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Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1918, p. 4

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March -J I lit Is T H £ F L E S II K If r N A b V A N C E SHSHWS" TH Ki Flcsherton Advance •n lalapendent newipuper, j)iibU«ht>il every fhiir Alay »t th' offiw. C«<llinif«\)<Kl Street, t'irdherton. Suljicripti.vii |>ru-« $\ |M-r»nimiii iheu lK»i<i in nice ;♦l..^.>«h. ii net «.. pa''l Adver •Wnit mIm ">n aiipliciili .:;. v_ i^cnlatioK I, loo weekly w. H. Tiirusro.N. - rion'. Ac:iONT8 OF KAISKH. A Now York Polish Ncmvs|>u|ii' Mask Off thu liol.'siioviki. "It Is probably known thai the counter revolution in Ku.ssia, wliloli liolped to the rtownfall of Keipnsky. was Inspirsil by Germans; still, not Graduated War Tax on Incomes Ir the iocoiiic w*r tax law, abnut to be api>lieJ, did nothing more tlian i.-*ube a lu-.ional stock-takiru-, it Wculil siTxc a uiJhl useful purpose. Tiie l«kin'^ i«f an iiiv. iiloiy ut or.e's resources invntially iu liues a desiie to tave and a dusire to bhvb wlieu tiaiisUtid, ,-»< it v^ry freiiueutly i«, into a deterniin- attoo to savf, means neoiiig "n witli tl'f war, at well «« luiiiiineps all around. Thi.s proce.-i-i ; tir*l an luvoiitory of one s resource.', then a desiro t(> save, npplied to every uonjarried iiersmi, or wMow and widower without dependent children, receiving an iiicouK' of »l,;)iJO,iiiia over, arid to all o»her persons receiving an in.:oiiie of S:{,0<X ami over, will un.iuest- ionably result in a large proprrtion of cisew, in â- <â-  deteriiiiimtiou to save. And Ihac means more gt-nerul prosperity and renewed natiunal streof^lh. Bat a national st.ickt.ikiui; is oul; incidental, ofccuise, to ih.-chi».i 1' "'!"" ^ of the income wir 'ux, which is to provide revenue for the psosicutiun of the war m as e.iuilablea manner as possible. The tax is to be((r»duuted, accoidini; to one's ability to pay. Those who are in receipt of only a livin;^ waje or silary will ii called upon to p»y ; those eiijoyio'.; hii^hest i-icom-s will he called upon to pay the greatest amount.-, and ihe t;roal body of iiicoiu! recaveri h>.-tween, wil. uinn (0 piy ill llieif *'"'' Blackâ€" Ferguson An event of unusu d iiiiereat to( k (jUco at the home of Mr. .los. t'ergusoii, MuKwell, lui \\-«d. March ti;h, when his youn({e»t diughter, Daisy liaheJ, Mas united in inarii.ige lo Mr. W I. Hlatk, only aon 'rf Mr. and MrF, Neil Black, slso | many umlorstand how many (ieniian of M«.\«ell. I The ceremony took pla:'e ai'o'cloik in I he evrpiii^. Hew Jniiies Scutie, I'rcsbyteiian iniiiistei, otlicialing. The bride, who was i<iveii uw;iy by her father, looked lovely in ii Kiwiple gown of ivory ailk ciepe-de-uheike witb veil arri>iif{e(l in a bt'C >inti>g cap tll'eet with oraniju blossouis. Mrs. .Scohit pliytd the wid lini! iijusic and mnn "Net because your boait is mine" very Hweetly during the s'(tniDg of the register. Only the immedialc relatives mid a few friends of the young couple wure present at the ceremony. Misi M^ud liUck and Loui!>e Black of Toronto, and Miss CHilwriiie and Donald Ferguson from Collingwood c one home for iho event. The bridu has taken an active yav iu eliurc'h work oi all kit ds and thu ineinhtrs of the con;{ri'Kation showed their oppitc- iation of her services aj organist by presenting her wiih a !>ift of money shortly liefore her npvrriii;{e. The young noiiple will be at boii.i, to tlieir many friends aftei .\pril J. iit their home on the fourth lite. Tears â-º^< SPRING ; of the! I p "rbluin. ! V i t be the be cille I proportion. Moreover, the 'purpose of the act is to distribute the burden e.iuiuble am )ngall cUssjs. B/.'.wiyJof lilustrsnion. the larmers will be reipiired to add t o the value of his actual income, the >alne of the home grown pioducts which hi- own fa.nily consumes . This places the farmer on A plane with th.' h*l»ried iiiin, the value of wh (se services is wholly represened in the inc )iiiw received and against wbich he must cliar-e all bis living expenses. Cmada hasojtihlished a war rKord tha'. is tho envy of the World. It is certain thai the Canidiaii yeuplo will run true to form in answer to this latest cili of their »ii- ({•iveiniiient. FOR SALE About 300 husbels of Vj \ C oats fr. ni legiUered sseJ, SM bushels IIec'.