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Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1917, p. 1

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/Ieel)^rt0n ^Hmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' PBI-N'CIPLEfa HOT MEN." ?01 37 No. 24 Plestierton, Ont., Tliursday, November 1. 1017 W. fl TEDMON '^^^fp^bPB.E Why does Canada Raise Money by Selling Bonds ? TC,--- -- V JK #. 5.. â-  5. ;. P> ONDS are issued payable in ten or twenty years, as the case may he. ^-^ It means that repayment of the money will be spread over ten or twenty- years instead of being raised by taxation to meet current expenditures. To raise by taxation all the money as fast as it is needed to carry on Canada's share in winning the war, would be an unbearable burden upon the people. . . / ;L',*^ " It would mean that more than a million dollars a day would have to be raised right now. But to raise money by selling Canada's Victory- Bonds means that those of the next gi.'nerutii>n who will benefit by the sacrifices this generation is making; â€" who will share in the freedom this generation is fighting for and largely paying for â€" wi ll also pay their share. * • • . And when you buy Canada's Victorj' Bonds you make a first-class business in- vestment in a security that is absolutely safe, likely to enhance in value after the war, and bearing a good rate of interest. You help the countr>- by keeping open the British market for Canadian products and this helps the general w clfarc in which you share. - #^ - .. * * * And again, every Canadian who buys a Victor^' Bond becomes a financial partner or l>ackeT of Canada in the war. Wiiea >\'»u buv a Canada \'ictory Bond you give a personal pledge that you are going to help to win the war. Ever\' man and woman in Canada can help to win the war by buying Canada's Victory Bonds. And Canada wants the personal, individual interest and co-opera- tion of ever>- man and woman in the country-. The buying of Victory Bonds by the whole people unites them in a determination to win the war. Even,- purchase of Canada's Victory Bonds is a blow for freedom against the tyranny of German Kuliur. Every bond sold is a new guarantee that Canada is in the war to the finish, until victor>- is with the Allies and the world has been made safe to live in. Even,' bond you buy is a new pledge that Canada will remain true to herself, ihe Empire, the Allies and to freedom's cause. So it is both patriotic and good busi- IKSS to 4 Buy Canada s Victory Bonds Issued by Canada's Victory lAian CommiUe* in co-o^Jcration with the Minister i>f Finance ot the rVuninion of Canada. Threshing vicinity. IS lu progresj m this [ One of the drst reiidtfuts it iliis \>»i' i iu the person of Kofui) HenrJ, died on Priceviile Jotlings;:r;ttJ':l:r;ZX:r'S:i Pithy ProtoB Pointers Kimberley Budget I came up fioiu Turouto to visit friends, ' | ' , : ! Mid was ban«|ueted by the ^-iti^ens on Held over laat wiwk the evening cf the I5ih. The furm.?rs and some wllagers h«ve ' Rev. OauipMl of BrauttWl whs :» be«nharvestius«ometiiietropsof j-otu- caller on old fiienUs in lk« village on toe.. At the end of the weelc al.out 50 Monday la^t and Mvs. C. seut ..ome tulip per cent, sttll ie«.aiaed in ihe ground. bulbs and uth. r plants to W- placed on Rev. P. N. Joue», pa«»«r of the • ''>« Krave of her fathei. the late .lames Methodist church, conducted the prepar- j Brander. story jervioo in St. Oolumha Peeebyterlin i church last Friday afteruoon and the ; Look to the Fir»t C3ass congreirwtion seemed hmbly pleased with '< the sermon. Ottawa, Oct. 28â€" ProparatiooN have Mr. .J. (.'