>' STRENGTH FOR THE DAY'S WORK Depends Upon Good Red Blood to Nourish the Body â€" Weak People Need a Tonic. The tonic treatment through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for run down condition of the health is based on sound medical principles and on common 3«nse. More and more men and women are realizing that pure, red blood means health, and that efficiency in the workshop, the office, the home or in any of the varied walks of life depends entirely upon the quality of the blood. There are, however, thousands of people who do not realize the truth of these state- ments. They are without ambiilon or strength to do their day's work; are always Ured out; have but little ap- petite and a poor digestion; cannot get a refreshing nighl'6 aleep and are subject to headaches, backaches and nervousness because their blood le weak, watery and impure. Dr. Williams' Pink PlUa give quick relief and permanently cure such men and women, because of their direct action on the blood, which they purify and build up to Its normal strength. As through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the blood becomes rich and red it .strengthens the nuiscles, tones up the nerves, makes the stomach capabl*" of digesting the food and re- pairs the waste caused by growth or work. The' need In every family of a safe and effective tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is shown by the following statement of Mrs. JuHus Tuck, Mull, Out., who says: â€""Before I began the use of Dr. williams' Pink Pills I was In a most wi-etched and niii down condition. My blood was thin and watery aad my nerves were In such a condition that the least H'Oise would make me start and trem- ble, and what a bnrden my housework seemed. One of my neighbors ad- vised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I have great reason to be glad that I followed her advice, tor before I had used a half dozen boxes all symptoms of my trouble had dis- appeared, and I was as well a,s ever 1 had been in my life. I have also given the pills to my daaghter-s with the most benelicial results, and I shall ever have a good word to say for Ihem." If you nrij feeling the ' least run down, weak or depressed do not delay â€" take thc.<;e pills at or.ce and note how .speedily your old-time health will return. You can get the pills from any dealer in modicine or by mail iit SO cents a box or six bo.xes for $2.i;i) from The Dr. Williams' .Medi- cine Co.. Brockville, Ont Fertile Girls Of the Family There is a Message h This Lady's Story She Tells What Dodd's Kidney Pills Do for Women. She Was Troubled With Weakness and Her Daughter Had Nervous Trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills Proved the Remedy They Both Needed. Hamilton, Out., Marcli Jih i Special) â€" The story told by ifrs. H. Dickens, of 70 Tom Street, this city, carries a message of hope to every suffering woman In Canada. "After my baby was born," Mrs. tiickens states, "I used to suffer with my back and had no heart to do my work around the home. But 1 road about Dodd's Kidney Pills and what they have done for others, so I thought I would get a box and see what they would do for me. "1 am pleased to say that after tak- ing two boxes I found su<'h great re- Two Sides. When you're busy, busy working, In your tense, hidustrious WHy, Does it cheer you if a neighbor Comes to interrupt your labor. Just to pass the time away, Just to pass the time of day? Does it cheer you? Is he welcome? Do you love him f omilv ? Say! Then when he is busy wui iving, In his tense, industrious way Why should you stop short the labor Of your brisk, industrious neighbor, Just to pass the time away, Just to pass the time of day ? Will he welcome your intrusion? Will he love you fondly ? Say! LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a few cents and see for yourself. What, girl or woman hasn't hoard of lemon juice to remove couiplcxiou bleniishes; lo whiten the skin and to bring out the tohm, the freshness and the hidden beauty? But lemon juice GILLETT'S LYE HAS NO EQU AC It not only •oftetis the water but doubles th« cleans- ing power of soap, and makes everything sanitary and wholesome. ^RKPUSS SUBSTITUTES. !» In Brief. Eat less; bieathe more. Talk less; think more. Ride less; walk more. Clothe less; bathe more. Worry less; work more. Waste less; give more. Preach less; practise more. MONEY ORDERS When ordering go<jd8 by mall, send a Dominion -Express Money Order. ! The Me.Hopotamia desert can freeze a man to the marrow, she can scorch him to the bone, she can drown him with her floods, she can kill him with thirst. She can box the compass nt human tribulation. â€" Captain Frank Verney . Mluard's ^^luinieut KeUeves ZTenralerls. 