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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1918, p. 2

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V* j^5 / 4 ^r / /v o ^ ;#sp!v;<;;x.i^., ,:::iSiii.s :,>^j- Markets of die World Toronto, Jan, 15. â€" Miinltolia whf»t â€" No. 1 Nortlwrn. J2.2a4, No. 2, do.. 12.201; No. S. do.. »2.nj: No. 4 wlieat. |2.10l. â- |i Ktore Tort Wlllltttn. Includliiic 2|o tax. Manitoba 4>nti(â€" No. 2 C.W.. »7ic: No. 3 C.W.. 81c: No I extra feed. 81c: No. 1 fpod. 77Jc: 111 8lure Foit Wllllanj. .American cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, nomin- al. OntHrlo oatBâ€" No. 2 white, 81 to S2c. niimlnal: .N'o. 3, do.. 80 to 81c. nominal, acpordliiit to frelifhts outHlde. OiilHilo wlwalâ€" New. No. 2 "Winter. $2 22: baslH. In «t<ir«' Montreal. PeuK â€" .\o. 2. S3.70 to $3.80, according to frelKht."! outside. narlovâ€"MaltlnB. $1.36 to J1.38. ar- roT'dlnK to frelithtH <>ut»l<1e. HiKkwhrat â€" $1 6r> to $1.68. according to frolBliis i>iit»kle. â€" .No. 2, $1.78. accordlnn to fielEht.s nuLsiile. Miiiiltdba flourâ€" first t>atents. In lute IxiKS, $11.60; 2n(l, Ho., $11: hlronK bak- iTs'. ilo.. $IG.<;ii Toi-onU). Ontario flour -WliitiM', accordliiK to sanipl.-, JIO.IO. In baES, Montiwil; $9.95. Tiuiinto: $!i.M). bulk, seahourd. prompt .*.'lil[inw*r»t. lllllffedâ€" r-ar lots, delivered Montreal frelKlits. bii(f.-v Included â€" Hran. ppr ton. $35: HliortB. do.. $40: inlildlliiBS. do.. $-16 to 4tC; Bood feed Hour, per bas. â- Â«3.25, lla.v â€" No. 1. new. per t')n, $15.50 to $lti.ri(); mixed, do,. $13 to $16. track Toronto. Slr^i w- c':ir i.f-rlnn. $^,50 to $». HUN MUTINEERS IN ARMED CAMP Confirmation of Report That 25,000 German Soldiers Deserted. A despatch from Petrourad says: Confirmation of the report that an armed camp of 2r),' 100 German soldiers have mutinied ajfainst heiriK shifted to the western front, and are hoUlint; the forest near Kovno and are threaten- ing an attack upon the other CJeiman troop.s from the rear if they resume ' offensive against Ru.sKia, has been I liorne out by foui- (lerman soldier.s i who recently deserted and who offered j to enlisi in the new international 1 army now being: organized to fipht for Socialist principles under the dircc- i tion of the bureau headed by Horis : Reinstein, international delefrate of : the Socialist Labor party of America. REMNANT OF GERMAN FORCES . ROUNDED UP IN PORTUGUESE TERRITORY Enemy Column Crossed German East African Border and Has Ueen KaidinK C'ountry in Scattered Groups. A despatch from London says: 'Dealing with the of the opera- tion.s in .'Vfrica during the past I month, au oflicial communication on I Kriday says: I "Having entered Portuguese terri- I lory at Ngomano as a .small exhausted force, short of food and ammunition, I a German column, under Gen. von Lot- â- fonvorbeck, moved up the Lujenda ! Valley, capturing several small isolat- ! ed Portuguese posts, subsequently dis- !per.;inir in .'^tattered groups and raid- I ing parties over the whole country, I between Mwembe, near Lake Nyassa, land the coast, in the vicinity of Port Amelia. British mounted troops fol- I lowed up the Lujenda Valley, while I other columns acting in co-operation I with the, disembarked at ; Port .