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Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1917, p. 3

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â- > )on't say "Breakfast say "Shr«slded Wheat" â€" for while you no doubt mean Shredded Wheat, you may get one of those mushy porridges that are a poor substitute for the crisp, delicious shreds of baked whole wheatâ€" that supply all the nutriment for a half day's work. Two Biscuits with milk or cream make a nourishing meal at a. cost of a few cents. tain and the other down. The dogs took the upper track, and in less than fifteen minutes they had the lion up a tree. We captured him in the same manner as before. He wasn't a very big one, and so I just put him in my pack sack and carried him down the hill to the place where we had seen the other track. The dogs were only a few minutes treeing thi.s lion, which wag the one that escaped with our col- lar. This time he climbed as high as he could, but I followed and caught him with the wire. We hired a wagon and team and took the four lions to Troy, where we boxed them for ship- ment to an Eastern "zoo." .yâ€" WHENCE C.\ME THE PUSSY C.\T? tc rr WAS THE MUD THAT m IT" VIVID PICTURE OF RECENT FIGHTING IN FLANDERS. Made in Canada. Your Tame House Animal Is Really a Wildcat From Egypt. Thousands of years before the be- ginning of the Christian era Egypt j March Applied Mathematics I sometimes wonder what's the use Of squaring the hypotenuse. Or why, unless it be to tease, Thingrs must be called isosceles. Of course I knew that mathematics Are mental stunts and acrobatics, To give the brain a drill gymnastic And make gray matter more elastic â€" It that why Euclid ha.s employed Trapezium and trapezoid. Opinions Expressed By Our Gallant ' ^ wonder 7â€" yet it seems to me That all the plain geometry Soldiers After Struggle in Morass. One needs, is just the simple feat, Whate'er your line, make both ends meet! Mr. Philip Gibbs sends this graphic picture of the recent fighting in Flan- ders to the London Daily Chronicle: "To-day (Sunday) there was a fine spell, though yesterday, after Friday's battle, it was still raining, and looked as if it might rain until next Apr-l or So our soldiers cursed the wa.s a land of storehouses overflowing \ weather, cursed it with deep lurid with the rith produce of the fertile i oaths, cursed it wet and cursed it cold, solutely safe ; easy to give and never Nile Valley. Racs and mice found no- ^ Uy jgy and night, by duck-boards and ^ fail to cure any of the minor Ills of where such food supplies and hospit- mule tracks, by shell-holes and Httle ones. Concerning them Mrs. able hiding places as in these granar- | swamps, by Ravenbeke and Broenbeke Jas. S. Hastey. Gleason Road, SB., ies. I and Lekkerboter Beke. write* : â€" "I have used Baby's Own It is surmised that the first attempt i ..p^^. j^ ^^^^ ^j^^ weather which rob- Tablets and have found them perfect- A GRAND MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are a grand medJdna for little ones. They are a mild but thorough laxative ; are ab- MAGIC BAKING POWDER.I CONTAINS NO ALUWI. Tba only wall known madlum prlcsd b«iilnK powtfar mad* In Canada that dot not contain alum and which liaa all It* Ing^rodlMit* plainly (tmtad en tita latoat. E WGILLETT COMPA^fr LIMITED I BAKING POWDIR TORONTO. 0«T. A Riddle. What is it that has over 4,000 mus- cles and can uproot trees, gather grass, lift a cannon or a nut, kill a man or brush off a fly, eat a whole sheep, but prefers a peanut? An elephan*'3 trunk. MONEY ORDERS Pay your out of luwn accounts by Dominion Expres-s .Mon«^y Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. made A LION HUNT. Huw a Hunter Captured Four Beasts For a Zoological Garden. To the "tenderfoot" a mountain lion scarcely seems to be a beast that one can afford to be faneiliar with, but among hunters who know his traits there are some at least who hold him in scorn. One such is Mr. M. H. Bak- ker who describes in Outdoor Life how he captured four of the big cats for an Eastern "zoo." I had heard, he says, that there were some lions near Troy, Montana; and so Charlie Wood and I bought food enough to last us four or five days, and started out to look for tracks. Finally we found a track two or three days old and set our dogs on it. Be- fore long they were out of hearing, but we followed their trail for about a mile and came to where three other lion tracks joined the one they were on. We travelled as fast as we could through the snow, and every time we reached a divide we listened for the dogs, but could hear nothing. We knew that they would never quit until they had every lion up a tree, and that they would hold them there until we came evei^ it took us two or three days. _ At two o'clock the next afternoon we stopped at the top of a mountain to listen, and we could hear the dogs friving tongue about halfway down the other side. In an hour we were down to where the dogs were and found that they had two half-grown lions in large fir trees. They had held them there all night. After we had fetl the dogs Charlie cut me a pole about sixteen feet long, and I went up the tree where the first lion was and put a wire loop round his neck and chained him to a big pine tree, just as you would tie a dog. Then we went to the tree. where the dogs had the other lion; but just as I was near enough to put the wire noose round his neck, he got uneasy, and down the tree he came. Away he went with the dogs at his heels. After running about seven hunilred rods the dogs treed him, and I tried the same tactics again. This time he was not so spry, and I put the wire round his neck. We tied him also to a tree. That night we stayed at a ranch house, and at daylight the next morn- ing went back to where we had tied the last lion. We found that he had broken the chain near the collar and escaped. When we turned the dogs loose on his track they led up the mountain to a deer carcass, where we found the tracks of two other lions. Pretty soon the dogs barked "treed," and we captured another lion, which we took down and tied in the barn at the ranch, because the day had turned snowy. The next day we returned to the place where the lion.'s had killed the deer and found two sets of tracks in the snow- -one leading up the moun- bed them of a great victory on Fri- 'y saUsfactory for my little one." The at domesticating the cat was when specimens of the feline tribe j j^ ^^^^ ^^^^ jj^^^ 5^^^^^ the worst : Tablets are sold by medicine dealers (which abounded m the regions were j^^^j^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ warfare, and held or by mall at 25 ce^nts a box from The caught and locked up in the gram \ ^^^^^ -^ ^^^ ^,jj ^j,p^ ^j^^y j,^j ^^ Dr. WilUams Medicine Co., BrockviUe. houses to kill the rodent vermin. ! ,k.;:_ i,„„..,. <.i..> i.«;„v,to it ™»a Out .J To Stop Hiccoughs. ' To stop hiccoughs give the patient a teaspoonful of sugar and vinegar. If this does not afford instant relief repeat the dose. Il'or a Holiday. One of the best stories concerning British ?teather is related by the Bis- hop of Lydda. "Once, before I was bishop, I vyas'nn the top of an omni- I bus where were seated some Parsees,'' related his Lordship. "A man said tu me, What are they?' I replied, I 'Indians^Parsees, you know. Men who worship the .sun.' And the man replied, 'Oh, 1 see, and they hav*. come ' over here for a holiday.' " Miiurd'a Liniment Cares SUtamper. _, . , , , , ^ their hearts upon the heights. It was The Idea proved such a success that ^^^ ^^^ ^^.y^-^y^ j,^^^ ^j,^^ jj^^ ^^.^j.: the priests (who u^re the real rulers ^^„ ^^^ ^.^â- ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ „„ ^5,^ j,yj of Egypt) dec ared the cat a sacred | ^^ battle and yesterday. I animal. Temples were built in honor I t.i_ .. j j l i-l ' of the eat goddess, Pasht, and pussies j The Mud and the Chance. A Rude Princess. { An anecdote from the anonymous book Russian C iirt Memories con- were mummified with as much cere- ! " 'Fritz couldn't have stopped us,' eerns the ^ ex-czar's daughters, the mony as men and women. ! said an Australian bojj, warming his Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana. I The Phoenicians, those hardy voy- hands and body by a brazier after a One windy day when the two little agers, found cats useful to catch rats ' night in the cold slime, which was still girls were driving through the streets â-  and mice on shipboard. They carried plastered about him. 'It was the mud of Petrograd a crowd of people re- them from Egypt to all parts of the \ which gave him a life chance.' ' cognized the imperial equipage, and then known world and thus the ani- " '^t was the mud that did us in,' the grand duchesses, holding on their JUPWE Gramihiei Eyelid*, "*"'*^ I^SoreKvts. Eyes Inflamrd by 2 Sun, Dumt ana Wind qujckly 'reiievcU by Murine. Try it in your Eyes and in baby's Eyea^ mWSZ mal became cosmopolitan. RHEUMATISM CURED In the days of our fathers and grand- fathers rheumatism was thought 10 be the unavoidable penalty of middle life and old age. Almost every elderly person had rheumatism, as well as many young people. Medical science did not understand the troubleâ€" did not know that It was rooted in the blood. It was thought that rheiima'isra was th*- men- effe< t of e.xpcsure to cold and dan.p, and it was treated with liniments and hot appliaarions, which someiinies gave temporary re- lief, but did not cure the trouble. In those days there were thousands of rheumatic cripples. .Vow, medical science understands that rheumalit^m said an English officer, sitting up on hats with both hands, bowed right and ' a stretcher ami speaking wearily. "We left, as they had been taught to do, i got bogged, and couldn't keep up with in answer to the salutes they received. the barrage. That gave the German At first the Grand Duchess Tatiana I machine-gunners time to get to work was amused, and she bowed and , on us. It was their luck.' laughed and looked delighted; but "A young Scot, shivering ."o that after a while she grew tired and look- his teeth chatt"red. spoke hoarsely, ed cross, bobbing her head like a SaurtiBg, Jest Eye Ceafsrt MnrtneBye Reriedy *.nTM"~/?.'!.V;'»i^-: Ky* Salv*, in Tui.m .:j^. *' r Bbjk'Qf UU Kt^ - ff^, AAkMorlae Eye Remedy Co.. CUcas* * Glass paving blocks used in an ex- perimental way in a P'rench city street lasted !e.~s than two vears. The ?ilage may be extended over a longer feeding period by mixing a liber;'.! amount <>{ liialf, cut straw or cut hay with it. â- \L\\ I.a;l> Kii.i.s. I'oCI.TKY. rE.\s. beanfl. li<jii«*v. otuoiiH w*ante<i. Hiirli- MBt t>rli'»» iriv»n. J I> .\rsenuull. 11!"5 St i':i;ll:r!:" V.;\^\ M .'iv :-ca-!. a(nc«iL*ir«otrs •H •:.\VK.\ \M> HKLI. •â€" .Swi-ilen- burg's i;i'**iit w<;rk on k real wiirl.i beyjiid ;inJ Itie Sife after dfuth ; 4i"i ;m<BS . .mlv I'S f.-i,ts iinsti'ni'l. W. H I.UW. 4S«I) Kucliil .Vv.-iiuf. Toront'i. aiinarit'i Iilnlaient Cures Coldi. ko. CA.NCER. Tl.'MORS. t.L'.MPS KTC_ InlernaJ und •xternal. ciir«d witb* •ut pain by our home trrBfinent. Wrlta ee bafTe inu let'. Dr Bellmiia M*<ltcal To. I.tmlt«d. Co!!ln«woo<l. Ont ProteC young trees against mice by- tying building paper around the trunks. and there was no warmth in him ex- cept the fire in his eyes: 'We had a fearful time.' he said, "but it was the state "f mud that kept us back, and Chinese mandarin, until at last .she gave it up, dropped her hands and put out her tongue at the bowing crowd. This childish outbreak was receiv- the Germans took advanUge of it.' ed with a roar of laughter and the ex- •Whenever we got near to Fritz he clamation, "Just like our own chil- surrendered or ran,' said a young dreni" sergeant of an English battalion. "We should have had him beat with solid 1 ground beneath us. but we all got : stuck in the bog. and he came out of WITH THE FINGERS I SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN The Soul of a Piano te the .\ction. IiLsist on the "OTTO HIQEU' Pl.^NO ACTION Vic K«««A.«««««**«»-*«iM«*««4X his blockhouses and machine-gunned Minard's Liniment Ca, Limited. us as we tried to get across the shell- Gentlemen. -Last winter I received holes, all filled like young ponds, and great benefit from the use of MIX- is a dis^'ase of the blood, and that with sniped us when we could not drag one ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack Kccd. rich, red blood any man or woman of any age can defy rlieu- n.atism. It can be cured by killing the poison in the blood which caiisee it. There are many elderly people who have never felt a twinge of rheuma- tism, and many who have cou(|uered ii by simply keeping theif blood rich and pure The blood making, blood enriching qualities of Ur. Williams Fink Pills Is becon.tng every yeiir more widely known, and It is the more general use I'f these piUs that has robbed rheumatism of Its terrors, .At the first sign of poor blood, which is shown by loss of appetite, palpiinticns, dull skin and dim eyes, protect your- self against the I'lirthiT ravages of disease by takir.g Dr. WlUlanis' Pink Pills. They have cured thousands of people â€" If you give them a fair trial they will not disappoint you. You can get these pills through any- dealer in nedlcine or by mall at 50 oeiits a box or sl.x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Urcckville, Onl, <^ . QUEER LAWSUITS. Strange Matters Which Come B^'forc the Courts. A wounded Italian officer recently brought .suit to obtain a decision as leg after another.' For Three Years. "No proof is needed of the valor of , our -men. It is idle to speak of it. be- ( cause for three years they have shown the height of human courage in most damnable and deadly places. But I have known nothing finer in this war than the quality of the talk I have heard among the men who fought all Friday, after a night of exposure in wild rain, and lay out all that night in water pools under gunfire and came back again yesterday, wounded, spent, bloody and muddy, cramped and stiff, cold to the marrow-bones and tired after the a^rony of their long trail back across the barren fields. They did not despair they had not gained all they had hoped to gain. " 'We'll get it all right next time,' said man after man among them. They all state<l the reasons for their bad luck. "If you step off a duck-boar.l you go s(iuclch UD to your knees, and handling them big shells is no joke. All that means delay in getting up ammunition.' This was from a young soldier who had been flung fifty yards and senseless away from a group of comrades who were all killed by a big shell-burst. His senses had come back, and a quiet, shrewd judgment of all he had seen, and his old faith of LaGrlppe. and 1 have frequently proved It to be very effective in cases of luSammation. Yours. W. A. HUTCHINSO.N. John Was Wise. The small boy sees straight and sees far. He reads the signs of the times unabashed. John cuts quite a gooiT figure at "he exam- ination, but fails to get the highest marks awarded in his mi.xed class. His father is duly astonished, duly incensed. John beaten by a girl. "John, I am surprised to find that you have allowed yourself to be defeated by a mere girl." "Ye.i, fa'her," says John unblushingly, "I have, but 1 can tell you something. Girls are not so verv mere after all." Sore corr.e. hard ccms. soft corns or any kind cf a corn can sbortly be lift- ed right out with the lingers if ycu will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone. says a flncinnatl authority. .\t little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger cf lafecticn. \ This new drug !s an ether com- ! pound, and dries ihe inrment it is ap- plied and dees net Inflame or even ir- ' ritate tiif surrounding tissue. Just think ! You can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit cf pain or soreness. If your drugg'st hasn't ; freefone he can easily get a small boi- i tie for you from his wholesale drug house. : How to Cure Biiionsness « * i| Doctor* warn agninst remediee 1^ 2 containing powerful drug* and |^ 3 alcohol. "The Extract of Root*. * « lone knowo ae MullKr Scigcl't ^ 2 Carative $)r«p, has ao dop« or ^ 2 etroac ingrediant* ; it cures £ ^ indigestion, btliouiness and ||, 2 constipation. Can be had at anj <^ 2 drug eture." Gnt the genuine, c j 50c. and 11.00 Bottle*. ] X To Revive Corks. .\fter corks have been used a while they sometimes become so compressed that the conten's of the bottle leak out. This may be remedied by putting the cor'iis in l>oiling water and leaving t'.em until the water cools. ; Klnard's Iilnlment Cores DinUtberLt. to the rightful ownership of a bullet ^^^^ ^^^ ^^„ ^,.,„ ^^.j„ j^r^^^^h ^^^^y extracted from his body. Both doc tor and nurse claimed it, but the offi- cer contended that it wa.s leg.illy his. ' The judge gave his decision in fa- ' vor of the officer. He found that the projectile, once discharged from the gun, ceased both to belong to the man who fired it and to the country that intrusted it to him. The officer dis- covered it in his boily. The surgeon time if they, have equal chances with the enemy. Our Dauntless .Men. "To command soldiers like that should be the supreme joy of their officers, and, indeed, there is not one of our officers who does not think so. He Wabbled. | "Come out to our place to dinner to-night." said the banker. "I'll be glad to," said his friend. "Our girl," said the banker, "i.s studying mn^ic â€" " "Oh, that reminds me. I've a very impoitant engagetren; for to-night. and is not proud of them with a pri le Sorry, old man, but I lan't come.' that is full of comradeship for his, "Can't you? Too bad! Our oldest assisted by the nurse, merely brought Sood company. Napoleon s Old t.uard gi,.] ag \ was saying, is studying was not of better stufT than these music in Chicago, and we're awfully , boys from English farms and factor- io„esome evenings." : ies, Scottish homesteads, Australian ..Qh_ ['n ^ it ;hai engagement and' and New Zealand sheep-farm runs." ' ^^,0,^ anvwav." CACTUS CANDY. IwoGreatIiridGps are combined in the perfected ready-cooked cereal â€" Grapc-Nuts This appeiizir^blend of Wheai and Barley is over 98% Food. ECONOMICAL HEALTHFUL DELIGHTFUL the projectile to light. Hence the of- ficer was entitled to keep it. When a French abbe left one village to take up work in another the mayor and the citizens of the town that he I was leaving lighted a bonfire in the road to speed the departing official, : and in other ways showed that they A Plan to Manufacture Sweets From ; were overjoyed to see the last of him. | Spineless Cactus. ' The abbe thought himself insulted and j 'brought an action for damages; but' Louisiana sugar cane planters have as he was unable to show any, the case \ evolved a plan for manufacturiiig was dismissed. candy from the spineless cactus. In .