. VVii({ht is viaitiu^ friends | t>ctober 12. Deceased was iu his Wtb iu Torvnto. . year and was a brother of Henry Hurd, Sonieof our yuuth and beauty attended'* tespectea resident ot our but^- He the Auniveisary supper at luistiouge : "*> livina iu Cuele Sam's domains i! on Oct. 23. the time of his death. i Hi: Charlie UodxiME^. Owen Suuud, jrf ^^^' local uimrods, Messrs. Jiisp«r ai>d the guest of his uncle^ Mr. H. HiHly.os. I John Stuart, also Robert McMullen. wiK The mer.ibeis of the Women's lustuttte]^-''"-" ''' ^'"•' "'''^''â- â- ''â- "*''^* "" '' *«"''^''' and Red Cross Society will meet at tfi^e''^"" '""^ "'•'*' '""'"-'^ antleied Wautic. toes Ibis week. O. \\\ Try«n is also on 1 cilled up under the Military Service Act the market buying up a carload of 'since all indictiti.ns point to a heavy pot«toi"<. j response at the very first. It renuires a The remains of the late Uobwt !''"«* ''fS'"J>'''*tion throughout the cnin- Blakoston of Stratford arrived here ok i "> '" '"''e care of the operation of tlie the4.2<.> train S.tturday of last week, accompanied by iho eldest son. W.J., teacher in Shakespeare schcol. Stratford. .- ,. r, , . , I • h.ii»i> ..f Mr« I P Wj i..hf r,., Th,,.H...i.., Here's hopiiii; tliey may secure thoir full Karstedt B«-»*. sh.pM * car of pota- been rushed to take care of the lif«t men ' ^ , r m J *^ '^' number • -- ' >ov. I, at 2 O lock. ^nuuiucr. Owiustu the Ani,iv«rsaiv services at ^^''"- *"""" "^ Meafor'. »nd .Mr Euueni.^ the service i« the Pre-l.vteriau , ^''•â- -^"'st" "' NoitAwasaga made a busi- church here will be withdr.wu ne.xt "*"* '"l' '"â- ' "•'* P*" ''" 'l"'>"'="^»y '"^t. Sund»y. Nov. Jth. Thos. Oilray and Kenneth Duuntlly Miss Gladys Bryan. Dathmi. nsitetli ""'"''*"' "*" "^ """^ ^""< '"'^ '^^'^ '''*' at the home of Mr. J. C Wright. week. We re id l.tst week .>f soioe woiidorfuUy ^ '•'"•' Missiou Bind held » m*i;ic lantern lai^e ;^x)tatoes in Victoria Corner vicinity. ,*'"^* •" '•»'"•â- '>"'*=•> "^ Friday eveuiDg •ur ^latoes may not surpaiu theii-s, but ; '"*''• 1''** pictures depicted Livtiij^ston's we are sure that we have thciu beaten for "''''*' '° -^ftic'- turnip*. t>ne of our farmers h,id them ' .\sbley Fawcett and wife of I'ort Elsjin Act. The Governor Genera. 's proi:lamatioi) was printed in all the newspapers of the The decoa.sed was 6S years of age and I co*»Dtry ou Oct . IS, calling up the first received an injury by a fill which re-, class. This includes all male subjects: suited in congestion of the towels, which ;betw«>on the :is<es ot -'0 !u»d o4 who wore uiedical aid failed to remove. The funeral ' unmarried on July t5, 1917, or «re: flatted from the residence .'.f his daunh- ' widowers without ch-ldrju. Alt such ^^'"'' *^ ^''5^* ''""'''""'''' l''-'*^'*^^"' '"-"^ ^''^ "'^"*'"''"^ "'** *'-'1"*'"'*'"-"*'* '" 'I*'* ter and sou iu law, Mr. and Mrs. John j men BiUMt report for service on o ' K<fore ''^' 'i^' '^'*"' into the wagon. vicinity .Xshley went north with the Williamson. The services at residence i November 10 next, if application for- *^*" '^"""*y '*«â-º '''9 Re*'- Kem'all deer hunters on Monday and eemetcry were conduclrd by both , exemption lu^s ma been tnade in n,eii. "^ 1^«"*1^''. *bly tilled the pulpit in the A large nu-nber of the fviefiUs of Mrs. the iwident clrtrsyuien. tnJermeut tcxjk I behalf before that date. | ftwbyteriau church. Iier«. Mantell Cook met at the home of her place in the new public cemetery. Thej Since, by this time, the country has' PliiKKitrr^ D«* mother, Mrs. Matthew Fer-nson on floral tribuU-3 were numerous including I been fully inforu.e.1 as t. e.ich man's' ^.