70S BAZiIi lief I would not be without ihem in alone Is acid, rherpfore Iriitating, and the house. I should be mixed with orchard white 'My daughter, too, had been veiT I "'*" *'^^'- ^'•"i'" Hirough a fine cloth A dress of this type is very smart for the girl, made of tub materials. McCall Pattern No. 7658, Girl's Plea ed Dress, in 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. sick on and oft for a long time. Uer nerves got so bad we were afraid we would see her in the hospital. But the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard while, then shake well and -<f- Faithful Till Death. 'Midst the battle's tumult driven Whilst the heavens were thunder- riven, Calm, serene his soul 'rnitlst all, JVIet iteath at his country's call. Bury him in Flanders' earth Noble son of British birth, Place a cross above his breast â€" "His duty done," now let him rest. Swing wide! ye Gates of Pearl â€" swinjf wide, Man for man has also died, Christ in man a sacrifice, Man for freedom paid the price. "Welcome home." the aniifels sing Till the vaults of heaven ring Ye portals ope â€" ye gates swing wide! For him who, like the martyrs, died. ! A. M. KOX. .J Flour, meal, sugar, salt and spices should be sifted before measuring. ' "In men whom men pronounce divine I find so much of sin and blot; In men whom men denounce as ill ' I find so much of goodness still; \ 1 hesitate to draw the line i Between the two, where God has not.' â€" Joaquin Miller Petunias do well in dry situations when once established, also verbenas, ' gaillardias, antirrhinums, zinnias, por- 1 tuiacas, marigolds and mesembryanth- mums. .All these like sunshine and grow well in a deep, rich soil and rarely fail to succeed. By pegging down the verbenas they can be made to thickly cover a large space. ' EAT FISH We will ship, Express Prepaid, within 200 miles of Toronto. FROZEN SEA SALMON (Headless and Dressed) 25-Pound Boxes, $5.00 SAl/FEl) FRESH WATER BirXFISH fHeadlsss and Drstsed) 20-Pound Pails, $3.00 SALTED LAKE HERRING (Headless and Drstsed) (>0 Fish to a Pail $2.75 Quality a>id Satisfaction Guaranteed Remit III advance Myney Order, by Postal or A good ilress for the growing girl is this one made of striped and plain materials. McCall PaltcT-n No. 7888, Girl's Simplicity Dress. In (J sizes, 4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall (.'o., 70 Bond St., Tor- onto, Dept. W. AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES ji Baby's Own Tablet.s are an excel- ! lent medicine for little oues. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and make teething ea.sy. Concerning Uieiw Mrs. K. Quinn, Parame, Que., writes: "Baby was troubled with constipation and nothing helped him till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They are an ex- i cellent medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers ; or by mail at 2.5 cents a box from The Ur. Williams' Medicine (.^o., Brockville, Ont. j The Tallest Chimneys. What is said to be the tallest chim- ; ney in the world has been erected re- | cently for a copper smelter at Sago- ' noseki, .Japan. It is built of concrete, ' â- 570 feet high. 2()'i feet inside dia- ' meter at the top ami 42 feet in liia- \ meter at the ba.se. The chimney was carried to that great height in order ' to convey the poisonous fumes from the smelter to an altitude where they would not hurt vegetation. The next tallest chimneys in the world are the 506-foot concrete chimney of the Bos- ton and Montana smelter at Great Falls, Montana; a 454 foot chimney at Glasgow, Scotland ; a 400-foot steel ! chimney at Jerome, .\rizona; the .366- \ foot chimney of the Kastman Kodak j Company at Rochester, New York, and i the 365-foot brick chimney of the Or- 1 ford Copper Company at Constable Hook, New Jersey. I I am pleased to say she is better 5'"" '"i^"^ ^ whole quarter pint of skin through taking Dodd's Kidney Pills, i '""1 complexion loliuu at about the "I never thought Dodd's Kidney ' cost ""^ usually pays for a snmll jar ] Pills could have done such good work ! "^ ordinary cold cream. Be sure to and I am telling all my friends about strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets them." into the l)ottle, then this lotion will Women's troubles, or nearly all of â- '•'â- "a*" I'ure and fresh for months.; them, come from sick kidneys. The ! ^'^i^" applied dally to the face, neck,' cure for them is the old established ! arms and hands it should help to ! remedy for sick