'iV- fkBhniifn %bmxiu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" '• PEINOIPLEb HOT MEN. ?0l 37 No. 4J Pleaherton, Ont., Tbursday, Marcli ii'lOia W. H THDRbTON ^-^fpSS Qd PBOPRIB Pithy Proton Pointers Held Over List Week Mrs. Binuie it visiting in Tocunlo. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruwo hnve returnee tu their houiu io the West after a vinit with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Carson. Miss Elfa VVilsMi is vititiii^ her friend, Mrs. Robeit Bates. We are glad to report M»f> Lena Park tecoveriog from her recent severe illness. The members of the Red Crops society are gratified with their inouey raising canpaign, having received over 81W. Mr. RobbiDs occupied the pulpit of the Anglican church on Suudiiy last aniT gave a deep and iin4jre6sive sermoif, taking fur his subject " Ueligioii." The U F.O. stock receipts for the month of Febi nary amounted to SID,- 114.9], which, considering the weather and railroad conditions during the month, is very successful. Last week's shipment of hoifswas sold for $19.!)0 per cwt. in Toronto, which netted the own- ers $19 40 at home after expenses were paid. One valuable specinieb of the hivrt family, after paying bis own ex- penses, returned the nice sum of $87.40 to his owner, Thomas Fletcher. Miss Ethel Neilsou of Toronto has rettjrned home from an extended musical tour throuijh the wcst«rn provinces and is at present staying with her brothers here. A. Stinsoa, one of our enterprisin<{ metcDaits, has purcha.sed Win. Feard's farm on the Gravel Road. A number from here attended iii*^ hineril of the late Clarence Orr. Much eyropatby is felt for the bereaved family . Mrs. Wui. Ludlow is visitins; with her Dtece near Maxwell. The iaCant son of Mr. HerijirL ts viry iSl with pmumoiiia. Marjorie Achesob has returned hoins after a two month's visit with friends in Owen Sound. The aristocratic hog, mentioned in I:iat week's Ducdalk Herald, was surpassed, in value, by one of the same weight in the U.F.O. shipment last week. Ui.i lordship was owned by John Lianey, Portlaw, and weighed 570 puundi After all expenses were paid, Mr. Uanuy received the turn of $98.41). The Proton Station W.I. packed boxis for overseas again last week. Interesting letters have been received and read at recent tueetiugs fvom the boy.s who received boxes. Among ihein lieing loiters from Sam Woodliouse, Jolin Hauloy, Wm. Hdzi-n, J. 15. Mellsoii, T Uydtr, A E Hodgius, W J Hod!;ici.s. Tho society i$ grateful fur the doiuiti.iu.s to its recent eainpaijtn. Dundalk Ceylon Chat sirs. Archie McMullou and two chil- dren, J. C, end Mirg»ret'|«peiit the week end with Proton friends. £t6. Will McArthur of Tirontj caoip visited with friendi here over the week end. The C. P. R. has a couple of cars of men here pamlin<{ the inteiior of the station. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns uf McAteer visited the past week with the furiner's brothers, OeorKe and Frank. .Mr. H. Spioer has m ived his family from Stone's line tu H. McPhersoii's residence. M 0. Beckett, license iiispectur.t^weu Sound, paid a visit to Singhampton, "Fever'-hani aud Maxwell on Saturday, and being stormstayod spent Sunday at Ceylon . George McKeo-zie has moT<'d to his residence recently purchased in town, and Mr. Oenoe moves Wednesday to the McKenzie farm. R. C'llqaettand wife of Feversham spent a few days of the paac week at J. Stewart's. Hrnry Stone h«s purchased from Mi-s. R- Rutl^dge the residence ouw occupied by .\.lex. MoBte. The concert given in the scho'jlhouse on Friday evening by the Willing Help- ers was ()uite a success despite the fact that it was huriiedly gotten up. Mr S. Hemphill occupied the chair, when i|utie a lenuthy program was gone through. Mrs. ISi yden Gibsjn donated a pretty cmhioii for which tickets were .-.old at liJc e»oli, bi iogiug the sum of Jlti.ol). AMgut Wliiitaker being the winner, who hinded the cuxbion b.sck to bo sold, nliicli was I hen auctioned oil' by T. Gikhribt, netting $24, tot«l ^0.5O. The clour proceeds wers $'28.55. in all $i>i).05 being added tu the treatury. A hear'y vote of thanks was tendered to all who 10 kindly assisted in making it a success. The Willing Helpers will hold their iiieetitig this Friday aftsrnooii at Mta . Ueiiphilla. This ends ilie kniiliug omtest. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, who 'have been vittting the former's parents on Stone'j^ line, have returned to tlie West. Kimberley Budget Alfred Hill sold a handsome driver to T. H. Wiltou of Markdalf, one day last week. Miss Eva Magee is uu an extended visit at present with friend^ in tlaniilioii and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Uiuhard Howell of Detroit, Michigan, are renewing old ac<|uaintauce8 in our burg and are the guests of Henry Uurd. Miss Lillian Abercrombie, the popular and elliciert clerk iu Stuart's <;roceiy, leaves on Thursday for the West. Lilia'j has made many warm fi lends And will be much niii-sed. Myrtle Camack returned home "n Saturday last aft'jr an extended visit with friends in Tbornbury. Miss Gusta Free of Union, visiled la&t week at Mis. ,J. M Kawceci's, Hadden Uiitchin.son left on Tuesday for Saskatchewan wiih a carload of settler'.s ettects. Hadden is one of our prosressive young men and will no doubt make good in the West. Messr.s. D. L. Weber and tiaorge Proior, two of our town fathers, attended the council at Rocklyn on Friday la«t with a view of taking a vote in our villaue re Hydro lights. Inspector Huff paid an offiuinl visit to our public school one day last week. Chas .\borcron»bie of Fairniount, visited with h-s brotner, Thomas, on Friday last. \ Hugh Hammond made a business trip to Holland Centre on Saturday last. Wm. Floe d of Tliornbury, visiled on Saturday last with his sou, William, our energetic blacksmith. Win. Fawcett fell over a sleigh tongue me day lact week and fractured a rib, which will lay him up for a few weeks. Vandeleur Happenings Messrs. Holley of Meaford and Leslie of Uwen -Sound were pressing hny iu this viciiii'y last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Hutchin.suii visitid friends at Kimberley recenlly, JoF. McOulliiU;;h is bn/.zing «ooi for the fHrmers lu ilii-i ueighborhuod . Mrs. S. Oilbert is visitionher Jaughter in Toronto. T. A. Cheeley of Toroul", called on friends here recently. 1*^^ P. Beird, Fred and Cliarlie Buland and A. Caesar ea.:li had a successful noo 1 bee last week. The boys are gelling rL-ady for another cold winter. The W. I. will hold their monthly meeting at the home of L. Juhnson .>n Tliursd.iy, Mi.rch 14. Prouram â€" i^iaiid- niotbciH day by ihe girls of the Instiute. Mr. ^nd Ml*. Ch.4rle< Hulley spent the wtrek ind with irieiids at Menford. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. E'^st Mountain • Jenoe to iiur a few Mis. Mr. Wesley Lor.sway, oast of Corbet tun, lurchaseJ the 'J2-acro farm of Mr. Geo. Cabinaw, Iris neiijlibor. Mr. L. is now the owner of a block of 39a acies in ilolaiicthoii.' Mr. E. G. Luc-.is was su unfortunate as to fal", down the cullir stairway at hi.s home on Tuesday uight. He suatiiiiod a paiuf.il cut in his head which rei|uirid three stitches. Ha was otiici'ivise bruused by the f.ill. A peculiar aetijcnc occurrfvl on the ilTth siJoroad iKvir iho Sih con. I'loton on .Vlonday night. Mr. IX. G. ll.tuftuiy of thiii place was drivin.: along that roul with a liorse and cutter belougiii!- lo Neithercut Brrs. livery when a pMriioii of the h,.ruess broke and the IiorM- hecanio irritablj and jumpnUo one sile where ir, ran igaln&t the point of a dead tainarac tiee which wai lying at the side cf the road embedded in th- snow with the end piotruilin« upward. The point <if tho tree penetrated tho li.irse s breast loi depth of about t»o feet an-i the aniipiU died aliuosc inalautly. •Seven c-rloads for the West wero r Lit le Gordon McMullcn .saiii; sweetly Inniod at Dundalk on Monc'ay. .\ bo j " .Jest's wants mc for a sunheam. ' .\ lUnnahada oar <;t cattle, hortes and ; r.c latiou by Gladys HalUud a readug .Meyronnc, Sa.sk. ; Percy j by Minnie Smart were ippreciatcU. .\ The Mis>e» Anna anil Teenn Thomp- son of Erin are visiting their brother, Harry, here. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. D. and little daiinh'er, Uorotliy, vicinity. Mrs. llebcrt McMullen spent diys at .J. Hollvy's, Markdale Holley is still bedfist Tie iiiiiiiy frioiuls and i.eighbora of Mr. and Mrs. tJeoige Gorley asseinViled at their ho ue oni^ eveuiuu last week .uid [irescnl. d them with a hindsoin^nianiel cock .lud centre table, before their depatliiio for tlicir new homo in Miuk- dale. Misses llazel .\llon of Kolaporc and Pearl cf Flciberlun spent the week end al I he paruntal liuino. A nu'iil.er from here attended the Uod Cross social iil I). McMullen'j, Kovtc . "jiiaiu. Kilburii and Ivl. Magee of Sii.<ikatcl.e- waii visitid ai Fred M.artiu's. The Vi uiig Po ipL'S bocio'.y mot at tho homo of Mr. G, Gorley Wedutsday, Fob. 2T, to hold their SLc'al iiieetinj. Il was very successful and »eli allcudd. I'lio topic was i.tkeii by Viul.-i liorloy .iiid tho script*U'e reading by .\iiiiie Hall. A N >lo WHS well rendered by A. Currutheis. \n inter. 'stiiiij reailieg entJi.lcd " KJith Cavell " was given by Sirs. C. Mar: in. Walkerton Robert St<!wart of Kincardiie, aged 60, a former inmate of the Bruce Co. House <.f Refuge, was brought to ihe Walkerton jail on Friday Ian by Cbie Constable Farrell of Kincardine lo serve two months for assaulicg two Kincardine women during a lit of anger. The villaue of^ Totswaier, which brought action before Judge Dixon in the County Court at Walkerton to recover $105 and interest from Constable Robt Trench, which the munieipaliiy c'aimed was the balance clue them fiom Hnes collected by the Constable for convictions under the Local Option Bylaw, were successful in their suit, judgment being given hero on Friday last in favor of the village for J!)5 .ST and costs. Eighth Line, Osprey i)ii Friday ovening last a very cojoy- aHle time was spent at the homo of (i Uiuk, Sill I'lij O.-iprtry, prior to the depaiture of Mr. and .Mrs. Tyler to Uie'r own fvim near Warehain. Mr. Tylei liaa b en nMiiagor of ."Vlapl'j Grove Farm .-ime he ciuie ftoiii Engiand over five years ago. They have been 4<>od neii-h liois and have made in my friend-", who an- sorry to hue ihoii, aid to sli iw their fririidsliip in .soino practical way tlioy wore pre:ijiitej with two pieces of fiiriii tiiie an I a pretty isla-is s •t, accm;; :iiied by a kindly worddd. addrensT Power House 'and Vicinity other elieet.- f Uannou loaded a carof settlers' effects for the sfime district ; W. ,). Wilson had a thoico buneli of liorsos for Mageo, Sash . Don Fulloiton had setileis' oft'ects for the Hime pl.ice ; Mes.^rs T. W. Oliver and W, .J. Rus'ell shipppd a cir of gqpd horses to Antelope, Sask. ; David Gordon had a car of soit'ers' elTects for Wrightville • Thivs. Bcecl.inor a similar l.jad for Mar- In the seven curs 'here wore i.juartot was given by Misess C.inuthers and Gorley. Owing to Viola Gerloj's removal from our vicinity wo had :o elect a now is^i«taiit organist and Social Vice President. Aunie Hall was eh^otcd fur the fiiruiev- position, while Leslie Mc. M«ilvn lakes the litter. Lunch vas atrvod after a very p!e»Dattt evening. We irot again on Ftiflay rvening, Uar.'b 1, and pre.'<enlefl Miss Viola Gorley with eui;o, ti isk. nix ly horses which were iKjught in this !» UiWe as • slight tyksn *)f louiemliaiicc B-ction. - Herald. • fiom the Y. P. 8. Card t;i:iii.*ni ,ind inoiher, Kaictiii, w re visito.-.s lit I'hn Wooer's. Mrs. Slaii'ey Campbell spent a c.jup!i' days at her piren'al h loie near Pmtl.iw. San l!ovi, a hid a succetsful wool tiei> one d 13- l»s' week, also gave a patty lo Iho yo iiig 1 e.ip'e ilie s« no evening. .Mr. and Mr>,. . Jociib I'hompson h:»vo moved to i heir farm on the we.^l back lino. Lillie CaiuplicM h;st?«keii a position in H. .laniiuon )'« ttore in Kimberley. F, tjr.iliam, wilo and .iliU.lren speiil a day w.'h frieiils a' Ujncau. Mrs. Jiiii Walker of Kimberley, is the suost of Mis. Adiiiu Hysliip. Wilu'r Tliom â- son Iihs purcbftsed a Ti'oi'd oar. While driving between Uivorview and Coib-jttou GMr^c Rutheifcrd of Shel- burne met with a serious accident. Ili.^* cutler \»-.».s upsei and f^iu.tshed and he had hi.s k'ft »healder dialoiated. Ho wa<> brought horn? and the fracture wa* I reduced. Letter From Michigan My Dear Urulher Thuraton, â€" Vour \ good paper has become a lueiiilicr ot my family. 