m m^ummmmt mm ^^mm' imm WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE It r K Such Sufferers Can be Restored by Building Up the Blood. Nervous people who have not developed a disease that can be DRY-LAND FISHES. Inhabitantii of India and Siouth Africa That Can Live Ashore. The phrase "like a fish out of wa- ter" was coined as a vivid means of expressing extreme discomfort amid yet unusual surroundings. Doubtless the ro. I originator felt confident that no fish FERTILIZER Sacrifice. I saw them there â€" The train staccato panting in expect- ant haste, Car doors and windows bulging forms all khaki-clad â€" K laugh upon his lips, his arm about Urtgin of Dread Disease Prevalent in- ou ' _ n "'.i. u • i • : " She, small with bent and drooping ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, WEST TORONTO LIMITED CANADA WHEN THF I'I.A(;L'E IS WOPST. cognized and treated by the medical | could leave its natural element for any profession have the greatest trouble in finding relief. Irritation, head- aches, sleeplessness, nervous dyspep- sia, all these discomforts make life miserable, but are endured rather than run a doctor's bill without de- finite hope of an improved condition. Every sufferer should know the ; T^'^ .strange creature is the anabas, danger of such a condition t« the , or climbing perch. It is eciuipped nervous system. Nervous debility i ^''•' ^^out spines on \U under fins and length of time and live. According to Mr. VV. P. Pycraft, who writes in Mar- vels of the Universe> however, there is a fresh-water fish in India and the Malay countries that not only can live v^thout discomfort ashore but that Parts of China. News dispatches speak in a horri- fying way of the recent spread of "pneumonic plague" in the Shansi province of China. Dead bodies lie about in the streets of villages and are shoulders sad ; \ hurried kiss just at the parting of : her hair. And he was gone. She shrank and withered'as from heat of hungry flame, not removed for fear of infection. The : Then gaspedâ€" and stood erectâ€" and local authorities fffefy Government or- | softly breathed Ris name; ilers and oppose the efforts of Chinese I saw leap to her ey<»6 a light that put and foreign medical men to fight the ! to shame dreaded malady. BAKING POWDER. CONTAINa NO ALUM. Th« only w*ll knovim m«dlum prIcMl b*t>ln( po«vd«r mad* In f^-»».«ri Xttm* ds«« not o*ntaJi» alum •ml which »ims ail lu ln(r*dl«fiU pialnly •tatod on tit* labvL E.WGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED | rORONTQ. OUT. â- VtMNIPCO MOMT »«e*L BAKING POWDEB Science and the .\rt.s. I Lay a piece of newspaper over th« If I had to live my life over again.' ''"^-strainer before pouring greasy jThe glory that she knew when M^was' I would make it a rule tu read some «'ator down the drain-pipe. It will and even paralysis may result if the tone of the nerves is not restored. gill covers, and it thrusts these make shifts for feet into the gi'ound a it born. â€" Evelyn King Gilmore. of impending' drought warns .^he ana- bas X.9 leave the pond in which it-- is living, it sometimes makes overland journ^s of considerable length in search of deeper water. A special the I breathing apparatus enables it to live Pg. : out of water. This takes the form of The one, big fact that brings hope '^J'^Sles forward. When premonition and relief i.s that the nerves can be restored by building up the blood. It.'cannot be too often repeated that 6rtly through the blood can nourish- ment or medicine reach the nerves Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make blood rich and red and quickly .. , store vitality and onergy to a weak, | a pair of large* cavities, one on either nervous, system. A nervous person f 'de of the head, opening (i<nvnward who gives these pills a trial .is almost i '"^" ^^^ g'" chamber and divided by . certain to see good results, and what I "^i"- scroll-like plates of bone cove'r- is more, the benefit will be lasting be- ed with a delicate jkin, over which cause the trouble is attacked at its I ramifies a network of blood vessels for root; building up the blood restores the' purpose of absorbing oxygen. the nerve force. That is why people I ^'o less strange than the anabas i^ who occasionally take Dr. Williajns' ' ^ tish that inhabits the waters of LalTe Pink Pills always feel bright, .ictive : Victoria Nyanza ki .Africa. Sir John and strong. Mrs. Wm. Mclntyre, ' Bland-Sutton describes it in his book, Gananoque, Ont., says:â€" "Fq;- a num-j^^"." ^."