kidneys. Dodd's Kid- hleach, clear, smouthen and I)eautify ney Pills. RAILWAYS CO-OPERATE It may be of general interest to the Canadian public to know some ex- amples of the way in which their the skin. Any druggist will supply three ] ounces of orchard white at verj' little cost and the grocer has the lemons, j Not One Quarter Produced. Not twenty-five per cent, of the available maple trees in (Canada are being tapped. Statistics show that out of 55,000 farmers in Eastern Canada who produce maple sugar and sj rup at all, only very few tup more than a quarter of the trees they have available on their farms. This 25 per cent, production is worth $1,500,- 000 annually. This amount n-.ight easily be doubled . One man can uike care of boiling the sap from 5000 trees as easily as from 500. Mlnard'B Unliueut Cures Sandntff. WKKKLY .NEWSl'.APER l.N WEST- Kvn Oniarlo. Uoine a wood busl- n«sB. Death of ownftr places it on the inorket. A great cliunpo for h inaii with <:aHh. -Aniily Hox S2. Wilson l*ubllslilii» Co.. r.imlted. Toronto. K1,I. IQQUirPED NEWSPAPSR anil job printing plant In flasiein Ontario. Insurance carried {1.500. Will go for tl.2'i0 on qulik sale. Box 69, WU.son Pubiibblnfr ''".. Ltd.. Toronto. mBCEX-X^AJTBOVS CA-VCKR. TCMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. Internal nnd external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writs us before too Inte. Dr. Bellman Medical C'>. Limited. ColllnKWOOd. Ont. Z'. ' ' -ft How to Clean Old Paraffin. | Paraffin that has become unclean railways, through the Canadian Paci- i through usage in canning anil preserv- fic Association for National Defence, are exchanging trafllc in the interests of efficiency. In one case the C.P.R. diverted by way of the Soo Line one thousand ' cars of freight so as to relieve the ing, may be cleaned and reused. Many times it can be cleaned with a brush in cold water. If this does not ' remove all the dirt, says a specialist of the United States Department of ."Vgriculture. heat the paraffin to boi main line of the company along the | ing and strain it through two or three j north shoi-e of Lake Superior. These ; thicknesses of cheesecloth placed over' cars passed south from Winnipeg to J a funnel. Or a thin laver of absorb- Minneapolls and by way of Sault Ste. ; ent cotton over one thickness of Mane nito Ontario. They consisted ; cheese cloth mav be used as a strain- chiefly of gram for domestic connump- j ^r. One straining should be sul-fici-; tion in Canada. ] g^j ordinarily, but if the paraffin still ' One hundred cars of freight per day | i^ unclean heat and strain again. Any are being diverted from the C.P.R. at i p^iraffin lodging in the strainer may Quebec and travelling by way of the | be rechverod by heating the cloth and: National Transcontinental to Halifa.x. | po^^.j,,;, ^ff the hot liquid through! While there is no saving in mileage, this. In the interest of the country, relieves the C.P.R. main line to St. John for classes of export freight more urgently re([uired there. In Toronto an arrangement was suc- cessfully carried out whereby one hiiudred and twenty cars of freight eastbound for Montreal were turned over from the C.P.R. to the U.N.R. every day. The Grand Trunk during the winter season has been (ttvertlng one hundred and fifty to two hundred cars of coal per day to the C.P.R. and T H. & B. in order to lessen the congestion on the Grand Trunk from the Niagara frontier to Toronto and oilier points. The Grand Trunk has also diverted fifty cars per day to the C..N.R. ar To- ronto. In Western Canada the Canadian Northern has on several occasions transferred surplus trafllc to the sister railways in the West. another strainer lUuard'i Iilniiitent Cures Barus, Etc. Your Lntapped Treea. ] "If you had fifty cows and ;hey all gave good marketable, mimey-saving milk," said H. J. Grinm, addressing] the Pure Jlaple Sugar Association,: "you surely would not be content to milk only twenty-five of them and let the others go to waste, would you'? And yet your untapped sugar maple trees are just liko those imaginary iin- milked cows. There is money in them only waiting lo be brought out and ; put in your bank. Maple sugar is the quickest money making harvest hi all ] your business of faiming. It needs i no seeding. It is all harvest, and what is more the harvest is quickly ' turned into real money." i Farm implement orders must be placed early this year. Otherwise, everybody will be in trouble. â€" o- â€" -o â€" o- â€" a â€" u â€" o â€" o â€" o â€" -oâ€" o â€" o â€" o LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS How to loosen a tender corn .