January 24 I9ls THE FLESHEHTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HCAD omce • TonoMTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 139 BRANCH Pte. Thos. W. Holme«, V.C. IST'B ttT» FLESHERTON CEO. MITCHELL, C. P. R. Traiii.s leave •follows : Ooin!{' South 7.53 a. III. â- 4.27 p.m. The nj;4il.s are fallows 7 p.m Time Table. FIcihertc'D Station as 9. 18p. m. sell at Fie-'hei'tou ?j For the north at 10.40 a.m.iind and the afrernoou miil scuth at i.40 o'c!ix:k. For morning train -south mail close at 9 p. m. the previou.i ev'g. VICINIT Y CHIPS ^ Misa u;i»e Henry lA Toronto speut xhe pa«t week at her parental home he^e Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bojrce of Saskatchewan mie visitins; fiieads in this Tioinity. Gunner iluy McAuIay of the TO.h Bftttery was hooie visitina his mother for a few Jtys durin;: the past week. Mrs. (Bev.) Belfry entertained a a Jmber of voung people at the parbonaga Friday evening last, when a most enjoy- able time was e.\perienc«d. • Born-^At " Wedgew^oJ House,'' Jlngland, on Dec. 2<:t. 1917, t) Staff-S^t. 4ad Mrs. T. E. Daris, a son â€" Dona!d Mercer. " Bobs " Trimble left on Sloaday for ahelburne, to which place he has been transferred fr»n) Sterling. He is an employee of the Union Bank. Owing to the giving cu: of the heating apparatus the public rchool wai close"^ this week. The senior pupili are i ursu- iog their studies under Mr Holland in the Foresters' hall, Clayton's M'jk, while repairs are being made. Be sure you come to the concert in the high sch.iol to see the Hiahiand Schott- ische ind alsi> the mcdern woman in picture and song. There will be selec- tions by the Lar<{e fa--nily ot Euitenui acd by Miss C. Elulse, violinist. Mellafontâ€" Bellamyâ€" On Wednesday, Jan. It), by Rev. C. A. Belfry, at the home of the bride'* parent?, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bsllan:y, Flesherton.Mr.Richard H. Mellafont of Coutts, .\!beita, to Miss Gertrude A, Bellnniy. Fie. R. Ir»in, whom wj last week as being '<n his trona England, arrived here on Friday, Bob looks quite as though the English climate agreed with him. Utheis who have returned ^ire 0. McCiiIIou.jh, Duu- dilk ; F. McUiaith, DLirham : and T. W. Palmer, Thorubury, A number of youna; pecyle drove t) Mai'kdale on Fridav night last to witness a hccLey match between Owea Sound acd Markdate. The game w%a a monot- onous atfsir with Oweu J'L'ucd scoring goal after goal until they had piled up twelve. The Markdaie players orly scored one goal. Spor-.ing editor of the Standard please note. It has been announced that Uuuuer W. Wilocck, will went oversea^ in May of U'lo, is (.n his wiy home on furlouiih. Since going overseas Will has been con- tinuously on active setvtoa with his battery with only tea days tit' on one occasion to visit England. Hi< many friends here will be t!;i,;!itily pleased to gtasp his hand once lu.re by way of welcome. was why our >ub6cni)>*r^ io-jiied in vain f' r their fatoiite I'^cal paper, which h.is always made a point <•( gettini^ uut on Going North scheduU time. ^f rs. Wtji. Talbot died at the home tf h-r :.on, \V. .1. T.lLot. Ea>t Back Line, on .S»tjrd<y night l».-t at the aaa of b" years. She was born m Ireland and came to C'atiaaa when a ijirl. Sjhe married the late Wm. Talbot, who pre- deceHsed Her three years aio, at.d i Oijether they lived in Proton tear Due- ! d lie for a » umber ot y&irs. They eo.me \ 1 1 Artemesia ',>S year.s a:;) and settled oo : t!ie farm >vaere she died, and now owned â- by their son,W.J,_T»Iijor. Only one other brother survives, Divid, of Everett, | '^''*'' Sound in December, WlOj Washington state. The deceased lady belonged to the Anglican church, and the Must uouau«l were the feati accomp- lithed by Private Thus. W. iiolmea the •ecnnd Owen Sounder to win the coveted Viajoria C'roM. Pee. Uolmei, who m Mill in hii 'teena, went forward dar1nt{ an •dvaace and ai.igle handed captured two German