^- mumtttmiimmtmmimam sssan Decoiubci' !:! UM? THfC FLESllirrOK AUVANCR i t L g^. B 'rHi£> .01! Cl^»Jtl^ce •n i.n.lcpcnili'nti iiew.Hi.aiirr, |iiibli<lie<i every f luir Alay »t 'he ulfice, CuIUiikwimhI Street, flrtheitiin. Subucriptinii price fl iinaniiuni ^h'n (iaiilin»ilvi\iR-e ;$l..V1wlirn not so |>ad /ljjv,-r i«nii r»tr«<iii ni'plioatioii. Circulation 1,10<) weekly WV. H Thub»ton Editor Political Mei?tin}5 Marks An Epoch â€" L. J OLLV. Teacher. IteptiiL Kuoeiiin Selool for NDVciiib'r Sr. 4- I' riitimer, <i Lsige, K Luge. .Ir. 4 -r McMiis'cr, Mary McKee. .Sr. ;iâ€" HaroUl Tvvciliy, LU M^itipy .7r. ;!â€" Aillu\r I'edliir.Miirlli'i t'eiiwick, Mue Diickett. .Ir. L' -I McKfc, (,' Kfnwii.k,M Tetllur, It llaiiiinoiKl, 11 Haitimoiul, F Large i B FawuL'lf.^L Uorduii. \ Ji. 1 Voliii:. (irulliiiii. 1 I'r. Si.-M H..y, K (i.-iuuii, H r..iTu'e, j A F.iwieli, C (iiiliaiii. I I'l. Jr. .V Fiittcvt', .1 \mj.-, N 1 Williams. .1 P^rk, K (jriluiui. ii Kiiiircloii, -A Trtiihy. M lliiininniiil ^ Odds and Ends^ ARTICLES FOR SALE ' ^^'â- ^^^I^fi'^J^i:^'^^:^:'-^^^^ > NOTICK â€" A cluh of While Sewing ; M Maciiini-H »t cut piii;e.s up till Xiniii. ^-j .Ijiii Itie dull. .Kave money. A upecirtl deindiistiii or will lie here im Dec. 20, 21, 22 Mill will nIi.pw Id yon timt ihe While, iii.iJe in rmi'iilH, i.i Kini! of till inil'jliiiies. A special liiiiinii) w .11 be liiveii (o llie tir»l imiuhiKer fiuiii Kleslieriou. WImt about thiit pi.iiio.' Speci.il prieesfor Xnw»H^|^*" ; J. C. Keiitiier.nilis c dealer, Maikdule. J , '< k I i Thii w.is :» leiiiatkable p .litictl meetii g held III the I own hall on Monday cenin;< in th^ uitaei-ts "f l nioii • Th^ meeting wus opened 1 A- '.. F!ittcet',Ci Fhwcc-U, D Ki of this week ^ovcriiii eiit. 11*^1 .:k. with piayer ly ^a!>tuis and the Mie of the lesideilt chair occupied by another. The building was p: e<e i, with in»nv'!''»ii''ii'i.'i «"'* '•' •'"' «ud'euee were some thirty ladies. Mont of th'H large crowd listene.l to the â-ºpeakei> fioui H.W to 11.45 with cKK-ie iitlciiti m, only ^i few dropping out before il'u end. The (,peiWer» werj Mn.i â- â- ' Hewton of SIkt- | brooke, ijuebec, Mr. Hill, llio Inioiiist , caiulidute, and It. v. Dr. tJe.-ie of j Tofinio. .Mr. Hewloi. m A Dr. tJefigie | save addtesscis that will be I. nu rcinein- j berod lo a iniM-d ;nidielice of old tiiiii! j Gii'> and Tori.-.-, I.'u we Idiocy oue in' iftirl I'r. - S I Hiv.r, .M 1 1 .Si i:iiiair. iie^iniiers H H iiriinond, V I.iri;!'. .\ May, I! Mittliell, V Gi.ihani, (' Twohy. .Vvrrayc iitteiidaiici- 28. - MAI!l!V K TATK, Ti'iich.r. S. S. N,). V, .\rteiiie.siH. fur NoviMiiber Si. 4 A I'lrslow, It Wiillels Jr. 4 M I'uslow, F. .)livir, K 'ruriiei .M <.iU-liii-i . .Ir :; K Wnt'i' •-, T Curiie. Sr 2 .1 .MeioK, M Mc-DoiKila. Isl l'l;i>sâ€" 1! I'iir^low, 1 'rmiii, M Watli):-. A Mu r. Lot ,'/, For sale caeap ana on i.isy trrnis, _. . ^.^^ .., con. 11, Ospiey, 110 acres. This is J^-, a lirst class farm and III a iiood Bute of 1, < cultiv.ition. (Joodlank b^uii Mid new ^ ^; fi.iiiu) dwelliii-. Apply to IL .1. Spr.nile A^ Flesherloii jL^J \\T( Farm Wanted On ahares with <>''li,^ without stock iiud implements, t,i Fred Tyler, Fevershain l'.