<ii« Kuly white, and ah>ut :VJ tons of go. d hay. and n large brood sow, s'lpp^seU be due in Apnl â€" ^^. '«• •>''". .Station. to Proli n Three Irio ^ i.! » I'liKey. weighing ;l!»J p.jui.dieaeh, were sei/.:i at Sc'i..w Slitioa ou the Trunk. There >v. s nothing to*Hhow whTe"' li they were shipped . tâ€" ije^l ^"fjjcallle^were eaher killed outright or hid to bu slawjliieieH by buing run into by « tram near Fergus. Fourtooii pjker playeis w-mo lined »o and coats each at Guelph, making t, total o' .*1 -'H. )U I M.:J to the City exclK-(Oir AUCTION SALE 0:<' FARM STOCK, Kit'. ".JAMKS VAfSK, h.t ;U, can 4,.S.I> K .Tttenieiii. wi;l se'l on Ttiursday, A1 inh \il, i\; 1 o'clock, the folloW;ri.( nrtie'es, Uiuidyâ€" _^'^ FAIIM .STOCK-Hoavycoht li.siog:;, (ienur.*! purpose iiHie suppisol li be in foil, Broo I sow. 13 g<>>U e*i», Hl«er rising 1, c >w 10 years old du> April '.'4, Oow 4 yenrs old. milking, liuo A'U.'ati, cuw 7 yen « old oilf «• f'"i', cow tl yetrs old die M.i^ •.'4, Ciw H years old, sUer risini/ ."t, hjif^^r rising .'I, 2 heifer-' rising •i, .-> Htee.s risinii 'i, '• heifers 1. .ild, 7 Hueking pi^n, :5 yoiin,' | «s, l>iili.iin bull 2 yrirs old regimered, 2 gjcse and ~g»i»dor, a nnm'ier of liens. IMl'LKMhNX«-Mussey Harris bin- der foot cut n-.irly new with no k-', Massey H uris t.videi, M is--ey Mini., hide rake and leiMer comlnned, M. II. hay l<>.ider, (lis;, wa-.xni bo\. Unl ici'.l>r wag'ii . I'e'er 11 tmiltoti 11 hoc dr II, I'eler liainillo.i liay lake, II foi', I'hI^t Haiiilion mower ,^ foot cut, turnip .sower No. •-•l Fleury plow, (Jcuttler, sprayer, ileigh, sat l).llit(^r.^ sleigo, |iiirii'p pulp !r, '200" h (Jnriiey pUiforni scile, li»y raok, 40 foot ei ensiin laddei, st lel. rack, whet-l burrow, DeLival cioHin sep «r«tor, power horse cli|)p«r, new. M ISCKLL.\S KOI Kâ€"Hi(loboar.l, Daisy churn No. o, eookitove, nu:<ai k.-iile, Ntepla'lacr, 'i bedsteads, sot skidding t.,iig», «'â- ! I'low b^riiess.set team liarness, aUiul :KKW ilrainage tileK, a (|Uantity nf mixed one inch lumber, a ipianlity of two inch plank, a ijuinlily of shingles a small numher of red brioki, a (luantit.- ot potaties. a <|uanlily of good hay '/(uan'itjr of gram hsgs, lieater, chains ^oikoand nunv ther articles. Terms â€" So and under, ('lib ; i.ti tli t :inir,uiit f2 inintbB' credit urn per can', ofl for eiish ill li.:'a of notes. ^" iH. VAl'SK, D.Mcl'HAlIi I'l.'i, Anotioncvt Letter From Sask. .Mr !•; U. Ij.ftiald of tlloiuide, Sask., writing The Ailva-ice. says : \Vu are having lots of snow and it I as been cold at tiiiu.-sâ€" 42 [ believe was tlie coU'est. L-iod i.T cliaiisjing hairls :iroui;d liere fast and rates from Sin , to S<iO per acre, according to inipr.pvenients. .\ll a person has 'o do is to ofl'jr his land^for sale and it is so. in [tick d up. ts were u failure last year and the t> n;; n inter iy lelliog on feel. I never law so lunch ivheal s:raw fed since 1 came West. Wages are rating "^froin g.'iU to $hO per m mill for single men, in. in and wife 8«.t0 to $1200 per year, according to iheir obiliiy. Horses are very cheap, on arcouiit of the .'â- carcity of fepil the clieipost .since I came \Ve--l in ll'lfl. C range about IJIOO. .\ great many are sick with severe coM,, 1,11' we have escaped so far. \\ e are all longing lo be (>ii the lilid. Toe c untry is in fine shape for a crop, as a great deal of summer fillowing was done last yeir, but the tcarcity of help is going to hiiuler us a lot, as the lir.-i volunteers robheJ tliii countiy of oi r best men, and the government thiiils my old tiling is good cmmiib lo firm wi^h. I'U' I t<jll yoa it ri-'idires the lust 111 11 to faim lieie, as it is always four, six or lU'te hor.»e» to liandlo, .•iiid In know how to aiiju-t the p'ow. etc. Fioi'peiitv Hi villi aid yoiiis, ai:il li y..ur paj . i:. D. l.