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Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1917, p. 8

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TTf" October 11 1917 THE FLESHERION ADVANCE r "V*^' NOTICE We hkvo now a full line of farm irnpleii.enU incltidiuv' llio lui'piit of Jlenfrttw Machinery {.'o., C<K'k- Hhutt Plow Co., !Siiij>er Sewiii<> Machine Co., &, etc. IntenUtd purcbaAers of Cveani Su|Kirators ilo not forget »e are Rtill scrini» the Standard Cre:»in Sei)iraii)i-. Have iilready this season made over one half a liuudred homes liappy with one. Can supply you with any •ize required on short notice. We are also Kiving a caah prize of $12 for beat five pound rull of butter made from cream of ^ Standaid Cream Sepvator at Fevershani Fall fair, divided in three prizes, 8C,f4 and 82. Patronage solicited. For further particular.^ apply tu FRANK G. DUNNING WALIR KRTON. Fever.ham J Phone R, 2 short 2 long. ^ Strayed From the premise* of the undersigned Bome week.s !»j;o, li ewes and .") Leicester lambf, undocked. Infuinmtiuii would b.> thankfully received. ^-W. S. INKSTKIJ, Waiehiir. -â€" HHB Farm For Sale Being l')t.« (is :ind (JIJ. :;id line north of the Durnam ruad, containin]^ W) acres. On the prcnii<ca are a frame burn and itraw shed and a U>^e two sti'rey stone house, also Bund watei. Terms easy. Apply toâ€" MKS. JKRRY THO.MPSON Sept l."i Uox .")S'.l, Collm^iv.oud. BUSINESS CARDS Societies PKINUK AKTHUK LODQE, No. xn.AFA A kl. uiMiti ia the MaaoQle kail. Arm troai! a block KletbertoD, overy Kriilay oa before tbe lull ibood. T. Hoinv, \V. M. H. W. HlckliDg, Becretary. t HOBEN KItlESDS-KleiLertfjii 1 ouuci CtaoMU KrieDda :il4 meets iu Cla>tcu'B Hal Srat acd tliiid WednerdaT o' cadi ujontli m f p.m. I'ay aniiriijiriita to ItiirKld in o before tbe Ur»t day of eacb uioliI<. fbit- CoiiBcllloi. W. II. nuDt; Jtecoidei. Uir 1..A rlibar. Dentistry Dr; B C Mt'RRAV L. D. S , dcatal rureeoQ bcuoi Rradnate of Torocio UoiTeraity and Ksyal College ol Dental SurKeona of Ontario, (jaa aduiaiuiatered for teeth eXtractlou (See at reeidCDce, ToroDto Street. Fleit:«:rtOD. Medical I p OTTEWELL • Veterlnaiy Surgeon graduate of OutarJo Veterinary College raeideuce â€" aacond door aoutti weat^oo kary atreet. Tbia street raus outli Presbyteriao Clinrcb. Cha*. E McLcan, M O. C M, 8pefialfy â€" Kurgery, Midwifery & Women'N Diseases OrriciKâ€" Klenherl iD. li w Hmi«c. I'rio'ville-t 'oniii^rcial Hctel, !•.;«• t.i I p.m. DruKi'tiire in runnt'ctioii with riHicf. Otticf ll'<r.rit in Klehlicrton--\Vei|n.-<'J:iv .oil Frj'lay nft»Ttio.m '2 lo '1 I'h"UH Di^HsaKeti rectiv" priimjit atti'iiti'iii at U.lh i.tti^ .« m.Mayl.^ Legal LUt'AH, KAXEY 4 hENItY-Harrlntera. ltollcltor«,oK.-I. 11. 1'Ucan. K. C. ; W. I!, ilacey, K. < '. ; W. I). Honr) . "li. A. oillccn, Xoronln. H06V Tiadom Unnk IIIJi.'.. ilioiiu Dsain 1412 : Markilale Lucas lllock. riioii» J \. HraucbulUce at Uuudalk opeu uvii> Satunlav. WiiiniiT. TEhFOitn 4 McDonald l.niriitc-r. Solicitor", Ac. <illi(i"x (in v & r.i 11' Itlnck, Onuii HoiiikI. Htntidarrl KatiK |.locl<. Kleiliortou. (Kaliiriiavii). W.II. Wii'ljt, \V. r.Telfi>rd Jr. J. 0. McUunald.U 1.. U. BUSIXE.SS Cakus ^' OULIXJUOII * YOUNQ Xsiikrii Markdalo Qeiicral banklufj buaiooaa. Uouey loaueii at reatooal'le ratea ('all on ua. DMcI'llAlL, Llccusud Aiietlouoo for tliu * County of Grey. Tornis Uiudot-Hlu uri.l aatis wrtioii Kuaratitced. I'he arrau^;oiut'iita au<l ilati'H of (tail's can be inadoat ThK Ai*VAiiro office. ]<cfidi-uceau<l I'. <>,, Ceylon. 