< >. lions.- and I.o' for .Sale at Maxwell .\|)ply In J;nnes Lono, Feveislmm. Apply I '|r, 'A hcait f..r the penuil if lUo w .r li'teliink! to lhi>e addiesses. .Mij-r HeHloii s audu-- dea't Willi Oiiitlitioiis ill <,>uel>e.-, and wis, »e faicy. ail eye opliier to many people present «ho canietothe iinetiiii' with the idor ..f old partyisin t-lill clinitiiiij to their clothes. He said there was no such tliiiiR as (Jin or Ti>rytiday. It Wits either I iiionut or He .said that wlnn war broke 1! lurassii Hiid Dr. Itclaml wirebii • ieliniliy »i-d both sveie ariesled. Dr A. C. M. Mll.l.AN.Te.eb.r. Pulpwood Wanted MISCELLANEOUS i Hiiviiiii taken over fioin H. 1!. McLean the W. t!. I'akiU Iiiaiir.iioe InisiiifSS, I am prepared to loi k after ihe interests of the pu'dic ll'iih K. II immoiid, U. It. Xn.l . Kii^ei i.a A^enl. IMione 2 r 2. 1 All-. MiU8 Lis' â€" Pair drivio;^ mitts in thr v'ciidty :>f Fleslioitoii. al;' ut Nov. 11 Fin Irr kindly leave at Advance Otlice. ONLY A FEW DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS Do Your Shopping NOW Duii't wail until tlie last week, when cve-yone is in a hurry, btit make your selectioDsNOW, wl>ilc> you have the best choice of (jiiic!.' selling inercliandiae. C>iir Chriatmas assortment is now at it3 best. A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS Hockey Skates, all sizes 11.00 to $4.00 Hockey Boots, all si/o? |1 .25 to $3.00 Sweater Coats, all color.t 75c to §6.50 Wool Toques and Aviation Caps 50 c to$l.'25 Sill; and Wool Motor Scarves " 50 c to 81.50 Ladies' Kid Gloves, any Icnglli? S1.25to82.50 Men's Silk Neckwear 25 c to $1.75 Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts •... $1.00 to 82.50 Initial lifindjicichiels, Silk and Lintii • 2o c to fiO c Ladies' Jtondoir Caps ^ 45 c to $1.00 Fancy Lawn and Linen Ilandkerehiofs 5 c to 50 C Lace Collars and Fancy N'rckyoar _ 25ctoSi.75 Ladies' Wool Shawls „ 50c to $3.50 .Men's and l»oyrf' Fancy Suspenders 10 c to 75 c Fancy Silk and ('asl.meie Ilo.sioi y â- . HO c to ??1.50 Silk, Not and Lawn Waists,... $1 .00 to $5.00 Ladits' Fancy Slippers and Pumps S1.50 to ."^PuO Fancy Linens, 'J'ray Cloths, Towels:, Ceutres, etc 25c to >^\1'> Ladies' Hand 15agp '. oOc to 81. .10 Our Grocery Department is Ready for Christmas EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED H Found- I'air .Siiowshoep, near Flesh- ; erton. (•*iier cm have the sun- V>y applying 'o Alli-rl .Steft-ail, Meslicrton. Two I hoiisand cords ^ trimiiH' • ""' j per cord for halsiiu. ilii in Sprue.', delivered .it â€" W. T. Kl.LI.S, Kiuilierley. f .Sj ruce and I Halsam wood, cut 4 ft. loui.'. not leas Itli.iii 4'. 111. at ihe small eiul, knots I/.uiier liourahsa. ; ,,,, -^ ^1,,^^. f,„. „i,ici, «,. niH pay Sli iiid $1 p-r eoril fpr t lie ire^t It-idroad .â- >t:»ti..ii .\iiyoiir havin^i same for sale . ., . wriie to phone Maik lale .'