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Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1917, p. 8

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November 22 1017 THK FiLESHERrON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies PKINCK AHTHUK LODOK, No. ;<.«,A.F4 A M, uieott lu tilt tI»>ouic k»ll, Arm troiKD Kluck KlwUorton, ovory KriiUy on before tb« tall moou. T. lloury, W. U. H.W. HiokllDg, Secrvtkry, OIIOSKN FniKNDH Kle«l.Krtoii Couoci Clioa«u KriemI* ai I uit«tii in daytcn'* lUI Brit nnd tliiid ^Vcdluâ- l><Uv u> racli uiuiiUi a H |ijii, I'ay aHDCbiiii'iitii li> liiioiiUi uii o iivlotf tlio tUnt ilay uf ihcIi iiiotitli. l'bi« (\iuncillor, W, II, Hunt; llccoriier, Mra. tj. A Kieluir. Dentistry Dr: e. C MURRAY I.. O. S , Aeutal •or(«on bctior Kratltiate of Toronto UuiVtirHtty and l^oyal College of l)«utal Hiirtientie of Outario, Uaa aAiuiainiatered tor teotli extraction lllc« at residuuce, Toronto Htreet. Fleaiierton. Medical /P OTTEWELIi Veterinary Rurfieon 3raduate of Ontario Vvtcriiiary ('olleRs reeideuee â€" secoml door houiLi weHt'oo kiary atreet. This ttrcot ram oiitli Fresbyterian Cbnroh. Chas. E McLean. M D. C M, Specially â€" Kurgery, Midwifery A Wmiu'ii's Disoasen OencKsâ€" t'lusherl )U. h >v Mouse. l'iiccville--<;(in>meriial Uiiel, 1I.;Mi t.i 1 ji.iii. Dnip More ill eunnrttioii Willi iirti<«'. Office Hours ill KleHlierton-.-We^liiesday uii 1 t'riday aft'TiKi-Jii J tn "â-  pin. I'lioiie mexi-ajrir rcceii- attenti'iii :it lyoth oHieex lUMayls Sheep ^«rtus Dogs [neU of porcupines, «i)d after a tight in I which the purcupiaeH had everything Althe rui|UC9t uf Ar cinedia Council their own way, tli« Walkortoii cauines we liublisU thia week some BcleclioiiH be»t a hasty rolreat with thoir nostnlH fivjin iliB Act for ♦heProtcctiou of Sheep. . hiukiuK like a brooui, with .luilN. i'J) Any porBOii iii;iy kill any do« i Ou Saturday afternooui, the Jid inst,, which he sees paikuiii},', woriyliiK or, Mr. Reuheti Whittis made a jjiueaome wuundinv any shei'ii. 1 discovery in the bunh on hi« farm on (10) The overiecr or occupant of .j the 4t.h of Hruce, when he Jounrl the body f*rm. or .hi« servant, who tindn a ^ok''^ J'liicoU,,, » UcheUn- .vim lives on lot without lawful peimis.ion in an enclosed 2i'. ^nd of Bruce, l.fele*, hanging to a .. , , , - ... I ..„„,. „,„-i tree. Mr. Campbell had Ijesii misHinu field oti huth farm j^ivmn toiiKue and f i^ â- I â-  1 _„...», f,,..., ...»« Kince the previous Monday. Ho hn.s not turrifyiutf any »heep on 8uoh fmm, may i » ,.,,., been in the of health for Some time kill ftuch.uug. ., . ,. Li I land It IM suniiised in a fit of despond. (2) No dof? so strayiug which beU>ni!.s i ,.,,.,.• V -/ ^" ""R J ^ " g„cv ho look hiK lite to or if iiept or harbored liy the occup*nt of any premise.'j iiuxt adjoining such farm or ncict adjoining that part of any highway oi lane which abulH thereon, nor any dog so stiayinfr either when seciiiely muzzled or Hlien accompanied He wi>s aboht (iH years of age and lived with his mother. Artful Dodgers , ; Many l^EtiAL LLTAS, HASEY * hKNIIVâ€" Harrintera. fiolicltoiK. u)c.-l. li. l.ucnH, K. C; W, K, Kaney, K. C. ; W. I), lleniv, H. A. (IHicen, rorouto, hOOy Tiadem Haiit llldc iihonc cuaiD Kl'2: Markdsle Liicai lllnrk, i'lione 'J A. llraDcboQice at Uuudalk ai<«u every Satunlsv. WKioHT. Ti:i,i"OHi) * ^te^(lNALU Itarrixter. KollcitorK, Ac. OUiee8. (iicn & Hruce Dlock. Owoii Sound. Kt«uilard llanit lilock,Kle«berton.