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Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1917, p. 2

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TEUTONS AHACK FRENCH POSITIONS IN ALSACE AND LORRAINE Enemy Sustained Severe Losses and Failed to Gain Territory in Kither Lorraine or in I'pper Alsace. A (lespalch from London says: â€" erful." In the Lorraine attack, which Tile loiiK-t'xpecti-d attacks liy the (5er- was directed iiKaii'st thi» trenches man.s npainst the French lines in north of Reillioiis, and which com- Alsacc-Lorrainc were delivered on i)Ictely failed, the (Jermans left num- Thur-^dny. Although they did not dead on the K'^ound. In Upper i"each the dinionsi<'ns of a (rcncral of- Alsace positions south-west of Alt- fcnsivf, the French War Office de- kirch were attacked, but met with no Bcribcs them as "serious" and "pow- ; success. GERMANS GAIN UNDER COVER OF FOG Succeed in Taking Advance Post East (.f Messines. A despatch from London says: - Theollicial report from p'ieUI-Marshal HuIk'' heuihiiiar'.ers Thursday r ij;hl. read- ; "The iin-niy raided one of our posts ear!y Ihiusday mornint;, north-east i>f Ilarjricourt, and Thursday after- noon, i:nder covti of (ufz, succeeded in capluriuK one of oi:r aii\aiued po.•^t^? east of Messines. Other hostile raid- ing |).trlii's atuniptcd to appioach our line.-- duriiiir the day nor'.h-past of Amientieros and north of the Menin Road, but were driven off by our (ire. VVc captured a few prisoners and a niachui'- jruii. A few jirisoners were taken and many casualties inflic ted on the enemy in tin- course of jialrol en- eountcrs Wednesday nijrht south-east of (aniiiiai. Our own and the enemy's artilleiy was acti.e on Thur.sday. â- â- .A raid attempted by the enemy last night >outh-east of Laventie (north of Arra-.) was repulsed by Piirtuguesf tioop.s. K.xcept for hos- tile artilleiy activity in the neiphbor- houd of Passrhendael-. tlieie i.s noth- ing further to r. poi t." SII.K WitUM Ol Till-; SKA. Spins a I To lasien ll.-clf To a K<Hk. I'Ictilv of Worm- livi- in the si-a. and Kofne of them arc very beautiful (•reatuv<-s. Whuh IhIut fact oii<rhl to be lorsoliiig to oiit>eKes, inasnuuh a- there aii' naturalists who conlcnd that the HOLY CITY SACKED BY TURKS Famous Treasure of the ("hurch j of the Holy Sepulchre Stolen. A despatch from Washington, D.C., says: An official despatch received here from France says tnat the Turks before suncndering .Icrusalem to the British brutally mistreated Christian priests, carried off the famous treas- ure of the Church of the Holy Sepul- chre, valued at millions of dollars, and sent to Berlin the church's celebrated ostensory of brilliants. Mon.~i(,'noi- ('amassei, the Patiiaich of .Jerusalem, is said to have been de- posctl from his oflice, and Father I'ic- cardo, an Italian priest, to have died from the effects of Turkish brutalities. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre had remained unmolesleil li.'ittofore durin}; all the centuries of Moslem occupation of Jerusalem. The same despatch told of imligna- tior, among Mussulmans of .Asia Minor over the action of a (lerman general in rstal)lishing staff hea<l- iiuarlcrs in the great mos(nie of the City of .Aleppo, near the i^yrian horiler. S.