\melia, and advanced east and north-east from the southern end of Lake Nyassa. j "Patrol encounters have occurred j during the past few days in the I Mwembe area, where an enemy de- 1 tachment has been located." Conntry Frodtice â€" MTljolesale Most recent picture of Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby, who, by: hl.s recent victories in Palestine, is putting another red spot on the map of freedom. | HOSPITAL SHIP SUNK BY SUB. Conveying Wounded From Gib- raltar to England. A despatch from London says: Not- withstanding the pledge given in Sep- temlw*?-, the Germans have sunk an- other hospital ship. .An official state- ment says: "His Majesty's hospital ship Rewa wa.« torpedoed and sunk in the Bristol Channel at about midnight on Jan. 4, on hei- way home from Gibraltar. All the wounded were safety transferred to patrol vessels. There were only three casualties atiiong the crew, three I^ascars being missing. â- '.She was displaying all the lights and markings re(|uired by The Hague Convention. She was not and had not been within the so-called barred zone, as delimited in the statement is- sued by the flerman Government on .Ian. 19, 1017." Most of the survivors of the Rewa were landed at Swansea. Matiy of them wore without clothing of any kind. The wounded were removed immediately to a hospital. The torpedo which sank the Rewa went directly through the Red Cross painted on her side. WOMAN SUFFRAGE WINS IN U.S. OI)t:iincd F^xactly the Required .Number of Votes in House. A despatch from Wa.^hinglon says: Woman .suffrage by Kederal constitu- tit>nul arnendnient won in the House on night with exactly the ret|uire<) number of adirmative votes. While members in their seals and throngs i-i tlie galleries waited with eager interest, the House adojiteil by a vole of l!7I to l.'iti a resolution provid- ing for subniissioii t') the stales of the 80-called Susan H. .Anthony amend- menl for National Knfran<hisenicnt of Women. Jjut for the promise of .Speaker Clark to cast his vole froin Ihe Chair for Ihe resobilion if it was neeiled, the change of a :.iingle vole to the <ip|)Osi- tioii wotib! h.ive meant defeat. Re- publican Leader !Mar,ii, who came from a hospital wliere h<' has been under ireatment e,er since Congress con- vened, and fli'preseritalive Sims, of Tenrces^oc, just out of a sick bed and hiirdly abl" to walk to his seal, brcjught the \ ntea which settled the Issue. f EXPORT 20,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT Canada Has This CJuantity Now Available For Need of Allies. A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" Members of the Board of Grain Super-' j visors. Imperial wheat purcha.sing committee, millers' committee, grain I growers and Motitve«l Harbor Com- , mission on Thur.'day continued their ' discussion of the supply of Canadian , wheat available for export and allied ' subjects. It is understood that an i estimate submitted to the conference 'â-  indicated that the total (|uantity of 1 wheat in store in Canada at the pre- Isent time was about 80,000,000 bushels. j Of that <|uantity .•?0,0OO,00« bushels, it ; was slated, would be required for I .seeding this year and a like amount ^ for domeslii- consumption, leaving somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,- 1 000,000 bushels immediately avail- 1 able for export. I Among the other sulijects consid- ered was the (luestioti of adopting a . 'standard grade of flour to be milled j in Canada. It is staled that there is | n likelihood that such a giiifle will be 1 agreed upon. It would be of a quality , midway between the present higher' patents and the existing lower grades. Whether the milling wotibl be confined j to this standard grade in the United, I States or whether the millers would be, 'able to continue the production of the ] higher patents with the slanilard as a! basis for the (ixing of profits has not vet been detei'mined. llutterâ€" Creaniery. snlkls. per lb, 12i to Ur: iirlntH. per lb. 43 to Uiv: Ualr.v. licr lb. SG to 3Se. Erks â€" Fresh gallK-nil e^K^. SO to 52c. nres.