FHE AHER EFFECTS OF LAGRIPPE TENNYSON'S KNOWLEDGE. The Gifted Poet Possessed a Stnr« of . Scientilic I.earninij;. Of the poet Teniiyjioii's wide knowl-j I edge in scientific matters Sir Norman Often Worse Than the Disease ' I'D-^kyer speaks entertain ingly in Ten- I nyson and His Friends. Itself â€" Victims Left Weak, i About the year !866, he says, we Nervous and Worn Out. |u.sed to devote Monday evenings toi our friends who came informally to La Grippe â€" the name by which in- , talk and to smoke. One night it hap- , iluenza is most generally known â€" is a pened that many travellers â€" Bates, i disease prevalent throughout Canada ^ Baines and Winwood Reade among j during the winter and spring months. â- them â€" were present, and the que;;tion Anyone who has felt its pangs is not of a certain kind of dust storm came ! likely to forget the trouble. La grippe ' up. Tennyson listened for some time, \ starts with a slight cold â€" and ends ' and then remarked how difficult it with a complication of troubles. It ' was for a student to gain certain lays a strong man on his back; it knowledge on such subjects, and as- tortures him v;ith fevers and chills, ' tonished the company by giving the: headaches and backaches. It leaves names of eight authors, four of whom him a prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, had declared that they had seen such consumption and other deadly dis-'dust storms, although the other four eases. In fact its after effects are more insisted that they simply could not be serioi.-s than the trouble itself. You produced under any known meteoro- can avoid la grippe and winter colds logical conditions. i by keeping your blood rich and red In many of our tallra I came upon by the occasional use of Dr. Williams' similar evidences of minute knowl- Pink Pills. If you have not done this edge in various fields; nothing in the and the disease lays you low, you ] natural world was trivial to him, or to can banish all its evil after effects by , be neglected. This great grasp was this same great blood-building, nerve \ associated with a. minute accuracy, resWring medicine. This has been and it was his double habit of mind proved in thousands of cases through- that made Tennyson such a splendid out Canada by la grippe victims who observer, and therefore such a poet; have been made well and strong for the whole field of nature from through the use of Dr. Williams^ Pink which to cull the most appropriate epi- Pills. Among the cured is Miss Irene ' thets was always present to his mind. Bootes, Portsmouth, Ont., who writes: â€" "I take much pleasure in recom- mending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, be- cause I have proved their worth in my own case. Lust w^inter I had a severe attack of la grippe and it left WORTHLESS DOGS. A Menace to the Sheep-Growing In- j dustry of Canada. Everyone loves a useful, gentleman- me weak and all run down. I had ly dog. Such a dog is invaluable. But, severe pains in the chest and under one dog eats as much as a man and the arms, palpitation of the heart and more than a sheep. Two dogs will eat attai'ks of neuralgia which left me as much a.s a hog on alfalfa and more with the feeling that life was scarcely than a dozen chickens. And there worth living. I was taking doctor's are thousands of dogs in the country, medicine, but it did not help me and I one for eight sheep. Sheep furnish was much discouraged. I was advised wool and mutton, hogs make pork, and , to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and be- chickens produce meat and eggs. ; gan their use only on the principle More than 5,000,000 hogs are need- that I would try anything that might ed to relieve the present meat short- better my condition. I had only been age, and many sheep furni.sh wool and using the pills a couple of weeks whan mutton. H111 farms are ideal for the pains began to leave me. Gradual- sheep raisinj;, and almost every prai- ly ray strength returned, my appetite rie farm is adapted for keeping a improved, and in a little more than a small farm flock without much extra month I felt all my oUl time vigor had e-xpense for Imildings or added use of returned. I am sincerely glad I was grain. ' persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink No single thing has done