-,n.ono F«»l{ HALIFAX SENT BY IIONC KO.NT,. VAIN AnACK BY TEUTONS Enemy Forces Repulsed by the Allies on Italian Front. A despatch from Rome says: Com- plete repulse of Wednesday's attack by the Austro-CJerman forces, which was delivered on the Tasson-Col Del Orso front, between the Brenta and I the Piave, was announced by the War ! Office on Thursday. The enemy suf- I fered heavy losses. ! New attempts by the enemy to cross the Piave Vecchia were frustrated. I The place where the enemy gained a foothold, on the west bank of the old Piave, and was driven back to ' the water's edge, is the nearest point he has approached to Venice, but this ' is not regarded as a serious menace to the city, as the remaining stretch is a mar.ih of lagoons, and the occupied ' point is within range of the warships i off the mouth of the river. TO CRO ATLANTIC IN 1918 Incident in the ilalifux Tragedy. Two sailors digging for bodies, the one on the left looking for the remains of his wife and two children which he finally found. LEADING MARKETS the human d the purely earliot ancestor of race was a marine worm. But the so-calU'il "silkworm sea" the desigiiRlion iH-ing figurative and poetical -is a bivalve niollusk properly known as the "pin- na" and native to the Meditcrrni:ean It spins u silk so beautiful that in an- cient days the fibre was reserved ex- clusively ior the wiaviiij; of royal gar- mfnl.H. This ^ilk is spun by the mollusk to furiii'-li an anchor line, by which it fastens itsidf to a convenient rock It is extremely fine and \ery strong. Cleaned, dried nnil passed through combs, it is reiluced to delicate threads of u lustrous browtiisb-yellow hue. which are woven into gloves, stock- ings and other articles. .\ pair of •to<kin;,'s of this nijilerial to-dav costs t\<: â- r. ffi. <' Ft I.I ii.MFN r oi i'K(M'in:( V ( (•."^KltMNC. .Ii:i{l SALKM. A iles|iatcli .Icrusalem says: The capture of .leiusalem has led to the discussion of a lemarkablo pro- ph<-< y uttered when ihe Kaiser made his theatrical entry into thi' litv on a white chniger^ ilres-ed to look as much lil^c a crusader as possible. It was said then, according to an ancient prophecy, that the liberator of .Icru- salem Would enter it. not on horse- bacl:, but afoot, and would represent Allah and Cod. S'liw that (Jen Allenby has entered .leni.salem afoot, his name with very little straining, ((imbines those of Al- lah and "N'ehby," which means CioH in tli«< Islamii- longin-. The discovery (lovernmeiits by the management has given the necessary touch of fa- ^^" Vuft talism to his victory to make it more Impressive than ever to Kasiein j A despatch from Ottawa >ay.-.: Fur- ther evidences of practical sympathy with the Halifax sufferers are to hand. The (io.crnor-deneral has received a cnlihtfiam from Walter Long. Secre- tary for the Colonies, staling that Hong Kong had given ten thousand pounds "with expressions of deep sym- pathy of the colony in the terriide dis- aster which has befallen them." The (io\ el nor-(icneral has also re- ceived a cable(;ram from the (iovernor I of Kriti>h (iuiana that the combineil <'ourt there has voted five thousatid f]';, dollars ill aid of the sufferers. The cablegram adds: "The people of Brit- ish (iuiana have heard with greatest <-oncern of disaster which has be- fallen Halifax and desire to lonvey their syiiipatby." A despalih from Kingston, .Jamaica, says: The Island Council has voted ilit.Ono for the relief of the uufTerers from the recent hurricane in .lamaica and fl.lMId for that of the survivors of Ihe Halifax disaster. Their Kxcellencirs the lluki- and Duchess of Devimshire have left on a special train for Halifax, where they will visit th<' hospitals and take steps to help (he sufferers in the city of the great disaster. â€" - ♦ ALI.IFS Tf) TAKF St KI'I I S < ANADIA.N FLOI K ,\Mt MF.