Between Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. >t«5 Food Control Corner gate quantity of food thus privately sent to the KoUliers ia very lari;e and that much of it, having b«en conveyed lonff distanc-eR in heated express or Ml-. II. B. Thomson, Canada's new niail cars, is more or less spoiled and ! Food Controller, in his first personal consequently injurious to the health of pablic statement to the Canadian the men. The publit are, tlierefore, Press, called for broad-minded, con- Lgkcd to discontinue the practice of structive co-operation by all the peo- ] gending foodstuffs to the soldiers in pie of the Dominion. He also paid | C'anada. nevertheless uware that the seed of 1','^"''' ,'" ^^"^ *'""'' "^ """ """• '^'M ^he waste referred to can be cheek- nivcrtheless uware that the seed ot „^„„j,_ ^^^ predecessor in the Office. | cd ordy by getting each soldier's "When the history of Food Control family and friends to realize that they is written, the initial handling of a individually are the persons who are most difficult and complicated situa- asked to stop sending food in this way CHAPTKK XXI.-^-(Cont'd.) "Not so fai- â€" but it's coming- never! some sort of a new idea had been drop fear! I've got an idea which I hope P^tl '"t" '^'s mind. will work. I mean to persuade my father that Fenella ouKht to leave us CHAPTER XXII. . ._ „ for a bit. We've got friends in Glas-I Between Ardloch and the loch-end""" ^J''" "* appreciated. Not till then The situation overseas is so critical gow; I'll get her an invitation; and,! the seed grew apace, with a forced ^ ^"'-' ^'°'^^ °^ the Hon. Mr. Hanna that every avenue of food waste must once 8h,e s gone, there arc all sorts of growth, as it were, for which that '"' ^""y recognized. The people of be closed, the statement concludes, possibilities. She's so pretty that I parting piece of news had to be thank-; this country will then come to the â- he s bound to pick up admirers, and if I ed. Mabel to be back within a week/ conclusion that Canada was truly Uuncan ge's jealousâ€" and his clevirs|and nothing yet done to blot out the fortunate in the selection of Mr. pride will serve well hereâ€" a mistake family disgrace! Once upon the spot,' Hanna as Food Controller." said Mr. Boeasily arises." | would it be po.ssible to hide from her Thomson He was speaking with that hurried ! quick eyes the blackness of Fenella's i eagerness, that brillancy of gaze which guilt? And was not revelation betrays a fever of mind and almost of synonymous with the renunciation of â- â- body. As Mr. Berrell watched him a' ^jg hopes'' curious smile distended his thick lips, j Let it not be forgotten that the man ' 1 see. And if a mistake refuses; „ow racking his head over the prob- ^°ffi'"'u'. "".Pl'o;!" 'l'^""'''"^,,'"' ""llem was the same who, months ago,' difficult to_give It a .shove, eh?" had said to Mabel: "When WHEN I GOT MY "BUGHn ONE" HOW DOES IT FEI:L WOUNDED?" TO BE WOUNDED HEROES SERVING. "Now that the full seriousness of [ ^•^""'^ Becomes War Weapon To Men the world food situation has been I Eager to Serve. grasped by Canadians, all will devote a„„ :„ , ;„ „„ i^;,„„.. „ ^„.„:„„,i „,.♦ tUo,-- „-.>_,.• i L 1 X 1 1 L .Sewing 18 no longer a despised art their energies to helpful and construe- i , „ ti, „ n • i „ j (â- „ , i- â- ... ^- -1 'for men. The needle is now classed live co-operation in this nation-wide , _. n „ • .u- j lu 1^ I among small arms in thi.s war, and the "i.'.^„,i /-â- *.• -J! ii. 'wounded soldiers in the convalescent .,1 ,, ,r , , . ; - -. . 1 iiau auiu lu iKiUJUi . iiiicu vuu uic; r 000 C-Qntrol VlCWeU from the , ., , ..,, ul ^ I iU â- i-t ... , . •. , . , Albert .. flu.h deepened, but his eyes , marching toward.s a goal, you can't eminence of the 'parish pump' is very ^o^P'^^ls are still able to do their bit. j myself lying on my back m a deep did not drop Istoptonegotiate with ob..tacles; they simple: but there are no 'parish '/ '^°"';^"*'^'' '"'"'^'^ **?'