December « 1917 THE F L E S H K K T ^' ADVANCE THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA HEAD OPPIOZ • TOROMTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made t.T'D lara * Special feature by this Bank. 238 FLESHERTON BRANCH - GEO. MITCHELL, .^.„,„. Report of Flesherton High School C. P. R. Trains leave follows : Going South 7.53 a. in. 4.2? p.m. The mails are Time Table, _ Ic has been circulated by mischiev'oos Flesherton Station as peraot s tiiat I have used di.slc.ya[ lan- ;;m<»e concerning I he soldiers who have Going North gone oversea.^, which is absolutely false liiu"'!!!' »nd without any foundation whatever, and any person repeatini; the same will be prosecuted. â€" H. Down, Hatherton. 9.1«p. m osed at Flesherton yj follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p, m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS <Jrey County contributed $2.40tt.00<» •to the Victory Loan. Bon't forget the Red Cross Bazaar on Dec. 8 in the town hall. flood fowl supper to »D hall, Dec. 8. Dun'f forget it. A letter from Curp. Jos. LeGard says that the late Edward Jamieson was instantly killed by a larac shell which fell beside him. The letlar says : " I was slightly shell shucked and they sent me out and now I am at a rest camp, and am beginning to improve a little and expect to be able to go back tu our battalion io a few days.' The Youth's Companion Practical Hoono Calendar combiner the beau'.iful I with the useful. It ix especially sought i for by busy people, because it gives at The receipts for Mr*. .\rm>lror g's tea „ne glance not only tha days of the amounted to f 11.05 current monlh, but tho«e of the month Miss Clara HuUe of the hiijh school preceding and the month fuUowins, all staff played at a concert in 'Jrangeville on the one le.if. At the same time the ua Friday evening last. calendar is decorative tn design and Sereral local sports succeeded in cap- »u«t»ble for a place in the best room in taring four racoons on Thursday of last week. Mi«s .Irene W'llsun of the Owen Sound hospital paid a short visit to her parental home here one day last week. the house. It is given to all readers of the Youth's Companion who have paid theii 8ubscri(.tions for lt>18. At a recent liquor case tried in Flesh- erton a Markd.Ue lawyer becama i|uite The local collectois for the Victoiry frenzied in his denunciation of Constable Loan succeeded in raising the handscme Cook and Inspector Beckett, in fact he amouct of trft.lOO. went aliitle beyond the extreme; but Mrs. Hodgson cf Osprty was the yuest "^en Inspector Beckett, who inherited a *f hsr sister, Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. "dur- bei^utiful vocabulary from ing the past weok. The proceedings of the Fi.'ver.>iham Tribunal were unavoidably left over this week, also a number of school reports. Hanover only gave |5O,0OO to the Victory Loan. '" Berlin," l»nt., evi- dently has some bloud relations in its sister town. The Royal Scarlet Chapter, L O.L., will meet in the loH;;e room of No. 18t>it, hi.4 Belfast ancestors, got through with the irate limb of ihe law tha "dJs wert all with the inspector. Those who heard tha argument said it waij a rare treat, and and ':hey could almost iiuaitine them- selves oncenii>re enjoying the vagrant odors of the tish market in the good old Irish capital. The Ciises involved was where two young men had inadvertently kept liquor where the law says it may not bo ke^Jt and this cost the young men Vaudeliur, on Friday erebiui;, Dec. 14, i |2u0 each. "''hLd roild the lawyer to an for pur^hise of conferring degreeâ€" Gleu | unusual degree. â€" Davis. .Scribe. j _^ „e„,o,ial service for the late David A concert will be held in Slouu'a Edwaid Jamitsnn, who»j death in actiin •Settlement scho.d. No. l>, Arteiucsia, on ^^s announced last week, wa.s held in the Weii-esd.iy evening, Dec. ID. K.iceileut Methodist church on Sunday evening, program. Proceeds tor patriotic pur- 1 when the pastor, Uev. Mr. Belfry, jioses. Admission 2j cents. j preached from Hebrews 1127: 'He Mis. Don.xld Bell of Belliiinham, Al , (Mosecl forso.A Ejypt, nut feirin? tU jjoiiKi, and her sister-iuUw, Mrs. John ' wrath of iho king ; for he endured as Oliver of British Columbia, are at present ' seeing him who is invisil'le." The topic visiting the for nci's f.