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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1918, p. 6

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tmmmm "wflS-flW" agMWMWMMWWanipl >iiiiiiMW«ni»m » «.j -fcES I r I I Between Cousins; OR. A DhXLARA HON OF WAR. "Hut that's impossibleâ€" impossible!" she s<*bl)e(i, with a trcmetuious heav- ing uf her a({itiited bosom. "Peiicllij, you can't be fo mad, aiul so â€" so hoart- iessl (iood (jraeious, it will spoil ••voiylhing! And what will (it'oigc" â€" (iforifo was Mr. Men-eH's Christian As likely as not he CHAPTKU XIX.~(Confd.) For another lohj; moment Albert stared, Raped at his sister, as though at an utter •â- ilransrer. Wasj this indee.1 the Fenella he had l.nown for eifchteeii years- so sweetly rea- sonabf. so amenable to Ruidanee? He was experieneinK the unplea.sanl snr- ^ill throw me ovei-; he will never L-^fu " a^.^'Z""''- ''â- '""â-  P"t""*f,'"« stand liavin)^ Dinieun as brother-in- teoth confidently '"t-' " s"il an. de i- ,,,,,. („,. i.-,.,,^.,,,,, i.'e.u.jla ? No, you fnâ„¢': >' 'k""> '""'" '""V^''f'"'- can't: you can't!" mgr «)ra,.> ...n hard stone. What had ,„ th^. ,hrillv ascending voice an come over her .' ^ | hysterical note was beginning to "Look hvre, Fenclla," he sairl, mak- pierce. ing an attempt at a smile, "we are Fenella, standing now with her back both n little excited, it seems, but against the wall, as though repelling excitrnunt won't do here. us try a material attack, and with tears of' •wnd talk this over quietly. 1 under- mortification >;athering in her eyes,^ Staml from you .hat Duncan M'Donnell held out as long as she was able; thenj bus presumed to make you a proposaK abruptly, in the middle of a double, of marriage, and that you have allov.-- stream of reproaches, gathering ber-j ed yourself to be persuaded into ae- sell" together, ilarted across the room | fiuie=!r'cnce. Vou also inKiginc your- and out by the door. It looked likej self to care for him, and I am sure you an ignominious flight, but it was in' are sincere in your belief. Probably reality more of a rescue excursion your fa'!<:y has been excited by the cir- than a flight,â€" an abrupt calling in of rumst«nces under whicii you met him, reserves. In the thick of this uni-J perhaps by the unusual sort of ac- ; ver.-al disapproval the desire of sym- iiuainlance, and. of couise, also you ' palhy had iddesi.<itibly seized her. She are sorry for him in his love-plight; thought she knew where she would j for '.hough it is i !ieeky of him to be in lind it. | love with you, it isn't at a!l incredible., Left together. Alliert and Julia be-' 1 don't blame you for having let your' gan by staring at the door throuj^h fancy be caught, but I do blame" you which "their victim had fled, and then, for having given him an assurance at each other. which you know you will never be able ".Surely shi' is mad!" gasped .Julia.! to I'ullil, for you cannot s<'rinusly see "f>h, Hcrlie, you will never allow it,| yourself as a workman'.s wife. It is will youT' • j an awkward business, certainly, but "No. 1 will never allow it!" he said I have no doubt I can ariange it. with sharp, almost venomous decision.] THK KAISBK IN BELGIUM. Closely <iiiarded When He Travels Throiiuh Captured Country. How closely the German Emperor is guarded when he travels through liel- gium is told as follow.s by a corre- spondent of the London Daily Chroni- cle, who several times has witnessed the Kaiser's arrival. "Whenever the passage of the im- perial train is to take place the fact is not known to the chief railway ofTicial until the same day and to his subor- dinates not until a (juarter of an hour before the arrival. In the station the lines are all kept free. "All workmen on this occacion, whe- ther Helgian or German, were de- spatched outside, and access to the station was forbi<lden. This applied to all passengers as well. The military guards occupying parts of thi' station and the environs were ordered to leave their posts and pile their arms The only persons allowed on the platform were the station master, hi-; employes appointed to work the signals ami the military chief. There was no Kuard of honor, no manifestation whatever "This clearing of the station t place at every