'If- ^kshttion %inimce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBIMnPLEb NOT MEN. I I !-• . m 37 No, 4f» Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, April i.^ lOlJ^ Ceylon Chat Meesn. H. Piper, J. Gibson and M. FergUBon each had wood bees to get their waod sawed. Miss Kate Baxter (f Detroit, Miss Era Tedlow of Hamilton, spent the week enj with trieods here. Mr. S. Rands, C.P R. n^ent here fur the pant ten years, is this week moving his family to Chatswoith, where he takes chart;e of the station there. We are sorry to lose Jlr. Kand.s ind family, as thay h%ve been i^ood citizens, but hope what is our loss will be their xaiu. Miss Jean Muir, nurse, who has been visiting her mother f jr several weeks, returned to the city Monday, Mrs. B. Balfour of Port Dalhousie visited her jjarents, Mr. and Mrs. Col- liusou, returning home Monday. D. Widera.in and wife visited Pritun friends Saturday. Hiss Jean CoUinson left Monday fuj. Saskatoon after spendnig tbe winter with her parents here. The C.P. R h**-Bieu engasj )d piiintinj; the station. Mrs. Selieis and two sou.s. Itussel and Gordon, who have spent iha past fuur months here, leave this week f .r tluir home at B'i^gar, iSiksk. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone are wow comfortably settled iu their uew hujiie recently purcha.sed from Mrs. Uutle^ije. We extend them a welcome. Miss Maiie Cooey has returned from visit iu!? friends at t >weu Sound aud nlher p.Hrts. Mr. Bcnuet leaves this week to take charge of Shelburne section. Eist Mountain Everyone is making preparations fur heir sprin:.j work. Mildred McMiillen attended the Ucd Cio.se meeting at Mr. Douglas', Fever- siiam, on Thursday last. Her cousin, Mabel McMuUen, aecompauied lit>r home to spend a few days. Willie Hirbodle bus purchased a line new buggy. See the girls smile now ! Wo must congratulate Eva .\llen, Kate Orr and Clarlnoo Smart on passing their Entrance Exainin.ilions at Kister. The tirst two obtained honorar Miss Alma HumboistoDe is iiot te ich- lug this term, but is at home. John Orr spent tho pa.st we.k wi!h friends in Owen SoiiiiJ. We are sorry to roport the de.ilh of Mr. Ales. Hall on MouUay of last woek. He had made his home with his son\ Thos., for tho past year, hitor-.nont look place t > Mark dale cemetery. We espros." <mr deepest synipaihy to those bereft. The Lewis family spent a few d-iys at Jnti. Smith's, Rob H ly. Mr. S. Hull, Metiford, inspected our school one day last woek. The exco'itors of the late U. P. P.-iweetl- estate held a veiy successful sale of farm stock and implements. We wonjer if the "lilies" arc still blooming iu Carroll's flower garden. Messrs. Will i<ud Fred Martijt .aro working at the power house. Toronto Line North Seeding has commenced here. Miss Genie Levoi- and Ma.^ter Wilfred Lever were successful in pass ing their examinations at Easter. Tlicy will work on the farm to obtain their certificate. Congratulations. Mr. W. J. Akins ol Calgary. Alia.- visited at Mr. Tbos. Sled's. Mr. Cha?. Martin of East Mountain visited a few days with his wife here, Mr. Angus Clark, Priceville, renew" Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Allie Wiliiamsof Toronto was a brief visitor in town. A few of the young folks met at the home of Mr. U. Weber Friday evening in honor of Pte. Will Williams. They spent a very enjoyable tiirie io dancing and g-aines. Will expects to go overseas soon. Miss Mary Fawcett of Toronto is visiting at her parental home. Wculd all who are knittitig for Che soldiers for ihe W. I. please hand in soi soon, as they are picking another bale. Yarn to knit can be had from Mrs. .