Pebmaiy 14 lOlS T H K F L E S II E R r O N A D V AN C K BUSINESSCARDS SOCIKTIES PKl&'CE AKTIIL'K I.UIXIK. No, :<;ia,AKft A M. ui««tt in tilt MikHoiiic bkll. Arm trcae s Itluck Flefberion, «fv»rv Kriil»y on lidtore the lull ruocu. T. Hcuiy. W. M. H. W. IlickMni;. Secro-.Hry. CHOSEN KIMKNOK- KIrfLertou Caunea Ci.oMU KtleLrtt :iH ni<ii« in l'!»\tfu» lla<; eitt kiid tliiirt \\< (jiitii as o' Itch incMli i<|>.ui. r«> •OMiuitiiln <<' Itiiticiir • 11 Itfuro tliu flift Oay ol <««li lucDtl". li.i« inunc lllor, SV. H. ftiiLt; It< ocidei, Mit. I..A r.ihcr. JJEVI rnsTRY Dr E. C MtlRRAV L. ,X S. (lenUHurgeon bCfioi Kraduate o( Toruiito Uoiveraity and Ktyai ^.'olle«« ol Ornta) SurKeong ot Ontario. Om adsaiainiatcred for tfeth eXtractiou tLCu at rce'deuce. Toroutu hti'(r«t. Klekliettou. Medical I P OTTEWELL # Vuturiuary Surgeon Jraduata of Ontario Viteriiiary Collete r*#idetjce â€" feuoud door >«oiuh w«et|oa Ikarv street. Thli itreet rana outlj t^Mbrteriac CUnrch. Cha*. E McLean. M O. C M, Specialty â€" Surgery, Midwifery & Wmiien's Di«c»He« OiTKKS- flesherlin, li w ILmw. I'ricevill.' r.m'iniTiiiil )1. '^-1. !l.»l M 1 p ni. l>rug iitore in .-'innii linn «.lli ottitv. Office Huiir« ii. Klwhi-rKiiiâ€" \\ e<lne«lay an I Friday aft>^rnooii 'J to 'i imi. I'lioiiemesiiagfR reoci^f l'i"'"l'l att<Miti"ii :it b>'thi.ffiw^ IclMi.vl'^ I VCA8. KANKY A hKSl! " (sGlicitorH. eji: Legal -Harriftei!'. -I. H. Jakk», K. C: W. K. K»ney, K. C. ;\V. U. Himy. I'.. A. Ollicc-r, foronto. hOGO Tiadurn Hunk liMu;.. pliuiiu Kain 111;;; Markilalo I.iicaJ lilocli. I'hono 2 A. Brancli oUico at Duudalk opau ovc-ry Saturilav. WBIOHT, TF.LKORI) .t MiDONALD Barrister. 8olloitor», Ac. OUii'cii. (iicy ft riruce lilock, Owen Boiiiicl. Staiulaid Itank Woek.Fleahertou.(SaturdayB|. W.ll. ^^"- 'â- W. P. Telford Jr. J. C. McDoualJ, U. U J'. A V^ireless IVjessage to the Public J. E. RICHARDS, - Dundalk Quits Business Entire $40,000 stock of Drygoods, Clothing, Furnishings, Furs, Shoes, Groceries, etc., etc. NOW Forced under the Hammer By order of Urn A^m OflLlinCr** The Bargain Wizard of Toronto With power to sell from Wall to Wall at far less than present Wholesale prices. SEE BIG POSTERS. The Grand Rush starts At 9 am. Sharp, and con= tlnues until MARCH 2nd Business Cards »5 CUtliOUnH & YOUNO P HaukiTU Mai kilalo fjeneral baiikins liubiuuna. Moiic} lorn.' at rcanoaaLilo i alee Call on uk. DilcPHAIL, MoouBoJ Aiiclioiuu lor â- • County of Ciroy. Tciins iiiinlfratti iu"l tatiB action Ruaraiiti'ol. 'lliu ariaiiKeiiunti aiiddateK of sales, can l>em«ilfuit lliE Advaii-m oIBce. Itffiideuccfcud I'.o.* ') '""•'r>''<'l''""ii' tuunection. ">"'â- ''• "' Wlf. KAITTINd, Iceuaod Aootlonoi i tlie couniiua o( tlroy and tiiiii-nj Farm and Hloik »alu« a Kiiccially. ' Tt^ruu modurato. Batisfactiou i;vi«iiiiit«.»"i- Arniu^i- uieuts for daloa niav bo nii-'loat tlio Aitvuiicu jfBce, or Central tclBi!..