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Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1917, p. 2

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â- :;TS'-'^^'*^*'^*--"'<"--> :â- >? Yes, they are girls!â€" working as coal haulers in the London Hydraulic Power Company's pumping station, thtroliy releasing men for the fighting. FRANCE'S WHEAT ITALY HOLDING IS LESS BY HALF HER BATTLE UNES BRTTISH TROOPS ACHIEVE GREAT ViaORY OVER FRONT OF 32 MILES General Byng's Troops Advance Toward Objective, the Railroad Junction of Cambral â€" Take 9,000 Prisoners. A despatch from London says: The to midday Thursday. The British great Ilindenburg defence line, upon j casualties are declared to be consid- which the German commander-in-chief j erably less than the number of pris- had builded his hopes of holding the j oners taken V>y General Byng's men. British from inroads into the open A despatch from British Headquar- territory beyond, has been smashed, ters in France says: The British re- and the t*ik apparently was an easy | newed their attack on Fontaine and one. . are still holding the ground between Attacking over a front of 32 miles, I Cantain^ and south at Fontaine. It i.s extending irom the Scarpe River east I unofficially estimated that several of Arras to St. Quentin, with his Eng- | score of guns have been captured, lish, Scottish, Irish and Welsh troops i The attack came after a night of General Sir Julian Byng, who planned I comparative quiet alonp the Cam- and carried out the attack, has made brai front and was delivered against one of the most rapid and spectacular the German positions at Fontaine and drives of the present war, catching about both sides of the southern part the Germans completely by surprise of the Bourlon Wood, which domin- in the onslaught, capturing numerous i ates Cambrai and much of the sur- positions which were considered im- , rounding territory. At the simc time pregnable. j Irish infantry with tanks were mak- The British manoeuvre which has as , ing an assault against the enemy de- its objective the encircling and cap- fences about Moeuvres, where san- ture of the important railroad junc- ; guinary fighting already had occurred tion of Cambrai, in Northern France, during the last three days, and early I Cavalry, tanks and infantry are oper- in the morning had stormed the _ j i ating along a line running from west ground in the vicinity of Tadpole n . ,,. 4*i 1 1 I, «i "' Cambrai to south of the town. All Copse, which lies on an elevation just Other Oops and Live Stock .\re Kesisl I-ierce Attacks Launcnea ^ ^j,g ^j^^j ^^^^ captured the past two west of the town, and forced the Ger by Invaders. days has been retained and consoli- mans to withdraw after a sharp en- A despatch from Headquarters of ''fted with the exception of Fontaine gag^^^ the Italian Army in Northern Italy, ' Notre Dame, a village captured this , The enemy on Thursday began the gaysâ€" The fourth Italian army under '"°''"'"*^' ''"' subsequently lost as the concentration of troops and artillery General Robilannt is meetin.r the full : resiilt of a counter-attack. ; between Cambrai and the Bourlon force of the tremendous shock the '," »<''•'»">" ^° ^eavy losses in nien Wood, and gave every indication that enemy has concentrated between the ^'Hed or wounded more than 9,000 they purposed to battle desperately Piave and Brenta Rivers . In author- , t.ermans had been made prisoner up . for the recovery of their lost territory , itative quarters the correspondent was Much Reduced Compared With 1913. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Food Controller's office on Thursday made public figures of food production in France which are far below the pre- war average. The most serious de- cline is in wheat, the 1917 crop being ^:Ms?i.!;:;;pr;wi;;ftE^;r:??!rY"^^^^^ the World tion of 191.3. The potato crop is short his blow are in the proportion of j Ifiai hCl» Ul UIC " Ul lU 33.1 per cent., or l.;r,,000,000 bushels, ^ree to two as compared with the, Tu 1 . u T ii„„ ««• v,,T Italian forces, and this is practically : The sugar beet crop has fallen on by ' >" . ' r.7 nnr ,.»„» «,. 1 49 nnn nnn l.ii<iVinls ' "-he relative strength on the two wings I Tor.mio. «.7.9 per cent., or 148,000,000 imshols. Brenta where General N"- ' No'th.m »2.235: No. 2 <Io . $2. The number of cattle has d.-lined 16.5 «esi or tne Brenta, wneic *^'e»erai .,_ 3 ,,^ ^^ |7J; ;io. 4 whoai. » ner cent nr •' J-t", nOO hnnd The num- ^*'^°'"' comma'lda the ^'St Italian gtorr Fort William. IncludlnK 2j|c tax percent., or _,4.ij,uuu nead. inc num , _ , ^^^_ _;..u^ ...; ..1 .i,» I .Mmiltolm outsâ€" No. 2 C. \V.. 76o; No. 3 C.W.. Tljc No 1 extra feeil. "2o; No. ' 1 feed, 69Jc, In store Fort Willlatn. i American corn â€" No. 3 yellow, nomliml Separate Pieces? â€" Brooklyn Eagle. Breadalnffi Nov. 27 â€" Miinltoba No: 2 rifA. 66i<-. Barleyâ€" No. 3. $1,221; No 4. tl.lfii; reed Htnl rejected. $1.07. Flaxâ€" .No. 1 N.W.C. J2.1)S. Pecori commands the her of sheep has been reduced by 3C.6 ; "^J"' "'"^ ^^f^''^^^\ "''l?^/''?"^ ?a^ Piave, where the Duke of Aosta holds the enemy as in a vise. per cent., or .'),33r,.O00 head. There has been a clecline of 40.2 per cent., or 2,825.000 head, in the number of hogs. In order to conserve it.' much-re- duced supplies of wheat, France re- quired that not more than 80 per cent of wheat flour may be used in the making of bread, the remaining 20 per cent, consisting of rice, bar- ley, oats, maize, beans and ground nuts. A despatch from London says: â€" Be- tween the Bienta and Piave Rivers .'n the Italian theatre the Italians and the Teutonic allies are still at deadly grips, with the enemy endeavoring to . break through to the Venetian Plain, tenaciou.>;ly holding them. All along the front the fighting is of a particul- arly sanguinary nature, the troops t .\.\.\I)I.\NS IN frequently meeting in hand-to-hand T.'^.NKS FOR HYNG encounters and positions often chang- ' ing hands. A despatch from Lomlon says; â€" The enemy everywhere is throwing The As.sociated Press has received the masses of men against the Italians, following telegram from France: and his losses in men killed, wounded, "('anadij will be intensely interested or made prisoners have been extreme- in the splendidlj successful attack on ly heavy, the River Scarpe. The credit of the I Ontario oats- No. 2 wlilte. 71 to 72c. nomlnul: .N'n 3. do., 70 to 7U-. nominal, ucrordliijf to I'leiKlitB out«lde finHirlo wheat â€" .New. .No. 2 Winter. $2.22: baclH. In Ktore. Montreal. Teas â€" .No. 2. $3.70 to $3.S0, aecordlns to frelKhtH outside. Harlevâ€" MiillinK. $1-2 to $123. ac- (HirdliiR to frriehts outside. .,,,,. , Hucl<wheatâ€" $1 -15 to $1 50. accordlnR but with the Italians everywhere to frelKhtM outride Rye â€" No. 2. $1.72. ttccordlnic to frelKhtH oiilKlde. Manitoba Hour â€" First imtents. In Jute buK-s. $11,611; 2nd. do.. $11. UO: strong bakers', do.. 110. CO, Toronto, Ontario flour^Winter. ai-cordInK to xumpio, $9 !iii In buKs, .Montreal; $:t.70, Toronto; $U,70 bulk, veubourd, |iroin|>t 8hl|>ment, Millfeed, rnr lotN, delivered Montreal frelKhtM, liH(t» Iniliideil â€" Hian, |ii-r ton, $35, 'xliorlH. do, $12; mlddllnK". do.. $15 to $1U; Kood ti'i'd flour, piT biiK. $3.26. Hay â€" No. 1 new. per ton. $16 to $17; talxed, do., $13 to $1.1. truck Toronto. TTnltad Btatea Markati MinneaiMdiH. .