April 2:f 91'^ THE F L E S II E R r O N A D V AS C R Notice to Creditors 111 ihe iiMtlur of ilit> fstiilu uS JitnieN MiijCfJiiti' of tlio Ti ttiiship t)f itrli'iiii'sii IB the County if »Jr»y, Kaniier, NuU^i' is liouliN ,ni'i>, |iiiuuiiiil to "Tlie TniittfB Ati, (|{ SO. lltU. Chapter l'Jl)llml nil crvililorNitiiit ullieis hitvitiK 'liiiiiii »eaiiist the uKtiito of lliu A.iid .!aiiius .M.i>:i'< . nlio (iiv) hii i<\ ubuut tlio Twenty lit li Any of Feb., A.l). iUlS, :irc ri'i|iiiu(l ini or l>oforc tliu uightuenth day of May, lOIH, 10 send l>y (losl i ii |uiiJ or deliver lu Alex. Caiiieron, Ku.'eina, Out , or to Kred. l'edlHr,Kiii2eii'a,Oiit.,iheKxeeiilorii of the last Will mki i'lstaiiiciit of tliu eaid <liiiies Miit;ef, decut^ud, tlieir Christitn and S;iiinm)», mldiasse.s and descriptions, ilu' ImII |mrliuul»r.s of their clainiH, u HtHleiiieiit of their accts, and the nntuio of the socui ities, if any, held by thcin. And Like notice tint .ifler ouch last nieutioned date tin' mul Ksecutors will prociied to distril i.ie the asKets of the Haid deceased aiiMii.:; ilie paities erilitled thereto, having re^Hul only to the claims of whicli they shall llu^n liiive notice, .iiid that the said Execiiloi "ill not U liible for the Slid assets or anv part thereof to any person or persons of whose cl.tiinM notice thall nol havt- lieen uiviiii Ijy them ft*, the time of such Uis-'.rii utio-i. Dated the eightceiiili d ly of April, I'-'IS - WHIGllT, TF.LKoKU & l5AKi.< »\V S.li.itors for the nM Kxecutors. NoticetoCreditors In the matter of the Kslate of Thomas G. Sherwoad, Kte of the 'rowiialiip of Arteniesia in tlie ('ountyof (;iey,f»iiiier, Ueoeased. Notice is hereby yiven, pursuant, to Uevi^ed Statutes of Ontario, lt>14, t'hapter I'Jl, Section r>li of Tlio Trustee Act and ainendiiij,' Acts, that all cred- itors aiKrolliershaviiij cliiins or demands against ihe estate of Tlioniiis (i. Sher- wood, late of IheTuwn.sliip of Artemesio in the County ofOrcy, fanner, deceased, who died on or about the ITiIi day of April, litl", at bis late rcsiilen o in tlie Towniliip of Artcinesia in die C'^iinty ot (.irey, arc re.juired to deliver or send l>y post prepaid, to Joseph S'lerwood, the administrator of the osiate, on orbufoic the 1st (lay r.f Mi.y, I'.'lf. their Chiisli'^n name.s and Siiriianus, adUrcsus and <lescriplioii«. the full piiticiilars in wiiiiuc; of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and tin- nature of ihe (jjgurily, if any, held by tliem. And take notice tiiat after such last iiienliontd date the AJiiiiuislralor will uroeced to distribute the as^e'.' Df the said deceased am('ii<; the parties entitled thereto, haviii;;; ieu'ai<l only to the daimsof which bo shall thi-ii hue nouco, and the said Adiiiinis'.rator will not lie lialilo for the faid assets or any part thereof to any person or persoi.s of wiiose claiir. notice shall not have been received by him at the lime of such distribution. - .lOSKl'H S1II-;|{nVO. ID, .\dministraioi, Ivi'jonii 1'. O. bMed at l<lfslic>it o ibis J."jili d ly of March, A,D.lill«. BUSIN.ESSCARDS SOCIETIKS PmSCK AUTHUU I.ODHE. No. ra. A.I' & \ M, iuL-et» in tlit tklauuiilu IjhII. Ai iu trosn'H llloct< KlHHlitirton, i-verv Fri'lay on liefore tile full luocu. 1'. llciii., W. M. >l. W, HickliiiK, Hatrotary. ClIOKKX ri!li;Nl)!-:- Klttl.nlcn i oui.c ' l:uH(ii l-'i It ikIk .'111 uiiOtK ill Cle^tfhK lilt Cftt auo ll:iiil \\i.Uuitua> o< laili nxiiii « I'.lii. I'liy a»i-iiiiiiiili> to III 1 1 II 1 1 III (irtuietliu liirt (iav u( (i<<.li iik i.ll Cl.ii' roiini lllor, W. II. iiiiLt ; Iticorarv. Jlin. 1,.A Kifhor. JjEiNTISTKY Dr H. C MI.'RRAY U D. 8 , (leiitHi xiiifjeon tii.uoi KiAiliintv (if 'I'oi'Oiito Llliivuliilty ami hoyai t.:<>Ili;)^o of Iictitu) Hur^jiiOiiH ot Uutuiio. OanailiuiHiniDturcd (or tUL'th oXtravtIoii UiCH at leaiduuco, Toruuto btruc-t. l-'luh::cMou. Medical /V OTTKWRI.L Vcturiiiary Hiir^ttou .Iraduati} -if Oiitaiic \ \>tnrliiary i'iiiltii>H r«aiilc!iCB â€" aecfiuil iloor Huaili woat.'ou %.My acrept. Thia atraet rii.s uiitb rr»iil>yU)ri><i Chiiroli. CH*t. E McLean, M D. C M, i specialty - I Surntry, Midwifiry iV Womon'a DinonHoo I Orrii 1 s -Kleshorl jii, li u Himi- â- â- . ' J'lir.'iill.,- ('..ii.iiiiTciiil III '•.