TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' fOI '.M No. '17 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, >Jov(>mbGr '-?2, lOlT W. fl TflDKbTON *^-*.^;'^^bPKiE Kimberley Budget Feversham Items Pithy Proton Pointers Eugenia Paragraphs (IijteuJed for I^st week) Mr, VVm. Walters received a cablei;rara on Rlontlay stating tliat his son, Stanley, had been killed in action. This is the second son of Mr. Walters' to make the supreme saotitice. Stanley w^s a tine type of young Canadian inanhni.d and will be much missed. Mr. Wallers h.iS the syBipathy of the c«mmunif in his ead hour of bereavement. Wni. Kawceti also got a cable slatinn that his son, Ezr;i_ had been wountled. This is the thud time Eera has been wounded. Mr. and Mis David Lawrence of Mount Forest, motored over li. this (Intended for Last Week) | I The very line weather still continues. : Tho farmers are tukini; advintaiie of it,' Ihoui^h, and_are rushing the plowing. Irwin MeKeown, wife and family, of Duncan, ?v*"' S""*^*? ^*^'''' '^''*' '^''^' i Keown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. .). Kaittins;. Alex. Moore has retnrned from (he West and one of our fair ones is wearing « pleasant suiilo tlie.«e days. Mr. Emerson of Collingwood is visiting ' his parental home here this week . The brethren of L.O.L. 2tJ.5 held their Mr. Trelford and daughter, Wilnia, ! ...The hum „f iho threshing machine i.s Orange.viUe, were i.i this village one day «ti" heard in this v.cnnty. vicinity last week and wece the guests of , f-'«l '^UPP" in their hall here on Nov. 5, last week. The Misses Colgan and .\rnotf, Dun- dalk, visited with the'tormer's gr>nd- paren's, Mr. am' Mm. Hoome. On Tuesday ' ot last week .Messrs Corbett, Wyville, Rutherford and .^cheson attended the funeral of the late Senati.T Sproule at Mcrkdale. yiti. Milthell and daughter, Mabel, were the gue.sts of .Mrs. Wuuohob over ihe week end. We arc sorry to rep 'rt Mr. Dlaktly aga:n on the sick Iheir aunt, Mrs. Oeo. Lawrence. Key. DitMiiok o1' Eugenia, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Jsunday iii'jrning last and delivered one of the ablest sermons heard in our c*w»rch for' acme tieie. We are sony to report Tkos. Abcr- CTombie on the sick list at present. S<{uire istuwrt is visiting this wnek with friends in Flesherton. Mrs. Jasper Jjtuaii, viaitod witb:fri3nda in Thonibury last week. â- Our local ninn-ods uv in the Parry Sound wilds killed four be«r last week. Mr. fleo. Cornfield, one of 'mr pro- gressive farmers on the fourth line north, has one of the most up to 'date barns and etjibling in this part. He recently had bis stabling remodelled lu the uiott nioderu style. Keonelh IKmneily of Rooblyn was the contrsotor. nuA'sed. Mr. .I'^seph Koake's thve<ihittg Miachine M busy in this vicioitv and will tinish this week. John Caiuack was driving the rural n-.ail from our hurv; lo Heathc>te on Sat last, when a Ford car upturned the cat t •od landed John on terra tirma. He escaped with a few bruises and the little Ford raniblsd right along. when the Orangemen, with their ladies, numbering about sixty, asseinblod and after a boun'ilul supper was pai taken of there was a gijud prograir aiven by lical talent An enjoyable social eveniiiu was spent by all. Uro. W. L. Ksitling tilled the chair in his usual jovial style. W. M. Uro. T. W. Wiltoa thanked those tailing part and also the ladies for providing the good ihiugs. Theit all joined in singing the National Antfcem. Mis.s Dell Wilso:! of Kitnberl»y visited her sis er, Mrs. Jamiesou. The 8ih line school was ciosed last weed owing to sume of the children having chicken po.x. The school concert was largely atiesid- ed and the [jrogi-Hin was a splendid oii«'. The proceeds