('.t :!2. llel.tnd i^ still Hpiisoiur hut lusiile a fortiiiitht Bouiassa was on his way home and he W4.s now l.u-y tellin,' his French c.)nipatriot8 ihrou-h I.e Devoir that Oer »aii rult »;»» picfeiabU to British Yoii can litaw youi own coiieluRious. aaid the fpeaker He "as lliiou-h the ^ •Sherbrooke not. which he descrilied in , a humoioui way. Major Hewloii point- <jj out that ill case Luirier wa.-, returned t.> power it meant under ihe nios' . fivorablc circunistaiiceh a del.iy oi cirIiI inontliH in f-i»ai.lin^ sup,ioit to the boys 111 the Irinehes l^.,Hi â€" I*, ar'. bn och in town on I'rilny Nov. It. Plea^.. leturn to Muriel Me Tavish, Fle.Oiericm. F. H. W. HICRLING ONTARIO. FLESHERTON, 1'^ l^^jy â- â- â- â- â€" «r 'â- â€" W W u â€" • '• • «« â€" • â- â- «â- .• â€" w- •*^- - L .^ .^ .^ .^ .*. ^*^_^_^^' _^ ^ ^ -.^ .A. .A. .A. ^^ ^ ••W WMW-w V I'riv.ite funds to loan on real estaie security at reas, .liable rate i>f in'erent . •\iiiilv 10 1:. .1. â- ^proulc, Flesherlon. ' " ' sept '2:i Columbia Grafonolas .S'otice All p*rli. s owino me for powr please pay up, as 1 h .ve -^one < ut of the bus iie.ssâ€" Oeoiite W.dler. Representative WANTED at once for FLE 5HERT0N and Distiiit l.i Canada's Greatest Nurseries , F.irm Wan-.-.l To rent, lo'ar .s-.ho. T. Feiiwick, K e.;eiiia. I'ly F.-veisha.n r.ioliy Flour, ll.a '•. si for yiiur eo .k. All diuvrio whcit. Spiii;.: r'17 p' nil in:.; li-t now ready Spleiidiil list ol hardy Canadian ^{rowii f r,.ri.iito hadalwavs fi-uii „ni ,,riiameiital st..ck, including, v.. led any .ther way Mclntosli Ue.l Apple, St. Iteais Ever- beaiiiij ll;.-].bciiy and many other eadcr-. Ni.w illust riled cata^i.ii-r sent on api'Iicalioii. .Si.iii now at lest ^ellinu lime. Liber- il |ir..|.osilii|l. Ilev. Dr. <ic;;t;ie been â- Orit iie\er -imd disliki-d lion'en, bui Lauiiei had made il liupoHMbe f.r him to vote any other way except foi 'lie 1 iin n cai.di- dute. I I. ion 'joveilillient shou'd lave I.eeil 'nitlluteJ h.iii; a:;ii. I w s a easi- of Denioeracy i.j.ii.-t Autociacy. The Hull IS at the do r and if v>e do no; look â- .lit We will be 111 Ihe same poslti'n as Huflbia. Thtre wmij much 1 unior in Dr. Oluji^ie'ii addresn. Mr. ItdUiok..- lor about hilf an h mr on Kovernineiit atl.iirti. He is in on' and out I'ldi'liinl »nd ha> driipped all [larly sentime.ils f< 1 tl e [eiiod of the war. i:i..he-t pr.'eb.r butter and e..'oii a- Crab'im fiios. Ku'.!-ni«. -June 2<l Sin Ueese and a dozen viarlini.' bhick min.rea hem. fi.r s.ih- Walter Kusfel, U.i-k Mills. Telephone. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS F'lesl:iei:*ton #^ Tonsorial Parlors This faiiii'iis mase ot Impleineii's is ] well known nil over the e luntry .md | We Aim to Give i llieirovvii Liood work is the best recoin- I 1 meiuiiiion they cm roceiv.'. It you 1 r.-.|uire anythiin: in the line of Binders, .^^iwers. Seed Drill*. Cultivators, Pulp • •rs, I'lows, Sleiijh-^, Wauijon*, Cream ••scparHtoi^, HiMows. Hollers, Cuttin;; I r.o\es, Kiisila^e Cutters, liisoliiie e-i ; cleaned »nd dved. feathers rejuvena'ei -iiies, .Siiwink' outlits, etc , give us a , .p picucD I'll. 111. •!