>uii.ii;i-u htvBiaimui or byaddreaaiuK uie at FeTevslmni. Out. Clubbing Rates The Advance 1ms no extensive elubliina list lliis fiill. most of tlie pai-eis luiliji t-upphad al roguliir raleh. Ki.l!o\viii,i :ire tionie prices : The AdiaiRO 'V 1 "" Globe I"" M.iil '•â- ^"' Thi' Worhl aiu'. Advaute IT'' Ni"W8 mil Adv'iuci' •••â- â- ' (Star Hiid AdviiiKv • 'â- â- â- ' Viiiilh's C'oin|iaiii"ii â- -' - ' FimilyHeraia I- FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Sprinj^ FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOHO CULTIVATE SIDE VISION. Plantiiij4 SVe i.ecd no ftf t!||l'r intiudiioiion iliiii llia fiict that «•!â- hiivp hccii iTi thi- Nurs.'iy liuti.iess SIX TVONK YKAlts. Bii'l mr now pri'l'iri'd to nn'it ixihiinj â- unditii'tiH l>y "ITt'iin« our hmh t-mU iroe" hiid plinils diri-itt to chiIoiucim ii' lloCK l5(»TTn\l ritlCKS. Sfiul for oiir illiiMiutid ciicnVir. â- ! l.iirdy viuietioN which juu can oidi ilinct andeuvelh" Haent's cf nu)ii'f .lo . of which you get the tu-ni'lit . * Uir (irMi-, will I Biire to ifiierohl yoii nod nil h{-«-\y IP «lifiolut«ly lirst clas. Uhil tine to oiiun- TIIKJ CHASE Itr{<)TllKU> <" Of Orlaiio, l,niitid, Nuihcryiuen, COLBORNE.â€" â€" -UM'AKlO Notice To Trespassers Anyone taking wood or ihiIn < t! nr m nn/ way tfPspasiinK on anypiir, .f ihi fiorlh half of lot 'M, cuu. 0, i, 1 will be prosecuted. I - MRS. W, C. PEDI-AK I Farm for Sale Lot 152â€" l.Vl Kml Uick l-iin-. >rt.- â- iH)!iia, .nilo and » •piarlnr riom CloKherton, coii'.aini'.i? IN) acroR, nioinl, eleared ; corofotlablo bouw, ;<mxi Im <i with atone foniidalion, "uiall orclmnl ; farm wull watered, tinod uriiti oi ,>..'-k farm. For paiticulais apply on Hie premlsei to -^.JOBN UEECIIOFT, FIcsherton, P'fl • HolBteio BnlllFor Service A'l)ior.mghbn«l ll.jli.t«:iii Lull f"r Kci\ii;i- ..ii lrtUlt»3 IH4 8.VV. T. Af.ll.. Arteiii.'»ta; <!..>. civ related to thn U'lrld's chanjiiinn 4 Ipoiind auw. TiTins: •! .Vl f'lr pi»<l*i!, #5.'«» for |>i.ic auw, 1 JiUy 17. iliO. MOl/KK Heifer Came Astray Came to the pf""" we" "' 'h" nndir- iiiinied, lot :12 .'U, Oon, 14, .Nttcnnei'. iihnul 9t\it. In', one yearliiiR heifc. Oirnci please prove property, pay i«- p«nat!a and take the hanio away â- ^ liiIIM IVLM (1) The Famous Takakkaw Falls (3) Mount Stephen A.MO.SOST ilie Cauadlan Uocklea you meet folk frnm all over the world. And you really do meet lUeni, uot Ju»i read '.he lasa ou their luggage. I'lopln T\ho wouldn't Aream of (oilowinK up ikclr Inclina- tion to know you If ih'-'i mel you on •MlchlKHn Avenue or Uroadway. caltu- â- ijr Introduce ilie:uiiolv«!a And you 'part frlenda. I I'd be«n ttaying aI U.e Ulaeler. Wliertt I knew everytKulj from ihe jwallers up, add whuii l hnj to leave •Bd Ko cii8t SETAln I'd h&ve v.rivi) on iBir Donald's shoulder. II he hmin t |be«n i«D ihoiiKBnd fuei ulintc M-n level and covrrud wiib » v>>ii-k » hd* »t thaL "Oil, iJin von II nibl>e frifiiiis ai Field." tlioy lold in. (uiiforilriilv ["Mount KlL>iil:uli ^111 tuke Sir flon- ftld'i placfe Id your Ijeurt." i FlBld i» a Ulllc hit of a io«n tliiii lookR »H l^nu|:b 11 hud bo'ti wflslic.l 'up by tJi«> Kliklliii Hurr"!