\i,\. 27 â€" <.'orn--No S whPntâ€" yellow. $2.05 to $2.10. Oatsâ€" No 3 $2.iOj; I white. 66 to 67c. Flour â€" Fancy patento. • • '" unchanged; In carload lots, firm clearB. $!).50. jute; second clear.s. $S.76. Jute. Hranâ€" $33 to $33.60. Duluth. Nov. 27 -I.inseedâ€" $3 334 to $3 35i: to arrive. $3.22J to $3.24]: to irrlve in November. $3.3*>i: November. bid; December, $:t.22|. May. BRITISH NEAR AIRPLANE BOMBED THE HOLY CITY CONSTANTINOPLE $3,271 $3.1kI. Klva Stock Kkrkats. i Toronto. Nov. 27- Ilxtra rtiolce heavy Bteers, $11. Go to $12. do. Rood heavv. $10.76 to $11.40; buiiliers' cattle, choice. $10 26 to $10.50; do.. Rood. $9.50 to $y.7.'i; do., medium. $8.75 to $9; do. I'ommnn. $7.60 to $^: butcherM' bulbs, choice $S.50 to $9; do.. Rooil buIlK, $7.40 to $7.!>5; <ln.. medium bullH, $6 $5 to $7.10; do.. rouKli bnll.x. $5 to $6; butch- er**' eowji, choice. $S..^o to $9; do.. Rood. $7.60 to $S; do. mt^liuin. $6.60 to $6.76: Htoikern $7 to tn 2.1. feeders. $9 to $'J 76; I'unnern and cutters. $.'> to $5.66; milNeiN. Root! to choice. $!•.'> to $1(0; do., ' com and med . $75 to $i<u, oprltisera, $»5 to $150. llKht ew.'S. $ I 1 50 to $13.60: buck.o and rullH. $9 to $10.60; 8heop, heavy. $5.75 to $7.50. veurlingK. $12 to $13: culveu. Rood to ehoico. $14 to 16: Siirlni; laiiilm, $I6 2.'> In $16.75: Iioks. fed and wutcred. $l\.2.'i: <lo welKlietl off <ur.«. $1S50. do, fob, $17,26, victory goes to General Byng, the Clanadians' former Commander. With him are some Dominion Stafl' officers wl.o ele t ' to go with him wh..n he left the Canadians. One unit was led by a Canadian officer, who, since the I'asschendaele battle, joined Byng's splendid army. The taiik.n which broke through the German defences have hundreds of adventurous young Canadians. This service is becoming as popiilar with the i ominion troops as the Flying Corps. TWO MOIIE IIRITISH Sl'CCKSSES I.N (Jl'U.M A.N KA.ST .AFRICA A despatch from London says: â€" The following oflficial communication was issued on Friday regarding the opera- tions of the British forces in East 122T{RITIsn .Sflll'.S ; been purchased for the Imperial Rus- > sian Government before the revolution LOST WITHOIT TRACE and stored in a warehouse here, was ' seized by Federal Administrator A despatch fiom l.ondan says: - (ieorge M. Ralph. It will be placed 111 the House of Lords on Friday Ad- upon the market immediately, niiral Lord Beresford, retired, called , . , . , i straw â€" (Jar lots, per ton. $S 50 to $9. Ihe invaders are making herculean ' truck, Toronto. efforts to break out upon the plain be- ! I fore the pvnected Rritlsb and French Ootuitry Frodncaâ€" Wtaolaaal* | loie int expeciea niiiisn and irentn i>,iner ckiimmm y. koIIiIh per lb.. 42J reinforcemeiits arrive, but up to the to 43c. pilntB, per lb.. 43 to 43ic. dnlr>, present their efforts have been with- ; "''f^jJj-JJ.;,;;^?''^;,,,,^,,,.,, ^^^^ ^7 ,„ ^,,. I out avail. Comparative ([uiet prevails ; Potatoes â€"WbolexalerM ore imylnit siloii.r fVio Pinvp Rivpr tn the AHrintic Krowers and country rlilppera $1.S.'; to along tn(, nave ituer to tne Aariniu. ^ 9c ,„r tirsi-c las.s «ioik. lo.b. Toronto I Wholenulrrx »ie silllnit to the retail <^ { trudu at the follow iiiK pririH: â€" i t'hpese New. Iari;e. 2:1 10 234<'; twin". ' Africa: TKN THOl'.SANU TO.NS 231 to 23Sc; early ehceHe. 