machine i^uaa and their ere wa. Hea»y caiualtiea had been intlicted on his unit bjr the destructive tire of the^e two machine guns which were concealed in a pill- box. a sold concrete position had held up the advance of his unit. Without instructions, and single handed, he crepi forward and gaming a vantage point in rear of the poaitiun bDmbe** its occupant* causing them all co surrender. N'ineteen Germans in all were taken. He also accounied for a l.igre number of killed aiid w.junded. During his single handed attack he ran out o£ bombs. L'ndaunted he returned to his lijies, secured a fresh supply and started iu again to finish the job. Daring his adventure frauttht with the gravest dan<<3r. Pte. Holmes Wiis not wounded. Following Is the brief but graphic official sccounr. of his achievements which won him the premier honor awarded to Britishers ;â€" " Private Thu.nas'^Williani Holmes. Mounted RiHes, a;<ed liO, enlisted in W hen the tight tllank of our own attack held up by machine gun nre from as pill funeral tuok place Tuesday afternoon to ' ^°^< producing heavy casualties. Hdmes Ma.vwell Anglican cemetery, Mrs. James Johnston, an old resident of-51esherton, died at the home of ner son. Mr. Bert Field, Toronto, on Satur- day, Jan. li>. The remains were brought from Toronto on the Monday evening train and the funeral took place from the residence of her sou. NVm- N'. Field, to Flesherton cemetery Tuesday forenoon, Mrs. Johnstons maiden came was Harriet Holmes, and she wws born in this district, 71 years ago, Shj was mairied to her first husband. Mr, Jchn Field, by whom she had five aoos and two dauahtois. Some time after Mr Field's death, 27 years a^o, she n.$iried James Johnston and lived wttb him until his death. Ot recent years she haa been living with her children in Toronto. The family, who are left to mourn the less of a kind and affectionate mother, are Wm. and Jospeh, Flesherton: Jame?, Bert and Lizzie (Mrs. Walter Taylor) Toronto. C>ne daughter, Mary (Mrs. Jaiues S inson). and one son, John, died a few years agt.-. The deceased lady was very highly esteemed by all who knew hi»r, and her death i-^ deeply mourned. East Grey Ag'l Society The annual roeettog of Etst Grey Agricultural Society was held iu the town htiU en Saturday afternoon with a mentioned ' stood attendance. The secretary's repoit way home ' showed a fairly s^uccessful year with receiacs ,.f $1170.i5a, ana cipenses of fUXi«.l>i.>. lea,iiiga lalacce of fW-.^S on hand. The nuiuber cf entries for last fall fair amcutited to K>42, which is proof that interest in the fair is well uiaiutained. this being » big gain on the foriLer year. The f.-liowing '.tficers were elected for Itie current year ; Pres.. Fred Brown, 1st Vice. -Pres., S. Shunk. ind '\ice.Pres , George McTavish, Sec.-Treas., W. A. Hawken. Dirsctors I! Richardson, C. Bellamy, J. T. SUd, T. J. Stinson.F Mathewsoo, W.H.Thurston. Wm. Stewart, T. R. McKenzie. F. Stuart, R. Chard. L. .A. Fisher. B. Weitou. (.». W. Phillips, R. .SwantoD. W. Swantou, W. A. H-awken. on his own initiative and single handed ran forward and threw bombs, killing or wounding the crews of two machine guns, then returned, secured another bomb, again rushed forward alone and threw a bomb into the pill box entrance, causin nineteen occupants to surrender ' â€" ' Advert ia(jr. Library Association Meeting Centre Grey tSoard ot Agriculture will bold meetings as follows : Ravenna Jan. 28, Kimber'.ey Jan, 21), Vaodeleur Jan. 30, Pricevitle Jan. 31, and Proton Feb. 1. The speakers are A. R. G. Smith of New Hamburg, .and Dr. Mary UcKenzie Smith of Gravenhurst. The meetings ar« expected Co be very inter- esting. For subjscts anc* coniple'e details see bills. L. O. L. 1 1 32 The annual meeting c f the f ourth Line L O.L., Uo2. was held on Friday. B'c . 2t<. when a larie attendan.'e was present and the following officer? were elected for ^ensuing year : Br.>. 