1 dout Know bow I could keep house without il. It has come lo me each week with it^i home news for more thnn twenty years. E.^pecially s'licu ibe war began is lis weekly laesha^te vtluable 10 lue. Here we are an armed camp, fioin our president doivn to ihe most huiiiMe of our cil zensi we are arming to dasloiy the enemy of man, that aevil Ui-tt hu.s tuined the world red. To stand beside the gallant C-madian soldiers, tho French patriots, and the English heroes, is ihe ambition of avery .\mericn youth. Cur young men are volunteering for our luiny and navy in larj-e iiuntberM. We |i,-jve a selective draft, system lliat i.s gnod, but our young men lue not waiiiiig for its working. Everyone here feels ihat they are "conscripted" for ibeduraiiou of ihe war. (Durenor.nnus wealth, ourchuniie!» of communication, .ind transporialiu', our natural tesuuiccs.oiir viiile maiiboud. our institutions of learnin;;, our tmip'cs of worship, our itidustii.d plants, every- thing, all th tt is .Vmericaa Is beiiu -< elucd into one ini;;hty engine of war. War in ihe air war on ihe «ea or under Ihe ^ea, war on laud, war hy imisou i^as, war by any force th>t the Kai.ser mnv elect we with our brave allies shall welcome it to a tiuish. Xu luuu is weak or faint heir ed. The cause i.s just. .luslicc, libiMty fraternity shall iu the end triuiii|)h ..vcr the crippled mind that is iu the .saddle at Poisdam. L-i»t Sabbath I ii.il the Irflter in the last i sue of your pa|) 1 re " Lieut, l.'lif^ord .A linen Weli.s to hi, Miother" to the mothers .jf mv pirisli Every one iu tlie .audience wa.s ui' veU to tears, and scores of our young po' p'e were lif'ed by it to a binhor level of 111 111 â- licod. List summer in the la.st ihiy" "' .July I cilled at your ofbce oil" day lo ti il you closed. I wauled m> much to v,.,. you ai;d sliak' your haiiil. and la'k lo, r smue Ihiiigs withyc^. Vour lo>s(ili i WIS borne wit!'. Chrifellan resignation) i.s our loss. V 'Ue brave soldier boys b .\e fough'','inJ died for u^, and for lliu woi is free loin. Tho I'nioii Jack, the Si-us ai.d $tii|.e3, tiitli tricolor is an iiiiuiortal coMiblnat'.on. The t'.iinii on which 1 bi< rooK falls Hill be ground to powder. Ti c God of L'oyti Georir-, of Piesi 1. iit W!> :i, of I'reiiiier Borden i." the of Go.l of thi- ten conimandmenls and the oeaiiuiues, the God nf lovo, and justice. May He spare J ou for inatiy jeir~ minister in your c^pacify li ibo needs the .Xiivance family, Vonrs coiila'ly and fi.i'erii.illy, â€" .F. r. HITCH [N^^0^". Victoria Corners James Luj;'< halt has srcu-e.l a pjsiilon in Tor'into in a umnitli n fac'ory . We ai-e Sony to Io.se Mr. W. Henid and family from our nuiubbi rhood. They have so'.d their fa ui lo A. ^tiuson of Proton Station and have purcl used a larger one nesr MarKdale. Wal-^h out girls ! Sew eirl,eis are the Older of the day in this neiglilit rhood. Inistioge League vioied Fl.shcrton V. P.S. uQ Monday evenini; and Dundulk League on Friday ni^hr ai;d repoit a very enjoyable ii:»ie We extend our sympahy lo Mr. Wm. Orr in the losi of iheir son, nhos<? funeral wiiS last I'rulay- Claieuce had enli.sted md Wis in traiiiipi; in Tori.nto uda cmlraclt^'.l measles which developed in'...' pneumonia ahd rooulted i!> dentb on Wednesday m-.Tiiing Pig For Service Pure bred T.ioiwor-b Hoir for Service on lot UtJ, 1 S. W.T. aiui S. R., Arie ipssia. Terms SI m- So for purfhreds. Ijune 18 â€" -I. .J. STIN>;ON, Pi- [i A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT ••••••••••••â- •.^ ••••••â€"♦«••••"•" â- • •••••••»•»••.«»< I Br*itis]:i Colunxbia, Salmon Fresh at !6 cent.s per pountl While thev last. AFul Stock Of Royal Parple .Specifi s alway."? on kand. Vou can always keop your .-rock and poultry in jrood conditii !i by using it. Highest Prices for Produce. W.L. WRIGHT, The Corner Store Flesherton,^ - Ontario «â- â- **â- ••â- «â- »»â- '«â- •<•«••••.«*.*»«. .•..4 ««««..«««..«,.«..«M r" LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of th e following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D. McTAVISH. FLESHERTON ;- FOR A PAIR OF BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, i TRY Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON