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Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1917, p. 4

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i /f December V,l 1917 m I't'^MMtMnwipiMMItnH m ifu^fc.i . tiiittiM .AHMWMHHMMIi 191 T H I?. F L E S 11 1' 1? r K ADVANCE THE. ,0\'. ^l^t)rt^ce' »n i,i.liMi«'iJ«'"' m-wtimiiir, piililislieci every fliiir »l«y »t '!>'â-  urtice, Culliu)(wc>iicl St'aet, | Kl;«heiti>n- Subucriptinn price $1 iierannuni | then ii»i<t in»ilvi\iice ;$l.riOwlirii nut »o pad, ^1^ ^ -f iMnii r»U's im a|ipruatic>ii. CircnUtiou 1.100 weekly, i W. H Thuh»ton Editor Political Me Luting i«. 1 i II. â€" I,. JOLI.V. Teiitliei. Ktfpoil KuHi-mu Sch')ol foi- Nuvoinb.«r br. 4 I' IiktiiTii'r, <i Lmge, K I.aige. .'r. 4 â€" 1' McMfisii-r, Mary McKec. Sr. ;!â€" IliirciUI Twiiliy, IJa M.inoy .Tr. ;iâ€" Aitliur I'l-dlur.Miutli'i Feiiwick, Mue Duckett. Jr. li -I McKie, t; Ktnwick.M IVdlur, I It Haiiiiiioiiil, II Hmiiiiiiiiul, F Lar^e I B Faw(;elt,''L Gordon. Marks An Epoch i Jr. i vei,,... Gruiwii... Pr. Si-.-M Hciy, K (i. rd.oi, H [..iru'e, A K.iwcett, C (ii'iliaiii. I'l. .(r. .\ Fiiwcftf. .1!'', N Williams, .1 P.nk, K (Jr.ilmiii. P. K(iiii'liiii, .\ Trt-iiliy, M II;niiiriMiul H (u.iliiiiii. V May. A- r, Fiirtcotl.O K.iwcttt, |l F<Miwi,;k. l{l';.;illlUTS l\ H llilllailul. V l.iiui". A May. l: Mitclii'll. V Giah.iiii, I' Twdhy. .Vvi'iiim- iittciidaiicc 'JS. - lIAItin !â- : TATE, T.'iK-li.'i. % x^ ^ Odds and Ends^ ARTICLES FOR SALE I T!l;»l was :» leuiatkable pdilicshiieetii g ! held III the lown liatT ni Monday cveninK j of this week in llie iiiliief^ls "f Lnion | govcriiu.eiil. Th:; meeting; was opened ; Willi player ly one of t'lc' icsident | |)i»stois knd tliff chair locuiiied by j anotluT. Tlie buildii.y wan p cio 1, with { inaiiy'^aiidiiiL', and in the audience were ! some (hilly ladies. Moit of Ihts large' ciowd listcnel tti llif ^peakl•r> from >i.-^)l to 11.4.'» wilh close hIU'IiU .ii, only a fisv j dropping out, before il'e end. The bpeakers werj >la.i â- ! Hewloii of Slur- | brooke. <,>uebec, Mi. H>ll, Hio rnionist ; candidate, and Hw. Vi- Ge.gie of j TofiiiK'. .Mr. Hewloi. in I l»i . Gefii^ie | uave addresses that will be I. ny reiueui- j bered lo a mixed luidier.ce of old lime | Gii's andTorif.-, b i( we lamy oue in' heail for the period of Uu' « ,r aft. i li-'.tninn I" llu-e aildiu-*ee«. NOTICKâ€" A dub of While Sewing Machines Ht cut pi ices u|) till Xnnn. Join llie club, save money. A special demonstraior will be here j)n Dec. 20, 21, 22 and will sliow to yon that the While, maiie in I'^naiU, in Kinu of all inashiMeH. A special biiiiHin w.ll be liiveii to the tirsl piiiclia^er fidin Fleslierioii. ^yho'j'^/- aboiitllitt! pi^iio.' .Special prici'8 for XmaK||^' i J. C. Kentner.mus c dealer, Markdale. jL ' For .siile cneap ana on easy trrnis. Lot | ^r lo, con. ll.dsprey, 110 acres. This is j^ a lirst class farm and in a i;ood slate of ciiltiv.ition. Good bank barn Mid newj|r frame dwellin-. Apply to K. .j. Sproule Fle.slierton ONLY A FEW DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS Do Your Shopping NOW Don't wail until tiie last werk, when everyone i."! in a hurry, but make jonr eelcctionsNOW, wbilc' yoa liavc tlie best choice of (jnick selling mercliandue. f>in- Cluistiiaa assortment is now at its best. Farm Wimtcil - ( >ii shares with or withcmt stock aud iinpleinonts. Apply to Fred Tyler, Fevershain P.O. Himse and I.o- for Sale at Maxwell - Apply to .James Long, Fevershain. S, S. N,i. 7, .ViU'iiK'siK. for November Sr. 4 A I'lrs'.oiv, B WiHteiit .Jr. 4 .M I'lislort, !•: .(liver, K Turner .M Gilcliiifl . .Ir :;- K Waf.;^, T Cuiiie. Sr -J .1 .Mea.l-, M McIi.MiaUl. Isl (.'lassâ€" 1! I'ar4.pi.. 1 Turii' r. M Waller-. .\ Mu r. I'r.- S < iliv.r. M ' I S'li'.n.Ur. - A. C. M. Ml 1. 1. AN, T.Mcher. Maj.r I lew Ion ^s aiulie-s dealt Willi I cjnditi.ins in t,)uebe.-, and wis, »e faicy. Pu|nWOOd ^^3,11 tCU an eye olOiier to many pe.iple pre.-eiit r who caniet-.the nuetiii! with the .d.'i| _^ .fold party 1,-m slill clinuinu to theu clothes. He said there was im such Two i!,o,i.saiid cords of S, ruee and ,r , , „ I, „,.,..' IUls:im wo..d, cut 4 ft. Ion;.-, not less thing as (..It or foryl-daN. It »-,,,,, ^, ,„• .^ ,|,„,,»all end. knots ithei I ni..ni8t or I- miicr ISourahsa. ! j^.j^^^i^i^.j ^1,,.,^. f,„, „i,it.l, *,. will pay SH MISCELLANEOUS i Havint; talcii ovi-r from H. I>, McLean the W. G. I'lekill Iii-siirince biisiiiens, I am prepared to loi k after ihi> iiitori'sts of the pu'.lie ll'iili K. Ilimmoiul, U. It. .Xn.l, Kngci i.a Au'-nt. Phone 2 r 2. I Aug. Mitt9 I.os' â€" Pair driving mitts in tlo' vicinity :if Fleslieitoli. al;' ut N"V. 14 Kiiiler kindly leave at Advance ( (tlice. Ue liid thai wluii war broke out i pep c.iid fnr balsim. and 87 p'^r cord fpr 1! luratsa ti.d Ur, Peland wi re Ijoth in j Sprue • ferminy ai.d both weie iries!ed. Ur. j I'.elaiid is .St ill apiisoiiu but inside a , fortiiiijht Hoiiia-ssa was on his way home and he was now bu«y telling his French conipatriots through I.e Devou that Oer 'lati rule was preferable to Britiith Vol! call draw youi own conclusions, aaid llie tpeaker He "as ihrougli the •Sherbrooko not. «liicli be d.^seribed in , ,» humoiim* way. Major Hewioii point- eJ .;nt that in cas.e Liurier wns returned to power it meant under tlie inns' . favorable circuuietances a delay ol eisht inunlhii in f'.iwauling siip,)orl to the boys in the trendies. delivered at lie ire>l Itailroad Station .\iiyoii.- h»vina »a'iie for sale write to phone Matk lale I)'.' :'.2. â€" W. T. KI.I.IS, Kimbeiley. ile\. Dr. (ieggie of Ti'intit., Representative WANTED at once for FLE5HERT0N and l»i«triel |i,l Canada's Greatest Nurseries Sjiiiru I'M" p' lilting ii-t now ruady Spleiidul list ot hardy Caiiidiaii grown lid always f,.m, „,, I i.rnamental stoek, indnding, Found- Pair SnowshocF, near Flesh- urton, (Uoer can have the s-im.- by i applying to AIIimI Stewait, b leslicrton. Listâ€" P.arl br. ocii in town on Frilay, Kov. ii. Pleasj icturn to Muriel Mc- Tavisli, Fle.'hcriop. A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS Hockey Skates, allsi/es «1.00to$4.0b Hockey Boots, all size," f 1 .25 to $3,00 Sweater Coats, all colors 7& c to .