September 13 1917 THE FLESHEL'fON ADVANCE fi THE- "'.rohcrlon ClDuancc .. i,.<«ueiiden» new8i)»per, nublialieil every fhLrxlay at th. office. CoUWwood Street. Jv.hertlm. Siil.»crii.ti..n price »l l*r annum Vhenimid in advance ;»l.Wwhen not ».) pai.i AdverTKin^ rates on application. CircuUt.u.. 1,100 weekly, W. H THURtTON EOlTOB 1667 Women's Institute County Convention The afternoon o'cliHik with the County in the chair. Mrs. velcomotl the The annual coiivoiilion of the Urey to. Women's Institute held in 'he W. C. T. U. Imll, "we" ^"u'li'i on Aui^usi 2'.'. The convention was m.-iiked hy some very line adclresseb and and 1 good deal of bus ness of »n "'»• porUnt naiur» »u« Irans.icted. sioii epened at L' President. Mi (Dr.) E*to« of Ay ton A. M. Taylor of Annan delegates in a few well rhoBen word^, after which the Pie«idenl spoke briefly. Aftei- reaJinR the minutes the i-lecti. n of otticers took place as fallows : Pres., Mrs. K^Miion. Aylou ; Vice Pres.. Mrs. A. E Myles, Kin.berley ; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. (iardner, ( )wen Soun.i. Dr. Helen McMurchy, representative speaker of tlie Department, addressed tlie'convention, dwelling Kenerally on the work of the Insiitute Ihiouiibout the |)iovince. She noted the ;»ppropii,i'eneb9 of the niotio. •• For home and country. " At the tine the motto was chosen it was appropriate, now it is doubly si.-. She spoke of tl e excellent crop conditions throunhout the province and with satisfaclion of tl;e efforts beint; made by our farmers to meet the food needs of the world oCch- sioned by the withdrawal of 15,000,0< men from productive pursuits. In Canada half of our population is engaged Id the roduction of ftod supplies, and this is well, as the whole world looks to Canad* and the Slates for its foid supply. In answering the ijueslion, Is it well with our homes and omntry, she elo<juently referred to the noble work of our troops at the front, showInK the manner in which they are placing Canada in 1 hiiihrr position than she ever occu- pied before. If thi-( isa day oi sadnefs it is also a day of rejoicing, and Canada can today say to all the other nations, We have not failed . We have something to be proud of. But even ir. the midst of our national pride, conscious of the measure of succees that has been ours, we need to have a care thit w« do not become self-satisfied. Our viailance must never Ijecome relaxed . no that when our iK'ys return from the front I hey will realize that the country is then more worth their lacritice than when they wei.t away. ( >ur "phetes are as larye as our ebilitiei>, and everyone can find room to work if willing to take op the task nt hand. She slated that in the medical jnofession the problem for doctors was DO longer that of curing diseasec, litt that of preventing tliein. In respect there is great room for improvement. In Canada a large number of men have been rejected from the army on ace mill of medical unfitness. This shou'd not le so. Tliese men should l>e tit to go There is fioinething wioiig. Tlie btst test of the health of a countryâ€" the best test of civilizalioii â€" is ihe rate rf infant mortality. In this i-fspect the ciiy of Woodstwk bUnds the hiijhest in Ontario. As for countries, Ntw Zealand stands highest. Ontario, c nipsratively speak- ing, stands about average, but there ari- 102 deaths under one year for every lOOO babies born duriog the year 1!)IC. While nine eoldieis were killed in action evory hour, twelva babies have been lost every hour during the same time. She said wo hear much of the return lu the land, and advocated (11 agitation for a return to the borne, and s»id thai the young people of the country should be more generally urged to marriage. Ouly thus will be howe and its sanctity preserved in vigor and strength, llefcrriiig to mollit-if, Dr. McMurchy said they should be given first place in uveiy community. The work done by the W. I. in Ontario re- garding medical inspection in schools is very important and profitable. The speaker earned a liberal round of up- |>lause by her reference to the passing of the Military Service Act nnd the relii'f thit will now be hpeedily sent to our jDcii at 'lie front. Ths Prt'sldent read a motion inssed I y thu Meaford blanch respecting the est.ili- lishment of medical ins|ieclioii i.i ilio schools of the county. A biief di.'-cu'won developed (Jii lb a very imp iilant inu','-- tian and the refolulioM wis endorecd by )ke county convention. Mrs W. A, Hawkei. of FUsherlon. llepresenlalive .Speaker for Centre Uiey, gave a biicf rtiid interest in« pup.'r on •• ()!»â- home in iho country.'