><ed poultrv-- Ohlclo"n». 24 to 2Bc: fowl, lit lo 20c-: diu-ks, 23 to 24c: Reese. 21 to L'2c: turkeVK. 2* to 30c. Potatoes â€" \fflol<-salerK are paying irrowir.s and eountr>- shl|>pers. lor llrsl- ' <-l;iS.s slncU, f,f).li.. oot.sbU* points. $2.26 I to $2.35 for rieliiware. "'"I $2.U0 to $2.10 j for Ontario.'*. j \Vbolf>.salcr-.-i arc KellinB to tt>e retail I iriolc at the fVtUnwiriK prlfes:â€" i Cheese .Vcw. iarcp. 2.'t to 2aic: twins. I 23J to 22ilc: earlv <'heese. 251 to 2(ic: 1 laree twin, 2B to 28i<j. I Hulter-I'" dairy, choice. 40 to â- lie; I <reaineiv prints. 4li to tTc; snlUlfs. 4r. lo i •46c. i MarKaiine-â€" 211 lo rJ2c. KSKsâ€" .\e\v lalil. lii cartons. Ci to 70c: I No. I storuKe. 45 to 46c: select >«l<ifaKe, 1 4S to 4Sc. j Drcxsed poultr.v â€" XpiiiiK chickens. 27 | to 28<': milk-fed cbU-kenB. lb, 30e; fowl. 2i to llGv: turIo;\.s. 35 lf» 37c: ducks. | Sprini;. 27 lo .30c; R-fesc. L'5 tu 27c. I r.lvi- poult fyâ€"Tiirke,vs. a»c: .SprhiK â-  biclicns. lb. ao lo 2 1c: hen«. Hi to Ui'; ducks. SprlijK. 20 to 22c; Reese. 20 to ! -â- Ic. llrjocv- Toiiilj- I'lxlra tine. -}â- Â«- oz.. I 'Snn: 12 m... $S: .V.r 2. $2.4(1 In $2.r.n. j .Struin.-d -Titis. 2i's and 5".h. jli K. liHc 11^1' lb: lO's. ISi Ui mc: tO's. li> to I.^Jc lieaiisâ€" Canadian, Iwiiid- jilckcd. bush.. ! $S.OO to $.'<.2u: ihi|>orted. bnnd-pirked. j Burma oi' Indian, $«.oO tu $7: .Japan. I $S: l.lnias. 164 I" 1'3'c. ( Potatoes •r>pliiwai»-s. liag. $2.2.i lo i $2,35: Oiitarlos liaB. $2.1o to J2.2r.. [ Provlalosi â€" 'Wholesale ' Snnikod meatsâ€" llains. rnoilinin. ,11 lo i .t3c, do.. !ieav\*. 26 to 27c: t-oolietl. 44 Ui 4 6c; rolls. 2S ' to 30i-; breakfast tiacnn. 40 in 42c; ba>-ks. idaln, 4lt lo 14c: bone- N'SK. 4ri to 46i*. Cwrod meal» â€" l.'oiiir clear bacon. 2S lo 2!'c: clear bellien. 27 lo 2Se. I.d^-il â€" Pur." lard, t iercep. 2«i to 29c: lobfi, 28S to L*91c: palls. 29 to 29ic; lonipipiind. ilereeK, 24 J lo 2.5c: tubs. 24} In 2:".Jc: palls. 26 to 2,'ijc. Hontraal Market* Mohtreiif .Ian I.i-(lalti Canadian WesteriT, .\o. :i. nr: e.vira .Ni> 1 fned. y:tc: .N"o. 2 Imal while, lu lo '.'2c-; .Nn .â- ? local white. !»il to lilc: Nn, 4 local while. ,>i!t t'l 9lii'. Flour Maiilloba .SioiMB wlicat luiletilB, tirsls. $11.6(1; .sc.imds, $il.lo: mroiiK bakers'. $10.!i(i: stralslil lolier.s. hnes. $5.26 lo $ri.37J. Rolled cats -f-tanH. l»o lbs.. $5,30. Uran -$:;5. Shorts- $40. MidilllnKs $4S to $f.o. .Moiililii $r,6 I.. »5S. Ildv- .No. 2. per Kill, car bits, $14. Go In $15.50, Cheese - -Finest west«-rnK, 2lJ(', ( ea.stcriis. 2l}c. itnltt-r -('l>i>iccsl eieain- erv, 44* to 4.'ic. s^-cuiiiIh. 43J lo 44c, Kg/rs--Kre!ili, ,t4 III fioc;, «elccied. 47c, .No, 1 .stock. 43e: .\.,. 2 sloek. 311 to 40c. r'olat(n-.s Per han, <-iir l«>t.<, $l-!oi t,, $2.25. 90,000,000 BUSHEIS OF WHEAT States Decides Exportatitms Are Necessary to Relieve Euro- pean Food Shortage. A despatch from Washington says: The food situation in Europe is re- garded here as so critical that the fooii. admini.stration is planning to release an ad<litional 90,0()0,UOO bushels of wheat, despite the fad that the nor- mal export surplus had been shipped by the middle of December. The American people will be asked to save to make up the dtfic;<!ncy. The demand I'roni the allies is so in- sistent that the food administration has decided to take a chance on a shortage in the Spring to meet in part their needs. If consumption is not reduced officials see a possible short- age of flour in the United States in May before the new wheat crop comes in in .June. From Erin's Green Isle GERMAN DYE RECIPES CAPTURED liKK.MA.NY DKI'OHTINfi I'KKM HMK.N TO lU S.SIA. A despatch from Londc ; says: A ' German oflicial statemiMil, i.ccording to an .Amsterdam despatch to the Central \ $s I News, says: "As a reprisal foi- the le- teiition of inhabitants of Alsace-Lor- raine, against Ihe law of nations, (iOO Kreiich will be <'onveyed to Russia I from .laniiary II, atid within a few days 400 French women will be sent ; lo Ihe camp al of Hninswick). Hol/.minden < Hiichy fj.i'^'^^ :JOO,000 lUKK DKSKIMKRS (<)NI)lI(TIN(i HKI(;AM»A(iE. Winnlti*ir amin Winiil|)eK. .Ian lo~('asli pi'k'en: â€" OHtH--.No. 2 «'. \V., STjc; .N.I, :) C.W.. KTc; extra No. I I'ecfl. Sii-: .\ii, 1 feed, '7ir. .No, 2 r»-ed, 744c. Hiiriev No. :i. $1.41; No, 4, $1.36, ffed. $ 1 . 1 S: rajecled. $1 IS, |c|ax--Xo, 1 N.\V,C.. $3.22. ,No, 2 r w $n,iii: Xo, 3 <'.w., $3(ilJ. iruttea Stnten Uai-keti .Mliil leaiiiili!-'. .Minn,. .Iiin. 1,'. Corn - .No. :) vclhnv, $1.65 to $1.70. (latM No. :i whli>-. 7!i lo sOc. Klnur â€" I'liclianned. liiaii $:i2.50. Dolutli. .Minn.. ,lari 16.' - l.lnsm-d i m Hack. $;!.5:) to $3.6S; ai-rlce, $3.5ii. .lanoaiv, $;i.5(i a.^ked: Mn\ . $3.5(1. .luiv $8 43 a^Uell; < (.â- tdlicc. $3,30. iiMniiiial. Llva Stock Market! Toiitnto. ,lan 15 lOxIm choice lteu\y Hleei-f, $1175 to $l2.uO ; ihi., ^ood heavy. $11 lo $11 tO; hulcll«^ls' cattle, clodce, $11 1" $11,611; <Ui„ Rc.oil, $10 In $10,75: do., iiiciliuui. $11.5(1 to $ii7r. : do,, cum- iiion $s.75 lo $11.1(1; hulcliein' hull.", I choice, $111 1.1 $111,5(1 : do,, hlliili, '$s,75 to $'.1.25, Ilo., niedltin bnils, $7,75 I.. $s.2ri, do., roiiKli liull.4. $6.5(1 to $7, bilt.'bers' c.iws. chiii.e, $|1.50 to $10: dii., (?, $s,fi(i to $'.i; do.. iniMlium. $7.75 lo $S liillil..-*, $1S I.I $l;»; .•iiKes, kooiI In .•hiiice, $14 III $16,50; xliickers, $7.25 In $S.75; CeedelM, $11,25 to $10; calKiers anil cullers, $r.,25 to $6,2S : inllkcrH Kood 111 i-liolcf. $!I5 t<i $140; do., ooni. and ineil.. $65 to $X0: sprliiKerx. $:iO ti, lljibl uwes. $l2.;i(l 111 $14; shecii. $<! 1.1 $7.76; y farlinK.i. $12.25 lo $13.25; hoRs, Ted aiitl ivulercil, $18.66: do.. wetKlied olT ciira, $1S,75 : (In,, r,o.h,, $17.5" RUSSIAN TROOPS . MESSAGE ON PEACE I'rges Trotsky To .Vccept No Dishonorable Peace With Teutons. A despatch from Petrograd says: .As the Russian peace delegates pass- ed along Ihe way to renew the nego- tiations with the Germans, the Rus- sian troops in the trenches near Brest- Litovsk urged upon Leon Trotsky, the Bolsheviki Foreign -Minister: "Be fnm; don't make a dishonorable peace." A despatch, detailing this and other important fa-ts, was received at Smol- ny Institute, the Ridsheviki hend<iuar- ters. Trotsky replied, urging: "We did not overthrow the C/.ar to bow lo German Imperialism," 120,000 Ai;STUL\N.S fi(;hti\« with thk fkench. I A despatch from Lonclon says: ! Oommenting on the formation of, a j O.ech-Slovak army in Ft;ance, which ' was authori-^eil by <leci'ee printed in the French Oflicial (lazette, December I 19, the Vienna Neuc Freie Presse says j the army already numbers 120,000 men, "AltluniKh it will nol have any de- jcisive influence on the military opera- â-  tions," the newspaper adds, "yet, it I may do us considerable harm in the ' event of the transfer of Austrian troops lo the western front. The