- I'lvir nuil (2) Camping under the Takakkaw Falls. aud early for the Iciiulltul drive; .\iid llirn at we came to T;t- throiisli tho Yolio Vallfy. kat.katv, Affer passing I'acht Cr'H'K the | The Indians looked at the swa.\ ii-g turned ihariily to tlm left .itid we'curlaiu of li and they salil to our an- tntered the valley that i;ri)s<s imr lower and deeper nuil tiwesonier aud steoper for tldse on si.\ niilcs Mcrr the t-iysial Kh'klnfs llorey (a'ls !rtc tilt elHilHl-iiii'.ildy ^ (j1..i Willi >-i K^^l: that reminds yo.i ol .nail.!,- cRke until tlie two strcanui ,w e UioiookIiI.^' inl.\(d Mf. Ogil»iii lowers H.'.'Jb ftel to oiu rl»;lii «s»e ««ing roiiiul the corrT nf .Ml riklrt. Ml. NlUs, « ilicusand !«f« laUir f!illl, lies uniih afc.iiii, and lii- yoiid b Bitiruiii' unother tboiisaod filep ufi Into till' blue. rie iiil!i-.v nairowfi. Tlij pliu-hv LiifM h Mke on* Hw iidibarlc aftnr iii> oilitr H? ihp iiiiil j?0P' up 'hp nioiiii lain Ml s s'-rirs of nharp 2$ i'lic, hnuevrr, la a miracle ot pic liircm-icc cnKli'iOrlrig. (iihrr. â- •'rakaUl:a« : â- which nioarm •how wondirful." Over on tho othsr ?;dc of lilt- valhy lien the (amp which In a vvsy doservcc a "TakaJckaw" of its (iwti. There uic bough bi>d» and liitlr stovea In every tent: then' ia ihf uiRsii: ti'"pf3 ill thu centre cl tho clearing «ho.fl the MlRluly llrv foa;^'.;* trlz:(.'y slorl(« cut of the guidftj. Not far froTu camp there l<> H big stroara comine d««»i tim ntiiiintalnside to Ihp lefl, which, when it hlU the valley branches inio a pcrfcrt family trse of ,<!trt>ftni|ptp. » (iV<.fi; hli; 1 r»« iind {\v»r knows hew many Riandrl.ildrtn hrouKs i.hcn run hcrf- and thcio ilke tr'-.'-li clr i^.iii- KloD kiddies on a farm. ICver;' » -.n- tor the iT'-flg, ration cf the (ils: >> fhanRes «i.u i!;p streams shoi't and Al lapi il;o i(i:ii lin r|vcr-li 'fiMH jhe<in i;li over ae,aln. r.'.i ttonrter ti.o rnar hi-nw-oi; tic irranlif bars of Its i.-a I roi Ioji. , '"'K case â- l^ i. ! iiuired anil flf;\ \'>> io;e,l over tic boulders. ... , . ' '?"'•( tioloft- £'.nd 'h, tank or, uhlcii tlip ' Itiii luiilijcrs I'.re i.-n;; lisrous anl-r.r.'a meanf of Ue long fwhmtcel •"ot* ->«; horses jiitii^e I? so steel- that ll k - to v.lth aiM «lll h!le ynn In ""' irack 'ulninst uiid''*-"iii >"oii can hardly sfc;i:u bTi It Tl:is or.t- rtlJnt apiirovt ot 'thrijwn ;tl the feet i' .Mts Sioiiticnli and lleiioK whtre II han(;«i Jiu^eVAi, Nov JOHN WKLSH. 21), 1H17. On it.e iraiH iwtwt-ef. t^»'lfl and Lake l/onlae yoo pii!<!' ttir ulK'Miti" irhl) |)0stf of 'I e Viiho V'iiil-». a f< w inlnu'.ef o''l "' KteM more iriJ>.T fou' mllej *ay to r»afii (Ihth |iK.i:-iir -t: n it'.