more to Pills, and I .shall always have a good throttle the sheep industry in this word to say for them." i country than the curs which are al- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only , lowed to run at large. Besides killing cure the disastrous after effects of la and worrying sheep, they kill poultry, grippe, but are also a specific for all ' attack cattle and cairy hog cholera, these troubles due to poor blood, such Fences will not solve the problem, as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, for that adiied expense will keep many women's ailments, and the generally farmers who already have hog-tight worn out feeling that affects so many fences from starting a farm Hock, people. \"ou can get these pills Keeping the dogs chained at night will through any dealer in medicine, or by not do, for dogs often attack .sheep ir» mail at 50 cents a bo.K or six boxes for daylight. Paying for the animals $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine killed helps some, but it does not en- Co.. Brockville, Ont. j courage those whose flocks have been i .J j destroyed to start again. \ BRITISH USE HOR.se FLESH. t * She Often Had to Uy Off For a Day Mrs. Mantle Tells Why She Vaed Dodd's Kidney FUls. Kesult.H, She States, Were So (iood That She Recommends Them to All Sufferers From Kidney Disease. St. John, N.B., Peb'y 18th (Special.) ^Mrs. .Mantle, an estimable laily liv- ing at U7 King St. East, this city, is always ready to tell of the l)«ueflt she has received from using Do<ld's Kid- ney Pills. ''Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills have done me a wonderful lot of pood," Mrs. .Mantle told an interviewer. "For three years I was in a worn-out condi- tion, often having to lay off for a day or two. "I suffered from drowsiness and sharp pains across my back. I had headaches, and was subject to neural- gia and rheumatism. "Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me so much that I can highly recommend them to anyone suffering from kidney disease." Dodd's Kidney Pills are -purely a kidney remedy. Making the kidneys healthy enables them to strain all the impurities out of the blood. That means pure blood and good health. Dodd's Kidney Pills are recommended by thousands of women who were once run down and worn out. February (i.trdeiu->. Thi- days of eatalogu-j! li;ive come, the best of all the year, ; When every mail its ijuo^a br^ng.-s >'t I books from far and near, With gorgeou.s blossoms on theiv fronts and cahbagt! on their backs, i Their insides filled with fruits and flowers all tabled neat as wax. We reckless grow, extravagant- no ' cost too high we find For this February jjardcn we ar.' I planting in our mind. . . . jBut, mercy me! while, we have dream- j ed, there is no .si^n of doubt. I That miserable coal stove has gone completely out! SClimrd'B tiinizieat Cnrea Stolithorla. ^' Weight For Gold. The weight used by goldsmiihti in gauging the quality of gold apart from the alloy, i.e., carat, is derived from that of the seed of an Abyssinian carat flower, which, bf ing exceedingly uniform in .size, was employed in .vcighing gold and precious stones. Cleaning Wringer. | When rubbej^rolls on your wringer [ l>efome dirty so that they streak the clothes try cleaning them with a cloth moistened with kerosene. Rub briskly and rinse with clean water several times. Dry with a clean cloth. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion E.xpress Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Oilcloth on Shelves. To lighten the work in the pantry, use shelf oilcloth instead of paper. The oilcloth is easier to clean. Roaches will keep out of the pantry, for there is something about the oil- cloth they dislike. If teas leaves are ground they will make twice the amount of tea. Hlnard'a IiluUnect Crtrca Sanret la Cawt People Pay .\s High As Sixty Cents a Pound For Steaks. j Horse steaks are in demand in Great Britain. The effect of the meat short- age is to break down the insular pre- judice of the Britisher against foods I to which he has not been accustomed. In a number of disuiots horse meat shops have been established. Quite a number have sprung up in the Soho district, but until lately their patrons ^ have been Belgians or the proprietors i of the cheaper little French restaur- ants. ! During the past few weeks, however. ' there has been quite a rusK of Eng- lishwomen for horse steak and chop.