^ *^* ^^^'^^ ^'"''^- I ^vondered dully what had be- if It was to save her from life-long have got to be either cleared away or pumps' in Canada of sufficient alti- °* convalescence and to have an easy come of the sky. I was making a fuge alloXS''"""'^"''' """' '"""â- -'^^ ^L'^'JP'^'l.'^r"-: â- i '-de to command a view of the for^- ! "^'}\^- '^^^ ^"""''^^ ,'««" T'' ''" '""t I '"''''' f "'"' '" '"'''' "^' '''' '' ""' >" It was ho" 1 y'said under the instinc "* ^''^ *,>•'e<^/!',<-' ^•le«""f?-«w^V pro- „i„th parallel from the Atlantic to the j "â- '^}' T^ occupation^ Sewing and solve this riddle, when 1 suddenly dis- tive ., wiction that he.' was no need' ^ed'^th^'^^^^^^^ S'cUr.S^ !'»-«'•' ^-800 miles. _ jembroidery, even crochet and tattmg : covered myself looking into a dark, you are , Articles Wanted for Cash OM frnwuUmy *l*tai »ar»r: Corlaar WalAtnrMi notaraai Mâ€"iUvotit raaai OK Ohlna: Oat Olkati Ornamamtai WatehMi Klufa: T»bU V.'tr* Writ* or sasd by Szvraaa to S. M. ft T. JSViCZVa. Klmitad' ANTIQUE OAI.LERIKH •a asd 30 Colltre Straat, Toronto, Oat. stuck up to the axles i.'i the mud. There was a doctor there In a blood- stained surgeon's smock, who aaid to all and sundry: The Callousness of War. "If you can walk, please do, as you'll be sparing a place for a more serious- ly wounded man!" So my companion and I trudged on. A friendly gunner, who emerged from nowhere, gave us a drink of hot tea out of his mess tin, which made the other officer sick. After this my im- pressions are blurred again. There wounded. When Tgot rny'"BTiglity { wes a very deep dug-out, I remember. one," the above conversation was the where a cheery and bespectacled youth first intimation I had that I was changed the bandage round my head. wounded. At the same time, I was ! and after.that an interminable journey conscious of some warm fluid trickling A Famous Writer, Who Has Himself E.xpcrienced the Sensation, Tells All About It. First voice: "Where'.s th' officer?" Second Voice: "He's buried, pore beggar!" Third Voice: "No he ain't! He's in the shell-hole yonder!" People are fond of asking men in hospital what it feels like to be down the back of my collar. I found uncongenial an idea to the descendant' for over-delicate consideration of nice I points of honor. Mr. Berrell said nothing. He was looking away from .Albert now, to-! wards the face of rock opposite on' which the human ants were busy. ! "It's not a bad idea, I think?" per-, Bis*ed Albert. "Deuced slow, and deuced uncer-' tain. There must be quicker wavs than that." " ; "I can think of no ([uicker way which wouldn't collide with the law of the land," said Albert, with a nerv- our laugh, devoid of all gaiety. "There he is!" remarked the mana- ger suddenl.v, pointing a big finger ^ver him'aKain to-dav. as It had come across the^ abyss at their feet. ; ^ver him on the day when he had all .'Tu ^""c 'ii 1 , , but sprung at his throat in the lane That fellow on the ropeâ€" there be- L,eside the spaewife'.s grave. Projects ^1,''^^ ^^^.l^nx ^Ir^t-the one swinging. _mediaeva! in their simplicity- of ^u'l"^'! .''*':' , , . . . I propo.-iing to his antagonist a siirl of Abltrl.s.rained his eyes towards the .-u^tic duel, upon whose issue the .le- man, who. .suspended from a height ,,isin„ .should depend, whirled through of some forty feet, was at that mo- - - . . . " ment .swaying rapidly from aide to "The war could boast of . The uplifting of his | front of .some 400,000 men in the narrow head and the quiver of his thin trenches. The Victory Loan of $450,- nostrils, as he viewed the prospect, | 000,000 was not raised by a few, but said as much. Worldly wisdom not-! was paid for by one person in every withstanding. Mabel had probably ! nine throughout Canada. This was been right when she surmised that a ^^ voluntary work under guidance, dirk 111 his hand would prove a more m, ,„ .1,,^ n, u i -i !• i than usually dangerous instrument. ! f?"