^kB\)ttion %ttnmce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •â- PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?01 37 No. 52 Plealicrton, Ont., Tliursday, May O 101J3 W. H. TflOHbTON 'I^FpTc nua PBOPUIE Eugenia Paragraphs \ The second baseball '^ame of Ihe season on the local diamond took place Ust Saturdny before a large crowd of Mpectators. The Eugenia (Srays thm time had a different team to battle with, made up of a oombinatiou of Power House and Kimberloy, with reinforce- ments from Toronto. A slicht mix up of ali'aira in one inning allowed the visitorN a margin uf one run, the soura beini; II- 10 in fa/or of the Power House, It must be remembered that pnLplically all of the Graya are young at the game, etartinp; this spring, while the others are old timers. The Grays sliowed {^reat pluck in the midst of the uio.st trying circumeilaiices. Mrs. Walter Fhompson it vi.siting with her parents it Hopeville. Mrs. Carr spent a tew day.s in Toronto. Talk about Sunday auto riding !-- What about Sunday fishing I The Methodist congregation intend holding their garden party Miy 24. See bills later. A .special missionary meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church Thurs.i May 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham and family, Bccompanied by a. couple ;.of friends, visited relatives here. Mrs. Ernie Morgsn and dnnghter, Patty, havH returned from Toronto to their home. Victoria Corners Jimcs Lockhart is at home for .â- ! few weeks during seeding, which Is in full swing now. Mr. .'ind Mis. Mil.uu E!.tUDoii attended the wedding of Mrs.' Bannou's cousin, Miss Johnsou of Berkeley, last week. Mrs, James Laidlaw is visiting with Shetburne friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Cook of Markdale organized a W.M.S. al Inistioge on Tuesday last. »>n account of seeding the attendance was small, but the meeting was, nevertheless, enthusiastic. Mr. rho>,Baniion is under the doctor's care. Ceylon Chat Hon. John (Jlivor and wife cf B.C.' n ho is on a bnsiuess trip to Ottawa, visited his father, Mr. Robert <.>liver, and other friends on the Durham Road, for a few days, returning to Toronto uu Monday. Mr. D. Coleman of Owen Sound is visiting his sister, Mrs. »'. Collinson. Mr. John Chialett, who has been spending the winter mouths in Toronto, has retnrned to Ceylon. E. Everett of Hanover is taking charge oi the .section for a few days. Mr. Dean spent Sunday at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. MoWhiniiey of Hanover visited over the weeK end with their daughter, Mrs. Archibald. Engineer Fletching of Toronto spent a couple of days lust week at Mr. D. Wydcman's. Mis. Fletching, who hus been visiting hero, returned to ihe city on Saturday. .\. C, McDonald, wife and babe, of McTeer, visited friends here last week. Bert Irwin and F. Purdy leave on the 10th to report in Toronto. Feversham Items FiBe weather with a nice warm rain would save Iba fall wheat in this part, yet we believe, as the roots of the wheat are still ^reeu llioujjh the tup looks very brown. Pithy Proton Pointers f ii«r young IJ iiion die to leport fur service in Rock Mills Powcr House and Vicinity D )rothy Berry entertained her little friends to a birthday party. Wo are sorry to lose Operator Colliiig- wood, who joins the colors in the near future.' .Mes.ir3. Don Carlos, Hogg and Tnmble cf the Hydro, Toronto,vi8ited the Power Uouae recently. Mr. T. D. Bony made a businesis trip to Toronto. The Hydro hue placed ji McLaughlin car ill this station. Kocvo McKenv.ie volunteers to do lii.s lltllo bit after er. joying such a smooth ride down the valley road. We are glad to sej Kobeit Cumpbell able to take a little walk out around again after being long coubned to thg h'lu.se. A number of tishormon of the Beavcf Valley Club are enjoying tisherinan's luck these days. Miss Nellie Wickens spent a day in Collingwood. The children observed Friday lusL as Arbor Day at the .school. .Vfter cleaning up the grounds they had luncheon, fol- lowed by competiMons, Ihe teacher. Miss Thurston, giving pr/.es. Mrs. Rjbt. Phillips and son of Toronto are visiting with her parents, Mr. .aid Mrs. R. Hoy. MiN.s Lila Fisher is visiting with friends near Markdala. Missus Pearl Porte(^ua and Lilian Park visited with the former's brother, Mr. .