^, ] and in consequence the prices have ! risen enormously, and people have i been paying up to CO cents a pound for | horse steak. Horseflesh does not come under the meat price order of the Food Ministry at present, but if the English people continue to add it to their menu it will shortly. In the provinces the prices are far GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby against colds i nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- ' lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stom- ach and bowels working re.gularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the ' health of the little one will be good ' and that he will thrive and be happy and good-natured. The Tablets are â- sold by medicine dealers or by mail ' at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- ' Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GENERAL PETAIN. Sflfme Cliaracteristics of the Noted French Commander. .A. war correspondent recently saw Gen. Petain, the French generalissimo, bestowing war crosses upon some of his soldiers. My first impression, he says, was tinged with a little disappointment. He might be a business man, a lawyer or a village doctor. I could name half a dozen men who could look the paH more acceptably. He has a good, wholesome face. I think it must have been there that I suffered tiie disap- pointment. I had pictured him as thin-visaged and frowning, with a downward look. The prominent nose seemed not unlike Gen. Pershing's, but there the resemblance ended. Gen. Pfctair's chin gave no indication of his character, as chins are supposed to do, and his head seemed of average size and shape. His cheeks have color and his eyes are kijidly and brownish. He means well to you, but no liber- ties must be taken â€" a glance tells you that. He wore brown chamois gloves oil his hands, which were frequently in action, but there was neither extra- vagance nor affectation in his ges- tures. Gen. Petain does not play to the gal- leries. You are sure that he is not thinking of himself, even glimniering- ly; he gives the impression of being sincere in what he is doing. He is "on his job" every minute! If he is pinning on a medal, he is looking at it and thinking of that particular thing. Gen. Petain has not a certain mys- tery and magnetism that characterize Gen. Joffre, nor has he the stature. No one else can speak in that soft mo- notone of Gen. .Joffre's â€" a tone in which one might read a psalm. But Gen. Petain has fixed his place as a •soldier. He took over the command under most extraordinary circum- stances of (lifliculty, and has met the test splendidly. Mansonville. June 27, '13. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited; | Yarmouth, N. S. ; Gentlemen,â€" It affords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to you to know that after using 36 bottles of your Liniment on a case of' paralysis which my father was afflict- ed with, I was able to restore him to normal condition. Hoping other suf- ferers may be benefited by the use of your Liniment, I am. Sincerely vours, GEO."' H.HOLMES. "A Nasty Thing Called Famine." ' "The food wanted by mankind does not exist . The word 'shortage' is not strong enough for the situation. To put the matter bluntly, the whole world is up against a nasty thing, familiar to the people of India, call- ed 'famine.' '' â€" Lord Rhondda. HX:];P WAJTTEO L.VDIES W.V.NTED TO DO PLAl.V nnri light sewins ul liuine. whole nr bparc Lime. Kood pay. work sent any dis'ar.cH. cliuTfiTPH pai.'l. fiend stamp for piirtliulars. Niitlonal Manut'acti:rin); CompHny M.intrr-al. FOS SA£i: Sugar .Situation in Europe. Before the war England received approximately l,400.0Ut) long tons of; sugar per annum from Germany and j neighboring sources. France pro-i duced about 750,000 long tons of beet sugar and exported 50,000 tons. The French production in liUT fell to 210,000 long tons. Before the war' Italy produced about 210.000 long tons and imported almost none. | #^//;,^/ViB Granulated Eyelids, r£ 'S^SrS^^i 3ore Ivyes, Eyej [nllamcJ by J *^P|1KB'TB8 San, Oa$l and tVTnu auickly fOliT^Sj'wjU^^ relieved by Murine, Try it in ^Vii^Cvt C y°"''E>'^*'"'^ '" Qaby'» Eyes. *JUR titdNoSmartiBcJottEreCsaiort •tlorine Eye Remedy !iXl?SJ^zSS:'i^^ Eyo 3-lvo, in Tuf-a* .