0. Fisher. W M A. Fisher, D M Fred Taylor, Chaplain H. Smith, Recorcing See J. iMcKee, Fm Sec K. Fisher Jr, Treas X. Croft, Lect H. Fisher, D of C Wes Plantt, 1st Committeeman R. Pedlar, 2nd Committeeman G. Warlinn, 3td Cummirteeman H. Thompson, 'tth Committeeman A. Wilkinson, 5th Comnitteeman Mrs. Joseph Sanderson Flesherton Co uucil '.C).C. F. met on the evsuiog of Jaa. 2, when the follow- ing officers were installed tor 1918 : Chiei Councillor, W. H. Bunt ; V.cs 'â- <ik>uBcillor, Mrs. Croasley ; Recorder, Mrs. L, Fisher : AssistaDt. Mrs. A. Wilson ; Tr^w, Mrs L Fiaher ; Prelate, < ., Mrs McDonald : Warden, T A BUkely :' Qq ;,„ 3^^. i^i^, ,1 Grand Va ley. Guard, Mrs T A Biakely ; Msrshall.Mrs. t^ere caoie to s dose a long aod usehtl McTavtsh ; Ssutry. Claude Akins. Au<f ,,f^ ^^en Mary Eliis Smith, wifs of itors-W H Bunt and T A Blakely. Ij^9«ph Sanderson, died suddenly from The Advancs was pretty badly held up the effects of paralysl*. at the age of 6S> last week, first by ths storm and then by ' years. Previous to her removal last fall the express cv^mpany. Our parcel of to Grand Valley, she had lived for eigh- paper comes to us ou Tuesdays, but of teen years in Osprey. and during those course no tiains got through that day. years she had won ths respect aod Wednesday morning train filled to bring esteem of her neighbors. Her husbsnd »he parcel, althourh delivered to them in and four sons survive her. \\illiani of The annual meeting of the Flesherton Library Association, the largest in live years, was held on January Itith. Mr. George Mitchell was appointed chairman ana Mr.George.MoTayish secretary. The membership now stands at .W, and a considenable number of new books was added daring the year. The electric li^ht supplied gratis by the village was installed free of charge by Dr. Murray. Reports were heaid frooi the Secretary- Treasurer and Librarian. Five meetings of the Board were held in 1917-18. with an average attendance of seven. A considerable number of new books was itlded to the Library, and the children and tetn age de- partment is now virtually estab- lished. It was suBgeited and carried unanimously by the meeting that a storv hour for thise be held Saturday after- noons in the Library reading room. The stories or reviews are to be taken from good Library bocks which they will be encouraged to read. Lovers of children and teen age youth will be asked to lend their services in turn. The first story hour will be held the first Saturday of February at 2 p.m. The funds are in fair condition and a dozen or more new books, the latest and very helpful, will be itLiTied lately added. Subsciibe now. After reports were heard and adopted, the following were appoint-.d as members of the Board for 191(v-i;\ Slessrs. Geo Mitchell, Jos. Blakeley. H S. While, Chfvs. Richardson, Misses M. Holmes, K. Wilco.i, and Revs. C. r.eli"ry and A. Mc Vicar. Miss Hazel Shunk was re- appointed librarian. Messrs Jos. Blakley and George McTavish were appt.>iQte<4 to make the annual appeal to the village council. The rural districts of .Vrteniesi t have acces.''. the writer tliii:ks, to all public libraries withiu the ujunicipal- ity and should render aid for the cultivatiuu of good reading and diffusion of knowledge. Road-making, bridge-building, ta.\ gathering and some other material activities are not, surely, the bmit of iuui)icipall.»gislators. Revs. C. Belffy and A. McVicar. Messrs White, McTavish and Richardson were appoint- ed a committee to select new books. Amidst your many sj'od deeds do not overI<.>ok the Library. Geo. Mitchell. President : Rev. A. McVicar, Secretary and U. S. Vrhite, Treasurer. plenty of linic Wednesday night train also failed to land it here. Thursday morning's train w,\s held up four hjurs by the derailment of a coal car near DundaU and it was 4.30 p.m. Thursday Gr«nd Valley, .Alfred iu the We*t, Sam iu l.'s[irey, Robert ir\ Mintreal. Three dau.