^ *^'\* *^« ^^^°1«= situation and - Ijg the prejvsing necessity of conservation is not being fought bv ''^^^ ^^'^^ brought into service by the â- «n..,i=, nr<.lnf= t cniiH ! vocational training instructors of the Military Hospitals Commission who also direct the occupational work in the hospitals. sunburnt face The Long Sleep, Then it dawned upon ! wounded! me â€" I was I remembereti hearing a The men- in the Canadian Hospitals ! shell "coming for me," as much ex- are not yet engaged in practical sew- ! perience of the sound of approaching ing as are the convalescents in many shells has taught men in the trenches of the continental convalescent hos- j to say. Something hit me hard â€" and pitals where the wounded are engaged! I gently went to sleep. I have often over atrocious roads on a jolting munition-limber. Of that journey I only recall one little incident. The limber halted outside some kind of dressing station installed in bi;;' white and brown marquees by the roadside. Just outside one of tha tents there stood a man with a lantern â€" for dusk had fallen â€" and he was bawling with stentorian voice: "Only bleeding wounds here! Only bleeding wounds here!" for all the world like a "barker" outside a picture palace. Unshaven and Begrimed. After that someone, some<vhure laid me on a bed and gave me hot beef-tea to drink, a seemingly endless drive in a i 'Phe untamed Gaelic blood might be , â€" ''p;oducUon ^hav7been ' put ' before ' '" "'^'^'"^ ^'"^^'^^ ^°' ^^^ ''''' ^"â- '^''«" i '^""f^'^* "'"'"^ '^^^ ^eath must come to n.^tor char-a-banc, 'loaded with Kroan- S^'t^uL'r'lll 'Lt[llTive[i'' as" â- the .K-ople, each oFthrei Jilt million iP-^-"'« "^ ^y^'^' ^^ Palestine, but men in action like that. i„g mounded, followed, and at length. i H cmd lives under the aihes A wil.1 citizens of Canada should constitute | ^hey have many art novelties which ; When I came round I was all pam | shivering with a rising temperalure. I I desire to fight out the matter with him or herself a Food Controller. Jt have been sold to support relief funds : and very frightened. The man with j reached a casualty clearing :;fation, Duncan, physically and palpably, came i is up to everyone of you to see that there is no break in the line. "The whole urgency of the case is side in avoidance of some loose stones from above, and with a sheer wall of some two hundred feet descending straight from under him. The ftcc of rock on which he worked bristled with iron spikes as a pincushion with \ni\if. .After five or six lively swings,' he chicked himself by one of them,' and astride upon that perilous .-ieat, i set lo work again with his tool. A1-; though the sight was not new to Al- bert, yet- merely to look on gave a, slightly sick feeling. | "It would be an awful fall," he' faid, .^peaking low. "He would be smashed to pieces, I suppose?" I "To smithereens! That's a quick j way, if you like!" He laughi'd in a fashion which grat-l ed strangely upon Albert's nerves. The young man could not forbear a shudder. "Hut these accidents are very rare, are they not?" his brain, only to be as inevitably re- jected as the first suggestion. What; remained? Nothing that., he could; see, beyond a general resolve to keep for such purposes. "^ '. the sunburnt face bandaged my head â- where the doctors promptly labelled The convalescent soldiers in Europe 1 and found a flask in my pocket. The ; me a lying-down case. Four sturdy ,, were, given at first the straightf or- j brandy brought me back to my senses! and very youthful German prisoners summed up in two words, THRIFT '^''"''^ sewing of children's \simple to the extent of my suddenly realizing carried me to the ambulance train; and INDUSTRY. Get to under- ; '^'â- •^'^^'' which had been cut out and j that war was highly dangerous, and I; they paused a minute to wipe the per- stand the meaning of both of 1 ta^^'^^'^l together. They became so pro- ; longedâ€" oh, how I longed!â€" to be i spiration off their foreheads, words and then 'DO YOUR UTMOST.' j '^'^'^^"'^ '"' * ^^°^'^ '""^ ^'"''^ ^^^^ were j somewhere safe, somewhere soft and j "VMiat is that one?" said Hun No. .Miracles cannot be performed- but ' ""'*^^'* ^'^ '^"^ ^'^^"^ °"'^ ''^ ^'*"' ^"'^ j warm and clean, where one need not 1. enormously greater good can be ac- ! "^^^ they are skived seamstresses or ^ think, but only rest and sleep, complishcri if we all pull together" ', "seamsters." Sewing machines have: Most men who have been wounded ' been installed through the agency of > will tell you afterwards that they re- the Red Cross and the work is going ' member only snatches of their subse- his senses on the alert, aii'd a vague' , , ^^V^'' ^'"ntirence with C-i..neral S. T. j^heaj ..-ith great speed. The complet- ! quent movements, faint, ineonsequen- confidence in that .saying wlucli a.^- ^,"'Y""'' ^"""stei ot .^liluia, the , gj gai-ments are going to the refugee ! tial pictures, like impressions of one's .sert.s that the gods have a habit of I-O'h Controller has issued a state- ! ,.,„p,. . early childhood. I have not the slight- helping those who help themselves, ment pointing out that it is entirely Ah, but they would have to help unnecessary jfor additional food to be I quickly, with Saturday so close! I supplied by relatives and friends i Go back to the simple life, be con- The "dirty" weather predicted by ' to Canadian .soldiers while ii: this tented with simple food, simple pleas- .Mr. Berrell had become dirtier by next country, in view of the liberal and i ures, simple clothes. Work hard, pray ,ul). u.Vf^'^J^A. ""!!T,h ^','vl!lu ' ^•"'â- 'e'l fo"'' '-ation issued to the troops \ hard, play hard. Work, eat, recreate the loch so luimiuable with wlute , ,, „•,•.â- r% . ^ i i T^ -i n i crests, that Albert, having taken a , ''>' the Mditia Department. ; and sleep. Do it all courageously, look round, perforce gave up all hope ! ^^^ statem.nt adds that the aggre- j We have a victory to win. of seeing his spirit-level that day. i"' i .Smithy work was about all the day was fit for, apparently; so, having given his order.s for a general over- hauling of iniplvmeiits, Albert retired to his den and to his piimitive lunch. He had barely done eating it, with- out the smallest relish â€" since nothing nowadays seemed to have any taste in his mouth â€" when, ga/.ing idly /Ibout the M TRY THESI IMsh Chowder Rabbit, fowl, or any early childhood. I have not the slight est recollection of getting out of my shell-hole, but I have a hazy idea of j seeing a knot of dishevelled and very meek German prisoners, and of being told that I was to take them down to I Battalion Headquarters with me. I i don't in the least remember what be- came of them, but the orderly who I escorted nie back told me afterwards that he handed them over, with num- bers complete. "Out of the Game." A wounded officer has always seem- ed to me like a man in a tennis tour- nament who drops out early in the contest. Once he is beaten, he has no ONE-DISH DINNERS. attention of the other competitors wh are playing or waiting their turn to I retty rare If Ihey .slip off the throuKh the window, in one Of the peg there is the rope, you see.' j comparatively pcacefM intervals, he And does the rope never bix^iik ?' | ^^^ ^uj an "Ah!" of surprise, for upon . -'^evcr IS a big word. Ihey re ,he tumultuous field of water a black periodilally inspected of course; but; „peck which could only be a boat was vvith , lie amount of friction they go, ploughing its wav onward, through, mishaps cant be quite ex-| ..(â- „„ it be my spirit-level, after •Uided. t all depends upon the man all?" he astked himself, well-iileased, ' used instead of the, or tomatoes . ,j , , i- i^ i o i i ^ p. ;'V 1- "â- ^"i'^' ,.,',",''' 'Jr ,,'"., , „.