TfTOTH BBTOBB FAVOB." â€" " PBINOIPLEb HOT UESr m :J7 51 Fleslierton^ Ont., Tliursday, May 2 lOia W. e.THDBUTON«.^r^ sad FaOFSiX Feversham Items The fdrniera »re busy seediug now, It will be u«9e8Mry for Ihem to sow sprini{ wheat this spring as fall wheat in this »icir.iiy is not looking verj good after lite hard fros-ii at night and cold winds. We are elad to know that fiinieva are soiling more spring wheat in an endeavor to supply thoir share of the great de- b^aod for wheat. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquelte visited Kimberley Budget « Oti Wedne»day the ardent disciples of Ikrt Walton will be neeii wending their way to the small brook with a can of woims and the old dehin^ pole. Where is the li«h that will tickle tlif paUte like the luscious trout ! Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Fawcett of Port Elgin, .^re renewing old aci^uaintitucea in this part at present. Ashley has bought a burfaer shop in Powassau and will move rith theii- sod, W. R., at Port McNicoll there sometime in the future. over the week end. We understand thai a number ui our exeiup'ed men in A and B. clas.s had their e.xemptions gone over by .ludge Sutherland ^t Meaford ou Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Georcfe Whiteoiik have uioved tu their farm uu the Sth line. Back to the 1 iml seems to be the idea of a tjreat number of retired farmuis though they urejup in jeirs. May success crowu their efforts. George Julian has commenced cuttina; cut Mr. Kobinson's stock of logs. Andrew Fawcett has purch.'>.i«d the sawmill three miles east of this vill'ige, lately owned and operated by Wm. Pedwell, and is reniovine; it to the farm on the 14ih, where he has a lar^e stock of logs to cut out for the Massey Hams Co. Mrs. K. Henderson aas returned horue after a week's visit with friends in Owen Sounfl. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henderson have not settled ia thnir new home in Maxwell Walkerton Alej£. .Anderson, who forniarly tanned on the Durham road west of Walkertoo, lirft .Ms home uear Hampden, Nornitnby township, on Sunday morning, and has not been seeo or heard of since, aliiicuah seme forty neighbors have bi>eu out trying to tiad him. A couple of thousand wild geese batching near a small lake in Greenock swamp proved such a teinptatioii to an ajigregation of Walkerton uimrods that they motored out last week anJ spent over night in the swamp trying ro annei some of the birds with their fowling pieces. Although they could heur thow s<|uawkiug by the hundreds, none of thp (fuitmen claim lo have got a shotjat then), and, lis the shooting season for such pati'e had closed the previous Monday, April lb, they were linaiicially ahead by <!ot bringing any of the featherliugs Iwme wish them. Toronto Line North The weather, has not been vciy favorable for »|>iing work. We hear that Miss Clara Lever, >r!i,> Bent West a year aco, is teaching on ]N.'rmit since Easier. Teachers are ali!) very scarce in the West. Kiissell Lever, who has a large farm in , finished seediiiji; about a week ago. Uis sister boards with him aiui he has the _ pleasuie of taking her to and from ht-i school each day in his Chevrolet car, a distance of about four miles. Miss Lilly White of the west back line uear Markdale, is engaged at F. Brown's for the summer. Mr. and Mis. Will Holley and child- rtju, Cjrl Bud Nora, from north of Markdale, visil«d friends in this vicinity. Miss t'hrouz'e Carson of Mai>kdalu high school visited with Mrs. W.Swant â- u. Mr. OuUen of Toronto, representing the Doiuiuion Alliance, preached an excellent temperance sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last. Mrs. rteo. Stuart and children of Powass,an, are renewing old acquaiut- ances in qui burg. The monthly uieeiing of the W.T. was held at the home of Mrs. R. Srattord on Thursday jfiernoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huggard and children of Clarksburg, visited at the Travtllers' home one day hut