25i to 26c; j ..w„,i„„^ i,,,. , i..f, ,.„!,,„,„ u,.,,;,,., (IF 'â- rr \k RFI F\SFD l"'ce twin. 26 to 26Jc. Wednesday our left column, having wr ..m.viv Hutter- Fr.Bh dairy, choUe. 40 to 41c; , traversed the Makonde Plateau, enter- I creamery prlntH. 45 to 46i'; Hollds, 44 to A despatch from New York says: 1 ^f"fc:^,^,^^.„„ ,„„, Ten thousand tons of sugar, which had No. 1 moruite. 43i- I 48c, I l)res,«eil poultry â€" .'^luInK chicken.-*. 24 to 26i . I'onI 20 to 22i': Hi|uubs. per do« . $4 to J4 f)ii; turkeys. 2s to 32c, dinkti, .SprliiK, -'U to 23c: Ke.Hc, IS to 20c I l.lve poultry â€" TurUevs. 25c; .SprinR chickens, llj., I Or; liens. 13 to 19c, I duck«, Sprlnff IS to ll'c; jreene, 12 to I 14c In curtoM.s 5S to 6O1'; Beleci xtoraKe, 4 7 to 16 vz., $2.40 to -Tins, 21'k and 5'«. 19 o'm. LSI to 19c: 6118. 18 The sugar wa^ bought for the Gov- I ,,"o'><'V-.r<""n'l" -';•;'""" ^.«"'';; ,,,..... . , , . , r. .. »f , 1 $3.50; 12 o«., $3,00. No. 2 attention to the inceasing number of ; eriiment of Former hmperor Nicholas ! 12.50 strained " ships that are "mi^sing without trace" l,y the Mjirinc Transportation .Service '<[ '^'i'" i""'' "'â-  and to the disclosure in the com- t forporation. After the overthrow of, Means ranadlii-i. niptiilniil munications of Count von Luxburg, ' the Russian dynasty there was no iiandpUkid $6 go to $ii.;5 , ,, «,. . . . , .â-  1 , . . .. ., rr., . ' I.I man. pir lb., li to 17Jc. former (jeiman Miiii.ster to Argentine, [claimant for the sugar. The trans- | l-otaloesdii Hackâ€" Ontario of Germany's plan.'- for the I'inking of portation corporation attached it as;'" $-•-» vessels in this manner. Loid Lytton, part of the personal property hero of f.'ivil Lord of the Admiralty, replying Nicholas Romanoff, the deposed sove- to Lord Beresford. .'-aid in the | reign, in a suit to recover $2,800,000 three years, ending v^i'h 0< tober last, -for alleged breach of contmcl. 12li vessels had been lost "without ^ trace." The normal average in peace times, he added, was l.'> vessels yearly. ! CANADIANS TO CA.ST VOiFS AT I'OLLS IN UNITED SIA I Imported pii bujih; baK. $2 16 30 '(o I ed SInbas, seven miles north-east of Kitangari. Fifty-seven Germans and 75 Askari."? surrendered. "On Friday ouv right column enter- ed Newala and I'Jii Germans and 76 Askaris were captured. "In last Friday's action at Mnndebe our small forces inflicted on the numerically superior enemy losses greater than they sustained, and also captured pri.sonera." ^ KFRKNSKY'S TROOPS HAVE SUKRENDERED. A despatch from Copenhagen says: 'The Bolsheviki press agency official Cttplure Village Within Five Miles of Jerusalem. A despatch from London says: ' British troops marching on Jerusalem were on Monday last within five miles of the city and carried at the bayo- net's point a village almost in the shadow of the Mount of Olives. It was on the top of this elevation that the Kaiser endowed what ostensibly was a hospital, but this "hospital" has turned out to be a fortress with guns commanding the surrounding region. CATCH OF SEA FISH SHOWS LNCREASE. I A despatch from Ottawa says: A report on the results of sea-fishing operations in Canada for the six months from .^pril to September, and also for the month of October, has been {s.