â- !, ;>,:;ii I., i |. m. , Drug utorc ill iiiiiiii'ilion with ollice. Offitv Hours ill h"li'i.hurt(>n--NVctliii<Ml.iv au,l I Friilay adernooii '2 to 'i p. in. I I'liiiim (iieiisaKtiH luctivu prompt nttinli.ui .U Ixith ofllcBH lOMlNls i LE(iAL I ICAH, KANHy * IlKMIV-llaiTlKliiiB. riollcitora.eic.-I. It. Iiiiraa, K C; W. K, Itaniy, K. f. ;W. I). Hniiiy, It. A. (IIIIoct. roiiail'ii. W)0 'J Tiailiii" Hank IlIrtK., i.liouo uisift Klli; Uaikilala l.iicaa lilni'li, I'linim it A. Ilrapoli olllce at Uundalk oimn o»i>rv K«tni-.|«v. WUIuriT, TKLFOllU & MiIiO.NAliL) llari inter, HotlciloiK, iVo. (IIIIi'ih, Druir & Hi^ca llluok, Owon Hoiiiiil. Stamtaid ll&uk Hlorli.Klcahfirtoa. iKaliirilnyM. W, H. Wiiiilil, W. K 'reifonl Ji. J. C. M.Donall, li. n, li. ft' Business Cards OUI.i^OllOn A VOl'Nd Itaiiki^n Uarkd&la doiirral li»iiklnu bualii«h« . Mouoy tOkUad •t rvMouabU raint Call on ui. DMfli'llAlij, I.todiaail AuctlouAt (oi tlia • I'oiiiily of Uixy. Tm uia mmliiralK aiid aatia artlnn ijuaraiit««d. Tlis arranaouKiiU aud dal<>H nf aalraian lin it<adi>at Tim Ai>t>iicb ulllic. ItitiiiaiMiokad f. (i..< lyluu, T<ili:|iliuiiu «Obi.-tt-liii-i. line, b, o; WM. KAITTl.NH, Icuuaail Aiii-lloiiaer foi llin LOiiBtlaa of (liuy and Kliiinoa. faiuj KKil Hti.nk aalua a K|wutaltv. 1'oriiid uiodvratti sntlutantloii jjiiarHiiti «'l Aii«iig«' HMntalur datoa may tm iiiadr nt tim Advanoa aMef, uT ( KUtral triui linim ofliua Kavsruliaui or by adilraaalmt uiu »» Kavartbaiu. Out. \n Opeq Letter To the Reeve and Councillors of Flesherton Have your citizens organized to increase food production? If they have not yet done so, We, the Organization of Resourceis Committee, earnestly ask you to call them together in a Mass Meeting, and lay before them th«^ necessity of immediate and vigorous eflForts â€" the food situation is critical. It may astonish you to learn that in 1917 Ontario did not grow enough v/heat for its own needs. Consequently every Ontario farmer whose land is suitable, has been urged to sow 5 acres more spring wheat this year so that Ontario's demand for wheat shall not be met at the expense of that portion of the Western crop that should more rightfully be shipped overseas. For this same reason every householder who has a garden or a piece of vacant land is being urged to grow vegetables, because the more vegetables that are grown and eaten in Ontario the less wheat and meat there will be consumed, and, that being so, the Ontario wheat crop should then be sufficient to feed our own people, and leave more Western wheat and other foods available for export. By intelligent effort, in the cultivation of his own hack garden, or from the cultivation of a nearby piece of land, the average citizen can grow, this summer, enough vegetables to support his family through the next winter. And remember, if food restrictions are enforced next winter, a supply of vegetables in the cellar will be very desirable. If you already have an unofficial or semi-oliicial organization to stimulate food production, so much the better. That will give you the basis for a comprehensive committee. A plan that has been adopted in many places is here outlined. adapt it to the needs of your own community. You should 1. A CJeneral Committee should be formed, representing every impor- tant intorost of the community. 