-:. F^ r Ba^k of tX* Un* - frâ€", Asic £f arlae Eye Bemctly Co.. Chicago * WIOKKLY .Ni:\V.«)^.\l'KK I.V WK.*T- <rii Untiirio. OuiiiK a pond bu.sl- I ness. Death of owner plaees it on thrt market A streat i.:haiici! for a man with â- asli. ADply Kox .S2. Wilson rublioliins t'o.. L.iniited. Toronto. Ell EQCirriiD newspafer and job luintliiK plant in Esstorn Ontario. Insur;iiici> carried $1,500. Will irii f'vr S1.2M0 on iiuicli sale. Box u», Wiisuii I'ubllshiriB Cm.. Ltd.. Toronto. MISCEIiIiAJfEOirS PAIN ? NOT A BIT I LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF "S.O.S." Has N'ew .Meaning To-day. \ There is a new meaning for the familiar "S.O.S." signal. The let- I . ters now stand for another impera- : tive command, "Save or Starve." Mlnard'B xaniment Corel CoMi. Xto. I Grated cheese and chiii .sauce make , a good sandwich filling. ] yearnings | j The Home Letters. I Write a sunny, funny letter I To the boy somewhere in France, Happief it is the better, ' Make it cheer him at tirst glance. ' I Tell him of the latest winning . ' Of the team from Homeville High, lower than thev are in the London dis- ' •â- ^'! t*^« ''"!« ''O""-' .ioke=* spinning tricts. A story is told of a woman ! ^'^^^'^ o"*^ every doleful sigh, who failing to receive from the family ; \Ve must keep the home fires burning butcher the supply of meat for her , Bright within each khaki breast, favorite dog visited a Liverpool , jf ^^.^ (i,.^^v„ pm. fp.,,.., j,„j horsemeat butcher and obtained for aj jjis courage will do the rest small sum more than one appetizing uij ^o fight the nation's battle meal for her collie. | Q^rg to work and wait and pray i One day. so attractive was her pur- ; 'r^en when guns have ceased to rattle ^ chaseâ€" it could hardly be distinguish- Freedom shall have come to stav. I ed from a fillet steak â€" that she was, .j __ " : tempted to cook it, but after it was LEMON JITCE LS served her insular prejudice proved! FRECKtTE REMOVER the stronger. Still she remarked, | __ j One might do worse in these hard Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion j times." to clear and whiten your skin. 'â- Squeeze the juice of two lemons-into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you to ensure a profitable market for j have a quarter pint of the best freckle many months and farmers are urged; and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- to retain all breeding sows. The fier, at very, very small cost, keep-a-pig campaign is meeting with] Your grocer has the lemons and any a large measure of success. The res- j drug store or toilet counter will supply ponse indicates not only that the three ounces of orchard white for a farmers are preparing to keep more : few cents. Massage this sweetly fra- pigs but that many people living in ' grant lotion into the face, neck, arms, suburban areas are al*o planning to i and hands each day and see how Retain All Breeding Sows. The demand from overseas for bacon and other pork products is such as buy one or more and feed them on household garbage. It is certain, therefore, that young pigs will be in stiong demand ip. the .spring. To kill sows under present conditions, is, therefore, not only unpatriotic but is likely to prove distinctly unprofitable. Shur-Gdin Fertiliz-er •eckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It is harmless. .•V good cooking" fai may lie made by takinir two pounds of kidney suet running it through the meat grinder and rendering out the fat. This is strained, and just l)efi>re it hardens one cup (if vegetable oil \9. added. This keeps the suei from hiudening and gives â- ; a dolijfhtful flavor so that it may be useil in any kind of cookery. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE ! Can anyone who has not seen them imagrine what it is like to be a prison- er in this present war? Someone, who saw the first French, English. Russian and Canadian prisoners either returned or escaped, writes of them: "They have an expression of their own, a concentrated, uiiuttered suffering in their eyes, an unending patience in their voices. There is all the difference in the world between them and the soldiers returned from the Front. The latter, even when se- verely wounded, have a proud, almost satisfied look, as if in making their supreme effort, something of the glory and exaltation of those fearful mo- ments still clung to them. They are warriors hurt in the great game, brought gladly and triumphantly home, where they know well what welcome awaits them. "How different is the lot of the allied prisoners? The sight of them, of any nation, is an unforge^ttable re- curring nightmare. .