H. McPherson of (irand Valley spent Friday and Satuiday with her brother, Mr. Tate, and took h ime with her a line string of tish. Mr. Rowjjjjttom has moved his family back to Toronto. Inspector Uutf visited our jchuol last Friday and found iverything^satisfactury. Jlr. and Mrs. Huggard of Duncan visited friends here. The Eugenia Grays baseball club met after practice Wednesday night and elected the following officers : Honorary Pres., Card Graham ; I*res., Stanley Campbell ; Sec. Tteas., Charlie Parka ; Captain, Harry Tate ; Comuiillees, A. Willianie, Jack Campbell Rjiy fJenoe, Herb Betta . Daylight saving d'd uoc prove vory satisfactory in regard to school. The little tots who have a few miles tus^o liaii to he roused out before they had suflic. ieni sleep. A.s a result the suhoot is staying with the old time. Mrs. Robert Phillips and son uf To- ronto spent tlie week end with Mis. A. H')y and daughter. The annual meeting of the Eugenia W. I. was held ou May 1 at the home of Mrs. Large. There was a very good attendance to hear the reports ot tlie past year. A retrospective glance uvei the work of the past year showed good |>ro- giesi!, especially in patriotic »ud Red Cross vrork. The fiillowiug othcers were elected ! President Mrs. Frauei-i Geiioe, Isl \ice President Mrs. L. Latiuiei, 2ad Vice Ptcsident Mrs. A. Twohy, Direc- torsâ€" Mrs. L'irge aud Mrs. II. Williams Mrs. Hoy was re-elected as Sec.-Tve;va. Pithy Proton Pointers We eiteiid out deepest sympathy to Mrs. Robinson and fninily of Bethel in the death of their beloved daughter and sister. Miss Blanche Ja.kson is the guest of her friend, Mias Ethel Ludlow. Harold McLean of Toronto renewed aciiuaintances here recently. Mr. Trclford and daughter, Wilma, were callers ia the village one d;.y last week. Miss F.di.h Consley, accompanied by her friend, Miss Florence White, ot FleshertoD, spent llie week end at her h'liue here. While in Toronto last week Mr. R. Achesou purchased a car load ot choice grass cattle. On Wednesday evening, at the houie of Mrs. J. C. Wright the W. I. and Red Cross Society will hold thj election ot oliioera for the ensuing year. Ai'er the close uf the regular service on Sunday evening Kev. Mr. McVicar spoke oil behalf of ihe YMCA. A committee of teen b»y». consisting of Walter Wy ville, Liwsun Lockhart, Stew- art Reddick, Waller W'ideinan, Clarence Brooks and Frnnk Meddaugh, were chosen to try to work up an interest in the cause among the boys of the vicinity. S POTATOES m WANTED m TWO CAR LUADS, lo bo loadi'd on cars Tui'sday and Wednesday, Miy 21 aud •1-2. Highest market price. M. Segal, Toronto m m Feversham Items Summer Resorts in Ontario The Muski.k'i Lakes, Point Au Garil and Georgian Biy Uesorts ; Freuch »ii J Pickerel River, Rideau lakes, Severn River, Lake Misiuaw District ami Ka- wartha Lukes are conveniently teauhcd via the Canadian Haeitic R:iilway. Par- ticulars frooi Canadian Pacific ticket agents or W. B. Howard. Priceville Jottings Intended for Last Week. The winter wheat, generally, does uot liiok v'Lry promising, but a number of farniets I'lout here have sown a fe<v acres (,f spring wheat, which Hiay help to re- lieve the food pri.blem next hW. The Piiceville Agricultural Society is arniiiging to hold >i Field Crop Ooiiipeli. lion in WbiLo Oats- .