- ihe. a£TlaI »U\ii n.Wt ivlun.. i;rral doortvny. psrchc) himt' •â- il" •»! fee' al)0^â- ^' U.S Iroktf! II" •> •â- \l)-t-v S ll<'tll for I'i'i y Htiim.'vs the ItendlonR Yoho. and If there- ; lomg rat cj over. I'le wo^-tn mmcsi. wercr.i stniil fitiicri on which to lean j I liirnfd loo- rot iiiiito a somersswlt uuikiibicillv ninllor ar.uldn'l •:re' oil j • lEudlirt on my haiiric and hi.cvs in l.tol It "lOli of I of Ihf^ ruTViUpe t.r» ft <'.';ii« r.iHd 'noser t»nt.e At jiho loi;e«fiiiit-awei;on.(n<t!& of ibl;^ j silcn<.e I was glad the siir O41 iLa iMrk li.iRc j(.ioo«-8 wer«> atroiig and drying I Tlie valit'f wlilot;!! H:ti:\t Vbcri | 'Ta',-;?'':kai\! ' ! 'riiil, l!.p f-j in-,,-iii9 Iii'e ii»'«Mi Wiiilu'ii )l»!ri! above it. Ph 1 ut ii.) nomsrly sympath) ,,iTLh:lly lv)..rt t'.i-m sli't'ii >);rt; preclpUca, unu j rorhad Did you «•. urid full Li lo\e t.r» |n\T. Canada flijone nf the Kranrtc'illdreivbrockl^ts. ^^ it Ik uo Bhu<T at • Ihfiti was a Nick hot i>'n mint'' j MeiSl (uorulkK ^|* •'^X' â- 'i' brlKlti b:|-hrt .•tUMhe â- innw. iWlth tM Yvho too.'" To Face the Music. Aecoidiiii; to JauiL's I'euimore Coo- per, who said lliat he looked tho luat- tor iii>, the plii'iiso "To face the nui.sic"' origiuiitod aiiioui; actors, who when tliey went oil lo |>lay theii' parts had really to face the iiiusio. Auotlier sug- gestion, wliioh Cooper did not approve, was that it oiighiated in tho old tiuia training days, wlioii thu militiamen were liounj to appear aimed and fiinipped layiui; the music. Long Distance Lecturing. â- A pretentious person said to the bur- gess of a country village: "How would a lecture by nie on Mount Vesuvius suit the inhabitants of your village?'' "Very well, sir; very well indeed," answered the burgess. "A lecture by yon on Mount Vesuvius would suit them a great deal belter than n lecture by you In this v Hinge, sir."â€" Pitts- burgh Chroniclc-Telcgiaph. Save Soma Money, •Every one slioukl try to live within his income and also to put away a lit- tle of his salary for use on a stormy day,- Don't watch llie other fclknvand learu how much he is spending; watch yourself and nscortain where you can benefit. It is time enongli to increase your living expenses when your salary is ,'iii\a)KTd. wlion it is also liino to adil to your bank account. It Will Enable You to Gee In Soveraf Directions at Cnco.' One uf the iisv-fnl ..::;fts one can have is a iLji.otl si'.lc \i>hiii. I'y side visio:i is meant literally abnity to- see iu several direciiuns at < nee and to kuov,- wlial is .going ou in ollit-r di- rections besides tliiit nima wliicli the ga:a' uiay be (i.^eil at tho ini-meiit. .!i;st liy the next time you are read- Inu' your imper in the tiuin. for in- stall -e. and .Toll will undeisiaiul clear- ly what is lueaiit. Yoii can v^itli little etl'ort ami wliile ftill reading follow the uiovomotits of tliiiso siltin.^i opp-iaile you aiul evoa- I hose at yotir side. With a little [iraciicu Ihe range of your side vLsiou can be e.xtciulod he- hiiiil you in each dilution to an au- ric of fcuty-Uve degrees, ifl-.d ycni can see cleaily every iiiovcineut that takes place nil both sides simultiiiieously. .