\rthur Porteous, in Osprey over the w. ek end. Mr. and Airs. B. Field spent Sunday with fiiendsin Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. James Dargavel visited I'tiends at Dornoch on Sunday. James Reur, who was employed at the mill here, has been called tu the colors. Dave and Loreiio Williams vLsiled at their home near Feversh'ini on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens of Kim- borley visited Suiidtiy at, W, Pedlar's. Herb Belts. Luther and Levi Uiickelt and Misses Edith and Mabel Bctts, visited at E. Binnington's, Maxwell. We are soiry to report Mis. Alex. English and son, Jackie, very ill. AROUND GREY COUNTY Steps are being l.tken to oigani/.e a joint stock company to rebuild the Marsh house in Markdale. Mount forest is enforcing the curfew biylaw which provides that children under II years of age shall not be on the slret-ts wilhout a proper guardianship after J) o'clock, A mail named Clarke of Corbotton was arrested and taken to Oraugoville last week, chaiged with going from house to house and terrifying women. The reiuaiua of Alex. Anderson of Normanby, who diaappoarod recently, have been found in a swamp. William, son of Mr. Robert Howell", Proton, had the second and third finuers of bis right hand accidentally cut ofl'at the first joints by an axe that bis father was using. John M. Kundle, a Duudalk boy, escaped from a German prison and after walking lllO m'ies in seven days, crossed into Holland, where ho received a guu<i weicoc;:!. He may be in Enghad now. Portlaw Fall wheiit in this dislrict is almost a total failure and the land u being resowu with spring trraiii. Mrs. Win. Fisher is improving .iflur an attack of severe illness. Wm. Sloroy Jitd at the hume of hia sister at Badjeros The deceased, who Wis 1 resident of thia part fi<r about a year, was a good neighbor and much lesppcttd by all. Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Hannah have moved iu'o the store property Ulaly purch.i.sed. We extend to iliem a Wel- come 5o the neighborhood Mr. D. L. Davidson »( Toionto visited for some days with hia uncle, Keevu 'I'. R. Mclienzie. Mr. Andrew Duncan of Colling ivnoci visitod last W(-ck with his -lunt, Mis Thomas F letcher. Quite a number of our young men hav e received notice to report for inilitnry duty, and in a good many cases it means the only man on the farm and a greatly reduced production if the order should be carried out. Miss .-^ let i Lyons has returned from Toronto after visiting for .â- lOme weeks with relatives theiu. Wo are glad to see David Jainieson around again after hji recent illness. A number being ordered in Toronto and Hamilton now. Sorry to report that Mr. K. Wright, jr., is on the sick list at present. Mr. Robert Alister gets the hat this year in ihis vicinity, having finished seeding last Wednesday, May 1st. The f.irniers are rushing the .seeding now and the land is in good shape for ii. Mr. Geo. Ross Itad the misfortune to lose a fine seven year old inaiH fiom lockjaw last week. Harry Heathcote also lost a valuable cow from indigestion. Bornâ€" On Wodnesday, April ITlh, to Mr and Mrs. Jiis. Thomson, a diughtor. Born 0\\ Thuisduy, April 'JDlh. to Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Mills, adauahior. Mr. Wm. McKeon of Duncan and Mr. Bell, of Ravenna, visitod our village on Saturday last. Mr. Win. Neil has bought a farm on the lOth line and has sold the hot..