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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1918, p. 3

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>»J The Weekly Desigrns How Kidney TroDble 'King Honors C.P^ Official Struck Uxbridge Man A practical de»iffn lor the man's shirt is this. MeCa,ll Pattern 7909, Men's Flannel Shirt. In .5 sizes, 15 to 19 inches neck size. Price, 20 cents . K 7586 5Ir. R. J. Thompson Was S«ized With Convulsions. I I I His Life Was Despaired of. But After ; Using Dodd's Kidney Pills He Feels Himself Again. ^ j Uxbridge. Ont., Jan. 21st (Special.) i â€"Mr. R. J. Thompson, who lives ouj R.R. So 2, near here, is loud in hiis j praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. | "I am delighted with Dodd's Kidney; Fills," he says. "The doctors said I could not .Jive, and if I did I would never be able to do anything again, as I had chronic Brtghc's Disease. But. thank God, I am doing my own work' again. j "My trouble came on very suddenly. I had just finished my dinner, and was taking a man home when I was taken ' with a convulsion fit. I had fourteen chat afternoon, and the third day I had nine more. "I have taken only eleven boxes of; : Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I feel like ' myself again." ' Mr. Thompson is only one of many in this neighborhood who look on Dodd's Kidney Pills as the standard remedy for kidney ills. They are purely a kidney remedy, and are used I for all kidney troubles from backache to Bright's disease. This is a very good design for the simple every-aay dress. The choice of collars is particularly nice. Mc- Call Pattern No. 7586." Misses' Box- pleate*! Dres.s. In 4 sizes. 14 to 20 years. Ptkc, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local JlcCall dealer, or from the McCall Co.. 70 Bond St.. Toronto. Dept. W. A DISLIKETOR FOOD Victims of Indigestion Often Dislike the Sight and Smell of Food. Kvery heuiihy man and woman should have a natural desire for food It meal times. This means that the digestion is in working order and that 'he blood is in gooil condition. But f you feel a dislike for foodâ€" if the sight and smell of wholesome food repels you â€" then you may be sure that ill is not well. If after a night's rest you have no appetite for breakfast, yoiir digestion requires attention. If your food is distasteful, or if you feel that it is u trouble to eat. your stom- ach is rebelling. You do not digest properly the food you a'eMaking and therefore not hungry. .\11 these .-symptoms of a disordered jigestion mean that the bloo*.! is not ibsorliing proper nourishment from food, for the work of the blocni is to >'ollcct proper nouriohment from food and impart it to the system. The stomach tries to refuse food the mitri- ment from which the blood cannot ab- sorb, and this causes the lack of appe- tite. If you force yourself to- eat the undigested focul becomes a clog to the system. Nature is warning you. Dr. VVilUams" Pink Pills alone jive the blood the richness ai-.d purity that it requires to perform its natural function. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cuiv the most obstinate rases of indigestion â€" why they will cure any trouble lUie to poor blood. Miss Liziie Ashton, Thamesville.Ont., says: â€" "I suffered for years with sitomach trouble. .\t times the dis- tress was so great that vomiting A-ould follow . and there was always severe pain after eating. I trie<l sev- eral remedies but they did not help !tje. On the contrary the trouCle was growing worse, and got so biid at last that I could not kwp anything on my stomach. Finally I Ix'gan i^sinj; Or. Williams' Pink Pills, and gradually the trouble began to leave nie, and I regained in all respects my customary good health, and enjoyment of food. I make this statement voluntarily so that others may know of the wonder- ftil results that follow the use of this iiedicine." Yon can get these pills through any inevlicine dealer or by mail at .V cents a box or six Uixes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willmms' Me<Ucine Co., BrockviHe. r>nt. ♦ A (;aiwe 10 Make You Think Hard. Who was a K-aniouse N iirse? F-iorence Nightingale. Who was an A ble I. iterator? .