\i)\v, just think what this means. The man iu possession of a goccl side vi.--ii)ii is not an easy one to take hy sinpii.vo. Ill Inisiiiess he liiuls it a val- ualile asset, csp'ecially when talking. Willi iiioie llian one poison at a time. IIo i-au .cuard ag;iin<t i.hingcrs from uiic.xpceled sources, and when ciosslug a mail way he can cleady see the tra:f- lic coining from cither tlirectiou while still looking straight ahead. â€" London .\llSWi'IS. Tho Untirc-d Horse. .Moilur-My licar. wluit is the tnattet Willi the hoise'/ Isn't lie wnlkiiig lifu-e^' â- '^uiall Hoyâ€" I know what's the matter, imp. Olio of bis lii:ul tires lias come off.â€" Hall I more .\iiiericiiu. Diiltons Made From Yoant. Ihittcuis are now mado from the- siioiit yeast which collects In the vats of breweries. It is dyed, giaineil aud prcsseil into any shape, and it h:is the .groat udvanlagc over honi and houe I hat it grips as in a vise any luetal t>ait-i» shank, for instance-that is l»c-.ssed into it. Similarity. "Ton say Grafic^r makes you think of a corkscreiT. Why so?" I "liike a corkscrew, he has a pull, but \ it's on account M hla crookedaeis."â€" I Sxchansii I Which Is Yours? The romunerittioii received for scrr- loes leiitlored has iiiauy jiunios. Tho laborer calls it "pay," the skilled mc- chaule "wa.gesi," tho city clerk "sal- ary," tho hanker "income," a lawyer "fees" and u InirgIa;- "snag."â€" Loudon Answers. King Honors C.P.R. Official % Slli Arthur !!. Ill;, vis. Who li a H bee 11 ir.nde u Knight t. cnuMiande â- 'f the Britisii Eni- l)ire for hU S( r- vliics In Canada as Direcioi of Uversea« Traii;-,- porl, is a »c»u c.r the late Henry Vinton llaniB of J)ev(in|K>rl, l>ev- iinsliire. Ku^IkUil. Kdiicateil at ibe iJevuuport a li d Aoke Grainntar School he c'alQ« to this counti"y iu the Boveatles, en- t e r i u g the ler- vlcPt of the U r an d t Trunk Kail Way, and rk;- liig to the posi- tion ot (ieiieral K r e 1 g h t Agent Through TraSlc. In l'Jl>2 III, jtiiu- rd the t^aiiadian Pacific Hallway, alnre wrhlch date to August. I ill I. he was actively engaged In initi- ating traffic tor the Cotnpany'ii rail | and ocean servU-aa. 1 On the outbreak of the war. the) I resident of tbe Canadian Pacific i offered Mr Harris' Kerviccs to the Imperial and Canadian OoverninRntF I for^'he purpose of organizing and I directing an Overseas Transport De- >artment, the sucoMsful administra- f ftioD of which 1> now reoogolted by ] pie Majesty. 1..^-:.4,,_ i SiB Arthib HAnsts. Director of Overseas 1 Transport. I He Is a member of St. .lamns' CIulK Montreal: Kideau ('Inb. Ottawa; antf flic Montreal Hoyal Golf Club. In l8tlS he iriHriiecl a daughter ot the lato William B. l^nabe. B.C.L., fit Montreal, eranddauj^hter of the late Hon. WiB. Morris- at one tliep Re- celver-Oeneral of Canada, aod niec* of the late Hon. Alexander Morrta, inrat Qovernor ot Manitoba and the- Nortb Wfet Terrj^o^lee,