-l properly here to .Ms. M. Herst, who has taken possession, and Mr. Neil is moving out. blru. Hawlon .sold a load of hogs last week which netted him nearly eight huudred dollars. .Some of the farmers are still running on the old lime, saying the new time does not suit iheir <vork. H'ji-uld Cox. of Collingwood, spent Sunday at Geo, Julims. Miss Mary .Julian, of Kimberley, spent Sunday at. her parental home here. Durham Mrs. Neilfion spent the week end at Toronto. Great Sympithy is fell for Mr. and Mrs. .Jos. Trelford and family in the death of their dHiighter and sister, Flossie, beloved wife of Mr. T. Greenis of Orange ville. Mrs. Greenis' girlhood was largely spent at her home here, but t'vo yoa'S ago she w,is happily married to her now sorrowing young huibaiid. Her Jispo.sition made her a favorite with all who knew her. Interment took place in Or»ngoville cemetery on Sunday last. Those who attended the funeml from here were :--Mr. and Mis. J. C. Wnglir, i Mr. and Mrs. G. Woods, Mr. and Mis. W. Ludlow, Mrs. T. Wauchope, Misses Mabel Wauchope, Mary Hanley. .Vlildied Biiini>saiid Mr. K. Neilson. Tryon the Summer Resorts in Ontario The Muskoki Lakes, Point Au Baril and Georgian Biy Resorts ; French and Pickerel River, Rideau lakes, Severn Eiiver, Lake Mi6inaw District and Ka- wartha Lakes are oonvenianlly reached via the Canadian Pacific Hallway, P»r- tlouiars from Canadian Pacific ticket agents or W. B. Howartl. On Sunday last, abont midnight residence of Mr. C. S. Puiismot)r, in Benlmck township, near Huttoii Hill, was totally deslroyoj by lire, with all the contents. Mr. and Mrs. Dun.smuor and family were lujky in escaping with their lives. The origin of the lire is not known, Mr. Dunsmoor being of o| inio,, Uiat it must have started in the woodshed, ana not from the stove in the kitchen, but has no idea as to its origin. Wlieii aiscovered, it had gained consiierablo hoadwiiy and .so fa.st t id it spread that practically nothing could be saved. Sherwood Rowe has a charmed life or we might be writing his obituary in c(mncc'ion with the runaway in which ho was mixed up last Friday evening. He is about twelve years of age, and was on a delivery trip in his farhor's bake wagon. WJieii turning the li.jr.so round at a customer's house on Albert street, the wagon upset and the horse took fright and ran away. With oco door dragging along the ground, the o'her pointing skyward and Sherwood inside, there didii t seem to bo much chance fiu' his escape. Fortmiatel>, howevc, tli.; rig broue in two, leaving half on the load, while tile horse dashed honiewiird with the other half attached. The hi.y got ulf wiliiout ri itiateli an;l the hor.so iv^i-. un- injured, hul I ho ujiper purl of the wag.oi wa3 badly dcinohshod. 'I'lie running gear and shafts are spparrutly ui);njiiied Wi- are glidrto li;ive nothing woise to' report. â€" t'hronicle. Death of George Moore It is our painful duty this wook to chronicle 111;; death of Mr. Geo. Moore, an old and i.stccmed rosideiit of Uio township of Nornianby, who pa.s8ed away at the homo of his daughter. Mis. Chas. Petty, oil Saturday last at the ajio of t'S years. He was born in Lxncaahitv, Eiiyland, and al lli years ot age immi- grated lo this couiiliy and srilled at Guelph, where he remained ten years. Milder weather has ei^i'ie ;u la.st .iiid the farmers are busy on the laud. Wo are very pleased tn leain that Miss Catherine Mclimes has pa.ssod lier tirtt E*tter oxammatioii in Klesherton liiuh ^cliool. Wo are sorry to repurt .Mit. .Sandy Mclnnus ill with pneuiiioiiia. •Soma of our farmers siiipjied some live slock through the United Fdrmcis' club and claim satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sornburger ,ind daughter, i'aail, and Mr. S. .Mc.\rlhur took a trip to Collingwood one day recently. We are sorry to learn that .