-V voice, weak, but insistent, rings in your ears: 'Won't you help us?" ^' "They know what it is to do valiant- ly, without praise, to suffer silently without sympathy, to ache with home- sickiies.s, surrounded by the enemy. They ai'e the unseen heroes and we cannot guess at half their pain."' There are at present more than a million and a half .\llied prisoners of war in German hands. The Prisoners of War Society, of which Principal llviiton of University College, Toronto. is president, is appealing through the churches of Ontario for money to help provide the bare neces.saries of life to these unfortunate heroes. Congrega- tions who have not yet contributed may send their donations to the treas- urer of the society^ Hugh Fletcher. Ksii . â- V12 Huron St., Toronto. "Might is right, so it is- -the right to bear the burdens of the weak, to cheer the fain', to uplift tbw fallen." - Napier. inn«r<l« X.)nlm«nt Ciuti Oi«tcinv«r, No humbug I Apply few drop* th»n Jurt lift tbem away i with fingers. i This n«w drug U an etiier com- potiad discovered \jy a Cincinnati' ctietnlet. It Is callsd freezone. and can ao-w be obtained In tiny hot- I llee a* here shown at Tery Uttle cost from any 1 drug store. Just ask ' for freezone. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender corn or ; callus and instantly the soreness disappear*. Shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off, rcot aad all, with the lingers. Not a twinge of pain, soreness or Irritation; not even the slightest smartlag, either when applying freezoae or afierwardB. This drug dcesn't eat up the coru or callus, but shrivels them so they loosen aud come right out. It Is uo humbug I It works like a charm. For a few cents you caa got rid of every hard coru, soft corn or corn be- tween the toes, as well as painful calluses ou bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or Inflames. If your druggist hasn't any frceaone yet, tell him to get a Uttle bottle for vou from his wholesale house. When buying your Piano insist OR having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION 'iVrit* to-dasr for our bi^ Free Catalogue showing our full lines of Bicycles for Mea auU Woxueu, Buys and GirU. MOTOR CYCLES j MOTOil ATTACHMENTS Tires, Coaiitcr iJrakes, vVhecls, Inner Tut>c«, \ i,iKiitps, HeUs, Cyclometers, Saddles, Ktiu-jv I iiidit nnd Parts' of Bicycles. Voii can Jjuy j your supplies fiom tis at whoIesAle price*. j T, W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notro Vhme SUaat Wu6t« Montreid. BINE â- tR«)te^iQ|£Ca).S.'PAt(3£Fi Kv.Ilxcs Buisal Kuiargon'iCnts, | Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs. Filled Tendons, Sore- I ncso frcoi Bruises or Strains; ' stops spavin Lameneas, alla\spHiii. Does not blister, remove the hair or ' ly up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at diiit.n.ists 01 driivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE. JR., for mankind- an intiseptic liniment for bruises, cv.ts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals ind soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you more 'f you write. W. F. VOUNU. P. 0. F.. 6tf> Lymtns Blag., Montreil, Gin ••XTi-iiie ind Ateo.'Mnt. Jr.. ar« oi.'t Id Cii»U. C.vNCER. ruiioa.s. lumps, etc.. Internal and external, cured with- out pain bv our home treatment. Writ* us before too Inte. T'r Bellman M«d;:'.ii Co.. Limited. Collincvodd. Ont. ACiirc!or?impl€s "You don't need mercury, potash or any oiher strong mineral to cure pimples caused by poor blood. Ta'ie Extract of Roots â€" druggist calls it "Ylotber Seigfl's Carsii'.e Syrup- and your akin will clear up as fresh as a baby's. It will sweeten yourstomachand regulate your bowels." Get the genu'n.;. 50c.aiid$1.00Botlies. At drug storea. ( D<M'lors KefOiiiiiK'iitl Boii-Opto !'