^6.50 Wool Toiiuesaud Aviation Caps 50 c to $1.25 Kill; and Wool Motor Scarves " 60 c to $1.50 Ladies' Kid Gloves, any lengths §1.25 to 82.50 Men's Silk Neckwear '25 c to 81.75 Men's Kid Gloves and '.Mitts «... *1.00toS2.50 Initial Handjicrchiefs, Silk and Linen • .'. 25 c to 50 c Ladies' Dotidoir Caps 43 c to $1.00 Fancy Lawn and Linen Handkereliiofs , 5 c to 50 c Ijace Collars and Fancy Xcckyear 25 c to 61,75 Ladies' Wool Shawls „ CO c to $3.50 Men's and Hoy.^' Fancy Siispeudera 10 c to 75 c Fancy Silk and ('asl.uierc nosioiy •. 50 c to SI. 50 Silk, Not and Lawn Waists .. $1.00 to $5.00 Lndifs' Fancy Slippers and I'ninps SI. 50 to -"^TSO Farcy Linens, Tray Cloths, Towels, Centres, etc 25c to i^l 75 Ladies' Hand Hag? '. 50c to Sl.i^O Our Grocery Department is Ready for Christmas EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED 'i^\ F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. i^-»-» Private funds to loan on real estate security al reasonable rate of in'ereat. Apply lo It. .1. Sproulo, Flesherton. sept 2:i Columbia Grafonolas Notice- All parti, s owing me for fowr please pay up. as I gone out of llie bus' newsâ€" Geiiige W.dlev. F.rni Wan-d To rent, n-ar .sdio .1 T. Fi'iiwn-k, Ivigeiiia. Try V.-verslia.ii I'.ntiy Floiir. ll >« bisl for your CO .k. .Vtl ( â-ºntvrio been â-  Grit net er v. ted any (ther»uy â€" and disliked ISor.'eii, but Laiiiici had St. and KeKis many ina.le it ituposiib e f.r hini to vote any .jlher way except (oi 'he l'iii< n car.di- d»le. lnion izovei nineiit shou!.l lave l.een Midtlluled hog ago. I w s a case of Deiiiociaty l.^.!l.^t .'iiiloeiaey. The Hun IS at the ib. r and if «e do u..; look ..Ul we will be III the same poslliill as Ilusbiii. There w.n. much 1 unior in Dr. G(»(igie'n addrets. Mr, liill hi ok.; toi about lull an b 'ur on (soverninent all.iirs. He is an on' and out I'uli'i'ixt and has dropped ullpaity sentinie.ils fi i rfe [eiiod of tl.e war. Melnt..sli Ke.l Apple beaiiiij It spbeiiy I'adi'r-. New illnstraled ,iplpiie;itioo. Stall now at lest .-e'ling time it pT..p.lMli ill. Flter- i.ther cata'iiuui' sent on i l.ibcr- Stone. & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (l';-tabli-,laMl is:;;., TORONTO Hi. 'best pr ee for battel and e'..g« n< Graham P.ios, F.u.j.-nia . .luiie2!M Six ijeese and a dozen yrarling bh"k min.rea hens for s,ile- Walter P.usfel, : Uo-k Mills. Telephone. Ilolsteln Bull For Service \ il,or..iiifl.l.>v'l Ib.Ut.-in bull [..r-.-nie.^..i, l„l, is:t |,s| S,W. ; . .\ S.U.. A.-t-iM.-~i^i: . ...- i-lv t,. ill- w.Tl.r^ .-liaiiipi'Mi It p..iiii.l e.ov T.rii.-: «! "•" '.r gra.len. *:<.«i' b.i ] ui,. l.M.i-. â€"1 ;i:ii. Ml)' lUK .V s 11. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS' FlesKei^ton #- Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire S.atisfactio LACNDRVâ€" basket Mond-y This faiiii'iis mahe ot impleiiieiits is , i.ell known all over the c .untry and j tlieirowii i;ood Work is the best recoin- I iiieiuiiiiMii li.ey call receive. If yon, . , r..,uireanytliin./ in theliiie of Binders, '"'-''"• ^'='"^'''''>' »• "day evenui .M.iwers. .Seed iJrills, t.