station throu)^h w the train passes, which it does at the maximum regulation speed. At Brus- sels the detraining took place opposite 'ADVENTURES OF I spots, and apparently my efforts were not as bad as they might have been, for below, as I looked over the ma- SKY Pll fIT ^''^'"''' ' ^"'â- ^ quite a lot of substantial KKiriSlI AVIATOR TKLLS OF UAID ON SUB. BASK. Travelling a Lane of Lif-'.ht From Rockets Suspended in the Air, Makes His Escape. Food Control Comer An Order-in-Council has been passed upon the recommendation of th« Food Controller to prevent unnecoB:mry de- lay in the reloading or re-shipiifent of food or food products in freight cars. It provides that no freight car con- taining such products shall be allowed to remain under load at its destina- tion for more than four daya after ,, , , < tv. t I „„ „ »• "n • • 1- 1 tained f'H- a longer period ti>e Railway wned Iheblondpilot, "a. bat I was practically imnnsoned in a Co„.pany is required to notify the >cfore, I got over tha ; lane of fire up in the heavens except ^ p^jjj'^,^^^^^^,,^.^.^ glare, blood red, in the temporary darkness. They must have thought there was a squadron of me, for soon they did a dirty trick. They shot up two rows of rockets, lightn that rested at a certain distance in the air and made a lane of light. The infernal things parachuted, you :;ec, whtn they reached a certain height, and the fire !,.,„„,„,„ ,1 i ,• • I ., I nonce or its arrival nas neen givei hung from them stationary in a devil- 1 . ,. r> -i r- *„ «u„ .«„ • V, „„,.4. „. „ A I 41. I â- .by the Railway Company to the con isn sort of way. And the worst part . ,,., ' u ,i :., ,i,. ^f i. ,..„„ *i, (. »v, i *u signee. When any such car is de of it was that they .sent them up so . - , , , • j .• D«-i„-o,r „, ,, „ , ,, , , < tv. t I „„ „ »• n • • 1- 1 tamed f'H- a onger period ti>e Railway I remarked bcfor , _ Mohl. That's the pier thing at Zee- j for one exit, : 8;^;,^^^,^ ^^^^ p^^,, controllci- must brugge, you know. It showed upj ' If I had run thi machme into the be notified if any freight car contain- black â€" yes, black--an<l the water rockets it would have been ablaze in ' ing fu,„| jj j^j.),] ^j any railway point looked like darkened (juick.silver. It no time, for fireworks stay ; f^^ ^ furtherance order ror more than was a pretty good wind uiid I must nv.akf? for two minutes, which seems have been up 2,000 feet, dotlging and M!-e a day and a half when you are up ducking, so to speak, waiting for a th"re. And at the end of the avenue good chance to drop an egg or two, you are not neglected, for it is on that but hopins not to waste any. I sr.nt that the Ilun focussed to-night, a thought it would be a fine sight to .see number of his 'Archies.' But what a red glare to tell me that the Gcr- could I do'.' Just plunge on ahead and notice requiring the unloading or is- man air base below was blazing. What trust to luck in gettintr out of the .said suance of a furtherance order wi'hin "^V"^,' had delayed their reception of me anJlichts, showed up perhaps even more two days. .At the expiration of thi.s ,|^j^jj ;my little 'bus I don't knewv, but soon, i distinctly than I would have in the,! j^e fooj^ if not unloaded or re- i very soon, they were right there with : daytime. 'shipped, will V)e' sold by tfte Food Con- I the "How do y' do'.'' business. I "!VIy machine was struck several troller. s«.s u,« .uoK ...ace opposae I "From the illuminations below itl""^^;*', ''^ t^e shrapnel, and, as ill-luck ; The 'Food Controller is also author the Place Uogier, which is a military 'was plain that while I remained there | ^''"''' f"7,f- the paten po wit of my i^ed to forbid the acceniance by the post since the occupation. | a hot time was in store for me. First i "?''^'"^*" "^f '"'^''"l ''''"'" \['.''t f R^i'^ay Companies, witTTout hW writ- "During the presence of the Kaiser ' the blighters sent up the searchlights | ^^'' "P^'' ^^"'^"^ "° "'"^ ^^'^'^ thickest. , ten permission, of food from any ship- thc olRcials always display the utmost and the heavens around me were! On a Scouting Expedition. I per goods have been seized and nervousness, in fear of a'nythiiig tak- j punctured with shafts of whitish blue ..fhe chances of eottine home then i ^°'''' ^°'' ^*''"'''' ^" fon'P'X With the ing place, and they always breathe a or bluish white, and I dropped a bomb, ,g^„,,, ^^ slimâ€"engines out of Provisions of the order a Penalty ,s sigh of relief when their master has | showing that I was there all right, | ^^.,,^,.|^_iighted up by ti reworks P'""^'"'^^ °^ " ''""^ "* "P *° ^'*"' "' gone. The fact that even the military | and I realized that they knew some- ; ^.^^.^.u^y.^^g i^yj,j|,.pj] fggj j^ tj,g aj,. more one day after the arrival ( f the car. If a car remains under loaif a', its destination for more than four days or has been held more than .>ne day for a furtherance order, the I''bod Con- troller is authorized to give written are oVdigcd to retire and pile their thing was wrong arms seems to suggest a tlistrust of his own army." _ Leave Duncan lo me; he will listen to reasoii, and the more readily the moi" he care.- for you ." "He will not listen to your reasons,' lie hi'.d flung hini.-elf into a chair. j as though exhausted by iRe excitement, of the Uisl half-houi-, and now abrupt- ly sank into a mocjdy silence. It was Bertie," said Fenella, wit'h a cuiiously no' clear v.h»'ther the stream of in- confident smile upon her lips, a re- coherent lamentations, surmises and mark which .Mbert luefeiic-d ]vi'. to prognostications which for several nii- hcar. i nules flowed over .lulia's lips, even "He will not want to spoil youi' reached his »onscio\isness. future, and such a future as it niight Suddenly he got up. "Is father at Providence has given us a goodly heritage. Let us worthily care for it. Through a Fiery Lane. a target as plain as a pikestaff! It seems easy to keep out of the way of j the guns, but of course there's no "Flames and flashes came from be- ; denyinR that they have a dtmoraliz- low, and the Boche appeared to be ex- ing effect on a man in the air, but not tremely industrious. I casually drop- 1 so much at night as in the day. I pcd an egg or two more on the sore i managed to slide in th.' direction of the ship, gratified with the glare be- imprisonment for a term not exceed- ing six month", or both fine and im- prisonment. have been--as it might still beâ€" for 1 am certain th:il it would only require a note to bring back Mr. Miicgilvray. home'?' "Yes, 1 belic»e he is in bis room." He was ab-eady striding towards the Let me write that note, Fenella -let door. .\ word of Fenella's had start me write it. I will arrange every- ed up like a warning in his memory.! thing. I v.-ill get you out of the That danger mus; be forestalled. It scrape into wbii-h you have got your- was the lirst lime in his life that Al- Rclf. See if I ilon'tl" 'â-  bert I'nund it necessary seriously to "I don't want- to be got out of ii, reckon with the actual head of thei Bertie." : family. Writhe as he would under! The very steadiness of her tone was the consciousness, ihe young man beginning to unsteady liim once more, could not but acknowledge that tli>3 He went on talking more (juickly, and linal derision did not with himself. with an eageiiiess which betrayed the Forlorn hope thougii an appeal to com- aiixiety behind the show of assurance, nion sense in thai iiuaitcr must i>e, yet He appenle<l to ho hea<l, â€" it had ap- 'he hope must be attempted. Think- paren'ly abdicated in favnr of her ing to know his father so well, ho still heart; t(j her ambition, it diecl a knew him so little as to find it in-' sudden and mysterious dcalh; to her conc<i\able that worldly blindness family af^'ectioii, â€" it had been crowd- could be pi'-'^^id <" the point of accept- ^ ed out to the first place by a iu>w and ing l)i;ncan .VI'DonncU as son-in-law. | mightier; lo the memory "of her dead | In the moment that he opened the mother, â€" it could not stand against iloor he. knew that be was forestalled. the living presence. He even ile- . The minister had pushed back the .scendcd to taunts. worn, leathcr-c^oveied armchair from "I see wliat it is," hi' openly .sneer- the writing-table, and upon i ne of the e<l. "Duncan is bigger and better- 'broad arms sal Fenella. Th<' two looking it.Kn Ronald .