^ or callus so It lifts out without pain. 9 Oâ€" -O O O 0-â€" O â€" O O â€" O O â€" Let folks step un your leer here- after: wear shoes a size smaller If yon like, for corns will liever again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati auihorlty. He says that a few drops of a drug culled freezone. applied directly up;;;' a tender, aching corn, Instantly re- lieves soreness, and scon' the eniirn corn, root and all. lifts right out. This drug dries at once .tud simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating thf surrounding tissue. A small botile of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every liaid or soft corn or callus from one's foot. If your druggist hasn't stocked this | new drug yet, tell liim to get a small | bottle of treezona for you fioiu his i wholesale drug house. i When boyititf your Piano bisist Qn having an "OTTO HIQEL" PIANO AOTION A Kidney Remedy K.idney troubles are frequently caiuied by badly dtsetted food which overtake* these organ* to eliminate the irritant acid* formed. Help your atomach to properly digust the food by taking ISIto 30 drop* of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel't Corative Syrap, and your kidney disorder will promptly dis- appear. C>et the genuine. 7 Doelors Re< omiiK'iid Boii-Opto Uir [he Eyes FliyHiulans and eye specialists pre- â- crtbe Bon-Opto aa a safe home remedy In the trealinent of es« troubles ind to â- trengthon eyealBht. Sold under money refund suaranty by all aruKKlsts. IM PiPLES EAGLE MoroA STYLC -â€" >- Millard's l.iuimenr l.'o.. Limited. Geullomen. My daughter. 13 yrs. | old. was thrown frinii a sleigh and in- â- .lured her elbow so badly it remained j stiff and very painful for three years. F'our bottles of MIMARD'S LLNl- I MKNT completely cured her and she The following li from a letter of Lieut. Wingfield, a British Flying Officer, wiho escaped in November, 1917: "The camp was a bad one. the rooms ovei^crowded, there was iusufficient \ ^^^ ,„,, ,,^^.„ ,,o„„IeJ f.,r two years. I Yours truly. V^rit* ta«day for our bif( Free Catalogue showing our full lliiK of Bicycles (or M«a •ud Woueu, Uoys-Aud (iirU. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS Tlrrs, Cua.stet Brakcft, \\lieels, Iiinrr Tubes, I.aniin, B*ll», Cyclometers, .Saddlrs, Rq\np- meut nad 1*«rts of Bicycles. You cim buy your supplies (luui ua st wholesala prices, T. W. BOYD & SON. 27 Neira Dama Street Wait, Montreal, St. J. B. l.IVESQUK, .losepn, 1* C. 18lh Aug.. 190(1. 1N& Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eves, Eyes Infltmed by 5itn. Dnstand tMni/qulcklv rellBVfd by Murine. Try It in your Eyiis and In Baby's Eycj, INo Sairtiog , Joit Eya Caaf ml Marine Eye Remedy re.n'6"-'p'-'?"w'' Viu'in. â- ya ftaHa. m Tub« 28o. For HooV V" "• ^v* Fr»a, "When looking for faults that need correcting:, use a mirror, not a tele- scope. â€" Lisle de Vaux Mattheman. While it fs essential that every ti'actor possible be manufactured dur- ing the present year, it is Just as essential to keep every tractor al- ready sold in working condition, ready for day and night service when- ever needed. TOROfrrO FISH CO. (jH J \ R\ IS ST. TORON TO Phosphates are found in aluiinlance ill whole grain, especially in oatmeal, cracked wheat, wheat flakes, graham bread and other wholc-giHin prepara- tions. Wheal bran is, of course, very rich in phosphates. Milk also coi\- tain.s phosphates in abundance. room for exerci.se. the sanitation waa 1 very indifferent, the food almost im- possible to eat. We were housed in ' wooden barrado divided into rooms by thin wooden partitions. There I were seven in a room; so thai il was j extremely dlfflcull to oblAln the iieces- ; The requisites of good cows ai e saiy (juiet for work. There were no ' '^'^^U good pure-bred .^tock, good care reading rooms. The food was ex- i '" breeding, feeding and management, treniely poor and Insumcient and con- j There are great possibilities in the sisted almost entirely of stewed man- production of good cows but these are gel-wurzels, with occasional potatoes : seldom ever seen, appreciated, or at- of very poor (lualily. The bread ration ' tained except by an intelligen' was half a loaf a week of very bitter thoughtful feeder. The earmarks black bread. You can imagine, then, ' of a business farmer and intelligent tliat prisoners are entirely depeudent feeder may be seen in his herd, on parcels, and are extremely bun-. gry during tlie fii-st two months of captivity before these begin 10 arrive. The Roumanian officers get nolhing, and the Russians very Httle." -• • I Raw Potato for Burn. An efficient and easily obtained __ remedy for burns is grated raw pota-' Ask MitriB* kya Bantedy Co., Clilca««s to. If you have never tried this, you will b» surprised at the immediate yuile likely you have been too busy relief resulting from the quick appli- poking the fire to think about tho cation of the potato, even in casee of, raspbfrry and blackberry canes. Some bad burns. In every home potatoes "i^e day put un a pair of long-wrist are at hand, and it takes but a mo- ed leathei' gloves and go at the tiinr : ment to grate enough potato to'â„¢'"?