aaiounted to 820 50. P. Munshavv »nd H. H-unoMnd each brought back li deer from the Parry .Sound hunt. R. Park and H. Cairns attended thi mueral of the 1 ite Senat)r Sproule. Tiiu in lua Thankutfering meeting <if '( the W. 51. .S. ..f the Prist yierian church Mi held Thursdoy uf Xn^X week, the [ usual iiivi; itioti having been extended to Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embaimers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 x\ venue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks. Pres. Manager. Jew lery Messrs Becker and SUerson have bought and .shipped several carloads of potatoes lately, and sfe no* on the market buying nats. Htchest prices will ' "'"â- â- ' ' "" ""'"'" â- "â- "' ^'"""""1 '„ , ' ' ! the lttd.t.s . t the chuieh. Ihe be paid A fatal accident happ«ned at Tliorutoii when Ed*ard (Jibson, butcher of that I village, and ilarr^ Hicks, a youai; man j of the same place, .vent to the ixjitskirts I of the village to kill a pig. Tlwy used a bre arm with which to des^iatch the animal and after shooting it the «rea(MU was laid on ths ground while th« wor. I bled the dead pig. < â- ibsou piek«<l up ih* tire arm to take it away with hint wtteii there was a report and Hicks st«!igei<«d for a second before falling to tb« groa«£. He was killed almost instaatly aud it M reported that ho was «hot through iih; heart, but this cannot be verilied. lai'k .icin IS ut'erly at a loss to ex^tlaiu Imw the accident hapiieued and ii< craxed with grief over the unfortunate .'ceur- lence resulting in the death nf his friend. P.itr(,niZ! heme trade. , . , , i ., i> i 1 serv'.ee « is conoucted by the riesideii', Alth<t«i;h the nxrather was «')' , Mrs. A. Connron. Papers weie ie:\d by unpleasmt .,n Sundiy lust, good eungre- jj^.^^, ^^^^^^^^ and liourley. .Mrs. Dm- gatioiis attended t*o Anglican anniver- ', ^j,,^ ^,.,^.^ ,,„ ^^j.^.,,. Mi^s Canu'hers sary services. Intercstinu and in.struC.ive , ^^^j^^^^.,, ,^ ^„j„^ ,^_j Mi^a^.s Siniih a...! seriwous were dsKveiea by the n.-:'"''. 1 Oorley a duet. A daii.ty lunch was Uev. Blackwell. Siucial music "''S' served ..I the close. The t hankiiierini rendered by ilw choir and a ue*>oious ; ^,„„unted to about «l.j. â€" freewill ottering -.vas placed ou the-oolleC ; tHin plate at e*d. service. ' "â- "• ^'''^ "* enlai^iog hi. Mr. ,, , . ,, i ., P*"' 'â- ' huildiug a hoU!»tt, and Ca:il Ourhunleis returned last wee«, with ^^ , . . . ,, , . -,, „â- , <»raham IN erecting a new cliopping ii.ili. a go.'dly sup(.«rv of game. The Watson -»â- i r -> iiros. had llwir alloted number of deer Sii.eere sympathy goes .«t to Mr. and and a be«ir. **"â- H^'***^*' *"<* family I'm the death oi ; their -on in France, Jinnounced last week. J'lhnstoii aas one <if the KugeiiM An evxclimigM s»ys : The leaves are hoys. 'Hir sy««p«thy jk atso extended t. tailing, but that's alnut the i»ily thing ' Mr. Wallers .rf Kiiul'ei^ejr iii the h^s.*^ ..i that is falling around here. The prices ; his son, ^Cniiley. FOR SERVICE Lt 24, cull. 14. A'te-.i ii. iiiue brep .Shorlin.rn l>ull, Valley Kinu. tirade cow9Â¥l -'."i, pure'ned .?4.liU. I .fiilv 17 -W. .\. WKMKU. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. ONT for things are still high up, atid it will ; ; Cake a nietty hard frnn to iiaake thein ', comedowfi, to all appearnRees. A Jollingwoiid drover had thirty lambs ; dextroyed by d<>".«. The loss will amount , lo berween ^<^) and tM>^. Mrs. Will I>«ekett k*a returned kime after nursint (ter siKtter. Miss TKylor, who is very ili at he« hi'iiie i,i ''Iweii Sound. Thi little Masses Stuart of KiinfMrloy •pent the week eud with rheir ewisins, the MiKses Haaimoiul. ^â- '\ Fall Millinery L.xilies if von want .11 iipto-thite Fall hu call and .see what we have tn -how you. We huo from the up-to-date Millim :v Hou?e in Toronto and w<^ can please you, lioth in | lice and fasliion. (.'ouie in ami set; what we have and you are s^ure to take a home with von. Highest Price Paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. The Minister uh I'ls.wca atrrHtM ihublw ^ubKription •Canada's Victor^" Loan i><iw of $150,000,000 5k Bonds Bearing tuMivttrfpMn .December Ht, PJ17, u;i>l offfrr.l in ihri»* matiifit!r<i, tlir; cuuiui' of whi. h -i uption.i^ With lh« subscriber, a* (otlowi: \ - ^ -^ 5 ywr Bon.U .tut; Dfxcinbor l-tt. tMi»2 10 ypar I^n'l:* due Dct-fmbrr Iwi. ]M'27 2t> year Bonds due Deceinbrr Ia. )WI7 ThU Loan it* auiUorwnl under Act of the I'arlianient of C:ina«h». and boih prindpul and isttrrpit ^rc n than;r uwm the d>if<oIliIatrd Krvemie Kunil. The amount of thi-* is'^ue i-« SI.'U).(N)t>.iM)0. cxcliiMvc of the amount (.tf auy^ paid by The «!irmider of bom!-" of i»»cvion< i>su''«. Th** Minifr >>t Finaiur koMever. reserves the ught to jllot the whole or any p-rt of the .imoiiiit subMfibed in exce^ »ri ^loO.utHi.OOfl. Th« ProcwJte iff this 1 Lou n Hill he utvd for Wur puritosoA only, .mj will be sTHfnt nhully In <:.«nddti. Prini-ipul and tnterent pjvuhle in <">(flil Denomlfudonn: SiMI. $|(H>. $500 un<l $l.imf» Subscription.s mA<i Li- In su::i.< ol V'll or muh-iifltv I'-.-iptif. Principal payabi* withotii I'buix*' .u iho Olfttr of the Miniver of I-in.m.-c^ and R'-^ eiv-r fWnier.t:! at Ottawa, jt ai the *lrtic« •( the \w(>lant Kccciver Genera! at Halifax. Si. John. Chorlottetown. Montreal. Toront". Winnit'**^. Ri'eina. t*a1«iry aoJ TLtoria. Interest iwyable, .whhout chargitr, biilf-yearly. Jmn* l*t and December Ut. ui aay bmuLii Ui Ctaadii of ^ny Chditeicd Uanb. Bearer or Registered Bonds ^Konifc* may be regiiitercd a.-* to princiiml or as lo pnnti:*.;! .ind iaicrc:*!. Scrip certiiicate*. rM?w-negoriubk. or puy<iblc to bearer, in acconlan*-** 'vitli ilie choico ni il»<- .<<>i>!kant for rrKt^ierc.I or twftvt bond^, will Iw iti«ued nfter alluimoiit in etchanur for i)tovi.'»ional receipt*. Wh*"!* these scrii> n-rtificates have (nvn paid lu f-ill. an. 1 p:iy!ii?m endorsed tliereou l>y th' bank reci'iviuu thr money :Uii'y may bo exchanged lor l)«md^. when t't'-pur*-!!. wiih touiKju.t allachr I. jiayablc to IwariM, or rcvietered as to i-nruirMl. or f.^r t'ul'y reni-^lrrrd Ixnul^ when •;/tei.Mred. \\ii!:out ioiiimmi', ia acu-ordanm- with rlu- a:t|'l><-^tiun. Delivery of interim c^fttfictrtrs iwd *'f .d«^tiitivc bond-* will l»c made throuith the CUarHred Bank-x. Bearer bonds with coctmns win bt iHHUfd in rlenorninalions of SoO.. $tdO.. %,'>Oi).. and Si.tXk). aad nuxy l>c lecinrrcd as to fBi'mi:ipul only. Ktitly tcKi«- •tend b<>nd«. the interest on wbacb in pitMi .Uiicut W -the <jwner by (tovernntent ch»'Oiie. will be iwti*^ in denomination-* of $;.tN>l)., $^.INHI. or any jtith'>ri?ed niulljple of $.J.(t(Xj. 'â- Stibje<.t to the p.'.yment «f 25 ce«t«i for f-aoh nt*w bond iâ€"'ueil. holders of fidiv reRisieied l>ondfi m-tL'Uii cojiton^, \v '. "lave the right to convea int<i Itondfi uf the di' nomination of Sl.iHtO iK-kh cojjMWii. »nd 'hotdcf!< of t>ond^ wi:h coitpon't will have the tight to cot>«'*-rt .ioto fully : ^'-tiered b«Mui« of autliori.^ctl denom- iiMtiuAS tWitbouC cuut>oa5. at any tiflie., vm Au>niUjM.ihU W the Miiii'*ter of linnncp. Surrender of BoxidN Voider^ of Dominion of Oana<3a lV?*e«t««? -^WcU. due ,Oct*'l)or ].-*i. lOjo. uiid lK»nd* of the three ifece-lins nomiuion of Canada W.*r I oan iMties, ♦lave -tlie g^ivtlege ol surrenderinn their lioudi* in p^n wytweut Jur Jtibacny lions to Imnds of iNaae. under i!ir luilowiiiK coaditiona; â€" D«*hemttT? Mov'k. due ( h;u>bcr t«t. I'JU', al !