\L. .A dt'spalih from Calgary says: It Is learned that the purchasing repri' sentatives of thewllied (iovernments have arranged to take all the surplus flour and oatmeal manufactured by the mills of Canada, and that alrea<ly every mill in the Dominion is work- ing to lapacity ami will continue to do so until the war is over. The I'algary mills are grinding night and day, and the surplus above Canada's recpiiremcnts apportioned to those plants is being turned over to the purchasing agents for the allied in Brcaditnffi Tort.riKp. |i,., ji M.iniloija wlo.ii - No 1 Xiolliilli. »_• 1"3J; .No. â- :. do. fJ 1'"*: .No 3. do.. K'ITi .\o 4 wheal. *1'1"4. In Ki..r». I'oii Uilliani. ineludliiK I'ic , tHX. I .Manlloliii nalu .\o 2 C \V . kOe, .N'n , 3 (• \V . Ttije .\.i I cxlla fePd Tl'.je: .No. I 1 feed. 7:!Ji- In at. .re Koi l Wllliani I .-Vliiet i.'uii i-oMi .\.i 3 vi-)l*iw. noiidiial I lOilallt) eill.s .Vi) 1'. Willi... 77 1<. TSr, I nciMilliHl . .\ii :i lie. TB In 7Te. IKHoll'al. I «• lOr.lliiK lo IrelKlils Olllsicle I "Miiml.. wli.iii .\i-w. .\i. 1' Uiniei. I 11' 1'; liasis. ill f.|..i,. .M..nii, ,'il j IVas. .\.. :'. $;i 7" to 13 SI,. ue.ordlnB I" rr. iKiilN ..iilsl.l. Ha,|.-v .MalliiiK, $1 t';. I., »l 3". u>- ••â- iiiji.j: t,, ii..iKlit> i.nlsi.l.- I Hu.U w hi al $t.'." I., tl. ').â- â- . a'-i ••rilinK le ll.ithls iilllsi.l.. '!>'â-  Ni' :• II 7s, .11. ..i.linK lo (r.lnlits olllslil.- 1 .M;il:it..l,a tl..lo I'll^l l.alelit.-- ill Jute ll'iiKs. J 11. .Ml. I'll,). ,1.. «n xlr.on; hak- '.is'. ,1., , ?|(i en. T.Mi.tilo I (MilaMO llnill Wlolel. ai'illdlllE lo saiiinl.. In la.K- M.iilieal. »:•:.'.. I Tell. III.. Ill ;m l.iiiu. r>eul>eal.l. nroniDl ' Hlil|iiii.-nl ' .Mlllle.-d I'ar lots. .I..||M.1..|| Molilieal lt'''ik'hts l.acH tii<-lti.|*>l liian l>ei ton. $3:.. .siii.riK. il.i . t\i- iiiidillliiKM 'lo . I" til', «â- â- .,. 1 I I It, ,111. 1,11 tiau. n.ils No 2 f.W.. SOe. .Nn 3 c \V. exlia .\.. 1 ffPil. :Ciu. .Nil 1 leed. .N,i 2 feed. 7llje liallfV .Nu 3 »l 3(: .Vo. 4 (• W $1.2!': rejeel leid. II. U .N„ 2 C- W. Klax •3i..;j; No. .X. I .N W 1 3 I'W 7*Jc; 73Jc. CW. ed anil Ci.lU, $2 saj. $5,000,000 FOR I HALIFAX RELIEF TTnltad States Uarkcta .^Iillneal,l.ll•,i 1 •.*.â-  2 1 -I'liiii xellnw. Jl.llii I,, wtlile. 7i;i te 7"it( llraii »4u lo i^afii ii 111! â€"No. als â€" -Nil. Kloui uii.liung Tl Llv* Stock Market! I'l. 1 24 17m ta -•Iiole^ nle.l>. $11 2.'i lo $12. do. Kiiiid tlirir. lo III. Iiiilelii'r.s' cattle, tin!)" In It" 7.'. i|i>.. urood. $'." till ill. iiifdiiini. I: IS 25 to |s:,e, l.ti !;• Ill $1": do.. Ki,. ilo . inedliini hulls. roiiKli nulls, tr, 2.', •ows, eliol, .'. I'.' .Stt tieav.v toavv. ehoi.e. to $lii; l;<.2ii. (I" common. lelu-r.s- liulls, , 111, lee. .1 I, nils. Is lo Is 26: 17.111 to 17.3.=). do. lo tl! 2(i: bun lier.s' to till: do. enoU IS, to lav .V.i liilx. new . ilo . |i. r ii,n ti: ll.-i. I, ,11 |:> ii> I'j : Conntrr Froduce- IttlMi 1 I'l. I11IH-, \ ^ 1,1 43,- prliils i-ei II, |,fi II, , 31 to »r.i- I'Ik»-'h l-'risti Kalli*-!,' Tellll I .\ Till k»-\ S, ,1 3ae, K«'eiie. ill .â- .s...,-tl H> l',ilaioi-s Wh'dsal k'l'.w.T*. and ,-iniiili\ ^ nii'l-,la»'i« I"!.,, k r ,, li . -Wholesale li,l- I,,' II, 4:1 1 tall ^ . Dominion (Government Appro-} priiifion For SulTerers j From Explosion. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Government has decided to vote $5.- 1 000,000 for relief of the Halifax suf- , fcrers. This includes the appropria- j lion of $1,000,000 already made. An- nouncement of the (iovernment's in- 1 tentioii was contained in a statement issued by Sir Robert Borden on ThurH- day night, which reads: "Including the million dollars al- ready appropriated for immediate aid to those who have suffered from the recent appalling disaster at Halifa:<, ' Ihe (Government inten<l to make a to- tal contribution of five million dollars. ^ As the calamity was the result of ,„ , 1 wish 1 could say something to you conditions arising out of the war. it â- k to make vou realize your worth, and is felt that a special duty rests upon the high price you ought to set on the Government to afford immediate yourself. Do you know you are the aid in this large measure." one thing in the world the man wants mcst of all? He may give his time and lalxir and money foi other things, Is u" t'l %'.i do. loeilliiin. 17 7f> to HI,,, k*»is. 17.25 le Is 7.',. f*»,-d»'i H. $!* 2 lla. ettnners an. I eutt«-rs. I3.l.^ to 15 .Mi: nillli-IK Kood I), cholei- fH.i to |H0. ill, .'iiiii ami iiieil . 175 to 190: s|ii lii»;.ia. t!ol tl, 113". llBllI eWHN. $12 to 114. ' sliei-i,. hfavv. I'", lo 17 76; ^eIlrUllt;s. 112 26 (o 113 2... I.iiiil,!!. 117 26 to lls.2u: eahi-H. Ki,od to ,'lioier. 113.60 lo lltl.26; ' lloKS. fed Hlld Watel'eil, $1S. do. w*-ighi'd. ' off lais. $l^ 26. d,>.. fob . 117 To Women. i< W li,.le»i.l..l trail,- at tin ('lie«-He .N, 1'31 1.1 235ie lliljin twill. 21 Hllllel I'l 111*. ^flllliK ill.'Wlou |,l l< A larKe 23 1 f-ailv ,-n,-f*., tl, 2<>ii sli daiiN . fill ,1 ^-UUf. 4S i>-t--v,y 11, i:- III 2 1, â- i> a rf pa N teR ninners »1 T6 (••>â-  OlllhlllC |..,|||l- bul for you he will gi\e his soul. l.lliils. 4.', I, Hi, till' II tall 4,1 1., (I,-. ^,,11,1- II 1 ill.- 32. II.. .Nijw lal'l. til , all, .UN iliiK-. 43 li, 4 4, . sell- r.,1 I, I M, IUK>- 1 !f-alliei \ 1,, 46, .MaiKu Kkks .No I St 47 t,i 4S. hiPHMefl |ifiiillr\- Sl'llMp ,hi,Kt-iis 27 to ;i), . Illltkrc.l . Ilii-Kelis. II, 3'1' . fowl. 22 lo 2r,r. s,,llil,s. |,ei ,l,.l {4 to 146". tiirkciM. .16.- ilii-kw SpiioK 26 to 27, •; If, . «!- 24, l.l\,' iioullrv Tuik.-vs ::.â- â-  .'^niloK , 111, k.-ii-< III. III!-. lo-n«. Hi lo 2111. (IiuKh. SpriliK 2" to 22e. ReeHf. IS, Holiev C,,!!,!, KMia tine. If. ox.. |;i6". 12 oz , $3 .Nil 2. 12 4" to 12 50 .sirallied Tins 24k and 6 k. ! '." to l'J4r l„-l II,; IiCk. \»i to l:<,- «" H. IS" to ISJe lli-alis I'Hiuiillaii liMiiil-|ili-ked, IhinIi.. $6 1,1 $s. lini ,-il liaiel 1'1,'ked, 18 60 to >7, l.lillaJ-, I 7 tl, 17 J,' Brazilian (lovernmenl has decided to senil the six best units of the Brazilian Navy to European waters. Provliloni Stii,,k'-ii nii-at« 3li ill, lii-av V. 2i'. 42, . 11, Mm. 27 r I â€" Wholeaale llairiM, nieilliiio 3o lo 27e. I ked. 41 sc 1,1 i-.ik'' baei 3s I, 42 13 1 1,1 llif llHi-ks 4li- I.,, OK , liar lielhcK lilalli. 4" lo 41' mllld.H. Tin .'\merlcan I'otash. product ion of potash d I'm,- liii il till.x, 2M to 21»4,-. r(illl|i,,ljlld. lli-r,l-s. lo 26!<-. I'Mllb, 26 tl , le 2l>t II 1,1 :» 2' 2St I,, 2'.li<: niillH. 2!i to 29Jc: Hi lo 26,-. Iilb^. 241 Ziile. (,U VM) 1)1 KF, M< H()L\.S A! IIFAI) Ol A (iUKA'l AUMV A despatch from London .says: - A despatch to the Kxchange Telegraph Company from Hapazanda reports that Kereiisky with an army is now marching at':iin<t Moscow, while Grand Huke Nicholas has gathered a great army of Royalists in the Cau- Casii.s. in the L'nited .States is rapidly increasing, according to ligiires given mil by the United .Stales Geological Survey. The I production of 11117, il is stated, will piobably be in excess of 26,000 tons or two and n half times that of li)l Hut this is only 10 per cent, of t average normal yearly consumption of the country. Before the war potash could be bought for $1(1 a ton, hut since its imiiortation from Germany .ceased it has risen to Jl.'iO a ton. I'll M Wei, MIJ, , .