(htet9. Mrs. Larter, Mrs. $im(SOD and Mrs. Hawtou, died some years ago. Her remains wore laid to rest in Grand before the paicel reached here, Tb:U ^'-^'^'y cemetery. Power House and Vicinity Mr. Knight, from the West, visited his sister, Mrs. Robert Gralwni. Miss Sadie Hawkins of the Sth line, spent a week with her friend. Miss Louie Ilislop. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hysiop of Stratford were guests of Mr. and Mr<t. Adam Hysiop. We heart ily welcome the brids of Mr. Sianley Campbell to our oeigbborhood. May they have a lone aod happy wedded life. .Misses Blanche and Evelyn IVualdson of Toronto, md l.eona Wilhaoig of Paris, C>iit.. vi.'vted with th.ir covsins, ;Lillie aid Millie Campbell. Miss Uatte Wallace s(>eiit a day with >i 5. .\.dai>» Hysiop. Geo. Harijrave and I rid.- of Ma.twell visited with the latter 's sister, Mrs. Joho Wickeus. Vanddcur Buying Suggestions Robeft Xeely had a very succea*fu| auction sale 00 Wednesday of last week and prices ruled high. Mr. Seely sold his farm to James Harbottleof Eupbrasis who will lake possession shortly While we ere sorry to lose Bob, who was a good|Silver Plated Catlery neighbor, we welcome his -luccessor to j Cold Meat rorks Ben7 Spoons Sagar Shells Pickle Forks Cat kaa our midst. .After eighteen years' abnence Mrs. David (Jraham of Minitou, Man., 's renewing ac>|uaintances here. Thoxaa Enigbt of Saskatchewan in visiting his sister, Mrs. Elobert Graham. Mr. aid Mrs. McOee viiiiied friends in Torcnto recently. An ample supply of binder twine for Canadian tet^uiiemeuts ue\t year at reas<jnable prices has been ensured, as the result of an a;,reement reached be- tween the United states Food Adminis- tration and the Meiican .sisal groners of Vucatan. sets Craete seta Carving sets Pie Knives Decanter Pickle Pocket Cutlery P.azors, SUavJng Brushes Skates (aatomobile 1 Hockey sapplies Clotiies W'nngei; Carpet Sweepers Enamelware, Charus, Food Chopper Handsaws, Backsaws, Braces -\nd many other very useful gifts I THE BOYS & GIRLS Who have been work- so strenuously on the faruia producing food food for thoee at; Home and Overseas should be ^vea the opportunity of improviog their Kdia-» cation durin;; the slack winter months it tb-j ^T^.-^orr/fs/fATy y^jM^/AY-A The fees are no higher than when farm produce sold at half the price of today . The young people wUl be benefited throughout life from ths training in Business obtained in a few winter months of our .Special Business Course. Winter terrn begins. Wed. Jan. l Circulars free. C. A. FLEMIJ<G,F.C.A.,PrinciD»l, Dejrt. A . Owea SouHd. Ontario. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The Latest in Sheet Music at the PHOTO GALLERY F. W. DUNCAN The Flesherton Hardware. Kiione 30 r?. Pulpwood Wanted Two thousand cords JaU Sf ruce and Balsam w>x>d, cut 4 Sii loog, nut lees than Vs in. at the Aoall end, knou cvimmed close, tor which we will pay 8S ser cord for balsam, and §7 per cord foe .Spruce, delivered at nearest RaUroad Stalion .\nyone halving same for sale write to phone Mat'tciaie 3'J-"'2. â€" W . T. ELLIS, Kimberley. rj^i^Si'. The Old Adage Cu >', $90 W. A Hawken - Flesherton Phone 23 r+ The Proof of the Pudding is in P the Eating The same is equall} true of the 19<X' Gravity asher. Trv one and be couvinced chat there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent. Ceylon â- li Fall line of McL'ormick Farm Implements. Binders I ^OddsandEnds> -| Pony FvT Sale â€" Sound and n^t nerv 3 ous. Good set harness and blanket g >es g with it. Apply to. Mrs. McCallcm. : A Flesherton, or Arthur Brownridge. Ij .\I.t\well. 1 tor sale caeap ana on ea^sy tfrnis, Lo- ^3. con. 11, Osprey, UC acres. This a tirst class farm and in a good state cultivation. Good bank bam and new frame dwelling. -Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton Mowers. Rakes. Loaders. Drills. Cultivators, Eiding and \ValkiDg arrows Brantfcrd Mills. Puirps. Piping and Fittings of all Beat tie ay Carriers. Hay Forks. Slings, Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wire iind Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Plows, "Wind kinds:. Filter Fence Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts Farm Wanted â€" C<n shares wiih or without stock and implements. Apply to --Fred Tyler. Feversham P.