\-braham l.-ineoln. This is an especially nice game be- cause it nmkys you think hard. It can either W played at a party by writing the list of nouiis and adjectives, such ati .Vl'le Liberator and Famous Nurse, on as many sheets of papers as there are people playing the game, and hav- ing them write down the answersâ€" the one who gets the most right mi^ht b« given a prize, (tr it may be play- ed at the luncheon table or anywhere else without paper and pencil. It can be n\ade into an .\uthor game by unhid only names like t'-harles 0-ick- ,»n», I' haracter D epicter. 'I'ry it »nct ai'd you will see what fun it i». I MEN OF CANADA. DO YOIR I PART. Will men of Canada ever yield. The heights of glory which they have won On many a gory battlefield. Till annihilation of the Hun â€" Bids Germany's rape and murder cease. ;.A.nd lightens the way to lasting peace ".' Shall the sacrifices nobly made. For the cause of Liberty be vain â€" Shall the debt in death already paid, , Shall all of the tears and all the I pain â€" ' Be classed as naught, because there are those. Too weak or maudlin to strike their foes •.• The fate of this war concerns us all. Whatever may be our land or creed â€" The throne of the beastlv Hun must 1 fall, I The sorrowing nations must be freed â€" ; So draft the slacker and make him do The duty he owes to God aod you. Both God and man love the volunteer. Who walks up straight to the gates of hell. I But the skulking knave, o'ercome by i fear. i Mast be made to do his part as well â€" \ What price, for a nation would you! give ? If the brave all die, while the cowards i live ? ! We have them here, and you have 1 I them there, I ,Who prate of peace, while the war. j flags fly I Too weak in the heart to tio their ^ ' share. | Unfit to live yet afraid to die â€" Station or riches should be no bar, ; ;Tbey share in peace, make them share â-  in war. I SIR Ariiiur H. H*rri». wlio b &â-  b •• a made ft iiittabt Comauui'l«r of t^c Briuaii Bai- 9ire for !ilf cer- vicea ia Caaada as Dire<;(or of Overavftt Tran»- port, ia a. ioa of th« lfti« H«a Tf Vinton Harris of I>«vonport- Dev- onshl.'e. r^Inglaad. Educated a; tti« Devonpon »_a li Stoke GrajiTuor School he tame to t h 1 • country in the »e»e;it".es, <>a- t * r 1 n g ti'ie eer- vic»3 of I'le G r a Q d Trunk Railway, and ris- ing to the posi- tion of Oensral Freight .A^ent Through TraSc. In IS')2 U- ; ed the i "aiiadiaa Pacm« Railway liace wa:cii date to August, 1»14. he was actively eh^ged in initi- ating tra;ac for the Company's rail and o>eaQ services. On the outbreak cf the war. the President of the Canadian PaciSc ofTered Mr. Harris' servii^s to the Imperial ani Canadian Govern sjentr for the purpose of o.-i?ac!iing and directing an Overseas Transport De- v.;rtment. the suci'ssful airniai^tra- ticn of which Is now recognized bj Uia Uajestf. BilPs Last Chance. The following story comes to me from a reader who is employed on munitions. There had. it appears, been an ex- j plosion at a neighijoring factory, and the manager, who was snatching a brief holiday at the time, hurrieti home i to investigate. r "How in the world did it happen?"