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Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1918, p. 5

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mimmmm March 21 I9l« THE ILESHKHTOX ADVANCP. THE E«T'D lars STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HBAO OPnCB - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. .yi.^,,,. â- â- ^â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- ^^â- â- â- â- â- II^W C. p. R. Time Table. ^ , Curl Atkinson, t>l tlie Cullingwood Trains leave FlesTierton Station asianivel, hnd a iiiisty accidi-iit: that nrght '^.ollows : ^ \Un\'e resulted in Cho loss of his ri«nt Going .Soirth Goin? North I haiKl. On Saturday March i»th, he had 4.27 p* m 9 18 "^ '" '**'"''" '''" ^"^"-'^ "^ ^^-^ '"^ '"'" '''« "'""^ The m»il« are osed at Flesl^ertou' 1'. f "^ ' r ''^"^ "T P*"' '"'* "' " "" " follows : For Ae north at 10.40 and ''""'• ^'' overbakncod and fell to the 7 p.m. ; and the abernoon nnil south at rtoor. He j-jikcd hi.s hand from under 3.40o'cfotk. For morning train south, vtry ijuickly, but in doin" so thiee mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ,i„„„^ ^^^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ VICINITY CHIPS The robins are with ua again in i â- uumbers. It is sweet music to the ear. J The proceeds of iVIrs. J. Blakely's te i } were 88 85 Pigs brought $20.25 on the market â-  here Tuesday. I Mrs. (Dr) Murray m visiting friens | in (»«ren Sound. bone of skin and tiesh. A.s he jerUed his hand out he also strained the museles of his arm. He liad the injured bund dressed by a doctor , in town as soon as possible, bui holds his arm in a slini<. Silver Wedding (From the Uawarden Pioneer) Mr. and Mrs. Geori;a T. Hudson j celebrated their Silver Wedding at their Mrs. (Div R. Henlerson of Toronto is , on Friday, March 1st. They had the guest uf her sister, Mr*. Ulackburn. i invited a few friends to place the 25th Fte. O.scar Trueman of Hamilton camp j *'^""'^'"sary of their wedding day on ja huiiie on leave. 1 record. Expectinij these came Miss Bella Ronson of Scarl.oro Juneticn I ''^ * c^'MP'^te but welcome suri.rise lo is visiting with Mrs. M. Duncan. | *^^"^ between tha hours of 4 and li p.m. Mr, ilf-l H. -..:...., «f D .....„,.!*''''"''«"''' '""ny "ths" ^''=*o came. Alfred Harrison of Perrysburg. N.Y., visited a few d.iys with Mr. Alf. Harrison, Toronto line south. Su;4»r making appears to be iu ful| swin;;. The past week has been a sap week. until the large hiiuse w»3 well tilled. The mystery was explained by the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Artwull Hudson and I Mr. and Mrs. Albert t<cutt h id been at work calling in fnend.s and neighbors to i rejoice with ibem. All partook of m The Red Cress tea this week w.l; le ^ excellent supper after which congratuUt. held at the honne of Mis. Croasley on , i-,m< „gj.^. jq ^^^der. Friday afternoon. j „ i.- t^ r- , I Rcv. t, D. GiliSon, Messrs Fligg, Mad IS now brought out on the ! Boyle and Ledingham voicing the feelings niorniim tram from Walkerton over the ^.f those present and many others. Mr C.r.R . which relieve.^ the situation to a,o,i,,.,„ ^^-^^ ..i-;,,,^ ,,^^ j^^,^ araeiously coi-«i«table extent. j ^it), Mr. and Mrs.. Hudson, eyes Marriedâ€" In the Presbyteri:tn church, , were nut dim, neither were their natural Flesher'ron, on Wednesday March lo, i forces abated. They had toiled hard but 1918, Miss Gladys Hazard to Mr. S. | happily together, surmounted 25 years of Sample. The ceremony was peifoiiiied , ditticulties, experienced 25 years (>t" by Rev. A. Mc Vicar of Flesherton. mercies, and could say, luokiusj now uwu Mr. J. Runstadller of Toronto has their family into the third generation, taken over 'be M. Scully produce i "Thou haul set my feet in a larae room.' business here. The former was at one ' Ti,e other three speakers otTerins time employed by Mr. Scully and under- ; ,1,^,, e>ngritulation.s and l,e.,t wi.,he8 St iiuU the business thoroughly. told of the esteeai of neighbors of many The Township Rohd Foremen under | years for Mr. and Mrs. Hudci n. Mr. the County Good R-ads system have a 1 ' Hudson replied in a reminiscent speech, been appointed excepc for the township which ivas groatly enjoyed ; telling of the of Ar'-emesia ssys Mr. J. .'ohnson, j home folk at Feveisham, Oat., atri iheir superintendent of the county system. ^ first married h imo there, to their coming Gunner Will Wilcock wa? home from West in 190(5. the base hospital over Sund.ty. He | j^.. ^nd Mrs. Uud.sou were the returned Monday to \Vhitby CL.nv.ales- ! leeipients of many beautiful presents iu cent Uospit.i, where ho is billed to put silver, including a hand paiuted mother in a mouth having got his leave extended of pearl Fruit Comport, set in silver from that much. | Mr. and Mij. \V. L. Hudson, of L»ih- About forty friends at.d neishbor-s of bridge, .Vlti.. .-ilso .a silver bake dish from the newly wtdded couple, Mr. mil Mrs, | Mr. and Mrs. Alec Johostoii, of Sing- Wcj. Plantt, mot. at their home on Friday , hiinpton. Dot. eveninsj, March Sth aud presented themj Games and music brought the mcnmr- with a sh.nver of miscellaneous nrtx-lcs. j able day tu a most euj .yablo cvmclusion. A very eojiyiible evening was spent. Word was received here last week by Mrs. E. Best that her brother, Corp. Joe JaiTieS Brodie SlUCidcS Lefiard, was in England training as a i Lieut.- Joo was foreiiiiui of this otliee : .fsmes Brodie, who at one time liied before enlisting aud we coniiratulate him j,, Ffe.-herlcn,recoiitIy committed suicide very heartily on his promoiioii and by sbooting himself with a revolver, feel sure he will make a pro'iicieut olHicer. ; While living here he niairie I Lizzie, the Tho evening train down fiom .)vven youngest diughler r>f Mr. and Mrs S>und Friuay last was dihiyed fuur .Vndrew Wilson. For «onie years now hours owing to the engine â- â€¢asting a shoe both families h ive been living at Ma.\in<, off one of the wheels near Chatswoith. ; where Brodie r.-m a pool room and iiavber By a stranue coincidence the inorninsj ' sho[>, train was alt^o delayed from an indentica' , The c ironerVs jury luougiit in a verdict cause, the mishap o?curing a! the same " That i he deceased nut liis doath by on the line. suicide while into.xicated." A number from the iiilige attended the Ited Cross social at Mr. Kobt. Best'fi Ml. .^ndicw Wilscn. Brodie's falher- ill-law, says : " He came ilownsl lirs in er al 4 on Wednesday evenin? last week. The his own Imuse, ordered his dinn eveninc; «a.s spent in progre.ssivo euchre in the afternoon. While his wife was and crokinole and a most enjoyable lime, making toast he sat in the dining room, â- was spent by all present. The proceeds She was in the kitchen. He shot himself from articles being auctioied off' and a while sittii g in a chiiir. He lived four collection beini? taken up amounted to doors f n in uie. I was lyiim sick but fit) 50. I had my clothes on. They ealled me and Mrs. F. N. Leavell aud Miss Irene ^ "e"t over and he still sat on the chair Clark, who have been visiting Rock Mills '" * 8t"P"'- I K"' help nnd laid him on relatives during the past winter, have ; 'he S"f» >" hi.s sittinij room. Then I saw returned lo their homes at Parma, Idaho, the revolver 1> uiit on his lap. In twont? They were Bccompanied by Mrs. jiilas '"'""tes he uus dead. His pool room Phillips, who will makean e.xtended visit. ' '""^ '^'t been opeu for a week as he w»8 Previous to iheir departure Mr. and »>ck and could not attend to it. Drink Mrs. T. Fisher gave a pniy in their hastened the end. ' honor. ' Besides liir wife, Brodie Iea\«s two The follow inn ottioers were appointed hf.le dauyhter.s. at the last meeting of the Flesherton Methotlist W.M.S. ; Prcs, Mrs. Thurs- ton ; l»t Vice, Mrs. Belfiy ; 2iid Viv, Mrs Clinton ; Rec. Sec, Mrs. Mitchell; Cor Sec, Mre. Hickliiij ; Trcas, Mrs. Oargo ; 8 of 8 0, Sf-s. Armstrong ; Organist, Mrs. While ; Delegite lo the Rock MiiU Anniversary 4uui\ivei»ary Rock Mills Bapiist church ne^t Sunday. Services 11 and 7 30 The pa.' tor will preach at boii seiv!co«. S* offerini;, Conort Mt^iiuiy Branch meeting, Mrs. White, alternate ' of hij;h cU.s.s order. Aumijsion Mr*. Trimble. 