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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1917, p. 1

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fksA)ntm mmt^ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0t 37 No. 25) Flesh.erton, Ont., Tliursciay, Deceiiil^cr <_>, 1017 W. H THDfi^JTON "''''"•'' ud PBOPKIB Kimberley Budget , Feversham Items It is with deep reqict that we chroaicle the deatli of another ynun;^ gallant suldier, Leilli Lawrence, whu wkh killed in action. We were very intiina'ely ac'iuainled villi him and tu know him was to liive him. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a inui lay down his life for his friends.'' We are pleistd to see .Ja.sper Stuart Around again afi^r his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett attended ^he funeral uf the tatter's nephew, Mr. M. Lou^heed, of Clarksburg, on Sunday UU. John Stuar: left ou Saturday ou a butiiiies.s trill to Burks Falls. We are pleased to see the genial face uf Hnddea Hutchinson in our midst s;;aiu, he havin;; returned home one day la^t week after an extended vis<t with friends in the praititf provinces. Maiisell Cook sold a handsome driver to U.J.Stuart v-fThornbury recently Miss Elsie Flewes is visiting with friends iu Collingwood. Mrs Vict.<r Ellis of Brautford, is visiting at present at W. T. Kilts'. Thoa. Smart is building a haiidsoiue Karate for Thos. Camack. A new specie "f ralibits have been in thu pait for the last year . Thijy never chanje their color and are uoC unlike the Belgian hare. This ppecie burrows in tlie ground. Death ot Mrs. John Wiley In the death of Mrs. John Wiley the No* Kujjland commuuity sutTer.s tlie Inis of a much loved and respected resident. Mrs. Wiley bad been a sutferer for a number of years with cancer in the face but until the lastyear xi\e enjoyed a fair degiee of heaUh. The last few nidnibs, however, her •utieriog was intouM) and after iyinit almost a week conscious only at intervals she passed peacsfully to her reward at ID o'clm-k Thursday ui^ht. Nov. Ij, ill her O'.Kh year. DtCi'a*cd, whose maiden name was Kliza McUce, dauithter of Mr. Thomas McAfee, one of Kuphrasia'.s early pioneers. 'She was one iif a large family, with a very iiiJus- triou", hard working nature, who wan keenly .iitached to her family tud had a deep interest in their welfare. She and her hus(>au-i have b«cn continuous resi- dents here but for some eight yeats which they spent near Maxwell, where they moved, leavini; ths home place to their only sun, Sam. Two years a^o thi-y traded farms with Jaines Lanktree, then of thi.s place, and they returned to the M hoiHe neiyhborhood . Mrs. Wiley was a ddvole<l i.hiistian lady aud • valued member and supporlM* of New F.nKland chtir'.'h since early life, where het vacant place will be hard to fill. The older members are fast passini{ away. A brother â€" Thomasâ€" aud a si.stur â€" Mis James (Jouldâ€" passed away during the past year. She leaves to mourn her lo<s her eoriowmg husband and a i{rown up family uf three, all living â€" Sam on the h'luiestead, Nancy (.VIrj. Jiio. Morri.sou) Maxwell, and Mary at home also two sistersâ€" Mrs. Wm. Wiley of this place and Mrs. Neeley 'f Vandeleur ; and one brother, Robert, of northern Ontario. '1 he fuiieial took place to New Kugland cemetery Saturday aftsrnoon, service at the aud church conducted by her pastor. Rev. Mr. Lane, the pall bearers bcinir six nepnews- Jsmes, Goidon, Willard and Robert Wiley, Kobt. Neely aud John McAfe«. The sympathy of the couiinunily goes out to the sorrowing family and friends in tlioir hour of sorrow. Power House and Vicinity Wedding bells are ringiui;. We extend our sympathy to Operator liawrenco in the loss of a brother, wl o was killed in action. Bnck work commenced Monday on the new addition to the power house. C)perat.or Lawson leaves this week to spend hia holidays at the parental home in Kint(9tou. The annual school concert will ije held in Feversham school on Friday, Dec. 21 . Kverybody come and .see the chief feature of the evening "That Rascal Pat" There will also be drills songs, di.ilogues, etc. The best of the season. 26 ami l.