! he asked the foreman as he viewed the i wreck. "Who was to blame?" T "Well, you see sir," was the reply. : "it was like this. Bill went into ' the mixing-room, probably thinking of something else, and strucit a match in mistake. He â€" " , "Struck a match!" exclaimed the. manager in amazement. "I should have thou;;h- it would have the List â-  thing on earth ha'd do." | "It was. sir." was the rejoiilder. ILElTfS EATS To clean chiliirsn's white kid-t ip- ped shoi's us^ swte" milk and pearl soap. Rub in well and set in tks air to dry. This w^ili leave the kid :'ice and soft as well as clean. Xioarit'* Uninwa: Ctifsa Carxac ta Cows , Jgjickiy ,. ... ' rcueveJ ^y Munr.::. Try It In TvUR LI i.J!<9SiMrtiat,J«tEreC«!»iort Marine Eye Reme-Jy ^]:'^rW^'mZilZ Ui SiKrtac Eire Bfozeiir C«., Csica^u « SlK .\KTHI K 11. H.*RRis. Direoror of <>v»;rseaa Transport. He is a member of SL James" Ctafc, .Miutreal: Rideau I'lub. Ottawa; and ithe Montreal Royal Golf Ciub. Ia 1S<S he married a daughter ct t'ae late William E '.-.iimbe. B.C.L., cf Montreal. g'.anddai;slit:r of the ;ate Hon. Wm. MorriB. at cne time Re- ceiver-General of Ca::ada. and aieca of t'fie late Hon. Alexander Morris, First Governor of M:t-iitcba aad ti» i.Norch Territories. Cool Boiled Eggs. Hard-boiled eggs that are ty 'ue ; served cold in salad should, directly I after cooking:, be placed in cold water. , This will prevent the outside of the ; yolk from turning dark. **»-â- Â«â- - <*- LiBl3teBt Car«a Sistcmoe. W'aen washinsr blouses or hamlker- chiefs put a small lump of orris root in the rinsing wattr. This will give a oerfome of violets which is as lasting -.s a sache: placed among the clothes. SSI.P WAJfTES LL'liis NV.\.\TEO To UO ft,.vl.V Iixtit â- <»w;nK at home. w6>'te or spa:«? time. is"jo<l pay. work swnt any distance. •.â- !!«.-»«â-  yaiil. S«nil st3.;nii (op riarivulHr*. National M:inuf:i*-tiir'nc xxscsxiXaJTEOtrs I Th>' land of the .Maple will not fail. - Her wavering sons will cancel fear â€" ' From forest and field, and hill and ! dale. When the bugle calls, they'll answer; ! here I ' ; .\nd "over the top" they'll cheering! ' go. ' ! Till Hell and Oblivion hide the foe. | I Though three of the a.llied rtags arej furled, ; There are others that ever will wave â€" j 'rill the Hohenzollern hounds ace ; hurleil, j To their homes in the murderer's ^ ' graveâ€" The Cross of St. lleorge, the Lilies ' and Stars. Will fly till the Allies shall win these- J wars. Oh? men of red blooil! the path is plain, ! .\nd your country is calling to you â€" , Let not humanity plead in vain. To your God and your colors be true. Stand up the ilraft «>r volunteer, j .\ntl do it right now, right now and I here. ' 'â€" E. I>. McCready, Oklahoma. V S A ' •!« NORWAY Hir HAKO BY « \K. Cost of l'rinci|>al Fo<h1m Soars High .Vbove .\llied Increases. The lost of the principal fooils has increasevl more proportionately in Norway since the war begaTi than in, the I'nited Kingdom, France oc the^ United States, says the Board ofi Trade at^d Labor Gaxette. The cv»m- parison shows the increase to have been 114 per cent, in Norway, 105' 'â-  per cent, in the I'niteil Kingdoi^, !*3 : in France, and 4t> in the â-  I'nite*! | ^ States. Some of the vletailed Increases per cent, in the I'nited Kingdom are: Beef, Ti» to 135 per cent.; sugar. IW; Imilk, i>*i; tea. 107; eggs, fresh, 2Si^; butter, i>y; rtsh, 191. It is estimated ! that of all the items ordinarily enter- ing into the family expenditure of workingmen, including food, rent, clothing, fuel and light, the advance on pre-war times is about S;^ per cent. , WHEN BABY IS ILL Mothers when your baby is Ul; when his little stomach and bowels are out of order; when he is troubled with constipation, colic, colds oi; his teeth- ing is painful grive him Baby's Own Ta'olets â€" the perfect medicine for lit- tle ones. Concerning them Mrs. jVI- phonse Peiletier, St. Damase, Que., says: â€" "Baby's Own Tablets are a grand remedy for little ones. I used them for my baby with wonderful re- sults." The Tablets ara sold by medicine dealers or by mail at "25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. « FEEUIM; a