^Ls3 .M. Cameron is very ill at present. ji.J. Neil delivered .some valuable cattle al Flesherton lasl week , Robert Mclatyre also deiiverod soine valuable porkers at Duntrooii. From the Front Frruce, Apiil 7, r'l>< W. 11. Tburslou, Fleshorlon ; Dear Friend, â€" I am writing ibis note unler very peculiar circuiuslancea, or 1 should say, under a tin shelter to keep the rain oil', while wo keep watch o:i old Hd'nii". He seems to take some witch- ing these day», as he is so hostile. This IS one dreary day, and it has just started to rain, so I'll be after getting a ;;ood Soaking before I'.n relieved of my .u"- I'd liko lo till you all about this [lusli, but ce;isor enys " nothing doing." I've only seen a paper twice the la.st thne weeks, and one of them was The Ad- vance, with '"How )i"h got hull'' in it, and high school function. 1 think l'<iii is oul of the war for good. Out of a draft of ten men who cimo to our ' \ . Bob and I are tlid only two who Im.o been hit. Old Fritz took a piece ofl' mv right thumb and gave mo a litiie ^ii.;'t of gas, while Bob i;ols his in the Imvor extreinilie.i, and our unlui:ky day i.s ilie last of the iiiuiitii, both biing hit on !,<l days. 1 siw Tom Chaid, Maiiriee Wright ^nd Kverett Iloiiry hiking up Ihe line a sii it while ago, Tliey lud Clill lilakoley iiid W. Walker ure the only Gieys tli-it I know of in our oivisitm. Ram cleared nil an 1 llio biid< -.re s'liging agiiii, I have beard larks â- •. o a.m. warbling a.-, if they were loili'V, ' right up along the front line. " \\ liero did llial one go ! " Those are the v i-rds my mate just now used as a big kr.iirj landed close lo our tiink hole. Say, .Mi. T., 1 wish you could see mo now. ' 1 tin mud from stem to stern, bul my feet no dry, thanks lo good bootsâ€" Canadian â€" and Canadian » omen, who keep iis jp so.t. I had a paieel last liiglu from llie Khaki girls, with Mrs. Armstrong's name Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. Pig For Service Puro bred Tiiaiwonh Boar for Service on lot 171), 1 S. W.T. and S. R., Arte- mssia. Terms ?1 or ff2 for |iiirebieds. 1 June IH -1. J.STTX.SON, p. I' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONj •••••••'••••«••••••••••••" •••••••••••••••.^»«..«..i ••••••••••••••••^M Ladies ! The Mil Incry Season Ls in Hii.l we ai'e rea v with a real up-io-date stock of SriilNG II Al S and would l)e ph^i.sed to have you give us a cal' nm\ .see our styles before you buy. We can suit you if you want an up- to-date hat. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario ..»««««..«..»- «,^,.«..,,.,..4,.^^.,,,.,,.,„^„^„^^^^,^_ '••••••â- •••••â- ••••..«..«..«,.a..«.^..^„ f LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Slable Equipment, Etc D.IWcTAVISH, . FLESHERTON He mairied I.sabel Lancfhls in Guelph '"J'' abouHW yeais ani.. when he moved lo j .S<y, some of the lhiny;s put in The Nonianby and scltlfd on lot. ;i2, oon.lO, j Advance and written by the Food Con- I>urint( January last U0,«.'(0 barrels of flour was hoarded by t,ho p3op!e of the Uirefs tJiai. e Provinces beyond whnl wm, t sold by the mil's in Jaoiiary 1917. where he remained till ihe death i.f Id,'? wife s'x years ajj;o last February, when he went to live with his daughter, Mrs. (Jharhs Petty, in Bontinck. The family consisla of Thomas and Ji'hn of VVilsoii, N.Y. ; James of Aita., William in Fl. •(•burton, Mrs. J as. Morice ill Lancor. Sa.sk , and Mrs, Chac. Potty of Bontinck. The dcce«.sc'd was a dtvolod J'reebylwrian, a niomber of Knox church Normauby, and in politica he waa a trollor, .â- <ediu to me to bo jo.^l a .stare biicaufio there is .simply no restrictions here like nhntthe nrticleij say. I oau buy bread nearly .tny place and eggs in a'ninduMce, and 1 know from experiouce [ that the French faiiiiIio> live well, in â- fact arcund where lioops are they live better thin ever. They jjel the benefit , of uur money. I Well, I must go Dn lookout for a while while my male rests. Yes, I receive Iiibcral. Inioiment took place on Tnes- j The Advance rcguiarly and rend oven day ufiernoou at Maplewood cemett'i-yâ€" j the alverti.^ementa. Yours .sinoi-rely, Duibanj Chronicle. I â€" A E. BeiUmv. FOR A PAIR OF ^ BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Claytor^ FLESHERT* M