^ Beast in Eastern Ethiopia. ber of years I wjts always tired ^nd This fish is equipped with lungs as listless. The least noise would so! well as with gills, and is known as startle me that I would tremble and i ^^^ mamha, or mudfish. It is long and shake; my heart would flutter, and 1 1 cylindrical in shape, something like an would feel as though I were chok- 1 eel, and it often attains a length of ing. I was almost wholly unfitted f or ' sL\ feet. Durirtg the dry season the housew6rk, and always so nervous th?it i marshes that the mudfish frequents life was almost a burden. I tried sev- 1 dry up, and, to meet that change, it eral medicine.^, but they did not help burrows into the mud to the depth of , me in the least. One day I received a i eighteen inches, makes a cocoon or ! pamphlet describing Dr, Williams' I capsule of mucus, secreted by the: Pink Pills and decided to give them a ' glands of its skin, coils up. and re- ' trial. I am glad now that I did for \ mains m a dormant state for half a , after using eight boxes they have so year. j strengthened and built up my run- | AH this time it breathes entirely by down, nervous system that I can work j its lungs, and obtains air through a with pleasure and feel refreshed after , small aperture in the dry mud. In a night's sleep. I sincerely hope some | ,^is condition it is often dug up by similar sufferer may benefit by my â- the natives, who appreciate it highly experience." â- as an a^iicle of diet. I If you are weak, nervous or feel- ! When placed in warm water it im- ing "out of sorts," give Dr. WilliaAs' ' mediately wakes from its sleep and Pink Pills a trial and you will be , resumes the gill method of breathing, surprised to see how quickly the ; In ordinary circumstances the fish re- nervousness will pass away and your ; mains dormant within the cocoon un- former energy return. You can get til the rainy season floods the marshe these "pills through your medicine \ again dealer, or by mail 61 .50 cents a box or six boxes for $3.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •> Everybody knows about the "bu.-. bonic" plague, and that it is carried by rats. But the term "pneumonic" is little understood. It is the same disease, but in an- other and much more dreadful form. When many cases of plague have de- veloped, the lungs of some of the vic- tims are liable to become infected. 'Germs distributed from their sputum get into the air. Other people breathe them, and soon the very atmosphere is ' pcisoned. The infection then spreads ' like wildfire and human beings die like flies. The populations of ehtire towns are • literally wiped out in a few weeks' ; timv. That is what is happening in ! th.> Skansi province just now. ' The symptoms are like those of an extremely malignant type of pneu- â- monia. The lungs fill up with water' f f^„„„,);„„ , • rv jj- v.a , . , - t ^1. • i.- 1- "' Canadians who praise Dodd s Kid-j and in a day or two the victim dies. , _„„ tj;,,, c .u i iu i i _ T, ,, -^u t .. • . 1 "ey "'lis tor the good they ha^'e done, Death comes with grei.t certainty and , ,u.>_„ ;„ ^ .. i • ^t , , , . , "^ â- ' there is no more fervent admirer of remarkable quickness. ,i,„ „,„i . • . 1.^1. t 1 i T-, . , ' - ,.. 1 '•"e great kidney remedy than Isidore ,I^"!..it: 'r:?J:/ ?Tf nP'f!;!!!>Iercredi, of this place. He Knows Just Why He Admires Them Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Mrs. Mercredi. She Had Been 111 Two Years and Could Find No Cur». That's Why Her Husband Is Enthusiastic Over Dodd's Kidney Pills. | Fort Smith, Alberta, March llth '•(Special.) â€" Among all the thousands , good poetry and listen to some good gather and hold the grease and keep : music at least once a week. â€" Charles l**« P'Pe» ''"om clogging. I Darwin. Xinard'i Unlment Corel Oandmff. .