\ny person within 15 uiiloi can enter a lield or a part of a tield, amouutiug to live acres. $75, ic be divided m prizes. There will also be a competition in Spring wheat, provided that ten entries or over can be procured, f lOU will be given in prizes. Some line speckled crout have been caught 111 the old Saugecn heie durini{ the last feu Jays. Gordon McDonald, who purchased lot 'J, just east of the vilhige, ia luahing the ploughing and Soediug operaiiouci. Ho also has a pond ot frogs which are coming i-n nicely hikI will he likely fit to com- iiience ihipping to Toronto about middle of .hine, to supply the ciiizoiis oiitlicir iiieatless days in the city. Sacrameulal soi vices wero couducted ill Methodist church last Sunday. Gaelic aei- vices in the morning of the tirst Sund&y in each innnlh during the ftuuimer season, cuumiencin!,; last Sunday lujrniiii;, in the Preabyteria-.i church. Ceylon Chat Mrs. Holinau of Flesherton is visitii g her daughter, Mrs. H, Stone. Mr«. Thoo Fletching i>f Toronio has returned to spend the summer mciiths with her sister, Mrs, D. Wydanian. Mrs. McLean and little daughter, of Priceville, spesil the lirst of the week with her aunts, Mrs. J. and S. Mc- FkJdcn. T>. Coleman spent the week end with his mother in Owen Sound. Mr. A. Sinclair of Priceville moves his buu.tcliold etl'ccts here this week, where he win take charge as C.P-K. agont. Wo extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family. The Willing Helpers hold tlioir mcei- ing this Friday af lernoou at the home of Mrs. D. McLeod. Mi«3 Dean of Tcronto visited her brother here a coupio of days and both Bpent Sunday at the parental home at Durham. Miss Dean returned Monday to Toronto. Jimmie Adams is home from Toronto ) a<)»istipg his father on the farui. Inspector Deckett had James !>ueU (>f Dundalk The High School Board at iheir monthly .ne.>liiig on Friday night increased the .salary of Principal Wright from SU'iO to §lCoO per aii<ium. Pie. Robt. Gilmorc arrived hi>nie from overseas Satuiday night. His coming was not generally known or iheie would have been a big shout of welcome for him. He was wounded iu the hip at the Sjiunie battle in the fall of It^lti and has been in the ho:ipital in England most of the time since. Ue hoi>oj to bo well enough again to be of miltt try service. A couple ollicers of^ the H.A.F. from Camp D'Tden llew over to Dundalk S.^tuiday evening. Afier ciiclmg over the town twc or ihrte tiinos tliey landed Llieir plane ou D. Patterson's farm opposite Mayliurne school. The surface of the held wns .soft causing the nose of the plane li> dip after the wheels ran a distance on the ground. The propeller blade was Ijrokou euouvh to put the ut.-ichlue (luc »f commission. On landing they eDi|uire<l ,/or a Cadet who bsd left Camp Borden for Toronto Friday morn- inf; and <^)t hst in this district fai out of his course. The CaJcl landed at Hugh MoLoum's farm, 1-tth Con. Proton, about 11 a.:n. b'rjd-iy. He koI i:ito the air at o p. ill. un Saturday but got l.>si again iu ihocloiiJ.", Imidinx at R .J. Talbi t's, near Wnichmn. It wns here the otlicers previously mentioned, found him and one of fheni How with the machine lo P.eautiful warm "-ain which fill on Sunday last will do an immense amount of good aud the farmers are wearing a smile these days. Mr. and Mrs. Bricknell aud little daughter, of Torontu, are visiting with the former's aunt, Mrs. John Kerton, lu this village. They mot-ired truni the Queen City last week. air. and Mrs. VViU Colcjuetlc auJ Mr. Harvey Perigo motored overfrini Poll McNichol and spent Sunday with ihoir prents here, and returned uu Monday Will and his wife were warmly greeted by their luauy friends, buth haviin; been residents of Fever-.bam until their removal to the Port this winter Will i.s on the C.P.R. constable force al thi Post and both of them lonk a.s though ibe lake brctzes agreed them. Mr. Hi.d Mi-8. Jus, Davidson spent the weekend with the former's sister, Mrs. J. H. Stoutenburg, iu Colliugwood. .^llâ- 3. R. Heiidtfison i.s visaing with her mother iu Owen .Sound at present. Ci'i-a Dand and Jessie Mclntyre of Mclntyre, called -m friends in this village recently. -A number nf our young iiieE in the -JO to 2-.i class have teen oidoied to report for duty in Toronio aud Uamillon next \veek. What an awful amount of sorrow iu homes tliw awful war is causing, but no surrender to the Huns is the war cry. Our Tciiipersnce House his chinned hands. 