• to ,]ii,.te nrict ;. Entire ts.-ktisfactio LAl'NDUY-Basket closes Moiid-y nisiht, delivery Friday evi-nlu CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We m nijents for Parker's Dye Works â€" ClotLos. thers rejuvena'e •PROPRIETOR Columbia Records Holslein Bull For Service FJI! .SALK UV- John Wright, - Agent Flesherton New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell Stonp & Wellington _l^ \ tlii.roiii.'l,l.r.-.l Ib.Ul.iii bull f..r -.rMc- ..11 |„t, is:l ISl .S.W. :. \- .^.11.. A.t..iii.-ia; . ...- cIv r.-lat.'d t.. tip- w..rl.rH .â- hani|.i'.ii It i...iiiMl cnw. T.-riii--. "l .•."l.r -ra.les, x.Vo'i t"i 1 niu I.K.i-. , l„|., 17 â€" iM'll. MouUr. \ .-^ 11 . A.Armstrong i;,men ouek k-.. .ii;wi;i,i.Ki;. I'l.KsiiKunt.N The l-ontliill Ni,r.-;eries (I'Mai.lisKcii is:;;. 1 TORONTO r ONTARIO ' [( (• Nellie School Reports .'s .S No li, n-prey .Mo, .lb of November. Number on roll 48, Bveraae alten a ce '•'' Sr. 4-Mervin Wnill. .Ir. 4 â€" A Hoss, <i Hrownrid>;e, Hr<.wnndKe, K I'atkei. .M Cuy, U biifson, \V Kertoii. >Sr. ;«-A Kadley, D leiiwu'* H Kelly. ,Ir. ;'. LyJia I'de'.l, Anuus Moirisoii, lantiel Li lulieed. Sr. 2â€" G Monism, It Pilisur, A Long, M Heioii. K Louahe.d. Jr. 2 .1 I'liker, li Hadby, (i Kenw.ck, M Ko»», 1' I'm'slly, (J IMisler, K Hobeiison, I» Forth. Ut. l-Kdil*! Uobeilson, DoiaFoilh. I'r. A-E Uu>» liridfje, M Hadley. I'r. I! A Itmnrose, O Parker, L Hadlej. K McKy, P I'.disler, A Prie^ly, W LoUKhe.d. Pr. <'-»l t'oith, C Chard, K Ituckinghain. â€"C. C. Sl'AUl.lMi, Teacher. S. S. Ni>. 7, C»sprey, for November. Sr. 4 â€" Ui'hie MctJirr. br. ,". -L Oilewpll, A Wehlrck, A Henderson, M K..wt. 1 , I. R'oore. .Ir. ;t L PiilchiirJ, A Wiiiemm, 'Hobinson, .M Con thaid. Hr. 2 M WrlLjl.l, <1 Henderioi', P.ttllam, C Alexander, K Wiighi. .b Koblimoii . Jr. 2 H Aloxaiidi I, \ Wiixhl. IstCl'isB .1 We'dliek, I Alexamler Tyler, A Sp.eie. Pr. A - II Hnwlon, U Ivert m, U l.onu', R liendi-rsioii, It Widemai H .wioii. The Old Adage 1 i The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating; 'I'lif s.iiiK* is t'(|uall\ ,j, iriif (il tlu- I'.Mli' -»* (iiiivity iishfi'. ri'\ oiu' and lu' cnnviiu ril "lilt tlu'i-f is iii'iif lit'ttcr. If STOCK AM) liGGS FOR SALE j i I am o['eiiiiii< up atinco, a bhicksmith- and '"^ '""^ wo.idworkiiio bu.-.ities3 in Max- jwell, and am us'aUini! up-to date wood- |Wi.rkiiii: lU'ichinety. it will be my en- Idea" ir to serve the pulilic in a satisfac- I li:ne i..ripii. k >a:. - no v. 1 ^ 1 ar.« itli> j ti>ry nmnner and 1 would solicit p:itron- ' ''Im^'I'in;--: a!-.,..r r|:.„:,.,||;.K-k aae. 1 w »nt yourwotk and wiil do it f»K-. »'"' K'.ii.ii I'l.ilv vCiT* t. 1 liU.l.i:.;; piir- • t\ii\\: l-i-.v I'ric^- nitht Plii.ii- ..,• writ- â€" UK<>. \\. Kti.-^S, l>c»l"l<; (Is; lev T! "^.^t.ir \trvA,Il. !