\ golden dream was sent to dreamers two; BClnard'i Xilnimeat Cure* Boma, Etc FOB HAMM WEEKLY .NEWSr.^I'ER I.N WfaiST- ern Ontario. Doing a good busl- 0„„ „„ »_„ J .u J .1. »T nesa. Death or owner pluces It on iha ne scorned the dream, the other ma,.ket. A irreat chunce for a man with m&de it True leash. adpIv Box S2. wiison Pubiishinc „ Co.. Limited. Toronto. How much happier most of us would be if we had the moral courage Ontario, WELL and EQL-II'PED N'ETWSrArER job prlutinir plant In Eastern Iiiauraiice carried 11.500. WlU to it«v mora i.fton "Vn I <•« n'f uf ''° ^'"" *l-''''l on quick sale. Box 6J. M) say more urten, ?*o, i cant ar- ;^.,jj.^|^p.jijj|j,|jjng co.. Ltd.. Toronto, ford it!" ; â- 0~,) o <J â€" O ij â€" o â€" o â€" o â€" oâ€"o o WITH THE fingers: SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or lacaErLAJtxoTrs CANCER. TL'MORS. LUMPS. ETC, Internal and axternaJ. cured with- out pain by our home treatment ^Vrlta ns before too late. Dr. Bellman Mediuai Co.. Limited. ColltnKwood. Ont. worse even than this. It is called the ! •"septicemic," being a poi.soning of the ' ^^ ^ j word"for Dodd's' Kidney ed right out «-ith the fingers if you blood Germs find their way directly pii,.. ji^ jj^^^.^^j. ..,, . . . into the blood-stream an.l the sufferer ^,^^ ^.^^ ^^^ J literally rots away. •'Yes, it always gives me pleasure any kind of a corn can shortly be lift- 's Kidney ed right out with the fingers if you 'My wife will apply on the corn a few drops of We could freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. ' not find anything to restore her In every Chinese village there are | ^^^^j,. Then we found a pamphlet be rte or more mns, where the guests ; ,^„i„g of several persons who had ^i to At little cost one can get, a small' bottle of freezone at any drug store, j ^ ._,, .,^.v:^„. j^c. -v..^ .^..^. wcv hich will positively rid one's feet of commonly sleep huddled together on^been cured by Dodd's Kklney Pills. every corn or callus without pain or I the floor. This gives a first-class op- | ,.^j^. ^^.j^^ ^^^j .^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^j soreness or the danger of infection, portunity for the rat flea (originally ^^em "and she is perfWlv well, to the , Thi^ new drug is an ether com- mfected by biting a plague- stricken ; ^^^^^ surprise of all our neighbors POund, and dries the moment it^ is ap- ' rat) to bite persons, and so to com- â- ^hey can tell you the same thing. I PHed and does not inflame or even ir- municate to them the disease. Hence ; ^.^,„j^j recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills ritate the surrounding tissue. Just mns j enough •' ; think! Y'ou can lift off your corns and , u Dodd's Kidney Pills are trffe greatest calluses now without a bit of pain or : ...,,. . , ^^'•''^''r''"^!^' '°^ 1 of all remedies for weak, suffering soreness. If your druggist hasn't original home of plagueâ€" the disease , women. They cure the kidnev«. The ffeezone he can easily get a small bot- which m the Middle Ages was known kidneys are the root of nine-tenths of tie for you from his wholesale drug- SI AND W 10 it is beyond a doubt that these are foci of plague infection. So far as can be Europe as the Care of Roses. Roses should be pruned after the hgrd freezing weather is over. Most of the monthly roses, such as the China, Bengal and Moisettes, should be cut back severely, leaving ouly one , ,, . '^''"'â- ''^, ^'^^'^'L "^ i women's ills. Moreover, cured kidneys house. the Yunnan province of China. There •_„„_ „,.„„ , ui j n i .^ , . ^ 1 L i_- ; "lean pure clear blood all over the ____ it alwavs exists, though sometimes i |,„ i,, ti,..