-IIAUIi. kvcvinutloii.s In Russia. To realize what has happened In RuKSiii, we .should rpmembpr IIiIh: That two antagoni.siio ri^volutions started in Ititssia at exactly the same lime, and that they have, siiiep March, 1917, been raetng madly lo beat each other, first one and then the other gettinK Iho uppor hand. With the oueeonv. moat of the Ilns- sians who think â€";iBd wo must rea- lize that only a very small proporllon of llu.ssiaus do thing or know bow (o think- â€" are profoniidiy sliocked and disgufiled. Most, but not all. The .small Init Iremt^ndotisly active class led by Ni- cola! Leiiine, vbose I'eal niiiiie is said by some to bo Ulyiinoff, and by oth- ers lo be Zoderblmn; and by Trotsky, who formerly calied himself firaiin- Blein, Is v/ildly elalfd over what lias happened, and coiinls If as only a beginning, not for Russia only, hut for the whole world. Kor we bIuiU be wise to get it into our ininda at the oiit.set that the Lenine-Trolsky linl- slieviltl, like tho Cerinan Kal&or, aim at world domination. The Bolshevikl are lie lineal suc- cesKor.s of the old Nihilist and Ter- rorist groups, wlio advocated and practiced asaassinaf ion. Their inoKo, "The 'J'rliiinph of i-realion is deatrui-- lioii," is fully accepted by the l!ol- flbeviki, who plan to tear down and destroy all the exbiing 'robhei- gov- orninentH," Including our own. The Bolshevikl are, tli(>refore, the nldi^r of the two Uiissian revolutionary movements. took part in it," declares the Woln.i Pulsba, a .New York Polish paper tiiat has cxcelb^nt sources of Information. ".Not only that the leader of this luovcmeut received money from the German (ioverninent, but, in fact, hp is a I'nissian agent. It is known that not only he, but the majority ot his comrades, are Oerman Jews. "A Pi'trograd (orrespondent who investigated the past o( every lueiu- ber of the present Itnssian Govern- ment (Bolshevlki) was convinced that the Russian names of those men were pseudonyms only "For example, the real name premier is not Lenine, but Zeber "The ex-Secrotary of Agriculture,! Tabernow's name is Feldnian. i "The notorious Parvus, who was' the mediator between f.enine and the' Prussian Government, is Helharb. "His confidant, who calls himself j Gansekl, possesses the real nam-e of i I''insterberg. j "The other Lenine camerade.s who ; took part in this counter-revolution, calling themselves Zinovieft, Kamye- | nefr,, Goreff, Matzkersky, .Martow .Suchanoff and Zagoisky, are nobody else but Applebaum, Zederbauni, Ros- enfeld, Goldman, Goldberg, Hinmer and Krachraan. "It is sufficient to examine their names to discover the German ruse. The counter-revolution which was consummated fully by the ftussian nation, desiring liberty, presents it- self as a ruse organized in Prussian style. The Prussians have always used such means for cenliiries In or- der to conquer nations which they detested. The best prooC is Poland. Tl".;-re, where they were unable to win the war in an honorable way, they used ruse, employing intrigue and murder as well in order to obtain their object. "The present war gives us enough similar examples of tht; detestable ways used by Gerraan.*;. With the old of treason and fooling they try to conquer the whole world. Only a fool could believe in tl.e smallest pro- raises from Berlin, until Ihe Hohen- zollerns' reign, supported by treason and lirntal force, shall be totally crushed." 1 r. < .< I \ .1 Millinery Opening FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 22 AND 23 Ladies are cordially invited to be present at our Millinery Opening. Miss Mae Mitchell is in charge of the Show room and you are assured of prompt attention and capable exe- cution of your orders. Everything reasonably priced. New House Furnishings TIu' iK'iir approach of .Sprin;^ umkes one think of the iiuiny cliH'erent wants to bti supplictl uioiukI house clyaniny time. We have it splendid choice in any of ^] the articles mentioned in this list and everything is rea.sonably priced considering -• war condititni.s Carpet Siinaies Rugs and Mat.s lligb roRt of liiving. History repeats itself in a dls- -oiiraging way when it comes to mu- nicipal matters, observes the .New Vork Kvening I'orI. 