'l'iitt'|tliniir' COUDeetioD. Dec. 0, 07 \»7-.M. liAITTINd, Iceiieed Auctioneer loi *' tlie coiiutiea of (iroy and Kinicoi'. Cariu and IStock ilalcs a Hpecialty. TeniiH ojodpiati'. Ratisfactioti guaranteed. Arraui;i'- uieutii lor daloa uiay be tnadoat tbe Advauro jltlO', or CeDtral lolei-buuo oOlcu I'evioaliaiii or by addreaalDR me at Fevenbaiu, Ont. Fall Fair Dates FLKSHKKTON Oct. li A H MarkdaU Oct. It & JO Caledon .' Oct. :( & 4 Chatsworth Seitt. l;i & 14 Cheslcy Sept. IH .^ lit Clarksburg Sept. IH & 1!) Coilingrood Sept. lil 21 DuiuUlk Oct. II & 12 Durham Sept. 20 A 21 Fovetshain Oct. 2 A :i Hanover Hepl. 20 & 21 ' Holstcin Sept. 20 London ( WeHtern Fair) Sept, 7 1,'. Meaford iSejit . 27 A 28 Mount Forest Sejit. 19 & 20 Orani^evillo Sept. 18 A lit Owen Sound Sept. 1 1- 13 ' Priceville ..Oct. 4&B llocklyn Oct. 4 An Sholburno Sept. 2.") & 26 "*â-  Tara Oct. 2 <( 3 Toronto (C.N. K) Aug. 25-Sept. 10 Walkerlon No Fair this year . WalUr's Fallfi Sopt, 25 A 20 , >Viartori Sejit. 25 A 2« : "Let Me Help You Carry the -*^^'' ; Burden, Mother" j:i<>< " // Canada fails us in October, we must curtail many of our activities.** Sir ARTHUR STANLEY, Chairman, Exiculive Conumttee. Hrilish Uc! (.><»«:, It now costs $300,000.00 a week to carry on the work of the British Red Cross, or $16,000,000.00 a year. Every minute of the day and night it costs $30 to minister to the sick and wounded and dying. Last year Ontario's magnificent contribution paid for the entire work of the British Red Cross for nearly six weeks. This year, in view of the greater need, it is earnestly and confidently hoped thai Ontario's contributions will be as great proportionately as the magnificent offering of last year Our trust is, that the Citizens of Ontario will give generously to this noble cause onâ€" "OUR DAY'', OCTOB 18th A Few Facts about British Red Cross Work. The Drilish Red Cross Society is the only iiiililution whioli carries voluntary aid t'j the ,Sick and Wounded of the DrilisU forces on land and sea in every rej;ion of the War. Its work is therefore the concern of all classes of Uritish sidijects, whctlu-r livina ill the Dritish I.'-les, in the Dominions and Colonies lieyond tlie seas, or in foreign countries. IN GREAT BRITAIN .S7,0()0 Hospital Beds found in the United Kingdom. 3(l.(K)0 of tlicsc ftrovidcd with NprsiiiK Staff. 2,tHiO Trained Nnrses working at home and abroatl. r, -v 7.500 y. A. D.'s helping in Ar Hospitals. ^ $i2(),O00 spent on c(iiiipniciit ot Kin,; C.corjjc lU.spital (.1.^50 beds) :i!il $130,000 a yea; contributed to cost ot its maintenance. $22.S,00O spent on bnildinp and ciinip- piiiR NctU-y K'.'d Cross llo5;.'iul _ (I.IK'O; and $62.'i.lH10 spent on m.iinlcna!icc. ?17.\0(_>0 for Orlliopacflio CiirativvT \Vork«Iir>ps niid Trainin'4 I'mu!. SIS.^OtK) for Facisl Injury nrs-.iitals.- Organization of Resources Committee. Parliament Builtling^s, Toronto. Representative Deenng Implements WANTED I at once for FLESHERTON and District for Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring 11)17 p'anting iist now ready Splendid list ol hardy Canadinn yrown fiuit and ornamental stock, including, Mcintosh Ked Apple, St. [loKis Ever- bearing Ui^splieriy and many other oaders. New illmtraied catulouue sent on application. Still t now at best celling lime. Liber- al proposition. Stonn & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. i,'^:!;.) TORON TO • ONTARIO Farm For Sale or Rent I/.t 141-142, ;ird rnngo N.K.T.S.U,, •Vrtemesia â€" 70 acres under cnliivation, pood barb and brick Imusp, an acre of orchard ; well watered. -Apply toâ€" -I. SINCLAIR, loOotl? Fleshertou. A N D Gasoline Engines .