^lUDDing KaieS Thursday evening list and presented her those from the family and fraternal'duty under the Military Servico Act.aud, with many rsUiable .-lud useful articles. societies, the teaching stall' >f Shake- t„„v,8 , he severe penalties provided fo,-!, ^he .Vdvance has no extensive clubbing Vemou Bishop of Meafoi-d visited « speare school, the Shakcpearo Watdi those who try to evade the law. a spoodyi ''*' """ f""" '"^'*' ''* '^e papers b«in« the p,irental home a few days recently Mathers' Club, .A[r. Blakestcn'e pupiLs formation of the re.,uired reinforcements '"^'V^'"^. '^ ^^'S"'« """" r^H^win^ are ; ^ ' and several from prominsut families in • i somn nri«»« • Vuit«; » numoer itteniUd the Harvest Stratford. The vouugett son, Sidney, is farming in the West. The mother, one son and infant daughter who Ke in^ Oliver Poolo of Thorubury is haviuij the old village cemetery will be removed ; plenty of matrimonial experience. At i ^^^ ^^'i^rid and Advance 4. 7o to the new. present he is on bis fifth honeymoon, i ^'**' """^ .^dranoe 3.75 Pte. Donald Cameron of the 48th He is ono of the older settlew of Elders- { ^**' *?'^ Advuuco 3.75 Highlande.-s. who has b«en «t the front lie township and has reached the fourP^'""^ * *-"*""l**''''^'' 3.25 fi-r •vev two years, was injured ^sreral i score oiaik but ia ijuite .^mart. | 'â- '•Bily Herald 125 to the numU-r of IW.OXt is expected | !,"'"^P"*^ from the tirst class called. The .Vdvance , f i.oo Globe 4.00 Mail 4 0,, Home in New Kugland Methodist church and all report a good time. Fines ai:ija'.,Mting t7iH.l wore levied on three of Chesley's citizens for rioiation •jf the Ostari'i Temperance Act by drinkiujf li.juor in a plvoe other than • public dwellinx. BatesBurialCo. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks ' Pres. Manager. FOR SERVICE L>:t 24, con. 14, '.\rtelue^i•i, pure brep I Shorthcrn hull. Valley Kin^. tirade: cows H-i't. purebred *4.'iO. 1 .July 17 -W. A. WKBER. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily maJce A Satisfactory Se lection. We cat - ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. ONT ^â-  > Fall Millinery Ladies ifvoa want a;-, up-to-date Fall Uir tuUand see what we have to >'iow you. We biio troiu the most up-to-tlate Millinei House in Toronto and we you, hoth in p. .-e and fashion. Come in anil see what we have am; vou are sure to take a hat home with vou. Highest Price Paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. < â- li FOR FURTHER INFORM D. McTAVISH \ Invest in Home Comfort Not enough attention > paid '.o comforts and plta^ure* â-  f home life on the farm. We «U tppioc- iiite comforts and conveniences. l.ut n.;t all reitard ttiem as irvestmtnts that briu^ dividenJ.-^ iu incr--a.sed ethciency. contentment aad an enthusiasm for bigijer crops ^nd laiijer protit-;. Invest in a Good Engine THE LISTER --The cosine with the trouble left out." Every farmei owes himself and family the conveniences tuat can be ctTered bj the addi • tioQ of a Lister engine. ATION APPLY TO - FLESHERTON J S FOR A PAIR OF BOOTS 2 Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON C-

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