23'and 35c. Come aud brinjj a friend. A. Munshaw Dead -Aaion Munshaw, the veteran hotel keeper of Flesherton, died at his home hero on Wednesday of labt week, in his 8Utli year About two years age he look a paralyt'C stroke, and has been an invalid ever tince. The funeral took place on Friday to Flesheitin cemetery^ the An^tlican minister of Maikdale otliciatini!. He le.ives tfto highly estetmed daughters â€" Mrs. Will Hill of Markdale, and Mrs. B. Welion, who, with her husband, are looking after the hotel here. The deceased was one of the pioneers and had kept hotel here f .>r 57 ye»r», a record that we believe has not been u.Tceeded in this part of tiie country certainly not in the county of Grey Mr. Munshaw's wife, who was a iisler of the late Mrs. S. Daiimde, died 23 years ago, and his son, Charles, died over a year uj.). The business here will be continued by Mr. Wclton, until the estate is W'mnd up. Parcels to Prisoners |jr^ The German Authorities have L^isued a memorandum tu the effect that parcels for Prisoners of War interne! in Germany must be adJicssed to the parent (or main; ' camps to which the priaoner.s belong and ; I muKt not bear the names of any branch I or woikingcampb or of any other place to I ' winch the prisoner migh5 be detailed for ' special services. ( â- â-  The memorandom states that prisoners J f^ who have been derailed for services ' outside thn parent camps have been j enjoined by the German .Vulho:ities ; from the very tirst, to inform in this | Jl sense any ralations or other persons frtm whom ihey expect to receive postal parcnls. Parcels for Prisoners of War The Old Adage Women In Pageant When all is said and done, it takes the ladies to get up a real successful enter- tainment, soiiielliing iiirc'lly be enjoyed and talked about, and also succe.ssful rinancially. That is what the ladies of the Methodist church accomplished la&t Friday night, when their unique enter- tainment came off as advertised. The program was not one thai readily lends itself to description. It was ([uite scenic as well as liler<.ry â€" u pageant of forty famous women- in which ancient cos tumes aud coitt'eurs figured pn'tainently, maiiing a many phased picture very pleasing to the eye. Each lady gave seme reading or action tu indicate the character she represented, and the pourtraynl was historically coriect in every respict. There was considerable humor throughout the attair in such characteis as tha Fishwife (Katie Wil- cock), (Frances .\rmstrons;), and tha Suttrasiette (Mr--. W. W. Trimble). .\mong the more classical characters Miss, representing an Italian girl, gave sekctiona from II Trovatore on her violin which elicited rounds of applause from a delighted audijDco. All the ladies pourtrayed their parts in a imr.u-T that left nothinj' l) be deiired, and all who took part therein are wi-rthy of congrat- ulation. The [irjceeds anumnled lo about ?55. in hospital also come within the meunim; j uf these regulations. . In the interests of the Prisoners it is > therefore essential that these regulations should be strictly adhered to as otherwise the German Authorities will not deliver the parcels to the Prisoners of War fir which they are intended, aud it is suggested that per.suns in Canada when writing to Prisoners in Germany .