frreatest harm, however, is the moral «'fTecl this wholesale act of Czech treachery may have on the military power of the Dual monarchy. ' iNEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- ; LAND'S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- The passengers on steamers recent- ly arriving in Dublin, from across the channel, were nearly all female har- vesters returning from England. Major G. F. Wilson, R.F'.A., recent- ly killed in action, was the youngest son of W. H. Wilson, Carrickmines House, County Dublin. Thomas Falkiner W'ilkinson, for many years in the service of the National Bank of Ireland, died re- cently at Cape Town, South Africa. Owing to the amount of hay being held up, the Army Council announce that they will put in force their pow- ers to compel the sale of hay. P. J. Shaw, clerk of Enniscorthy, re- ports that not a single case of drunk- enness or bad behavior had come be- fore the Court for the last six months. The Dublin Master Carriers' Asso- ciation have offered their men an in- crease of three shillings and sixpence in addition lo their previous war bo- nus, Lance-Corporal .A,lbert was present- ed with a hand-propelled chair by Sir James (iallagher on behalf of the Dub- lin War Pensions Committee. Constable O'Boyle, of the R.I.C.has been awarded a certificate from th? Society for the Prevention of Cruelty lo Animals at Cjriow. The property known as the Castle Clyde Estate, near the town of Fer- moy, has been sold to the Cork Timber and Ii-on Co. for i;.St!,O0O. At an inquiry held at Wexfortt, it was stated that last year £10,000 â- worth of salmon had been caught in the Slaney River. ' Croup in liritish Te.xtile Trade I Make Most Important Discoveries. I A despatch from London says : ,.A ' : group of men in the British textile â-  trade has captured the secret recipe.-. I of the greater German dye industry, j according to The London Daily Mail, 1 which displays the item under large heads. The recipes, numbering 257, I belonged to the great Badischc works, j and are now in the keeping of a Lon- â- don bank. The Majl says: â€" "The capture is of first importance i in economic war against Germany, , and will free the British textile in- jdustry and scores of other important ' industries from the bonds of Germany, ' It means that when the war is over ' Great Britain will be in a position to compete equally with German dys'! I goocis in every market in the world." I In the course of a long story de- 1 scribing how the recipes were oh- I tained in Switzerland, The Mail says I that the merchants who captured them :have refused tempting offers from : capitalists and speculative elements j have been barred carefully from the 'enterprise. The merchants intend to I offer and sell the recipes to the Brit- j ish Government for the use of th.' j Government dye works, permitting the bulk of the profit lo go to the natio'i on the understanding that the dye: will be sold freely to all British manu- facturers needing them. Will Nol Take Over Museum. A despatch from London says: The A despalcb from Geneva says: A ' t'onslantiiiople report leceivcd here Rays that within the Ottoman Empire j strong opposition lo the utiliziition of there are roving bands of brigands, the Hrilisli ami National History Mu- I estimated to ntmiber 800,000. They ' scums for (io\'eriimcjit idVu-es luis had ; are mostly armed desciders from the 1 its effect. Loiil ('iirv.oii announced in army ami are bent on pillage. They , the House of Commons that the Gov- j even venture near towns, and