«irthe l].vcs Physicians and *-ye spt-ilallst." pre- scribe Bon-Opto as a ."afe home remedy In the treatment oi eye troubles and to strengthen eveslRht. Sold under ni'^ney leAmO KAiaiantv by all drusrfrlsts. lliUii HEALS i TERRIBLE â„¢G j â€" . â€" i On Hands From Salt Rheum At Very Small Cost for Soap and Ointment. "I was a great rufferer Irotn salt rheum on my hands. It came in small blisters between my thumb and finger and it itched terribly and kept spre>id- ing. I could not u.sc nty hands at all and the aiiin would cr.ick and bleed so that 1 coiiW Hot betid tiiy fingers. I can» not describe what 1 have suffered an4 the •iicepless nights 1 had. 'Then 1 ifot the Ciiticura Soap and Ointment. 1 only used one cake ol Cull- cura Soap and one box of Oiiitiiicnt when my hands were healed." (SiyncdJ Mrs. M. L. .Aiken, Higiiwatcr. ijui;. Keep your skin cicar by daily use oi Cuticura Soap, with t.iuchcs ol Oiiit- ^oan, .md \\: f? nsen! now For Free Sample Each by Mail ad» dress pii>l'-tard: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." S. ild evervwherei Dangerous Gas and Acids That Hurt The Stomach-Sour The Food Cause Dyspepsia, bidigestfon Recommends a Safe Way to Treat "Stomach Trouble .\t Home Maii.% sIorn;i,^1i sufferers, who are always I'lill of Uftjs uiid wliose stoni- aoh.s burn witli acid aTtiM- nearly averv meal think these things are the RESl LT of liulinestlon when In reatlty they are the CAl'SK. It i.i Just as louUsh to give artlfl- .ial dtKestontfl -â- •uih a.M pepsin, etc.. to a sti>inaoh full uf gas anti a<Md a.s It would be (or a man who had st»p- peil on a tack to rub liniment on hl.s fool without reniuvlntt the taoii. Some stoinaoh.< Rcnerate too much Has and acid. Oua distends ihs stom- ach walls. CRUsiiiR a ftiU. bloated op- lues.'ilve feelloK while the acid Irri- tate and Inllaniiis tlie linluR of the stoiiiaih. Naturally the food fermatita and sours. illKe.-<tiui] Is often delayed and stoniaih tiiissi .v Is the result. â- \rtltioi:il dlRcstents will puBli this ' .sour, fei nuftitmB ma^s liiio The in- testines and so relievo the stomach pain but rhe actd still remains in the 3toina>.'h to generate more xas and produce more trouble at the next \ meal. I If you ore usiiift dlt^estive aids af- lei- inealB droit rheni for a â- while ami instead got a few B-Kvain tablets of pure bisurated maKnesia from an.s' druKKist and take two with each j rn«a.l. Blsuiated .Magnesia does not dlfceat food but ••vlll neutralize the ex- eesslve add In .vour stomach, lieep (he food a^veet and will drive the gas and bloat right out of >our body. .Xs ' MaitneHia is prepared In v arious 'Torins ba Mtne to get ntsurated Mag- nesia for this purpose as it la not a ! laxative and In this refined form will not nijure tha stomach in any way. MOTHERS TO BE Machinery For Sale 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. New Automatic Valvl*Yyp«. Complat* with tupply and exhauat piping^ flywhsal, ttc. Will icc«pt $1,200 eaah for Immadlato aala. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volte D.C, will aeeapt $42S cath for imtn«dlita aal*. PULLEYS. Large sUe. a«xMâ€" «30 ; 1tx«0>-«M I iaH|X4« â€" 112 : ISmMâ€" 4a> 1 BLOWER OK FAX. Buffalo Make. 14 Inch discharge â€" 130. RKAl. ESTATES CORPORATION. LTD. «0 Front St West, Toront* Should Read Mrs. Monyhan'a Letter Published by Her Permission. Mitchell, Tni).â€" " Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound heipod me so much tluring tlie time I was looltingforwsrd to the coming of m;^ little one that I ant reeomniending it to other e.\ pec tant mothers. Be ford taking it, »oiii<.'c!aya( I suffereii wttli neu* ralgia so baniy that 1 thought i~coul(|i' not live, but aft«f, taking throe bottlaii \ of Lyrlia E. Pink*; 'ham's Vegetabis Conipoundl was en? tiiviy relieved oj. ( ii'Miralsia. I had gained in strengtS, ai '1 was abiu to |« ' around ai'cd do i^^ My baby when ssTtq inoniha oiil weighed 1;' pounds and I faa bettor tlian I nave for a long lime, never liad any meuiuiQe do m* much good."â€" Mrs. Peakl MoM^ Mitchell, Ind< Good health during maternity >9'Cj most important factor to both motnw', and child, aud many letters faave bae^ received by the LydIa E. Pinkham Medicine (^o., Lynn, Mass.. telling oi healtii reatoreidduriiigtliis lr> ing perio^ hy the use of Lydia E. Pinlihain s Ve tabie Compouno. my housework. I ega- KO. ISSUE » niT