--hould ascertiin detinitely the name of the parent (or main) camp so that they can comply with the regulations of the German Authorities in addressing parcels to Pr'soners. fi The Proof «f the Pudding is In the Eating The .sa ni is equall) true r»f the 1901 Cravity asher. Tr) one and beconviucet that there is horn better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Fall line ot McCormick Fanu Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loac'ers, l)ril].s. Cultivators, Plows, liiding and Walking airows liiantfcrd Wiad Mills, Pun:ps, Piping and Fillings of all kinds, Beattie aye Carriers, Hav Fork.s, Slings, Filter Couriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ccy on, Ont. Address and Presentation SjSblSs ulxuuS r=-'r=dr. ^ a=-'r=^r='f^ t=ii== A Fine Record McLean's Magazine of liist -month stated that the best record for a woiuan knitting socks was something over three hundred. This statement sh.iuld be corrected as Mrs. Mary Jaiuieson, of this town, haskui.ted 420 pans of seek;, 51 pairs of gloves and « vests to date. I Besides this she distributes ihe yarn for the Kid Cross aud receives the.socks and Irequently has to rip the to3J to either shorten or leniithen them, ami washes larire quuntiiics when the knitters htve nt-glecteU it. But labor is not all that she has given to her (jonniiy. (.>ne of her sons was gassed at St. Julion. one fell in action last November, and one is iu Kijgland in hospital. Her only daughter, S ster Mae Jamieson, was ill for months at Malta of typhoid fever, tind at present is in a hospital in England. And lluough all tiiis sorrow and an.xiety, she works away, and keeps a serene face to the world. Mrs. Jamieson affirms that her neigh- bor, Mrs. H. Pedlar, a liidy over SO years of age, knit inore than .-!k' has, but because of her extreme modesty, she refrains from giving th^' exact number. A Soldier's Letter The Advance received the follow- ing letter from Pte. W. J Kncx of. the I02iid Batt. Can. BE, P France : Dear Editor â€" Trusting you .uill pertnit s]iace iu your piper for a few lines from the front. H<.>ping things are as usual around the burL'. as this leaves all in good spirits so far as I know. Thore are very few or the bt>ya I kne.v before joining the battalion with us, but they ale all jolly good fellows all ihe same. The weather has for the last two weeks been real lovely dry and bright sunshiny days, which came to an end during last night, turning to what we call a French luist, which wets a Canadian to the skin. Here's hoping the weather takes a change foi the bitt.r soon, as thrre is plenty tf mud unde. fool now to suit the most of u-' over here. It uit»'t too awful bad just now, it's only from one inch to fourteen inches c'eep with, at cours.-, odd places more than that. While writing a letter home to my mother the other day over in the \ M C .V I happened to look up and saw that I WKs hting Matched *by a pair of eyes .\hich I at oiR-e rccoguiz'.d as belonging o nn old tthoolmate if inuiii in the pOiSou of Pit*, '^'lu,. TSrldcorn. Seedless o s:if \\\v\\, took pLkca tlieu Xut having aiu^hto wii'e Hbru"^, I will cl .>e,»i.shini{ riic .Vuvitnce every sucecjs. ~lOiiti2:» Feb. 17, l»lt<. An address and presentation was given at the home of Mr. Robert Fenwick. Maxwell, to MLss Alice Ftiiwick. when she was presented with a club bag, a manicure set and following address : To Miss Alice Fenwick ,--It is ffi;|j regret that we learn of your intending departure from our community. Our appreciation jf your whole htarted and willing service is not to be esti-uated by the intrinsic value of tha accompanying these are but small takens of our rejard and good wishes for Words fail to express our gratitude for what you have been enabled to do for the Master in connection with the Maxwell Methodist church, .Sunday School and Ladies' Aid. Praynn' for tne blessing of Almighty God to rest upon you in your future sphere and trustiag that His benediction shall crown your labois with success. We are yours in behalf of :he friends in His service. Annie Uny, Sec. Ladies' Aid. A. N. Browiiridge, sup. of S. S., Rev. C. U. Forth, pastor. jifi heartfelt yourself. ^ W. H. BUNT Agent for Dominion Pianos and Organs FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. 7"^. ^ Oddsand Ends ^ ; ,,--j; ior sale c:ieiip aim on easy [iriiis. Lot lo, con. 11, 0.sprey, 110 acres. This i a first class farm and in a good state o cultivation. (lood lank barn i»ud uew frame dwelling. Apply co R. o. Sproule Flesherton Kentnev's Popular Jtusie Store. VI ark- dale, is the placs to buy your Piiao, Organ, Phonograph, Sewing Machine. Sheet Music, and .all . musical supplies. Try Feverslia.n Pastry Flour, the best for your co..k. Ail dnti.ri" nla"it. Yearling Leicester rani for Sale at S15. J. .\ Slu-irt. Ivimbcrley. THE Bi.>YS&GIULS WliL have been work- so strenui'usly on the farms producin,^ food food for those at ad Overseas should be given portunity of improving their Edu- cation during Che sla':k winter months at the The fees are no higher thin when farm produce sold al half the price of today. The youns people will be benetitad throughout life from the tiaining iu Business obtained in a few winter months of uur Special Business Course. Wiu'er terta bo^ins. Wed. .1 iti. '-' Circulars fne. C.A~ FLEMING, F.C. A.. Pi-iiiGipal, Dept. A.. Owed Sound, Ontario. Columbia Grafonolas Columbia Records ! â€" F'JR SALE BVâ€" W, A. Armstrong •J KWELLER. FLESHERTCIX Cow for saleâ€" Due 1st. Miy. t^ y.'irs | old. Apply to Uobtrt Uaboiue, Eugenia^ ;i^[' iiiins.iiii, ill Carefully Corrected Each "Week MISCELLANEOIS H.ivinu taken over from U. b. McL'.an the W. O. Pickoll Insurance business, I am prepared to look after 'he interests if [he public Hugh U. Himnund. R. K Xo.l. Eugcj i.a Agent. Phone 2 r :i. 1 Aug. For Sale -A Dohcrty organ, Hv octave, knee swell, octave Coupler and ight other stops ; in good condition : cheap and on ea«y- t.-iins. Enoaite at Advance othce. Busier Eggs, frosh Wheat Oats . . . . Pe.v' Barley .... Potatoes. . Buckwheat Hides Ducks .... Geese Chickens. , . Fowl :;o to 42 40 .0 40 'ii ii> t c 2 2D tK) to 90 ! (18 to 4 OO 1 liO to 1 lio ?1.35 '.<b to '.!.â- > Ulc to lOo 2:i to 23 21 to 21 •22 to 22 \C, to n> Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'ereat. â- Vl'I'ly to R. J. Sproule, Flesherion. sept 23 Pure bred Durham Hull for sale, ei:{hteen nionihs old, fr^mi McPherson s'ock. Apply to J. Williamson, Price- ville P.O. For Saleâ€" Pure Bied Sliunh-irn Bull for s.ile, it}j months old, dark red, price right. Al.so300 W, O. A. C oats for seed, pure and Jl 2"i ji.r bu. J««. Clubbing Rates The Advance has no extensive clubbing lisl this fall, most of the papers being suppUad al regular rates. Following are soma prices : The Advance * l-OO Globe *â- â€¢Â» Mad •*-^ The World and Advapoe 4 75 News and Advance. Star and .\dvauce. . 3.75 3.75 Fiudlay^ M iikdale I'. 0. Phnne. For Saleâ€" Lady's coon coat, s'lzn 3S, fur as g<»>d as new. ni.iy be seen at- this oHico. Farm ^Van•edâ€"Tu^en^, near school - T. Fenwick, Eugenia. Kinhest pticd for buttei and egg* at Crahaiu Bros. Eugenia. June 29 Youth's Companion 225 Family Hei-idd ^.. 1 2» BULL FOR SERVICV; Ucgistertji Shorthorn buil for ."service. Terms: Jl. 50 for grade cows. $.'! i>0 for rc(ti»icred cows. C'.>n. 4, lots 10 U Artenicsia, 1 JulylSâ€" -J, D. McLEOD. Ceylon. Mali. I iiiODcy m yoiii' spare time this Winter by SLiiing Nursery Stock aud New Seed Potatoes This is the time to start on Spring yale,'. We pay liigbest comniissious aud furuisl. out' Salesmen with litera- lure with a "punch" to it. Seud fjr our list of New Offoriugs aud fttll particulars, .- â€" StonR & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. f Established 1S;3-.) TORONTO - ONTARia For Sale or Kent The following Viiluable Properly : One lot situated on the side o£ Sydenham street, Flesherton, coutaitiiug a seven roomed trnmo dwelling fitted with electric light, soft water in baacinent. One let situated on north sido oC Marsjnrct street, Flesherton, containing; a nix ruumed frame dwelling and frame s'.able. Also a park lot containiug tiro acres, woU fenced and cultivated. For terms diiJ particulars apply to IJan SILAS SHI. yK. I â-  'Si'j(S'i,^'aj.-.»«'»?r

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