* ~ i \. i.i. â€" â€" , , •. „ .u u body, that means good health everv- slombering. From there have come i ,yijgj.g all the great destructive epidemics of the malady since the beginning of historic times. c- j. /^ i jr. . ,- ' ' Yes, Use How a Tank Behaves. From the depths of the wood oppo- site came a crackling, crunching | to three eyes on each stem." Bourbons sound, as of some prehistoric beast ' and hybrid Chinas should be left with forcing its way through tropical un- 1 six or eight eyes. Hybrid perpetual dergrowth, writes Ian Hay. And then, j roses should have the weak and decay- ' suddenly, out from the thinning edge . ed wood cut out, also branches that ' Safety First. First Colored Recruit :- registud all right, and I'se already GIRLS! LEAION JLICE concreted; what vou gonna join, de IS SKIN WHITENER. infamy or de calvary?" t Second Colored R&cruit: "No, cal- How to make a creamy biauty lotion vary for me. Use goin' in dat infamy. When de Genrul sound de word 'Re- The Soal of a Ptano !s the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIQEU' PIANO ACTION ^iB The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal Pure and -â- sure, these fragrant, super- creamy emollients are wonderfully effective lor skin and scalp troubles that itch, bum, torture and dis- tigure infants, children and adults. Free Sample Each by Mail For free lumplu each addreaa puit-oard: ''Cuticura. DcpC N. Boatoa. U. S. A." Sold throu^liuut tiie world. for a few cents. juice of two fresh there loomed a monster â€" a monstros- ity. It did not glide, it did not walk. are crowding . The remaining shoots, which are to produce flowers, should It wallowed. It lurched, with now and be cut hack to about six or eight eyes then a laborious heave of its shoul- from the base. .\11 shoots older than ders. It fumbled its way over a low j those of last year should be cut out. ; bank matted with scrub. It crossed a Climbing roses only require the poor i ditch by the simple expedient of roll- wood cut out and the shoots shorten- ; ing the ditch out flat, and waddled ' ed sufficiently to keep them in bounds, i forward. In its path stood a young I o -â€" I tree. The monster arrived at the tree and laid its chin lovingly against the i stem. The tree leaped back, crackled and assumed a horizontal position. In ' the middle of the clearing, twenty yards further on, gaped an enormous | •hell crater, a present from the Kais- A SPLEMDID LAXATIVE | FOR THE BABYj Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid laxative for the baby. They are er. Into this the creature plunged ' nyld but thorough in their action;, blindly, to emerge, panting and puffing ; ao not gripe; are easy and pleasant on the further side. Then it stopped. | to take and are absolutely free fr«m j A magic opening appeared in its injurious drugs. Concerning them stomach, from which emerged, grin- ' Mrs. S. P. Moulton, St. Stephen, N. ning, a British subaltern and his grimy j B., writes:â€" "I have used Baby's associates. ; Qwn Tablets for a long time and have ' â- ^ I found them the most effective laxa- As soon as the snow goes and thejtive 1 have ever used for the baby." frost is out of the ground, and a few The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ' dry days take off the excess mois-|ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from ture, clear the lawns of litter or ] The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,! manure applied last autumn by the Brockville, Ont. use of the rake. Roll, to smooth The juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skin beautifier at 'â- about the cost one must pay for a j small jar of the ordinary cold creams. â- Care should be taken to strain the ] |«pon juice through a fine cloth sol no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion j will keep fr^h for months. Every ' womaii knows that lemon juice is used j to bleach and remove such blemishes j as freckles, sallowness and tan and is i the ideal skin oftener, whitener and beautifier. , the wife of the French Ambassador to Just try it! Get three ounces of the Belgian Government at Havi-e, orchard white at any drug store and saying: "Can you not raise funds for two lemons from the grficer and make our poor Belgian prisoners? or even up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- if you could go to the hotels and re- treat.' dis nigger don't wan' to be bothered with no hoss." Hlnard's Liniment Kelleves Henralsla. j Stick to It. Plan for more than you can do. ! Then do it. I Bite off more than you can chew, I Then chew it. Hitch your wagon to a star. Keep your seat» and there you are. THE BELGIAN NEED. j .