'n I74G Cover- nor Golden states that an "Income which would have enabled a family to live with some distinction thirlv 01 forty years since, is now not siilfi- clent for a family of middling rank." The cost of living in the busy little clly was continually on Ihe rise. There weie other monopolie.-i besides those coverlni? fuel. The lleef of the day, which serewed beef up lo seven cents a in the metro- polis compared with lour cents in the nuburbs, was cliurncl'-rized by a con- temporary miKkraker as "one of the most Impudent combinations thai wuH ever suffered ninong a free and thinking people." is f >5 V C.'ietonncs Wall I'apers Linoleums Paint.s Floor OilcloUis Floor Finishes Slair Oilcloth.'^ Varnishei^ Window Shade.-' Chintzes Curtain poles Curtain Rods Curtain Scrims Lace Curtains Liquid Veneer Ja]i Matting Kalsoniines FJnishes Carpet S weepers Eroonis 0' Cedar mop.= Bungalow Nets Art Sateens F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Buying Suggestions Need Moi-e Houses Vice Consul Hamilton C. Claiborne, i Silver Plated Cutlery Bradford, England, says: j The Local GoviTninent Hoard, anti- cipating the era of reconstruction â-  that must follow the war, are maklns i an inquiry of local authorities | throughout th(> country as to their housing needs. Th-j Bradford health ' committee has staled that the city's needs after the war will be at lea.-:t i lO.OtXJ houses. I The great demand for houses and the recent stagnation of building are iK-lioved to foreshadow a sreul de- 1 mand for all kinds of building ma- terial at the conclusion of hostilities. Vice Consul Thomas H. Bevan, Glasgow, say.'<: The royal commission of Scottish Imuslng has jusf pnbtish- ed its report on present liousiug con- ditions of the Glasgow district. The report shows that the existing, housing accommodation in the city, j .\iiil in:iiiy other very useful gift a.s regards houses r-f four apartments' ..«.._ and under, amount to 21.':,KG;i; that file -vacant houses nuiuber 2,071, the, i.vererowded or sublet houses 2,S5r>, uninhabited houses 5,000, and houses â- J, 55,"), uninhabited houses 5,000. and liouses defective but remediable '),00U. Additional houses to the num- ber of 46,700 are required at the present time and at least 5,000 in each succeeding year. The view of the local authorities is that private enterpri.'-.\ unaided, ran not be expected to provide houses for the working classes at the close of the war. It has been reliably re- ported that the Governmont has al- ready approved a plan to coinmenco ilie construction of a large number of liouse.s immediately after the conclu- ects Cruets Gold Meat l-'orks lieny Spoon.- Sugar Sli(.ll.-< riclde l''(irks Cut lats St Is Carvino sets Pic Kiiive.s i)(c>i lifer Pickle Pocket C'utk-iy lia/.ors, Sliavjog liiu.-rns Skates (auloiiiobilei IJociioy pupplics Ciotlics Wringeis Cariirt Sweepers Eiiaiiielware, t'iinriis. Food Clioppers llaiulsav.'s, Uucksaws, Unices F.W. DUNCAN The FI6shert6n Hafdw.'ire. Phone M) r^. Pulpwood Wanted Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorough ored Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8. Osprey. Terms 81. ".O. FUED SPOFF.AUD. Complete a Course in^Ke ELLIOTT Voiige anJ Cliaiies SticeiiS, Torouto And the results will prove to you Wisdom of gra '.uating from '.his Fauioua School. Ciitalosue Free. Kn'.er any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PuixciPAi. Fleslierton ^^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Salisfaetio L.^UXDllYâ€" Basket closes Monda.y night, delivery Friday eveniu CLE.\NING and DYEINGâ€" We at' agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clotlini. cleaned and dyed, feather.-i rejuvena'eJ T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR STOCK FOR SALE I have it piescnt for(|uick .sale L' Viakshire sows, snmo youns.' cross-bred piijB ju-t ready to wean, I Kouen drake, 1 Barred Rock rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€" GEG. W. KOSS, Osprey Tel. Systcin. Ma.wiiMl, I'.O, New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I iiui opcnmii iiiiatjiite, a blacksuiith- iiit» and wuodworkinii lui.