.' At the iifieinoon se.isinn Mrs. L. Dili- «r.l gave iiii excellent pnpor I'li " Th uiilifiing influence of Natnre." At the close of the pcsslon the out <f town delegates were made llie uue.sis of M.iyoi- Little, who had piovidcrd i«ut(n lo tal.e the Indies on a tour of llu- town, which was great'y injoycd by 111. in Iloih afternoon ami evening' soPsioiis were well attended, the hall bt^ing CONFEDERATION YEAR Nottawasaga and Great NORTHERN FAIR j CoUingwood j Sept. 18, 19, 20 and 21st Comphto Change of Attnctioiis ajrangt J for TlIK .\<;KIcrLTlKK and KLOUAL KXHIBUVS w;ill bo larger and Iktlter than ever, and the liberal prizes otiVred will attract the best the country can produce. 19-17 ^'^'^''"''^^^*'^'^''-^^'^*^'^^ Attractive Special Attractions THE HOUNDING JAYS will give afternoon and evening performances. AERIAL TRAPESE, COMEDY ACROBATS, THE COMIC HAY RACK RIDE Eiitertaihiug, laugbable, exciting from start to finis!: . | Military and Civilian Bands, Aeroplanes Irom Canip ]iorden. School Childi^en's Parade on Wednesday, Septtember 19. Special prizes for ciiildren in all departments. TiiAIN yEIIVICli â€" Special rates and trains will be run on all lines on the •JOtli. Fanners Day. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS ! Ladies Fall Coats This week we place on exhibition the first Sfelection of Ladies' and Misses' Fall Coats. - • ^ ' The .styles are the latest and evory garment bears the stamp of excellence and ^'ood taste^ l^rice.s range from $10.50 to $30.00 and are all excellent value. Sweater Coats for Cool Evenings The cool weather niake.s the need of warmer clothing imperative. A nice, cosy sweater coat just fills the want exactly. We liave a swell selecti(>n in all the leading colors in plain and fancy weaves, with the new shawl collars, matle up troni dependable wool yarns and beautifully finished. I*rices from $2.7.') to $«).r)0, for Men's and Women's sizes. Citizen's Day, Wednesday, Sept. 19th. Farmers' Day, Thursday, Sept. 20th Millinery Department Miss Fewsterand assistants are busily preparing for the Fall openingsâ€" any special orders in advance will receive careful and prompt attention. We have a splendid range of Fall novelties. I F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. General Admission â€" "Jyc. Grand Standâ€" 10c. Douglass McArthur, PRESIDENT. • Childrenâ€" Llu' C. A. MacDonald, SECETARY. i Teams Wanted I At Power liouse. $J.iW per day, aUo I laborer!. $.i 00 per day. Hydro KUclnc Power Comnai»8ion, Kunenia. Farm For Sale One hundred »cre.s. Lot Nd. il, con. 4 N D.U., Arteniesia, !K) acres under cultivation, 40 rods from {;ood schoid, two mile* from C P R Station, 4 fr»m Fleshcrton ; f«ir buildings, (?ocd water ^nd wirdinill, small orcliaiu. Apply on the premises to â€" H. STONK. Ceylon R K 1 23Aui{tf Farm For Sale Lot 141-142, :<rd range N.E.T.S.R., Artmiesia -70 acrei under culiivation, (>ood Ikuii and brick house, «n acre of orchard ; well watered. Apply toâ€" -I. SIN'CLAIR. I."i(»ctl7 Flesherten. Farm for Sale I^.t 27, Con 8, ()»i,rey, about lorlv icrei, cleanMl. the balance mostly hardw kkI bu.h «f II watered Thi ' • up all estate -WM W THO.MP.SON. Admini.trator, t>w 21 Sinjrhampton, R R Holstein Bull For Service /V;tlH>ri)UKhbred Holntein bull for service on lots 1.S31.S4 3.W. 1". A S.R.. .\rt#iue»ia; do*- Thm farm muat beaold to wind cly relat«J to the' world's champion 44-i>ound •^''''•'' leow. T.Tm»: $1 .Vifor I breds. 1 .fuly IT. fi^adei, S-VOO for pure iEO. MOORE at Son. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS FlesKex»ton *f^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors FARMS FOR SALE Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers PHONE HILLCREST 268 1 24 AVENUE RD. J.W.Bates; Toroto R. Maddocks, Pres. Motor Equipment Manager. This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own i^ood work is the best recom- mendattoo they can receive. If you . require anythiuK io the line of Binders, I n'tjlr'i delivery Friday evenin Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivaiors, Pulp era. Plows, Sleighs, Wasf^on*, Cream Separators, Harrows, Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en <{ines. Sawing outfits, etc., give us a chanee to quote prices. Vnr sale or rent for grazinK, lot 3.'), con. i;i, and piirt of lots 'M and :15, con. 1-t, Aili'iiiesiii. Irtl acres more or less known H (ho Cocjier f.irui. Will rent for pasture alhis si'HHon, or take slock in by the mon th. This is a splendid grain and uriizing fiiriii,well watered iind fenced, ii hit of valuable timber and cedar and about !