5Ir. M. Hurst iiiovi'd in last week and is getting ieltled. Sir. lliiist siiys he will give tho best .icconiinodaiion possible. Wo wolcoino ihcui and hope they may prosper in llicir new home, .â- ».> this should be a remunerative busiuess iu this vilhigo if properly Lokcd after. Mr. Hurst has also taUou over the sliuic line to FIcsherton. The farmers are lusliing the seeding lu a tinish and a goodly number are through grain scedinij for this year. The Rev. I.undy, of TiTonio, late of Regina, Sa8k.,gavean eluiiucnt disciursc iu the Presbyterian church here on .Stind.iy afternoon last fiom the scripluio the love and care of Moses pareMs in; him from the Bi'yptiau king and more especially of Moses' inuthcr iu prcpai-ing the cradle of rushi-s to pnsei v«- him. It beinj; motheis' Sunday. The Rev. Pritchatd uf the lloUi;csi Workers' cliuicli preached his farewell seiiiiin on .Sunday evcnini; lo a fuM house. We are sorry to lose Mr. Prichard wife and family.who have movidlo Shel- burne, whero the former has been .s'ationcd, «iid we fimnd them sincere chrittans and cood neighbors. Wo wish thoni coiiiiuued success in i heir chosen cuU.iig and Lope to iiavo tiuiii vi^it us again. Mis3 Frti cie .Mexander is visiting hor sister, Mrs. W. Colipietie, at I'url McNichid at prescn . Kimberley Budget Mr. George Whately, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Whalely and family, and Mrs. Thomas Coulthard, all of Thorn- bury, motored over one day last week and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Fawcett of the Travflleis' Home. Mrs. Jane Smith and two children of Toronto are vi»itiug wr.h the former's parouts, Mr. and Mr* Uoo. Mundla. Tiie following are the i.tticers of the Women's MiBniouary S.-<;iety for the ensuing year : President, Mrs. (Rev.) Line ; Vice President, Mrs. H. Hurd ; Rec. Stc. , Mrs. G. .V. Hutchinson ; Cor. Sec, Mrs. George Durriii : Treasurer, Miss Mary Stafford . Supt. Mission Baud Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mrs. Cliarle- Good and Ittle daughter, Dorothy, aho Miss Plewes, are visiting witli Mr. and Sirs. John Plewrs. Miss Viola Lewis of Flcsherc in high school spent over Sunday at the i:areutsl huiiie. We are pleasant to see tiie ueiiial face of Richard HowoH. of Delroir, a-^ain lu our niids'. R. J. Stuart, of Tluirnbiiry. was h pleasant caller is our bum one day last week. Taylor Abereiombie, â- >nc of the mi».t progiesoivi; fariiicis on the fourtli line, north, has easily the 1 «st fall wheat ia the countryâ€" 12 aeies and not a baie patch ill tiie field. .Mrs. Will. E. Fawcett h visitina her sister, Mrs. EJ. Baker, ut Vandclour. Eldie .Sloane i.s vi.-<iting friends near Eugenia at picscuc. The Pow-er House laseball 'eani drove down to our burg S»turday lat! and in a seven inniugs game ^ave our boys a walloping to t!io tuae of 9 to 6. VYm. Hirris umpired the game and gave general satisfacliou . Next S.i!uid;iy afternoon the Power Uouse and Eugenia pliy here. We are aoriy to report M'S. Alex. Fawcott on the sick list. Mother>' Day w-as littiucly the Methodist church on .Sund.-. last. The pastor, Rav. Lane, [ vary appropriate sermon. Bates Burial Co. J ^ weleF V Funeral Directors and I Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. Pig For Service Pure bred Tiiiittoiiii Ij.jar for .Service j on lot ITti, 1 S. W.T. and S. R., Arte- mssia. Terms 81 or '^'2 for pui-ebreds. ] I June 18 -I. J.STINSON', Pi-.p FLESHERTON, A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler ONT Ladies ! The Mi linery Season s ill and we are ft', 'y with a real up-to-date siotk of .SPKIXG HA i'S and would be plea.sed to have you give lis a ca ' and .see our styles before y<>« buy. We to-dale hat. r can silt you if you want an np- 'is ivtd in â- ' fveniug •hod a AROUND GREY COUNTY 1 be who Ot en W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario • â- «••«•â- «••*••«â- •••••••••••'••••«-«» •â- â€"»•••-.»