ZlH) IN WARTIME. Birds. Mammals and Reptiles Must Have Their Favorite Dainties. The New York Zoological Park comprises 3t!0 acres of land and water, and in it are to be found 5.000 speci- mens of birds, mammals and reptiles on exhibition in comfortable buildings, yards, dens and cages. With few exceptions this large fam- ily is fe».l once a day. To provide food for such a hungry army, with such duffering tastes, is a problem. Espe- cially is this true under present condi- tions, lor the vvar has brought a change In the diet of some of the ani- mals in the zoo. Their daily bill of fare may be said to extend from .A to Z, as the list Of supplies distributed by the cook begins with apples and end with zwieback. .A detailed list of the consum- ed in a year by these boarders would be a long one, but mention may be made of some of the products useil. Fifty bushels of apples, oSO bunches of bananas. SO pineapples. 30 pounds of raisins. 20 boxes of oranges, 2S0 pounds of grapes, 40 dozen peaches, 110 do:en pears, are the delicacies re- lished by rodents, monkeys and birds, 30 watermelons beitig enjoyed by the tortoises. The best hay obtainable forms the staff of life for the hoofed animals, being consume<I in large iiuantities. The pelicans, herons, sea lions and some of the fur-bearing animals con- sume large quantitie;. of tish, ati ag- gregate of U>,000 pounds, large and small, anvl of various kinds, being requiretl. The carnivorous animals are in the main fe<l on horseflesh, beef Iving at pre.sent too high priced for general use. There are delicate appetites which must be satisfied among the t)oarders. The small birds renuire 100 pounds oi dried fllies and 10 pounds of mosquitoes. Certain other binls. and the lizards, thrive on 240.000 meal worms. 4.000 pounds of middlings, 1,000 pounds of rapesee<.l and tOO pouiuls of poppy seed. Zwieback, ground ami mixed with other things, is fed to humming birds. 7,000 pounds of this prtxiuct being used. The kitchen connected with the zoo is equipped with ranges, hot water supply, kettles, pots, pans, tables, meat bUxks. double boilers and ice box; in fact any hotel chef would feel at homo with such an extensive and useful outfit. .A slaughter-house is lo- cateil in the park, and also a hospital â€" the finest of its kind- -providevl with wards for animals which must be quarantined, an operating room, ac- commodations for nurses on night liuty, a research room and a morgue. Numerous pictures illustrate every phase of the life of this interesting community. s" Ue moralising. Sergeant lone of the Old school): It's the war that's ruining the army, sirâ€" us having to enlist all rhese "ere civilians!" STONES FOR ALL GRAVES tritish Govt, to Put Individual Monu- ments in Soldier Cemeteries. The Imperial Graves Comuiissioa, the presiuect of which is the Prince of Wales, which has taken charge of the grav.«s of all sold'ers in France, while t:ct sanctioning individuals themselves placiug headstones over the graves of the Jfatlea. has decided it will itself place individual head- stones over each grave. This decision was taken in order to assure uniformi- ty in effect. The graves of otEcers and men will receive precisely e<iual trealmeut. All expenses wil! be borne i by the Imperial Governtuent. Money Orders. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. The Present Season. j 1 Teacher â-  to a class in school) â€" How many seasons are there? Class â€" Four. Teacher â€" Now. can anyone tell r- what season this is? .\fter a pause a little girl held â-  ;- her hand. "Well. Nellie," saSd the teacher. "Please, -lir, the knitting season." ; Mlasrd'B titnlnitat Car«a Oip2isti<irl.i. Storing Preserves. I save all my pasteborad bo.xes. I The ones which contained cereals, etc.. I I packed the cannevi gootls in and ' those Su.