(Satiird»vfi. W. H. Wriiilit, W. P. Telford Ji. J. C. McDonald, U L.. II. tfi Bi' Cards CULLOUGH & YOUNO Hankers Markdale lieoeral bankiuti bualDUBt. Mouey loaned at reaaooable rate* Call ou ua. and dovi'ius are the uiethods by ur being within reasonable ciiil or resorted to and the artful subterfuges Control (if lift ownes or of any juoraon employed by ihu eliuible.s and their i da- having the charge! or care thereof, fth.ill tivea aiiu friends to enable the former to be so killed uiilesM there is reasoa .to evade Kervice under the Military Con- believe that sucli dog, if not killed, ia scription Act. Not only are thciu act.s likely I'l pursue, worry, wound or tertify xep'rehensible and unpatriotic, but also sheip tlieo on .such farm. dishonest audio some punishable (1:.') On complaint niade in wiiiingcn by line and iiiiprisonuieut . An instance oath before a Just ice. (.f the Peace that is'jUoLed where an apprehemive parent any person i.s the owner of a dog which S'ued u. formidable plaster ou the back of has wi'.hin si.\ nioiiths previous worried '"s son, which wos ruthlessly or injured or destroyed any sheep, the , removed by older of the medical .lust ice may issue his suuuuoDs directed ''xamiiier, >.ho diagiios.d the decorated to such person, stating khorlly the back as a particularly capable one. Hut niaiterof complaint and re(|uiring such the did had aUo scraped acouainlauco person to appe ir bctorc him at a certain wuh the examiner and coatided to him time and place therein stated, to answer ' ">at Ins unfortunate son was i|uite deaf, BUch eoinplaint. and bo further dealt ; -i'"! "" '''<J 'Iwtor casually asking the son with according to law. ' '" "" "'"'iiS'y tone of voieo : "Can you ... ., , .• hear wluil 1 say say; 'the stupid youth at 111 case of conviction the .luslicu , , .». . , „, , ^ ^ once re[)lied : "^o, sir, I ao t. it is said a member of tin; exeuiption board was also approached in the same c:ise. â€" |A Haunt of L^egend anS Romance <â- â- '-) may make an order for killing Hi describing the ..amH according to the description given in the complaint and in the evidence, within three daya, and in default thereof m«y, in his discretion, impose a penalty upon such person not exceeding 5-0. Harriston Heview. DMcPHAIL, I,lc<>used Anctiouee for tliu • County of (irey. Toriua moderate and »atia'actioD guaranteed. Tbe arrauKeuieiita and dateu of iialeH eau bo made at TliK ADVAiice cilfice. IteaiJcBcekud F.o., (eyluu, Teleiilione coooectton. Dec. 0, 07 WU. KAITTINO, icenied Auctioneer foi tbe countiea of lirey and Kiiucoe. Farm and Ktock aalaa a apecialty. Teroii moderate. tatiBfaction guaranteed. Arrauf^e* uanta for datea mav bemadeat tbe Advance otBce, or Central telerbone oS'.ce I- everabaui or by addreaain^ uie at Keverabaui , Out. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTON and District fuv Canada's Gneatest Nurseries Spring I'.'IT planting iist now ready Splendid list ol hardy Canadian grown fruit and ornamental stock, including, Mclnt(»h Ued Apple, St. Keijis Kver- l>«iring lUspberry and many other eaders. New illustrated catalouge sent on application. Start now at best felling lime. Liber- itl propositi'in. Stont) & Wellington The Fonthill Ntir.serie*. (Kstabhslied ls.!7. ) TORONTO - ONTARIO Toronto Line North .hislice MiJdIeton h.n authorized the payment of §11)00 to the widow of the late Will am Juhnaton (Jibjon of Caledon who wa.s killed aillie Cataract last winter. TheDntario Hydro Commission will pay I the award and Mra. tiibsoii ao 1 her four The cull weather has replaced the childieii wdl also receive an allowance j beautiful autumn weather or Indian . froui the Out iiio Workmen's compensa- aumnier. IliunlJoard. tiibson, it will be reiucm- Oor neighborhood was «jrry to hear of 1 ''«''''•'''• '""i his life while attempting to the death ut Mr. Thos. I'earson. Mr. !'