••••••••«â- »â- ••-â- *-••••â- ••••••â- ••â- •«•• • Great Lakes Steam.ship Service Canadian I'.itilic ;te iii-hip Jhuituba n >w le.ivcs ilvten Sound l..'>i3 each T.uirsJuy for Sault StJ. Marie, Poit Arthur aiiJ Foit William. S-teiinships Mr. R. Patterson, of Owen Sound, has r ceived othcial notice of his appoint luent &• Registrar for North Grey for the mii.ster of man and wo.nen nowvr made in June. W. 0. Catto of ()wen ^ound, unlisted with the 24(>th Bait., ha awarded the Miliiiiry Medal. Little (jordoii Ciaik, ot Sydoiliair, fell a distance of 15 feet ti> the barn t'oor as he was chasiu-' chickens ofl' a n osl in the straw mi\v. Ho was not seiiin.ily injur jd. Markdale has reoriiani/ thtii liie bniiadv. Grey Coiury has lh:s season .iln-uly contributed tI2,0t)O to tho Ontario treasury through the utotur cur license system. Over one ihonsand lie uses have been tikcn out. Teddy Middletoii, I'i years of a;,' •, i i Durliiiiii, had his leg broken, hi t ico iiiiured and bruises tojiislody nhen a teini of horses, drawintr a stoneboat, lan away dragi^ni;; biui with thorn. Owen Souud is goiug to h*ve an IH-ausie celebration llii.: year. Walkerton Whi'.c sow. nil with a seed drill on his faim east of Walkoiion tho lever of the d.'.U llew buck ami hit John Ernest on the ri({ht arm, breaking the larae I.ojio in the limb belweeii tho ftiist and e!bo V. Dr.! was hurriedly called to Carlsrliuo on :iunday evening bust LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Slable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH. FLESHERTON I Kecwaliii «i,<l Assiniboia will sail from \ ,,^.^ , j^, Kreiburner, the live jearohl O,., 1 M.V;.. .11 \V...)„..c.t .f.1 nn.1 .<.itnr. I .... PoitMoNicoU Wednesdays and Satur. diys, coniu'iiicniy June J. lo^8 son of -August I'reiburger, mneral mcichiiiib of that pl.icc, who, while sittin^^oii tho liaiidie bus of a bicjclo, which an elder Uroiher was ridinil down The old .iiid often Ci'i;e' sp 'rl ot iu robbin.K birds' n.sts ai.d making tival | a steep hill, was thrown vi<.leully on his CJlleelions uf birds' ei{({8 is now otficialjy l head to the ground, wh«n the front whe. I pjt on the !ist of national ciimes. '1 he ,' slrusk a slon-J and coll.vpsvd . The entire Caoip Uord.'U that oveiiiui;. The broken Proton up before Magistrate. McQueen 1 P'^^f""" ."l^ '^'^''^f'^ "'' H".. phnc at ,....>. T^ , . . , , ! Pattersons by a motor ccow from cam p and McMul'en on rriday Isat charged â- - - - â- . . f wit h a vielaiion of the Canada Temjier- ancc Act. He wa« hned I20O and f£l O'SlS. ... , i- . 3 • «cnhi was loosened from the head »iid a sport IS bauucd i.ccordln^• to an order in p'"P Y" ' . ,. , , ,. •„ ., ,.,„i,:„ . i ^ ., . , mi. J • i I big patch loin trim iho cranium, niakiny Cjurcil just passed. The oidor is passed â- ^ » ;,j^^ ^^^.j^.^, ,„j ^ wound. The | under the pt1)vi.sioDS ct tho oiijfratory | whole lop vl the hoa^ roiiuiied to Dfl i birtls oonventitiu, pas»e<l last session, lu i sowed up and, as the lad l,»y in and un- ; connection wi'h the ibove the foliowii.g conscious state for over two days, slithc , . ... .4,1 I hones were enterlKined for his recovery. . . •i:d tho two olhcr aviator^, flew Wk i "«*â- * pwa^raph is of lulerest-AUvmy . ^^ ^^^ ^^.^j,,^,,- „f ,j,^ ,^d j.^j only a few j â- Sunday inniuiii)(. A l»r^c number from | '»'« ""'P'-'^'''''^'^ ))olice and hunters lo ; ,u,mtbs ajjo.leaviiin a husnand aud fainiiy j tL>»n tuii count ly weie out t.> see the shoot on ti^ht an]> cat found killing prc« j of young childieu, the incident is a pirt- ! lOuUrly paihijtic. lUi»ld \ Time*. • l)ig birds. "-- KoialJ. tective birds. I FOR A PAIR OF I BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON #