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Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1918, p. 1

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/leslj^rt^ti "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -•• PEI5CIPLEh NOT MEN. m :)7 No. 40 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, FebriiLiry J i 101<3 ' i. W, H THUKiiTON ad PKOPKIE f t* ^) Feversham Items Kimberley Budget Kliss Ad» Kaitii'ig has returned litiuie froiii T<jnjnti), where shu visiteil with fnentU fnf a couple of wouks. Will Oulquettu U st«iii>nuJ at Farkdile for the pt-eseut, anJ will )ie known a.'j C. P. U. cob '.Mi ti) some of lh«' l>->ys in vicinity, wb suppose. Mdtthew CoiiioD of C.illint;»ooil and Mrs. Banncnn^ui of Sask-itcliewan vihited at A. .J. '.'oiiruii's recently. E'nerson Oabonie and Will I'sriijoj of C'lllingwood visited fiiend.s hure over a week cnU. We see by a clipping from a Toronto paper that the local exemption tril.uinaU have exoiiiptud ;10,335 out of :>^,'J38, and B»k if 3kll Che men of (.juebc'c have Hat feet like the Laval .students of Montreal. Vnder those Cijudiliona we would s;iy cold feet is the trouble m both, and wonder it the Military Service Act only applies to the other provinces of Canada ani nut to Quebec us well, and also think that the goveruiuent, or whoever has ontrol of this att'lir, should b-* talked to with no uncertaiu demand. The hard times social provjid a sauces? Slid proved out the old saying, " i little nonsense now and tlien is reliohed by the be,«t of men." The proeeed'S, in ail of the union Sabbath school, aniounted to «in.2.j. Heathcote Miss Jean Milne of Toronto ii visiting at her borne here. Mrs. Richard Green has returned home after a forlui«hi's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ellis of Collin<;wood. Mr. tnd Mis-, Hujh Fiddi.s cntei tained a number of their friends mie ereniDg recently. The Heathcote W. 1. held tht-ir m-icthly meeting at the hunne of Sligg Gerty Fawcett oa Friday afternoon with the usual number of ladies piesenc. The next ineeiing will be at Mrs. 'b'ields' on W^ednesday, Feb. '27. We are pleased to know that Mrs. -Hartley Fawcett is iniproviog after an atisok of pleurisy. Mr and Mrs, George Wellinaii of t^Ull ill); wood visited with the latlei's ui other, Mrs. Baker. Osprey Council O.sprey Council met at Feveishmi on F<b. 9, accjrdiug to adjourniiient fioni Jan. 18 last. The nieiiibers were all present, Minutes of last meeiiiii; wore lead and adopted. Communications and iiccounts were received from L. Caiueton, uRCoUDt $15 for work on townliue c'.ill- ins>wcod and t^yprcy ; Dept. nf rublic Uii,'hways leijardiuK appointment o( road overfcer ; The Ontario .Association for BiinJ, .iskiui; cooperation to secure b^'ttcr leg's! it i. Ill tor the blind ; Co. Treasurer, I'St of luud.H liiible to be sold for arraais of Mxta in 1918 ; Bulletit\ Printing Co , Oollinuwood, acct. t7.7o for printing ballots ; Ontario Department of Asjricul- ti>re, asking for appointmeui of repve B ntativo from Osprey : report from thn auditors on accounts of Ittl" ; report of cun.uiittee on Treasurer's securities ; Tbos. Soott, aecount $'2.4i), and Mfriauo. UrJeis were issued on the Tiefisurtr to p;»y Bulletin Printing Co. $7.75, Alev J. O'nron and Harold SpoUbtd, fl2 each fir services as auditors, §2 to each of this amount to be ch.%r)(eU to the Osprey Telephone system for audit of then accounis ; W. L. Taylor ;»nJ Sundy ' Douglas, $70 each for service as coUeo- t.«-s f-r 1<J17 ; Tbos. Scott 82.40, e.tptess and carriage ; Lachie Canioroii, $15 for work done ou townline, one half of aint- to bi' ch^i r'.ied to the township of foiling, wood ; h'wui Morrison and Thos. Scott wore appoiulc 1 delegates to ivtteud the Hydro F.levtric Uailway Association nieeetiug iu Toronto on Feb. 12. The Coincil approved by resoluljuDtu cooperate with tne A.ssocialion for the Blind to help »ecve btttor l«)iislation by hiving a comnii'jsion appointed by the Out'iiio Legislature to he'p the blind, Georijei W. Ui>8s was appointed as a repitseiitaliv\> from O-fprty lo the ineet- iug of the D-'pfcrlinoni of Agriculture. Oouncl adjourned to meet at Sirrg- huiip'^ni >rt Saturday, Murch 9 nvxt. an 1 alsii a speeds! neetiug at -Maxwell m Feb. Vo ti< adjiiHt the sUtuLuUbor siHiit ti ,. (- â-  Htiau'.fful weather at present. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilm u and dtugh- ter of Edmonwn, Sisk., reue«ed old aciiutintauces in this vicinity during the past week. Lie scdd over 100 bogs since .luly His mother was a aister of Mr. .John KaA-cett of the Tiiivellera Home and Will, of the valley road south, Mr. Wiu. McLoughry of Markdale was a plea.sant caller in our buru on Saturday list. The bazaar held by the Women's Tn •stitute in the public hull im Friday after- noon and evening last was a success tinancially and otlierwisii. The total sales of ".lie day netted over S200. li.D. Carrutliers of Sligo wielded the auction- eer's hammer. Ill the knitting contest fui married women Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson took first pr za and Mrs. Stephen Hurritt second. For young ladies. Miss B<»ker first and Delia Aber^rointiie second. For youug silrls under 15, Miss Wilty of Woileliouse tjrat, and Miss Lawson of Wodehouse stv ,nd. The hat trimming contest for jouna men created a l;>ioJ deal of ainuseineut. .lack Wilson of Eugenia took lirst prize and Stanley (,'anipbell of Eugenia second. Mi;,s Mildred M.-Vulleu ..t Tnrontn visited friends m this vicinity duriivj; the past week. Saul Fawcett visited friends in Thcrn- bury on Saturday i.isl, W. T. Ellis, who has been onsjagcJ in the pulpwood business uear Proton most of the ffiriter, returned hnme "u Satur- day El St Mountaia IJiiiuliful Fcbruiry weather Mr. Carl lluuiberstone aud Miss I'rsuIaOir vi.ilod at Pete Soniers' ne,ir F^'voishain . Mr. Alex Madill of the Soo, is visiting with liis daughter, Mrs. Alex. Carruthers. We aresoriy"to btio that Mr llobeit Fawcett is still very sick. Mr. Robert McMullen, wile and family, attended the presentation party at Uock Mills, given iu honor of Mrs. Ms brother, Pte. Arthur Chard. A number from here attended the Kiiiiberley Ktd Cross iMzt.-ir and report a "ood time. Mrs Alex. Carrutheis has returned home after attending the bedside ot bor aunt, Mrs. J. Holley of Mardkale. The Vouiig People's Society will bo'd a siirjial meeting at Geo. GorJuy's on Wed. February the 27lh. Fred Martin and .lohu Oir attended the Spriiighill Ked Cross L-onecrt on biiday evening .a.-,!,. Ueoige (Joiley will hold an iitction sale ou the 28tli ipst. Mr. Nat Caswell and wife visiteil llifc latter's mother, Mrs. .John Martin, for a few days. Sorry to say Mr. Uuiuberstune is ou the <ick list. Vandeleur Mr. E. Baker visited friends in Coll- ingwood recently He also spent a few days in the city last week. Mrs. E. Gilbert auJ daughter, Violet, of Ivimberley, Mrs. Jasper Gilbert and little Uaimhter, Bernice, of Vancouver, and »ir. John McOee sikmi.; Thursday ..f last wetk at W. J. UutcSioson's. A mt'ctin;^ was held in the f'oieste.i '>< hsU -jii Wednesday evening last, the object being to orgauizo a Farmers' Club. It was decided to go ahead and a nieetiiig will be held nn Tuesday evening to organize, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill of Mukdalc were visitor* at Ge<.>. Warliug's recently Robert Necly is ou a business trip c Xonb lliver. Miss Nelli.- Biirriti, teacher at Cheese- ville, spent the -.u-ek end with her sister, Rna, <Sf this i>l.ici.> W. II. Dr.nkei of Creeniore, Ont., has a iNiletit process for putting up peal fu^i. I', can be m.tnuiactured a" the bog in its whii'c. tooth statu and is bound ti'gcther io such a way that it nill sliind any amouut ot rough handlinv- Thih pto- cvsj d<.«s away wiib the uititicial drying and gfiriding ot ihf pMt before it is unt ofeerUin ovonty in^iiTs- ' pr^Motl, ai-.d' his umhioory will luako -THt").S, «COTT, Cl9rk. ' fr-mi 2."i to 50 ton.i of fuel per day. Cevlon Chat Mr. S. Hemphill left Thursday evjSQ ing to see liis son, Pte. .J-ihii H., at Xiagara cimp, wh<~ Kft Friday for overseas. Gunner (Joldiviu MoMullen, who is <u lasi leave, spent the we.-k end with his parents, aiuh on Saturday eveiiii)-.; wa.s very kindly remeui'iered with a well tilled imrse from his neighbors. t>.)ld\vin returned to Toronto Monday, taking with him best wishes for a sife return. Mr. .'ohn C.juk and diugh'er, Muriel, of Milestone, Sask., vi.sited Iii- uiicle. here, lust week. Mr. and Mis. Wni. Bone of BearJsl"y, Minnesota, who have been vl.iiiiiig Mr, and Mrs. T. Chislett, left Monday f)r their home. Mr. P..tlisoii of Owen Sound visited his cousin, Mr. .Jiines Pattis-jn, over the week end. Mrs. H. Burnett visited Markdale friends last week. Wm. Ntcly ii.nd assistants, Markdale section, were a.ssisting Mr. H. Ben'i.c on his part of the section last week. The Uilliug Helpers held a pleasant meeting .it the home of the Pi-e.ddent, Miss Ella Whitiaker, Friday afternor.u Ttle ne.Tt meeting was invited to tlio home of Mis. F. D. Cairns. Mr. and Mr.». W. .7. Cook, lObordale, Y-sited with his brother, R. Cojik, the first of the week. Messrs. H. Corbelt and W'. .Vrnorfc of Warehani held a ineating in the tJrango Hill Friday evening in the interest of the Coopiiative Farmers' .Astsrclatiori, wiib tho object of .\Jr. .7. McMillan was appoin-ed President and Roy Piper 8ecro-aiy. Eugenia Paragraphs We iralC'Jiuii Mr Walter Tbowpsuu of Fleshdrlon and his brid.i l.o our village j and wish tile yimng couple a long ant'. I pfosperuus life. ! Mr. H. Haiiiiiiiid ins moved hin j £..uii y t'l Kimberlcy. We are sorry lo I lose Mr. iiiid .Mrs. Hiniinond. Juke Wdliiiisif Toronto spent a lo>v I days with his many friends here recently. We arv. sorry to r^-pyrt .Mr. .lames M isjee very ill hi preseiit. He has been reunved lo his. own bfine. Nurse M irt'ivt is Htieiiciiig hull. His sun, Bert, ts re- covciiii;;, though sli>wly, from a tryir.g llnuH o'' aTjout iivn uion:hs. A very pr-'try v.ileiriiij arrived at the hoiuo of Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Turner â€" H girl. Mr. and .Mrs. l^nlis und sun, .Jack, sp.^iit. the week end with .Mis. I'laks' father at Priceville. •J. K. Jamies >ii loi'* puichaed i ik w drivinu" horse. M.isters Uilpli, tjeoi-.e ami Harold Twohy spent the end with Mrs. I'iiriiauient. We ire sorry to report .Mr. alid Mrs. Walter Russel's little s.ui i.l at time of wr{tiug. The E'Jgenii \\'. 1. have sent ainlher bile of SOX. BatesBurialCo. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont- MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery J. W. Bates, R. Maddccks, Pres. Manager. Pig For Service I'uie bred raiinviirtli Ciirfor Service "U I.)t 17(i, 1 S.W.T. nni .S. H., Arte mssia. Terms .?1 or *2 fi.>r piiir-breds. 1 June 18 â€"1. .7. SrrNSi >X, Pr p A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT ••••»•• •••••"•»••••••««••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€" ••••••••••>••• â-  â€".f..»«.^..»..»i â- >â- .♦â-  .« !••••â- â€¢-••••••••'»â-  I II 1 ill Victoria Corners Mrs. Trotter of Toreuio, vitited » few days with her old friend, Mrs. .1. Laidlaw. Mrs. Milton Baoaon with her two cliildten, Jiminie and Doris, visitud the former's mother at Wide .Awake Land. We .ire sorry -to learn that we ar* about to loss Mr. Will Iiwiu and family. Mr. Irwin has traded farms with Mr Seeley oi Gnodwa'er, .Sisk. Next weeli we will likely report more change of pruperty. Miss Hamilton spent the week end u^ her home in Chatsworth. Pithy Proton Pointers Mr. P. .J. Mitehell, Owen Snun.I, renewed a<i|uiint^iiicf s here Junni/ tho past wnek. 5Ii,s. Brougi.tou, accouipa-iitil i^y Iu r little daughter, .\lice. of Swiutuii Pnrk, is visiting her fi i-nd, Mrs. li. Copeland. Miss Cornet', Dundalk, is the uucst ..f hor fiiend. Miss Edna Acheson, Mrs. A. W. Kowe, Dundalk, wa.- a caller in this village one day this week. Notwithstanding the inclement wcailier "f Tu''sd;iy last tivo carloads i f s'.wV. were loaded here by the farim i < and shipped to Toronto. Xearly ten th n.-and dollars worth ol stock has been sliippet" hy thiii brunch of the C.FO , which lia.-s Its head'iuariers liero. This coilaiiily speaks well for the stock. gruwin-.' industry iu this part of the piovince. Portlaw Mr. .Iidii. W. McKoe, who was oper- ated on for appendicitis a few waeks ago has made rapid prouress toward lecotieiy. His friends wore glad to see him able to be out a;2Hiu lately. Miss May O.iintield went lo Toronto hst week and is receiving hospital treat-, which we hope may he .'uccessful. Mia. U. T. White had a linger auipu t-^t-,;d lately. The meuiber had been L'iving her trouble for <iui(e a hing lune from the elfe-ts of a felon, and its lemov.i' was consideied necessiry. The home I'f .Mr. and Mrs. (;eoi,;i! Har«ravo was inv.ided c)ne evo.;iiii; recently by i large number of friends, who .showered upon the uewly wedded couplj a peifect deluge of kitohi-n uten- sils, and .tfterwartls s,;eiit a veiy en joy- able aociiiJ evening. Walkerton .\ work man iii a Walkerton facl^iy while going tip vroik recenily collapsed on the street and was reiii.jvcd in a protliate condition to h.s hoiiio. As he was almost as low in tiiiances as he viis iu henllli, and bavin;: a wife and li-e small children lo suppoit, hi.-; factmy colli;a!iiies took up a Culiect 0.1 for li 10 and imsed Si.'8 iu a few iiiiuules. 'iiin E-iglish i.-huieh. which the family attend , iind the town c-juncil aio l)«'n takii.g turns ill t xtji.ding leliof, iind the fimily will 11.1 doubt he tided over ihe bard spell hy the ehaiiisblc asgis'auco '1ms .,tt'oi-ded them. Mrs. Wilhelm will', wi li her dainj'i'er, Mis.s I'illie WiUieUir. lives I'li a farm w.s; lit VValkertou, had the misiortune wl.i'e going down the cellar steps w ith a cmdle in her lianJ. to fall dnwn the stairs 'ii.d kndirg on the cement door broke two ribs off h?i- ;•... oroiai s badly bruising h.'i back. .Vs sh«j «as in ihe house at the liiiiif, she lay iiiicousui'ms in ihe cellar until one "f her ftrfindchildien happened in on her w.ty home ti iin school after fmir iind w.-is atiraeel by Iho inoaii.s, wlieie slu" found the ng- d Inly lying (i.'Mstrate ou the ll or. t.Kvinu to the advanced ngeifMrs. Wilhelm, wh.i it iu her 8lst year, her conditioii is most IMCjariiaiS --Herald and Tunes. i ' Britisln Col\;im.l>ia, Sa,lmon Ki'-.s-li a '') pt-r jiojikI Wl. le they l.isr. A Full Stock O! Purple Specifii- ulway.s t>u ham.!. Voii can always keep yoar>'ock and poultry in j^jood 'oiiilitii- 1 by n.sing if. Highest Prices for Produce. W.L.WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Sldble Equipment, Etc D. McTAVISH. L FLESHERTON J I HORSES WANTED Williamson lUo.s. Tofontc, will be ia Markdale Tn>.'S(iay nnd W'ediiesd.iy, l^eLruarv 1".> * '20 Flesherton Thiiisday, tet>, LM, To buy g'-,od block y horses from I'JOO (loundR uu ; »lsu accd tuiies RUita^tti for the West. Tiling them mit, wo will pay you all ihoy «re worth. WILLIAMSON BROS. Pliilip White of CiiUinuwotd wi-i ' seiitenoeii by .]mli;e Vimci tn i-ne yctr ' at Our.v«sh Farm for ^hoo ing his bro- ; Iher. EJwird While. There had been ; bad bl'ind for years betwooutha faiuilies, , who lived on ndji'ining lo'», and the J diifcot .iiiuse ef the .shootini! was Ivlward s | »lti"u«i.'t to put up a fence im I'hiiip maintained *as his p.opcrty. After wfrnini} his brother, Philip lired a .shot- spin It hi« l>f.)thi'r. who recti* ed mure than thirty grains of sh'»t iii t'ae fac", caii.-iii:<«iui>ni o'her things total blind- Des;. .Vlor a trial uxlendiiii( over ihrca diy» Vhjlif.' »as OvKi'. iolo.l. .V ; -'ail is U'iul' â-  ... â-  ; f iio-fc lo::<t ;r.i,n lu^iaii v,'...-;ves, ul,r.'.:iin ^.belabor of the Indians. i FOR A PAIR OF | BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new S pair of Rubber Bottoms put on I your old tops, M I.l. I TRY I Tbos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON •9 i "^'i :-m&^mim£

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