*»»""'« Cataract Power Co's plant from Pearson had been ill for over a year and ] destruction by tire when the Hydro died at his homo in Modesta, California. , K'ectric wires came in contact with the He was only Oo years of age. Interment | »''â- â- Â«Â» of the Cataract system. To pre- look place »t Oakvjlle, \Va«h., where his i *•"• " 'â- '« tJibscu attempted to cut the Wife ivas buried ten year. 8R'.. He | y'!'-" ""'' «'" 'â- â€¢lectroculed while in the leaves lo mourn his loss, »ix slalwatt ^'^^â-  boys and one brother, .lames in thej Fleiheitou ai-paientlyhas no monopoly West, and cue aister, Mrs. Thompson, in "f wrecked anoplanes. The Oraugeville Toronto, Mr. Pearson wag a resident on j ^"" «»J'^ : Four aviators have come to this hue, living viilh his parents on the ,g'ief '" this lection of the country with- farm now owned by J. P. Ottewell. We •' '«o weeks. On Friday an aviator on ixpiess our deep legiet to '.he friends in ''is way from the camp at Leaside lo Plgby fiafiin and Loug Pier, Mova Scotia. PARRSBORO Shore with Us rook bound coafit of lofty cracs *nd high walled jagged islands (â- washed by mighty tides, the scenee of Indian legends and the struggles between the Fr«ncb aad EDglish, and the residence of a more modern race «f hardy voyageurs, is a nam« little known to the tourist, but one that bas an ineffable charm (or him who has visited thU nook of Nova Scotia. This wa« the home of GIooscup, nighty god of the Micmace. Here on« finds the Five Islands, lofty acd sieep^ided isleta in tlie Baeln of Idlnas, pebbles dropped by the mighty 01oo9:ap, 80 says tho folk lore of tbe simple Redman. Attracted by their Isolation, it is believed that Capt. pcidd. the Infamous and successful l>irate, burled here hla trcssurt trove; and many are ths de^ yawn- ing holes to be seen in these wild and eyrie islands where the bold have braved tbe guardian spirits of the tead pirate chieftain to find out this gold and Jewels, bathed In the blood of gentle women and brave men. Spencers Island, tbe Indians tell you, was formed when Olooscap over- turned bis melting pot; and the smaller Islands near by are not com- mon islands â€" they are Olooscap's dogs, turned to stone as guardians of their master's melting poL Many are the Indians still to bo found here and they believe that some day the great spirit of Glcoscap will return to them; and then his chosen people win again rule over the land. And here la Partridge Islandâ€" ilko lordly Blomldon opposite, inch In the beautiful amethystâ€" once the home of Kttpooseagunow, the inlghU- t fisherman of th« MlcD:ac legen- ary heroes. He It was Tho einbark- •d ia bis h'oge stone cano«. liaiuooDcd A Nova Scotia Limousine. tb« whale, tossed It Into his craft as I farm. if it were a trout; and when h« land ed, he it was who split tbe leviathan of the deep with oni> blow of bis great stone knife, tossed one halt to Gloos- cap, and himself ate the other. It was from the lofty cliffs of Part- ridge Island that a French warrior, Here one finds beautiful farms, thick forests, save for here and ther« a clearing where one can get a view of the iiiagnlflc«nt sweep of the Basia of Minas, of the islands of Blomldon. and oX the sborea ten miles across the •ea of silver, shores dotted with or- pursued by the English, leaped tojchards and the white roofs of th« bis death on the rocks hundreds of farm buildings. feet below. And later. It was here Men who hare travelled tbe worl4 a blockhouse was placed when Eng-iover hare come to Nova Scotia anif land feared the raids of Yankee dectered the scenery along the Basin prltateers in the stirring days of of Mlnas the fairest of it all, har^ lSl2. With such traditions, little wonder Is it tliat here was developed a hardy sea faring folk. Sometimes the wife and her children accompanied the sea toarTelled at the mighty surge of those wonderful tides with their unique rise and tall of sixty feet, aodi have spent their summers in its oooL. InrlgoratlDg climate. A comtortabU captain as be sailed his tiny schooner steamboat service operated by the to the four quarters of the <>«irth; but 'Canadian Pacifio Railway connects St. more often, he sailed away alone and! John, .New Brunswick, with this land for months the mother reared hU' of legends bold and noble mountains, children Uone «Jid siu>erintend«d the land with tb« land of Evangeline. Farm For Sale or Rent Lot 141-I4L', :!rd range N. K.T..^ It., Atteiiiesia â€" 70 acres under culnvalioii, t'ood barn nnd brick house, an acre i^f • irchard ; well watered. Apply to -I. .S1NCI,AI11, 15No'17 KleMli.rliii. Heifer Came Astray C»me to the premises of the under- signed, lot 24, con. 7, Aitenusia, al> ii October 1st, one yearling heifer. The owner is reiiuested to prove proiicriy, iiay expenses and I ke the .same away. â€" JAMRS (iKNOK. Klesherton, Oct. 20, Ii>l7. l-pr Service Uno pure ured Shorthorn Utill on lot ;{«, cou, «, Attemesia. Tonus » I 00 for Krndes, Must be paid within 'â- * months from date of service. 1, Ian. 17. -R. O.TrUNKR. their sad bereaviiient. Misses Myrtle and Jean .Mkin^oii of Caa-ilsworth, iiii'. fiiond of Ceylon, visited at Mr. Thos.'s. Fred Mathewsoii |)urchascd a piano recently. Messrs. Kted ItroHii and C. .>ti'wail attended the Liberal convention in Duihain last week, Camp Itorden, hit bearings and land- ed en the race track at tho exhibition grouTids. Uhen he atleiiipteil to go up joi.eof the wings struck ;t pout, ilewed the iiiuchwitt aiouiid, turned its nose into I die fence' and wreckuJ it badly. M iny I who viaUed the wieck took pieces of 'he I mvcliine away with them as souvenirs. ' .Some one, v.e .-ire told.ati.le the aviator's ' uoggles, which were worth §12. .\ truck Albert and Will ,Stow-irt and wife . from Leasido took the machine back on motored to •Stratford on Saturday and 'Saturday. visited their brother, Marry. They } fllr. (jeorga Sheppard of Toronto, returned on Sunday. |ni itored to Wasaija Heach on Suiulay and Mrs. K liart Uichaidson is visiting '*''''» ''""e saw hn Itn.s.sell-Kiiight auto- frie-ids in the Queen City. ^mobile go up in smoko. Wiih bis Knierson Wickens and wife left Tues- d.iy to visit frienls in Toronto. .Mr t'Imrles Stewail a valuable c )W a I liort wliilo ago. Walkerton Afhr lieiiig niisjing from his home for about iliiee weeks, during which tiniu the whole ncigliliorhoid turned out in searching pal I us and .scoured the adja- cent Wools and lieUls for him, Ch:irles Uuasell, aged fit) years, a bachelor who Boar tor Service The ondersigned has a thorough, ired Yorkshire Hoar for service on lot 11, con, 8, Osproy. Terms tl.oO, FRED SPUFKARD, Voluntary enli«tinent has taken thousands of men fiuiu ollice work, Oinsciiption will take iiioro, Otfico" help is scarce will bo scarcer very sorn. Voiilig women and boys under military age must till the vaiant places, ehd they need iraining, IN tho very bokl place to gut a training •ud prepare to help meet the demand for Irainnd oltiue help. Students may outer any any time. No increaso iii foes Ciecnbrs free on application, e. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., PiinciDal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontai'ir friends be left the cur to go to the hotel to have dinner, .\t tho time there were \ no signs; of fire, A few minutes after the I liie was n.iticcd from tlie rear of the hotel ,1 Slid l.y the time Mr Shoppaid and the j others readied the beach the car was ^enveloped by the tlames and burning like a .summer biach party's bobtiro. jThe Hrcck of the car was towed in to the I' garage of Messrs. Tombs iSr .Siiialley on Tuesday. The origin of the lire is put dov\-i. lu a short circuit of tho electrical I ci|uipmeiit. fortunately Mr. Sheppa I bad the car insured. --Ilulletiii. hivd been living with his brother. Alex. ' ^'^l* Marshall of Shcltiuriie was in- Russell, mar Pinkerloii. wiis fouial .luf^'" '""1 •^1'"' !'• M«*''«^'"i'»" "f 't'"!-^'"'" lying on his back in the centre of a swamp I "^'"ed, iti no automobile accident at about a mile and a half from his home j '*«f'i'' Monday niteiuoon. Mr. Mc- wi'h hii tiiroat slashed Although he , J*-^ **;'""". *!'" «â- Â»Â« « Victory Loan had evidently been dead for »eviral ' "»!5'">izi'''. •'!>'! '''"'J * i^'"' at lluxtabU-'s weeka, ai Co body when found was .' "'""K"'*' a>^ I" '•'''"'*• with Mr. Marshall almost entirely lovercd with leaves, yet »-• '1''*'®''- They had gone aboiil a mile the corpse was in a good state of preser- ! when tho accident h'jppencil where there vation and the features of the dead man j '» » «'>«ht grade aim curve. ,lusl as they were easily recognizable, Russell, had [ '•''""J^'d this curve the left hind tiie been summoned to appear in Walkerton | »"'Pl'»l«^'l. w'''^^'' ''>f«'» ''"' >-'»'â-  towards oh October L'.'lrd as a wilnost in a 1 quor \ ''•« '''''^''- 'â- '>' »*'"•â- ' "'e ''"eh the driver chaigo preferred against Ins brother, ,••"''""' •'""''"" ""^ sharply that it was Alex., who wsa ac-iiiitled by tbe court, "^''"""'no'^'- Mi . McKuchern struck tho The thought of having to go through tho { '""'"' """' "" '''" I'^^l â- '"'' died in tho ordeid in tho witiieis box so worked on i"'"''"'"""" l*''"'y "liuutos later. Mr. RiisKcll, who aeoms to have been of a Marshall was 1 -iiised on tho head but eccentric iiat .ue, that he I "â- '« ""'' '''""y iii.iured~ Shelburne HARDWARE Screen Doors & Windows Poultry Netting Paris Green Zenoleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Cans, etc., etc. TEN MILLION YEARS AGO IN CANADA â€" • 4«> • F, W. DUNCAN The Fieshertfln Hardwire. FHone .to ra. Deering Implements AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Deering Implements, Purls always on hand. Agent for barrie Cutters. Rarber Uuggiis, Loudei: Litter Chrrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar nhiiigles and siding. These Implenieiils rc'iuire no leeoinineiidalion as they are standatrd coods and recgiiized as the best on the market. FUriT TIIKKSâ€" I represent ilu-Sion A Wellington miisery, and, will be pleased lo call it you send me a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station nervous. myeteiiously disappeared Jthe on ilay I EooiioiniHt, before llie trial, An examination of tho j The twin baby girls of Soigt, Sidney of the remains showed that the deceased ] Baker were signally honored at Mrs. had slathed his throiit in two places with j Raker's homo in Arthur, when a deputa- a knife, but as the gashes bad not been tion from tho Women's Patriotic League d-op enough to cut tho windpipe or presonted the proud mother with a tfii sewer any srieri-s, it wan concluded thai gold coin for each baby. They were the after thus wounding hlinscif Ruasell had j list twins to be born to a .soldier's wife lain down with his head rusting ^tgainst a ^ in the district and deserved rocognitit>n. lof{, in which position ho was found, ai.d j Tho report of the llondcrson Cominis- sucoumbed from exposure and exhaustion 'sion on tho investigation by W. F. lather llian from the ilt'octs if his wound?. ()'Conncr, Cost of Living t\miuiis»ioner. While hunting no»r Durham on Friday .into packing companies, is out. and last, two hounds belonging to ex-Mayor j«how» that the Davies Co. in H'lC nmde Lippett and Jim Hefteiman tackled h , 80 per cout, on i»« capital. Holstein Ball For Service A llmi-ougliliieil Holstein I'oll foriervice on , jntn 1S31M4 b.W. r, * vS. K., Aiteiiienia; clo.-.- i cly related to the world's cliaiiipioii H-poiind cmv. Terms: .^1 ,"H)for grade.-", S.'i.(HI for pure bred.^. i 1 ,tiily 17. -CEO, MOORK ft S.m. ! Clubbing Rates i The .Vdvance has no extensive dulibing j list this fall, most of the papers lieing I Riippliad at regular rates. Following are ! some prices : Tho Advance ff 1.00 ' Ohihe 4.00J Mail , 4.(H), The World and Advance 4 To | News an .1 Advanco 0.75 Star and Adviiice !5.7o Youth's Companion 2 25 i Fjmily Herald 1 25 (1) Prof, Walcott, dlacoverer of the Fossil Beds at Field, B.C. (2) Climbing into the undiscovered past, PROF, CHARl.ES D. WALCOTT, | The strata of fossll-bearlng rocl of the Suiithaonlan Institute, idlfcovered by Professor WaU-ott is ol has discovered a deposit of ex- 1 much earlier age than any In the sur- tremely valtiable (osalls of early raa- 1 rounding mountains, and has. he says, rlBe life on Mount Field, overlooking been pushed up over tho newer foruia- Emerald l.ake Chalet and the beauti- lul Voho Valley In the Caalidlan Pa clflc Rockies. Far up over Burgess Pass, at an altitude of nine thousand feet, where tbe tourists in the fashion- able summer hotels and camps can barely bear the boom of the blasts as he quarries down lo the fossil bearing shale, the professor has been securing some wonderful specimens of sea life of over ten million years ago. These •re of the period when life was Just emerging from the jelly-fish stage Into an era where a bony structure was becoming apparent. Dylug. they were dejpoelted in the mud of the •cean bottom that has since hardened luto rook, and been raised to the «aow-cevere4 moustatn top. tione for a distance over twenty-(tv« miles. The fosutls were discovered by Prof. Walcott while travelling over Bur- g<rS8 Pass, a peculiar formation In a piece of shale attracting his attestie*. He followed up the shale slide alniosf to the top of Mount Field, and finall]^ located its source, far abere the tlMi^ ber line. The workings are very ytf ctillar, because of their helgbt, an^ are probably the only one* ef theiB kind in the wortdi Some of the speeS mens taken out are so perfect thMJ Prof. 'W'alcott has been able to det»i*t mine what they ate just before were burled In the mud OTtr ten Hon years ago. tbe« imlS

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