w^ek. Uur school principal, vVm. McBrtde, reports for duty on Monday at Toronto under the new draft regulations. This new draft cancelling all exeiuptions from 20 to ^3 years of .age is a rotten farce as it is taking experienced men otf the faiuis and going to tlood the country with a lot of inexperienced men from the cities. One farmer, not ten miles from liere. uot one of those cii y chaps and kept him all of one day and » lis disgustett with him. EDgland took the men od' the farms and tried green men, bur they had to ?o clean to the trenches and bring back the expel if heed men. The termers all over the ci.uiitry aie ciyin;; i ut against the new law. Borden is telling the farmers to increase production and then stripping the farms of labor, lie mght well say 3.S one of the Kings of England on a ceitain occasion, "( lii iuoonsi.ste.icy, thou art a jewel." [Editorial cole- We beg to remind our esteemed Kimberley cor. that England sent to the trenches for mechanics, not men to farm . The womeu and old men are doing the farniiug in England, and surely city help would compare favorably with these. Thete are u;> able bodied farmers of military age iUid titi.ess left on the farms in England,] .Miss Lulu EIHs. who has Ireen visitiiia Fleshertou friends, returned home jii Sal III day last:. Following are the ^tlicers of the Methodist S. S. for the ensuing year :- - Supt., (5 Hutchinson ; Sec, Edith C:imaeU ; Treas., Mrs. S. S Burrilt : Organist, Myrtle Camack ; Teachers, O. Pvrctcir. Mr. and Mrs. B. Carruthers, Mrs. S. Burritt. .Mrs W, T. Elli.-, Mrs. (Uev.) Laui-, Miss Eva Harris R iitart'ord. Ceylon Chat Mrs Maxwell Hev, I'restou of Toronto, represtnta- live if iho Dominion .Vlliance, occupied the Methodist pulpit on ^uiidty. Waher McC<tlluui of Edmonton, visited bis parental home recently. Miss .Alic« l<onwick left last week for i>cauguvdle to atMt training as a nuiae in Lord Du&erin hospital. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Long and fam- ily vjgjtea with Wareham friends on Sunday. We understand that a report is baing circulated th»t Dioney rai.sed for Red Oross work by Maxwed JUrMioh of the W. 1. baa be«a u«ed in porchaeing arti- cles for a «hoi*« for oo« of >h\> meoib«>rs. We wiih lo My tjud this U absolutely false, «« can be p|ji>ven by tao booke. Tho •iidim) i»eoting of the W. I. will he h»ld at Iho home of Mrs. Aon Seeloy, i visite.i his brother her© Us( week Maxwell, on Thurtday, May !). We hopo » Mrs. Biiioio, Protim, vinted her to »eo all members prestnt ' hrPthet, Mr. Gibson w., who is very ill. Mr. T. Ohii-letc spent the week end with hid .laughter. Mis. Holmes a', Owen Sound. -Mrs. Koydon Gibson Ims reiuriied from Toronto. Mrs. Win. White moved his house- hold effects the pas? week into lli.; residence lately puccha.sei.l frou I). D. McLauchlan. -Vlr. U. Bennett, Shelburnc, spent iho week end with his fauii'y here. Willie Wydeman, Proton, spout the first of the week with his brother here. Mrs. Jas. Sargent has returned from several week's visit with Toronto friends. Mr. Harvey Griffith of Toronto, visit o J his sister, Mrs. W. White, the i>ajt week, returning ou Monday. Jas. Psttison st.)eiit the week end with friends at Mclntyre. Boru To Mr. and Mrs. ^tatlord ou the 2ath iust., a son. Sirs. Uollingshead and Mrs. Irwin of Murkdale, Mr. Gillespie of New t)iitari,,. .Archie McPhattpr o: l)wen Sound alteuded the fuu«ral of Mta. Wri<<ht oa Friday afternoon. Miss Alice Bennett is sp<>ndin<! a few vceka at Ch^itsvorth. 3ir^. UcKe.'iohnie an.i little 8oo of Maridale, visited Mr.