„.,, ^, . ' 1 If ing; add 1 teaspoon ot salt and 2 way down on a sunnv autumn after- .lulia must have bribed that fellow , instead of milly. Carrots may be omit- (~. >• ^ '<-'i i j "He is an Indian," promptly replied Hun No. 2. "He has not got a turban," said Hun No. 3, doubtingly. "But he is black!" retorted Hun No. 2. Then I knew the sun and the mud had done to my complexion.'^ . 4 Do Not l^se Coal OiL. A prominent surgeon has called attention to the fact that every year there are several cases of fatal burns from coal oil being used to hurry up a slow f:je. Sometimes also people will lay a new fire, thinking that the old one is out, and pour on a little coal oil, with the result that the oil takes fire explosively, catches fire to the oil pouring from the can, which in turn ignites the clothing of the person, and perhaps the building. If you are accustomed to tise coal further personal interest in the same,^;,^ p,,^^^^ „^,^^ ^^^ possibilitv that ?"'l..'!L.'''l7:L'!ru".''!„!!_':"F.^!!..*l^':l Je^th by burning is exceedingly' pain- meat m ! in your stove so that you can cook it j play. This sensation of being "out be ^^^ ^ '"'^'^ time, or use a fireless cook- of the game"' was, I remember, very Heat W'l quarts of water to boil- 1 strongly on my mind as I made my er. uliovc. If the fastening't secure, or if the rope gets rubbed through, it'al (i'neiyi" he who is responsible." 'V\\-a.\. the .Albert laughed in his turn, a little! loch-end â- raft was making for the ted. l',2 pounds fish (fresh, salt, or cups of hominy which has been soaked ' noon from the front line, past the dead overnight. Cook in a double boiler | bodies of men who had been "over the ful, and that if you continue the prac- tice you many be the next victim. Excellent bread can be made of wheat, barley and rye. Raw Furs Aaicl OlnseBff â- Wauted Kitrlieat Fricea Paid N. SILVER 320 St. Paul St. W., Uontreal, F.Q. 20 years of reliable tradinf? Baferencaâ€" Union Bk. of Oanada and the rocky galleries. ' cr with boiling water, running along for a mile or two on j vegetables are tender (^ook until I Mix three i He can't get anything but a crew of; jj,^^ ^|,yn boy.-< nowadays. "Strikes me a Idt foolhtudy of him to put his life into such juvenile hands." "KonlliMi-dy, beyond words," said -Al- bert, vvith conviction. With an elaborate yawn, the mana- ger turned, and gave a quite super- fluous kick to a broken wheel, shed l)y Home decrepit truck years ago, and rusting away peaceably under thcl (,es3or was alreadv pushing its black; You shelter of nettles and docken-leaves, | bead round the shoulder of the hill. I Well, a fools blood will fall on ; xhe herons that dwelt among the ash-' nobody s head but his own. no ^ ^^^.f,^|, „i,ove came flapping back un IZ^ t^!:'iâ„¢^,Si;:ints Ihatl '''^enX^iawIs'\:^i:(?,aZ;i:Y^d '<-â- '-- l^taWespoon ^alt, '4 t^^^on ; ^^th breacl^f-" -^h or jam for | „^ber resenthig the M^ee^y way be used. Here is one combination: : knowledge hurt. .'i cups cooked hominy, 4 potatoes, 2! Revulsiou of Feeling. i a man at Battalion j help me along, as ! ery painful. I put m.v | neck and he put his j round mine, and so we hobbled along, i tumuHuou.^lirand. with' the rago of ! small pieces. Cook until the fish is i T,r'"';;; .";'".'";'"'". ""'j;i» what had been our first objective! the last squall barely spent, its sue-! tender, aljout 10 minutes. Serve hot. I f",''"^ "'"^'^'if'^ '" " oaKing oisn, anu^hat morning, a German trench much' can omit salt pork and use a ] "" " "â- "'"^ """'"' I damaged by shell fire, where the regi- 1 tablespoon of other fat. I These dishes supply all five kinds of! mental aid-post was reported to be, i Dried Peas with Rice and Tomatoes.^""''- ''''"^^ '^ enough for the whole, I came across a man from my own I Balg^SOwnSQap 1 Vii cups rice, 2 cups dried peas, 6 '''."""