some- crnmcnt had not roiiinl it necessary to â-  times attack regular troops in order i take these buildings over for that 'â-  to get arms and food, purpose. INftlA tOMKIBlTRS $2.r.O0,00O I'O UKDCRO.SS. A dcspalch from Delhi, India, says: Kstimales indicate that well over half a million pounds sterling was raised ns a result of "our day" ctdlections in aid of the Retl Cross. Hughes Cahiiiel Now Sworn In. ,\ despatch from Melbourne says: The new Hughes Cabinet has been swoin in with practi»'ally no changes. Hon, Frank Tudor has ({iven notice of a midinn of no conlidence. 165,000 AGAINST CONSCRIFFION Australian Soldiers' Notes Give a Small "Yes" Majority For Conscription. A despatch from .Melbourne says: The CJovornor-General has issued a statetn4.Mit giving reasons why he re- commissionetl Hon. William Hughes. He states that in advance of the Na- tionalist defeat in Parliament he en- deavored to ascertain the situation by seeking information of all sections of representatives, with a view to avoid- ing dissolution, anti decided that the majority of Nationalists was likely lo retain cohesion, and wouM be able to establish a stable Government under Mr. Hughes. The final vote on the conscription referendum poll follows: Yes â€" 1,01:^,000. No -1,178,000. The soldiers' vote gave a small "Yes" majority. States in favor in- cluded West Australia atui Tasmania, Those against were New South Wales, Victoria, tjueensland and South .Australia. Further organi'zeil efforts arc be- ing made lo secure recruits voluntar- ily. Substantial increases in pay went into effect in ihc .Auslrttlian navy on January 1, Speaking in the House of Repre- sentatives, I'lemicf Hughes said the (lovernment's one desire was to send all the energies of .Australia to do its duty in the war. HOLSE OF LORDS FAVORS WOMAN'S Vt>TE. .A despatch from London says: The House of Lords on Thursday rejected Lord I.oreburn's amendment to the re- presentation of the people bill, by which it was sought to exclude women from the suffrage. The vote against jthe amendment was 134 to ('i9. I The new franchise bill before the I House of Lords revealed strong oppo- I sition to women suffrage. Earl Lore- j burn moved to omit the clause from I the bill giving women the Parliament- I ary vote. .After a two-day's debate the ameiulment was rejected. LOSS $750,000 IN WINNIPEG FIRE. A despatch from Winnipeg, Man., says: Damage to the extent of $750,- 000 was incurred, and three flrenien I were injured, in a tire which gutted < the Knderton Block, corner of Portage avenue and Hargrave street early on Friday. The firemen injured arc: C. Forter. sprained leg; .A. M. Podd, scalp wounil, antl W. B. Scaron, sprained leg. None of Iht men art seriously hurt. ; lirilain Decorates Lusitanin Caplain. i .A despatch from London says: Among the mercantile marine heroei I who have been decorated is Captain I Turner, who commanded the Lusi- ; tania when she was torpetloed. He went to sea again, was once more tor- pedoed, and now commands a third ship. He has received the fourth class ; of the Order of the British Empire. j British Wing Four Pianos. A despatch from London says: British airplanes on the Italian front attacked a s(|uadron of seven machities , on Thur.sday and brought down four I of them, the War Oflice announced (ui F'riday. Two of the enemy airphcies i crashed to earth, and two others were j driven down out of control. The Brit- j ish came out of the (inht with all their ' machines intact.

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