â- V letter has just been received from DoiMoi's KeiOiiiiiieiKl Boii-Opto Fill- the Eyes Phvs'.claTis and »:â- « snpcialtats pr»- tcrlbe Bon-Opto as a safe home raiiufdy In the treatment of eye troubles anJ to •trengthen syeslght 3oId liider mon»y refund guaranty by all diuggtsts. grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. out the roughness. Relieving Congestion at Terminals, i Serious congestion in Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific terminals at To- , ronto and other points, has been ob- viated by the co-operation of the Can- ' adian Northern Railway in handling over its trunk line between Toronto. Ottawa and Montreal, a large number of cars which the other roads were un- staurants and ask for their waste I bread; when first dried in the oven it keeps well, and is far better than anything they get from the Germans." To freshen a carpet sweep it with a broom previously dipped in salt and water. Shake the broom well before using it, for it is needed damp, not wet . A Quick Relief for Headache A h>tadache 1> freauently cautad by badly digeetedrood; thegaeai and acid* reiulting tkerefrom are abeorbed by the blood which in turn irritate* the nervet and cauies painful •ymptomt called beadacbe. neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drop* of Motber Selftl's Synp will correct faulty di«eition ana aff erd relief. 1 EARLY A.MBITIONS. We have been u.-ing MINARD'S LINIMENT in our home for a num- able to forward, according to figures ber of years and use no other Liiii- You Will Better Understand The populiuity of Instant POStUffl when you use it as your i^gular table beverajre for a few days. It so readily pfovei? it^ owji worth iu fla- vt>r, ccmifort, couveiii- ence and economy that it.s amazing in- crease in use is quick- ly explained upon trial. "There's a Reason*' In- Carecr of T» o Noted Men Took expected Direction. .Andrew Carnegie in his early days had an ambition to enter the news- paper busines,^, but when he failed to obtain a position on the Fitt.sburg De- spatch, he turned his talents in other directions and linally became Ameri- ca's leading iron and -steel manufac- Uirer, Robert Burns, on tb*- otlior hand, spurrted efforts to fnduce him to go into journalism and thus made the way clear foi* his becoming the most lie- loved of Scottish bards. These points were brought out in ati address re- cently given by William Will, presi- dent of the London Burns Club. The first attempt to get Burns in the newspaper line was when Peter Stuart of the London Morning Post started the Star. Rurn^ declined to give active assistance in turning ont the paper, although he occa-iiionally contributed articles. Later .James Parry, proprietor of the London Morn- ing Chronicle, offered Burns £5 a week to join the staff. Burns refused the offer on the plea that his duties as an excise officer would prevent him from attending to the work. Nothing ever resulted, either from the sug- gestion that Burns write a thre<' act comic opera. \ little ground well tilled is bot- icr than a great deal that lies neglc t- ed. issued here yesterday. Up to Feb. 18th a total of 1256 load- ed Grand Trunk cars destined for east- ern points, had been accepted by the Canadian Northern at Toronto and moved east over its lines. Relief was ment but MIN.ARD'S, and we can re- j commend it highly for sprain.s, bruises, pains or tightne.ss of the chest, soreness of the throat, head- ache or anything of that sort. We will not be without it one single day. ' extended to th* C.P.R. to the extent of for we get a new bottle before the ' 3li0 cars, making a grand total of other is all used. I can recommend i* ' IGltj cars. ' highly to anyone. I It is officially announced by the Can- I 'jOHN WALKFIELD. I adian Northern that the road will fur- ' Lallave Islands, Lunenburg Co., N.S. j ther co-operate with the other lines „_______ I to the extent of 90 cars daily from the Cirand Trunk at Toronto; and 40 I cars each day from the C.P.R. at Sud- I bury to be handled over the trans- ! continental line of the C.N.R. as far I as Ottawa. No Need to Rub Try Sloan 'a Liniment ami how quickly tl>e swelliim >â- tethiced and the pain diaappcara. No aeol to rub: it pene- trate* quickly anj brings relief Have a bottle handy for rheumatic pain*. neuralgia, back ache and all mus- cle eoreiie Ceneroua bottlee, at your druggist, lie, 5Uc..