-«ihcr, ftlr llnbeil was pcrseverimce, slmwiug how Mos-.s Uh»cr, of thia lowaalin/. aud othci j had persevevJ fti f'lt) ye.M-.? in biii'a- relatiTea. i ing Israel to the promised land. In this 1 war wo had to persevere to the end. He FORM 1 â€" Literature 8 Ludlow 84. It LeGard 71, L Buskin 70, G Quinn H\>, R Muir B3, E Ferris (57, F Stewart 67, 1 .Sprott (J6, N Spencer t3o, O Lockhart 03, K.Belfiy «0, J Beid CO, G Stinsoii 57, L Morton 57, .S McTavith 48, L White 47, C Quinn 4«>, B McLeod 45, L Thompson 45, U Shunk 42, V Lever 39, G Lever G. FORM 2â€" Art E Consley 67, R Cargo 61, M Graham K ilcVicar 49, W Stewart 47, L .\tkin- «on 44, T Irwiu 41, F White 39, E Davii. 37, W Taylor 07, K Boyd 3t5, F William- son 36, W Armstrong 34, M Butler 32. J Adams 31, K McDonald 31, W Heard 28: G Mitchell 28, A Mmphy 27, J Stewart 19. FORM 3â€" Physics R Slorton 89, W Latimer 78, E Ben- thaui 75, E Parskw 74. R Williaiusun 72, M Swift 72. V Lewis 72, P Allen 71. B Mc Vicar 71, W Paiti.sju 70, C Fisher 09, R Caswell 09, F Bunt 6!», E Caswell 09, W Harrison 04, L Lever 55, M Heard 54, V McMillan 53, B Meals 50, R Belfry 40. Chemistryâ€" B McVicar 84, P Allen 81, E Bentham 81. V\ Latimer 7S, R Wil.iamson 71, li Caswell 70, M Murphy S8, E Paxslow i;5. W R Mur.on 01, C Fisher 59, E Caswell #7, F Bunt 57, M Heard 55, M Swift TA, W Pattison 52, V Lewis bi, W Harriscn 51, V McMillan .">0, L Lever 47, R Belfry 41, B Meads 40. By an Order in Council pa-»ed recently ! all skating rinks this winter will be reliaved of chargiiig war tax to those whu waut to enji>y the pleasure of skatii.g. ; Last year the links had to charge war tax to their patrons. ihanked God that rfe had young men to Toluntaiily go and stay the hand of the i spoiler, and paid special tribute to the ] Jaiuiesou f.imily, » lio had given three ' sons and one dau|,htor to the great cause. I A beautiful (iuiit.;t w is niven by the A " Matcli-Making " social will be i Misses Trimble, RichiidsoD. Hulse and Ijiven at the home vi Mr, George Best i Holinejâ€" " He will give you rest "â€"and on Dec. 14 in aid of the Bed Cross work, ; , ^..^ ^^g contributed bv Messrs^Murrny Progressive games, for which (uize.s will [ Holland and Sullivkii. The chur.-^h was be niven, and music, will be two fetlurcs ' tilled with a keenly sympathetic audi- of the evening. Admission 25 and 10c. i eiice. The decorations around the pulpit Bed Baz»ar -The society will ! were simply flags and bunting. Much hold a Baziar on Saturday, Dec. 8, in sympathy is e.xteuded to the sorrowing the town hall, Flesherton. (.hi sa'e will I mother and relatives. be fancy work, homemade cookinu.candy .-â-º.»-..« vegetables, etc. Light refreshments will ' be served during the afternoon and j evening, and a fowl supper at <i o'clock The Woman Voter The women of Canada have a great opportunity by reason of their enfran- ehiseroeiit Those of them who have studied politics have as a whole been reluctant to ally themselves with parties; others have timidly shrunk from al' political isiues, being shocked by the political game which is condemned by its very players. Women long to be nou parcisan, and Io and behold, just as they approach the threshold of their political life, the weapon is put into their hands with which they may itive the di^ath b:ow to partyâ€" and '.he party uuchines. Will they use it ' At no more auspicious moment could the women of Ctaada receive their enfranchisement, since their first vote can be cist without hesitation cr confus- on of mii.d. To wcnien enfranchised by reason of the active service of their men overseas the issue today is c'tarâ€" it U clear because to women ther,.' caa bj but one thought in the re'nforcimeut of the men and Canada's cuutiuued participation in the war. To these tliii!,;s the I'nion government is pledged. The sacrifices shall not be ill vatn. The voice if the women exDrcssed for t'u'so tti'.i turn the tc:i!e f r unity â€" and niake l"i.:"ii govtini;:ent assured. Through their numerical strength the women can scatter the old political par- ties â€" ar.d break u(i the gameâ€" perhaps for all time. .