*! ccs. The thaw last week .suddenly ^lu^ht c /Id and we are enjoying good sleighing again. Mi«s .Maud Guy of Maxwell, visited with her friend, Reta Osbunic, recently. Charles Henderaon ot CoUingwooJ, called on frienda here last week. John Morrison of Flesheitoii visited this burg recently. R J. Col'iuotte visited wit'j friend.s in Heathcote last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Samson and little dauuh- lur of Duutroon, vi-iled wiih Mr. and Mis. Hu;<h Fenwick over Sunday. Miss Carrie Kemahan. who has beeu out in Sask. for the past fev months, ha.s retu ned home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. ./as. Lecate of Gibralier, spent Sunday witn the latter's I'arenis, Mr. and .Mr:;. Kernahan. Wii; I'erigo and Kmerson Osborne of Collingwoiid, spent Sunday in this village. Veiy fine winter weather with about six inches of scow is allowing our thieaher men to lUsh their work to a finish. Eugenia Paragraphs A number from here attended the me-jorial si-rvice held in Flesherron for Pee. Ed. Jamitson. Much sympa'hy ia expressed for Mrs. Janiiesoii and family. Mr. .\lcx. Cameron and Mrs. Edward .\dmission I Graham attended the funeral of ihe.r cousin, Mr. Whitef^rd, near Hanover, last week. ... Mrs. R. Park ia spending a week wich her father near PriceviUe. Don't forget to get ready for the Methodi.â- ^t Sunday school anniversary on Wednesday, Dee. I'.t, See bills. Card Graham h.i8 mad-,' a busine-s trip to Toronto Russel Park, Mi»« Lily Campbell and Miss Marj- rie Park attended a birthday I arty on the 4h line last week. Nurse (jraimm hi» returned to Biidge- burg. N.Y. E. Moigan htsgtiiie to Taonto. Portlaw Dingwall BroK. have been threshing in this nei'.'hborhood the pait three weeks. We weie ^lad to sei* the dust and now lilad that till) work ia aeaiinv completioa. Fiaiicis Shire, who was leported very III, i.s now !> iiiewhat improved. Rst. Mr. Dinnick announced Sunday his intention to commence week night me'j iiii(s in the cburch ou Tuesday aud Friday of tliis week and every night except Saturday of next week. Iter. Mr. Coburn is expected to preach next Sund»y morning and assist iu the meet- ings iie.vt week. Everybody will be aiivijusto hear the famous war ln'ise whu has ou foriiisr occasions atirred the people here wilb his <iJo>pieDce. Mrs. Hiictor Mclntyro and three eliil- dieu tf Alberta are visiting with Mrs. J. \. Thompson. Deputy Reeve W. U. Guy of Maxwell Wi«s a visitwr with friends hjre lately. The Red Cioss Society held iheii' regular meeting last Wedn< sday at the home of Mrs. S. Pedlar. There was a large and enthusiastic alteiidauce and a large amount of work brought in. The next meeliii;; will be held at Mrs. Wm. Fishur on .Ian. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Thmiias Taylor visited over t!,e week end wiih friends in Maikdale. Walkerton -V youii;; luHii who put up a plea to the Walkerto 1 Tribunal that he was x"'iim to assist Daddy in running the farm and was eiemp'ed .m the grounds that la- was papa ;< only help, has since phoned the Chief of Police here D.4d had been kicking up such a row that lie can't live with hiiii. Ua asking the Chiel's advice as to what to do, he was adviaed ti Come riuht into town and «et into khaki. The son ,.f .••uch a pu^naci^'Us father, the cob thought wnuld be n whirl- wiud in battle, and just as the otti>;er was congratulating himself ihat. he had recruited a soldier, the wind was knocked out of b'm by the gent's reply that "he dnjii I foel like eidiftting as it wag a|^:iin»t his nalu'B to righ'." As a peace at any prici artist this fellow would >eiiu in lie the limit.â€" Herald and Tiiiu's. Vandeleur Happenings James Rusel i.f Rock Mills was * visitor ai Geo. Wright'a recently. Ed. Holley of Meaford is buying hay here. Miss .Annie Richardtion of Euphrasia was a caller in our neighborhood a short tmc ago. Mrs. Will Timmins of Glenelg visited ker parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jii.j. Warling, the beginning of the week. Vr. Alex. Carircn of Priceville visited friends here ih-; tirs'. nf lh« week. Porter Beard went to Owen Sound oi, Monday to see his aisltr, .Mrs. R. Mercer, who ia ill. .Mr. Gtori;e Pritchaid is vi.siting his daii(jb!er at Oxford, Mich. Mr. and Mia. .Ainos Siiiith of Mei.iord leiiewed iici|UaiiitHnccs here the begin- ning i>t the week. .Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller I'f Wjarton vi^^lted friends in this v;ci: ity f..r a few Jays list week'. .\. S. Dunl >p of Tornntii was a visiMr at Geo. Wailiug's recently. Mrs. J. M. Davis haa returned home after a two ni<>nths' visit with her daughter at Culborne. Mr. John Bolai.d returned h.ine .n Thursdiy aft^er spending « we. k with friend* ill Toronto and Newmarket. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. Jewelery Pig Came Astray S rayed ont., h .. p,eo.lses ,,f tnu 1'iideri.imied ..n ..r alioul .Inly Isr, one ui^. Owner |.».,ve ijropeity. p.y expens- es iind take NHm.' awny at nrice. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler â- J V. .SLKD Klesh- rt 11. FLESHERTON, ONT â- â€¢"••••â- â- â€¢.â- â€¢.. ''•••••-^.^.^.%..^.^.^.^,.^.^^^.^^,.^.^ '•• ••••»•-•••â- â€¢-••>« I Oundalk Heathcote 7. We hope a delegate to Toionlo last Biyd visiied N. McConnel, Do you know that if bacon is rubbed over carefully with mustard or soda, it will keofi from moulding even in waim weather ? In this way ii can be sant to the boys Ih the tienches. Try sending lomo in y> iir next box. Hartley Fawcett and wife expect to move to our village in the near future. Mra. James A. Liurheed is visiting with frienda and leUlivea in the S'ates, The L.O L. expect to have a box social in the villate hall on Dee'. for their success. Mis* Elsie (iardner was the W. 1, convention in week. Mr. and Mrs. James with their daughter, Mr-. ov»r the w.iek end. Master Ross McDonald, who has been living *iih his sister. Mis. (Dv ) McKe.-, has retained to his home in Luckimw. Miss Ida Thompson left for her new h line in Thorubury Tuesday. The Heathcote branch of the W. I. will hold ti:»ir monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.(Dr.)McKee on We1ne»il-^y, D.c. 13, »l:en it is re<|ues(ed that aty one having received yarn from the secre- tary will please leturii socks by ihat dale as we wish to make a ahipiiuMii, before Christ mai. We regret very much to our neighbors, Mr, and Mrs, J. .\. Conn and family, from our village, they having inovet" to their new home in Thornbury. Mr. Win. bailey of Shriijley received on Monday a cableuram dated Xnv. 2") direct from his .son, Sergt Gordon Bti ey wi,h the news he had been wounded, had arrived at a hospital in England an.l Will doing well. Miss Mi-jory McWillium, A.T.C. M, if Du.idall. has been appointei choir leader and organist in the Pre."liyt rian church at Sholburne where she enters upon her duties next Sunday, r'ur several yeirs .Misa .^IcWil||a,„ has been organiM in the Methodist church here and leader of the junior choir. •hi Monday Elliott It.igers, the U year old son of Mr. .Andrew Rodu-eis, '.Hh 3un. Proton, went out bun iuu atone iinned with a 22 calibre ritle. While in Jam. s Wiltshire's it appears that he g .1 a fall and the riHe discharged the bullet (22 short) entering the lower pa. t of his budy ami-takiug an upward course. The boy walked to hia home half a mile away and Dr. Mart n cf this place was hastily summoned. The bullet has not been lecovered up to Wtdueadny and the unfortunate lad i.s in a v ly eritcil condition. It is feand that perforation of sonid of iheviial o' erit c il in Wild (lis has occurred Heiald. and may lesult .seriously- Rev.J. Buchanan, formerly Prestiy- terian luiuistei of Dundalk, but who for some years has b.eii pa-stor of Elmv».'(> and Knox church, in t'los, his resigned his position in thai places. Ceylon Chat Mrs. ot Proton, v.srid Mrs. Aichie McMulicu, here, week. Mr JimesClhiisou of Duadas. visited with his father, «ho ia ill. tor a couple of days. Mrs. J. McMillan has returned a f:'ui weeks' visit wiU) frieims at T roulo. Mr. and Mrs. John Giosoo spent a c Mijile of tUjs last week in the oily. Mr. Douglas Gowanlock rf Poit E'u n is a guest at Mr. D. McPkails. Mr. W. White cf Dundalk week end with h s .son here. Miss Syble C-.iliuson returned Monday to Toront^i to e nt nut- her studies. -Mrs. Sellers of bigger, Sask.; arrived Monday to visit her sister, Mra. Riiids. The Willing Uelpeis intend, instead of the usii.kl business