•< ^3i'. I jialehls Montreal Marketa al. I "'1' 24 < lals l "ai iidlan .Ni, 3. MiJ,-: extra .No. I feed, o 2 nieiil while. S4i': No 3. do. 'tool .Mniiltoba HpriiiK wlient fli.sis. tllti". BecoiiilH. 111. Ill; I, ns^i- fitroMK l*ak l-HKs. »6 211 i,r 111' iiis. til BtlDUS, $411 t 611. itlolllllie Ul I till'."". ctralKht lollt-rs. $6 37i Itolli'd oata IHaK !" Mlliri.|,il lliall. $35: $42. lillildliliK.s. tlS to l.lii to Hay -.No. 2, ts. $166(1. I 'lifesL- I'Mneat si. tiller Choi .â- ^1 ll.lH. 4IS 66i.', sell'. -led. 16 2. du . 37 lo 3Si- liils. $1 :oi to #2. i\ir (1,1, eaxti'i IIP. 2l)c. I irialnei V. 424 to 43c; 42c I'^KKS l'*rej*ii. 54 to No I HloeU. 4Ie: No. ' iiatoi's I'll I'liK. cor Wlnnipeir Orain 2 1 I'.isli Hidd Them Italy Iâ€" Philadelphia I'ublic Ledger, Famous PVench Aviator Per- fecting Plans for Contem- plated Flight. A despatch from London says: The 'Daily Sketch of Paris says that Jean Navarre, the famous French airman, now out of the army, is busy perfect- ing plans for a flight across the At- lantic. The announcement is made that Vavarre will most probably set out to con<iuer the ocean next sum- mer. -AH the preliminary arrangements for the flight have been completed. Xavarre will use one of the machines which the .American expert, Cllenn Curtiss, has been working on for some time. Navarre say.s he will succeed or lose his life in the att-?mpt. foodÂ¥isisin great britain I Both Kirh and Poor Obliged to Stand in Line For Necessities. A despatch from London say;*: The food (piestion in Britain is rapidly ap- proaching a crisis. The fourth winter of the war finds the public, rich and poor alike, driven to stand for long hours lo secure daily necessities such as lea. butter, margarine and sugar, of which the minutest portion is dole<l out to each customer regardless of 1 the size of the family or actual needs. This condition exists in nearly every large city of the country and it is worse in London, where the situation is so serious and public opin- ion has risen to such a pitch that prompt oflicial action to relieve the situation has been promised and will soon be forthcoming. To Youth After i'ain. What if this year has given Grief that some year must bring, What if il hurt your joyous youth, Crippleil your laughter's wing'.' You always knew it was coming. Coming to all, to you. They always said there was suffer- ing- Now it is borne, come through. Even if you have blundered, F.ven if you have sinned. Still is the steadfast arch of the sky And the healing veil of the wind. And after only a little, A little of shame and pain, Y'ou shall have the weli of your own old dreams Wrapping your heart again. Only, your heart can pity Now where it laughe(^r»d--pSK"-'ttt; â€" - . Now you can bend to comfort men. One with tiiem all at last; You shall have back your laughter, You shall have back your song; Only, the world is your brother now; Only, your soul is strong! â€" Margaret Widdemer. â€" -<• â-  Carrot Stmp. Heat one cup of milk, or milk and white stock, add three-fourths of a cup of finely chopp?<f carrots, one tablespoonful of butter, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt and one-eighth of a teaspoonful of pepper. Cook in a double boiler. "^ •4 »-

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