(.'. Keutcer's Popular Music Store. Mark- dale, is the placs to buy your Piano. Organ, Phonogrspb, Sewing Machine, Sheet Music, and all musical supplies. Hound Pup strayea r ull black and white, ou Friday, Jan. Fiuder please c.iaiuiunieate with Walter Akitt, Rock Mills P.t>. Select a gift this year that goes 'int.) the home and stays in the home â€" Â¥ouiething thac will giv? years of service and will be a cotstant reminder of your thou^htfuie&i and affection. FfRNITt'RE IS THE M-.'ST WEI.CCME i.'F ALL XMAS GIFTS. So'ue appri^priate selections â€" Boo'vcases, Fancy Tables. Jardinere Stands, Easy Chairs, Rockers, et?. .\nother useful suggestionâ€" A Kitchen Ca'oinct. Everything at hand A step saver and a money saver. For The Youngsters â€" Hig'a Chair-?, Rc'i' . H rscs. Rockers, IXdl Carriaites, etc. New Mouidioijs en hand tot Picture Fnoiia-, . NEW METHUDL-^T RYMN BCOK ro^-n pup, 'jjj A number ^f congreaations are adopting the new Hymn B«.'ok at the IS. 1!} Now year. We have sample^ on hand and are taking orders for the same !r»r \ ""'^ intend putting in >* selec: stock in the various styles and bindings. .» o f _ . 1.- _^ , r friend a presen For Sale- -One set single harness new, one robe almost new, or will be exchanged for green stove wood. â€" W. W. Trimble. Flesherton, Ont. House and Lo: for Sale at Maxwellâ€" .\pply to James Long, Fevershaui. of i>ne f,r Xmas. Secure one for youtself or make y. W. H. BUNT i! I Furniture and Undertaking I FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. I Try Feversham Pastry Flour, the best for your cook, AH Ontsrio wheat. i earliug Leicester ran: for s-ile at Jlo. J. -\ Stuart, Kimberley. Cow for saleâ€" Due 1st. May, 8 years old. Apply '0 Robert C>sbovBe, Eugenia. Columbia Grafonolas i[ «HK[n. NISCELUNEOUS Havina taken over from H. B. McLean the W. G. Pickell Insurance business, I am prepared to look after the iuterestt of the public. Hugh R. Hamraood, R. R No. I, Kugei i.a .\gent. Phone 2 r -. 1 Aug. . â€" - i For Sale -A Doherty organ, five! i.vtave, knee swell, ecfave coupler and ' "igbt other stops ; in good cvmditioo : { cheap and on ea.«y terms. Ea<)uire at i AdTance otfice. Private funds to loan on rsal estate security at reasonable rate of io'erestj Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Columbia Records ! -FOR SALE BVâ€" W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER. FLESHERTOX Farm Wantedâ€" To rent T. Fen wick, tlugenia. .%JUiM«ls ia IrvlaiMl. .iccordinj to statistics gfv^n by the near schoolâ€" iNorthenx Whij. a Belfast newspaper, the number of horses in Ireland was 598.900 on Juihe I, ISH. and 5?4,- [400 on June I. 1917. The otht>r 'ive Hwhest price for buttei and eggs a^l.â- »tock in Ireland included ♦.970.400 Ctrahani Bros. Eugenia. Jane 29 â- *'*'^' 3.7S3.70O sheep, and 1.290. '. I .''H* pigs: oa June I. 1917. thert' Cow and Calf foi Sale-Just freshened ' "J"''® ♦•*<> J.50O cattle, 3,743.909 Frank Jhard, '*'•*"«'• *â- »*» »"•'*>'» »^»- For Sale or Kent The following Valuable Property : (.)ne double lot situated on north side of Colliogwood street, Flesheftos. containing a nine roomed dwelling, frame kitchen, lined citable, sbsd and bea bouse, both dtted with electric lights ; hard and soft water. One lot situated ou ths west side of I Sydenham street, Fiesherton, coataining ' a seven roomed tranie dwelling dtted . with etecttic light.soft water in basemeat. One lot situated on north side of Margaret street. FleshertMn, containing a sii roomed frame liwelliog and frane stable. Also a i>aric U t containing two acres, well fenced and cuttirated. For terms dud particulars apply to lJ»n SILAS SHCNK. m^