<niess in Max- well, and ain'iiaMilluin up-li>date wood- workiiii; maciiiiieiy. It will be my en deavor t-j serve the puli!io in a satisfac- tory inamiei and 1 would solicit pitron- aee. 1 w int yoiuKork and will do it right. 7 .\pril 1 CHESTER LONG Two thousand cords of Sj race and IVilsnm wood, cut t ff. loiii:, not leis llian \\ ill. at ihe siiia'.l eo'l, ku'ifs trimmed close, for which W'l will \my §0 lior cord for balsam, and $7 p"!' ''"ril for slon of the lonstrucled war. are The house.! to bo l*^!""''"- of the tenement >tatiiui (lass, each containing twelve small flats. from eight lo dcli\ered at nearest li-iilrcad Anyone h-tvim; siiiie fur sih' write lo pliiMo' Muik iaie 50 :>-. â€" W. 'I'. Kl.l.lS, Kiniberley. The Tnbles Turned. It is really aniiisin!-' how the tables have bt .ni fnrni-d in France. It is now the turn of the t!overnment offi- cials to get anxious and worried when a newspaper appears with a sheet v.liii-h obviously has hern ctMisored. The other day u solemn otncinl note was issued to this effect: "An even- ing paper has appeared with a blank in its lalest news columns. It was never asked to delete anything." The mysterious occurrence was e.xplained on the following day by the Teinp.s. the paper concerned. It had blanked out some of Its own news, having found a repetition at the time of go- ing to press. The consternation of Government ofHcials is Ihe subject of a good (leal of amusement, but it is also inm-h appreciated, as very clearly showing the entirely new basis on which the censorship is now being ex- ercised. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The l.-itcsl 111 Sheet Mll^lc at the I'HOTO CiALLtRY liJj Flesherton Tri Shop mi ItM of "Inlliieiice." "Reginald asked my permission to request your hand In marriage," re- marked Mr. Ciimr'-i "Don't you approve of that?" en- quired Glartys, "I suppoBo BO. But I can't help thinking he ought lo talk to you for hiniself without slipping uroiiiiil and U^lnx to (Ot a pull with your family." Tlie King of Space. An albatross In a storm is a won- derful sight. No matter how furious Ihe gale, no matter how fi<Mce the hurricane squalls ot Cape Horn, the great bird soars up against the blast grim and .serene. Then wheeling, he comes sweeping down on the wings of the gale at a speed so tremendous that it cannot be less than eighty or ninety miles an, hour, when, describ- ing a low but Immense circle, with the tip of his lee-wing .iiist brushing \ Iho lop of the giant waves, he again, (ake.s his (light upward against Ihe ! storm. No living creature conveys j the Idea of boundless freedom so per- 1 feclly as the King ot Space, the Wan- ; dering Albatross, â€" Paul Eve 8teven- ' lOD. $90 W. A. Hawken - Flesherton Phone 2a r4 Farm for Sale Inrnriablo Exception. Again the old familiar cry That wo have learned to know too well â€" "Th»< price of everything's too high â€" ExceplluK tblogs I seek to 8«11." Lot 152 - I.">;i K'Sl Bick Line, Arte- mesia, .nile and « (iiarier from Fli-.-liertoli. Con'.aiiii'ig '-'tl aeies. mostli cleared ; C(.inf(e table hou e, ;;ood barn with "tone foi.iidntioii, miuII oreliaiil ; farm wellwate.ei, g'"d iiniiii ois'oik fiirui. For piitliculais apply mi the premises to â€" JOilS BEECHOI'T, FIcsherlPU, P<) ' II l».l 11 \% %\ II % II 1 liavo jnst placed tin the shelves a full line ot Tinwai'e, iS^ickelvvaro ami Agateware for domestic use. (^all on uie jintl get your supplies. Kavctmugliiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Illg.s. iJopairing ofall kiiuls promptly attcndetl to. ripefittiug, iiKliidiiig pump Mirnaces installed. Agent i i II 11 iiiii II iMiniaces. work. for Clare Bros. % II tiil l^jl II t lljll .„._^^ f D. /VlcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK liij FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. FARM IMPLEMENTS t Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets I Agents For Wagons Plows Hay Fakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.

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