meeting this week, to hold a social evening at the res'dence of Mrs. J. Cummins en Friday night. Everybody, .imall and great , come and hive a nice cup of lea anU a good old- fashioned cbar. spent the fbiny Lauder HtteMded a meeting ot the U'ltary Clu'i, A Gipsy's Prediction Will the war be over in two.moiitl.a .' Those who believe in seerj aud foriui.e tellers believe ihat it will. One of the mi »t peculiar alories bear- ing out the assertion ihat the world conflict will end in Januiiy, 1!U>«, is vouched for by a London woman, whose friend was one of the occupants 'f hd automobile which iiroke down < n li.e Hamilton to Toronto hiiihway several weeks .igo. Here m the story as tolii to the Londoner : " We had a hre-ik lown on our trip t'> Toront.-i and were toid by the chaiiHeiir that It would he an hour before we « uld be able to proceed. .\ gyp*y en up ineiit had just been passed a few hun ur. d yard.s l-,ack., so we went to get our l'..r- tuiiea to!cI. .\fter the «irls had had their past and future life f iretold the old sipsy turned to Mr. *' Before you tell my fortune will j, u be so good as to tell me when the war is going to end,"' he a.sked with a laugh. "January, l!)l«,'' wis the reply given unhesitatiiiglv. " Ves ; hu; hew do you know that ' was asked. " " How do I know that y >ur chauli.oii is lyiitg dead under your car a short wmv down the road ! " aaked the The parly did not wa t fjr more but hurried to the car. The ch*utfeur was lying dead under 'lie luacbine as thn gypsy had f..uU)ld. luvestigalion proveil that he had died of apoplexy. How did the gypsy know the man waa dead, reasoned iho party. If slif knew of the chaurt'euis death was it not re-.s- oiiable that she should know other thini.". They at least are convinced the »:ir will be over at the beginning of the yia-. They are also over a i umber ot" other things that she predieted during' the fortune tjiling, â€" Lindon Advertiser Women Who May Vote Women poescsaiiig the following i|uali- lications areenutled to a vote in the coming election : Biitish subjects and no Indians. Tweuty-ene years of age. Resident in Canada one year and tic onsli uency thirty days. Must be either wives, widows, motheis, sisters or daughters of persons, male or female, living or dead, who are, or ba\e served in the militia forces of Canada or Great Britain or the naval I'orce.s of l.'ana- da or Great brilaio, in the present war. No female person of a dishonorably discharged soldier or sailor may vote. No female relative of person« who joined the naval forces of CanaeU siuce passing of the Election .Act, September 20, shti'l vote. fi[ ifi •\ u -^ New ( );';in''e,r eiuoii ^5 [S ^\ \> i ^^ iunl Citron Walnut.-: anil N' Tastry Hour. l\ and Harvest <^neen Vels. A In iriK Shelle'l ^/ IJcst A' '/.^ !• Ijivailâ€" Five'.s '^ /V Ontario bran and .shorts Wc havf a lull .stock on land of Royal I'urple Stock Poidriy .Spocitic an<l C.ilf .Meal. am W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario â€"•»•»••••••••.•..•..•..«. The Power Behind the Profitable Farm C-/ie > USTER>; ^ Gasoline \3ritishBuilt b armors t„.d,jy (,„,.„ ,„^ j^^^.^ chance ever to make moneyâ€" if they can only solve -he Labor pr-oblem. Here a wliere The Lister iJasolinp Kiimoe comes in. It |i-,ndle» no end of heavy work an.uiid the barn aud, and does ii f^r cheaper than hired menâ€" even if you ciuld •.iet thoni. From urindiiiir. driving ihe auw ami h.iy cutter, filling 'he s:lo. pun,pini£ water .V: sawing wood, down to ruiioii.g the sep.ira- lor and urindstone. it will do so maiiv hard, liresome jobs that you'll wonder how yni ever aloni: without it. got ' D. MCTAVISH, \^ It y u are in'erestid in the chespjst tlhciaut firm help i ii rteord. let us tall; il over ivilli > -u FLESHERTON % Tho time f .r appeslia from desision.s' > f ' Local Tnhiinala ou exempti ma from uii'i. tary service bvs been extended seven days, â-  T^'O'-to. »iid raised | owing to misundei-stanaing having nnten ».<W,0(W ,n subscriptions to the Vi.-tory and caused confusion, so that the date now is the of DeB«m''er. Loin, FOR A PAIR OF % BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON

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