\ll kinds of Deering ImplcmentH. I'arls aUvayM on band. Anciit for llarrie C'utlors. llaiber liuggies, Loudon Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, I'odlar shingles and siding. These Implements reriuiro no t«i;iiininondtttion as they are standard foods and reC'ignized as the best on the market, FUriT TUKKS â€" 1 represent iho Slon A \\'ollington mirsery.andiwill bo pleased lo^call if yiiii senil mo a card. ED. RUTHERFOftD Proton Station Dcrwod.l llrown cauglil a stiuijeon at I'l.-rl Uowan thu other day which had 21 pounds of caviar in it. Ho sold the caviar for $.'1 per pound and tlic lish for ;!0c a pound. The wludo lish netted jhim §7t> '">0, the price of a good working jhuise or a cow. It is rare to find caviar |in a lish at thia seaaon of year. Farm For Sale One hundred ncris, Lit No. 0, con. 4 N.D.U., Artemesia, ilO acres under cultivation, 40 rods from good Bchriol, two niiios from C P U Station, 4 from Floshorlon ; fair buildings, good water â- tnd wirdniilt, small orchaia. Ap}>ly (in the premises to â€"H., STONE. Ceylon II K 1 28AuKhf Association of Cowes With British Yachting Goes Back .Many Years THE association of Cowes with yachting goes back many centuries; back, indeed, to the spacious days of Queen Elizabeth, for it was in 1588, the same year that her admirals defeat- ed tbe Spanish Armada, that Queen Elizabeth had built for her, in th« shipyards of Cowes, "a pleasure boat." Cowes, however, had little more to do with yachting until the establishment of the Royal Yacht Squadron in 1812, and it never really seriously took up the matter until the golden age of yachting, which began about the year 1870. During racing week the morning papers give the even,ts for the day, and the even- ing papers report the winners. PZvery house in Cowes has its visitors, every avallabl'e hotel ia filled to overflow- ing. The waters of Cowes Roads are filled with all manner of yachts, large and small, while across the blue Solent is seen the green and gray of the Hampshire downs, rising against the blue sky beyond Ports- mouth. The view from the famous parade is an animated one at all times, for the Solent is never dull. When there are no yachts, there are warships; when there are no war- ships, there are great liners making their way slowly between the island and the mainland, from Southamp- ton down the Channel, and so away to the west. Nowadays, of course, it is all very different. There are few yachts in tbe Solent, and the great ocean liners no longer turn their sterns to "the Island" and steam off up Southamp- ton Waters, or, bow on, come down out of the north, where Gosport hails Ryde across the narrow channel, for Southampton is a closed port. No- thing, however, can take away from the Old World beauty of Cowes itself or its surroundings, for it is singu- larly beautiful for situation. It is a twin town, of course. East and West Cowes, one on either side of tb4> Me- dina, a name which always falls so exotically on tbe ear. Each town is an urban district, and the port be- tween them is the chief on« on tbe Island, and the headquarters of the Yacht Squadron. Behind- it all the bouses rise picturesquely on those gentle wooded slopes which are so characteristic of tbe Isle of Wight. The towns owe their origin to two forts, or castles, built on each side of the mouth of the Medina by Henry VIII., about the year 1540, as part of his great system of coast defense. Tbe eastern one has disappeared, but tb« western one remains, and is used as a clubhouse of the Yacht Squadron. Then, close to it. is the marine parade of West Cowes. and the famous public promenade, so well known to the visitor as "the Green." And it is "the Green" that is, perhaps, the center of Interest during Cowes Week. It Is here that that curious, indefinable thidg called society marks the end of another season. At Cowes, in