CxnducZed &/" If)^ JdeCe/n JoMT Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to thl» department. Initials only will be published with each question and its answer as a means of identification, but full name and address must be given in eacn letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be mailed direct â- tamped and addressed envelope is enclosed. ., Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, i-i* Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Reader: â€" 1. "Anzac" stands for the initial letters of "Australia (and) N«w Zealand Army Corps." The name was first coined at th«'©erdaTielles. It has no reference to Canada, for there were no Canadian troops, just the Army Medical Corps, at the Dardanelles. 2. To remove paint from clothing, sat- urate the spots two or three times with equal parts of ammonia and turpentine, and then wash 6ut in soap 3uds. 3. Nothing whitens the hands so effectively as rubbing a slice of lemon on them once or twice a day. This is also a good way to remove stains from the fingers. Worker: â€" To decorate a table for a Red Cross luncheon, instead of a table- cloth use "runners" of hea-.-y white stuff which can afterward be made in- to nurses' uniforms. At intervals down the table arrange large crosses of red paper. In betweerr, you might place measuring glasses, filled with red and white flowers. Bon- bons may be in the shape of pellets and placed in pill boxes, which mor- tars might hold salted nuts and olives. Instead of napkins, use squares of cheesecloth, folded bandage fashion; these may be saved, washed and sterilized and used for covers for medicine glasses. One of the Girls: â€" For your Hal- lowe'en party: Begin with the One-Yard Dash. Measure off one yard on the carpet, give each boy a potato, which must be laid on a line. At a given signal each contestant gets down on hands and knees and pushes the potato with his nose until he reaches the other line. There should be a simple little INTERN.tTIONAL LESSON - OCTOBER 14. Lesson il. Retumin)^ From Captivity â€"Ezra 1. 1-11. Golden Textâ€" Psa. 126. 3. Verses 1-4 contain the proclamation of Cyrus. (>yrus king of Persia â€" Cyrus began his career as king of Anshan» a small district of Elam, to the east of Babylonia. Within a rela- tively short lime he conquered the whole of western Asia. One n' his most important early conque.sts was Persia; hence he is generally known as king of Persia. First year â€" As king- of Babylon; in other words, in B. C. 5o8 or 537. Jeremiah â€" The refer- ence is to Jer. 25. 12, where the promise is made that after seventy yean; the power of Babylon was to be destroyed, which would result in the liberation of the Jews. Since Jere- miah's message is dated ab^ut B. C. 604 the later Jews might well see in the return of 537 a fulfillment of Jeremiah's prediction. The primary interest of the author is in the rebuild- ing of the temple. Jehovah stirred up â€" It is only natural that a Jewish writer should trace the impulse which prompted the proclamation to divine suggestion. Cyrus himself asserts that his policies of kindliness and gen- erosity were inspired by Marduk the god of Babylon. Proclamation â€" Ezra 0. 3-5 contains a more original form of the decree of Cyrus. Jehovah . given me â€" There is no indica- tion in any of the inscriptions of Cy- rus that he was a worshipper of Jehovah. The glorification or Jehovah here mav be due to ^ later working over of the decree from the point of view of religion. There is, prize for the winner. The Hurdle Race is for both boys and girls. Each person is given six needles and a spool of thread, and the one who first threads them all wins the contest. Next comes the Standing High Jump. Hang .three doughnuts in a. doorway, about four inches higher than the mouths of the contestants. Tie their hands behind them and see who first bites a doughnut. For a Drinking Race each player is given a half glassful of water and a spoon. The water must be consumed a spoonful al a time, and the one who finishes