$I.OO. The old Philli.stines were angels of I light compared iwth the modern Hun. ; -Sir A. Ct. Boscawen. : A little girl wrote the following ctimposition on men : "Men are what women marry. They drink and smoke and swear, but don't go to church. Pevhap.s if they wore iion- , nets they would They are more logic »1 than vvomon. also more /.oo- j logical lK)th men and women sprang' from monkeys, l)Ut the women sprang! farther than the men." | Since we have "slacker" for the man who tries to shrik his military- duty altogether, and •"clicker" for the man who hunts the softest and safest place, why not "nitter" for the girl who wastes yarn on herself that she might use for a soldier ? ' Sloaii*s The Worldly Linimeni Sloan's prices not incre.ised 35c 50c $1 HAXJLIl^C BIGCER LOADS without extra spanning is easily acconiplislied when you use xVIICA AXLE GREASE " Use half as much aa any oihtr " Axles are rough and porous, causing friction The mica flakes' fiU the pores and the grease keep$ them there. Mica Cirease pre\ ents locked wheels and hot boxes, gives sure relief for uniKtcensary strain <jii horses and harness. EUREKA HARNESS OIL â- Ltnflkena Itethtr lift " replaces the natural oils that dr> ou t of the leather and puts new lite in old harness. It penetrates the leather leaving it soft and pliable, and over- coines the 'Worst enemies of harness â€" water and dirt. Sold In ^undftrd »i%r-i oeciuges hy Utc tlealar* everywhert, IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BR.\.NCHSS LN Grandiued EyiMb, DOES YOUR STOri AC H CONTAIN A GI.A5SFUL OF ACID? SoieE^««, Bye«Inflaic;4 By Sm/t, OuiKnd TniK/qu: ukiy reli«vevl by Muilna Tiv It to youi E>c»andiiiB«by'tEy«a NeSautnt.ihtt EytCmfett !>• l»t.». la TulMi* JV-. Pot »•»• 0/ U< V|,< " Aak iMiT C«v CklCM* « Cabbage and Nut Salad. â€" For every two cup.s of shredded cabbage allow one-half cup of hickory nut meats or walnut mcat.'^. Cut the nuts in thin slices with a sharp knife, mi.v with the cahbaKe. and add boiled salad .irfssin({. £D. 7. isjiir Wild (lowers should be planted as soon as the frost is out of the grwnd. Mt&arcl'a Llaimes't for sale every wbett. 96 OUT OF too OYSPtPTlCS HAVE DA^GEROUS ACID IN THEIR STOMACHS, WHICH MUST BE NEUTRALIZED IF GOOD HEALTH IS TO BE MAIN' TAINED. If .. ^'ii iiuiJ a tfa.siiuoMl'ul "t li\ilro- I liloiK- ai'ld iTi vour iiiouth for onl.v a »»>coii(i you would not bp hui prlaeJ Rt it* burnhie mill tnOaiiilitK 'ill the tisHUeci: yrt an oiiiliient »o»-i'lull»t -nutM thiit itU Jul of 11111 <l.v^<u•â- lâ- tl<â- 8 Ko ^)>'|||l Willi a Klasaful or more of thl» iiiMvorful add In ibplr .'♦lomaiOis. ;uiil tlu'ii wtwitKi- whiit ,;i-,:«<--' '..;.â- 1 â- â- :•!â- « :inU J''t:':,x _â- -I â- â- â- .:.)â- 'thpv suflVi- tin; disciinu'on after iikhU. To pul wIiol»8onie food into an acid iloi:i:ii'h onl.v Inore.isoM tlio dlscomfoi f, bei'i^u.-*!' th»> ui'ld inlxus with tins freahi food ;itiil Uiins K -lour. iDakliig; a lot mora acid- I'lit? aclil cordiiion cau.tea lood i termoi'.tatton. wUi<;li in Itates, illsujiuU and !)il1;iiiif.s tlie temli-r .vtoiiiaoh lining, and it Ik not nuvorlsiiit; tluit si>Hvialit>te nay aolil sf-inimha aif dHnxoroui*. Tliia lii'videdly dnnneiKiis unJ unconiforl^blv 'onclitlon oiui hr ovei 'omii «lth«»r bv t'ol- lowlng a atrlcl diet or, and thie '« far «igier and more >)uIoKly effifctlve, by t.iUlnir a tc.isi>ooii(ul of blsurated iiias- neiita. iii.ivttiartor Klanaful of wat«r la'ter iii««.1m to neiitrKllao th« a*ilJlty. Thi> l«ii- ' icr oourm- t,^ much nvMei stttlsfaotory b»- CH'iR" tt oorrpcts ttie icidlty and Imidali- rrfs