\ very stout man who bought a the process, the peel of the plant is third-class ticket on an English rail This Concerns Maple Syiup niijKers Heller be on the safe side and pla<» your oixler now instead of rUiklnj disappointment during the M»rf4i rush. Write for fro« booklet giv- ing particulars and prices of our "Champion ' Evaporator and all up- to-date supplies for which we ar» headqimriers. THE GRIMM MNFG. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St.. Montreal. Que. and Disfigur9 Quickly Healed by CUTICURA SOAP and OINTMENT Such as eczemas, rashes, pimples, dLindrutf, sore hands and most baby- skin troubles. S-ample Each Free by Mail With 32- p. Ssm Bui'k. .\ddress pi-^st- caid: "Cuticura, Uept. N, Boston. U. S. A." Sold ibruuKhouttiic world, m OPERATION AVERTED LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE. SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a cent* and see tor yourself. few What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes : to whiten the skin and to removed, dipped into hot molasses and bring out the rcses. the freshness and way fVimd that he could not" enter the : coated with granulated or powdered the hidden beauty'.' But lemon Jnlce narrow doorway of a third-class com- sugar. The result is a confection of , alone Is acid, therelnre irritatliiK. and partment. Accordingly, he went into ! rich and delicious flavor. should be mixed with orchard white a first-class compartment, the doors So successful have been the e.xperi- this way. Strain through a fiiie cloth of which were wider, and refused to ments with the new sweet that cane the Juice of two fresh lemons Into a pay the excess fare. The railway planters are now growing cactus bottlo containing about three ounces company sued him for the balance. ' which formerly was utilized, when of orchard white, then shake well and and the man had to pay both that and used at all. for cattle fodder. Planters ; you have a whole quarter pint of skin the costs, for the court decided that can in this way furnish plenty of raw ' and complexion lotion at about the this could not have been his ffrst of-; material for the new product. | cost one usuaiJy pays for a small .far fence, and that, knowing that he, Another important result in the of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to could not squeeze through the door of making of what some enterprising ad- ^ strain the lemon juice so uo pulp gets a third-class compartment, he ought to! vertiser may call "kaktus-kandy" is ' have purchasetl a first-class ticket. j that sugar mills which have been idle After telling a barber to trim his for nine months in the year can now beard, an .American fell asleep in the part of their etjuipmeiit in the chair. He woke up clean-shaved. His candy manufacturing Industry. beard, two feet in length, of which ho was very proud, was gone. He sued the barber for a thousand dollars, and received one huudiod. -♦- Plowing in the fall for next spring's Mlwurd'a LisiSMnt Outm OMffct ia Cowa into the bottle, Uien this lotion will remain pure and fresh for montlis. Whwi applied dally to th« face, neck, arms and hand« It should help to blettoh, clear, smootheu and beautify the skin. Any dniggisi will supply thr»»ei ouue«8 of orchard while at very Jitte eoet and lUe groc«r hac the lemons. Rheumatic Aches Drive them out with Sloan'.i Liniment, the quick-acting, soothing liniment that penetrates without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner tlian mussy plasters or ointments: it does not stain the skin or clog tho pores. Always have a bottlo in the house for the aches and pains of rheumatism, gout, lum- bago, strains, sprains. Stiff joints ana all muscle soreness. Csncrout (iu Iwttles at all diugtiota. 25c, 50c. »i. 00. ^loeLtiL^s LinitTLent KILLS I'AIN '^: - Philadelphia, Pa.â€" "One year agro 1 waa very sick and I suffered with pains in my siJj and back until I nearly went crazy. 1 went to diil'erentdoc tors and they all said 1 had female trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated en. I had suffered for four years before tin's time,but I kept gst- Iting worse the mora medicine I took. Every month sirce I was a young girl I hud suffered with cramps in my sides at periods and was never regular. I saw your adverti.=e- ment in the newspaper and tile picture of a woman who had been saved from an operation and tliis picture was im- pressed on my mind. "The doctor had given me only two more days to make up my mind so I sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and believe me, I soon noticed a change and when 1 had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other wom-?n know of my cure. * 'â€" Mrs.THOS. MrGoN- IGAL, 3432 Hartville ISUeet, Phila., Pa. I El). 7. i.ssi:t; 47 -'if. ,♦ .X

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