«» acres ht for cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock men. Will sell for reatoi'.able cash payment, baliince easy tenitn. Apply to|K. .1. Sproule, .lulytitf Fleaheiton, Ont. The Old Adage J' crowded Lo cap:icity on both occasions. At the eveninj} session Mr. H.H. I5urL' presided and in openins^ the nieetiuK said that ihe Women's Institute is one of the j^riiiidest orgimi/'itions in tho llovinte, and he considered thai the work of ihe orj^ani/.al on juslifies its pxistence. Ilis' address as an educ.itionist was along educational lines. Mis. Kaston presented a coinprelien- sivo review of the [last's work of the Institute. Wiih the Institu'e now evorylhii;« was patriotic. Uurinj^ the past year over 910,000 have been raised. Nino tliou.saiid jiairs of socks luve been provided, and hundreds of dwUara' worth of produce has been supplied. For <mr own needy families over 87<X) has be> n raised and over ffiWO was sent for the relief of sutt'erets in tho hist Northern Ontario tire. Tbo Iiistituto has realized that this war la our war, and the vii tory must be our victory. Wo must tinht b titles in our kitchens as real as thot.o bein(; fouj^ht in the trenches. Women! must do all possible to conserve food sappllos and use as mush as possible of I fond etutis uneuitabU for use at thei front. Institute women are asked t conservu wheat products by aubatiluting other f^iaiii products. They are asked [ to study the iiurket reports in order to puichase n-.'iiomicilly Th.iy are iisked I to Hiake use of every atom of home Urnwn food sliilTs, and they are asked to buy conservatively, ni't to howrd food KtuH'j, thus intlatinij food priees. Most of ail study the nnrkuts. If all women follow tliesu lulea Ibili«in will never be starveil into defeit . .Ml!, liiiiw'i of Markdule giive a .-wielly lenileritl s iliui'.il Mayor Litile spoke hiiitly. Mrs .lohn Mills of Ilaii- nicr yive a L'ood addiesa <iii .Art in Ihe Iliimr, .tiiil Mis. (Dr. Tillnian of Oiveii Sound 0. ntributud a hifthly appreciated readiiii.' of a Immoror.a chatacler. Dr. MfMiirchy ihin iiy.iin addressed I lie mi'HMiiK on thu Bu'iject of the «ar. The conveiiticn was clos.d by sinyins; " Till the boys cijiro home." The Proof of the Pudding it in the Eating John Wright, ' Agent Flesherton STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Tamworlh Swine, B. R, Egi<s, aad Koueu Duck Eggs. I have forquiik sale some yoiin^TaiiiworthH for lirredins t'liri-osea ; also some I'.arred Kock r%g», and Rouen Duck eRifs for hatching jmr- IHwes. Fric'-a rijCht. Pbune or write â€" aEO. W. ROSS, Octl!».lC Osprer Tl. System. Ma.xwell, 1' We Aim to Give Entire Satisfftction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We we agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clotboa cleaned and dved. feathers rejuvena'ei T FISHER - PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am openini; up atonce, a blacksmith- ing and woodworking business in Max- well, and am Installing up-to-date wood- working macliineiy. It will be my en- deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- aee. I want youtwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG i .'V » » > â- - V. The same is equiill} true of tho 11U)0 Gravity asher. Try oneantl heconvincei that .there is tu)iie better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon II Flesherton Tin Shop- Full Hue of iVlcl'orniick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drill.s, Cultivators, Plows, Riding and Walking Haiiows IJiantfcrd Wind Mills, PumiJ.s, IMpin^ and Fittings of all kinds, lieattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs", Frost Wire and {_Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL cnt, - Ceylon, Ont. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes find Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Clare Bros. Furnaces Furnaces. installed. Agent for i P^^E â- Jr=Jr=Jr=Jr=Jf=i r^IiSJr=Jr=J ^=;3rSjtz=ir=i.r=ir='r=Jn ANNOUNCEMENT Tfaviiig purchased the Furniture business of Afr. John Chapniun at a rate on rlu'ilollcir, 1 am prepared to otter Furniture at unheard of prices. For the next fiftt-HMi days the public will bo al)l(> to profit by this i^ile, a.s 1 must dispose of most of it. The Stock is ntnv and [| it^) tn-date in every respect. Dressers. Stands, Parlor Sets and other choice goods at |)rices that will surprise you. War time docs not affect these as they were mostly purchased beftre the raise anil are again cut in order to make (jnick sMe. Come in and liok over the Stock. . W7 HrBUNT ; Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. \r=Jr^r=J !^rm. r=jr=fJ.-=Jr=J â- r=z.-r=.;-^,=^r=Jr=J,^^r=^:-^=:ir=Ji D. iWcKILLOP I ! CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. ,,. lit SELL F ARM IMP LEM ENTS \ Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. r" ^.' '