-h as shoes come in. I found : Just right for jellies. These bo.xes shut out the light and protect from freezing if they are put in a cold place. If the names of the contents are writ- ten on the outside of the boxes in large letters it will save time and annoyance. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs.â€" I have use^i your MIN.\RD'S LIXI.ME.NT for the past 25 years and whilst I have occasionally useti other liniments 1 can siifely say that t have never useil any equal to yours. If rubbed between the hands and in- haled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the heavl in 24 hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Y"ouvs truly, J.G. LESLIE. Dartmoutli. Supplies of t>a$oline. In 101.'>, Canada consumed over 4->.- '000.000 gallons of gasoline. Of this amount about 5 per cent, was prothiced from Canadian crude, while the re- mainder was either imported direct or tvinlucevi from imported crude. This fact shows the dependence of Canada uptm supplies of gasolitte and petrol euin from Cnited States and strength- ens the argument used in a previous issue wherein it was stated that 'JO per cent. of the gasoline used in Canada was produce*! from Canad > crude oil. To keep (.read fresh soak a small new sponge in cold water, place it in a saucer, and stand the saucer in the j breadpan. The bread will remain moist for several days. If FC'OD D1S.\GR£ES DRINK HOT WATER Wh*. ; â- - - LL^.e l»^ii'I in : -' -â-  '• aeh a.^o :.ju iiA^s that unc'iut-irtuMe tllsteinle,! f-'^llnjt. it is because •>( ••!- suirietotTt blood supply t-' tb' <coni;i. Ii. vumbitttfU with :n:id and food rVrtc ; tiyo. l:i su<-h cases try thti ylan foUowt-d l.n man. host'ltals and a.l'. •• ' by ttui:iv .-ndrietic uhysicians '>! ta-k.':-!} .i teast>"«iijf'il '.'f r>are bisurated i;ja«ti»s::i la h.Uf a (class 'it wat-r. as h..r < 'U can •â- or^ifortaf'ly itri-itc it.- Th. c-r dru-ws th- blood t'> tlie st<'": the bi.>ur,4ii!<t rt!aiCii'»sia,us"'- can t. II viiu. ln.<ta;itiy !â- â€¢ acid ^nd sttoD;* th4» fo*Ml Try thi-' ^ ' toni#h tlef a:; â-  - r**(i;r"r;t;i'.'n â- â-  -mm â- 'â- .ii;.i ^-•i'.ion. fV'.>yIe who tind - It tiines to se*-ur(? tiot wa"~ .?r» who jie fr*Miu^-Ktly »^bt .; â-  hHst> tne;ils i>oor!> pr*fPiirfd - wa>s t:iite two tir thre«* tive-eT- â-  oi Bisuraied Maxnesia after iti-mis • . I»rev,.rit i*errn*?rMatt"o and nemrnlixi* the CVM.'iiK. Tt-iiOBS. LLiirs. ETC ; :in'i evt-mul. cured wi:h- .jut pain bv our hora»? treatment. Writ» us befure io*j lat*>. Dr. l^lman M-^dical ro l-:--.::.»d. '"•â- â- tlfrsfWDr-.' Or* Railroad Men Triese men know from experi<ri-i s that 5toan's Liciment will tais ;;ie s:ui=eso out of joints and the scre- .less cat of miiscleiâ€" .And it s si cocvcnijnti No rubclng required. It qu.ckiy pe.netr.'.ttts and brings "x- ilef . t_ii-, to ai.'F'> ^^'i cleaner t'-*n -•ixussy plasters cr otatnicats. .AK-ys have a 'txjttle in the Koi;« cr rheu.-natn: ;:ches. iini.; bii.;i. :ipf.,rns j.-id itrtinn. Cericrous sized bottles at all dru^ f WTten bojing your P\nno insLst on Raving an "OTTO HIGcL" PIANO ACTION U riH lUF. HNv.FU--i: 3 S\>S CGKNS LIFT OI I '' \\ llHOl 1 V\Y 1- VIN mm HEALS pimczEi Itched and Burned. Wanted to Scratch All ^.he Time. Scarcely Any Sl^eep. Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lift- ed right out with the lingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, .says a Cincinnati authority. .•Vt little cost one can get a small bottle of ft^eione at any drug store. which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or tile danger of infection. This new drug is an ether com- pound, and dries the moment it Is ap- plied and does not intlanie or even ir- ritate the surrounding tissue. Just thuik! You can lift otf your corns attd calluses no-.v without a bit of pain or soretiess. If your druggist hasn't free2ot!e he can easily get a small bot- tle for you f'-on\ his wholesale drug house. Uoii-OjMo ivY ill*' l\U»s i-'n>. SK-Urra Aftvl #>o ^,.