\. Hoy W'ord has been leceived by Mrs. Park thai her son is on his way overseas. .lohn Parsons .and M. Foester each lost valuable ci.lta. Mr. S. Turner has bought George Latimer s residence. • Hiver will take the farm. There was a tush among the kiddies Monday morning when they heard the school bell ringinu on the new lime. In fact more than the kiddies rushed. Charhs Park has returned home after a couple of mouths in Toronto. Wedding bells are rinwmg. P.irk and land .surveyors are bii.sy in town for the 11. E. Co. The farmers are getting liu.sy in the fields and the ladies are hou.secleaniug. Miss Dell Wilson of Kimberley has been engaged to teach the iSt'i line school for the remainder of the tetni. A larae number atleuded the Mage*-' si'e. which was very successful. Mis .\. Twohy and children and Mrs. A. 11 y visited fiiands ju Fksherton. Nur>e Graham of New York is visiting her piieils. M ister Gerald ' Large, who vclun- teered to go and help on the farm as a 8 .'dier of the soil, wrote on his Entrance oxainiuatioi at Eister and p.issed with honors. Wes Latifuer got his Entrance to Normal with honors. Congratulations. Eighth Line, Osprey The farmers ace " saying nothing but sawing wood." Mit,si.'athcriiie Burns h.is resumed her reaching dnties at Dornoch. James Blakely and wife .spent Sunday at the home uf Wm. Benson. Win. Cjulthard and wife of Toronto attended the funeral of iho former's father, the latu John Coulthaid. .lohn llalv' spent the Tieek end at his homo here. Misses .V. Kaittiiig, L. Julley and M. Coli|uette spent Saturday afteruaon at F. Sport'oid's. Maxwell M's,s Jackson an. I friend of Wai-eham, spent Sunday hi Hiiymond Wellar's. Rev. Tdler ef Woodford, visited with friends here ibis week. Mrs. Porteous of Rook .Mills, spent Suiulay wiih her sen, Art Porteous. Mr. and Mr«. >Vni, Wright, Warehum, \isitcd Suuday with the fonuer's mother on the 8ih line. Mr. nnd Mrs. Karstedt, Flesheiton, spent .Sunday with Mrs. W. Poole. Mrs. A. E. McCallum and daughter. Edua, of Fleshei ton, spent a few days last week at Mr. MoCallum's 4ih line. ROD AND GUN The April i.ssue of Rod and Gun Is vepleto with interesting stories and "rticles for tho out of doors' man. Anioin: tlie stories appearing iu this luonth's issue are "Following the Fur Bearers ' by Bonnyc«*Lle Dale : "Th<< Mysterious Wolf Pack" by A. W. Peck ; "The J.'b" by Marviu Leslie Hay ward ; "Just Fishing' by Mark O. McElhiuuey : "A Soldier Fisherman ' by Utlen Guthrie : Kimberley Budget Feversham Items •^Juite a number of the farmers have started seeding. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flood motored to i Stayner on Saturday Ja»t returning j â- Sunday evening. Messrs Wellington and Saul Fawc»lt made a business I rip to Flesherton ou Siturday last. Mr. Henry Hurd was appointed some time ago as overseer for the new County roads through Euphrasia. He is aa .\1 man for the position and will till the bill to the last gap. Mr. JaiiKs Hill lost a valuable cow one d.iy last week. She happened to fall into a mire hole lud got her nose under the water, smutheiing to death. So Lelaud is to have conscription . Well, this as it should be. It was too j u,, bill to let the Sinn Feiners stay at home and the loyal N.itionaliats and lister men d.) the figluing for all the Green Isle. We take ort" our hat to men of Major Bedmoud's stamp. We simere'T trust th,t the new home rule bill will prove .satisfactory to all elasses. Wheie is tho man who doesn't admire the uoble Celt who,se Haahiiig eUnueuce and bril- liant wit has lighted the dark places > f every land oene.ith the sun ! Mis* RiehJel Hutchinson, oue of our most popular young ladies, is wield ng the blue beech in the red .school on the East Mountain. M'-. Will. Wrtlicrs.nho held Bates Burial Co. Another cnid wa.a has hit this pa.t of-| ^ ""^''^^ Directors and the cou:ury, but I suppose .ve may look lor this for awhile yet, till the ice gets out of t!ie lakes Miss Mary Julien lefr heie to take a position iu a store in Kimberley. Mr. J. C. Little of C- 1 ngwood. sjK'nt Sunday in this village. <Ui Monday, .ipril Sih, at the faun on the eighth iine, Mr. John Coulthard parsed away at the ripe age of T" yeai-s. I Mr. (^)t:lthard came to O.oprey about 4o years a^o. The remains were liid to res: in Beihel Ceuulery on Wedn s'ay, April 10, H Urge concuuise of penple gathered to t>av their last respects to their old neighbor. The church in luoiioridi jeriica will be held in the Feveist.am "ii .Sunday, A])iii 21-t at Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. ! Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT W. e TfiCKii'TON 'ISi'^riiUtE Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES position in ihe Pariiament Buildings, Toronto, during the laie session, visi.ed friends ii: our burg dutiuu the past week. Miss Nellie Ellis ..t Powa^ir^n, visied rc:eutly recei.iiy with her grauduother. Mrs. George Lawrence. Quite a number from heie atteudtd the salt- on ih.- farm of the late Kjbt. P. Faweett of the E.ist Mountain, on Frid.iy last. Good prices were real'zed on the various coniinodities. W e are plciised to see the aenial faie of our .school principal, Win. McBiide, in our midst again. MissJuIirin of Feversham. is cletk.ig i I Jasper Stuart's grocery. Stanley Keid has secured the mail i Miss Maynaid ami Mi-s Jol v have leturneil to thtir schoo's airer the Kister lulidays. Ml. Hud Mr«. Will Coulthard of Toronto, attfi.dxd the funeral »i the former's father last weel; and remained heie for a few days to visit old ac>;i:aiut- ances. Tiie Buckiiigliani i:i I Feversham branch of the Red Cross society fn m Jan. 1 :« &farch sent to headi|uartci8 102 pairs of fo.\, o2 suits of pyjunia.", besides boxes to all the boys in Fiance from this neisjhborhood. This Branch I iute.id holding a cinccrr on May 24 iu ucrstive I Fevershai-i. Particulars lat-.T. J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks. Manager. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily maJce A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. Pig For Service Pure bred Tumwi.-rth Boar for Service ou lot 17t5. 1 S.VV.T. and S. R.. .Arte- iKssia. Terms §1 .ir *2 for pur«hreds. 1 June I^ I. .I.STTN.^iuN. Pi- p W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT »•»•»•»•..•«,«» -.»â€"#..». «..*..«.^ AROUND GREY COUNTY Ladies ! contract on the rural burg and Hcuthcotc. rout e be. ween our Pithy Proton Pointers Misses Lizzie and Frmces MeCullou^h of Toronto are the guists nf their c lUsiu, Miss Marie Sherson. Little Miss Ida Hindle, Mclutyre, is visitinu with her cousin. Muriel Wilson. Miss Kdna Acheson is holidaying in < 'wen Sound. Miss Minerva Woods his betu seri- ously ill with pneumonia, but wo are glad lo know that the doctor reports some impijvenient iu her condition. The Preslyterian W.MS. >iailted a beautiful (|uilt to bo donated !•> a Ruth- eniau ui'ssiou sckool in Alberta. «':i Fridiy evening a speeitl piiyer meeting ill l)eli.a.'l of tho So:diers ati'Vlho issue iif the terrible battle now iasin>!. will be conducted iu Kiiox chur:h by Rev. Mr. McVicar. Some three hundred and fifty (Jrey C'>unt.y soldiers ovorseius will shortly receive another reminder that thoy are unt f.irgolten by the folks at home. Uou. Dr. Jamieson. Speaker of the LogisUiuie, says Saturday's Mail and Empire, has jjsl jout oversens gift boxes addressed to every »oldier from l,is uJ'U" of Soiiih Givy, whose name could be" Secured. Tho buses contain cigarettes and tobacco. pipe_s, chocolates, gum and a poitud or two ot loaf sugar. Dr. laniieson was able to finance the gilt tiiroogh the saving effected by eliminat- ing the usual functions in connection R. Kiniiel! of .Swinton Park, deiiveied a [Junker at Djndalk iasl week that weished tSlO pounds and icalized 9108.27 G. B Clark has been appoin'cd .secetary of the Proton .Agricult-iral Society, succee iing A. E. Colgan. The fiame dwellinjj; on the farm â- >( Jas. Watson, lot 2it-_' con ;5, S. W. of the T. & S, R. Jlciancihon, v\'as totally destroyed hy fire on Saturday afternoon ' i-.c week. The lire is supposed to have >• gi-juted from a defective stove pi|» or chifunoy. Mr. Wat.