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Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1917, p. 5

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Decembers: 1917 THE r L E S H E K TON A D V A NC E .« » li- » it?-- • *-- • s H â- >; r t ' 4 <.-- 1 * • » r> - > tLti a,x«i Stt Hoa.jg Xj«a« !• XNaWXHYJEQ SONIAVB *S)UBl{3JdlU pa* SJdUIJBJ 'SJaJIipBJ -nuBui JO 's)uno336 JO pnpuo3 aqi 111 A)iiP^I Aj9A3 sjdjjo ^aBg siifj^ I VaVNVO JO MNVa QNVaHVlS aHX FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager, C. p. R. Time Table. leaye Fleaherton Trains loUoTS : Going South 7.h'.i a. ni. 4.27 p.m. The niiiilB are Goint; North 12.01 D.m. 9.18p. ra. oaed at Flesherton 3j follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the ikfternoou ni.»il sf.uth at 3.40 o'clock. Fiir morning train .south mail close at 9 ;•. iii. thi; ^.tevioi-.s ev'g. consistioif of papers, raadiugs and music. A bountiful lunch was served at tie clo«e to forty ladiea and a few sjentlemen present. After a vote of thanks to the genial host and hcatess the inee'ing cUsed. Mr. H. C. LeGard, while working tk the s'.i:ii,n Friday, bad the ei'J ot one finger taken otf by it.s being caught between two steel rails. Dr. Little dre«sed the wound, but Harry will be â- J hid off work for soms time. Mr. Ball's majority in South Grey was town Saturday after completing • most atieu ua is piece of work. VICINITY CHIPS ii;jcli greatei than the tiaures giv*o out The proceed, from Mrs. Moore . Red y^^^ „^^^ The nctual ma,ority w.s 78(., Crc-s tea amounted t . »U.l^. ^^â- ^^^ ,^^ ^^^^â- ^^^, ^.^^^ ^^-^^ ^^ ^^„,g Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley spent Returnino Officer T. Scott was in Christmas with friends in Tcranto. Mr. P. Nortia of Drummer, Sask., Tisitin" his mother, Mrs. John Whi'e. i a, i- . . ii- u â-  i j '*"•"= I The high and public schools closed on Mr. and Mrs. Archy McLean spei.t tViday for Christmas holidays and the (.Christmas with iheir soaa in ilaniilton. teachers left for their respective homes - Miss C.iaaie McKiuley of Toronto Miss Uulse to OningeTille, Miss Holmes ttsited over Christma.s with Evada to Wincheater and Mr. and Mrs. White V\ ilson. to P»ft Hope Mr. and Mrs. Holland The Methodist SibUth sch. ol has spend their Christmas here, installed a new Dominion piano for use in Mr. and Mrs Henry Aletander of the school. Feveraham, announce the engagement of Mrs. J. bullivanaQd herson, Herbert, their eldest daughter, Lila Maud, to Mr. are spendmji the Christinas holidays in William U. Cohiuatle, son of -Mr. and Montreal " *'"• ^- ^ Culquette of the same place, Mr and Mis J S. Barker of Hamil- the marri.ige to take pliice the arst week ton spent Christmas Uer. Mr. aai 'o f»nuary. Mrs. Belfry. Miss EUie Wnubt, student at Toronto Caiveraity, ia spending the holidays with relatives here. Mr. Carl Bellamy and little son, of ^ Linsday, apant Chti.lm;is with Mr. and ^^^^^ Mrs. John Bellamy. ; Mias Aelda MiUholl is horn* fr>ru Whitby Ladies' College and Miss Lulu Mitchell from Goderich. • .And now tor municipal mattirj. The municipal pot is exceedingly slow to boil thia year. The feul under it must b« dozy. Next Monday will he romiaation and nobody seeius to know whether there fill be an election or not. We have nc new names mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. John BelUmv celebrated their golden wedding on Christmas day, when five of their own livinig children I were present, viz., Carl of Liods'iy, Born-At llock Mills »« Thursday, p^^^y ^f ^^j^nt^ jj^ c|„, Phillip,<. • Dec. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark, ^^j j^,^ Harwell of Toronto, and Mrs. a daughter â€" Leila Margaret. Norrls. fine son â€" Fred- is in France, Donald McVicar and Tom Vn. who jnd Georgs is m the West, have been attending NormaUt North ^ The Red Cross social held at Mr. Geo Bay, are homa tor the holidays. | g^^,^ ^^^ ^^ ,^^ „g,i attended and an Mr* -A. S. Swift of Toronto i.' s[>end- gijoyable evening was spent in ujines. ing the Christmas holidajs with he, fjjj pjjyg f^j progrensive ciokinole w;is mother and other relatives here. „on by Miss G. Bellamy and R. Chard- The Christinib mails have been heavy Tie successful players in euchre were this yearâ€" eigteei. bags were dcij-ped Mrs C Best and C. Bellamy. -After ort here by the noju tra.n on Muodtj . lunch was served a collection wt.-, taken. The Durham Keview suggests tha: tke , •mounting L. J2<».-.>0. v.icunt South Grey Registrarshif be ' '('he ti.Uowiug were visitors from •^ivento a returned aoldier. (iood ulea. Toronto over Christinas :- Mr. and Mrs. Mr. C. McTavieh. manager f.>r the W. at .1. Ciiard s ; Dr. R. Chevri'let Motor Ci. at Kegina, p.iid a Henderson, iite and two sons, at Jcs. riyiiig \isit to his [urents here last week. Blackburn s : Mrs. Chai. Phillips at J . Cross will hold a Bellamy'': Leslie Noriis and wife *t J. White's : Mabel and E-hei fields with Indcubted y y<u wai.t t" maka your farm pay ; that is uhaC ).>u are wi..rking for ; you want help too, iiu doubt. Has it ever occurred t> ycu that there's another kind tf help which ci.sts but a tririe and pays for itself over and over ayain each year-, help that helph you to farm and buy iind sell right. The farm- era' business piper, The Weekly Sun (ilith year) is published with only one poin: in view, that of serving the farmer. It costs but a trifle to hnd out what » real help The ^-un can b? to you and you will wonder how you ftf t along without it. Its market reports are un- .â- surpsased for accuracy and its general farm new< is wur'h many dollars to you. The subscription price remains the same as heretofore, one dollar. You cannot get a.s much real help through any other source or spend a dollar to greater advantage. Try il for l'.»18. A Flesherton mercl.'ant. who has been the victi n of Dime Kutr.or for some time past, had a rather uiipleasant experience last week when a govermr.eal detective appeared in town in response to demands made by eonietody, and proceeded to interview theciliz.-ns as to their op uions about the sid uierchaut'n loyalty. About forty ci'izen^ gacliered in a body and iiifurmed the that thty knew of absolutely nothing that had been said or done to place the gentleman charged in the pi sition of enmity to British institutiunj. One and all gave evidence that they h id never hiarda word that would lead them to suspect that he was ;;uilty of disloyalty to the British cause. Nearly all had heard the vagrant rumors but did not know huw tkey originated and had no reuson to believe there was any foundation for them. After going thoroughly into the matter for two days the^decective informed the accused that he had been "gloriously vindicated" and he was exceedingly plcaseJatthe outcouisof his investigation. Both the merchant and Win family were congratulated on the result. Thiiinveeti- gatiun ought to have the effect of quiet- ing the mischief makers and nullifying their efforts to injure a business man. Logs Wanted Soft elm logs w»ated. Delivered at either ; â€" Maikdale. Fie»beJt'.