<>. J. Kennedy on Monday. Eugenia Paragraphs Mi-s. R. Pai'k and twc sons, Charley and Jack, visited with her father over the week erd. The Eugenia W. I. will ho:d their annual meeting Thurtday, May 'i, at the home of Mis. Large â€" roll call and membership fee. Friday evening the friends and neigh- bors of Frtd Ducketi took a surprise p»rty to Fred's new home. The evening was spent in card playing and dancing until the glowing murniio.: hours. All report a good time and are ready to go again. . Mrs. L. Badfor-iw of PuUlaw handed i to the W. I, several bottles of lovely horse radish for sale. She aska the money to be spent in lislpiiig to provide treats to send to our brave boys over.seas,whi;;h they will appreciate, we know. This has been placed in tli« hands of Mrs. .A. H y to sell and is going like hot cakes. The secretary received a letter from Pts. Jim Fawcett and Jack .Vniistrong thankin,, these who helped to provide such dainty boxes of treats and eats as they received for Easter They say there is nothing like a treat from dear old Canada. Mrs. McKionou of Toronto is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Foeater. We are sorry to re[iort Mrs. Joseph Pedlar Ul at present. •.ieorge Pedlar of Markdale spent Sun- day with his mother. Last .Sauirdiy evening a very interest- ing <;ame ot biiseball wM played on the Eugeni.a diam ind between the Eugenia Grays and a picked team from the po-aer It was the lirst'game of ihe .sea- son und was certainly one of the kind that wou'd make your hair .stand on end and y<ur threat hosrse from .chfenug. The score was li 4 in favor of the power house, but the score of the tirst says u- thing as to !iow the t ibles will be turned with the next game, which will be played on the Eugenia diamond next Saturday at ti :;o p.m. Come and see some real live .spirt. Pithy Proton Pointers Mr. D. McLuiu, Torouto, renewed acquiiintaucei In our rillagf. Mr. Becker has provided for his, and his family s auiumor rucreation by purchasing a aeat runabout. Miss Ida Srin.S'm, whjni we reported ill in Torontc, is vonvalesciug at her home here. Jack'Netlsuii, who was placed in cate- gory B, was up before the tribunal in Durham on Mond.iy morning, but succeeded m securing exemption till November. <, We are sorry to know that tjertiude I Lyons of 'IV ronlo, is hom« ill. We hope she will s,iou recover her usuul health. Sei vice i I the Preebyteriaii church will coiiiiiicnce at S uexi, Sunday, May .â- >, and will continue t.) do so during the summer months. Mr. J. C. Wright received a letur from his nephew, P e. T. Ryder, who has lictn at ilw front for some lime. The follcwing is an esiraet from it concerning the report in circuJ;v^io.-| that socks have been sold by the Red Cro^a and also that suxar lias been taken ou; "f boxes sent to them : -"I. have n- t heard \uy talk of anyone hivina su!»ar t.,keri out of his box antl I have been iu'iuiiing ami no oni of nry aei|uaintaiice hua known .>f the R^J C;<55» selling so^As lo soldiers. I think it is only a ruuipr " BatesBurialCo. J g ^gl^r Funeral Dir<><>forc aft<l i «^ Funeral Directors and Embatmert Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. ! I MOTOR EQUIPMENT! J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, \ Pres. Manager. 1 ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cat- ry Photo Supplies. Pig For Service W. A' Armstriing, Jeweler - ONT Pure bred Tamwurih Uoar f^r Service on lot 17(i, 1 S.W.T. and S. R., Arte- mssia. Terms §1 ,,1- ?2 for purebreds I MUK IS -1. J sTis.s<)>. Pr..p' FLESHERTON, Rock Mills Vandeleur Happenings Mr. and Mrs. .\uios Smiih of Mialoid were visitors at S.Giibert's the beeiuniug of the week, Mr. and Mrs. David .\llen ai..d .Mr. and Mrs. Thoiiipkiiis motored from Dur- ham and spent a day recently at (ieoijie VVarliiig's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McXally of Uay- ward's Falls were vis to.vs at Jo!i:i Whir- ling's lecently. Seeding is progressing slowly. Mrs. .loseph Bjchanan is vi^itill^ with friends at Liiids;iy. J. H. Holley has sold his fjrni to David Graham, son of J. 1, Graliam of this place. .\ plei.saiii oviiit took place .il i!:i home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Genoa on Thursday evening last when almost tiic Chtiie neighborhood turned out tc d.) honor to Gordon .Mcliee, son of .Mrs. R. (â- en.