^ultiva'ors. Pulp .1-, Plows. Sleighs. Wasiyon.", l-'reain Sipar»tor<. Hairows. Uollrrs, Cutting P.'.ves, Knsilage Cutters, tias'iline e'l allies, SawiHi! outtits, elianee to i|iiiite price ;. CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We *i aijents for Parker's Dye W orksâ€" ClotboJ. ; cleaned and dved. feathers rcjuvena'ei etc , give us a j T FISHER -PROPRIETOR Columbia Records -F-.)i; SALK IJY- John Wright, - Agent Flesherton W. A. Armstrong .IFWKI.I.Kl!, FbKsllKKToN STOCK \'>0 EGGS FOR SALE 11. IX. v.. New Blacksmith Shop ! At Maxwell 1 ih 17 School Reports m I I ONTARIO ' [i( »s»s»-â€" ««.- «s«:ijvr ru:»i"iw«";is The Old Adage Carefully Corrected Kacli Week Itiitter E'j','s. fresh Wheat ua-s ... Peis P.»r;e) .... Pdtatnes. . Huek wheat Duck, (•..ese S .S No '.I, ( 1,-prey .Mm.lli of November. Number on r.dl 48, Hierage atleii a ce o7 •Sr. 4-Mervin I. .Jr. 4 â€" A Uosb, ti Hrownridge, <; IJiomirnUe, K I'atker, M Guy, Nellie U biltaon, W Kertoii. .Sr, ;<â€" A Uadley, i> l'eiii»i<'» !• Kelly. Chiilii.ns Jr. ;t -Lydia I'dell, Angus M.'ui.M.n, '"* .lannet Li iigbeed. Sr. '-'â€" G Muriisiii, It P.ilinier, A Long, M Heioii. E Louuhe.d. Jr. 2 .1 Paiker, H Kadl.y, <i Kenwick, M Koss, P Priestly, (i P*ii.slei, J< Hobeitson, D Forth. Ht. l-Kdifl Uobeitson, D..iaFoith. Pr. A â€" E DuKliridne, M Hadley. I'r. I! A Heinrose. <» Parker, F Uadlu) • »â- ; McKye, P P.lister, A PrietHy, W Lnughe.d. Pr. C-M Koith, C Chard, S Kuckinghain. C. C. Sl'AUMNG, f2 I ' .â- !.S • I.S '.'.'i to 2 2. 7il t.i 7'' (I to •_' HI '.I.I to '.ct y Â¥ I. :•..â- > I W !!.â- . to '.I'. I [W 20 lo 211 ; U 2(1 lo 20 22 to -22 ll'i to ir> UlNTKIt TKKM HtdM .IAN. 2m. ;x^ ELLIOTT ^7 , Vmuoc iiii.l Cliailfs Streets. Toronto P.iints will [iii.le toils 1 uig list o( -uceessful graduates. A high standard i~ always niaiiiii.iii. <l here. Write f.r oiii ('.a'aloLoie. Ke.-ii demand for our f.uden's. W. .1. LLLIJTT. i'lO.Mll-Ai. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating; '^1 Si M J I aiiiwoi tl: Swii'e K.uun l>iick Hogs. I I am i.|jeiiini4 nice, a blaeksniitli- nml I ing and wo.idworkiiig in Max- jwell, and am iia'aLing up-'.o date wood- I workitii: iiacliineiy. It will be my en- . ideavor to serve the public in a satislac- I ti.ri|iii. k -al. - .ii e v, • i,^ T.ui.m itli> jtory manner and I would solicit patroii- â-  "â- e<lii.g|'u-l...-e.; al-....!, ,-lU,.|.,|lt„of: Htfe. I w ml v.auwotk and will d.. it '•»({-. ail. I K..U. 11 iMnk .-^rif* (.1 liil.iiii.g pi-.r- riwht p..>,-. I'ri.-.." nitl.t .,.â-  writ- l>et P',lt; â€" tiKo. W. KOSS, 0-;irv T!, Sv-t.-.,, NTiv.ifll, P O CHESTER LONG 111 ~ '*'i'-'^'.^':=,-.^'A'^' M 8. S. No. 7, Osprey, for NoVemb..'r, Sr. 4 â€" K'hiii McGiir. br. .". L Oitewell, Buy Now For Xmas Put a new Pollock Plioiiola in your bome Nmas and hue the leal iiiusii; wbieh will entertain eeery pi.i.son. .Also a ...e.d stock of U.cords (in liaiiil. A II If .loll A Weldrick UendelKoii, M F,.wcet , I. .V e, Jr. .'I I. PiilcbarJ. A Wldem.i. 'Itobinaon, .M Cou.ihurd. 8r. 2 M Wright, G llendersoi., Hallani, (' Alexmder, K Wiiglii. ttobinnon Jr. 2 H Alexaiid. r, \ Wiinlil. 1st Class- .1 We'diirk, I Alexander, F Tyler, A Sp.eii.. Pr. A -H lla«ton. U Kert ui, K, K lienderson. It Wideman, Hf^wion, II Conn, A ('(|ll;lll\ till" r.HIt' (inivily ashor. lis out' .'111(1 Ih> couviiicci ilial tlii'iv is iii'iii' hotter. S. HEMPHILL Agent, . Ceylon l"'ull IiiHM>f Aid 'iiiiiiicU l'',iiiii liii|ilciiu'iii.s, l'>iii(Ici.> Mowers, llaki's. Loadcis, Drills, (.'nltivalois, I'lows, Ividiii;^ Mild Walkii)<,' il;iii(ius l!iaiUl(^rd Wind Mills,"^ Tuirps, l-i|;iii«5, ai.(l Lituiijis f.t all Uiiiils, Hcattic Hay OaiTJi'is, Hay Horks. ."^liii^'s, Filter Carriers, Koi(liii<,' U.itirriil>s. Fr(),st Wiie.iiid J-'eiue Cutters and .Slei>;lis. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL cnt, - Ceylon, Oi\t. | III! II Flesherton Tin Shop- I liave inst placed on the shelves a hill line ot Tinware. Niekelwure and A^'atewaie for domestic use. Call on nie and «:et vour snpi)lie: get your .'S. nil's. Rivetronghing, Stovepipes and Stove Fiirnish- iJepairinir ofall kinds promptly attended to. ripetittiuj^. including piunj) work. Clare liros. Furnaces Furnaces installed. Ai/eiit for ^. S N.>. ."i, C-prey, for November, Jr. â- Â« W tVright, .1 Hrackenbury, .1 Wuipliy. .(,, ;! p.. Ihiwkim-, G Vriglr, W BeriBOn, E Hen'on Jr. 2 Howard Fenwirk. I'ritn' râ€" Jean Wright. -N.MAYNAUD, T-vSohBr. $90 (•riiri; Moi'Ki.s Fii">i SIHto fSoO A full lino of sheet miisie on hand a'yn Cameras and the liti-.t styl.'s of Fohlern ,\'l' W. A. Hawken's Photo Gallery Flesherton Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts l[ii Sehot A gift this year that gooa inl « the home and stayi in t' e home -f â€" something that will giv years of service and will be a co i. in luler \h of your tli.niglnfiiies.i an I alVection, |l( Fl ItNlTlKK IS THE MOST WEIX'CMK oF AIiL XMAS GIFTS llook'-ases, F\\iipy Tabbs, .lardin -re Stands, ai Some appropriate selections -ly I'lasy Chairs, Itockers, etc. \ Kitchen Cabinet. Everything at hand Itocking 11 .fes, ItoeWers. Chair- .^niilher useiiil iu^geation \ step saver mil a money saver. l''or The Voungsters â€" High Doll Carriagi'N, ee New Mouldinga on hand for Pici lire Friiniilii!. 'NEW METH(;D1ST HYMN IH OK .\ niunber of congregations are ad.iptinit the new llviiui 11.. k at the New year. We have »amples on hi.iiil and are taking ordeis f.r llie Mime and iiiiend ipiitling in a »e'eci ttoek in the virions u'vles a".' bindiii .». S cure one for youiself • r niako joiir friend a present of one for Xm is. W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jH^ ONTARIO. m $\ i<i i^ i^ II 1^1 liju m FARM IMPLEMENTS S^C^G ) h=J/=.h^:=J ^ • _=:J ;f^,==Jr^ r^'r=.' -.^-^s: rz«,'p=J/=J ?^>= gE;^! Tdl. Agents For iii Ml CO. Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrowj Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. â-  S

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