*ar and Accrued Inirre«t. *• War i>i/a« lAoiKlti. dm: LW ember 1 n, l!»l.'6. at \*7 '5 and Accrued lnterc«. ' - • (The ibm-r wilJ be jj^ie^n-^-d in pttut pigment fi,»r bonds of any "f tlic liirce inaliirllie*' of l-Sjt Is^ue) War Loan Bonds. d;HC Ootg^^rf- Nt. VXS}. ai l*7'-i a;i I .\ccraed Int?re»t. -... - ' War Ixw:i KojxIj*. due March Ut. 1937. .u Mii and .\ccrued Intf^re***. (Thr-c will be accei'ted in (/Art i^ayoitut fw bonds of the 1037 maturity ONLY of thi« fsmie.^ Bonds c4 t>*»e varionn maturities of this tMue will, in th** cv«it of ftitwre l-isue* nf like maturity, or lonser, mflde by tli-' i.'Overnmeiit, other than iatucs made abroad, be j*>ufpted at par and acvrueil intcrett, .m tb** tijwvaji»u4 of cjW' lor the purpose of sub*cri«nion to such iMiivs. Invest in Home Comfort â- ^ Nut enouuli ^tteiniun is |miii to •-â- â- â- iiifDrts Him pltiisuiuN ut' hoiiie if« on the farm. W,. «J1 appac- iite cuiiifoita Jiiid oiinvfiiieiioes. l;Lit iiui a,'I ri'niiiil tlieiii hs iiivestiiiiMits 'Imt bring Jividen. Is in iiicrert.-ied I'rtioiency, CDUientineiil and .in enthusJHuiii fi)r biuiinr cr.)[).^ ,ind I ir!{i'r prntit.s. Issnc Price Par fff u» v.. Inciudint any Income lai Intpv^L'd in pursumico uf ieaisliition enjotuU by the Par11iim«iit of Cxnilda. UK; uii DLVcinbor lit. f.M7 20'?, on Marth 1st. 1!)1« UKr on lunuiirv .'U.I. 1S»1S i^'o on .\pril !«, I1M8 LM'.i un F.bruary I'.MS 20% on ,M.iy Ist. I'JIS .\ full h.ilf yvM'> intfrPit will !« paid on 1st June, lOlS. The Bnnd^ therefore fiivc a net Interest yieltl to (lie Inrcstor of atxnit: 5.61% 5.68% 5.81% All paynieuli are to K- made lo a rh.iricrcf] Bank for iho OU the 20 year Bonds on the 10 year Bonds on the 5 your BoudM will repder prcvloui must \k forwarded receipts. (irr anui)m. Unilu - oredit (if til'- MiiiiiiiT of rin.iiKi'. I.iiluit" to p.iy any instalment whon due p<Ayinents liable to (orfcituir. uml liit? tdtottncnt to cuiccllatioii. iiulijjcriptioiis accouiiMnieU by j deposit .jf lO'.o of tin? amount sut)s<.ribeHi. Uuoutli the medium of a CharicxcJ Bank. Any bi.imli in Canada of any Ch.iricrcil uaiik will forward sabM:ti|>tioii9 and issuf piovisioiia! In ca.ic of partial :Ulotment« the ^ur,^l^IS deposit will be aiiplled toward payment of the amount due on the J.inuaty instalment. Subscriptions may 1* i«id in full oo January ?nd. Irtl.S, or on any in.^talmcnt due date thereafter under discouot at the rate of S W: tW9 provisiou puyiuents of the balance of subscript). ms m.iy be made as follows: rf pail on January 2nd, lOlS. at the late of S9.1079") per $1110. ' If paid on Kchniaiy Ut. 191S, at the rate of 79. liilt.V.) pirr lUW. ^ If |i.iid on March 1«, 1«18. at the rate of .'i9.r2274 per $100. If paid ou .\pnl 1st, 1918. at the rate of 31i,illl'.).S9 per $100. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any Chiirtcred Bank, or from any Victory Loon Committri', or member ili^reol. The book< of the Loan »ill he Itept at the Department of Finance. tHtawa. AppUcationa will be made in due course loi the listing ot tUi.^ issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Kxchangca. SuhsCTlptton Llata will close onor before December 1st, l«i; DBrAKTMXNT Of Fn^NCK. Ottaw*, November 12th, 191T. (H Invest in a Good Engine THE LISTER- "The engine with the (rouble left out " Every farmer owes bimsulf 111(1 family tlie conveuitiiice? that can be offL>red by the adtli • tioii of a Lister engine. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO- D.McTAVISH - FLESHL-RTON I Canada's Next War Loan Ir is the 'Inty ot every (.•itixoi) wIhj i.s able to do so. ro s^ubscrihe to CANADA'S next War Loan. Then with what is left go to CTAYTON S for a pair of Nobby it boots or shoes for winter wear at reasonable prices. Thos. Clayton FLESHERTON â-