\l:icgilvray; I right bands weio clasped, tlie young grant you that. His eyes are very I face and the old I'ace turned towards black, and bis sbonlders very bioad- • I each other. I With an oath upon his iips, .Albert, stood still in the doorway. ' The Food Controller, through the Fish Committee of his office, fs start- ing a campaign to increase the use in Canada of fro/en fish. Thi.^ effort will be part of the larger campaign to , , , , , , , , consumption of all kinds of low caused by the boml.s I had left j ^^^^ ;„ ,„.jg^ ^„ ^^,^^^^^ ^eef, Uicon and The shrapnel followed, and I turned , ^^^er meats for export to the Allies, and slid, and now here I am, glad to. .^ member of the Fish Comfnittee ^®„ , ,*: , , , , i is of the opinion that an increased de- "lell us about what happened to I ^j^,,,, f^,,. f,.^^^,, ji,,, g^ould result in you yesterday, said one of the listen- 1 j^e decrease in market price a< an ers. The seaplane artist picked up his ! abundant supply was available. iMany log from a and read: - , p^^pj^ ^^^.^ ., prejudice fio/.en "Had a ruii-.n with two German ma- flg^ .imply because they do not under- chines, wind bIo^ymg• about thirty ; g^j^^^, ^^^ p^^.p^,,. ^gj^od of handling knots. I was merely out scouting and i j^ vVbutHve.- have hesn the m-i.-Mce MAIvl.NG THK MOST OF ME.VT. therefore did not carry a gun. The i jj; thl past the present meUutl of Spreading the meat flavor by com- i cold; or it may be broken up, warm- j ^^^.^ hostile planes were joined by a j freezing fish shortly after thty are bining it with other food, the intellig- ' ed over in gravy and served on toast. . third, and then they courageously ! ^.^yg|,( prevents deterioration and the ent use of leftovers, care in cooking! Another appetizing way of serving , ^,jjn,g ^.j^gg to me. They .shot away my ' ^gj, j^ delivered to the con.iumcr in inferior cuts and the study of variety, Hamburg steak is to season, then broib aileron control, and we are important steps in the great cf- or fry it; meanwhile have some fresh- j,^,) ^y^y p^j. twenty minutes we were fort to conserve food. Try the new i ly boiled and mashed potatoes, sea- j^,„niinually under fire, and below there recipes or revive the old, if they meet .soned with salt, iiepper, a little onion |^^,^^ j, heavy swell. It was really only present-day requirements, and you ! juice, cream and butter. Pil" 'h's m (through knowing what a funk the en- will scarcely realize that we, like all a baking dish, make a hollow in the ^.^y flj^,. ^.^j. j,^ ^;..^^ j jjji.ed go for the rest of the world, are on rations. | middle, (ill with the steak and reheat^ them. I let the enemy planes come in the oven. iiearer and nearer, and by the time Instead of fried meat cakes, servo ^ they were ready for firing I dived at leftover and unsightly pieces in a pic one of them. This so upset the poise They go further, are more wholesome' of the three machines that they at a fine piece of humanity, no doubt hut I never i'lty a moment imagined that you weie the sort of girl to suc- cumb to such allurements." Th(;re was insult in his glance now, but his thought lay too many miles away from Fenella's cejnipivhension to let olTe:i( e be possible. The scienity of her reply told him that his .--hot hail missed tire Fenella looked across at her bidthcr-.' her eyes swimming in tears, which were not tears of grief. j "Come in, Bertie," .-^he said, trying ^ lo keep the triumph out of her voice. "I have been speaking to father â€" he will tell you " ' .lohn turned calmly towards his son. "I don't think I understand that. His blown v.cre soft and happy, Bertie. Of course I lo\e Dutuan'.-: yet with a ha/.e, which seemed like the black eyes, since I love himself ; but it remnant of a great bewilderment is not those son of things I love him floating mistily over their clearness. for most, â€" 1 am sure it is not," she' "Yes Fenella has been telling me - repcate<l musingly, as though striving about Duncan. It was a great sur- to puzzle out the ipicstion . "It is not prisi-." «o much because he is big that I love- .Albert shut the door, ;uid with a de- hlm, as because, with all his bigness, liberalely aggressive movement walk- he is s(j kind to things thai are small cd up to the very edge of the table. and weak, -to Hessic's baby, for in-' "Surprise is far loo weak a word, Btaii(!u; he will hold k for hours, she fatlu-r. It is a scandal a disgrace, told me, and he is so [lalieril with bis