- ^'"t- «"' »" Je^d ur unthrifty spread thickly over a burn. There canes entirely, and prune hock the will bo instant relief and no blisters others (including side branches) later. Cover the burned .irea â- well'a'">"^ one-third. Burn the trimmings, •with the grated potato and then birsd , and thus get rid of pests. on soft cloths. In esse of a very! ~~~"~' ' serious bi;rn where a good deal of .»«»*'<''• ^*'^*""» J*^*"'" •'•'â- '"""•â- •â- ^ flesh has been de.stroyed, do not rely; p^p^, ^„,p 7„ ^hc Scandinavian' countries costs seven times more tha:i in 1914; it costs twenty times us much to bring it lo France by sea, the in- surance being from 8 to 10 per cent. | of the value of the cargo; the port dues are from 1 lo (> per cent. ; labor costs lid per cent, more; and coal is seven times as Jour us before the ivar. Will tc(iiK r Inflamod, Strained, Swollen Tenduns, Ligament*, ' or Muscles. StupstheUitnenesaand pain from a Splint, Side Bone 01 ' Bone Spavin. No bii^tcr, no haif j gone and horse can be used. %'l a Dottle at drtiggitts or deliveied. De> ! scribe your case for sperial instnic- tiont aiiil iiitertstiiig liurne Book 2M Free. ABSORBINE.JRi, tl\eaiitisepti<' liniment for mniikind, relliices Strained, Torn Lign- mrnts. .Swollen Glands, Veins or ^ftiBcles; H0U1I Cuts, Sores, I'Iccrs. Allays nutn. Prto* ll.ftOs t>oltirnl il'slrrs nr rffi'vred. Bnolc â- 'Etnilpnce" ffr?. « F. VOUNG. P. 0. F.. Sifi Lymant Bidg , Montrsd. Gin. ttiMTbicr ud Alitorbliie. Jr.. ite audc id On Face. Badly Disfigured. Used 2 Boxes Ointment and 3 Cakes Soap. "I had .1 h.id itchy lot of pimplen on niv lace wiiich made it badly dishgiired. They were ill flamed and came to a head, and I could tear my skin as soon as a liltic heal came near thcin. 1 could uardiv sleep. "VVhcu 1 saw Culicura Soap and Oiiilnieiil advertised 1 sent for a free sample which did so much good that I biHieht more, and I used two boxes of Ciilicui a Ointment and three cakes of Cutirura Soap when 1 was healed." (Signed) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock- holm, Sask. If you have ^(good complexion keep it Sony using Cuticuia Soap dally tnd t."uticura Ointment occasionally. for Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress pobt .aiu: "Cutlcura, Dept. A, Boston, V . R. .^." S.-ld everywhere. A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Miss Kelly Tells Hov7 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. on home treatment except for tem porary relief, but send for a physician immediately. Men in Training J ightint isn't the only diitv o( a soldier, and expoaure to bullutu is not â- â- aerious as expoture to all kinds of weather and dampneas. Rheumatic aches, sore and stilT musclei), slrains and sprains, chil- blains and neuralgia, all are enemies of the soldier, ond the relief for all these pains nnd aches is Sloan's Liniment. Clean and convenient to carry or use; docs not slam, and penetrates without rubbing. CanerousiiEsd bottles, at sU (Irviggitta. 25c.. 5Uc.. $1.00. 51q eLti^s Linlttieti# Newark, N. .].â€" "For about three years i suffered from nervous break- down and got so weak I coula hariily stand, and bad head- aches every day. I • trii'd every tBinj \ could think of and waa under a phy- sician's care for two years. A girl friend lad ussd' Lydia E. , Pink ham's Vege- ) tabic Comiioundand she told me about Jit. From the first day I took It I began ^ vn<. ' h^ ^'^ ^"'â- '' *'6ttor and \ .' W.^ ~'<^ """â- ^ ' â- â- " ^*^" '"^ ^ f * likJN^.^ '*blc to <io most any ilFp, "V'li||f\\|i '»*''â- *> i'"^"" recom- m"nclinff the Com- pound ever since and give you my per- mission to publish this letter." â€" Misa \ Flo Kkliy, 470 So. llth St.. Kcwark, , N. .1. The reason (hie famous root and herb r<-un>ily, l-ydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable . Cinnpoutid, was so .successful in Mi.ss I Krlly's case was because it went to th«» I root of her trouble, restored ht-r to a I normal hoBllhy coniiitlon and as a result h'.r nirvon.''iics8 disanpeared. EL>. 7. ISSUE lO^TF. /