-iued by the Department of the Naval Service. It is stated that in comparison with a similar period last year the landings of cod and halibut on the Atlantic coast have increased by over half a million hundredweight. The herrinfr "Patch for the si.\ months this year, however, was far belov.' that of last, amounting to only 645,844 cwts. as compared with 94<),487 cwts. The quanbtty of salmon taken on" the Atlantic coast during the season of 1917 was 1,578 cwts. ^ort of the pre- vious season's catch. A British Machine Flew 2.000 j â-  Miles in Series of I Eight Flights. I A despatch from London says: The Admiralty announces that a success- ; ful air attack in the vicinity of Con- stantinople has been fully accomplish- ' ed by a large British bombings aero- plane, which flew from England to a British base in the Mediterranean ir. a series of eight flights. The stopping j places included Lyon.'? and Rome, and the total distance covered was nearly two thou.sand miles. The machine was actually in the air thirty-one hour.<=. This is believed to be a world's record for a cross-country journey, and for the weight carried. During some parts of the flight strong j winds and heavy rainstorms were ex- perienced, and there was one stretch ' of 200 miles over a mountainous coun- , try, where it would be impossible for ' any machine to land. •:s As the result of careful enquiry. Lord Lytton added, he had no reason to be- lieve that siich disasters were increas- '"K- jf RKITISH TROOI'H IN ARABIA (A 1*1 I RED I'OST NEAR ADEN A despatch from London says: The Rritish War Office on Friday night issued the following statement on military opeiations in Southern Arabia: "We attacked and captured a Turk- ' fi'male relatives are entitled to vote, ish post at .labir, 15 miles north of i '•'•'ereforc, female relatives of ('ana- Aden. Losses were inflicted on the I '•'""" '" fii't-'ah "'' Canadian units in enemy, and his defences were destroy- 1 the SUtes will vote as well as the sol- ed." tra No. 1 feed. S3i- , $1.33: I'Mour - - Man putenlM. tlrslM. fll.6ii MtroiiB bilkers', $10.;)ii A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" For the first timre in the history of the Dominion Canaciian polls will be es- tablished in the United States. Many Canadians have joined the Royal Fly- ing Corps and are stationed in one of the Southern States. For these, mili- tary polls will be established, and the men will cast their vote in the elec- tions as though still in (Canada. Fur- ther, once a soldier leaves Canada his i jei"""''^', ^'V ,'" A.'""; 'i'?'"' 5irt'. seleiled. 4(i to 4 1 Provlalona â€" Wholeaale .SiiiiikiMl meiit,M llam.s. ini'dioni. .>•) i.. i , . _ _ . i ,u . ii » 3lr; do. heuvv. 26 to 27.-; cookeil, 41 lo | ly reports from Petrograd that all of i'i"': •:'.',""â- ,",."' ^'^V 'i';'"'* *â- ';';'" •','"""â- : Premier Keronsky's troops have sur- 38 to 42r; backs, iduln 40 to lie; bone- i , , ..if., ,. , l -i â-  i less. 43 lo 44c I rendered and that the Hcdsheviki also '^o'i'''','. ""',""* .'â- r.V*' '."t"'" <>»â- â- ""• 27* ' |,;jvi, gained a complete victory at tOaSi- lb, cU'liI- bt'llleH, 269 to 27c, ,_, ^ ,, , i ^ . .l r» l.ard -I'uri- lurd. tlerees, 27 lo 271c; . Moscow, says a despatch to the Her- tubB, 27* to 27i|c; paiis, '27* to 2Sc. [ ]ingskc Tidonde from Unpnrniida. coMiuound, threes, 23 to 23J( ; tubs, 23i - . ,„, ,,, ,, ^ u . to 23Jc; |)allB, 231 to 24c. 'The Ukranian dovernment has sent an army of 150,000 against Gen- ,"''!?*"'*.?!"''•*" , ,, 'eral Kaledine, head man of the Don Moiiliiul. Nov. 2, iiuts ('niiHdlanl » , i . .1. .•_ i-i _ Western. .No 2 sf..