-ion's loss will be heavy. Oniy ?i>.'iO insurance was carried, which will niK nearly cover tho loss. In a shipment Ol cattle from Sh-Uiurne stock yards on Tuesday of this wei'k was a steer purchased by J. A. SkeKIii.g from George Boyle of Wliitfield that h.id only three legs. The animal wm 2 yea.'s of age and weighed t«»0 pounds. Tlrs steer wss Well built and aUlmugh minus oue leg, uiftnigeit to navigate aim )8t ,i»s well as if it had the otiier hmb. -Ftoo Press. .John Connor, funuerly hotel keej-r in Duudalk, died in Denvo,-. Co' . recet lly, agod l>!) years. Henry Spiott of Ijhjjovos has purtlia'seo the Durnfjid Luop.-riy on ihe oiriu r .if fituiilton and Robinson streets, C.-.i ::;- wood, and \\\'.\ move thereto shortly .Vdam Meiz^eriif Hiiiovere.\''iibired lo The Post a White Leghoin's egg that measured S.\ii] iuehes. Joe KucueuiHn of liaiii<ver mot wi h an accident in a factory in tll-at town that resulted in havin.' most of left I'luiiib, pir; of theinJev finger nf Ins left h ml and the other f!U.;e;s of 'hit hind iMdly cut. The train service on 'lie Wnlk^uon -Satineeii lii.e i-f to bo restored in Ayn 1 25. This will be good news for iniveilers atid ths stations on that lino will he able t > uel all their daily pitpors uu time. The Meic'ian:s Rack of Canad i h.is tikfii over the boaiiuss of Wm. Luo.is A' Co., Private RanKcrs ill Maikda^e I.. The M: lincry Season in aiul we are n tdy with a real up-to-date slock r.S iiiiii would l>e plea.sed to 1 aud .<ee our .styles before y<>a lit you if you warn an up- of SPK I XGH. have you give us a r buy. We can to-iiale hat W. L. WRIGHT Tiie Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario <-•'••â- ••â- •<•-«â- ••••-.••-•..•â- .•..«»«..( t f »' LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers S'lable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH. FLESHERTON Dundalk Pioton .VgticuUural Society directors hel t s "special meeting in Pumfalk on Saturday, riie business trauKieted * is ed aqnaiutances here this week. Reeve McKenzie ofPortlaw, wasaj"'^ Trip down Peace River' by Harry m Mondav Laughy : "The Way of the Mighty" by caller iti this burg ou Monday. Out attention has ju<jt been c«ll.>d to n oin«u!ar circumstance iu connection with • recent n>arri4ge in ihia district. The grjora wa» (» widower, the briuea widow, the bride's father aa sxwidower, anc* her qiepmother »n exwidow. The pr<j»chcr j H. C. Uaddou ; "Rivers of the North by Mabel Rurkholder, etc , etc. The reyuliu- departinenla tro well maintained, those devoted to tishiug, guns and aniiuunitioii, kennel, etc, baiug of special iulerest to spottfmen featuring those particular branches of sport aud out'.Uv.r life This ropreSeDlativc Can.idian with the past session of th« i.egislalure- i ' While engaged in sawing wood on h-'s ! "** «-^>--«?r^*''c« '1' H^e re.sigiiati..u of tie j uncle's farm near Portaa,- Li Prairie j ^-"'otary, A. K. Colg»i., who is leaving j Will .Met iowan, son of Mr.« Jehu j,^. ! t^vu; aud the »pp.iutment of O. K , (Jowan. sulfoivd a painful accideii;. He j ^'^^^^ " sucit.s^w. i came in contact n^ith the buzit saw which! For t he position of Ue«vo of Dunjalk j inflicted a cutiu his thigh t?n inches long, ! rendered vacant by the resigiiA'iou of A. | W.u a Hid >wei-, and one of the witnesses ] H'or.'sman's m.agazine is published by W. W»9al»oa widower.â€" OrangevilleBsuncii-, • J- T»ylor, Limited, Wijdjtwk, Ont, E. Colgan, John Sinclair was clocti.'d by M-°lainatioii on Weducsd.ay '.here bciU'.; but one nomination. Mr. Jai'iCJ Petersou has been making raiple aytop on shaies in the bush of Mr. K. Simons west ol Duudalk. Simet.me Canada Foid Board has trranged between Saturday niijbt anu Xfotiiay penetratifg to a depth of '.'j inches, ana ic(|uiiiiig foiiy stitches to close. It will be some time before he is able to resume f.armiug operations, his injury coming at a most unfortunate season of thu year.â€" Durham Review. Tho with the United Slates food adoiinistri- j mornirg evil disposed porsons entered i i tiou to allow l,t)t)O,00*ib of oleo.nargarine the e*ui;i, boiled down «nj de*titn-t-" locome into Canada per inonih. abou'. S gallou^of syrup. -Herald. I FOR A PAIR OF BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton*s FLESHERTON