Cowes Week, society has definitely left London behind. Before the day of the motor car made it possible to %e^ back and forth BO easily, -society was wont, perhaps, to shake off the dust of London when it went to Goodwood. Nowadays, it has put off doing so until it comes to Cowes. After Cowes, there is a scattering to coun- try houses, and "events of the sea- son" iirc at an end. And so, by day and night, "the Green," in Cowes Week, is a scene of much animation; but it is at night, perhaps, that those who hav« ever attended the famous week will remember It best, for it is at night that the sea and the sky swm to met-ce Into one, the sky spangled with stars and the sea with countless little lights, white, red, and green, with, every now and again, a verit- able constellation marking the place where a yacht, or a. warship, illum- inated to the masthead, is riding at anchor. Beauty and Utility fhough worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye :glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A.Armstrong. Voluntary oulii'tmeiit has taken thousands of men froni utHce work. Conscription will take more. (.Ittico help is .scarce â€" will be scircor very socn. Young women and boys under military age naust fill the vacant phces, ahd they need training. is the very best place to get a training! and prepare to help meet the demand for liainnd utiice help. Students may enter any any lime. No increase m fees Cieculars free on Rp\ilicfttiou. C. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE Kor aale or rent for gra-zing, lot M.">, con. l;i, and part of lots 34 and .'15, con. 14, Artmnosia, 181 acres more or loss known s the Cooper farm. Will rent for pasture alhia seaaon, or take stock iu by the inon tb. This is a splendid grain and grazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar and about 00 acres tit for cultivation. It is well worth the attonlion of stock men. Will sell for reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms. Apply to K. J. Spisule, JulyVtf Fleahoiten, Ont. A .'tliHlorii Decoration. The parish cluirch of South HacK- ney Is ultra-modern in its dceora- tions. It has, at its west end, the fragment of a zeppclin, with the In- scription: "Portion of zeppelitt brought down at Cuffley in Septem- ber, 1916, after Having passed over South Hackney. Offered by the War Office to the parish church. For the daring and the courage of our avia- tors, we praise Thy name, O Lord I" There can be no question of lack of appreciation there, and the example of South â€"Hackney parish church might be followed with advantage by those ridiculous people â€" they are happily not numerous â€" who vent their annoyance, at being bombed, on the British aviator, than, whom no more "lion-hearted" tighter exists, nor more successful, provided he is given a chance. llark for Tunners. Considerable quantities of the bark of the South African wattle-tree have been Imported into the United Kingdom from Natal In recent years, but most of it prior to the war wds exported to Germany and Belgium. Since then, wattle-bark has been utilized to a far greater ext'cnt by tanners In this country. Straw Hats. The straw-hat trade of Luton and Dunstable and other places in the neighborhood depends upon the fact that the straw used for plaiting Is grown on adjacent c'lalk land. The plant has great affinity for the silica in the chalk and flints, and uses It for coating the outside of the stalk with Us beautiful glass-pipe corer- ing. , rower Plauta in Bombay. Tei\ power plants for agrlcu'turkV purposes were erected In the Bomb»y Presidency during th$ year 1915-M.

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