VoU cannot mean by this surely that father, and so sturdy and so strong, you intend to give your consent to .ind lives the life (jf a- â€" " , this ))iece of insanity '.'" of a Workmen," threw in .Albert "1 have gi'>en if ali'cady," said .lohn Hungaiian goulash will provide a good dish for a large family. It re- quires two pounds of chuck steak, three onions, three large tomatoes or one-quarter of a can, two green peppers or a red pepjier-pod, one-half pound or nuire of spaghetti, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the meat into small pieces and brown in a pan. .Aild three pints of boiling water. Cut all vege- tables into small pieces, add them to the meat and cook slowly until the meat is tenderâ€" four hours, perhaps. , .,, Shephei( linked lamb with barley is a whole- ! this fill a some disli. To make it use one cup- 1 ,„(,jjt^ ^^.^^ fill of barley I'ooked slowly in just as much water or gravy as it will take up. When tender add butter and salt and two oi' more cupfiils of choiiped meat. (Tile mixture should lie moist but not too wot.) Put in a cassoriile or bak- ing dish, cover with buttered bread- Another appetizing way of serving ; ^,jjn,g ^.j^sg to me. They .shot away my ' ^gj, j^ delivered to the Hamburg steak is to season, theii^broib aileron control, and we were in a very j^jgj,] ^.ondition. To prepare frozen fish for cojjdsing it should be put in cold water and left there for several hours in order that frost may be entirely thawerf from it. It will then he in practically the .same condition as tiefore it was fr(>:'.en. Many people make the mislaive of pouring hot, or even boiling water, on frozen llsh in order to thaw it. This has the result of breaking down the ;uid reduce the use of fat. Fury pie first turned tail and then swung ' tissue.s and leaving the fish in a flabby is made as follows: Arrange in a bak ing liish a layer of ma:5hed and season- ed potatoes, then a layer of cold chop- pud meat; repeat until the dish is full, with a layer of potatoes on top. Pour over this a cupful of milk, stock, or gravy, dot with butter and bake un- til brown. around to come at me, making huge circles lo get on my flanks jigain. "Prussian Politeness. "* "Hut all that took time, and mean- while I was nearing my base. Some- times the enemy machines were like I too many cooks and the broth, nearly 's pie is just as good. For crashing into one another, which, of baking dish with chopped ' course, upset their nerves. Only one scastmcd. Moisten with of us seemed to be moving, for a lay- gravy, cover with mashed potatoes, man should understand that when you dot with butter anil Inown in the oven. ^ aic in the air only the other machine A small meat loaf is made as fol- ' appears to be moving, whde you seem lows: Threeiiuarters of a cupful of still. I was glad, 1 tell you, when I colli minced meat, one-half cupful of saw one of our fighting planes. A white sauce, one-half <-upful of bread- German does not like them, and when crumbs, one teaspoonful of grated they saw this fighting Briton they took condition which makes it undesirable for cooking. This practice is re- sponsible in a large measure for the prejudice among Canadian hout^ewives against frozen tish of i>ny ki.ui. A million pounds of Cai udiun frozen fish from the Pacific and .'V.U.m.ic are being consumed in England weekly. Be very careful not to scorch the lard when rendering it; but if you do, throw into it while melted u heap- ed tablespoonful of baking-swla for each gallon of lard. I.i > t cook a while, then cool. crumbs and bake until brown. Beef o„io„_ ,„^^. teaspoonful of chopped to their heels. They probably knew, can be lied iiistea<l of lamb. parsley, seasoning, a little gravy. Sea- too, who was the Hycr, as a man's To be at its best, meat for Hamburg : son the chopped meat ; add the bread- \ style in the air is characteristic and steak .should be groiuul at home. While' crumbs, the white sauce and the other this happened to lie a chap who had shaiply "()f a man, I was going to say, a man who relies upon himself and not upon- -mere a<-cidcn's." "Thank you in .Mi-. Mactriix ray's name!" said Albert, with the fury s^ioggling back into his voice. "1 .an'l help it, Hcitio; I can't lielp lomparing Hie two. I believe