â- ^°'" * ^"""''y ^'' fl^'.p- Eat them! legiment, a machine-gunner. I happen." He gave another awkward laugh. | craned his neck and kepi it rigid, his his white-npRro face looking almost ] eves narrowing in their sockets." foolish as he did so. For a moment, ' Surely it could not beâ€" yes, it was, or 80 the two men, avoiding each oth-| ihoiiiiih! Kvery instant and everv ! yards of the shore. .Albert suddenly ; P'^PP^''^ ' ' â- • â- 'Tied). quarts of water. Cook until tender in ,2 cups tomato (fresih or can- dessert. ^ Then you will have all the j which he greeted me '"Tied). Soak peas over night in two re-! in : erg eyes, stared across at the ifrey wall of the amphitheatre, with the scars of the blapts, and the white quartz veins running over its face, while the familiar "chip, chip" sound- ed loud in their ears. "It's shocking to think of," said Al- l)ert quickly, after that moment, and, for the second time to-day, put out his ♦land. For the second time Mr. Berrell de- layed taking it, jerking his eyes back to the other's face. "You've heard of the return?" "Whose return?". "The Attertons. Due at Biillad- rochit on Saturday," "IIo\y do you know?" asked Albert precipitately. 'Had it from Mrs. Perkin, who hud (To be continued. > Their Fathers. Two little Scotch girla were boast- ing about their respective soldier fathers, "My father's a soger," said .leanie. "My father's a soger tae five kinds of food your body needs. | "Hallo, you've taken the knock, too. These five kinds are: â€" 1. Milk, cheese, have you?" water in which they soaked. Add rice, j <'KKS, fish, meat, beans, peas. 2. Cereal: i told him rather testily that his onions, tomato, and seasonings and ' ^'°'""' ''"^*' "*ts, rye, wheat. 3. Syrup, surmise was absolutely accurate, and cook 20 minutes. ! sugar. 4. Fats: butter, oleomargar-l asked him the news. Potted Hominy and Reef Hominy is excellent to use as part of a one-dish dinner, if you have a fire Ine. 5. Vegetables, fruits. Choose something from each these five groups every day. The Clean Plate, "Please don't eliminate the leftovers I """tter which cannot be argued I "Jack's killed," he said, mentioning of; a man we both knew, "A shell got! him and his orderly earlv this morn-' ingr." mended by the Food Controller is a Now Jack was a particular friend of Vagatabla fata and aatnral iBower axtraott giva BABY'S OWN SOAP iti wooderfully lofteala^ and aromatic lather. Sold everywhere. A;b«rt Sotpa Limited, Mrrs , Montraal guiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiniiiiitiiuiiiiiiiu "I I the Hpeaker, but the latter's voice was 5 retorted Jes.sie, "Ah, but my fdh- altogether. My husband and boys i hale to be so skimpy about my servj steady, and he spoke quite unemo- - iribly brave! like some of my left-over dishes bet- 1 '"? that I cannot toll whether my tionally. In action one realizes next = ei 'b a brave man, a ter man,'' persisted .leanie; "he's been inj ter than the originals,'' a war an' he's got medals, a terrible Thus reads a letter just received lot o' inedalH; an' he's got the Victory fj-oni a reader. From what she says Cross, and the King fastened it on and from the examples of the dishes with his own ban'!" "But my fath-j ghe makes from those lett-overs, it is er's u braver man than yours," said j very easy to see that she is one of children are satisfied or not," reads a 'to nothing, and one may thank God letter from a person who preaches and j fur it. practices generosity. This is tha old I A Good Samaritan. Canadian attitude. But look at it in! The Germans were shelling that this light: The generosity fou show, trench, fitfully ami inaccurately, 1 ex- in serving your children and your pect, as no shells burst near us. But' Jeasie, sticking up valiantly for the honor of the family, "an" he's got a It from the Balladrochit housekeeper.!^^'"'"''-'" '«» '«' the King nailed on wi' bis ain ban ! It's quite fixed .Albert stood for a moment lonjfer, apparently trying to I'ollect his thoughts. Then finally took his leave. "I'm afraid you'i'c in for a bad spell.' Looks like dirty weather." | "I'm afraid m too. All the more I reason for getting over in time." [ He walked rapidly away, shaken by "f dry hardwood I'lepare For Next Winter. Unless all signs fail, the coal short- age next winter will be more acute than this winter, ami every effort those rare cooks who waste nothing j f .