(n Proton St^tioo or Duadalk. Eiceptionally lrgi> prices p.iid. --Mack A:m»trong, Markdale. Ig MSlI The Maxwell lied cardaocialat D. McKechnie i, 4;h line, .'S. Every giil please tleir p;"ent-. ; Aleia Blakely at the parental home. Friday, Dt bring lunch. Mrs. F Leaveli and Miss Iiene Claik of Parm'i, Idaho, are visiting with the foremr's parents, Mt and Mrs U -bert Clark, Rock .M.Ui. Mr. David Wright of Emetsoii, Man . formerly of llugonia, died very suddenly on Monday evening, aocorc'ui!< to a celeKrasn received heie. Mis. W, Wile 'ck moved to town on and Ins occupied her residence on Sydenhiu: st. Picvioui to removal her neighbors called on her Friday evening and presented her with a hand- some easy rL'cker nnd address The address wa.» read I y Mrs. John Stewart and the presentation made by .Vlr-i. Mirk Stewart. The evening wa.s enjoyable Christmas Suggestions Silvei Plated Cutlory Cold Meat Forlij Berrv Spoons bugar Shells Pickle Fork? Cut CUsi sets Catviuy sets Tie Knives IK'cai'.tor sets Pickle Cruets Pocket Cutlerv lU/.ors. Sliavjriir I'.rujlies Skate.s raiitciuobilf i Hockey riipplie* Clotliea Wiuv^ei^ Carpft Sweepers Euanielwar*>, Cluiii.?. Fuod Choppers IloiKlsawsJ D.:c'iiiuw-i Braces \iu\ iv.aiiv otlitrverv iijoful gift- . '^^'^jy^j^- j^..:yL^fI^ri,-r *.- -.1 i k r >•â-  -< >.^ 'I I ^^^,-^'^^:^.T,^,--,^.-."^':3j..--,^;.\>^^^ A Merry Xmas to all We have a full range of Xma.s things in, â€" something for Mother, Father, Wife u.sband, Brother and Sister. Let me help yoii to decideâ€" a pleasure to show you the good.^. Fancy Turkish towels, plain and with borders prices from ;3»c. to 11.25 each Babys Woollen jakets B.'jc. to 81 25. Baby wool pullovers 7oc. Men's Fancy Tiesâ€" a srand range for 50c. tie.s. Men's bedroom slippers §1.25 to f 1.7-5 Men's and Ladies' sweater coats from $.';.5it to S0..-»0. Men's bedroom slippers $1.25 to $1.75 Ladies' Kojy bedroom slippers si.2.'>. b'ancy ubie covers 81. '.>0 Ladies' Grey, White, Tan, Black kid gloves tl'o. Tapestry table covers f2.75 'o $.") Men's Mocha gloves in Grey and Tan ?2.0O to i'2 'â- 'â-  Tapestry table covers 81.00 Mens knitted woollen gloves 7-'ic. . . . Men's arm bands, suspenders in boxes. Wiiting piper in fancy bi'xes, from lot-, to 81.."'0 Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes fur ladies or gent. Fancy table runners in cokrs $1.00 Men's necktie rack 2r»c. Fancy mirrors Handkerchiefsâ€" I full range fii>m 10c. to 75c. Handkerchiefs â€" Men's Kxceldas culored border and also Knaki Manicure sets in ebony. Comb and brush set iu ebo.iy brush and comb set in French Ivory. Jewel boxes Silver brush & cumb aet .A 'irand rangs of fancy disbe-; C<)me in and see the range of Xmas toys for childrenâ€" dolls from 2.")C. to $1.50. It would take up txi much space to tell you all the good things we have, so come in and >ee fur yourself. Highest Price Paid for Produce F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, The Khaki League will hold a c.nceit wiih refreshiuenis. games etc. m The tie Tussdiy evening Jan Patterson Jubilee Siuireis will «ue program. Keep this date opou. Horses Wanted â€" Williamson Bros, of Toronto, will be in Dundala, t n Dec Probably t tie mcst succe'isful sale if ordinary tirni stock and impleinents li;ld in this part of the country was that of Mr«. VVilcock on Wedne-iday of last week, 'ant piesided (>ver by .Auctioneer McPhail. The s;.le netted in the neigh »„d 28 to buy heavy hors^es and -^S^d ^^^^^ _ ^j' ^ ^,^^^^, ,,^^^^^^,^j ^_^^._^,^ ,^,,_^j,^.j ...aressuitable for the North- West. | ^^^^^^^ ll,r tine tto.k of sheep sold Mrs. N. H. Duriant and bnbe. ^^^^ $20 50 to $.H. Thi Au-tioue. r Dorothy, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mr*. A. ^^^ ^g ^^^^ ^^^,, [;,( f^^,,, l_;â- ^) [^ ,; ..