I have been doiiii; ;t all summer mid the oiii' life seems lo empty lieside the other." "Kmplyâ€" with all that money!" echoed .Albert, with a naivete of ac- cent anil expression which lay nowhere gently, still keeping Fenella's Jiand between his own. "It is social suicide," said .AUicrt. his face turning of that liviii jiiillor pecul- iar to red haired men. .lolni smiled his vaguely abstracted smile. "Do we need Society?" "Hut think what you are doing, father think!" urged .Albert, clutch- ing the old man by bis thin shoulder as tli'Mgh in thi^ ilesperale Ixqie of shak- ing reason into him. "Fenella's hus- band a workman! .A laborer!" Her husband will be wliat lur falh- it is made of inferior cuts of beef, it is delicious if properly prepared. Work the seasoning in thoroughly so that it is eiiually distributed, and form the meat into little cakes, or one large flat one. The latter can bo bioiled over clear lire and, when done, transferred to a hot platter, brushed over with melted Initter, and served at once ingredients. Mix well and put in a been very successful at air fighting, greased molil; brush the top with When a German trio turns tail at the gravy and sprinkle with bread-crumbs, i sight of one British pbuie we call it Cover with buttered paper and bake' -the Prussian code of politt-ness.' We for twenty minutes; take off paper and admire the respect they show for our ', Imke ten minutes longer; turn out and lighting machines, which, you can im- , serve either hot or cold. White sauce,' agine. does not iletract I'roni the oonfi- lequires two tablespoonfuls each of deuce we have in our own superiority, flour and butter, a cupful of milk, and' "I have had a string nf luck in the Lefto\ er Hamburg -:lcak may be sliced i salt to taste. within his intention. During live mi- er was." mites he ragi'tl and .breatened after Albert ground bis teeth upon each ♦ he fashion of (udiiiary mortals, at a Hiher. "Hut he is nnthiiif,, he has pilch of voice which cast pruilence to got nothing!" the winds, and with a ciMintenHnce so' "That makes it all the more cerUiin, inflaiiiedThal Fenella instinrtivelv re-does it not, that her affcilioii Is treated before him, as though in fear genuine?" I of phv: ical violence. It was almost (To be continued.) ' a 'clief when thodoor hamlle turned,' ^ . and .lulia's alarmed face appeared in vVlute cabbage crisped ami mixed the chink, even though this meant only I ... ,, , , , , â-  â-  , , the advent of a fresh antagonist. 1 «'*'', '' "''"'• "f'"'' •''•^''<«"'tf '^ "l«ays "What is the matter. Hertie? Why i wholesome and to make. , .lie yi;u so angry with Fenella?" ' Striding lo the door, .Albert pulled I be new ally into the room. "Thi'i'e look • .red, taking .1 .-1. as to make her face the now Ircmbl- ir.g Fenella, '\\<' you know who that is? Vou think it's the future Mrw.j H .vou haven't cobs, green hick(uy iMacgilvray of Uocksliiils, pi rh.ips? | wood •' the next best thing for sniok- Not a bit of itM It's the foiure SJl's. ing ban's. Gives them a really good Duncan M'Donnell of .Aidloch liuarry,' finvor. hii, ha!" DISHKS I'OK MFATLKSS DAV.S. .Macaroni Salmon. â€" Mash one-half | slices one and a bait call of salmon with a fork. To one- ' sprinkle with salt, half cupful of rich milk add four table- : onions until done. Pour off the water,' siioonfuls of line bread crumbs, heat season with pepper, atld two cupfuls of hot, and add one tablespoonful of but- hot water, and a little paisley; in this ter, two beaten eggs, a dash of pep- j simmer the tish until don*'. Thicken, per, and a little salt. Mix well. Have , the liiiuid left in the pan with a little | cups well buttered, and lined with flour and pour over fish. j cooked macaroni, and till them with' ,Scalloped Mac«r(»ni. â€" Put some j the salmon. Set cups in a pan of plain hoilvd macaroni in a dish audi hot water, and bake twenty minutes, season with pepper, salt, and a little Serve. catsup. Fill a deei) dish half full, | „,i.i Farina With Milk.â€" Have one of boiling milk in a small ename last week, for it was only four days I ago that 1 sighted a Boilie submarin.