first is the winner. If any is spilled, that contestant is barred out. The Bun Race is great fun. A clothes-line is stretched across the joom, and from it are hung sugar buns at a height just reaching each player's mouth. The players stand in line with hands behind them, and at a given signal begin to eat the buns. The bobbing of the line makes this very difficult. Last comes the Rainy Day Race, Each contestant is given a shoe-box containing a pair of over-shoes, and tied with string. A closed umbrella is also handled to each. When the start- er counts three the boxes must be untied, the over-sho^s put on, and the umbrellas opened. The contestants then walk across the room as rapidly as possible to a set line, remove the over-shoes, replace them in the boxes, tie the boxes, and close the umbrellas before they walk to their starting place. The one who arrives there first vins. however, no good reason for doubting the historicity of a decree issued by Cyrus giving permission to the Jews to return to their old home: (1) Such decree would be in psrfect accord with the general policy of Cyrus as reflect- ed in his own inscriptions; (2) the im- minence of a conflict with Egypt would make it desirable ^o have near the borders of Egypt a nation on whose fidelity and gratitude he could rely. Whosoever is leftâ€" Withoilt the means of retuniing to Jerusalem. Gold . . . silverâ€" To purchase food and other necessaries during the jour- ney. Goodsâ€" Camp baggage and furniture. Beasts â€" Animals for car- rying the supplies. Freewill â€" Volun- j tary gifts of a more private nature, , to be used for the rebuilding of the ; temple . I 5-11. Preparations for the return and the return itself. Judah and Benjaminâ€" The author holds the view, {found also in other Old Testament ' passages, that the southern kingdom I consisted of two tribes (1 Kings 12. 21, j 23) ; other passages assert that Judah t alone constituted the southern king- idom (1 Kings 11. 13, 32, 3(5). Strength- ened â€" The Babyronians and the Jews who remained behin<l gladly assisted those who decided to return. Vessels of the house of Jehovahâ€" Compare 2 Kings 24. 13; 25. 14, 15, and 2 Chron. 30. 7. His godsâ€" Better "god." The chief deity of Nebuchadnezzar was I Mardjk, who had a magnificent temple ! in Babylon. Sheshbazzarâ€" Both he ! and Zeraljbabel are named as gov- nors of Judah (Ezra 5. 14; Hag. 1. 1, j 14; etc.); consequently it has been [thought by manv that the two names I refer to one and the same person. It I is more probable, however, that they I refer to two distinct persons, Shesh- bazzar preceding Zerubbabel as gov- I ernor of Judah. Platters .... bowls â€" The meaninjc of the words is I not absolutely certain. Knives- â€" Bet- ] ter, "censers." The total secured by ! adding the figures in verses 9 and 10 falls far below the total given in verse 11. Captivityâ€" The company of exiles ' accepting the offer of Cyrus. Vea rs LANTIC Pure Cane Sngar â€"with its fine granulatiouâ€" is best for all preserving. 10, ;:0 and lOO-Ib. Sacks 2 and S-lb. Cartons 7ftn» new Cook Books sant free on r^teeipt of Rat Bull TraUe-mark. Atlantic SugarRefiueries Limited,MontreaI For clear, white delicately flavored preserved pears, use Mitic "Pure and Uncolored" 144 ECONOMIC PRODUCTION OF WHEAT IN RELATION TO FOOD PRODUCTION GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX ^- By John B. Huber, M.A., M.D. Dr. Huber will answer all signed letters pertaining to Health. If your question is of general interest it will be answered through tliese columns ; if not, it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is en- closed. Dr. Huber will not prescribe tor individual cases or make diagnosis. Address Dr. John B. Huber, care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. "The future of society is in the haytds of the mothers." j crop. Therefore the fertilizer in- ENLARGED TONSILS. dustry is closely linked with the farm- In children having adenoids there quinsy, diphtheria, scarlet fever, ' er's important calling in producing the is mouth breathing and narrow chest- 'â- measles, or in fact any nose and throat food of the world, edness and thus poor lung expansion inflammation. Sometimes the tonsils! jhe Value of Fertilizers, by which the child becomes starved | become so enormous that they actually | By Henry G. Bell, Agronomist. (Concluded from last week) The Canadian farmer is a manufae- , eggs on the leaves of the healthy turer, and he is interested in every- â- plant. T^he maggot hatches on th< thing that will add to the efficiency • leaf and borps into the stalli. Hav- of his crops. He finds himself short ! ing damaged the wheat the magfjof of sufficient manure to cover all of his , goes into a dormant state known an wheat areas £^nd the areas of the other the "flaxseed" stage. This flaxseed important crops, such as corn, pota- 1 remains in the stubble, coming out it toes, etc., hence, he supplements the ; the fly form early in August. Th« plantfood of the soil and manure by ' life of the adult fly is but a few days the addition of suitable fertilizers, j probably but a week or less, as a rul« Probably no phase of wheat-growing a great mass of flies appeal- about the has a more important bearing on the same time. If the wheat is sown aftei economic production of the 1918 crop the flies appear, by the time the wheat than proper fertilization. : is up they are gone and the crop ea- Now, what are fertilizers ? They capes the atUicks of this insect. Now, are carriers of available plantfood; late sown wheat is at a disadvantage just the same plantfood as is carried in that it has hut a short time to make in farm manure. Fertilizers are sufficient frrowth to withstand the cole composed of materials gathered from weather of autumn and winter. Bj sea and mine and air, as well as from the addition of 200 to 400 lbs. ol the by-products of various indu.stries. fertilizer per acre at the time th( Yon speak of bread carrying pro- ^ wheat is seeded, there is added suffici. tein, carbohydrates and ash. Well, ' ent available plantfood to enable the fertilizers supply nitrogen, which is crop to make this strong healthy the basis of protein, potash, which growth. causes the formation of starch and jhe wheat crop suflfers material other carbohydrates, and phosphoric logges in some sections from attacks acid, which hastens the growth of the ^f sn,ut. This is a fungous disease which spreads throughout the growing plant and comes to its fruiting stage about the time the wheat grains are filling. The spikelets of the infested crop, instead of containing well-filled , , „ „„ , i-j * * \. 1. • .u ^ J, „ • ,1 Now, does it pay to fertilize wheat? kijrnels, contain sacks filled with lit- for o.xygen and an egsy candidate for : touch in the act of swallowing; alsoj^^ ; P ^ ^. ^j^ i^,^^,. ^^^^.^^^ hodies known as (a) The productiveness of the soil; i spores, which are actunlly the .-ieeda (b) The yield of wheat obtained; of this disease. The wheat crop can (c) The price of wheat; readily be freed of smut by (d) The cost of fertilizer. i treatment with formalin, as indicated I have already dealt with the first ; in the publications of nearly all -of the off„..+i„„= o,,,.,â„¢ ^„„f„o„„ K„ „v.„tf; J ,. u in* r,. e u factor, in last week's instalment of I agricultural expeiiment stations. ^!^r^:.,I"„„?".ll^\^.l;!^^^^^^^^ ! The profiUbleness of the use ol consumption; snoring; open mouth; a^ in such children there is the "throaty j vacant dull expression of the face; I voice, as if the mouth were full of I unpleasant, toneless modifications of food; and there is a dry cough in some I a naturally pleasant voice, such as the cases. Much stuttering begins thus, j "nasal twang";- inability to pronounce ^ The glands in the neck beneath the [Certain letters; earache and other ear i skin are also liable to become swollen ; f ^m the "SSZ T\^^r, "^S \ ^^^STIONS AND ANSWERS. i which should always be open; mental Baby is Restless. deficiency, making a dunce of a na-| i am nursing my seven weeks old turally bright child; frequent attUcks baby every three hours and whenever I of coryza (nasal catarrh); nosebleed; she wakes at night. She seems very irregrular tooth and jaw formation; restless at times. The yield of wheat is directly de- fertilizers in producing more and bef pendent upon the supply and balance ! ter wheat is established. It is the of plantfood. The oldest fertilizer : logical practice in connection with the tests in the English-speaking world i use of good seed and proper soil till- have been conducted by Rothamsted age . Five Important Factors. The fertilizw industry, like all other generally nervous condition, sQ^that "whenever she wakes at night" is the ,""''f"I"^"_.''"._'".'''Z"!r"i;_^*Ti':".."\..^^^^^^^^^ '» encountering enormous i: ;i.- 1 „u:ij ;., „ 1 «* .^ , . ... . . , , OUSnelS Experiment Station, England, where, I as an average of -51 years, there was' stunted growth; convulsions; and a Answer Possibly the feedinir I Ti"" ", ""• "" " ''i ."', i"'""/ itTV ^ "!^,u^•>;""\Z obtained an increased yield of 18.1 1 jnjustries an ordinarily good child is accused of cause. Babies on the breast do bet- s per acre from fertilized wheat , .ufficulties over wheat grown without fertilizer arising from the present ter on 3 hour intervals during the day ^^ p^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ prjcea. such . i in i war. Its nitrogen carriers are used basis of explosives. Potash from Europe, as you know, is now only wanton misbehavior or crass perver sity. Such are signs of adetioids ; and 4 hours at night. (i and 9 a.m.. „^^^„ ;„ ^j^jj -^ f^,i „f ^^^^^^^ ,^ In addition to what I have already 12 m., 3, 6 and 10 p.m. are right. .. . : g . u u„ ^an «uch stated deformities appear. The na- After the third month discontinue the • " '„,p lip m«dp Pcnm.micallv ' Farm^ memory, and submarine activities tural and uniform development of the ; o a.m. nursing repast. Try if a little "bo "iL in^eased ^n ^ mt seed a^^^ ^""''^ '^""'^^^ aggravated the shortage face is hindered, leading to the nar- ^ater to drink will not soothe the baby i^t^n'':^^ havrUkewiL increased A ' "^ ^^'P^uric acid used in the manufac- row jaw with crowded teeth and the at night; babies should always have .f^ 'fu, ,tudv of the sit^tio^^^^^^^ *""â- « "^ ""'^ phosphate. Nevertheless, high-arched pallet. And it takes the L,ientv of water \ .tJl "T^ °* the situation snows ^j^^ fertilizer industry is vigorously highest .skill of those dentists who i ^' ^ " , ^''^^ '^'^ advantage is still with the ^^^^^^,^^j^^ ^^ ^ ,^ ^,. Canadian have made a specialty of "ortho-| Cocoa. | ^ar'ner, A very small increase m , ^^^^^^ ^^,^j, ^^ ^^^.^ ^^.^j,^,,,^ pj^^^ dontry"â€" teeth straightening- to cor- ^ Can one drink cocoa daily without 1 y>»'^ will pay lor a nbcrai application ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ be as.sembled and manufac- rect those jaw deformities. In the j injury to the health? | of fertilizers on wheat. ] tured, so that he may do his part in chest there are likely to be alterations Answerâ€" Assuredly, once a day. A 1 ^""f T k-?-^ ''^*'"fl "**' ^1°'"^ t overcoming the food shortage, of shape; in some cases the pigeon , most nutritious beverage a tri- {J^^jfi^^Pf^^'i^by variLsTx JeHment L'^t me again emphasize these points breast, but in most cases the forma- fe heavy in the dog days however, "J ;''^';"'7^„^;f^['"ha,3 to all growers of wheat-points which tion of a hollow at the lower end of since it has a considerable fat ^'"n- 1 '^"7"''„?"thear obtained at Ohio ^^re established bevond a question by a breast plate which the child makes tent. Not as .stimulating as tea or V^ldH ^^^Vacid pho pCe can be used careful experimentation and actual ex- obvious when the parts are sucked in coffee, but more nourishing. It is ..shows that acid pnospnate can oe useu therefore preferable in cases where a' material profit on wheat. It is tea and coffee e.xcite the nervous eye- strongly advised by the experiment tem, causing palpitation, tremors and , ^'''t'*'^ • , -^ insomnia. This is not to say. Iwwever. ' A similar study shows that mtrogen that tea and coffee are to be abjured «"'' phosphoric acid give material pro- birth; but they usually become so by for most of us. When taken in modera- , « "t present wheat prices and ferti- lizer costs. Complete fertilizers, or those carrying potash as well as nitro- 7^ ., â- , , » gen and phosphoric acid, also give a No woman can think for a moment ' „. „. „„„„„„^ „„:,.„„ or. ^„„A^ of the lads-most of them just In their ^'^f^ "^ P"^^"^ P"'^^^ •. . "" «°"''y twenties, remember that â€" "some- , soils or on soils containing a high where" at the front, and not feel im- percent, of muck, potash is especially with each inspiration. When enlarged tonsils are found in children adenoids are sure to be pre- sent also in 90 per cent, of the cases. Tonsils are sometimes enlarged from birth; but they usually become so by successive attacks of tonsilitis, or 1 tion the latter are wholesome. Kitchen Patriotism Winter is fast approaching, and every advantage should be taken of the fine weather for doing such out- door work that can not conveniently be done when the weftther is cold or snow is on the ground. There are fences to repair, roofs to examine for leaks, and general fixing up of the entire house. The runs, too, need a good cleaning up and spading. \\\ the old hens, not intended to winter over, .should be sent to market while the prices are good. Now is a good time to lay in sup- plies for the winter, especially such as incubators and brooders, and to secure new blood that may be needed in the flock. Orders are more promptly and carefully filled now than later on when there is a general rush. The moulting season is surely put- ting a rusty, unattractive appearance on the fowls. They need a tonic; a few pieces of rusty iron in the drink- ing water will have a good effect. About five por cent old-process oil- mea! added to the mash is good medi- cine at this time. Sunflower-seed, mixed with the grain feed occasion- ally, will add luster to the feathers . Caponize all the surplus young cock- erels during October. It is not uncommon on farms to al- low the poultry to roost outdoors in summer, on trees /or wherever they may find a satisfactory perch, and this is often permitted away into the win- ter monUis. The practise is not a good one, especially after the fall weather starts. If the stock ha^ not already been placed in the houses, it should be done at once. Exposed hens never have good egg records during cold weather. ^.' - have enlisted. lag surgical dressings tor the Red t'ro«s. I am kept so busy at home that I cant be of any use, and it is hard to have to go on from day to day just as If there wasn't a great war that we have to win. Yet there doesn't seem to be anything that 1 can do to help." She was a farmer's wife, and she i was managing a homo for six hard- working, healthy people. She didn't realize it, but her part in winning the war was probably as important as that of the son who had enlisted and ; the girls who were making surgical drosslngs. | This is the way a woman- a home â- economics expert who is giving hor I- time and her talent to the Governnie.iit 1 to find means of conserving the food | which is so necessary and no s^:arco | perience â€" that the largest crops of best inmlity wheat can be produced by givl ig careful attention to the fol- lowing five important factors: (1) Thorough drainage of the soil; (2) Thorough preparation of the seed-bed ; (3) Selection of suitable varieties of wheat and good quality seed; (4) .\denunte fertilization; (5) Control of insect pests and dis- Attention to these five details will enable (.'anadian wheat-growers to do still more efficient work in the cam- By Ruth M Boyle pelled to starve herself, if necossar\-, desirable. „-_ J . ' » u 'n order that they may have plenty. Fertilizers have an important bear- "MV son .«"d tw« °f â„¢y n-^phews r^j „ .„ crilice as that is neces- â- „„ ^^e next factor in economic M> daughters are .nak , ^„ ^^.^^^^ ^^^ ,„e „^„on ask you , J^^^ production, which is insect and P"iKn for increased food crops, and 4 few simnle things -to save wheal disease control. The most destructive thereby render great service to to" save meat, to snvu butter, to use insect effecting the wheat crop is the , humanity in this tremendous crisis of perlsJiable fruits and vegetables as Hessian Fly. This insect lays its the world's history. in orde to conserve shipped long dis- , far as possible those that can be jdtances. ! This does not mean that you must ! not give your family all they need; In order to Iteep them in proper health, they must have plenty of wholesome food. But it doos mean substituting corn and other grains for â- wheat, which is needed across the soa. , It means using cheese and fish and all : possible substitutes for meat. It means that although you may use bul- lur as u.^iial for the table, you must not use it in cooking. Above all. it means the elimination of waste. There s-hould be nothing left on the plates. S/o/res flitting about anywhere; for the bog was now hard and dry. ! "It's just as I told you, Annabel," said grandfather the next morning. "That bad fairy has gone away for- ever." Annabel's curls nodded, but her lips added, "Only, grandfather, he was a goixl fairj'. You see, he knew that in the dark people might walk into the bog and get almost drowned. So night after night Jack stayed there, in the world ju-st now, explained it toj^^^ ^^^^ k-ft-overs should be served at "'"VVar," she said.-depends on wealth, jan"""^'-""''^'- , .., , Now, there Isn't any wealth except | Plan your meals with the needs of that which comes out of the woods, your countiT in mlna and you are out of the sea, out of the mines, and ! serving your country as truly as any oft the farms. So you see the fate of 1 soldier in the trsnches.^ And Uien jt the _ ' ' ' """" '"" mer. and the farmer's wife â€" and not you . , , . , ,, . the least is the farmer's wife. It is ' where" under the colors, to know that Fairy With The Lantern. 1 ittle fairy of whom I am going you was named Jack, and he carried about, through all the long, . .„ _ dark hours, a tiny lantern. During waving his little lantern to warn thum the day he must have slept very away. I often used to thinli how soundly, -for he was up o' nights until sleepy he mur.t have been." very late, â€" but in such snug places Grandfather smiled. "That';-, my that no mortal coulii. ever discover dear little girl," he said, laying his him. .'Vt night, though, it was easy hand on her curls, "S'ho is going to enough to see what lie looked like. At find all the good she can in everyone, least so thought .Annabel, who, her even in a fairy." grandfather said, had eyes that saw But .Vnnabel, her mind still on Uie what no others ever could see. She fairy, said, "And I'm sure, if you go world banes on the farm, the far- i may be some consolation to you. when declared that Jack was just about five, to another bog, you'!! find Jack there think of your own boy "some the woman of the hoijiie who plans 1 you, with thousands ot other women, what is to be eaten. Ifldic plans well, ' are using your skill and your wits li^ our own countrv and the men at the ; order that he may be well provided our front can be fed." HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, GAME, \ EGGS & FEATHERS I'leiise w«Ute for particulars. P. poxiinr «t CO., 3!) BotMscoura Markat. Montreal Most economical gains on bogs arc secured while the pigs are young, and for that reason it is advisable to finish hogs as early as possible^ weighing '200 pounds when marketed. Gains on adults are expensive, and feeding them during too long a period loses money. WcaIli^g time is the critical stage in the life of fall pigs. Three weeks be- fore weaning teach them to eat, sup- plying a box or creep which admits the little' ones only. Feed a little middlings and skini-inilk,^ adding lat- er, .some sifted ground oats. Pigs may bo self-fed from six weelfls onward. It is best, however, to start self-feeding at about ten weeks of age. With paddock feeding a self-feeder will^save fifty per cent, of the labor. On pasture, with running ir a conr tinuous supply of water, nearly seven- ty-five per cent, of the labor may be •.voided . A bull purebred good qualities. But if he is a poor sire, he is more than half â€" he is nq^ir- ly all of it. At the Ohio station a bull whose dam had a high official re- cord and whose grand-dam had a re- cord of large production, sired daugh- ters which showed an average gain inches high, that he wore a peaked; with his same little lantern, warning hat, and that the light of his lantern,' (-veryone to keep away. Indeed, in- as it danced over the big marsh nenri deed, grandfather, he was a very good hor grandfather's house, was like the j fairy, and I shall always try to re- blue flame of a candle. member him." Grandfather had several times! ,j warned the little girl when she camel „, , .,• , ,, him never to have anything! The man who ridicules the ances- t if '^'-^'''' "f other people evidently connid- i "'" ". r------ - . Jack was a fairy, a.s she insi.stau, he ers himself the fruit of a special crea- weeds of wintsr pasture_also give rise ^^^^ certainly a very naiight.v one, who tion. to a bittor flavor in milk. The remedy would like noMiing better than to have! - 4*u:. I give bitter milk toward the close of to visit him never to have anyth ! thfir lactation period. The old dry V f^" '"*'' '^'*â- ''''• "? ''*"^- ^}f imii laLuiujii Hv- . jg^,). wgj, jj taiiy, a.s she insi.stad. is half the herd, if he is a ;„ ^bis case is to keep the cow from people folbnv him into marshy landsj capable of transmitting his g^ch pastures. where they i^ould be sure to be stuck ; fast in the mud; then he would laugh .>.-. . â- at their plight, but never off'er to help ' j But Annabel, although she promised Sraldinir Poultry ' - \^^'^'^ '^'^^ would never even try to go hcalding 1 oullry | ^^^^ ^^^ ^..^.j^ j^j^^ dancing light, in- Dressed poultry for long-distance sisted that Jack was a good fairy, and shipments had be-d^v-picked, Init some day. she said, they would find for near-by markets or home consump- <>"* that she was right over their dams of 1,902 pounds of ; tion "scalding is perfectly proper. In :„^"4 "'?,*;VlfMt']iTr';^X'1^^^^^^ milk and sixty founds of fat the Hrst , ,,ct. .scalded birds sell best to home ^,Vore'bHghtlv evei'i llian u'ual.'^n- yenr. Their average yearly differ- ^j.^^jg < A^iA, it was soon seen tliat there were ence was more than 1,100 pounds of; ^^^^ ^^^^^, ^^^_„^ ,^^ ^^ ,^^^_. ^^^ ^^^j, two of them and then three. millc Another sire selec.ed from one , , ^^,;^,,^^^ ,,,,j„ , "Jacl;_ ^ a. s borrowed another lantern of the best herds in the state showed , ^,*_J^ , i„ ^...i ;„ „....i,ii.,„ T„,„.ortwo. said Annabel Care must be taken in scalding. The a of (.87 pounds of milk and ,^ ^^^^,^ ^^.^^ ,,^, dry-picked, so that thirty-nme pounds of fat. His sire , j^ ^;„ ^^^ ^^ necessary to immerse and dam had no official records. ! ^^^^ j^ ^^^^ ^^^„,._ ^^^^^ .^^^,,j ^^^^^^ Bitterness in cream and milk is a ^beir color and cause them to lose frequent trouble during fall and win- ^beir brightness. Neither th? head ter months. If miili is bitter when „„,. ^bo feet should touch wat?r. If it is drawn, the 'oroallfle is with the the head is allowed to got in hot wat-r [cow or her feed. Very often cows jt will present a sickly appearance. Ho does well \fi riakc the most of his time." replied grandfather, "forj to-morrov/ men are coming to begin: the work of ilrnining the marsh, and thii': will be the last of Mr. Jack and his lantern*' .And, sure enough, the next time that .\nnHlic! wci^t to rtay with grand- f: thcr. v\v\ Rt night looked out of the' window, there was no light to be seen How bettpr can we Increase PrGduction than by putting that ox ra too lbs. of llnlsU on a beef ^ steer? ,\ Ffh'shed animals will bring big prices at the TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW Union Stock Yards DEO. 7 and 8, 1917 Premium \Ju>t- r..^ AppllcallsOk /