• (1 CHESTER LONG lii.vii'- III Flesherton Tin Shop m 1(^1 m I havo |iist plac-oil mi i\\v shelves a full line of Tinware, Niikelwaic and A-atewaie fur tlomostic list' Call oi\ iiu' and get ynur npplies. K.i vftrt>tii,diing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- MllTS. VMNTKIt IFKM (KtiM IAN. 2m. ^ELLIOTT >^' , Voii..,'t' and Charles blreets, Toronto points wi'b piide 10 its 1 .no list of successful ijrailuates. A liiijli standard i^ always maintain, d liere. Write f.r 0111 C.i'.iliMjue. Kei-n demand for our s'udenis. \V. .1. KLLlJTr, Pm.vii-.u. Buy Now For Xnias Put a new Pollock Plionnia in your lioine for Xinas and bive ihe leal music uliich will eiilerlain every person. Also ,1 Koi.d .stock of Iticorcis on hand. I> H lio V It Conn, S S. HEMPHILL Agent, , Ceylon iillliiii'ot Aid 'itiiiiifk Funn iiiiplfiiieiii.^, Miiuleis Mowers, JfaUes. Li>atler.s, Drills, C'liltivatttis, Plows, KidiiiL; and Walking llaiiows I'liantlrrd Wind INIills." riin:ps, ripiii^ ai>il Mtlii.gs r.t all kintis, l?e;atie llfiy Carriers, Hay Hoiks, Slings, Kilter Carriers, FoMing U.athTnlis, Frost Wiieand Jmmuc Cutters ami Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL ii Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | % iji % % u % m CHRI5T0E BLOCK || FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. Hi! l?.!'! ijii II II ir^i % II II 1^ iji Kepairing ofall kintis prt)niptly attended to. ripetittiiig, inehuling immp work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. F'lirnaces. D. McKILLOP rs. .S No. ."i, tt-prci. for November. .fr, t W iV.ighl, .1 I'.rackBUbury, Murphy. .Ir, ;!- IL Hawkiiif, <i \' li'-th', W Betisoii, K Henioii. ,Ir. 2 Honiitd Feiiwirk. Trim' râ€" Jean Wrigld. _N. MAYNAIU), Tcucher. I $90 ' Crio.ii MohKi.s Fio'M SIS TO |2.".lt I .\ full line of slieel music on hand a'so Ciiiieras and Ihe litr^t jlylin of Foh!er^ .\1' W. A. Hfvwken's Photo Gallery Flesherton Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts Select » gift this yenr that jjooa inli the home and .stay* in t' c lioine â€" somethin!; that will uiv" veirs of service aud will be a eo slant n niiuler of your tbou^hlfuies.< an I alt'ectioii . FCUNITCKK ISTllK Mi»sr WKLOt MKt'F ALL XMASt^.IFTS Some aiipropriale selections - Itookfases, Fancy Tabl.'s, .lardin 'le Stind,s, Kasy Chairs, Uockers, etc. Anollier iLsclul «in;i;e.slion â€" A Kitchen Cabiiut. KverythiiiK at hand .\ filepsavei iiid a inoiiey saver. For The Voiiiiijslei's â€" Hiyh Chairs Uockin^ II .rMs, Itockers, Doll Carriam's, ec. New Mouldings on hand for I'ieiur.i Fiamiin!. 'NF.W MFTHt^DIST HYMN IH OK .\ number of coiiore'4atioiis are adopt ini: the new Ilvini) l!o k at the New year. We lone Baiiiplc. on Imnd and are lakin:,' ordcis bilhesnriie j and iiilend luillinn in a »e'eit ttock in the various ii'vles aio' liiiidin.R. j^i S cure one for ymuself .r iimU- yiiii friend a present of one (or Xmis. a P W. H. BUNT Furniture Atxd Undcrtakini^ FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. ilT=:r^=Jr=Jr=Jr=Jr:=Jr=- â- =.- sa - j^T^^cs^ss::^, FARM IMPLEMENTS AsTents £^or Hi ilMN Wagons Pluws Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AOENT FLESHERTON. Vt