*'â- ".''' â- ""'* 'Y" they want is de- the old feeling of panic came over me ' priving other human beings some- again. that good cooking can make eatable. ... ,, ,, , . ,- , . . . ,' L 1-..1 ^ 1 . f where in the world of food which i For her a little extra cereal or a fcAV , „,,,,,„„.. , _ ^ * " »\";^" ' slices of toast too many are not waste; they are an opportunity. But the moral of the slogan "KMimi ^ factually necessary for their existence. j Carelessness about butter is a com- I mon Canadian sin against thrift. In Near the aid-post my e;.cort hand- .^.^ IFthere was just one JNOv^l WALKER HOUSE SAIL ' In each town where I go, My troubles then would last like that Proverbial ball of snow. Of which 1 1 iTe no doubt at all But you bare oft' heard tell. I meaa the one which people say Was located down In well ! I , ,„ ..•..â- XT.,- I >â- early every family some member has nate the left-overs is this: Nothing ; 15,^ j,„hit of taking huge helpings of should be left over that cannot be Shutter which he or she does not use used, and remember that left-over â- T^e remedy is simple. Cut slices off dishes which arc most costly after the| ti,e „blong pound of butter a quarter Farmers and vil [ nece.ssary.additions are made t«,trans- ] „f „„ i^^h thick, and cut each slice new and strong feeling of repulsion j laj.'ers will be expeded to look after 1 form thorn into palatable food.q than j,|{y fmn. pieces. When the butter r hU future brother in-law, but ' liiemseUes, but in cities and towns the entirely new dishes would be are not I jg g^fved let each member of the fam ' 'â- "'•â- â- '- â- ' 'â- ' - - "â- - • â- â- - - â€" The cook who can use jiy take one small piece at a time. I ..-.ictti iin- aill-|'u;^t iu.> c;,cor(, luiiiu- , |^ ed me over lo a doctor, who was going j 9 down to the dressing station. That ' 3 doctor was a (iood Samaritan, He led { • Which co>;!d never last, ; What int'rests tou and me is honld be exerted lo provide a supply \ dishes which arc most costly after the! ti,e „hi„„g pound of butter Shur-Gain ::^ responsibility is devolving upon the j an economy. »..r .„„i «„v, ,,.„ ..^.c ^ j,y take one small piece at a time It 'municipal authorities. These should' the extra servings to good advantage | ,0,,,,^^ ijjjg ^^ j,n,g,i epo,„„„y_ ^^^^^ jt Feriilizer lose no time in organizing to have | need not worry about cooking a little! j., 0^^ ^vhich careful city ho'usewlves wound cut, hauled and stored to dry ; too much, but the less resourceful have practiced for yeais, and now during the sunimer. If this is not housewife will do well to <ount heads ' that we are asked especially to con- j done, the situnlioii next winter jiniscs lo be very serious indeed. , r ,, i - â€" -. especially pro- iind measure c:ueful!y. | ,j,.y^, hutter. country women xvill I However, the "clean plate" recrui^ ww to follow their example. con- ic It doe»«'t matter "bout that snow baU, me very gently through the barrage and oil to a road where our ways part- ed. There we fell in with an officer who had been shot through the knee, who was hobbling along, using a rifle as a crutch. With a pat on the back the doctor left me. I never saw him again, and 1 never knew his name, but I hope the Recording .\ngel booked what he did for inc on the credit side of his account. The ne.xt stake of my journey that 1 recall is the dfessing station, a great jumble of stretchers and muddy walk- ing; wounded, and horse arabulsmces 5t» TO Having oonuorts to us passed. And I know PEACE and JOY and HAPPINESS To vm would flow, U there was just oae WALKER HOUSE la each torn where I g«. The Houat of Plenty S The Wall^er House I Toronh 5 Geo. Wiight to Co., Pr.Mi-ipror , S iMIIIUUIUlUlUHtMIIMIIIIMIMIIIIiillUIIR i- ! i r :