*«\;i«i.»;s V-'S- 9c."!b« Buii-Oi'to »» 91 tt.ff home rem«d> i'.\ the tr««tn>«nt oi t\« troubles and to *tru.-is:h«n •v«»lKb'- Sold uiidsr monev Mriasd cmva.-i'V t>v »n Jrusntlsts. I *4.« tiltecn )eaj»old, ec:e^ r I rush, tirst on :ny, â-  en >n my cars, .tna erwatis 'in -ny body. ' /^c.ii.-Vv ii'erwa-ds -xi -ny body. C^!^;*:? »'^ was itclii-.g ii-.d burning .V- f «â- > 1 *a.'.:ed '.o scratch lil the lime. I Jtarcf'y ;'ad ary sleep. ' â-  Aite r 1 used four cakfs 'f C-:;c'jra 3o«p aid <ix boset of Ointmei't 1 was , _ ^ned/ Mrs, •<. H Carlton. C mntry S:«p Creek. Sask., Fsh. ^ '17. Clear ^.e pi. res >.f iaipcr'ties by daiiy u»e of* Soap ii'.d occJu' tOttcf'.M cf C!!tic\:'a O'.nrtrter.t. F«r Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress i.iost-,a:d. "Cutk-ata, Uept. A, ^dton. I'. S. \." 5i id cvcryw'Ljrs-. heal id.- MOTHERHOOD WOMAN^S JOY Suggestions to ChilJless Women. *#â-  During October the value ot' Untish overseas trade was the largest recorxl- ed since the beginning of the war. maartl's Uaimvat Cur** Cold*, Bt«. IVlicious winter shortcake is made with cunned strawt<erries t;iKi .«^' \\uht:\ smn WITH I IMON Jl 111 Make a beaul* lotion for a few ceiit> tu reni«»e Ian, freckles, r^allow ne^s. Your grocer has the lemons ai\d any ilrug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. S<)ucese the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle. thei; put in the orchanl white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very l>est lemon skui whitener and complexion beatititier known. Massage this fragrant. creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how I'reckles. tan, sallowness, reilness, ' atid roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin l>«- coraes. Yes! It is harmless, and th« beautiful results will surprise you. V^ A Quick Reliel !ur Headache by b««ily ({ige«t*d t\>c<i; tS« g«ae» an<licciitr9«ulting ther^lromft'^ abaorb«<i by the btoo<i which in turn irritcites tho o«rvc* %n4 ciiusf'9 pAlnful tyv.iptom» CftlleJ he«4iach«. neuralgia, rheuoiA* tuow etc. 15 to 30 drop* of ^0(fc«r SHffl*^ S>np will correct ^«ult^ ^isettion aad afford relief. -J SELDOM SEE t b g i'Tf '. Kt I" <, but >o..r h^'r«« III4V hate a buin k or btui»« on hia ankle, hoik. »tif1e, knee or threat. XMmmBBESSBEESBi mil cieiii It ci " '"".out ia);r* u» :hi h->:^f. No bll«(«r, no BaOf gone. Conceiitnted â€" o: > t few i.ofi rr^ irrd it a:> (fpl'icatiou ti p«i ft«t.l rf..:»tr^ t>M,-4-b* *w*t .-M« *v; lf*vik twu«.:a.»«« u.> Book • M Ur*. \B&0»il\f.. Jx . ib« tuti- ^lifted aSfit. Wl*V IriiM V<.'v.<w VMn. f v> w f rouw f. a.f . »t« i.<i«Ki jin . v*^"*!; c><v JtautM Ml l>trttl» it.. K* Ml.- « tkd* .\mon(t the virtues of I.vuia E. Finkhain's \ e,netable Compound is the ability to o--crect sterility in the cases of many women. This fact is Well estabiisned as evidenced by the following letter and hundre\is of others we have pubiished in these colun's. Fopiar Blutf. Mo. '-l ^ ' r womeo to know what a bit â-  ji E. rinkiiii ;. - • vk;e- tabie Comp-'Uiid has been to DU'. W« had always wanteti a baby in" our bem» but 1 was in [kxt health and t>ot abl« to do my work. My mother and hus- band bi-f'' totr-.-Lx ,t . (li a tn s . . .. .u.;.e jComjxjund. 1 di<J 'so, my hsahh Jm- Srovevl and 1 am now the mother of • •le babv gir' and do all my own hoas« work." -Mrs. .Vliu B. TlvMONS, 216 Almond St., Foplar BlufT, Mo. In many other home*, one* childless, there are now chiWren because of th« fact that I ydia E. Fiukham's Vegetabl* Compoimd makes womea normal,^ healtnv and strong Writ* to the I yaia E. Ptakbart Medi- cin« Co. . I,ynn. Masa. . for •dvkeâ€" it will b« confidential and b«lvfttl> H>. ISSl'K l-'l$.

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