\ great opportunity indeed. â€" Mrs. L. A. Haniilti.n, Toronto. L^^.^iwaSgggS^fegs^gegy^s??^^ Karstedt's the Busy Store Rubbers ! ! Rubbers ! ! How about Eul)bers'? Now is the time to buy your Rubbers. We have a full rauge of Tan, Balack anJ 2 in. leather top rubbers, laced and buckled rubbers and the prices are right. Ladies' and Mtu's tiue rul)be!3. We can fit any boot. Wool Underwear We have a fine quality of men's wool under wear, â€" all dzes and the price *1.25 a garment and the natural all wool underwear. We have a lull rauge, â€" you will be money in your pocket if you come along and buy. Wool Sweaters Without) a doubt we have a finest rauge of wool sweaters â€" Black and Red Checked, Green and Brown checked. Blue and Brown checked ahd all plain colors, and the prices are right. We bought these sweaters a year ago or we couldn't sell iLcm at the price we do. Men's Winter Overcoats What about a Chinchilla Overcoat '? All colors, and also a Tweed coac, and we have coats with fur colars. Just what vou want this winter. Dress Goods We have a good line of Dress Goods, â€"all colorsâ€" come in aud see oar stock before jou get your new Winter Dress. Men's Tailor Made Suits We had a fine lot of men s Worsted suits made up. We had the good.s in stock and got a tailor to make them up, aud at the old price. Really these are a bargain. Come in, â€" a pleasure to show vou thp?e u'oods. Wool Blankets Now is the time to buy your wool Blankets, â€" the prices are right, and when this stock is done the new ones will be a lot dearer and an inferior luantity. We have a good range nf Flannelette Blankets, F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. I f f< (A I • ' u I i D' M u jjg '?."!5.'g*V}'vy ' <' * iy^v- ? ^*T'^' ' j^ * 'V '' ^ * ;^ * y^ * ^- * v * ^ ' ^ * ^ * ^ * J^ * ^ ' i: ' ^ * X * j^ ^ Flesherton Public School Fuel Problem Solved Word was received Monday by Mr. Rev. James Dudgeon and Rev. J. George Mitchell from a chaplain iu the Totten (a retired minister 75 years of age) aroiy informing him of the manner i« j ef Tottenham, the former of whom left which his son, ^Harold, was killed. It j Flesherton in July last, hare succesafully appears that he, with three coinpauions, ••pad with the fuel problem, according to were in » dugout captured from the | a loc*l po«t, who rides his Pegasus as Qernians, when a large shell fell, killing them instantly. A correspondent writing The Advance last Saturday says : " The .Advance this week seenia especially full of sad news. It seem* to me that it ills a wonderful place today, setting forth for all time Ih* Wonderful news of the wonderful boys, and putting on record the sacrifices of loving hearts at home." Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Uurdock of Durham visited the latter's brv>ther, Mr. Mark Wilson Jr., and o^hot friends here follows in the Totteaham Sentinel : Slim Jimmie Dudgeon and "young" Jack TuttOB Chopped down tree^ that were not rotten. They pushed and pulled a cioss-cut saw IHIl their "dainty " hiada were blistered and raw. "Now, Jimwy, pull right hard : ' said Jack ; "Push hard, yourself '." Jim answered back ; So Jim pulled hard and Jack pushed fast, Till all tha logs were sawn at last. during the past week. The young ootipU are beginning hsHsekeeping iu Durham, Tben^to the wagon tbey hitched .low having joined forces Wednesday of last week. Mr.Jand Mrs. Mark Wilson, Jr., a'tended the wedding. \ car load of stove ct>»l arrived for F. ^. Karstedt last week and was very <^uickly absorbed by an anxious public, who would like to see three or four more «ar loads arrive before Christmas, Those who can do so have all been burning wood of various kibds -good, bad and indifferent â€" up to the preaeat time. Dsisyâ€" Though piled tight full aha pulled it aisyâ€" Back to tholt home) they bi ought th« wood, Whiere, short of coal, they find it good. Now, as around the stove they ait, Says Jim to Jack "We've donu our btt," .