^e. Goidi'ii is one of the l)r:ivc lads who has d-.iie his bit in Ihe war. While tiilhtiii'i iu Franco he was wounded in the arm, which disabled him from activn service. He will leave iu n few^ days ti take furdier treatiiienr, wh^-n hs expec's to receive his diFcharsje. Eist Mountain Seeding Iias C'lniuonced, -s i hat* 'loiiso clean: ::u. Mrs. Robert McMullen and ilaiitfhiors. Mildred and Wiiietta, visited Markdale friends last weed, \Vu are pleased to report ^'r,«. Sim Smart recovering from an attack of shingles Cbarie* and Fied Mar'iri made a The Durham Fiirniiure Couipauy hftve started sawing in iheir mill here agaiir. They have a fine stock of logs here this year. Mr. Richard Clark, wife and babe, visited with EUwccd Partridge and wife wife over Sunday. Word has brten received from ?bt . Waller Fisher that his draft has reached Eui;lan I safely. Ed. Boyce had his tiiigers bad'y cut with the taw, while working in the mill here last week. Mi.'^-i Pearl Stoddard of Mark.: li^', is visiting with hT friend. Herb Bet's. .^re the people around Fever.-ham, Tryoii and Mclntyre sore because their brooms arc nut us icood as liiey are at Rvk Mills. Mrs. Chas. Newell, aecoinpaiiiid by Lijly Park with Mrs. Dr. Dtlewell one day last week. Dave .lamiesoii ifl able to be out auain after a severe attack of tevor. Mrs. Jas. Park visited her dau'.;hlers at Owen Sound recently. Mrs. Walla-ie Fisher has been sick and under the doctor's ciro. We hope lo see her out soon . AROUND GREY COUNTY i^wen Sonnd is installing a ne* fire alarm system; Alexander .Viuler.svjii oi Iliiiipdei'i.Hi u- •lilt lor a B;ilk on Sunday inorniiiv < i List week and Ii.vs not Ijoen heard from « me. He was tJO years of age and was iu veiy got)d health. .All ice is out of the GeorgLtn Bay -uid u<ivi;(aiiun has comiuiiiced. Harvey Liiciwi, accountant of the Merchants Rank at Hanover has been appointed in loager of the I'aiik at Uarkdale. '-•acu â- '^.'oii.l innnutaoturers have f amed an orvanization to cnifivate ianii land ar^jicent to the town, that woutU otiierwise be left idle. rhoiuas Cop.'l.iiiJ, !ti;ed 7tt years, died at Duiidalk on .Vpril iS He was one oc thit old Dione«t» of that si'cUou. The i.'iiaiid Fiuuk tram service h*s been rcsunad. Two trains a dav aie â- •"•. . H I ...». »â- »..».â- » >..»,< , ,«. „ â- 'â- " >â- t. » t >â- »• •..« •tâ€"^ Ladies ! The Millinery Season Is in and we ai-e reu 'v wit) a real up-to-date ^tock of .srKlNG HAISaud would he plea.sed to have you give us a cali and see our'styles before yen buy. We fan suit you if you want an up- to-date liat ^ i i i t W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario •â- «. ».«^,<.,<.ii. â- »..#â- .a., ,..».^,,,^..^.^„^^..^.^.^,^ i"<--»"»« â- >â- â- >â- .<.•< r LET us SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc DIWcTAVISH, FLESHERTON business trip ro Proton Station one day j "o* Mng run. j last week. | Lieut. Robeit I'^.llock, 4th CM K, i Marion Fawcett of Kimberloy, is j has been assscd but his condition is not ! visifng at Mr. T. Aliens. ; gorious. j Mrs, Ale.\. Carruthers aud daoghter, ! J. J. Mathcwson, a farimr pear' Muriel, visi'ed a few days at Jacob j Massio, met with an unfortunut* lose i Uolley's, MarkdaV. Mr*. Holley is Still ] recently in the tle»lh of four vnluable j about the same. j catilo by the disease which is kuoWu , A number fiom beie attended the ! »*• " Wack leg. ' party at Wilmcr Turnei'.s neai Eugeui* ' St. Vincent tawnship this year is Iiiapector BeckeU^ Owwi Sound, was on Wednesday evening »nd report a plantiDg in crops 1301 .ci-es of land la town Mood ay, Mr. Ri«bArd Walters of Thorohmy, g(xd lime. Two rflsidsilla of I>«i by and ^Suilivan township* shot viMkrats out of seit(i«.<n and paid a fine M tJK' and costs each. o»»r the amiunl ir'ninaily expected. I Charles 1 1 win of Hv«thcottt has a cow - 'f ihe Hol«t';:n variety that gave birth to I four calves iusidu ten mouthsâ€" twii>s i iwice. I FOR A PAIR OF ; BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON li ^ i \i(«»''t i&M tlii. . . i /, . 1 <t i« rt i »iii)i> w h t, j «