-, do, iSo. 3. s:ic; e)t- I Cossacks, uiid at the same time Gen- l . S. TRANSPORTS HAD EXIITING TRIP A despatch from a French Port, says: â€" "The latest America. trans- ports to reach here had an e.xciting trip through the submarine zone. The first night in the zone two transports collided. One was slightly damaged while the other had a small hole torn in her bow and a few projecting guns damaged. The temporary repairs w,ero made and the ships proceeded. The following night a submarine attacked the transports. The wake of a torpedo was seen off the bow of one of the vessels, but no conning tow- er or periscope was visible. The trans- ports raced ahead and succeeded in reaching port safely, where the col- lision damage was repaired. Hurley -MultinK. .SprInK wheat .'^ei'oiid.'). $1110: siralftht rollers. eral Krasnoff, a member of Kcr- ensky's staff has gone to Kaledine's . .. ,r ,, ,. , , „ . head(iuavters to open negotiations bnK.'< $6 20 lo $1)35. Itolled t )ats~ lings, ..,!.,, . HO lbs. $4 224 to $125. llranâ€" $36. I With him. Shorts $40 lo $41. .MUUIIItib!' $4S to Jjt - $6o. iloulllle $fi.". to $56. Hay â€" No. 3. ; „ ,. . , ,, ... , per ton. lur lots. $12.50. Cheese i.'ineHt ' Byng Promoted I'or Victory. westerns. 2IJi'; do., (liiesl easterns, 2He. i . , , » j .- Huttei ('h(jire8t creamery. 45 to 4,iic. I A despatch from London saysi No'*"i''s^tock" '^'"^ George has promoted Lieuten- 42 to 43c, No 2 Block, 311 lo 40c tatin'S - Per luiK. cur lol»». $2.20 to l-o- $2.25. WlnnlpaK Qraln Nov. 27 â€" I'ush priies- CW.. 7Bc; No. 3 C.W, 71?, fed, 72c; No 1 rei-d, 61Ui ont-tieiieral Byng lo the rank of Gen- eral, in recognition of his distinguish- ed service in the field in the recent operations, it was onk'iull,v announced on l''iiday. CANADIAN TROOPS ARRIVE IN ENGLAND. A despatch from Ottawa says: It' is officially announced through the Chief Press Censor's Office, that the following troops have arrived in Eng- land: â€" 280th Battalion, Montreal. Drafts: â€" Royal Canadian Regiment from Halifax; 5th Royal Highlanders, Montreal; C.M.R. Depot Hamilton; A. M. C., Montreal; Cyclist Platoon, Quebec; Naval, Quebec; Artillery, Petawawa; Forestry, Aldershot; Royal Flying Corps, pilots, Toronto; RUSSIANS IN CAl'CASrS WIN BIG VICTORY. A despatch from Petrograd says: The Russian Caucasus armies have won a marked success against the enemy along the River Dyal, accord- ing to information reaching the army and the Workmen's and Soldier's Delegates. The Russians initiated an attack and overcame the enemy, cap- turing 1,000 of them, of whom 134 were officers. The morale of the troops is said to be excellent. MANY (;REEK DIVISIONS HAVE JOINED S VLONICA ARMY A despatch from Washington, D.C., says: Greece is rapidly preparing to take her part in the war. A cable- gram received here on Thursday from Athens, via Switzerland, says many new division.? of Greek troops swiftly formed have taken their places at the front. The morale of the new troops is declared to be excellent. 150 TO 200 TANKS ISED IN BRITISH DIJIVE A despatch from .Amsterdam, says: A Berlin de3pati.'h quotes the Lokal Anzeiger as saying that the British used from 160 to 200 tanks on their advance on Cambrai.* Henri Mason, of Brussels, estimates the toUl loss of Belgium in buildings, equipment, stores and loss of trade at $1,060,288,000. .\11 household pan.^ should 1 ? kept on shelves made of strips of wood, so ] that plenty of air can get to them? This ''.eeps them sweet and fresh for use.

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