\nd Jack he says to ,liin right quiek, "Takes us young Uds to do the trick." N. F. C4SW8H For Novemb,.'r 4th Class- R Boyd, J Kirotedr, G Lever, G t'.lakely, M McTaviah, W Lever, V Wilson, J Stafford. Sr. ;â- >â€" N. Sluiiik, M Nubii, I Lever, L McMulleu, E Ferri?, \ Norrit. U Mathewson. F Miihewson. D Colgan, Wilda Mariin, Cecil McTavish, Harry Carriniiton, John Carriogt<>n. Jr:'.â€" Hazel Wyville, Orrel Fisber, L Jargo, LuelU Blakeloy, .H Bowes, Cecil Loucks, Annie Teeter, W Carrington, A Fields, Bessie Stewart. Class 2' Elizabeth Bentham, Evelyn Ferris, Joseph Dinnick. Thelma Wilson. Emerson Thomson, Jessie Colgan, Ella McMulleii, Gordon Wyville, Ted Mc- Deaald, Narman Dinnick, CarlottaNortie Class 1 â€" Viola Thiitlethwaite, Marie Palton. Luela Lever, Lauia Boyd, Gordon Dinnick, TeddyiShunk, Norrie Bowler, Orville Mania, Harold Rich- ardson . Primer bâ€" Arlene Bescroft, Johouia ((uhc. Marjorie Dinuick, Melvin Sled, Donald DianicK,.\mhrosene Guy.Milton Teeter. Ruth Thistleth waits, Helen Welteii. Lily Carringloo. Prituer a â€" J eaoette Cargo, Ernest Fenwick, Ellen (juiun, Edna Field, Gordon Teeter, Blanche Patton. Pulpwood Wanted T*o thout-and ords of Si ruce and Balsam wood, cut 4 ft. long, not less than 41^ in. at the small end, knots trimaiea close; for which we will pay fb, ) per cord for balsam, and f7 per cord for Spruce, delivei'ed at neirest Railroad Ssatiou. .\nyoiio having same for sale write to phone Matkdale i5W 32. -W. T. KLUS, Kimberley. â- «..»â- â- >»»..».>â- .â- â- .»â- â- ».â- »â- â- •â- >â- â- »-•â- '•"• â- »â- â- »â- â- »â- •♦â- '< â- â- »i.».i»i.».^.». * *-# • % ♦.â- ♦.♦.â- »-^ - â- â- »â- •' >i »â- » » »â- See Our Beautiful Christmas Display V.>u cin not find a belter place to iet just the ri«ht thing for everyone. (Jur new stock is full of attractions. We have all sorts hi i..ys for the children â€" tleccrie Trains. Mechanical Toys, Model Builders. Flyiu'^ Machines and Games . f All Sorts. We have a sood stock >rf Ctnaduui-Made Dolls. F^r I IJer people we have Comb A' Brush sets in Ivory or Ebony. Books, Snap-shot Albums, PlSI Card .\lbums. Xmas Stationery and perfumes We have the new Methodist Hymn Book. Buy your Xmas candies now before the GovtM'nnient .>tnii- inaiuifacture of them. Will there be a Victrola in your home this Christmas? Come in and see them and hear the records. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON Flesherton, Ontario â- »"•â- ••--♦-* Union Government is concentrating its efforts to win the War. It has gone about raising reinforcements in the only prac- tical -way; under the Military Service Act, 1917. Laurier, Bourassa and their adherents admit their intention of holding up reinforcements so urgently needed in the trenches. Where do YOU stand ? To Back up the Boys â€" To Hasten Victory To Win the Warâ€" SUPPORT UNION GOVERNMENT To Women ^^.^''y woman may vote who is a British subject 21 years of ace^ Vraf Ara* resident in Canada one year, and in the constituency 30 days, who w OCerS. ig (-he mother, wife, widow, daughter, sister or half-lister of any person male or female living or dead who is serving or has served without Canada in any of the Military forces, or within or without Canada in any of the Naval forces of Canada or of Great Britain in the present war, or who has been honorably dis- charged from such services and the date of whose enlistment was prior to Septembe* 20th. 1917. Unionist Party Publicity Committee, 14 â- JIra' >MM*la*i