-^ijck, S. Thurston and bal*. Betty, of Toronto, ^j^j^,,^ ^^^ considered »s iiuitc a record, spent Christinas with ye Advance editor's F.W. DUNCAN The Flesherton Hardwire. Hhone .?0 n. For Service One |iun> orod Shorthorn Bull on lot I ;'>0, con, 9. .Arteiiiesia. Ternis il.OO for ijradesi Must be paid within 9 months from date of service. 1 Jail. 17. It. O. TIHNER. family. The following visitors -.lece at Mr. D. McTavish's over Chtisfuns :-Mr. .and Mrs. Herb Smi h aod daughters of (.'wen Sound and Miss Allie Williams of Torou'o. Attemesia Council met on the 15th inat. The Council were all present. The following deputy returning oftcers were appointed ; Div. 1 J. Ludlow md W'. J, Beatty, Div. 2 W. Sharp and T. Sile'<, Div. 3 C. Moore and W. Heird, Div. 4 ' D. McLeod and J. Stewart, Div. 5 D. G. Quoting our Item regarding the dicp- McLean ind W. McDonald, Div. G E l>ingof the ni^ht operator at this staticn g^j^g^ j^„^j ys' J. Hutchinson. Div. 7 W. the Owen bound Adveitiaer says "Flesh- YV'j^ll^gr and F. Jaraieson, Div. ,H W. ertcn citizens have a veiy good ground j,,niegon and J. McKee ttwing to for the complaint.' pressure of work this week the minutes The W. I. will meet o:i Jan. 2 when ! „ii: appear neit week. Mis. McVicar will give a p;iper,Thougl t , â-  ^^ iulereaiinj program and aa inter- oi the New 'Year, and then? w.U be a g,j|„|^ ^^.^ jjg arranged for the 55th discussion on White and Brown P''***!- 1 n,miver«*ry of the Methodiet Sabbath L-dbyMts. A. Stewart. ' school on Tueslay evening, Jan. I. Tea Mrs. J. J. Crane of '.>we S'Uiid. only (j to S, p»ogram by the school commences sister of Postmaster W. W. Trin.bie of ^t y Rev. C. A. Belfry wil presde. Flesherton, died on Friday last after an , ^jjiisaicii Adults 2.V, childron 15c, extended il'nessf'f cancer. Mr. and Mrs. gjimiurs free. Rev. Mr. Belfry will Trimble at'.ciideU the funeral on Sunday. ' pf^Hch to the school on Sunday laorninf. Fifteen Mies drove out to the home when it will meet in a b -dy in of Mr. H. D. Mcl.oiighry, Kist Bjck , the centres if ihechurch. Thj Sabbath Iiine, ard the Vandcleu'' Women's ' collections wiU I'O in aid of the ac'.oi I Institute. Afterrouliuo buainess, the ^ funds. Ciod tave thj Kui^-W. H. Fleshijrtou Branch give a program Bunt, Supt. Buy Now For Xmas Put a new Pollock Phonola in your home f'r Xiiias and hive the real music wbich will entertain every person. Also a good stock of Ui cords on hand. $90 I'THKR MoDhts Fko»i $IS10 $2r)t> .\ fuil lino of sheet nius c on hand alto Cameras an.l the liteal; styles of Ftdders AT W. A. Hawken's Photo Gallery Flesherton ONTARIO. p w H W Ji »'» ' â-  â-  ! » » »»*â- Â»Â»â- â- â-  » â-  V ' -^ ' J'^^ .' VAV^ -' - ' '' '^ ^' ' ^' • * ^^ ' 'â-  * ^'' * ' â-  * "â-  * " * • * - ' â-  *''* "" 'â- Â»Â»â-  â- Â» n wi^i-iK ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f^ V,^ -^ ^ ^ -^ -»'^" -*- !^^^ ^ -i- ^ ^ ^.^ ^ ^- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^,v ^ â- ^^J^.lj^r^fkk^ "My Paper!:: Ambassador Garari Fioranc* Boultos* When Ambassador Gerard left Berlin, the only correspondent who traveled with him, and the last .-Kmericaii Newspaper man to leuve Berlin, was Carl Ackcrman of the IV.ited Press Service. Mr. Ackei man's dispatches appear e.xclu- sivcly in The I'.ironto "Dailv Star." About iiiKc a nvnth we "Scoop"" every other paper in the Proviiue with the aid of .Mr. .â- \ckerman and other I'nited Press corre- spondents. The oniv Canadian VA'omaii Correspondent in the Wjn Zone Miss Rosamond Boult- bee -sends us dispatches exclusivelv. In London the veteran War Correspondent, .Mr. F. .\. .McRenzie. assisted by The Star'i ow n Staff, cables the big news of each day. Tlioniiis Cicggic, Lite Sergt. -Major K.O. S.B., svritcs rcgulaiiy upon Imperial and Military matters. The b-.'i news trom t!ie L'iiiti.-il State- i.otiie- to ut tiiriHr.:li tlie Chica:iO Dail\ Ni-«-!' spciiul inrropDii- Jciit-.. a< well a- their War table -.crsivr Wc :ii«o iarr\ rhe cable ht\ icp of W'iniifiiiuTe ot the "Montreal nai!\ Star." W c ii;.i!iitaii! (Mir own stat: in C)fa\va. Moiifeal, Qiiflicc and \\"innipcg, an<! our loia! New < Service b rl^ht lip to 'ho mimitf. Our -pciial :irr'<.!i-> .iri.- cnntrtlinrrd 1m tfirciTiost wrifm on onch <iiliicir. Our rr;:ular nc\\s n-rx hr consist- ot all C'aiKuliat- I'rcss, .American .A-i>iiciared Pre-- ami C'anaiii.iii .•Ks-ocfateJ Prt^s <ii-parcho-. \\ f al.-ii h.i\e e.\clii-.i\e ri^lit- to the pictures ot the London I)ail\ .Mirror. I luicrwooil-. Daily .Vl»il. I'npic:;! I'le-is Services, a- vveil a- Canadian Official W ar Reconls. SporN. etc. In briet, riie "'I'oroiuo Dailv Star" i- one ot the great liroad-gaugeii newspapers of tile World. Bv reading it villi will be kept well informed upon every subject that a good citi^^en and man ot the World should kiicuv about. Read The Toronto Daily Star " each day. You will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acclaim it in all sincerity as ' ' MY PAPER ! ' ' Order it to-div. The price is $:>,00 a year in advance. Vou may send this to the publisher of your local paper, to your postmaster, or direct to The Toronto Daily Star Carl Ackorma.-i. S«rgt. -Major Qj<]<jia "Wind* rt*» •«â- â€¢.' F. A, MoK«nz<». Walkerton The fuel situatiim iti Wilkeiton is liecomii'.g serious, niiny p^ojile having practically neither coal nor wood. Magistrates Toltoii and Richardson, who reserved judgnieuv on the Inpior oa.-e of William (.'arswell i.f town, pend- ing che decision of the Ontario License Board at Toronto on th-" i)i'int3 as to whether it is lanful for a man to keep , liipior ill one house and board and sleep • m another, and also as to whether booze may be legally kept at alt in a tenemt nt house, received wmd this week in the Pulpwood Wanted T*i> thousand crds of Spruce and BUsani wood, cut 4 ft. long, not lean negative, and as a conseipience they hued than 4_. in. at the small end. knot* Carsvvell |2tK> ♦nd costs or $208 f r bis â-  trimmed close, for which we will pay |6 violation in this respect of thj li.iuor ' E'"''^'"^ 'j"; ''-^-"T- »â- "! S7 per cord for , ». /-â-  11 1 , ' opruci-. delivered at nearest Railroad law. Mr. Carswell has taken steps, we j Station. Ar.yone having same for sale understand, to appeal the easeâ€" Pruce write to phone Maikdale 5!>-.'!2. Herald and Times. j -W, T. ELLIS, Kimberlef.

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