2. The work should be done by sub- committees. The following list is sufficiently coinprehensive \'vr the largest placcii. Vou should adapt it to your own community. (a) A sub-conunilloe on Finance. The Organization of Resources Com- milttc is wiiiiii.g to help local Ijranches financially with publicity, public meotini^s and organization. (b) A I'uhUcily Committee to place local prc'iliins properly before the people, supplementing the larger work of the province-wide publicity, by securing plcd.(Jcs. sending out circu- lar letters, arranging for addresses in churches, schools, motion-picture houses, etc., and by supplying local papers with news items. (c) A sub-committee on Vacant Lot and Back-Yard (jardcning to include re- presentatives tram ho!*ticuUural so- cities, school teachers, etc. (d) A su()-con:niit(oe on Farm Labour, composed (f employers of labour, representatives of organized labour, war veteran.';, e!c. Labour is the key to the food production problem. All hoy, (iirl, pnrt-iime and vacation ?aboi!r should he enlisted. ?vlake sure thai su'Iicient labour is ready to meet any demands made by your farming communitv. This labour should be placed on farms locally through the Agricultural Representatives or the fJovcrnment Employment Bureaux. (e) A Farm Lands sub-committee, com- po.sed of groups of nun to cultivate larger tracts of vacant land In the vicinity of cities, towns and villages. Flax growing is profitable ar.J suit- able â€" flax seed and fibre arc much needed. (f) A sub-committcc on Schools, to en- list all school-children of sufficient age to work either in home gardens, community gardens, school gardens, or on farms. (g) A sub-committee of women on Con- servation to deal with the problems of food-savin.ij in the homes: the more broadly vcpresentative it is of women's activities the better. Exist- ing women's organizations should not be interfered with, but since con- servation is one of the greatest prob- lems, there should be a women's committee in each community to deal with this problem alone. 3. An Executive Committee should be appointed, to include the chairman of the general committee and ihe chairmen of ihe sub-committees. This committee should meet fre- quently. 1. A Secretary to the committee should be chosen, for his knowledge of the situation, who would be free to de- vote considciab'e time to ihe work. C Lack of food threatens the battle-line with the siiuaiion. and we must deal J' TO THE INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do Kfo now. Vou will not regret it. There is still lots of time. Potatoes and beans may be planted up to .hine 1st and these are ih-j best substitutes for wheat and meat. For rood, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable Carden, write for a free copy of the hv'^:)klet entitled: "A Vegetable Garden for Every Home." This has !)cen prepared by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for the guidance of citizens wiio v. ill respond to this call for increased production. Send for copy now. Mail the coupon below Mail This Coupon NOW Orj^ani/.iition of IJes(Hirct>s Committee, I^urliamont Buihlinjfs, Toronto Dear Sirs: » Plea.se .send me a copy of your booklet "A Vegetable (warden fi>r Kvery llomf," N« «!«..._ _ _ 4 Address - „. OUtJANIZATlON t)F RKSOIIRCES COMMIITEK In (^o-Operation with Canada Food Board QNTAHIO eWTAIII* llolstcin Riill^Fur Service \ lliM|i>iU'lil>r.Ml HiilffHiii l«iU fill ncr/ii-.i' Oil lilts h;i IMI .S.W. 1. \ H K . ArtHiiii-ain: -l.o. .'ly nlati'd to the wnrlil « i-liunipimi 41 |»nmd emv. TiMin»' %\ I'ltilur Rrtt'lH", f.lpnfn pnri' liudii. \ .July 17 -tlKO. MOORKitt,. Notice To Treftpasaers For Service Aayimi- lak.i.H wood i>r lails (iff or in^ Otio puroureJ Sliortti.nii Uiill mi I,. any way tn .pn.s.iiit. on .kiiy p:»n (f i he 1 *'i <*>".'•'â- Aitonn>si«. Tonus f l.iO f,.r iiortli Imlf of lit "V), L-, ,1. tt, Artenifslii, i lir-Jdof. MukI bo puiJ ivitliin 1» umiulis will li'« •ni-ii""Wi>tl ' t'l"" •''•I" "f HPrvioi'. MItS. vv f PKUIi.XU. il."