^ / j and dropped a bomb on or near it. inches thick aiid;<'»"'^ «"y «'h»-ther the l'_-l.oat was Uoil two sliced!'''""' '" "'' '"^*' l'"'Uff"' After that I was lonely, but I saw ii torpedo boat near Zeebrugge and heaved a l>i^ something at her, raced back and ii t our fellows know about the (iernu'.n warship sneaking out." ♦- [ .\ bushel of seed wheat out in the at her!" he hoarsely f.'"""'' '\7'"t^', "'''•', ""'*â- â€¢" n â- '" 'r "'' Iiilia by the shoul.lerH, "" '" "'"'l' f'"' "'""' "â- ''"'"»-' ^'" " belter market . pan on the lire. (Iradually add two gills of farina, sluuply mixing with the milk while adding it. .Add two talilesponiifuls of granulated sugar. Mix well, and let cook lifteen minutes, stirring once in ii while. Stir In one raw egg yolk and serve with cold milk. Vegetable Sausages fectant. Have dry, well ventila'ed poultry houses with plenty of sunlight. Use clean, dry litter and dean feed. Scrub . add a very little linelv chopped onion' Hi'' houses with hot water and soap "',"", i and a layer of sliced tomatoes, having i mid spray with ii good coal tar dism- ' previously covered the miicaioni with some melted butter. Make a thick crust of mashed potato, and bake in a not loo hot oven until brown. .Salted Codlish, ICpicureaii ,Slyleâ€" Let the lish simmer over the lire till tender, and then strip it up very fine- ly. Mince three medium-sized onions, riirce carrots, m„] fpy them slowly in four ounces of / wish there was a Walker House m every little town I wish th«re was a WALKER HOUSE In every little town; Then 1 could Uavel merrily. And always sit me dowa At night in p«ace and comfott. Happier than king with crown, If there was just one 'Walker House In every little town. I wish there was a â- WALKER HOUSE lo each place where I go. The comforts of my dear old home While on the rofd I'd know. The m«aU - the Ckeerrol Bervice, too, Would leave no c«u» to frown. If there was nist one 'walker House In every lUtlo town. The Walker Home The HouMOt Plenty Tonnlo â- '*'^' ''''^•«'" K. M. (.mrol I. The bittti- laugh jarred even upon .lulia's nerves. "What what 1 dmi'l understand -" she stammered, her full lips (iruoping apart. In .1 to'rent of scathing words she was '.'nliuhteued, and, being enlight- ened, her lirst action was to look about Let the boys and hired men try mit their ways of doing things occasional- ly. Farm work Is moiifdonous where all individuality is denied the worker. (oaldust should never be wasted. Have a special scuttle and mix auf- her for a seat, her .second to pull outlflj-jgn, „.Hter with it to make it ipiitc H caparioug handkerchief and tnii st | ,„„i^, ^vhon a Hre is nice and III'.') tears into it. .Iiilia was ac I L.tonied to do even her cryinjf com toj-tably. I lear, bank it up with thi." coal dust and it will last for hours. four onuuis, two parsnips, one-half ' i,„tter until they are done and quite pint of split red lentils, t wo eggs, om>- brown. Then add to them the strip- half pound of stale bread crumbs, | ,,^,1 Ush. Toss it all to get well heat sago, parsley, garlic, salt, iiiiil pepper. t.,| .,„|i ^Id at last minute a few drops Hoil the vegetables, and mash line; of lemon juice. Put the lish in the cook the lentils until soft, pound them\.,,„ter of a hot dish and surround it well; add to the masheil vegetables, ^ith very small potato balls, together with a little boiled .sago,; Macaroni l''a\orite.â€" Break one- chopped parsley, a small portion i>f;f„i,vlh package of macaroni, and boil (Inely chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. ,^,,1, suU to tas.e, one-half hour. Put Mix the eggs and bread crumbs, add a „ i^ypr of macaroni in earthen dish, portion to the other ingredients. Make' then layer of soft bread crumbs, lay- up into pieces about the si/.e of ordin-|e,. of grated cheese and butter. Ke- ary sausages, roll in egg and bread peat, anil pour over top one egg well crumbs. Fry in boiling oil until j beaten and mixed with a cupful of lii'own. I milk. Hake slowly until a nice brown. Stewed Fish. â€" Cut a lish across iu;This is a popular supper dish. Hotel Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California Near San Oieflo MOTOUINCi. TENNIS, BAY .\ND SURF BATHING. FISHING AND BOATING. 18' Hole Qoir Course Hotel i» equipped throughout with Automatic •SpHiikler Syst^'m. AMERICAN PLAN / JOHN J. HSRNAN, Manager #'

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