««'l»> -U. U.lVKJfKK Hutuklii, or liiTinK BimMIia. Tlu- secret of MoDgolla's weakne^ lleM Id itie fact that the warlike ard^f of !t.s people bag been dampened \i§^ Buddhism, a religion more paeifle !• Its doctrine* tban any other in tli^ world, ruder the soporific influen^it of this relicion the Mongols are pob* tent 10 live in nomadic life, wander^ inx from place to place with tbeK herds of Hh«ep. cvO*. horses a^S camels. They live In tents exactly \mt those described by the earliest tr»veK lers wbu visited them in the Middle Ages. They have no political unite and no real national government? Their only bond of unity is the Bud- dhist religion. The high priest of this religion la the Hutuktu who reeidee at Ursa, the religious and secuU^ capital. The Mongol.s believe that the HuLuktu is the reincarnation of Buddha. They worship bim aa soft and call him the Living Buddha. TheK sacrifice to bim incense and keep tiO| lamps burning before his lma(% which i.' found in every Mongol teii|i Because of his desire to become \Xf. Emperor as well as the god of tivfj Mongols the Hutuktu allowed himiiell to be drawn into the meshes of Rm^ eian intrigue, thus making his couii- try a second Manchuria wherein Rtu- Blan and Japanese interests have \iti- <%m« paramount in utter disregard of China's sovereign rights. Difficult Writing. Th« story of a compositor's wo> ries with Thomas Carlyle's MS. ra- calU the somewhat kindred experi- ence that befell a typesetter in the office of a Dundee new.spaper to whose columns Georee Gilfillan frequeutlj; comtributed. Being a member of Oil* fiUan's congregation, this compositor was "favored" with a large amount of his minister's wretchedly written copy. One day wh'jn the MS. was even move undecipherable than usual the man banged it down on his frame with the remark: "As a Christian I honor and admire Mr. Gilfillan. but a-s a compositor I'll nt-ver be happy till his body gets three claps of ihd spade!" Columbia Grafonolas Coiunibia Records ! 1 »K SAl.K UV â€" W. A. Armstrong: â- fKWKI.l.KK. tl.KSHb:Ul\«-N Bull For Service |{cj;i'it,'iod Shorthorn bull "fin- sorvico OU lot 0, (Vli., (â- > Ospicy 0'>llll)i<Aoo(l ardvcl (!ri«fl(" ot>*a tl.V, thoroui-h- brxdn f4 iK". J. k. lti>bort«on, .April 1 HMf, THK IJOYS A Gll.I.S Will; hivo been wi.ik- so virenuously «i.i tho faiius prodiicillj; fooJ fviii.i for th'se ;it liam<" liiid Itier.scas .sIh'u'iI bo '.jiwii the "ppori unity of iiuproviin; their h'-ftl- c>«lion duiiiiL' thi' sta-k wintei nioutlis «t. tlu> The fee.-* wc no lii^hi-r thin wlioii frtrm pr.iihuv sold nt li»lfthe pruc of todny . T.'io youiirf people will !>e benefited tliroiigIn>ut "life fro-n t!m tiaiiiini; in Bustiie»,s obtained in « few winter iiinnths of our Spxcisl niisiiies^ Course. Win'er term •ic.liii'^, Weil. .Jnn. 2 Ciicul irs free. C. A. FLEMING. F.C A. Principal. D^Dt. An Oweii So'ami. Ontario. [fiS, . ftlilli XJalu' moiu y iii your spare li'ue this Winter by setliiiL; Nursery Stock aud New Seed Potatoes This IS the liuit to start oti Sptiug Sale.-:. We pay lii>jlicst ooinuiijsious and tVaiiish our SuUsiuen \vith litera- mie withfa •pimcL" to it. Send for our li.-it of New ».)ffoiiug8 and fiiil particulars. Stone & Wellington The Funthill Ntir.s«rie5. (KstsMished 18.^7,, > " TORONTO - ONTARIO For Sale or Rent Tlii; follow iim Vinliiiilile rrcperiy : ' One lot situated on llit> west tidu o SytJeiihHM »trett, Kle.-ilierton, ooutainitig » seven voonied tfame dwilliiij; tilted witli eleclrio lij;h!,»oft water in basemeitt. l>:i." I It sitiiatrd on north sido of .MttsHiet Ureet, Fleshori.i>n, ct>ul^inin4| a Mi\ roomed fraiiM dwoUiu*; tui] frvH* .stable. A!s > « pirK lilt eon'.Asniiii; two acios, wi>ll feiievU and cuUivaiiHt. Kt tcrnt^ dml {KirtieuUrs apply to ' iJ»« SIL.^ss^lT^K. •